Variety (November 1924)

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•■''■i^'in^ Wednesday, flovember 10, 7<w^m^ ijj ym\j^^fijf ■* VARIETY 49 STANLEY lindDOMAN ^ 1 1 *\ t-- *, *' . i\ • f V^: Vv V- '< ^ « A DROP FOR LIFE tf ■'•'Af,-" ,^^ ;*'^'> DROPPING IN B. S,MOSS* BROADWAY, NEW YORK, THIS WEEK, NOV, 17 '■ Direction NAT. SOBEL -J 4 it .a NEW ORLEANS By O. .M. SAMUEL TuUi»»—"The Pool." St. ChariM—Saenger Players in "Wtalsperlnc Wires." Strand—"His Hour." Llb»rty—"Merton of th« Movies." The first ntc^teri around tb« Or- ptaeum after the Initial i>erf6nn- ance laat week would have pinned a wreath on the booker of the local btjs-timer if he had been there. The wise (r&ng filtering in on Monday evenings for a score of years, blase to the Nth degree, came out of their accustomed trans and did a rave over the bill. Some voted it the best show in years. Corking programs have been at the house this season, and this one was a whlz-bang collection of turns that had them on edge during the running, save for the flrat few min- utes. And the house is doing busi- ness at last, after a flock-of lean years, ^e booker can take a l>ow for that, too. He is shooting straight at tho box oflflce. Corbett and Norton were a sweet bet for the wicket, speaking head- Unerwise. James J. has been a great favorite here since the time I. STAGE DANCING Taociit by Americk's Oreatmt JACK BLUE • Special act*, bods* and dancaa written to ■ult your ability. Clafs and private lea- ■ona for beslnnera, proteaalonala and oiheri In all kinda of tap, tnnalcal com- edy, ~ acrobatic and novelty ballroom , danclnr for hotel, cabaret and atage. Lady and gentlemen partnera aecured. BLUE'S Ml Waat ttat Street. N. T. Circle 61M. Near B'way, Oppoelte Capitol Theatre FtunouM iqmd Powder JAME8 ' BoM at iMidtag Tlic;<trieal Kow Owaid by Osllvla aiatera. he toppled over-John L. at the old Olympic Club on Royai street, and, again, a great many have been read- ing his "Roar of the Crowd." the story of his life. Just concluded In the "Saturday Evening Post." Also and not forgetting Corbett and Nor- ton were accounted having the best two-man cross-fire act in vaude- ville by the mob as they filed out y!ils reporter has caught the act flye times while in various Oities. In Frisco the turn was good. It was better in Los Angeles. Fln% at the Hennepin, Minneapolis; splendid at the State Lake in Chicago, an*} here, the perfected 4ct. Cor)>ett and Norton extracted laughs galore, with the "sleepland" finish a cy- clone of merriment. Walzer and Dyer opened, after threatening to walk out because of the position. From the reception accorded, the spot apportioned seemed correct. Leon Vavara picked the show up and. sold his piano interlude to dandy results. The boy is growing right along and is a showman now. "She, Him and Her" held two trim girlies who had the old boys lean- ing over on their sticks, and got over nicely. It's a shapely morsel, figuratively and otherwise. The "Jellybeans." as they style "cake- eatera" here, applauded vigorously, too, dividing their meeds between the Shirley Masonic bim and the Thviia Barlsh one. Doris Duncan had easy sailing. Leon Vavara, who "planlsted" her, left in high esteem and his re-entry as accompanist for the peppy singer r\d them fitting back In their seats apparently satisfied. Their suave iMtnter brought a deal of response. And lest ye forget this Doris Dun- can is a looker. Yea, bo! Dave Apotlon amplified the eye- feest with Dorothy Campbell in his new edition of "Bi-Ba-Bo." Miss Campbell was a haauty of a differ- ent mold from those who had pre- ceded her, but a beauty none the less. Her dances were warmly wel- comed, aa were all of the twirls and whirls of her compatriots. The Rtiasian finish scored tumultuously. Carson and Kane did not have on enviable position, following all the dancing of various sorts that had gone before, but worked ener- getically, the auditors rewarding the duo By remaining seated right up to the final curtain and showing en- thusiasm for the intricate steps. Foilunately for Carson and Kane, their terpsichorean endeavbr was removed In measure, which tended to react as a saving grace. "the following kind." and they do not care for acts that "follow" here. The revue failed to register. Harry Watklns did not start the show well. He remained along for 20 minutes, with about five miniites of act and 15 minutes of tedium. The patrons treated negligibly. Gold and Sunshine submitted a nicely jiresented moment, lacking in substance of the appealing kind, and met with an Inglorious fate. Miss Sunshine tried very hard, but they simply would not extend a sin- gle handclap. Perhaps the fault is in the absence of cumulativeness. Matty lee Llppard was the ap- plause bit, awakening the crowd, when it seemed impossible to do so. Miss Llppard was esteemed for her snappy demeanor and regal dress- ing. Bensee and Baird were a success, disclosing a routine ol the popular sort that eventuated well with their "wedding bit." iv ^ CLEVELAND By PHIU SELZNICK HANNA — "Tarnish"; "Sally, Irene and Mary." OHIO—'Music Box"; "Lollipop." METROPOLITAN — "Hell-Bent fer Heaven." Indef/ COIjUMBIA, STAR. EMPIRE. BANp BOX—Burlesque. L MILLER 6 SONS I. MC«Broa*Tia The World's largest manu- {ac^rero£ theatrical footwear. We {if entire companies, also individual orders. . ... • • XtWYOIK CHICAtX) 1554 Broadway State Street IfcuifcaiM'S* s* Not much of a show at the Palace the first half last week. The pa- trons sat quietly watching the ar- tists go through their paces with- out giving vent to their feelings save for two of the acts. The oth- ers Just entranced and exited to silence. And for these there were quHe a few walk-outs. The the atre generally gives the customers a good "break." and this half wan erely an exception to the rule. There wasn't any kick, flash or punch to whet the appetite of the fans. Bobby Heath's Revue was fea- tured. It was too reminiscent of all the others that had gone before to excite comment. The business, • a nnil {;eneral routining were of HERE'S YOUR BOOK 'RIGifrOFFTHECHESr ^'r By NELUM REV ELL With a Preface by IBVIN CqBiB PubUahed by OKORQE H UORAN, New Yoik PRICE $2.50 IT'S WRITTEN FOR THB SHOW PEOPLE. ALL SHOW PEOPLE—ALL OVER The thrilling atory of Nellie Revall. Bhc lay helplosa in her bed and wrote It. A book bf tendemeaa and laushter, with a drawing on the frontlaplere of Nellie by Jamea Montfomery Plass. while amons the contributing Illustrators are Rube Goldberg. Grace D. Drayton, J. W. McGurk, W. B. Hill, Clare Brlgga, Tony .S«rg, Herschdeld, T. A. (Tad) Dorgan, Thorn- ton Plaher, Will B. Johnstone, Martin Branner and Kd Hughea. - Humorotu, Useful, Ornamental, Educational NKLLIR RBTKT.L, Hotel Somerset, West 47<h St., New York City ^j .1 >I>l«ika« send'Ina. i. ..<... cop of "Right 0« the Chest" at '■ttiO a c6py (poatace JieJ, foj: wl>l«h I ancloaa Check or M. O. for I ' ItAUBi >.. tt.. .'••«.. wk. .**• ;....,,.» '* R.DLIl(ntf \ ,'.,..),... ^'..'.. f. ..'...<. .'..1 « ■ n^' .,• J.' : T .'HA'-. 11' »' i I 1 1 . (Ttits >i!4r«rtis(ine>t U Coatribnted) Lioew's Crescent was offering the natives a miniature rodeo last week in "Cheyenne Days," that held four horses, a bull and a donkey. The management played up the "rodeo angle" and swelled the business. The Roletta Boys stepped over quickly with their swift accordion fare. Their method spelled some- thing for the running of the early section and helped send them across. Jack and Reta La Pearl deported with surety, dominant at all times. It was curious to watch the pair ronip over solidly, after himdreds had proclaimed the south certain "death" to bucollo presentments. Travera and Douglas sensed the attitude of the onlookers, switch- ing their sketch. "Come Into the Kitchen," with splendid results. The bright-looking set and swift playing were Important Items that helped beget approbation. Marston and Manley were wen received. Manley does most of the gabbing, the girl acting as a foil for the most part His sallies were well chosen, bringing gurgles from all parts of the house. The encore method proved disastrous at tho end. The "spot" was held, there were three or four "stalling" bows, and the crowd had expected the next act when Marston came back for the remaining section of the act, only to find they had grown cold. He had lost them In the Jockeying. The boys with "Cheyenne Days" whooped it up, getting heaping en- comiums' for an honest-to-goodness riding act The' blackface come- dian with the outfit proved an im- portant factor, shooting the gag- lets and business without straining. The Saenger Amusement Co. opened two new legit houses at Texarkana, Tex., and Pine BiulT, Ark., last week. William Faver- sham aa(l Margaret Anglin in "Footloose" opened both theatres. Resident managers of the local vaudeville theatres are having a hard time keepii)g some .of the acts In leash when flaying this city. This is the "wettest" town in the country. Like Montreal, really. After a long dry stretch In the dead burgs near here some actors after arrival in New Orleans start out like sailors. Many defections from bills thereby. .■ t w'i:;.;.• Work Is to be started on the mammoth Loew-Sanger theatre Jan. 1. 'Twill be the Urgest theatre In the south. NEW ENGLAND Patrons in four theatres in Law- rence, Mass., were dismissed when fire caused serious damage to a large block In the vicinity. Water ran into the Modern theatre and caused considerable damage. Ellas M. Loew. heading E. M. Loew circuit of theatres, has ac- quired the Jewel (films), Lowell, Mass. He reopened the house last week. Martin Peterson, of New Haven, Conn., has bought the moving pic- ture business established in Oull- ford. Conn., 16 years ago by Rob- ert H. Norton. Eighty theatres were Inspected by the Connecticut State police during October. . ., - Sam Warner, Abe Warner and Sanv E:, M6rris. of Warner Brothers, held a meeting here this we%k in Harry Chamas' office. The man- agers from Pittsburgh, Detroit, Cin- cinnati and Cleveland attended. Morris remained here and closed for, rour eo^tsecutlve first runs, starting next week. SIDEWALK SOCKS Albert Mitchell, leading a Paul Whiteman unit, will be the band at the Crystal Slipper, Cleveland's latest dance hall, opening Nov. 29. The "Music Box," during its first week at the Ohio, didn't reach its previous grosses in the SNne house. There were plenty of seats to be had for every perforraance. f'his town won't go for that $4.40 per. Playing second week with dim* prospects. Critics gave the show a good send-off but didn't rave,, and that's what they've got to do before Cleveland will lay uown $8.80 a pair. The sidewalk sock merehatots> op- erating alone the theatre Mode of West 42nd street, between ^vsnth an4 Eighth avenues, aren't Rble'to keep their valiss-on-the^walk bt»> iery emporiums open mm fftm)^ mB In the summer. The reopenlagg of the theatre season, kicks of ths the- atre brokers, complaints ot buyers who find they caor't get a rvfr jlor their money but-ltttil ot^rtiag in- (he socks, are among ebnditloni thiit In- clude a treah crop of gwan oojfk that help to keep the valise stores shutting aliuott M fMt as ther oiMn. The ^htlls working for the aalMrs are now In daily Jams with klidcers against the stinging. wMcb,. slnos the game startsd, tea ea«i|0it aMny theatre folk. • " ' \' ' Three Jams during (ti« pkst WSek had bystanders and eops busy see- ing that the rifht socjju WCBt^ tks right sock atingsNi ; Paul Whiteman didn't do over half capacity on the two i>erform- ances here last week. A number of people got confused with White- man's Collegians playing at the Euclid Gardens next door to Ma- sonic Hall, where the crack outfit concerted, and perhaps this town has had too much music in one stretch; anyhow, things were and are oft. Frankie HInes. assistant manager of Keith's Palace, is confined to his bed with an attack of pneumonia. Federal Judge Westenhaver ap- pointed a local receiver for Selznick Distributing Corp. at the request of the Cleveland Film Building Co. CINCINNATI ■ By JAIME8 F. BECHTEU GRAND—"Meet the WUe." COX—"The Proud Princess." SHUBERT—"The Outsider." OLYMPIC—"Follies of the Day." EMPRESS—".Make It Snappy." PALACE — Vaudeville and pic- tures. KEITH'S—Vaudeville. "Llghtnln"' will be the attraction at the Grand Thanksgiving week and "Blossom Time" at tlve Shubert. SOUTHWEST O. B. Daniel has opened a new theatre at Idalou, Texas. W. M. Brand will build a new pic- ture theatre at Harrison. The Palace Theatre, New Brauns- field, Tex., is nearing completion. The Cruce building. Port Levaca, Tex., is being made into a theatre. Williamsport, Ps., Is to avs a new theatre started during the next few months. It will seat 1,800, pla;- ing pictures and road shows. Cham- berlain Co. of Shamokin, Pa., ope- rating nine houses at present, is go- ing into Williamsport. At Barttea* saa aasMss, wMh — »i1ib» ■b4 BmaMsiMe, wtsh ie Jaria wS»»Uls •ct. Addrcas Dftn, «• asak Mreet. New Vesk. ■ ■ — — AT : LADT PIANIST, who has haa experience In vaadeTllle. Issile ■. arasMaa MS a Ufesrty SL, AlHaas*, «b M INERS MAKEtP Est .Henry C Miner, tile. DOROTHY ANTEU urflss you to see her llns of blrtlidsy csrda Miss Antsll, a formsr srtist, fer the past few yesi« an invalid, will have for sals a hamtsoms eel- leetien of novelty ssrds. Also silk hess. Help her help hsrsslf. VtsH her at «00 WMt IMth ttrest. Now York. DRAPERY FABRICS nOHTS — BOSS -> «BW TBOfMIMOi > DAZIAN'S 14e Wsst 44th Btrest Nsv» York MO TAmMua imrr Tfioci IBM Bresdway NEW YORK ^ ■ M t >(EW 1925 MODEL IS HERE! AN IDEAL Glin' FOR XMAS H>M Bbopwom mWt Sllcbtly DaaS Tsyler. Umttmttm,' Indeairucto and Bal Trsaka always •■ baa4. RE DO BBPAIBINO. fnOTB fOB OMtAM^ SAMUEL NATHANS, Ipc. „, 568 Seventh Avenue, between 40tli and 41st ptiwsts. New X«^cAr ' MLB AOBNTS rOB BAM TBtTNKS IM THX MJUOl * ,* ■♦**? ATTENTION^ MAKE SURE OP NAME AND AOORBM BEFORE ENTERING ANY STORE.