Variety (November 1924)

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VARIETY ItdnM^y, Novttnber 10, IMt ■;« STATE, NEW YORK, ThU Week (Nov. 17) r.' EDDIE V OUVE sy FURMANlild EVANS *;/*""v£' "Scoring Touchdowns on the Giridbtm of Song** 134ih Wm^k of Keith and Loew ContiimooB Playing State, Newark, Week Nov. 24 ^ ^ Metropolitan, Brooklyn, Week Dec. 1 NEW YORK THEATRES . bUMv. DMMkM «M« bmnm. mm. om, NEW FALL EDITION ZIEGFELD FOUJES 4tt B«ata KMcrrad. I1.N oaio* ■mU M Box AUSIKAUA ^.■t'.f <ConUiiH«d from pa«« O ''4fi producing woAlT Ub rwuM. vVbe vaodevm* portion ta headHned 'ty BMMto CUSoitf. W^o H cetuas OT«r nlooly. IjfUlto* and OlrU, oftO- ■iolil set. IflMd. Jokn MOoro. Scotch. jMBie Roy aoorod wtcb CorelU* and Davis, BongB. •fei>r. ■'.:-. Madamo TrnfMnTta due lo Aoa- traUa next year "whh bar troupo of jtaAoan. 8iM ta coaln*. to tbla gOBtrr nndor tba aolo dlroction of J. and Daa CwrrplL ^'' ^Tboraton Ban to 4n« in this ceon- ttr aarly naxt vmr for WlUUmaon- •XMt Mr. BfUl'wlU pradaoe "So TMa Is Lradoal* ~At tte pr«Mnt am* HaU la BMOttaiff with aaocaw ta South Africa with '^Inaboard's Sfhth Wtta." Borl Lavy** •ooooh Bart Ij^rr to cUB HMotlnc with arneb auoooM 1b Xolboame. whora ka to playfaMr tba Tl«oU tlnte. Mr. bMry l3 tiring fato tree morning •«•- alona for tba poor obBdron of that «lty. Mr. Iiovy ozpooU to rotum to laarlea at tha aad of tba year, although he baa baan offered an •ption to proloos bto tour bare. Bualneaa to aOU Tary big at the ifiroU twice dany despite the hot apalL The btQ- thto waek la not quite as strong aa former blUs on •Oeoont of too many repeats. Maggto Foster pleased; Hymack prasentad a clavet* mystery turn npllad by meaningless chatter; jflMto Rose pleased with songs and i: Albert Whelan repeated bis success; Baby Kelr, Amer- chlld performer, put over a : little act; Berl Beresford. Bng- lUk eomlc; scored with aongs; Wal- . itr Weems, blacltface. was on too lata to do himself credit; Chlque •ltd OUanina, acrobats, very poor. 'Bogli J. Ward has secured for the ItaOar-Ward forces ^ the Australian rlfbto to "Archie." "Little Jessie Jtlin^s" uid "Nanette." Artists en- nged include Harry Angers and BeK Eaoott. The latter artists will •ppaar in this year's pantomime, ^bidereUa." Ward will also purchase the fur- -"'Stohlngs for the new St. James the- *! Jklra during his tour abroad. This fHiaatra will be the finest in Aus- tnUto when completed and will 9$Mty a roof garden theatre. and allow portions of their yarious attractions to be btoadoist each Acts due shortly for WlUlanaaon- Talt vaudeville Include TeraatUe Three. Maldle Scott. Uly Morris and Oswald WUUaas. MKLSOURNK Bidilaesa U atUl good here with aeveral of the attractions „ doing turnawaya "The lAdy of the Rose" to at His Majesty's under WiUiain> son-Tait direction. Muriel Starr has juat flnlshod a good season with "Kaat of Sues" under tha aame management. Seymour Htcka to playing in "(Md BUT at tba Palace under FnUer- Ward management, white "Tba Rise of Rosto O'Reilly" to ptoying ca- pacity at the Princess for the sama flnn. . Acts playing Royal include Harry Weldan. Hilda Olyder. Vernon Wat- son, Q^ne Morgan, Pierce and Ross- lya, W. Wyndbam. Kiddy King and St. L«on Trio. Acto at TivoU ara ScoU and Wbaley, Bart I<ayy, Fred Hutehinga. Brampton aad Co., Kay and- Kay> worth. Riob Hayasy Dorothy Varlok and HaU Craaa.. Tbe Bijou baa tba following acto on the bill: Takao and Koma Hamba. Pic and Alf, Dan Thomaa, Courtney and C. Cecile and Frank Sldrad, Sunbaam Ravue. bene Vanbrugh and Dion Bouci- •ault begin their second Melbourne Maaoa with "Aren't We All?" for WUUamsoa-Talt. ^hey have Just y-tvtumed from a very successful i.tour of Now Zanland. '*' Arthur Klein, KngHsh composer, ,-<■ going to China to get local color ;>tfar a musical comedy he is com- ' -lladto to atlU a boom here. WII- -^ ttamaoB-Talt are interested In one ■^,, mt tba loading broadcasting stations THE UITLEJOHNS, he , Yaur Own SLIPPERS Solidly _ •::^ RHINESTONED. |3S pair. 164 W. 4«th SL, New York CMriMftog TTtS ALL STYLES of STAGE DANCINO JOHN BOYLE * B«aa«tt, fomicrlr Borl* C Braall taasht danaina to rrad Btona, Rath Tom Dlncla, Ida Ifajr Chawlok and raaa of otaara. Vaad«(ViU« Acts Sta«o<I M Waat dSri St, N. Y. Pann. 4733 FlUi OUnC WANM (Continued from page 1) in exclianges and theatres to deter- mine whether or not the films are properly licensed and equipped and whether eliminations have been made and orders of the commission complied with, and aiding in prose- cutions by acting as witnesses and otherwise. The work will necessitate eight hours per day, principally during the periods when the theatres are open in the afternoons, evening and Bunday, with occadional work at the main offloe. Candldatea must be well quall- fiod in Zlnglish. pennuinshlp, sight, hearing and general health, with out physical deformities, and must also possess a general knowledge of motion pictures, tact, good Judgment and experience in dealing with the public. Subject of examination: Prac- tical test in viewing and analyzing selected films and written report thereon, relative weight, 4; training, experience and general qualifica- tions, relative weight, 6. The practical test will be given at selected centers at a later date. An interview may be required. Applications for examination must be filed with the State Civil Service Commission at Albany not later than December 8. LEDBUNANS IN COURT (Continued from page 1) and about twice a year Mrs. Lederman would file' suit for divorce and which would be with- drawn' in each Instance, excepting once when an Interlocutory decree was granted. A reconciliation was effected before it became final so it was set aside. The sixth suit was led last May. but lU a few days the couple became reconciled again. Now it looks as though the seventh suit will be the final ona. Mrs. Lederman charges that her spouse was cruel to her having beaten her and knocked her down 10 days ago and thst she was so frightened by hte actions that she fled from their home. Eleven dlf- tetvat forms of cave man beatings are set forth la the complaint. It m YOU GOING TO EUROPE? jTAVii mono m som. bm as oO UiMa a* Mala (Mfer rrieca. faHl mnmmg» Mrty. Ukarty IH aia tao ah t aa« IMh St., Mr- lerh •lM-«m to, charged that tbsy took ptoca during tlM past two years. "Lorn Angeles. Nov. 18. Appearing l>afora Judge Summer- field tn the Sqparior Court tor aU- mony proceedlilga la tha sevanth divorce actios witbta two years brought against htm b'y Marealto Ledermann, I>. Roaa Xjodenaaan, film dh-ector. In dtfanso to Uw idto- gation made agatast him. that he had beaten hto wife, tastlAod no two men in the country could bold bis wife whan she was "in her cups." LedermaAn stated he had never beaten his wife, but had simply tried to hold bar. He further said she had all of his money, and that all he could get was a dally allowance of 50 cents for lunch. The court ordered Ijedermann to I>ay fSS weekly alimony snd $100 In attorney fees pending the trtol. CHORBIERS SUSPENDED (Contlnnea from page 1) dressing room backstage at the Blltmore tost week got into a hair- pulling rumpua, with the two girls mentioned blamed for it. Wednes- day the two girls walked out of the performance before the second act, afUr Wedgwood NoweU, E:qulty'8 repre^nUtiva at this point, bad warned the young women such ac- tion would b« a breach of thetar contract. SAurday Deputy Labor Commis- sioner Charles F. Lowy called Man- ager Lacy and members of the company before him. The two girls had complained to Lowy their fare back to New York had been refused. Testifiad Against Qirls All of the coiipany present testi- fied the girls were In the wrong. Lowy Informed the young women he thought they had erred, but sug- gested to Manager Lacy their rail- road transportation to New York be furnished them, as California did not waat actors brought here and discharged or stranded. Lowy told Lacy the advance for fares would be but a loan and advtoed him to sectire a decision from Equity in New York, which, he thought, could collect from the choristers in the- future. Meantime Ekiuity had suspended the two members. Lowy to htHding a ticket-each for the girls with the company through to Ogden. If they fall to call for them by tomorrow (Wednesday) Lacy will retturn the tickets to the road for refund. PANS HOME TOWN (Continued from page 1) natives foi*toying off any play at the Welting. Oeorga Cbenet. manager of tha Welting, sent the article to J. J. And J. J. wrote a reply that also got Into the "Journal." "Confidentially," wrote J. J. In the "Journal's" published letter. "Au- burn is a better show town than Syracuse." There was a wallop at Syracuse! The largest percentage of Auburn's semi-permanent population Is in the State Prison there. J. J. intimated his firm Is going to get rid of the Welting. ' Maybe Just as an excuse for Jake and Lee never to go to Syracuse again. Syraewoa "Oag" Ruined "No public for high-class attrac- tions," said J. J., omitting to explain that not so long ago Syracuse was getting legit attractions no one knew as to their class until after shown here. The majority didn't ctoss. A critical observer gives the fol- lowing causes for the decline of this Salt City that was as a show town that is: OoM-bricked to death with tur- keys. * Publicity that mads the Welting look like a fire-trap to the readers. No change ever made in the house, one of tha oldest in central New York. City goto stock la summer at H REPUBuc srsr -1 i-*.^ «:> ANN NICHOLS* Oraat Comady "ABIE'S IRISH ROSE" \vss; TBI PLAY T«AT PVT* "V" IH !•««•■ I Etl^ t U^\aJV utM. Wad. * gat. a* 8:^0: | A. a. WOODg Prasaats ■ !?'' LoweD Sherman I Is a naw ptay by Willard Uaok i^4 HIGH STAKES M BELMONT 2Kr.SJ!i: J Siynr Bvaalnss l:tS A. H. WOOD! Praaaata ^ CONSCIENCE SELWYN THEATRE JJV ■aaaaws . Mala TKarSk aaa tn. ZIEOVIKLD PRODUCTION EINtME CANTlOR in TOD Boors^ with MARY EATON ■ABL CABSOIX srsaaau WHITE CARGO ■ir VmOH OOBt>OM DALY'S 63d ST. ??;s: 1=*^.."?!.%: LIUCUM Mata. Tbara. A Bat, l:>e: Ih Best Petple "I LAOOHKD LONG AKD XAOHU." —Bajrwood Brova. ABTHCB ■<WBINg trraaaaU ETIEL BARKYNORE la PIMBSO'S KARBKPIBCB The Seeond Mn. TsBquersy r*rfeDT'n>aatra. W. 4tth Bt. Bra. t:I* V^vVs^ 1 Mattataaa Wad. aad gat.. <:W CARL CARROLL VANITIEC ^ With JOE COOK ^^ "^w XABL CABROIX THEATRE TOi ATwa* aad Mtk Stmt. . _ ay." rt •:»«. ropuUt Mitftiiw Tbandaj aad Bataidar at *•**. akXVTY Thaa.. B'way » «€ St Bra.l:t« UAUilZ mt^ Wad. a Sat. at «:tO LAST TWO WEEKS SAM ■. HABBU JEANNE EAGELS la tha Dnunatle Trtaaipli tt the Caa«ary ''RAIN" TIMCe QO TbMln. W. 4*d St Cna. I:M. I ImCiO 9^M«MaUDMi Tbun. a 8«L at 1-.M. ZIBOPBLD PRODUCTION BDIIE BURKE In Miuieal Comedjr "ANNIE DEAR" "^'^^^^^^"^ Aithar HapUaa praaaats 'What Price Glory' "A Tiae aad Staaala* War Flay" hr Maxwall lladiiriaa aad Laoraaea StalUaga PI VMOIITH Theatre. 4&th Streat rL IMW 1 n ^„t ^ Broadway Brca t:M. Itata Thura and Bat.. 8:lt MATINEE THANKSaiVma DAY THRILLSI ACTIONI THRILLS! WUXIAM VOX preaaatatiaa tHE IRON HORSE" A John Tord Produettan I VDf/^ Theatra, 4Id, W. of B'war lu I IvlV* Twica dally. S.S«-l.t». Phone Chlckerlns 1TI«. Mat. todar. *■*•• Beet Seate |1.*» HOTE' '""" ''"" Rone" wtU ta Km at Be ItM-lttS. tbettre durlna tha and U asked to pay $2.S0 in season for poorer played plays by road com- panies. Disinclination to pay 12.50 for a dramatic with a cast of 10, as against the same scale for a muslea) with a compapy of 7B. Lack of 00-operation by local Dra- matic League, which seems to have a silent boycott' oq anything it doesn't do itself. "Stat^atlon" space 1>0llcy by some of tlM local dallies. And tbe "Mog towa stuiT' pulled uBtoTteVeSftsriiJ wttlk Eraaat Glendemuac OBd.M.OOHAV «^- m^rA*** 1:3*. _ Pkona Brrant ntt Mata. Wad. aad Sat., S:ia. "Aadhaaa iHOl evwy alker kreatt tt ailL'*—Slaih Teana: N. T. ~ m OOBDON Pre THE HAUNTED fltUSE A lABch Play arltli WALLACE EDDINGER Clt tVKIf S'wsr * «Sth at. Bvaa. t:l« XMlAJOK, jitttm. Wad. * gat. at IM. ED. WYNN The ParfaU I^koI praaaata hlmeelf la THE GRAB BAG" Aa Itotartatamant c 'i Booka-Lyrlea-Mnalo by BD. WTN!* ■ -^H Bluiillas A. I. XBLANOBB i EMPIRE T*»^.Bry,«»St. Bra. !:l» Mata. Wed. A Bat. at *:!• ;i>! INA CLAIRE in "Grounds for Divorce' ,»» PLAYHOUSE *"* S:^J^^^^~^i Bvaa. •:<«. Beta Wad. and Sat.. 1:80 '^ •TBWART * rRBNCB praaant '^ THE SHOW-OFT By OBOBOB BSIXT —KXTBA BATINEB TNAMKSaiVINa DAV-^ KHIGKEBBOOKEB S'5rV!d"A''»St: Direction A. U BRLANOBR CBARLB8 DII.I.INOHAM preaenU mareynHier In Barrta'a Famoiia Faataay PETER PAN Stacad by BASIL DBAN J The Intemati<mal Itutical Bengation '■_ Hbdame Pompadour' H with WILDA BENNETT ■m Martin Beck Theatre Sa««7:i.5! J Bshlti ArtBoa NUhti a l:M. llite. Wedncadar aad Sataidty. Oood Beau •! to fX AU Ptrfbrmanree. PIGS UTTLE THEATRE WEST 4«th 8TRBBT. B.yenlnaa l:a«. Batlneea Wedneaday aad Saturday, S:It. DVf ACr>n Thaa. W. 44 St. Braa. I:t« DEiLiAO&.V M^ta ffhura A Sat.. 1:*0 DAVID BBLASpVfe Pr^MoUtion of ROBERT LORAINE in TIGER CATS By Mine. Karen Bramson, with KATHARINE CORNELL •II0A6WAV aa< *ntt ■ T a t C T. -A NATIONAL INSTITUTION" .« Olrvetlaa Jaaeirti Plaakftt »Tt<AM D STABTIMO 8CMDAT RQDOLPH VALENTINO in **A SAINTED DEVIL'* J i: on Syracuse so long It never has f-^ gotten over it. f i And Syracuse itself, with thru) W'-i Be. and 10c. stores on the main bui>2-! f;; ness block. '|. A t>op ul a r. p ri ced wait y ,,.... . ^^..^;;^^ , - ■ Ni*