Variety (November 1924)

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fRKE 20 CENTS ■ • ■ I I ' <ff^^-/f^v:?-!7'>c' ^rr-i-" ^.^ AMUSEMENTS I ( t PRICE 20 CENTS^ '■'Hhi^ r- >$, i«*i ^"-« : v: i-^. Pabltahad WMkljr at ll« WMt 4ltk Bt.. Haw Tork, M. T, bf Varutr. Ine. AbbwiI nibrcriptlea tT. Mocto M»U« N OMtte. ■aUr*4 aa aacoaa olaaa mattar Dacambar (t, 1»M, at tka Poat OOlca at Naw Tork. N. T, uadar tha Act ot Marok I, lift. VOL. LXXVa No. 2 NEW YORK CITY, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1924 64 PAGES HUGE PROFIT 'SELLING' ACTS 1 ittlST''JAZr OPERA WRIHEN BY YOUNG AMERICAN PIANIST Andiiel, of Trenton, Hm Ejirope by the Old Line Cl«Mici»U CM Hu Compotition* «Cras7 Dbcords" Gcorc* AnthM. * rotia^ Aflivrt- <Mn planlat. haa irrltt«« « ko»r« Co ^IrMAS," bjr J«m** Joyc«. N«xt l^ear It will b« produced aa Amer- lik'a Brat "lau opara." With It will come Anthlel'a rev- •littloii here of hla hair-ralalns pUnoforte work. In Europe it bMn bisaed, booed, decried preached acalnat by the defeadera «f mualc. who claim titat hia dla- ««rda, naw, tempo and "generalljr Ar^sy** carrylnca on are out,«t tune (Continuea on pace •!) -. ESCORTS PAID BY DANCING ; WOMEN France he is known aa the Dlo," the professional male aa- of [usually] elderly women. ; type of dancing partner- ■panlon is coming more into ae of late over here, Judging by regular patrons of the various j>t«Is around town. . The restaurant sttif^s and the or* tra men In practically every l|tlaoa can single out at least two or ftbTM such male "patrons" who t^^ajr" their checks out of funds sup- } (Continued on page 61) ^ Dangers of Wanderlust Chicago. Nov. 28. X<aOn Ray Livingston. t«tter known as A-No. 1, the famous fratght CAT and blind baggage arttat, after 10 years in Krle, Pa.. la aettng out again, this time , lammX with a lecture titled "Where la My "Wandering Boy TonightT" I ' la annouQClng his return to tbe nmA. Livingstone does not give the kluuka of the' lyceum ana chautau- ''ti0f^ bureaus «n whiob be will ap* tpcAr. He does state, however, that I th» prime object of his taking to tiM road again is to worn other I bora of rh« evils of the wander- l«at fever. Hence the lecture. ',;' tn the paet 19 yeara E.OOO.fOO ilea ot A-No. I'a book have been >^iP?r^:^■•.^J^^-3i♦^:^•*y'Vi:»;^> ACTS PAD AT WIS. STATE FAffi 1K3 Statement of diabursementa at the WISCONSIN STATE rAIR (1«3): ^ Flreworka |14,05t.4S Auto racaa...^....... 12,tM.M Music 4.S21.50 Vaudeville, aviation and fraa aeta SAJUOM Acts engaged and prices paid them by tha agents: Flying Codonaa >7M Biz BeUorda MO Bellclair Bros. ••• Haaaan Troupe KM Choy Ung Foo Tronpa.. iM Fonr Readings 100 Thalaro'a Circus , 400 Howard's Animals 400 Baitoa Trio 2S8 LaFleur A Portia <S0 Vallal tt Zermalne SOO TheBimboa., 200 Bell Sisters 200 Wheeler A Wheeler ISO Bento Bros 17S Total »6,76J ADS JAZZ UP UNCOLTFItM *^ ' Detroit. Nov. 21 Picture advertising reached Its high water mark with a Kunsky the- atre attempting to put over the high class "Abraham Lincoln" film as if it were a Jazzy sex picture. ''It's a great smashing romance built to the apeed of every flapper la Detroit," read one of tbe scream- (Continued on page 01) IIT FmiS PAID miDHIlCTS RECEIIIED First TaiMilatiotis Ever Pub- lished of Apparently Enonnonc Money for Cer- tais' Ageats in Booldnc Talent for (Hrtilo«r Fairs —Larffe Discrepancies Be- t wesn Fair's Appropria- tions and Actual Prices Paid by Some Agents to Turns Enga g e d, Further Data on Present Condi- tions in State and Counfy Fair Booldngs. FACTS AND FIGURES HOXY AND GANG" GOT $41600 IN PROYIDENCE-$15,000 TO GANG Turaed City Upside Down for 10 Performances iiir- Seven Days, Oj^ening Sunday—^Beat Jolson's Record at Majestic by $9,000 MYDIDNT BELIEVE FILM ^^ Chicago, Not. tl. Fair bookinga for lens have baan knouMi ta theaa on tha inalda aa tha greataat ainflta "graft" in tha show businaaa. Fair aganta "sell" acta to faira, with the fair ssoratary usually tha '^uyar," through favoring certain aganta or aganoiea. Saeratariaa who may be "gotten to" are called "aewad up" whan "landed" by the agenta. la thia liHlcle are revealed some of tbe inside facts and figures (the nrat tabulations of this nature ever published) showing what some fairs appropriate to pay (or acts, what they receive from the agents supply- ing them, and what the agents pay (Continued on page 2S) Texas Showman Takes City's Wkite Elephant Temple. Tex.. Nov. 25. The Municipal theatre, owned by the City of Temple for years and for thnt length of time a white eie- phaot. has been leased to W. K. Sonnemann of Temple and Waco. Sonnemann, who haa never backed a loaer. will battle with the boadoo. He will i>lay legit, pictures or any- thing that looks Uke ntoney. ) I. < • CRmCS' BOX SCORE Variety's percentages for standing of the critics of the New York dailias to Nov. 22, in the critical boK acoras of Right and Wrong guesaas, will be found on page 12 of this issue. Gave Man with Broken Neck $10»000 Verdict Milwaukee, Nor. 2t. Do the movies UeT This qaeatlon was raised In cir- cuit cpurt of Milwaukee recently when Francia Powera brought ault agalnat the Enectric.Co. for 175,000, charging that he auffered a broken neck In a atreet car accident. Powera, aitting through tha week'a trial without moving hia bead, teatifled that he had to keep hia neck rigid aa a reault ot the accident. The Electric Co. Intro- duced motion picturea, ahowing Powers in varloua action poaea to (Continued on page t) t CONCERT AT 12:01 A. H BY WHITEMAN'S BAND WIlliamBport, Pa., Nov. 26. Paul Whtteman and his orchestra rendered their scheduled Sunday concert at the local Majestic at ex- actly one minute after midnight Monday morning. Thla unuaual hour became necessary owing to the local church antharltlea and reform societies objactiog to what they termed a Jazx concert on the Sabbath. Fred C. Hand, the Malestic man- ager, did not fancy risking public opinion. In view of the heavy ad- (Continued on page 8) Beautiful Calorad Film Player Paul Robeson, the colored dra- matic star, has completed his flrst picture, "Body and Soul." The Ml- cheaux Film Co. made it lit New York. Playing "opposite" r.obeson Julia Theresa Kuascll, considered one of the most beautiful colored women in New York. This wsa her ln!tlnl screen appearance, but atudio reports had her aaaking exceptlonnl regiatfr. •»? ProTldenca, Nor. 2B. Rozr (Sam U Rothafel), and Hla. Oonc atada lite tor local thaatrea nlaerabla, whUa they enrlche* the j Crippled ChlldreB'a Fond af the * Shrlnara bar* laat weak by many thouaanda of dollara, by groaalng ^ $41,800, netting tha Oang a profit of about $15,000 In a 10-perform- ance engagement at ttaery'a Ma- Jeatic The Oang came here to gi va^ J banaflt i>erformancea for tba Shrine 1 Hoapltai for Crippled Children at 1 Springfield, under a flat guarantee 1 ' (Continued on page tl) taTOFORGET^ THEMANSHE ^ DIDNTWANT Odd Circumstances Aris- ing Through Expectant Intennarriage In Parla with $25,000 to her name in the bank and another $25,000 to be plaoed there after six months b&va elapsed, la the circumstance, also fortune, actually throat upon i young woman of the stage. A single condition wa* msute for the girl, Ihat she will not during' tlie sik months oommunic«te with (Continued on page 6S) Guarantees Colored Show| PhlladalphU. Nor. 25. "<;hocoIate Dandlaa" opened at the Dunbar, the colored house on South Broad atreet, which recently went under new management. The book- ing ia for four weeks, the thact*^ guaranteeing tha attnustlon'a alutra to be no less than $10,000 weekly. CQSTUMeS I Who will make your next I oneaT Ttoaa who hav* I bought from tis aay-r- I BRdOKS COSTUME CO. li«s7trMtf*a» TM. ma rasa. «,v.ei» fc..»11.000 CoaOiinaa f gr Ra