Variety (November 1924)

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I.: VARIETY . ourbodRs i ■IS A SHOW THAT HAS STOOD THE TEST OF TOME ^/,:; :^;. Lr;^ OWednegday, November 26, 1W4 /^ .:v.i ■•i»i"<rt"^i^ PRESENT FOR THE lAIRjS OF 1925 -■ ' i ' ■ I 'III ■■ J III I ' l| IIL ,. I ■ l i II ■ RIDES FEATURES ^'*v.^■■^ I •'1 ■f. REPLETE WITH NOVELTY OF UNDOUBTED CALIBRE AND WORTH ^ Z2^. /THE KENNEDY SHOWS undoubted ^ ^ ^•Af.ofo ASK ANY FAIR WE HAVE PLAYED -y-*' GATEPULLERiS -■^n t t. .». '"4^;;i' t i '^' ■ j:*-* ■ ♦- ^» >->.^^'*.4l •*«• ■ «!> * .*«? « •• -iAj SHOWMEN If you liave shows, devices, practical and up-to-date ideas, I wekmne correspondence. I am always in tiie market for the latest NOVELTiES, ATTRACTIONS ^Mn4 SHOWS •n SECRETARIES Tilis cmning year we will redouble our efforts to supply a midway for fl^rs that will be attractive, novel and THE ACME OF CLEANUNESS WIRE OR WJWTE-OUR REPRESENTATIVE WILL CALL ^ is-r- CON. T. KENNEDY, Owner wA Geiu Mgr. OFFICES: MASSILLON. OHIO OR EN ROUTE (Continual from p««« >t) •< loyalty, a lack tk'/titvMon In Mt ouatiinc tbOM pto'ven to b« lyfik- ■lldara. A numb«r^>«om« BO «r inor*^w«r« •ununarlly •uapcndsd In oaa bunch for non-payment of duaa, Irreapactlva of whether they oould and' would not. or couldn't, but they would if they could. Many of the ahowa aQspended were clean and many retained ware grtftlnK and falllnc down In their pledgea, but the latter paid their duea for a flme. There were many retained on the "good aUndlng" llat. which bad Bot nor have not paid up anyl-hing Ilka their obllgatlona. Some have Bava^ oontributed anything to this day, but atlli they were apparently iB good atandinc until the and. j^ . Zomt Could Not Pay The i>a8t j^eaaon waa ao bad at Ita commencement that many of the reputable amall ahowa and aome of the larger onea could not poaalhly pay their weekly duea. It took all their money to move and even thia waa, in many caRes, an extreme difficulty. The continued bad weather kept many who otherwise would have been loyal aupportera ao ahort of fund» they were unable to trara aome have have wera plea- clean Itneaa. In any contrlbutl^na. Maay mapaoded, neverthtleM. utd of thoaa who iMvar ahould been accepted and' ahould been ouated la the aaoond retained aa '%hininc exam- •f molality, honeaty and Inaida Pelitica Played There la little dauht In the ahow- men'a mind that inalde ToTltiea' wfiT " played and that Commlsaioner Thomaa J. Johnaon waa prone to use his position to favor 40ma to the detriment of otbera, notably when thfre was a question of a carnival being engaged to play In the Lake Pront In •Chicago. He invited nvr- eral selected ahowa to compete for Idia privilege, when one of the mem- bers thought that he had it aawed up. The member in question, bow- aver, waa delinquent in his duea. The commissioner used bla posi- tion, it la claimed, to further hla In- tereats at the Gay Mill Gardens, where be conducts a dance halL A number of showmen have stated em- phatically that Johnson was not the man for the place, holding as he did the influence of the Legislative Com- mittee for or againat any organisa- tion as he pleased. Heading the organisation, which waa widely advertised, even over the radio, got him known aa.-^^a dic- tator" of the comHltlM^ which htfp«4,Johnaon with hla own Indi- vidual antarpriaea. Tbaro waa no adveraa Uglalation fought thia yaar by the ooo^lttee, no particular benefita Ob*M||ed—In twat, practlcaltjr-.aothl^ 9tv^-90^- J aaqoance to Improva' oOnditkntfr Ja the 'Outdoor world^ ^ ;~' ' ■ ;--* - ftilm^^^sKit»aa%»o***'^ " While "tho"IjagIalaU«o CommUtoe aa it atood thia year la Creatly dis^ tradUM aa a buUder-up of the abow boatneiia, ahowmen think there are cartatn waya whereby the outdoor buBiaeaa, and mainly the carnival bnaineas, may bo benefited. They say that outdoor ahowmen ahould have a clearing Imuae and in- formation bureau at their back, whereby unblaaed reporia and relia- ble information on'the various ahows can be. obtained by fairs, auspices and others interested in booking them. Shows proven to be bad, morally or otherwise, could be marked aa undesirable and mean^i taken for their auppresalon for the benefit of the carnival busineaa in generaL- That thia bureau should act aa a preaa agent for the carnivals of the country, distributing propaganda for the benefit of the whole inataad of tho individual organisation, aapo- claUy detoting ita attention tp those atatea whore Interesta antMOnlatlc to the bnafaea* are working, Mour- ing the 00-operation of the y^lous fklrs and aeelaties Interestedln the welfare of outdoor amusemaht. Showmen are of tha opinion that JDO matter bow Influential a lawyer mar be In Chicago, that if a lawyjcr la neceaaary at all local attomaya ahould be employed in neoeasary tiatu,' where local Influeace and at|indlng would have weight in the community. Showmen also stress tt^ enlietlng of the various fair aec- retarlea in dhe work of flghting ad- verae leglalatlon, through their in- fluence with their etate legislators and representatives, aa they—fairs— are identical in interest with the carnival, with the latteir forming one of their chief means of financial sup- ply at fair time. Without the car- nival, many would be sore put to provide adequate amusement. By inviting the co-operation of tl^ie fairs in the various countlea' and getting their influence to bear on the legla- lature of the atate, any bill detri- mental to carnival Interasta could be beaten.. "Information Lattara" Diaapprovad They diaapprove of tha aendlng o( lettera to the varlona civic authori- ties of cities, whether the lettera be of a boosting nature or otherwiao. Tbo showmen maintain the very flkCt of oendttg thorn causea an outlet for OddHloUll grin. If the powers that, "6* are In any wAy inclined that wacy.' m any oaae^.,;(bey do no material ^QM, StidT anergiaa, thay any. should be d^oted to the building up by constructive methods the carnival business where it la most needed,.. Method of Selection Joining any organisation wblfh haa for Ita object tha uplifting of i|>o business should bo made iblectivo and not an easy matter of contribut- ing a lilf^a money. It should b«'« matter of election and Investigatiiati. whether a carnival is thoroughly^t to ke suUported and vouched for by an organisation of the reputalilo membera of tho anthro profeaaiqn. Even wl(en admitted to such aa tk' ganlzation, the rulea ahould be M draatic aa thoae of the Medea and Persians, and no one, no matter bow prominent, or how much he haa cofi* trU>uted, ahould bo allowed to lh« fringe upon them. Failure to con- tribute through unavoidable reaaoba should not ouat, nor paying in tnU all obligatlona protect. When ahowmen will be on the level with themselvea and their olirn buaineas, then the public will 001^- mence to have faith in them, apd not untH then. | \ I'* " CONCESSION SUPPLIES GELLIVIAN BROS. A'-»:i 118 North 4th Street, Minneapolis, Minn. SALESBOARD NOVELTIES YESTERDAY IS DEAD—FORGET IT. TOMORROW HAS NOT COME—DON'T WORRY. TODAY IS HEREr-SEND FOR OUR ;>. 1925 ILLUSTRATED CIRCULAR 'INVALUABLE TO ALL SHOWMEN AND CONCESSION MEN. WE QUOTE SPECIAL QUANTITY PRICES TO ALL IF rr IS CONCESSION SUPPUES-WE HAVE THEM ' IF IT IS PROMPT SERVICE YOU WANT-WE GIVE IT '!<Li.. NOTHING TOO BIG, NOTHING TOO SMALL, SEHVICC AND SATISFACTION FOR EVBKY ONE :„ '„ -f ' *-| jGkJS