Variety (November 1924)

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»3&- -wm'' mp. I"" ■■ Sfc;. V ARI S Wednesday, Novtmbdr = "'I ? 4 Mie. BEMICE de PASQUUI Triumphed on the Operatic, Concert and Vaude* ▼tile stages. In recognition of her glorious voice and art she was made an honorary member of the ROYAL ACADEMY PHILHARMONIC OF ROME. The highest honor, musically in Italy, and the only singer in the world so distinguished. PUCCINI, MAS- CAGNI and MUSSOLINI are members. /^ j-' A WORD OF APPROBATION FROM THE N. Y. crrr federation of women's auBS HOTEL ASTOR Octohet in. 1954. The De Pasquali Management, 136.East 36th Street, -* V .^ >. v^-^t^-' New York City, N. Y. . ' The Board of Directors of the New York City IVdera- tlon of Women'a Clubs, numbering over 400 clubs , and 100,000 members, officially voted unani- mously to support in every way possible our own 'Amercan singer, MME. BERNICE DE PASQUALI. We have always been deeply interested in her career and success for these reasons: First: As an American wlibse lineage dates to the Mayflower and as a daughtet- of the American ' Revolution. Secondly: For the bea;utiful qualities of heart, mind and character which we are proud to acclaim. Thirdly: For her wonderful art and glorious voice which made her leading coloratura soprano in the Metropolitan Opera Company for seven years and gained her fame on the' concert stage ' of this country and Eurcme. We go on record as pro- claiming_her America's Greatest Col6ratura Soprano. She has endeared herseK to the club women of the United States by her art, her culture, her charm. May she long gladden the world! FOR tut BOARD OF DIRECTORS, » • IDA LAWRENCE SLACK, Prendent. ORL INDEX SYSTEM (Continued from page 1) leaque producera is not known, but both of tha above flrma claim prl-' orlty for tb» Innovation. The card Index ayatent waa found ' neoeaaary to aecure the most com- petent and hard working Ktrla and t* keep a line on g1rIa*who bad se- cured employment through either ^i^fflcA only to receive notice from '|i..the show later on for an infraction /,*')»f discipline. ' *. .^,v t This type of iflrl would return i to the beoking oflRce. In many cases s short-handed producer would be V c^n the same girl only to dis- cover after she had again kicked over the traces that the falling was a habit. This was considered a reflection on the booking oflflce by- the pro- ducer, the latter taking the attitude the booking office should know something atK>ut the girls, person- ally, before foisting tbeip off on another show. Retttm to America aitor a toar of thm Uading Emropmm thmatf, inebtd' ing Amba»9ador and ColiBeam, London, and Aihanthrm, Ptuna STATE, NEW YORK, THIS WEEK (NOV. 17) ECLAIR TWINS AND BILLY WEUS k. -i. r. 1^-'.* l' .HCT-M*^.". "MirtK Mad— and Metodiea" - In London for Two Years in Chariot's Revues I I I 'I '^1 every guest provided with a Roman costume on entry and the guest of honor attired as Nero. To- cap the climax 81d convinced the hotel management It had bet- ter use its best service In the bouse. A MS.OOO «old serrlce, r^aervM fdr the use of preeidents and royalty, was ^lade a\-aIIabU for the oc«a- slon. * „ . ' There was speechmaklng, etc.. followed by dancing. About SOO were In attendAnc*. ACTS FOR NOTHING (Continued from page 1) some cases bills have t>een chopped. Last week one of the bookers de- cided to look over several housea that have recently cut down on their shows. InspectloiT revealed the houses were booking in local cabaret enter- tainments and bands, and paying nothing for the appearances aside from giving them feature billing at the theatres and selling the cabaret owners on the advantage of the ex- ploitation. Should others adopt the plan the bookers foresee a hard winter for flash act producers and bandmen In independent vaudeville or at least until .they have exhausted the local supply. LI \l N MciMop. Pmai tv* p<mutf ■ w Guerrini A Co Tk« accSfore* rACTORV in Mm UaltiS SIMM. Tb* oali rutatt Uut aikM uit iH or jtml* - BUW ts tHIKL tn-V* M«a»m WHISTLE PROTECTS (Continued from p:ige 1> found the woman who had blown the whistle. She alleged the man sested next had been annoying her. Police were called and the i|M.n placed under arrest. When the complaint came up In court, the man, giving his naiVie as Joseph GarKosa. who denied the charge, was dlnmissed, the woman falUng to appear. Before leaving the State the woman said she had been annoyed before fn ptotiire houses by "fresh men," nod.borrowed the whistle as a protector. ••» tnmt t tm C«l. LOEW AS NERO (Continued from page t) . to make this the aflratr of affairs. He even attached more importance to the evAit than to one of his prologs, with the result the large banquet room In the hotel was dec- orated in Roman fashion, with K'- THE INTERNATIONAL CYCLISTS COOKE, MORTIMER r.*. h,- >"W> and HARVEY ■A il. INTRODUCING I ItA BALL GAME IN THE DARK" I F.Ieitb's Palace, New York, This Week (Not. 17) ARTHUR KLEIN, N. Y^ ^^CST EDELSTEN, Undon ■.i^B<>HUkIi BKrUESEKTATIVS DrCOBPOBATIOHS (Continued from page S) the company. Sit Madison avenue.) Salamanca Theatres, Inc., Bos- ton, M. J. Taylor, president; the- atrical and pictures: 5M shares non par value; New York office, East Rochester. Monroe county, N. Y. r Merchandise A Equipment Spe- cialty Co.. Inc., New York; vaude- ville contracte and fair manage- ment; $5,000; Edward Ebert. Nathan and Samuel Rothsteln. (Attorney, H. H. Levy. SI Chambers street). Maude Adams Co., Inc., pictures; 10,000 shares preferred stock tlOO par value; 26,000 shares common stock non par value; M&ude Adams, Frederick C. Bangs, W. J. Faby. (Attorneys. Satterlee A Canfleld, 27 William street). Massachusetts Rialto Theatre Ce, Worcester; cap- ital, t26,000; incorporators, James A. Greeko. Marcellna B. Oreeko. Fred- e|ick Fedell, Silvia Fedell, all of Worcester. Texas Btuebonnet Motion Pictures Pro- ductions, Inc., Dallas, Tex.; capital stock, not named; Lon A. Smith, -R. A. Bufor,d and Mrs. Bess Syrong. OSsaolution Newark Fair Association. New- ark, N. Y. (U O. Wadlelgh, attor- ney. Syracuse. N. T,) JUDGMENTS Walter Donaldson; A. L. Jones; $527.70. 35th 8t. Theatres Co.< Inc.; City of N. Y.; $48.61. Unique Productions Co., Inc.; same; same. . Vail Amus. Co., Inc.; same; same. Whitman Studios, Inc.; same; same. Milton Lubin, Inc.; A H. Woods; $319.65. Mount Royal Gardens, Inc.; J. I,owensteIn A Son, Inc.; $232.6*. Arthur N. Smallwood; O. Brink- man; $8C3.93. Weodmansten Inn, Inc.; Corning on Co., Inc.: $133.<Z. Theatre Exhibition Co., Inc.; City of N. Y.; $64.68. Qso. Randolph Chester; EJncyclo- pedla Brlttanica Corp.; $149.32. Fowler Mfg. Co., Ltd.; Myrtle Ross: $15,209.42. Greeley Sight Seeing Bus Line, Inc.; J. Cox: $5,112.60. Beek Amus. Co, Inc.; City of N. Y.; $64.68. Rembrandt Film Service Co., Inc.; snme; same. Ray Photoplay Corp.; same; same. Milton Hocky and Howard J. Green; E. U Rice; $1,295.78. Luna Improvement Co., Inc.; H. Hanlf: $1,000. Kessler Theatre Cc Inc.; City of N. Y.; $11282. Modern Feature Photo Plays, inc.; same: same. Monolith Amus. Co., Inc.; same: same. Masssge Photo Play Ce„ Inc.; sajfUi^tam*, „.' .*?■ .;,<-,.'-7. BROADWAY STORY (Cntlnued fl-om page IS) unheralded at the National Wednes- day last weok and Jumped to capacity before the end .of the week. '^Several oncoming musical shows arriving next week and thereafter turn th* tide, despite the over- abundance of musical attraciiens on the Card. The recent entrants have shown more strength than anticipated. "Armie Dear" at the Times Square turned In a gross of $37,500 last week. The pace was so cUwe to capacity that Zlegtel! Is oreidlted with having put another musical across. "Madame Pompadour," after a lethargic premiere, started to Jump, the first week's takings approximating $23 000 at (fie new handsome Martin Bee*; theatre. The house capacity Is about $30,000. "Peter Pan," which aroused a. dif- ference of opinion at tile Knicker- bocker, closed strong'/ in Its first weeic getting between $23,000 and $24,000. The Knickerbocker can get about $30,000 at the scale, $4.40 top." "Rose Marie' and .he "Follies" were tied last -7eek at about $33,000 or a little less. The Hammersteln show fs the first musical to give the Zie^eld revue a battle in grosses. "Kid Boots" is the most even of the musicals, and last week again hit a mark of $30..''00. "Scan- dals" dropped to $23,000 and will go out In three weeks. "Artists and Models" holds to strong business for the Astor with about $22,000. The "Greenwich Village Follies" continues off—around $18,000 last week. "Vanities." lowever. Jumped to $19,500 upon renr.oval to the Car- ' roll, with cut rates counting. "RItz Revue" Is low among the revues, last week's takings being well under $14,000. "Dixie tp Broadway," the colored revue, la credited with $15,600. "Silence" is riding in second place to "What Price Glory." It got $10,500 in the first five performances at the National and figures to gross between $16,000 and $17,000 this week. "Glory" rode along to the usual $21,000; "Grounds for Divorce" got about $14,500. "Shipwrecked' 'another dramatic newcomer is paced about $10,000 weekly at the Frasee, getting $6,000 in Us first flye performances. "Simon Called Peter" was panned at the Klaw and turned in a flret week count under $9,000; Firmin Gemier with the Odeon company of Paris got about $10,000 at Jolson's, a moderate flgttre for such an at- traction; "Dnncing Mothers" held Its rating ^ith $13,000 last week. Leaving this week are "The Pass- ing Show" from the Winter Garden, which win-«et the "Greenwich Vil- lage Follies," moving there from the Shubert; the latter house will get "The Magnolia Lady"; "tAZyboaes" will depart from the Vanderbllt, with the musical "My Girl'.'entering next week; "The Busybody" will tour from the Bljou. "Minlok" mov- ing to that house from t)ie Booth which gets "The Guardsman," now at the Garrick; "They Knew What They Wanted" will bow into the latter house; "Be Yourseir' will tour from the Sam Harris which will offer "Dawn" next week; "Chocolaia Dandles" tours from the Celoniat \« hich had no succeeding attraction ° booked.^ In ait<iit r>c the new "Mueio' Box ReVue" will arrive ndct weelc. . the premiere dated for Wednesday night, Lie«iving next week }|r». ^Tta* Ha anted House" from ..tlM 'pohaa which gets the .Aim "Romola," Dec. 1. "The Dream Girl" from the Am- baesador vrhich wlU- probably get "Betty Be Good" ajod "Rain" at the Gaiety, marked to get "The Money Lender." The Odeon Comp&ny will also leax'e toWn, Jolson's being listed-' to get "In Heidelberg," under the new name of ."The Student Prince." Dec. 1. "Artists and Models of 1923" got about $22,000 at the Shubert. New- ark, last week, approximately th* same business as at the Majestlcy Brooklyn, the week before; "Para- - sites" at the Broad Street Newark, was credited with $8,000; T.ittl« Jesse James" got 114,000 at the Riviera; "Innocent Kyes" claimed $14,000 at the Majestic, Brooklyn. Cut^ Rates Nose Out Buys The cut rate market held one at- traction more op its list this weeir than did the buys in the hands of the premium brokers The score was 24 to 23 in favor of the bargain counter. Of the new shows the H: B. Warner piece "Silence" at the Na- tional got a buy of 250 a night for four weeks, and the brokers report that the attrxotion has considerable demahd. "New Brooms," which WILUAM MORRIS and FAMILY ■« ralaee. Kew TMk, this weak, are »• dy hU la "AU thr Her- HesM." At faesM, «%w tomr kaa Htm rUmiStuST Ur. I&YOGARS THK 8BOW WOIILO'S rAVORITU 7oa wMrwatm Atmnng. mnr xoss Oppealte CetaaiMa Thaetra :i FOfl MODERN SENSATIONAL % STAGE v-S DANCING "^M Stretcaine sod Llmbartns Bserclaask 14S-I4ft Wast 4»d m. MBW TOBK THZATBIGAL OUTJ/iTTKBB ^|^ I6W Broadway New Yttrk Cii^ t5 B. F. Kcidi's RIVERSIDE, N. Y„ nb Wedi (Ntr. 17) BETTY MOORE AMD CO. Featuring RAY ZELiJK, (k Eoropeaii P^iloniinbt, pireetion HARRY ^^/G^^^Jd^p .t>4. Vt.kA« 1111 : s {