Variety (November 1924)

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■■'n r-^Wi^iiitrrsT D.'.'sV'Tm t>*' *T»*ira»TCX«V7r 3^;»' VARIETY ." <rrF' A-' .yrvOT--^ je* - WtdoMdar* Novembtr 19, ItM HOm HUDSON 3& I ALL NtWLY OECORATEP ^ • and Up Sinai* Mt and Up Dowbia Bot wad Celd Waur aad TaUphoa* is Back Roma. IOC WEST 44th tTREVT NEW YORK CITY riMMi BBfAMT ItM-tfl HOTEL FULTON Ha tiM ■•art tt M«« Igrkt tl and Up Sinala . 14 and Up Ooubla •aowcr Bat ha. Hot and Cold Watar aod Tatoptaoaa. ■acarte fMi la aaah r aoii M4-a88 WEST 4Mh STREET NEW YORK CITY Fhaaat liaiiliaa■— dM^l Oppoaica N. f. the Heart of New York ^ HOTEL , iCROPOUS 310 West 58tk St. 100 Batha $2-50 up NEW BEAUX ARTS JIESTAURANT on Pfawlaa a Popular Priem LiSstes tot Pexauomt IlieatriMl Onettt HO TE^ FOR SHOW PEOPLE mf Lueonard Hicks,. Operating; Hotels GRANT SpeeUd ReAmt to th« ProfeMuon AND. CHICAGO laORRAINE 417^19 S. WalMsh Arena* Hoasekeeping Fmnislied Aiiartiiienb of the Better Ead THE DUPLEX 330 West 43rd Street, New York—Lonffacre 7132 Throa and Nar {^ooma vttb bath, eomplcta kitcbaa. Hodara la arary particular* Will accommodate (onr or mora adnlta. 9U.M OF WBULX. Bafrr CaouBaatcatioM ta M. CLAMAM. U» Waat 4ad Btnat _ ^ . — '-■.v-- '■—> Pbaaat LONOACBB 1*141 «••> OBO. r. SCBNBIOBB. Piap. FURNISHED XUC* D CDXI J A FURNISHED I niL DC^IX 1 n/\ APARTMENTS ACE HOTEL <i^- as Wa*t B9th Straat NEW YORK CITY (Off Broadway) fanWbed a pa r ta wata. aaa aad ^Oosn.CTc rOK aocsBBBBrtno 323-326 We»t 43rd Street Prlvaia Uaih. 3-« Maaata. Cataria* to the v< ° tlia aratcaaloa. STBAM HBAT AND Bl.BCTBiC UOHT • CLBA.N ANU AIBt NEW YORK CITY > • « •!>.•• or THE ADELAIDE i. 1. LBVrt Prop. MBS. BAMSn M«r. NOW OKOBB NEW itANAOElUOnr 784-750 EIGftTH AVENUE R«*««aa 4tlli aad .ftO a W 'KH Ob» aiaeb Waat at Broadway Oaa, Twa. Thtaac t'aar aad riTc-Haaaa raralahad Apartaaaata, $• Ca. Strictly PrafraaloaaT. rhaaeai Chlckrrlac MCaaUl aadjlMPwar. AM nrwiy daaaratad. dtVd* Day aad alpht acrrlcc. ■». jjkt Brandon Apartments '•'f. 8S2 Ninth Av*nu* *t.«|Ui Stroat, Maw Vark City Klteliaiiattc aparlmpnta and furniihed raama, all n«wly fvrnlahed; a perf«('C jMHna for proreMton&l (oik*. Telepbone ,paila atrlctly attended to. Apartmanta . aaltabla for i or 4,pcnana, S7M api. Ptaaac C^lnaibaa MM 'AiHto Tbeatra movement In PhUa- MaHs., presented "The Kxchange" at HOTEL FRANKLIN ,-^ (Pannrrly BKILLTIS) FrankiiB aod EvUw Streets, BALTIMORE aad reaaratcd. Aa claaa aa yoar haaic. Oatariaa ta tha nuadaa water, ar ahawer ar tab.bath; alT aatalde ta pf*f< Bjatl iwl ^ rj da earated aaat* -wary raai aa p a aa ra. arttUt la Mpeelal ratca hiacha at athcra.' J aaa l a a a l a. Oaa Maek tkaM MaryMad Theatre. •bonTa thedtre about BOO. baa a capaclly. of .: Plans bave been' made to put tbe Little Theatre movement In Rock taUnd, 111., upon a firmer footing. Ofricera,^ have been elected aa fol- lows. Mrs. Ardo Mltcbell, presi- dent; C. D. R6senteld, first vice- president: Florence McConochle, second vice-president; Frances-Vir- ginia Medin. secretary, and R. E. fiwanson, treasiirer. A nomber of productions will b« made this wln- The Unity Playets of Springfield. *t4i4Slpbia, wttb its patrons of the so- cial element of the city as found In tha exclusive Three Acts Club. Mr. SjLark haa baan a professional In aavaral countries. He has encoun- tarad a considerable success ao far, ta hla bandlinc of the Phllly ama- teurs and thilr pla^s. The Work- aWP HOUSE IP EKCEmHUL REUT ||864» WEST 4STH STREE1 ,J M.U.jf .. .""l" . ' .. ' ■ d'ill ' . ', ■= the, November meeting of the Town Players of Pittsfield. The Sprlng- IJeld players were Ruth Grover, Clarence Burt. O. W. Tolley. Ber- nard Campbell and Holland BUnn. Mrs. Harold Sullivan was the coach. The Plttsfield Town Players will present "The Fountain of Youth," a three-act play, OU' Dec. 1. SOttTH AFRKA . (Continued from page 4) can Theatrea, Ltd.) for eight weeks, witb tbe final run commencing Oct. 6. The theatre stepped back to vaudeville the week of Oct. la. The Veterans of Variety beaded tbe bill and scored the biggest hit seen for many months. Jen liatona, big applause; Vldean and Klrby did well; Les Uniques, comedy cyclists, good; Moss and Maachab, poor ma- terial; Hand K. Martell, fair;'Orig- inal Dewarg, gymnasts, fine act. rrhe Rising Generation," a com- edy by Wyn Weaver and Laura Leyc^ster, was produced, week of Oct. 13. at His Majesty's, under di- rection of African Theatres, Ltd. ^:»»'^'%: Community Players presented Le- 6nld Andreyev's "He Who Gels Slapped" at the Community Play- house, Pasadena, Cat., last week. Arthur lAibln is playing the leading role, with a supporting cast which includes Lois Austin, Ralph HHHar. Belle M^Mhell. Robert Orlffln, George Gels, Bertram, O. Httncock, Bram' Nossen and Edgar Lear.. Oilmor Brown afagod the production. -The Play Arts Guild. Baltimore's newfist little theatre group, is plan- lilng to tdUow Its recent successful production of "Fashion," with a re- vue, apparently In the manner of the New York Neighborhood Play- houee venture, to b* titled "The Charles Street Follies." J. M. Cush- Ing, dramatic critic of "The Bun." Is the guiding aplrit of th« Guild. Vino* M. Morton, last year, a.. ■ stauCbt' to Prof. E. C. Mable. dlre;;to.' of .the University of Iowa Theatre, and a graduate student in dramatics at that university, baa been mad.) director j>f the Uitlverslly theatre at tb! University of Mlssox t. Helen Langworthy of Matsena.-^ la., has been named as nxsiatant director oj the UnlvarsUy. tb)i?y#, . , . ■*'^ • ' i--v» -•* • ;■ * .• ,■■ f , : : ■ ■ - i ..i.. . .1 1 .^ i\ .i - , -;rir . ' ' Tha Orpbeum theatre (African Theatres, Ltd.) is drawing good bouses with excellent programs. Week of Oct. 6—Harris Family; Moon and Morris; pictures. Week of Oct 13—Glnnett Trio; Jock Crawford; pictures. new" BIJOU (African Theatres, Ltd.)—Pictures. PALLADIUM (African Theatres. Ltd.)—Pictures. CARLTON (African Ltd.)—Pictures. ALHAMBRA (African Ltd.)—Pictures. JEPPES THEATRE (African Theatres, Ltd.)—Pictures. LYRIC THEATRE (African The- atres, Ltd.)—^Pictures. Theatres, Theatres, The Leon M. Lio^n company will arrive at the end of October to tour South Africa, under direction of African Theatres. Ltd., opening at Hie Majesty's theatre, Nov. 3, With "The Chinese Puzrle." Th? com- pany comprises Leon M. Lion, Renee Kelly. Frank Freeman, Hylton Allen. Ambrose Flower, Jackson Wilcox and Margaret Darner. John Wallett, of Wallctt's Clrcuj. was arrested at an Inland tqwn (or confempi of court at. Durbaa and '.^failing t& pcy accoititfa. Ud was sent to Durban under cscorti lEVS One Moment West of Broadway at. 41 »t Street «ke Beadeanaaaat tha M«dlas UaMlkatUlrrslBr* aad the Stage, HrUf Baat| .Pm)| aad '^f****'*-^ '^?f^ ***^ Uaaie aad Daaelas . » NATAL. Obrban The Criterion has been doing ca- pacity with "Llttla Nellie Kelly,' October 13-]f. HIS MAJESTY'S—PlclUJCBIk. ^EMPIRE—Pictures, :^-:-": . ALHAMBRA—Plcturea, POP BIS—Pictures. GREYVILLE CINEMA—Pictures. 3S0 HOUSEKEEPING ARARTMENTS IRVINGTON HALL HENRI COURT 8tr**t SCMJUanBaor*. Kme/b B p > * i M tji i l'Witfc Wlvate teth. tU Waat Slat Straat <tlS Waat 4tth 8tr**t •M« Ctrcl* MMLoosBor* ^ ^ HILDONA COURT .:'. 1M1-S4? Waat dStb 8tr*at ' Si-t-t-d-T«OiB M M M B i B ta. phoB*. kitchen. lltoKamttd. Ilioo VP WIBKLY-SnUlO Ul» MONTHLY Th* largeat matntalner of housakaaping fumlahad apurtmanta diractljr under the auparvlalon of the ownof. Located In tba aantar at tba thaatrieal district All fireproof buildinga. •%< Addraaa all comrounicationa to ' CHARLES TENSNBAVM ' Principal office. HiMwta Court S41 Waat 48th St, New York 4PBr<inea(« can be seea atanteff*- Ol^ce ia eac^ buUdlnfi- tri^ -6Mta !Jn YANDIS COURT 241-347 West 43d^ Street NEW YORK UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Newly renovattd and decorated 1, 2, 3 and 4 rObm apartmentar private showef baths: with and without kitchenette, also ihaid tervire. $lb.Op and up wedcly. Under aupcrviaion of MR& ^EAMAN HGpALmE IranMriy BBISESWBBBB'S 58tli S^ Slid 8th Ave., Hew York 1 aad t ROOMS: PRIVATE-BATH SraCIAt BATES TO rBOrBMlON PHO/ilE COLUMBUS 1000 RUAMArARTNENTS 8MEi^ATe.<49l|iSL) NKWLY FURNlSHiO TWO ROOMS; BATH Hotel service, weakly or monthly. Bryaat 44*4-5-«-I ROOMS $10.50 WEEKLY HOTEL NORMANDIE BROADWAY and 38th 3TREET Complete Hotel Service. Rna- nlng Water. Telephoaa Service. THB HI7B OF MBW TOBK CTTT and playwright, in Liondon Monday. Thurston v^as charged wItb living with Emily Cowlin, hla secretary, and tha father of MIsa CowUn's baby. An unidentified man, about SO and said by his. landlady to be a poet, committed suicide In his room in a Newark. N. J., boarding house. He left an ardent farewell note ad- dressed to Clay Long of the "Vani- ties," stating he loved her, but. as she did not reciprocate, life was of no further use. Mlsa Liong refused to comment on the affair. HOTEL AMERICA 47th St, Just Eaat of Broadway ' NEW YORK CITY The OD y exelaalve Theairlral Hotel at moderate pricea In New York City. Oar ratea arr reaaenable to tbe profeaatoa. tarce room, with privata bath. fer week. Stnsle room, wttbaot bsih. 14 per week. Make Your Raaarvatian in Advaoa* ARLINGTON HOTEL WASHINGTON, 1>. C ,WK AMJtr. „ 0» TUB lUBm OP SAMUEL J. STEiNBERGER TORONTO HOTEL STOODLEIGH SHVTBB aad mTTUAI. CT Bm B' f Like Oolog Home for a Week SPECIAL RATES TO PROFESSION Cafeteria — No Charge for Room Serrloa Write ar Wire fee Baa er eatlaaa pina, cuff Ilnka and a diamond rlns. valued at tlSO, were mlsalng. Wbil* Investigating with two detectives of the waat <7tb street satlon, Corer discovered the missing property, to- gether with a pair of trouser* be- longing to Leo CarlUo and a ruv owned by Eddie Foy in Swanstjiom's room. Swanatrom pleaded not guiltr. The W(>Iard Theatre, at Jamaica avenue and 96th atreet, Marcus Loew's newest, will open ThaQkB- glvlng. .'..,... ,■. ■ Bandits held up and robbed Frank StefTey and L<« Roy Johnson on their way to a bank to deposit $12,000, receipts of two days showing of "Abraham Unccan" at tbe«8trAnd. Seattle. •..: ;. ■ •: ( ^-i-i-y: i^w *)>ffi-^ '-i-v*;. Rudolph , Valentino left for the coast yesterday and upon arriving v^lll start work on "The Scarlet Power." his first RIti picture. Frank J. Stuart's suit for divorce from Lillian Stuart former musical 3on(edy actress. Is causing some sen- sation In St. Louis. In hla testi- mony Stuart charged his'Wife with misconduct and said that he has several letters to prove it In the West Side Court. Galla; was de^crlbe^ as a'reporter. her Dr. William Wright and del TatatAaa f An«R4-*U\ ei Joan -rnurston was grantea % oi- it ne rouna me iock nad oeen loroaa Congressman fr« itMn "Phurston was granted' % dl- The Uiwer theatre on Boston Post road. Bronx, near 180th street sub- way station, will be used by the Jewish Theatre Society for the pro- duction of its new shows. The so- ciety hae engaged David Plnski, Parets Hershbeln and B. Levlck to write play.*, and M. Elkln. recently arrived from Russia, as director^ The trial of Lawrence Fay, owner of the Fay Follies and the El Fey Club, waa postponed until Nor. M by order of Magistrate McKInry. Through his attorney, William Fal« Ibn, Fay contended that the Fay Follies were no different from any other cabaret entertainment and do not come under the head of a the- atrical performance. A summona against Fay secured by the resident* of the Hotel St. James, who saM thait noise Issuing from there was a public nuisance, was dismissed at the same court session, when Fal- lon demanded presence of the com- plainants in the courti' . . ■ > .> Nicola ZOrola, opera elnger,_hai entered a suit for $260,000 aa the Metropolitan Opera Compaly, in the Bronx (N. Y.) Supreme JEouri. Really two suits filed, onff ask- ing $160,000. stating that aft# aUgn* Ing Zerola for two opera lanorm- ances they put him on at ^o con- oert« Instead. The other i $100,009 because of a cHtui it fmposslb!e for him to J the Chicago Opera. Zer one time a nember o| stein's Manhattan Ope NEWS OF TBt DAILIES ilContlnupd from page 9) came the slaHhlng. which left Gulla- gher pretty badly mttrked up. Ca;ii', Lh*'<I ^ $1 00<r ball-ta the West Side bridge v^as held undor $10,000 balKf Court Wednesday on ch.irge^ pre* Carl Swanstrom. employed In the check room of the Lambs Club, was ferred by Madioon Core.v. CoreT charges he recently left a handbag In the checkroom. Upon cIaliq|Bg "Le Petit Bleu." a - Its criticism vOf Gerai pertormanre in "Ca-f the aabot^ge of *ii4 ishe wronged by p' see^e in th»' first minuet from "L'A third nnd substitut chords." It goei on ttiing slK uld i>? AmerlcanK taktn' French music sks for ^ with' wa«-At :;omp«by. papwv^fii ;Fa«Ar{a . ealis her **!■ It tmfH m "the cat*d Introduces 'a ilenne'' In tbe . pallet for the say that sop^- bae to 'pr*ii«>t Slrovltch. play- candidate for [the 14th dietfttft. ,«t ilathjtn