Variety (November 1924)

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-■.m;^': 24 VARIETY PICTURES S-T.ywt*ii'>i^f^v^a^***i.v ^|y«lne,d«y. November !•, WMr^ LOS ANGELES GOING BACK; 11 HOUSES TOTAL SllMOO Metropolitan Leads With $29,500—Criterion's $10,- 200 Best in Months—Negri Only Holdover to Skid, Did $9,200—Cold Weather Aiding Theatres ?;• Loa Angeles, Nov. IS. Everything seemed to happen last week but nothing was big enough to stop the upward trend of busi- ness in the flrst-run houses. First of all it rained all day Sunday, something l: has not donfe for al- most a year, and some ol the houses were heavily affected. Then on Monday began the drive for the Community Chest with no one being Immune from aollcitatiOn. But , Tuesday was Armistice Qay and . vcvery house in town was practically taxed to capacity, as this is one holiday which Is well observed here. With cold weather prevalent trade ^'iMtgan to Increase over the cor- ','reaponding daya of the previous •'^<\|reek With all ro'Unding out very 'Well. The bubonic plague, which •has been existent In the Mexican-, 'feection of the city, aeems to havf- Bub8ide4 and haa not affected businesa. 'The Criterion playing Harold Bell Wright's "The Mine with the Iron Door" did the best business the house haa done In many months. Olorla, Swanson In "Wages of Vir- tue" proved to be the means of the Metropolitan returning to nor- mal condition. At the California Charles Ray in "Dynamite Smith" was another money-getting attrac- tion. M. C. l«v^*s 'In Every Woman's Life" proved to b« a stimulant at Xioew's State. Getting a good break i^th the dailies, this picture drew well from its opening aiyl though going through only a' fair Sunday on account of weather conditions It began to ahow Increaaea daily thereaYter over, the correapondlng days of the previous week. Harold Lloyd- In "Hot Water," at the Rialto for the third week, and the fifth week Ip the downtown sec- tion, proved that this star is a real draw. The picture practically ran neck and neck and day for day with the week previous, considered to be an achievement in this house. An- other of the holdovers which proved to be a draw was "Janice Meredith" at MUler'a. This film la still being aided .by the Hearst newspapers. Its third week on Main street al- most approached the gross of the preceding weel^ which la a record figure for the house. With the last three weeks being announced for "The Thief of Bag- dad" at the Egyptian, business started on the upward trend with' indications being that the picture may do almost as well as It did In the initial period. PoU Negri In "Forbidden Para- dise," fourth week at the Million Dollar, was the only one of the hokl-over attractions which skidded noticeably. However, that was early In the week, as on Saturday Babe Ruth was brought )n for a week's sojourn. This stjmulated matters and caused the returns to be somewhat bigger than they might have been without this aid. Christie's "Reckless Romance" proved to be a life-saver at the Forum. This picture was a sure- fire draw from the start with busi- ness climbing dally. "I Am the Man," with Lionel Barrymore, was the means of helping the Cameo do far better than is Its custom. At the Mission "Greater Than Mar- riage" was a big help also. (',. - Eetimalaa for Last Week i California — "Dynamite Smith" flnce) .(2,000; 27-86). Surprised 'here from the start by beginning well and holding through week, drawing a tctal of $12,500. Million Dollar—"Forbidden Para- dise" (Paramount) (2,200; 25-85). Managed to do better than average picture does here for fourth week with Blip not being so noticeable through addition of Babe Ruth as personal attraction. Intake was 19,200. Metropolitan—"Wages of Virtue" (Paramount). (3.700; 25-65.) Gloria Swanson product means business for this house with attendance showing exceptionally big Increase over preceding week. House well on profit aide o; ledger with gross of $29,500. Cliyptian—"The Thief of Bagdad" (Douglas Fairbanks). (1,800; 60- $1.(5.) Announcement of the final three weeks was the means of get- ting dally turnouts and parties with kousfi Belling clean on both Armis- tice Day performances. Next two weeks should even be better than this week, which showed $17,300. Mi8aioii-r"areatar Than Mar- riage" (VlUgraph). (900; 15-$0.) The house is along at a smooth M4 ooiulateBt gri: with faroraWe 3 SUPERS IN POP HOUSES AT BALTO. LAST WEEK iEREDnH" PBUn BK NOISE WITH $ipi» "Madonna's" $29,800 Coraid (red Fair—"Barbara FrMohii" $I2;500 •j^ "Sea Hawk" In for Two Weeks "Yolanda" Got $18,000 at Century Baltimore, Nov. 18. Baltimore was treated to a trio of super features last week when Marlon Davies as "Yolanda" came to the Century, Milton Sills as "The Sea Hawk" to the Rivoli and the late Revolution as "America" made its local pop price debut at the Hippodrome. 'Yolanda," aided by big advance press publicity in the local Hearst papers, plus the work of Harry Van Hoven, in charge of the theatre's press work, turned in a high gross. Estimates for Last Weak Century (3,300; 30-75). "Yo- landa." First Marlon Davies Coe- mopolitan at this house. Magni- tude of feature plus heavy advance publicity brought heavy draw, $18,000. Rivoli (2,250; 80-75). "The Sea Hawk' (let week). Surpassed all expectations. In for two weeks. New (1,800; 25-60). "Dangerous Money.'' Program was augmented. Business held at about figure of previous week. $9,000. Hippodrome (3,200; 26-75). "Amer- ica" and vaudeville. Orlfflith fea- ture at pop prices proved good night draw but not at matinees, paralleling closely experience at Academy at high top last season. Shown in its entirety, which meant the shelving of the theatre's regular short film subjects. At>out $11,000. Metropolitan (1,600; 15-50). "The Clean Heart." Percy Jilarmont. Matinees off on account of the races but blisiness' satisfactory. Parkway (1,200; 25-50). "The Bandolero." Patron.i treated to first run and business remained steady at about $4,000. ^ Garden (3,100; 25-50). "Honor Among Meii,'* and vaudeville. Business down from big Tom Mix draw week previous. Jack Demp- aey In first of "Fight and Win" series" billed heavily and featured |W advertisements over feattlre. About $11,000. This Week Century, "The Sainted Devil;* Rivoli. "The Sea Hawk" (2nd week); New, •The Border Legion"; Metropolitan, "The Lover at Camtlle"; Hippodrome, "yhe Wise Virgin": Parkway, "The Sainted Devil"; Garden. "The Warrens of Virstala." (XOHrOLLT AT HOIXTWOOD Mike Connolly la In Hollywood, representing hia own agency. Metro- politan Casting . Company of New York. Mr. Connolly will remain west but a couple of weeks, returning to the MetropollUn on 44th street. conditions helping, as it depends a good deal on the transient trade. Intake here hopped up to $3,900. Loew's State—"In Every Woi^an'a Life" (First National). 2.400; 26- 85.) Getting good break in dalUea and with heavy exploitation and advertising proved that business can Jump at this house by bringing the Intake to $15,000. Criterion — "The Mine with the Iron Door' (Principal). (1,«00; CO- (5.) Sol Leaser's output proved to be a whale here as it did the blc- gesc business house has done, with present scale of prices, in drawing a total of $10,200. Forum — "Reckless Romance" (Prod. DIst.). (1,8C0; 35-65.) Folks like the mob the Christies have In this picture and therefore attend- ance was better than the average. Intake reached $5,600. Miller's—"Janice ..leredith" (Cos- mopolitan). (900; 25-75.) With the Hearst papers keeping the pot boil- ing, this picture is breaking records for sUy and intake in this house. It will be good for another two weeks. Managed to reach $4,500. Cameo—"I Am the Man" (Chad- wlck). (800; 25-35.) .Name of Barrymore means somelhing here, as It served to pull the weekly in- take to $2,000. Rialte—"Hot "Water" (Pathe). (90«; t0-<».) With respect to length of run, this Harold Lloyd picture la pulling more money here than any of hIa previous outputs. In Its third week business held wall with bouse doing t*>7M. Phlladelplila, Nov. 18. Marlon D«t1««' "Janice Mere- dith" autde the big nolae in the downtown photoplay aituatlon, which otherwue waa quiet and de- void of bis attendance deaplte the Armistice Day crowds. "Meredith" looka aet at the Aldlne for a run atmllar to that of "The Sea Hawk" and "The Ten Commandments," al- though It is hardly likely to quite touch their length of engagement. The blg.advertlajng splurge used is being continued each week. Otherwise there wasn't much ex- citement'. The Stanley picture, while not up to the drawlog power of a few recent flUna, had an offset. in the big crowda Tuesday and Satur- day. Thla houae la the one picture theatre greatly benefited by the football fana at the end of the week. The picture waa "Madonna of the Streeta," featuring Naximova and Milton SUla. The former's draw- ing power la not ao much nere any more and it ia probable that Sills meant more to the box office, though not an accepted star. The Glersdorf Slatara were an added attraction that may have meant something. "Te«i of the D'UbervlIIea" didn't atartle In its aecond week at the Stanton. In a weekly change house It might have done better. The Fox dld^not do what It ex- pected with "Barbara Frietchle," thus bearing out the predictions of those who could not see this Ince picture aa an Indefinite run attrac- tion at a legitimate house. The sur- rounding bill was good and with the help of Armistice night man- aged to achieve a fair degree of auoceaa, though not enough t'o war- rant the feature being held over for a aeoond week. "Captain Blood" ended a mod- erately auccessful four weeks' stay at the Globe. For two weeks it would have been a real money ma- ker, but held in the demand didn't last. The failure led to the Stanley company's decision to revert to the house's former policy pf popular- priced vaudeville. "Dante'a Inferno" fell to nothing In its fourth and final week at the Arcadia, another ease of too long a run. "Secrets," following Us none tdo successful first run at the Globe, did a fafi-ly good Week at the Karl- ton, considerable above fhe house's recent average. Thla week's attractions Include "The Painted Lady" at the Fox, "Husbands and Lovere" at the Stanley. "A Sainted Devil" at the Stanton. 'Tamish" at the Arcadia, and rrhe Perfect Flapper" at the Karlton. The Valentino picture Is flcured to stay at least three weeks and •TParnlah," which has been held up by the censors, oughv to bo helped by the recentengugement of the sUge play. Colleen Moore has a certain following and h€r latest "flappor" pksture is figured to make out ex6enent1y at the Karlton. Estimates for Laat Week - Stanley — "Madonna jf the Streeta" (Metro). Naximova doesn't mean a great deal at local box of- flcee and picture didn't go very big. In fact. If It hadn't been for Ar- mistice Day the result might have t>een much worse. As It was, $23,500 was tt»e figure (4,000; 36, 50, 75). Stanton—"Tess of the D'Uber- vlllee" (Goldwyn-Metro), second week). Not so much In second week and below strength of usual pictures at this'house; $8,500 on week. (1.700, 36, 60, 75). Atdine—"Janice Meredlih" (Met- ro-GoIdwynj, first week. Biggest of the week, with gross claimed at $1C,000. Only really big photoplay slpecial In the city (1,600; 1.65). Areadia-^"Dante's Inferno" (FoxX laat week. Held In here too long and didnt hold up. Hardly $2,000 on week ($00; 35, 60). Fox—"Barbara Freltchle" (Ince). Not the draw expected and held in for aecond week. Surrounding bill and holiday crowds helped gross to $1S,(00 (>,0««; 99). Karlton—"Secrefs" (First Na- tional). Second run for this Norma Talmadge picture and had fair aucceaa. Did about $8,500 0,100, 60). HOLDOVEltSVERYfEWINLOOr; "Iron Horse" Disappoints in Jumping but $700^ "Hot Water*; Leading Smallor Houses with $10,350—Chicago Norm&l with $41,460 XoOOT'S DEFENSE Loa Angeles, Nov. 18. EfTorta by attomeya for Kid Mc- Coy, charged with the murder of Mra. Tereaa Mora last August, to have the county pay for the services of alienists who would testify as to the sanity of the accused man at his trial In December were futile. Judge Crall in the Superior Cour* ruled that as the state had already paid for the service of four aUenlstB, who declared that McCoy was sane. it would be unnecessary to expend any more money In thla direction, aa far aa the state was concerned. According to reports, the attor- neys for McCoy are planning fe put up aa Inaantty defelUMi when the to t taL » '. .V"l '! Chicago, Nov. 1$. With four of the aeven first run picturea in the loop boldovera not a one aoared above the estimates re- corded last week outside of "The Iron Horse" which exceeded the preceding week's receipts by $700. The picture thus far has proven it- self dissappointlng to both houae and producers. When the film was first contracted for it was con- sidered that $10,000 would be the lowest weekly receipts attained on the eight week engagement. Both with the Fox special falling to reach anywhere near the stipulated amount on its first two weeks It is doubtful if It will remain the length of time contracted for unless miracles really happen. "Sundown" Is taking the count at the Roosevelt. The latter was ex- pected as it was merely a fill In date which was brought about when the new Valentino feature "The Salnte<* Devil" was pushed back a couple of weeks so as not to follow right on top of "Monsieur Beaucalre." From present indications it looks like "Sundown" goes out Sunday with "The Devil" coming in. "Hot Water' 'Is still leading the sm.iUcr houses in the loop by keep- Inij above the $10,000 mark. "Danto's Inferno" will move out Friday con- cluding a successful run of four weeks. McVIckers with Gloria Swanson In "Wages of Virtue" maintained the business expected from this star. At this house cer- tain stars i>eern able to draw a, cer- tain amount of tusiness on the week. Swanson is one of them. "The Fast Set" at the Chicago and "K, the Unknown" at the Randolph fell slightly olT. Estimates for Laat Week Chicago—"The Fast Set' (Para- mount), (4,600; -60-76). Nothinr sensational about this feature And with no super presentation to back it up fail»d to attr.ict the urual at- tendance, getting $41,460. McVickars—"Wages of Virtue" (Paramount), (2,400; 60-75). This was one of the few houses in the loop that took advantage of the holiday prices Acmlstico Day. The picture aided by an all around good I»-ogram reached $26,214. Monroe—"Dante's Inferno" (Fox), (•82; 60, third week). Picture waa advertised aa leaving but with bual* ness still continuing to be good it was prolonged another week, $8,401)4 Orpheum—"Hot Water" (Patbe>, (77i; 50, third week). No let-up on butilness In sight. Will eaaily re- main eight wegka. The small cap.<)city of the theatre helps to estahlivh record runa fpr super vpecluls, 110,350. u Roosevelt—••Sun.lown" (First Na- tional). (1,400; 60-60-76, seoond week). This pkture is doing about the worst business that any feature haa played to in luis faoube. $14,500. Randolph — "K, the Unknown" (Universal), (£60; 46). Thla houae Is using every eld time method et balyhoo and publicity available em- ploying barkers, h:unan dolls etc., $4,100. Woods—"The Iron Horse" (Fox). (1,400; $1.65, second week). Pulled up a trifle this week but not suf- ficiently to warrant the picture re- maining here for the contracted period of eight weeka, $8,200. LOEWS SETUSNIKO Los Angeles, Nov. 18. Arthur Loew left the family partjr here last" week, returning to the Metro-Goldwyn offices in New Tork. Marcus Loew and his family de- parted Sunday for the east in a pri- vate car attached to the same train carrying Joseph Schenck, Norma Talmadge, Nathan Burkan, Robert Fairbanks and Dennis O'Brien. Warnsrs Take Mission Loa Angeles, Nov. 18. . The Warner Brotbera will taki^. over the Miaslon Theatre Monday, holding It until torn down in Feb- ruary. Warners' own pictures will be shown there. Vltagraph has had Ote house for two months. * - / - Service! :• ^.r> Perfect and incomparable V^M Pathe News •n- *- To be first is a habit with the Pathe News. First with the news that counts} first in the quality and variety of subject; first in the affections of the great public which for over a dozen years has come lo expect the best in the Pathe News. • " . ''7'-'' And by airplane, special messengers and the fast- est trains the prints are rushed to you so that you may have the hews that counts, before }four com- petitor. .^^ - ■ "'.^ - . • -. That's service, and it's part of the Pathe News. Twice a week