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^■: 'r-i y: «"*y*Ti«ai-|Jift- ■ Wadoetdajr, IfovwnlMr 1*. IMf PICTURES rwr ?r:" VARIEXr CAPITOL'S RECORD ^- 1" TOPPED mi UST WEEK IT B' E |S,000 Bettor Than Any ll^^riou* Week—Rothafel I Credited by OppoHtiea |; witk Part of Draw—Fifth $ Anniversary Week Also— /Hot Water" Did $124,200 in Three Weeks at Strand •"-RivoH's Ezperimeat Not Sensational — *BcloTed Brate' Flopped with ' |13,000 at Riaho ■,{p>>«j!> FILMS COMING !u ^Ttae Capitol celebrated Its fifth ' anniversary last week by breakins All existing house records for re- oelpta, daily and on the week, with the Victor Seaatrom-dlrected Met- ■^ ro-Ooldwyn feature. "He Who Gets )HBUpped." Credit for the tremen- dous business is given in part to Bam Rotbapfel by other Broadway 1^: bouses. One house. In its report of ^the opposition, credited the strength of the business to Rothapfel's an- nouncement via radio Sunday night that he had the best show the Capi- tol ever boused, and points to the feet that Monday at t p. m. there mm a triple line In Cront of the CSpltol. The Sunday record at the house , Waa smashed completely with a net >'.«C IIS.617.40. Monday the house did a llt£le under $10,000. It was aa- avred Monday nl^bt the picture would remain orer for a second waek. The week's figures, gross, „ wan $70,468.05, about $5,000 better r':t^Sn any previous takings. The ,'^tMt on the week (without tax) was y 111,421.26. \ Against the Capitol the Piccadilly ..CfSa "The Lover of CamlUe" and did ' f. UtUe better than $16,000, $2,000 j^der th«. business looked for. ic Second best business on the est was at ths Strand, with the Did Lloyd comedy, "Hot Water," I its third week there, getting $t3,- It gave the picture a total of IS4,S00 for the three weeks' run. ' U Rivoli Tried Novelty ■ ctThe Rivoll tried a novelty for . {roadway in the personal appear- '^^ce of George Beban and a com- f^jr of players in conjunction with Ida picture, "The Greatest Love of IflfV whicii Just managed to top "|t,000, not particularly big busl- for the house. The Rivoll with pla Negri In "Forbidden Paradise" Sunday of this week got $7 100 «il the day, and It looks like $25,000 4^ the week. fffhe Rialto did an out-and-out'Bop "♦-«Jlth "The Beloved Brute," a VIU- "'iph feature, business Just top- iig $1S,000. lit the Xyrlc, "The Iron Horse," Rainess went up about $1,000 last ek, receipts being around 110,226, While at the Central "Dante's In- >f«mo" got $9,292. "E^st of Broadway" pulled but the usual business to the little Cameo. Among the coming film attrac- tions are "Greed" and "Raraolo," Mth of which will be brought to Bk-oadway for a run by Metro- bldwyn. and both are at present 1 heduled to open on Dec. 1, th> I frmer at the Cosmopolitan, while » latter Koes into the Cohan. W. Grint. was looking for a •oadway house for "Isn't Life onderful.' "lUt the final arrnnge- I ent is to Khow It at the Riyoil. hflr I pnln:; Nov. SO. E.iims:e8 for Last Weak Canr.cO' "K.TSt of Broadway" (As- clutPd Kxhibitors), (549; 60-88). lat about ii.'ual business around .«00. Just above regular house 'HOT WATER'S" RECORD |9,1W and |7,77S In Twa Danvar Houaaa But Not Hald Qvar Denver, Nov. IS. Harold Uoyd la "Hot Water" did raoord business at boili the Victory and the Rialto (Paramount) last weak, but at neither bouaa waa the flint held over. In recognition of the fact that business generally la off locally. "Tess of the O'UrbervllIes" held up fairly well at the America (Uni- versal), and the six Brown Broth- ers, saxophonists, helped the Colo- rado (Bishop-Class) over what oth- erwlae probably would have been a poor week. Last Week's Estimates Victory (Paramount). Seats 1,250. Prices 35-40. Harold Lloyd In "Hot Water" and short feature "The Death Ray." Grossed ovpr $9,160. Rialto (Paramount). Seats l.OSO. Prices 35-40. Harold Lloyd In "Hot Water," with "The Death Ray," short feature. Pulled $7,776. America (Universal). Seats 1.630. Prices 30-40. "Tess of the D'Urber- villej" and Dorothy Hellls. dan- seuse, ;with news reel and comedy. Drew around $4,850. Colorado (Blahop-Cass). Seats 2,760. Prices 40-50. "Husbands and Lovers," news reel, Co'umbian Trio and Brown Brothers. Hit for $8,700. guarantee which is $3,000 first money. Cspitol—"He Who Gets Slapped" (Metro-Goldwyn), (5,300; 60-31.65). "This one broke the Capitol house record for a single week. Swamped everything . In sight from dally record to everything elSe. Capitol walked away with a box office full of receipts last week. It was the Fifth Anniversary bill at the Capitol and that In itself seemingly meant to the minds of the picture going crowd.there was an extra show at the house. The show was all In all a mighty good one atld the box oflflce claims at the house were $70,468.05. They didn't say however whether this was net or gross. In the Loew-Metro office the claim was for a $46,009 week. The tmth un- doubtedly la that the figures claimed at the house were grosa and the net therefore, with the 10 per cent war tax off would have been $63,421.25, which la not to be sneesed at. At that there was mighty little plcturo opposition on the street for the Capitol. Central—"Dante's Inferno" (Wil- liam Pox Corp.), (50-75-99). Last week seventh of picture at Central. Business dropped off somewhat but the receipts turned In were enough to make the week show a healthy profit. On the grind with only around 900 seats the business $9,292. Cosmopolitan — "Greed" (Metro- Ooldwyn). (1,162; $1.66). The new Vbn Strobeim directed production Is due Dec. 1. Criterion—"The Ten Command- ments" (Famous Players-Lasky), (608; $1.65) Last Week this feature showed $9,855 at the box office. Lyrlo—"The Iron * Horse" (Wm. Fox Corp.), (1.406; $1.66). Picked up here last week picture doing about $1,000 better than previous week, getting $10,226. Piceadllly — "Lover of Camllle" (Warner Bros.), (1,360; 60-85). Fea- ture did about $2,000 under what was hoped for last week. Receipts were $16,100. That Capitol also had "clown" picture and anniversary week bill did t)ractlcany all business of street njay account for disap- pointment at Piccadilly. Rialto — "The Beloved Brute" (VJtagraph), (1,960; 50-86-99). This Vitagraph feature productive of usual slump In business at this house picture bearing this brand usually are. liast week $13,109. Rivoli- "The Greatest Love of All" (George Beban). (2,200 With George Beban making per sonal appearance as part of picture with company of 24 In support, little in business done that bettered aver- age. Rece'ipts were $18,109, general run here without added attr.-iction such as a personal appearance. Smaller towns wiH eat it up but Broadway audiences too cold. Strand -- 'Hot Water" (Harold Lloyd-Pathe). (2,900; 35-65-86). Last week was the third and flnat one of the,, presentation of this comedy at tlie Strand. The first two x\efk8 showed buslnesn up; wards of $90,000. the second week dropping about $10,000 under the opening. Last week was another drop but the figures reached $33,200 which makes a total of $124,200 for the three weeks on Broadway. RENAULT AS Al»ED CARD SENDS UP GROSS Female Impersonator Led All Cleveland Houses Last Week —Business Off Elsewhere Cleveland. Nov. IS. They all looked for help from Armistice Pay, but the fact of the calebratlon w«a kept a secreL The banks and stores were open so the 24 hours passed Just like any other 24. Cleveland learned that the stage version of a play arriving shortly ahead of the film wasn't a dam bit of help. In fact hurt. It will have it's chance this weeks to see whether the tables will be turned. The stage version of Tar- nish Is playing the Hfcinna this week, following the badly censored and heavily rapped film version. It took an act from vaudeville to lead the town's picture house grosses, Francis Renault. Stiltman (1,600: 40-75). "Captain Blood" with three weeks advance billing and the good rep left be- hind by "Sea Hawk" got a good break, about $12,000, and second State (3,800; »>-60). Francis Renault as an added attraction to "Kmpty Hands" Sunday night stood 'em up at 7:30. That hasn't happened since last spring, so the credit must go to R)tnault w;th his fema'.o Impersonations. The rett of tiic wtelK was ahead of tub usual bu8'nt.s£ making a total of abiiut $15,600. Great considering other houses. Allen (3,300; 30-50). "Merton of the Movies" flop surprise as show played here several weeks ago. About $10,000, usual run of poor business. Park (2,900; 28-40). "Dangerous Money" with ..classical Jtuss week kept house up to usual neighbor- hood gross of about $7,500. Hipp (4,000; 25-65). "HearU of Oak" with vaudeville drew regular clientele, but they didn't come any- where near last week. About $14,000. Circle (1,400; 20-40). Second we^ of "Barbara Frietchie." About $2,600. HOT WATER" DOES $16,400 IN 920 HOUSE AT 50c SCALE B«aU "Wagon's" Record at Ro7aI--$3^ in One Day—"Lincoln** Disappoints at Mainstreet with $12,000—Newman Also $12,000 FRISCO'S NG SLIIMF, HEGRIFiURWini(19,500 BOSTON AVERAGE WEEK; STATE DID $15,000 Fenway Hit $8,000—Modern and Beacon Each $5,000— Town Watching Dempsey Boston, Nov. IS. The api»earanco of Jack Dempsey In person at the big Ikxw down- town houae, tha Orpheum, this week is Uie feature of the picture house business In town. Dempsey comes Into what is the biggest house In the city running on a popular-price scale and with a continuous per- fiormance arrangement The house can easily do $26,000 in business and has done It In the past, and It is figured that Dempsey should smash the record. For a picture feature the house Is using "The Navigator." The Fenway, the Paramount up- town house. Is using "Dante's In- ferno" this week with the report coming through that Sunday after- noon business was the biggest of the season. The break was traced to the weather, as It was cloudy and raw during the day and was the first Sunday afternoon for months that outdoor life carried no appeal. Business at the uptown Loew house, the State, was about normal Uat week with "The Red Lily" and sn «K QQ\ "Worldly Goods." This week the ;i„'' "«J, I house is using a Valentino picture. "A Sainted Devil," with a dancing act as an added starter. Last Week's Cstimatse Fenway (1.500; 50-75)—"Dante's Inferno" this week. With "The Border Legion" (Paramount) last week the houae did $8,000. State (4,000; aO-75)—"A Sainted Devil" (Valentino) for this week. House did $15,000 last week with "ThP Red Lljy" and "Worldly Goods." Modern (750; 2.-,-35-^0)-^"Thf City That Xever Sleeps" fCrure) and "The Legend of HolfvwcOd." With "This Woman" aad "The. Painted Lady" lasi week the house did $6,000. , , , . Beabon —■ Picture, scale,, capacity I and grosw same as .Modern. Neighborhood Theatres Beat- ing Downtown Houses — Granada Goes to $16,000 &it?r^if^'*:^,>' a-jT . ^ ejiiv San Francisco, Nor. It. Old "Joe Slump" contlnuea to hang around here and with indif- ferent weather the only houses that have really cashed In are those in the neighborhoods, with their cry none too strong. Following the first taste of Cali- fornia winter business two we^ks ago seemed tc suffer, but last week the box offices were really struck. Perhaps the only downtown house to get any real money was the Cali- fornia, where a combination of Pola Negri in "Forbidden Paradise" and the special reel, "Furs and.Fash- i-n." was the offering. Ths War- Veld, which has been getting the cream of the recent pictures, got an early start with Naslmova in "Ma- donna of the Streets," but "Ma- donna" didn't allure the crowds later in the week. The Granada, which Is something of a pacemaker itself, took a grand and Inglorious dive with "Dante's Inferno." Harold Lloyd In his third week was under the preceding two but was still showing life. This laugh-getter will probably exit the latter paft of this week. Estimates for Last Weak California—"Forbidden Paradise" (Famous Players). (Seats 2,40p,; scale, 65-90.) It may be said that exploitation doesn't make a pic- ture but It la known that Pola NegW hasn't broken any box-ofllco records in this otty since her old "Passion" days. An excellent cam- paign brought 'em here to see the picture. Close to $4,000 worth of free advertising was received from the city's furriers In connection with the showing of "Furs and Fa'-hlon." and the total was $lt,600. Warfield — "Madonna of the Streets" (First National). (Seats 2,800; scale 16-90.) This picture, starring Nazimeva and Milton Sills, drew heavily during the first few days but dropped off. Glen Oswald's orchestra helpad things a little, get- ting good newspaper notices. $17,- 60n. Oranada—"Dante's Inferno" (Wil- liam Fox). (Seata S,840; scale 66- 90.) Maybe easterners Hke this type of offering, but out here freak en- tertainments are all right In thalr place, which Is Hi the east. Critics were a bit strong in their criticisms. Business could haye been better during the entire week. The big act, "Dancing Mad," with a com- pany of 49 including Pa^l Ash's bnnd; didn't ho'n things. $lt.A<M>. Imperial — "Hot Water" (Pathe). (SeaU 1,400; scalsi «S-*e.)- Fel) down a bit on Its third week and house suffered in the general slump. Business will show a profit on the four-week run. The 10-a-day per- formance may have had something to do with the drop. Most of the Harold Lloyd fans have aeen the picture. $13,800. CABET WinCDSAWB SUIT Los Angeles. Nov. 18. Harry Carey has withdrawn the $10,000 breach of contract action against Stellar Productions In the Supei-ior Court and has renewed his eontroct with that concern to make eight pictures during the 1925 season. He will receive $10,000 ar.3 a perc«?ntage on each of there pic- tures, which Hunt Stromberg will release through Producers' Dlstrlb- utintr Corporation. Carey has also finished mafclhg "Soft Shoes/' the picture which he stopped making at the tiBM he filed the suit i ——— . ',f1 ■1 Kansas City, Nov. IS. ^ It hardly seems possible but It % happened here last week. A littlo '"^ 920 capacity house, shooting for SI eents until 1:S0 and 50 cents tho remainder of the day grossed over SK.OOO. It waa done at the Royal, with Lloyd'a "Hot Water" and waa a house record, boating the first week's ahowins of the "Covered Wagon" at the Same house by closo to $2,000. Tha record making started with the Sunday showing, when the takings totaled $3,000 with a 60 cent admission all day. the 35 cent mornins schedule nbt gotns Into effect until Monday. One at- tention attraeter waa the loud speaker attachment, hung oyer tbo sidewalk In front of the theatre, which gave the music of the Royal Syncopators and the.laughter of the crowd inside. ' The papers played this one up and the custom- ers would come down to the house, listen to the shouts of laughter from the bunch Inside and then get In the ticket line. The Pantages, with "Captain January" and Baby Peggy In per- son, also had a big week, being as- sisted mi^terlally by the schools be- ing closed for the last three days of the week. "Abraham Lincoln'* at the Main- . street, proved a disappointment as a money draw, tha regulars evi- dently not cariBs for the educa- tional featuro. Tha Weok'a KsUmata^ Mainotreei. "Abraham Lincoln" (Pb-st National). Seata 3,200. Prl-re 60. On account of length of picture, 11 reels, the vaudovllle bill was cut to thrae acta. The pKture was run five timea daily. George Billings In the title role o( this really remarkable picture Is more than an actor, ha la almost "Lin- coln" himself. AS a draw tha pic- ture waa a disappointment, tha - week only hitting around $12,000. Newman. "Wafe* ' of Virtue" (Paramount). Seata l.f80. Price4«. Gloria Swanson featured stronger than title. "Brick" English and his singing syncopators and Louise Lorlng, Toealist, were stage fea- tures. A wall balanced and enter- taining bill was the unanimous ▼•rdlot of the fans and regulars, and to prove it the week's gross was etose to $12,000. Reyal. "Hot Water" (Patho). Beau 920. Scale SO. The Royal Syncopators. on the ata«e and in tha pit, were the only extra amuse- ment. The name of "I^loyd" was given most of the space In the pub- licity. On account of the feature be- ing less than an hour, the manage.' ment scheduled the program for 11 sbowlngs dally. In hopes of hanging up a record for the bouse. They also "ahet" all aeats for 60 cents. Instead of asking 76 for the upstnlra loges, figuring they would turn tha latter at a half dollar more times than at the advanced price. The final count showed close to $1S,400, nearly $2,0611 better than the "Wag- on's" record made at the samo house. Picture held indefinitely. Liberty. "The Lover of Camlll*'* (Warner Brothers). Scats 1,000. Mlly FInley's Melody Makers were retained as an added attraction. The critics gave most of their praise to the benutl^l settinRu and ex- cellent photography but stated that both the stars were unable to reach the parts. Fans failed to rally to its support and the week was around the $4,000 mark. J First runs at the other houses-— ^ "Captain January." with Babr Pegrv in person. Pantrges. "Nellie, the Beautiful Cloak Model." Globe. , 1 PAUL BEBirS F. P. COFISACT Los Angeles, Nov. 18. Paul Bern, raised to the rank of film directo.- from a publicity and scenario writer, has baen placed under a three year extract by Famous Players-Lasky Corpora- tion. Bern has already sevefMt:; |iler^ titfM. -,'^ jijiiti. >•_.." *^f{ ■'.^' .' S-'l JuJli&^kir>V!i&J&:MM