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■'4- » ' ■~->py^i7'i:''' ▼ A XZXTT Wtdimdaf. N«vemb«r It, 1IM MADAM! KAHN ONK-rORTV.|iaHT WIST FORTY-FOURTH STREET NEW YORK CITY B /or the Eyes Women who haaw ity^ and appreciate qaaBlj rrSi find m dtn 8roiq> pi Gonvnt and Wnqja-we are di»> iJaying die rampluous crealieas diey have wUwd for. .. Rieb fabncs. Uviili trinmings. die fine WqAnaiMliip^ :%ihired bgr Madame Kahn/Anieiiea> pleading slyle ^^teatdr. combine to make ^ voap of tW oBcqitiQoal Bterest Madame Kahn ffi.f'auboaiv l^iMonnifNI ■fc *.*;>. ^ DEVSETS $41j000 (Conttnucd from p«t« 1) ' 4aUr. Att«r Mok a erowd oon«cted f«roaiid Ut« theatre's ctao '•otranoa .r«B 44th stTMt. Tte ehaaiploa ro- U«alT(i« •S.dOO as Ua aalary ter the A' Tha SUta'a aacagament had bmn flKonrttad m A «Mt at Pa wp aey'a \ ^TMriarVOfwar la a pap price house ^ ia Ida larsa si^larr te tha biggaet >. «ttla» In Buffalo and Newark f" Pimirtr had brokaa tha I<oew'a /iMoaa racorda hy eomlortable t VMrslaa. lioew'a BUta had b«an i aradltad with an averac* waaklTl 'I «tna» tha lywatwod aoala ot around! iiSMt tp W.1M a wet*. ^ '^ Canaly PHm an Mil «B tha aBiiia bin at tha State la^ KHtttat'a '^vtsato^-.- a pi^ta^ that hfi haaa dotec W« aCBca tnniaaaa in tte -piotara - hooaaai It. wta the fltali flraC ran t^r the. Kew York ,~ Loaar toaaea, toHowtaic Ita pre-ra- %' laaaa mm. Baoadwar at (he Capitol. \ I i jt StarfKrV J^ew 6ooft/ .. HOUDINI Mmiimr MmgMam «/ An THm EXPOSES Vamovi Boston "Modinm' "TUrgerj" 5rK5^5Sr:Td Argwnarilla tiM awaalrtt MoMmiwn ctaimlBa X-Rar tMm. RCantwr Ixtaiad tk« BelnUflo A.B«rlaaa'a laTMrtlcaUaa CommlttM. a«arV WlaaUia f>.iM srla*. IHoadlol har trtoks and talla why th* It had been prevloualr booked for the Loew theatre. Durins the week the large per- centage of man In the box offioa Una waa noticeable. At one observar tlon a line ot nearly •• had but on* woman In It. Deotprey ^aa played pap vaadt- vllla btfcre, but not In the epit. He has twice toured the Pantajres Cir- cuit, playing tha Pantagas on a guarantee against a peroantage of the «roaa. On the Ixmw tlxna be la on a siralghtaway aalary. llo dlagnasla ot tha ItaailMay draw was made. It rcouUps vnknwwn whether the chaaiploa draw oa Ua name or his beautified no^e. For the ataga performj'.nca he did the tnrn reviewed vb'Im' New Acta Is Variety aoma waaka ago. - Dempsey ahattarad 'all faeotiBa at the MetropoUtaa, Bcookhha. Mon- day, doin# IMM'on ttM day. Trom all indication^ tba flguraa fmt tha oarrent Week wmw equal tha |4l,dM ot fiMt week at l«ew'a SUta. Tha champ wlnda up his IjOcw iovt at the Orpheum, Beaton, next week, refusing to accept additional time. Hia BoatOB appearance eallB for four ahowa dally. A ratlaliia mt advance agents have bean seat ahead to blasa tha trail for the champ's engagement. Panehe Villa and Band Dempaey's phenomenal anecsss In vaudeville baa prompted seVaral ^^^ other flstlc stars to angle for vaude- I ^" "I^^ vlUe dates, including Pancho Villa, " "»»»0' who ia aaid to be an accomplished entertainer aa well as boxer. He is at present rehearsing an act with n flve-piece band, which baa already been submitted to the Loew office by Frank Churchill, hia manager. mmm^m^^^ m-i*- 4 4.4».. NEW YORK THEATRES NEWMLL EDITION ZIECFELD fOLUES «■•• at 1N« REPUBuc jr-ff-i-jvja ANN NICHOt^' Qraal Camady "ABIES nOSH ROSE'' [;us? raa may *«af rava ir ni aaaa* SELWYN THEATItE :^ staac ZIBGVELD TBODUCnON EDDIE CAMTOR fa ^j'OD Boorrsr wHh MART EATON WRAPS WHITE CARGO Br i.aaM oordoh DALY'S 63d ST. U tWWYORK ii Vfaat aSth at. • :lt. Mata.: Wa4. * 8at l:M. ELTiHGEar;ij5tt[ft,":r« A. X. WOOOa Ptsssats Lowdll%jeniiaii' la a aew pUy by fHUsM Maea: HIGH STAKES ■▼•alaca !:>• A; a. WOODS Pr«wats COKSCIENCI TOP HOL with EnMtt Glei GEO. X. GOHAV ^Str*- » «<^ * ^ ■»»» •:«#. Vau. WwL aad feat., I:: N. T. xriTHAnnED houseI A Lanch PUy with WALLACE EDDINi LYCEUM Z; ««tx at. Mata. Than. St titm. kt., !:<•. Tlie Best People •a lACOHBD I^OHG AMD MAitUVW.- T4nta AMD iJotm.T.- GLOBE S.'Sf^i' tttk St. avM. fj ~ A Bat. at »iC ED. WYNN Tha Partaet Fool praaonta himself la *THE GRAB BAG" An ■atortalnmant Booka-Lxrlea-MaBte by BD. WTNM ~' '. In BBLAMOm ba sombre In tone and playliig. He saya these conewts ahould do noth- ing mora than to giva a Ilttla in- splratkm and cheer. When the call for voluntaara want out t6ia year, IM mualclans from all over Broadway reapoaded. Some were man who played musloal com- edies night after pight, and other men who played TandavUla ahowa. Al^ wanted to contrlbota their help. Finally fO men wer« aalaetad and rahearaala started for tha llrfet con- oerC Tha coneerta are to begte at |toon to run for Ilttla ovar'aa hour. At each one a spaaktr of ftote and aomatlmas a distinguished aoloiat appea r a ./ I^at year Mm*. Iter- guarlta IViUlvarea. aang. Anna Ba- nana waa aaothor. wtt> ICaxmllllaa Voaar. Matotoa BaMnger and Willy Btalil aa other fiiaat artlata. T)|a appakara at aooM of tha meetings wars J)r.vJUta(aadar Iiyoas. Murray Bnlhart, I<lant-Oov. Ijunn. tha Rev. John Haynaa Holmes, Dr. Charlea FaMehar and St^hla Irsna X<oab. Baah one last year oommaadSd a tomaway audlenca, A voluntary' ooatrihutlon was taken to provide axpsnssh, but nothing alsa In the form of money waa oolooltad. Zuro's Idsa now Is to make tha concerts a Broadway feature, with moat ot their patronage coming from those I non aartarlana who are interested ABIHVB BOFKnia praaasta ETIEL BARRYNORE ta rnniRO'S raiaoas Drama The Seooiid Mn. Tutqanraj CnO'V^****^ ^- <*th at. Bra. •:>• V^vflVt Matmaaa Wad. sad aat, >:<• EMPIRE • EARLCARROLL VANITIES W wMi JOE COOK ^^ NOW AT Tth Ai With JOE COOK lASL GAXliDIIi THEATBS Bml atsai. "Tka Maw issirlsaa itiltftA VUtf . Thaa., Vy, 40 St. Bva. t\ Mata. Wad. A Sat. at INA CLAIRE in 'Ksrounds for DiToroe** \ PUYH0USE""'fe»i5f,r^ Bvaa S:Ml Mata Wad. and Sat. tM j araWABT * FRBNCH prMaat | "theIhow-ofpI ■a aaoBOB noxv « BEYOURSELI^I Wtth Wttfe «AOK DOKAHOB aaptambar. 1*14. aoiaatiaa An^rloaa waa withliald aattl its apaeial arUeto soald a. -M-...41! nu-a- «a— A^ Mha wile oLunad sMflty ^tdts. watahaa r aauMatlfatad MoMamaa a aaa|Brar. ^Mirty- 9 OX. i« rn>i.oaTKAT«»: raptadaetloaa aad draw- aaroaa ean aaa Is sathaatlistad Anaauailla'S Hoaataf dwUaataa tCam^iMov- .-as* a ha t s ar a plU ls ma*. Ol aa r a man nmrtAW iob n ADAMS PRESS m Waal 118th Btraal' NKW YORK CITY li«W. FREE CONCERTS (Continued from page 1) elated, but from various Broadway theatrea. An Interesting phaae of these ooncarts is the aim behind them. Ziuro himaelf la a yoting man and attrulstle. Hs Is also pfmetieaL The sobeme of Interesting Broadway -with hia Sunday .aaoniini^ concerts la doaa with a p ur poa s of providing a nan-Boctarlan aerviee for people 9t tha profeaaloa. It la Zuro'a Idea that music.makes jnat aa good a church servtcf aa worda. He aiao balleveo that mnalc to l>e appro- priate to a aacred concert need not Tha peculiar thing of It, tha par adox, la that the street which its own songwriters call cruel, is offer- lag this traa sarlss wtth an on-the- lavel altrutatie ntotlva la view. Tha orchestra haa been incor- porated under the name of the Bun- day Symphonic Society. ■■ -X'-- AATSTT Thaa., B-way A 4( at. Bra(:»S "***•*•* Mat* Wad. * Bat. at *:>• THIRD YEARIM ^JUrtMm^ A. V BfX.Al(SR clKARua imjSr<wSu(^rassBU lAiniEi ia BanUTa PamM» Taataar PETER PAN by BAan. DBAir •AH P. BABBia aviiials JEANNE EAGELS la tfce Dnautle Trtaswh at Ihs OssSssy VR A€N" ky ^OHB 'P. WIUJAM8 ^Wm BATIU" (Continued from page 1) lag title In "The Lover of Camtite.'' At tha OapUoI, howwver. "He" got away last Sunday to record business, getting tlS.«lT.40. which broke all akistiag records for tha theatrsk Monday'a business was just undar |10,000. which made It&csrUin as satfy aa Monday night tn> M-O pictare would remain 'for a aecond week at the CapltoL With yesterday AraUstlce Day it waa aura Are there would be enough business to bripg the picture's re- TfMES SO. n«iw. w. 4m a«. ana t:s». I IWIKO 0«k|UllB«i man. A Sat at «:». ZiaOrBLD PROPOCTION BILUE BURKE la MN^taal QaoMdy **ANNIE DEAR'* w«>BimB8T ^ v THinx "" Bfrrhsr PasfckM f - t itT "What Price Glory' MARTIN BECK THEA1 Wtb atreat at Blahth Avsaa ProdmeUMi oC Hadane Ponpadoor' > wUh WILDA BENNETT Biatlaaaa Wadnaadar and Satarda* aaatlTBtrht Waaka la Adrmnoa^^ SNOOZEH JUNIOR X,"~j-- ~ 'I -Y' S A WORTHY SON OF A WORTHY SIRE ": ElMtMl Not. 4Ui by Mr. Pat Wood to Ploy ^ B.1P. RXITH'S BUSUWICK, Brooldyn. THIS WEEK (Not. tO) f MQPI TOMAKl MAMY NEW FRICNOt ANO MBCT AU. MY PATH||R'| OLp OHfU MY MRTNCtt-^O ••■""^JTH^^^^^.^^^^^^^^^ PIARCE-aad LCW ttOLDiR PLYMOUTH Bvaa. ■:<•. Mats. . 41th atraat Waat of Broadway Than, aad Bat.. t:tA THRILLtl ACTIONI THRILLSI Wl l i I J AM VOX praaaatatloB 1UE RON HORSE'' A John Ford Preduetien I VRIP •"»••»»». 4fd. W. of B-irar. *-• a a%,AV» Twica dailr. I.I«-t.lO. PhOD* Chletiannc ITM. Bat. today. (.It. ..^..^ ,_Ba^8aaU flOS |[02S* ^^ 4*" Bona" wiu b« na at m tn4-ins, PIG UITLE THEATRE WBar 44th BTBBBT. Braalass (4 ■atlaaaa W adaaa d ay aad Batarday, ta lt PI.A<#*f> Thaa.. W. 44 at. Bvaa t O r . l i H . i y V Msta Thara. A Sat, ' DAVID mmUiaOOrn PruiaUUoa ROBKirr LORAINK in TIGER CAT By Mbm. Karea Bramaoo, wItB KATHARINE CORNBLi. StranD .r.r -A NATIOHAI. ttiar l T U T I CTf doriaa IS* "THE FAST SETI with AOOtlPHE MENJOU, •ltd BETTY COMPSON T? ^mttnt^^jK u-'^f' ceipta up to the required mark by |aat ^ight to|gu^ran^ an extra week _. ■ , s/j , ' -• '{jt^ • »«th k-Hi-^^li^ "The Lov;» of Oamllle" brti« back tha thoughu of Sarverin. the Ptanch pantooamlat. ImpAKed te this coontry some years Sffo by WilMam Morrla to preeent his pantomimic work, and at siMae time in the "He" picture is- an undercurrent of Silver 'great American clown of sf school wito committed suicide years ago. It ia a atory that paru Unas up wHh Blivsrs' Ufa I tory.