Variety (November 1924)

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ly, November 19. UM '^.^;^.^;.^-^- ^Oie ioo% Ballad LOYED ^■■5 r- (Stole The Ota Thai; I Zored) ^ ^ ig HAPPY PEASE and ID 6. NELSON >»* ■■ ■*•:- ^ Positively the Season's BifUfest UibI %■ 'it' Iw CLlFf FPtEND s»i ABEL 6ACa V The Sufe-fife Daie Bag Ballad Hib •1K)CK^m BABY 1»V HAROLD CMRISTY. ABNEA SILVER aiitf SAUL BERN IE KANSAS CITT rftr Tkratra Dldc. I.OS ANnEt.Cff \i Wot nfib St. CHICAOO 107 N^ Clark St. lUNKKArOUS t38 Uwk Arcm«* U>in»ON. W. C. JJO'ftA™* Itt ClMtriaa CrMS M. Ddnce^ OrcJwstrdtioMs S) ' rrom ypwr ycaler oy Direct