Variety (November 1924)

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Wednesday, Nov«rab«r 19, 198f PICTURES VARIETY S7 RRESENTATIONS (Extra ottracft^ru in pteturm thmatrm; whmn not pietmrm, mrili bm earrimd and deacribad m thu dapttrt- I nMRl far lA* gmnmrat miortnatton of thm trad:) OaiMing % Min».| Full (SpMial) V >. -.. 8t. Louis, Nov. 15. Tbls offerinc Inaugurated thai yrflsenUtlon aeason at't6« Mta- aourl. an<l~U towera above anything Harahei' Stuart haa offered' since taking over the managing director's chalt- FrotA a box «fllce angle It's a real winner. anJ from tbe exbib- Itora* viewpoint it sltould b« Inter- ea^lng, at least, when on^ consid-« cost whiafa Is almost notb- inii.. Real flowers? They cast iqi^^ even at whole^alBt' However^ It «^^one wl'hout a big ••put." Tje "lqw^4own''Xojjpws the review- '.yhe orchestra' plays TOttly, cur- tain! ife pdrte'a and sSeifce Is dark •xceprt enough light to give view of hedge, rubbfer pIAnta, i frefe and otifar green p'ants In back, ground. Pn>Mnt|y a small part of the moon IScfMn, and as 11 becomea cleorer a faka becomes visible In the ex- traate rear. At left Is front exteirlor ot.amaU cot rage, rustic affect, with porch. A Taint light comes from wlthfn and a glr) enters by way of porch. , Tmmedlat^iy ' orchertii swings Intcv'^gUlar music and gl^l dances KQlf^S to each flower. Aa she reMMS flowers, strong Ug^ta flood alMfjr;. Wh!Ie ail this Is taking ppi'ce 'the large^ extension stage aioVea Blo*rlJr fDr;«^rard tp audience vtW it comes within a jhi^ feet of orofaastra leaders. Her^ the au- dience reoMve aa-ax^Hs^t view of thegorreoua and charming set. It iBv hardly noticeable that tb* etage Immediately starts back ligaln. Tbe 0lr| cpntiquea ta^^ pantonnin^ A nvaa antfr%^walka to ber side. £^e takaa her >agm «nd thagr ceUim to th»^ pofeh. Sha; reallS9*L she haa- Tkeen dreamlng^ an<f both 4x11 Into house. ' - ^ Jfha Natlopal Florlafa Afaocl- AHtui held & flower ahow here and Sriiart ^ered to eo-p>fecate. .'^e fl^lHata accepted Bealde fh« sl^i^e flo'wera, which carried no >na^n<»r «f" advertising, they se.nt many flowers (or the lobby: here they gpt their-ail vert lalng, also .a abort rjMl flashed upon, tbs- scre«B. They tmra perfectly satisfied. As the "^r It with flower" boys Intend to put on such a show and campaign for a weak in every large city in the country, other exhibitors will find tham willing to co-op«f«te. ' " Ross. mLE. ANNETTE ROYAK tpprano B^ina. npcadilly, fi*w York liiaera Is k really remarkable vMce. It la a tremendous voice from the point of volume, and siwtaal a voice that Is so trained and ^U-handled that it la a pleasure tfjhear It. nThe Piccadilly is a rather large aeatre, i^nd MUe. Royak filled It mpletely with the aolo number tt ahe offered. Fni. lOASTSIVDIOS ': Los Angeles, N<)v. 14. Clarence O. Badger has j>een erilhed by Famous Players-Laaky to dyect Betty' C^ti^pson Hi •'New Jfea for Old,** adapted from the bnch play by Emlle Augler krts early'; In December. Ilrvin Wlllat's next production for ^amount will be '"The Air Mall," (rdm the st^ry by Byron Morgan, adapted (or the. screen by James Shelley Hamilton. Founded on transcontinental air mall service. Pr^ductl^j^ begins Nov. 24. ^ope Loring and Louis D. Lighton. o have been writing scripts for [rner Bnothers' productions, have th^lr contract renewed for a OSTUMES OR HI RE PRODUCTIONS EXPLOITATIONS rRBSBNTATlONS BI&OOMS \f-. 1417 SSMy. Tel.S6MPam- '' bonus for signing have been given a six weeks' trip to Honolulu, where they wUl write the continuity for "The Eleventh Virgin." Besides, while awa/, they will represent Warner.* at the Nationkl Motion Picture contest which the concern haa promoted in Honolulu. They are to pick the Hawaiian Island queen In this contest and she will be brought back by them to work at their employer's studios. ■According to reports. "Lightnin"' and "The Seventh Jleaven," which William Fox will produce in cen- term of years. The couple aa a ■ Junction with John Qolden. win he produced at the Fox Hollywood atudloa. Work on the flrat. It Is said, will commence early In January. Things are active at the Metro- Gold wyn-Mayer Culver City studios. Five companies at work now and two more to start next week. Mar- shall Nellan is flnlahing the in- teriors of "The Sporting Venus," the Gerald Beaumont story, theSx- terlors of' which he made in London. Blanche 8weet, L«w Cody and Ronald Colman are In the principal roles. Robert O. Vignoia Is work- incr on Katherl NewUn Burt's "The Sumihons" with Eleanor Boardman, Matt Moore, William Russell and Matthew Bets. The Hobart Henley company consisting of Claire Wlnd- aor, Robert Agnew, Emily FItzroy, Lucille Ricksen and Edward .Con- nelly fci laboring on "The Square ^eg," and Robert Z. Leonard is di- recting "Chaper to'Marry" (screen adaptation) with Lewis Stone, Mar* guerite de U Motte, Conrad Nagel and Paulette Duval. Frank Borsage begins next week to make the screen version of "Daddy's Gone Hunting," while John M. Stahl is getting ready to add to the silent drama list Molnar'a "Fashions for Men." James druse Is making consider- able progreae wltU "The Goose H*.ngs High," adapted for the screen from the LewU Beach st^e play by Walter Woods and Anthony ColdeWay for Paramount, "tho pic- ture wilt be ready for ahowing dur- ing the Yuletlde period with a cast that Includes Constance Bennett, Myrtle Steadman, Esther Ralston, George Irving and ~::dward Plel, Jr. Hunt Stro-mberg has put Into production Harvey Gates' original screen story of Vienna life in which Priscllla Dean Is playing a modern "Rabin Hood." Tom Fornr^an Is di- recting a cast which includes,- t>e- aldee Miss Dean, Ward Craite, Alaii Hale, Mitchell Lewis, tTaylor Holmes, James Neill and Bernard Selgel. Scenes are l>elng shot ct the Ince lot in Culver City and at the Seltg studio near Pasadena. Kate Price haa been added to "The Man Without a Conscience." which James Flood Is directing for Warners. Wlllard Louis la playing the title role. Irene Rich also In cast. "Geared to Go," the second of a series of Harry J. Brown comedy dramas starring Reed Howea and directed by Al Rogrll. has been com- pleted. Carmelita Geraghty played the eminine lead. Robert G. Vlgnola *vill shortly ap- pear on the United lot to begin dlrectlo.. of "Declasse," starring Corinne Grlfllth. Antonio Gaudlo, known as Norma Talmadge's per- sonal cameraman, haa been bor- rowed from J. ;'. Schenck to ahoot this picture. ft; '^l^^ greater ^ry by ^ ROBERT WS£RVIC£<"^^ ♦J "9Jie Spell aflhefuhen' Soafedjifom thejcavs op ft ?iian-eatni0 sheakj^i ^/ 4 ^K^^'^* : V tr^^! 1- '-?&*■ Vi'j ;ij;*'5sjr-' a\\*' s^^ \ k\ ' A JOHN OONMTAY production . FOX FILM CORPORATION *<■>"*,, »i6»1«taOf.MOt/6H_f>tCtORt PROOUCeRS ANO.PfSTBlBUroAS Of'AMtftlCft, IWC^- Witt H.HAVS Jt»CSlDt«i? '¥^-} .^\i4riri