Variety (November 1924)

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Wednesday, Nov«mb«r M, IMi VARIETY ... -», -..- ,;^. ■r.v KAY (THE REAL McKAY) THE RUSSIAN-SCOT Opens at die Keith's Orpheum, Brooklyn, NEXT WEEK, Nov. 17, 1924 V^-v . KEITH CIRCUIT TO FOLLOW ,,"p.^- - z-^^- ■V. -tr<f Hi f4 for thia aort of camera work that •taould mak« the plctur* playable With Judicious placlnr. Tbcre U little or no comedy at- tempted to rl|tger the continuity, hence It remalivi a etraishtaway telUnx of the Hurley expedition that la well told, pbotOKTaphlcaUy apeak- tnc. Bki0. LONDON FUJI REVIEWS ZEEBRUGE liondon, Oct 27. The aucoMia of the War Offlce •upervlaed film, "Armageddon." eauaed a cert in Uvelineaa at the Jkdmlralty. with the reault the Sea iiorda decided to have their own film. The picture, Juat ahown here,^ la in the handa of New Era Filma. and the actual production work haf been donaJ>y Bruce Wolfe and A. V. Bramble. Bramble waa the man reaponaible for the "Armageddon" production and baa the diatinctlon Mt»M oo. raaaitM u^muau. ]n|iMHBnnnnnRBn| of being cloaely related to aeveral of the offlcera taking part in the attack on the Mole at Zeebruge. In the preaent caae hia work la every, bit aa good aa In the former picture, particularly In the V. C, acenes which have been reconatruct- ed with remarkable care and an entire abaence of talatrlonlca The famous signal to those who were about to make the attack and re- minding them it waa the ere of St. Oeorge'a day brought their reply to the efteet "they'd give the dragon's tail a damned good twisting,".and supplies a keynote to the featar«> 'Which Is not devoid of a dry humor even In its moat thrilling mongients. Among the V. C. episodes U the Btory of how Sergeant Finch waa In tha fighting—top of the "Vin- dictive^* when It was shattered by a shell. He crawled out of the wrecki%* and went on working his gun alen& The. actual gna wag shown to the audience. Another episode sluMTs Uentenant Xteane rescuing over 100 men in a Jaun^ built to take 40. The VIetorU Crosses- gtvea. for |hia action ware voted by themeh. Many of the act.ual offlcers and othera taking part In the fl^t war^ present at th« Marble Arch >avUloa where tha-premiere took place. Oiierrini A Co TW in*<M aa« KENNARD'S SUPPORTERS ikfti ■■>■■ aw M al kmS^ aad* to baad. m-at OMiaeai •■a riaBni M fn* Caturn*** WHAT THE BUTLES SAW London, Oct. ST. Made by George Dewhurst with American staM and handled \u the Oaunaont Co.. this feature Is • rsally excellent example of a stage farce transferred to the screen. Dewhurat has adhered faithfully to the play by Fred Moutlllott and Judge Parry. Hla production work Is exceedingly good, and several situations which might have been vulgar and suggestive have been skilfully handled. There Is nothing to oltvnA the moat faattdlous. A young taxi driver suddenly comes into a fortune and goes to the ancestral home, taking, with him the memory of a girl oe has met casually and his 'Vunner." The latter becomes the butler and the good fairy, or evil genius, accord- ing to individual fancy. Money Is lacking, and tha two of them quick- ly turn the old home Into one full of ailing and paying guests. Among them is the ex-taxlman'a drtom girl, only ahe tuma out to be a married woman who has come down to give her husband, somewhat of a gay Lothario, a aurprlae. He la making love to every woman In the place, and the surprise Is very com- plete. Then the hero's maiden aunt 'arrives and brings her. parrot with her. Bvents movs rapidly. The young couple wish to spend the night to- gether, but at the last moment the maiden aunt changes her bedroom for that of the glrL "The husband enters, having had soms difficulty la getting rid of his -fellow guests, oAly to be severely bitten by the parrot Every man In tba place la blamed and e^^it^body la watching for a parrot-bitten Individual, wblle the young huaband la one way »nd another manages te^vat every male guest bitten. In the end the butler la blamed and happiness restored to everyone. Thf acting on all sides Is far above the average, and a finer all- round cast has rarely been seen in a British picture. Chief honors among the women must go to Pauline Oaron for a really clever performance of tin aunt's com- panion. She has the light touch necessary for such airy comedy. Irene Rich Is good as the young wife. Guy Newall. as the husband, and Bromley Davenport do fine work. As the butler John Mae- Andrews Is capltaL A. B. Imeson Is excellent as ^e ex-taxlman. Ifany small parte are well played. The pro<luctlo& Is also very good. - A The Outstanding Success in St Louis Theatricals!! £ LIBERTY lUSIC HALl ^ WANTED-Burlesque Comedian^ Liberty Music Hall, Grand and Delmar, St. Loub WRITE OSCAR DANE HINTS ON HORSEMANSHIP Lcsidon. Nov. 1. Made by GeoSrey Benstaad. an ex-offlcer of Hnasars and ens time show rider for the army, these one- reel Interest and adncatlonal &hns are capital. In raallty a sort of fltan lecture on "how. and bow not, to do It." The plctoreg ara fuQ of lntar< •at and sage advloa. Benstead. however, refrains firora wearying hla watelMrs with too much instruction. BuMMntlng the directly educational inattar ara many fine scenes of racing, hunt- In'g, driving, ate. Tha amy bears Its share of tha work and tha cav- alry school scaiita ara axoalUnt One section Is davotad to th« Italian army, and her* tha watcher gats a fine Idea of tba Italian military school of Polplrro. A "cut" from a Red Indian drajB* has no bearing on the subject and should ba ra- mrved tartmediately. Theae features wUI. without doubt, be popular. Oors. SHOWS IN GHI (Contlnuar from page II) audden drop of $4,000. Last week the groj» was figured a little under 118.000, which is reported as the stop clause^ Both attraeti^ and house took advantage of the Slump to hiang op the closing notice. Hot caring for the glory of a year's run. which would come in five weeks' time. "Romeo and Juliet" is responding to the campaign that holds it In ascending close to tl4,000, wlUle the a.*ump exi!<t«d, Jans Co^rs prea- antatton held lU own wlih. tha dra- ttiaUc leader of the town, "White Cargo" (Cort). "White Cargo" Is bittiqg a capacity pace at the £ort with many weeks of high rating promised. "The Goose Hanga HlKh" is doing oncouraging business at the Princes*, belne counted aa an $11,000 gross avenige attraction when It gots aet "Seventh Heaven" la off at Cohan's Grand, with "Beggar on Horseback" atill alipptog ao faat that Nov. 20 haa been picked for a fareweU. "The Swan" will have to pick up Immediately to »tay naany miora weeks at the Blaokstune. The scrap between the two "Fol- lies" remains about tha name. It Is reported that ths "Greenwich Vil- lage FolUas" will have the ApoUo engagement extended, holAlng, the house until Christmas. The scarcity of musical ahowa makes this move possible, and a wise one it looks to be. since/'Nanett«" wai b* the only estabUabed show with the exit of Zlegfeld's "Follies" In another week. Trade on the week end was great because of ths football game be- tween Chlmago and Illinois. ~ The Saturday night houses were prac- tically sold out midweek, but the terrible slump of the first half of the week kept tha total gross down to a point where the week's total waa conaidered the lowest of the year. There's only one fat period that the managers can now look forward to before Christmas, and that'a the last thraa days of Thanks- giving week. If traditions run true to form, Tbankagtvlag mAlnea will nrQ,Ta tha beat of tha yeart It will be recalled that teat year Thankg giving night w«* a disappointment Last Waste's Estimatsa "Oraanwioli ViWaoa Fellies" (Apol lo, Ctlr weak). Had trouble gaming ■iatllMe sdSss of hs>Hliy proportions, bnt at Incraaaad'pstoaa election algtat ($$,S00 groas). with san-outs ^Iday and Saturday alghtav managed to hold around $20,000. 8Uy will ba extended beyond original six weeks. "Zlegreld FolUea" (IlUnola, 4th week). Haa slowed up, with empty seats noted at all parformancca. Leaves In another week. Subatan- tial gross around $$1,000. "No, Ho, NaiMlts" (Harrla. S$th week). With departwa of "Tot>By" will have town's lOBg run reeord. Sells out fully a weak ahead.'giv- ing gross close to $S$,000. '•Topsy and Bva" (Salwyn, 4<th week). Goodby to thla Chleage In- ■tltutlon in another weak, laKtiam befaind plenty of reoords.for vthar dbmpetitors to ahoot at Dowa tt little under $l$jD$0, hot extra mat- inee advertlaed for the final two weeks to cars for the final wild rush. "The Qoeaa Han0g Htsh" (Frin- cess, 2d Week); After proadsing premiere .Week Uttt* batter than $10,000, Indicating tt hM atmok for FOR MODERN •BNSA-nONAL «TAQt Mfite 140 West dM Mb XB3UXII0IUL OWSfTtTMUk IMO l^roatfway Now Vorli Cl^ ((^ /^. 72Waet4MI|M. NCWYORICOITV FXBMAim WATDI& HAIK OOOPB -JLAtt J MMBnro iMXSi oomiio .V I II I N III .11 I • UK (N UAUIMI HARRY FIDDLER Afisbtod b7 THE HOUSE OltCHESTRA known aa tl^ Ohinaae Impersoiwtor The Asa wke Isaghs •■ eae M4« «f kto fa«» Md srtas oe the MhM^-aevsr tir\»m oa kotk aMsa, ~ t Addnssi MM as. Ms** M., ~ A SOLID HIT! AT THE PLAYHOUSE, LOS ANGELES I "^ EClffiRTand MITCHELL "Ca. AGNES and BASCOM in 'THE CLINGING VINE'' ■■i' ■'V,^"'.H >iV - WITH ■ I^Adorable and ^: if STAN ^rEGGY WOOD .,r u. H .1* ,*4 ■'. » \ BEGINNING NOV. 30 The InlmiUble , -:ilf '< IKT, TRIXIE FRIGANZA .-':-<V CURRAN THEATRE, SAN FRANCISCO PRESS COMMENT "^^_- tTOPPKO tni SHOW f|^ . . ru> BCKaBT and StAM MITOSDnx also 4id a danoa la tba M^t act that, to use a vaudevlUa cxpras$Aon, stopped ttia ahoW." —LOt ANQBLM DAILY NBWt, LKAPt CAUtE QA <Pi " ^ , . ABcaOent danesrs ara TU> UCXMKt Mid ^TAN IBT- CHtitU ta fket BCKBftrS techalatt# Is «alt« hnMnwill^ Bha haa th* ^nraga and Mcuraey. with tha MiuUly MiftQrtidtt M^|MorBUoii at UlTCHIXL, to do aome spectaealar leaps lliat MMI0<, fBllJi fMi m the house."—t. A. DAILY KeeORO. "... there are two people who deacrva plaatr «( pratoo. two are none other than FLO BCKERT and STAli WTOKBLIi two folks rnt on a danoo number, "Spring Tofrnt," that sets «mif» shoulders swaying and calla fcT enoora after ttMon," -^-L. A. EVIfflN^ HB/IALDu "... FLO BCKERT proves haivaU a mamiMa IHtta etc."—L. A. DAILY TIME*. "... no BCKlOtT and 0TAN lilTeHXUU a put much animation into the proceedings, etc." -L. A. BV»<iM« KXPREtt. \^^^^..