Variety (November 1924)

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WaduMday. November 19, 19M .>*'..,'Tf,*r»' 4 - m V A R I E T Y W A» £. F^^j^LJUBEE, Prandent ^lii X:i>U | it; J. J. MURDOCK, General Manager F. F. PROCTOR. Vice-President B. F. KEITH'S VAUDEVILLE EXCHANGIi J (AGENCY) (Palace Theatre Building, New York) i j -:^,*. • B. F. KEITH. EDWARD F. ALBBE,A. PAUL KEITH, F. F. PROCTOR J3 .,■;}. .:r',!i Art!(U can book dirt^t addreninx W. DAYTON WEGEFARTH -■■..•. :«,-•■ - *"^ ♦.H- <tf(«iA «* •.^lu V Harcus Loew s Rooking Acencv > enerdl Executive Off ices I9EW BUILDINp ANNEX r 160 WEST 46^^ST NE>V YORK JH'LUBIN QSirSRAL hiAirAOER CMICAdO OFFICE 604 Wooib Theatre Boikliiig JOHNNY JONES IN CHAI^4K ACKERMAN & HARRIS m- EXECUTIVE OFFICESt THIRD FLOOR, PHELAN BLDG. MARKET. GRANT and O'PARRELL STREETS SAN FRANCISCO 1;^:^^ ELLA HERBERT WESTON, Booking Manager f> LOB ANOBLBS—(J( CONSOLIDATED BLDG =E ^v CLARK BOCMCING EXCHANGE ALICB CUkBK. MsMCcr 409 Hippodrome Bldg. CLEVELAND, OHIO ^.' TEUEPHONX MAIN MM4 Caa nu Ob« Week la Ctaralaiid for Trioa ar Imrgtr TaudevUIa Attraetiaaa STANDARD ACTS ONLY NBBD APPLT i D. Perlman, Republican candidate. Pe Iman won by a scant margin. Sirovltch claims that thin majority waa made possible by briblnK voters. Slrovitch's last piece was "Schem- «ra," recently but briefly seen on Broadway. The tour ot Qllda Gray and Co. will be^n at the Albambra. Mil- waukee, Nov. 29. Ivor Lewis, coal miner from In- diana, waa held In tlO.OOO bail In West Side Court, New York, Thurs- day on a charge of attempting to hpid UP May Hendricks, vaudeville, > 9t tl Morningside avenue. Miss Hen- %■ drlcka was walking home Wednes- I day evening when a man holding a ^'pistol stepped in front of her and ' told her to put up her hands. In- stead of complying, she grabbed the _ vun and started to fight. The gun- man, frightened by her screams, breezed on, but Miss Hendricks pur- sued in a passing taxi and caught him at 12l8t street and Amsterdam avenue. The deadly weapoa was found to b« of glass. Acting on the advice of bis physi- cian, E^rl Carroll will leave for Fort Worth, Tejc., reported suffering from a nervous breakdown, a result of his recent sojourn in jail. "The Awful Truth" la being adapt- ed for the screen for Agnes Ayres. Philip Herrman has entered an- other of bis numerous divorce suits against Dorothy Gates, former Win- ter Garden dancer. They met In 1916, when Herrman was a 17-year- old Harvard student, and a short time later married. Herrman -t ^^OMA^fflS^tyai^vaj^ f'lf"^^:^;' SV'.'-V, ;.-'!?:' BOOKING DEPARTMENT. Palaco Thoatre Building NEW YORK EXECUTIVE OFFICES lUte-Lak« BuUdinc CHICAGO VAUDEVILLE DEPARTMENT THE GOS SUN BOOKING EXCHANGE CO. ■MHCN orriccs: Nn Vwft CH> III SIrai BWt. BaCala. H. V. MS Laf anlla TkMira ■Mt. ■AIN OFFICE: ■ KW RCaiHT THEATRE BLOS. SPRIMSFIELO, OHIO THEATRE MANASERS •nt-<iaM MTrtM mrtta, win ar pkaa* Mir ■•amt ••<«. VAUDEVILLE ARTIITS: Marias ti^a tta M tklrtir VMk* Iw itaadar* «aa4««lll< utL BRANCH OFriOES: Ckiuf*. in. IM Dtlawara BMt. Ottnlt. MUh. 7M BtrN» BM|. rmtkartk. Pa. 4M FMtoa BM*. BERT LEVEY CIRCUIT o* VAUDEVILLE THEATRES ta w «7tt BMt waatfC BMt. omc;n Saa FraatHM Intar rtlMi Tkaam BMf. to A»t«l«« I HWilitit I BM*. I Takd FLAffl ACTS, REVUES Can ofFar you 2 to 10 waekt w/ith short Jumps WKITB OB WIRB OFKN TIMB Hational YandeTille Exchange 619 Bramson Building, Buffalo, N. V. charges that his wife misrepresented her lige, deceived him as to her past end told him she loved his father's money more than him. In addition, he says, she tried to make him join her in ap effort to obtain $100,000 from the father, and threatened to shoot him If be didn't. In the Manhattan Supreme Court Friday Justice Tlerirey reserved de- cision In-the divorce suit of Sheila Terry, dancer, against Leroy Sedley, cabaret performer. Shedley was charged with misconduct. buls next week (Continued from page 4S) Keno It Orcea Golden Oat* Revaa U halt Wordcn Bros Jaan Mlddlatoa B Hampton Co Van HOTcn (Two to fill) ■O. BBND. Palaeo Momlaa Qlorlas Jerry Mack Co B Sehoffleld Co <T«o to All) Id half r * O Walters (Pour to mi) IND. CHICAGO KEITH CIRCniT CLBTBIJiND ^'0 lablkawa Japa I Ward A Hart All Aboard I Stuart Barnca Different Revue • DETBoiT, men. I^aSilUo Manteira Manlklna Dwyer * Orma Joale Heather Co Harvey Haney A a Harts Hollandera 2d half Stuart airla Caledonian Four Three Blcnka (Two to Oil) BTANSVILUC Victory Ooaaler Ai Luaby Holden A Herron (One to fill) Id half Bell Broa Ooeta A Kohler Lanoff 81a n-INT, MICH. Palace Knight's Rooatera Murdock It K'y Bis Bddie Hume Co Neal Abel (One to nil) Id half Knick Knacks 1*14 Joale Heather Co Barton A Youn* Brown'a Sazo Six (One to All) HAMMOND, IND. PaitkcBoa L«ara Ordway H Walman Band - (Three to till) IND'MAP'US, IND. Keith's (Louisville split) W Manthey Co The Volunteers (TwA to All) LBXINOTON. KV. Bob AU Rives ^ Arnold Thompson Light Co Pbilllpa A Bllaw'ta (Two to All) LOVI8VIUUB, KT. National (Indianapolis split) O Reed airia Piano Movers Three Qolfers (Two to All) MDNCIB, MICH. Oraa« Officer Ityman Van A Vernon Berxac'a Clrcoa (One to All) Id half The Halklngs Holden A Herron Ooaler A Lnsby (One to All) MtflKBO'N, MICH. JaflTersoa Clifton A Kraemer Stuart Olrls C Bennett C9 Id half Mabel Harper Co Neal Abel The Brlghtona T'BB RAOTB, IND. ladiaaa Arco Broa Ooeta A Kohler Harry Koealer Co Capman Boya (One to All) Id half B A L Olllolta BSms At Wllsoii Bandomania Beraac'a CIreas (One to All) WINDSOB, CAK. Caledonian Four Thret Blanks Barton A Tonng Al Barbelle C^ (One to All) >d half Kniabt's Rooata Dwyer tt Orma . CUfS ToMaa ■'• • ■ Barvey Haney A 1 (One to All) GUB suH onicnrr BUFFALO^ r«far«tla Six Capros 1. Maaon A Sonny Jaiiomania Revua Caraon A Wlllard Blue A Wblto B'd NIACABA PAIXfl OaUfaot Revue Royal Marjorle Carson Medlnl Four Maaon A Barle Id half Qordea A Rica Neopolltan Two -^ Todeaelo A^meSinl (One to All) fcOCHBSnCll .1^ rtmOr m RInhart A DnS vl Bucene Rmmett %■ Id halt ' Clayton Drew Ott! (One to AU) 4 ivABBBN. rii»'3 likMtr '''» Mareallo Fallat '' Tallman A Kt Art Studlea DTTESSTATI CIRCUIT AO8TIN, TBX Majeatla (I4rt() (Same bill plays Oalveaton lT-t» Bernt A Partner Rvelyn PhUllpa Duel de Kerekjarto Sallle Flelda MoDevitt Rally A Q S Stanley Co DALLAS, TBX. Qlntaro MpalB^; , Da Jtirl FrHal Bruaetta Puck A Whita Harry BorSa Ca FT. WOBTB. TBX, Snail A Vernon Sheldon A Datley Bddle Carr Co Cartmell A Hani* Harry Breea Coaiia A Olaas BOIISTON. Jim Fells Dora Mauglm «. Wtikeas A WItkaaa H A A —rtUnt Renry Saatray 9*4 Baatrey A 8eynioq}r UT. BOOK, ABK. ara4se AyXtt Ca ■ Alien A NoAaan MeCormick A'ire* Hurst A Vast BA Janla 'Co M half Marsla Clinoa % Cook mK \jm\mmm ^7^ The Bbarroeka ■*^ Bevan A Flint if Loekett A Paca.^ OBLA. CT. OK^ Orphevaa "" "" Wiseman Bia Ryan Weher A Sport North Ca Dnabar A Tomer Power'* Klenhants Zd half Camilla's Birds Doris Duncan Leona V&vara Carson A Kano Powar'a BlopkaitB^ SAM ANTONImJ Majsstia m Bars A Bngllall R Browa A Lavalla ' Jimmy Russell Ct Barber A Jaekaat Irvlns'a Mlilf^a 'i *UX«A, OBLA.*^ Camilla's Btrds^ r* LoAa Vavara 0«rhett A Norton Doris XhHleaA .^ Oaraon A Xaaa -« td half -V, XimbaU A OoAdlJ WaEa Booth ^P^ •k* M»m A TMtf'i WfJasr A »ya»«.^ Zaaa Kaofe -^ UlCHITA Fi Ho«n A baPraao* Kyaa Wabar A R Dmbar A Tantar TBfliy Data Co - Praaalsr A Xla«i -^ BM Jaals BavM',^ i^!2354^fi^^4S5as5ia^fii5»Ks^XHE SERVICE THA T SERV ES ^^^^^^^^^^^^fe^^^^^ga^^^gggj ; GENERAL BOOKING OFFICES, FIFTH FLOOR,STATE-LAKE BUILDING,CHICAGO ill NOWBOOKING FROn CHICAGO TO PACIFIC COAST B/?ANCN£S 3 ST. LOUIS. MO. M0-9O Arcade Bldg. KANSAS CITY, MO. Sacond Floor Main St. Theatre Bldg. DENVER, COLO. 406-7 Tabor Bldg. J *■;■ ANGELES Street .Thaatra tolidk