Variety (November 1924)

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r«5w ■;v i*x"^iCM"ir^iVii:»'^»"'' ^*i •^■VT-'V VARIETY Wadnesdaj. NovMiib«r 11, E. F. ALBEE. Prestdent -^i^nm^Km- J- J- MURDOCK* General Manafer >r< t ^- F. F. PROCTOR, Viee-PKBideat' Bt KEITH'S VAUDEVILLE EXCHANGE ^ (AGENCY) :;*^-T^- 1 > 1 • 4M' jP^fJace^lneatre fNfw >j. ; ^ti^i^Tl^-f »>^Bi;<< I ,.4.A ■— ■ Ftnuuitn B. F. KEITH. EDWARD F. ALBEE,A. PAUL KEITH. F. F. PROCTOR Artuts can book dirt^t addrettiiig W. DAYTON WEGEFARTH Marcus Loews Booking Agency I Geneidl Executive Offices LOEW BUILDING ANNEX 16 O WrST 4 6^" ST NEW VORK JHUJBIN 0EinUUU o rricc 6MWMn%tceBiikfag JOHNNY JONES ACKERMAN & HAI THIRD FUX>R. PHELAR BLOa MARKET. QBANT and. OTARRELL STREETS SAN FRANCISCO iiXA HERBERT WESTON» Bookatt Mmagmr BOOKiNG DEPAttTMBNT PalsiM TlMMlrw Buadiaf NEW YORK f .;-^' -^.^ V ••^f^ EXECUTIVE OFFICES iUt«.Laka BaOdisg CHICAGO ^-*"i^" VAUDEVILLE DEpARTfNENT THE GOS SUN BOOHNG EXCHANGE CO. BERT LEVEY CIRCUIT VAUDEVILLE THtLATRES FUai ACTS, REVO^ C«n o4f*r you 2 to 10 WMka wi( •h«Ht Jumps ^ wsiTE OB wnuc orms mtm Vstioiial Tsadeville Ezoluuiiro^, 61* Br«m««n •uiiding, Buffalo, N. W Lyric. On. th« 24th "The DrouB Olrl" comes to the Shubert, ami probably aomethlns new at tlw ▲delphl. Dec. 1 aeea "Be TourMtt," at the Qarrick; "Meet the Wlto," at the Broad, and new bookings at tba Forroat. Chestnut and, probably. Walnut. "Morsan," with WUUaaik. Famun, eomoa to the Oarrick ^Mk 2S. BaUmalOref the Week orncBS WMtfC 1 'aK- iTa.r»al "•sr \~iJ^ profluble eniacement.- "<n|f PotUra" (Great Northern, (th wmk). Not holding at pace to aairare sticking in much longer. Awraged thus far between $6,(00 and #T,S«0, with erratic business not riiowlag effect of extra Rlu«g(nK- "8 • y 0 n t h Hoavon" (Cohan's Graffd, 9th week). One of the shows aevAreiy caught in the election day natlnee wreck. Off at all porform- aneoa over previous week, making It quite a leap for attraction to crawl "back to original fast pace. Figured down around (12,000. "Abio'a Irish Ros*" (Studebaker, ITth week). Got Slapped hard Mon- day night and in several other per- formancea, yanking gross down , around 19,000. WIU surely sUy in to beat "Ughtning'" irecord of 67 KTeeks. "Apple Saueo'^ (UiSalle. 6th week). Making mal mon>ey with the steady cnU good for gross of $10,000 - pace. Wasn't counted upon to hit as favorably as has been checked. "White Cargo" (Cort, 6th week). Big aoU^les any hour of the day at box MBce for this piece, flgured* to hold well into the winter season. Reported slightly under $14,000. "Romeo and Juliet^ (Garrick, 4th . W«ok). Lo<dted as though It had surprise house Monday, starting off week at encouraging clip. Building ) up amazingly well, yet not satisfac- tory ta management. Little hoiow $14,000. Koves to Selwyn Nov. 24. "Begaar en Horsebaek" (AdOlphl. 12th week). True to the traditions of town, once an attraction starts slipping it's gone. Some sharp drops here In last three WMks> Reported $10,600 gross. "Strange BodfolloW^ (I^yhouae, 2d and flMd week). A Quick flop, flgurint a« low ui tijUOO. One of the grosvea daring w««k was t>clow $200, and three of them were utader $500. "Weleome Stranger" (C!eqlral. Itth week). Some more huatling by the youthful management to make profit on little over $4,000. "Th* Swan" (Blackstone. 8th week). Edge completely oft this well-liked offering, with addefd hurt coming from #eak l>alcony' sales. Figured dpwn to little stronger than $10,000. SHOWS IN nmiY (Continued from Page 14) class of music In both "Pompa- dour" and "Heidelberg" will not go big with sotne' of the Jass hounds, and neither la likely to enter into the big splurge class, but both are far and away above the average and should click nicely for not too long stays. the operetta oppo- jed pUy for "Llttla Jeidll^^^^^H Its final week at the CneH^^^HBwever, the Influx of tfie BrMlBfrodt natronii. wad mostly ottMt^ the tect that the Chestnut's usual clientele, which Is different from that oC any other house In town, had been exhausted. Hence the only difference noted was more of a demand In the agen- cies and less of the ticket window sale that the Chestnut Inevitably gets all day long. ' These three musical shows—all of them—fared better than most of the dramatlo at. .ctlona. Easily the" best of the latter was CyrU Uaude% starring vehicle a$ the Oarriok, "Aren't We AUr. which had a $l,tOO opening, second best In town, and claimed almost $14,000 on the week, with one or two weak spots. The peculiar coincidence of two Lonsdale pla-s opening here on the same night was watched with much 'interest. There la no queatlop but that "Aren't Wo AUT" bad It many ways on "Spring Cleaning" In the matter of business. The flop of the latter U one ot the surprises of a terrible season. It was expected to stay at the Lyric for four weeks, but Instead goes out this Saturday, after two—with Uttli or no business. Next door at the Adelphl ("Mag- gie") things Vent even worse. Here was an unknown play, a try-out. tha^ was hammered by the press irlth few exceptions. The Monday opening was a matter of a little over $260. Tuesday was little more. The week's groas. uado^btedly the gn^^ ^ .^^^ ^ ^^ q^j ,,g^ season's record to date^ waa under $4,000, and weU under. The mere fact that It waa ordered removed after a single week, most unusual here, waa oxeellent proof ot Its reception. The sudden removal of "Maggie" meanl another batch of opentngs this week, the most prominent belag^ "Cyrano de Bergerac," at the Forroat. The money order sale was rtlaltned to have broken house records, and the opening night was brilliant. Bal- cony and gallery were jammed to capacity, and there were about fOur rows out In the orchestra, with no paper out except to the critics. For distinction and slae It was the finest dramatic show audience of the year, and beat even Barryraore'a oxwaing in "Hamlet" here last season, which, however, was hold down by the tact that it waa New Tear's eve and the revellers didn't want Shakespeare. Another openlnr this week was "Poor Richard," a brand new play by Liouls Evan Shipman. opening at the Walnut. The Fretich ambassa- dor and all the city dignitaries were present, and the noUeeo' Wfro tavor- able. How long the play Will Stay is a mystery. It ought to do wel! here. If anywhere, dea'llng, as It does, with Benjamin Franklin. The Ad(jl)>hl had "Ashes'* as Its new show, the notices not being walrtnly enthusiastic. The phestnut had "Mr. Battling Buttier," which U to stay for three weeks. Next Monday has at least three openings, including "The Rivals" (all-star cast), at the; an- other premiere, "Lady, Be Good," at "in Hfldelberg" (Shubtet. .M week). Highly praised by press and, < apparently, wea liked, though scartac away aome of house's tegular remw' patrons. It ought, however, be a Mb 'i help to a hOMo that haa been * boo or ekMse to It. "l-lttlo Mise Bluebe«^ (BraHk 2d week). Return en#agea>ent for Miss Bordonl's play, with btulneaa good. If not up ,ta last aeaaon'a as- tonlablngly high UnL DM between $li,«0« knd IIMM. -The Rivals" opena next Monday. "Cyrano de • B erger a o^ (VteresL one week only). Had brilliailt open* Ing after Immense advance sal# Ought to bo a olekn-np. "Madam* Pompadour" beat $18,000 on week; apparently good, bat not satlataotory to produebra. "Arent We Aim (GarrlolL M>| Week). Beat of the dramatic ahow* In grtMs, doing about $18,700 mm week. la virtually stire to say for its originally allotted four weeks. _ "Poor Riehard" (Wataiut. Ut; week). Bxoellent notices, but suo*^ cess In doubt. Being helped by loeot; patriotic and advertising organioa*' tions, and should catch on here If: anywhere. "Tamlsk" did consider- ably under 87,000 on last week. "Mr. BoMlJng BuMsr" (Chestnut. 1st wedc)^ Opened to good Misineaa. "Little Joisfo Jamee," benefiting by being the only light mu|ikMil show In town, wag able to over<sonfe fact that most of house's oaual patronage had been exhauated, 43id (18,000 oi week. ■■*•>■■ ->■; "Spring CleanlMB* (Lyric, week). Despite st>tendld notices enthusiastic audiencesi this LonS' dale comedy hardly beat $7,600. Qull Saturday and doses. "Askee^ (Adelphl, 1st we«k>. N< tlces' not 00 g6od; run limited. "Maggie," in for two weeks, had run cut In tw9, and did well under $4,00» the Forrest, and "Cobra," at the on single-week stay, THE SERVICE THAT SERVES^ WESTERN VAUDEVILLE MANAGERS ASSOCIATION ! > "**• GENERAL BOOKING OFFICES, FIFTH FUMR, STATE-LAKE BUILDING. CHICAGO NOW BOOKING THROUGH TO THE PACIFIC COAST . %r ST. LOUIS, MO. 88t-90 Arcade BIdg. KANSAS CITY, MO. Second Floor Main St Theatre BIdg. BRANCJ^ES . fr^,lf»JT"t«tl^..ai3S: DENVER, COLO. I 4W-J T«bor BIdg. £LL... I LOS Hill S(r« II " ANGELES Street Theatre BIdg.