Variety (November 1924)

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JtP»> ' W n' f»ii" i"u'/ 7« P nfi. y ..^^^ =» Lachman Exposition Shows .'X*:*' ifcdwr. ^ 'THE 1925 B«40VA11CM iMtEelMASSIVE ORGANIZATIONS CATERING TO THE BEST FAIRS IN THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA •■'T''** the; GARDEN OF RIDES'" 1* CARS OF EQUlPBtENT l^, a RIDING DllVICIgS 3 MECHANICAL SHOWS ^•' %" * AND A MAMMOTH MUSICAL REVUE «FAIR GROUND FROUCS^ 15 CARS OF EQiUlPMENT ' 8 RIQING DEVICES 3 MECHANICAL SHOWS AND A MAMMOTH MINSTREL REVUE T- ■»sa<, The Lachman Amusemenf i!o., Inc. 25 CARS ir 10 RIDES -k 15 SHOWS LACHBUirS MILITARY BAND - -v •<,•.* ^ , -K ■H^-^ ■*^ ^^• ../•■ TO FAIR SECRETARIES "Si^Jt^ NO CONCESSICMS ""^"»"" NO FAIR CARRY »^X^ WVrt-^X^a-ifcJk/av^llfc^ RIDKt CATERING TO THOSE WHO WISH TO EUMINATE GAMES OF CHANCE FROM THEIR GROUNDS AN ATTRACTIVE UNE OF, SPECIAL PAPER ' TOO ilAlir TOO LARGE NONE SMALL ^ .^ DAVE LACHMAN AddreaB qenerai, manaoiii Co«tes House, KuitM City, Mo« iM NOTICE 10 ALL PARy Ms 1MIIIA6ERS ATip MANUFACTURERS AND JCSBERS OF PARK DEVIOES AND MEROIANDISE ^ ■ %■ JThe Sixth Annual Meeting o£ the National Association of Amusement Parks' will be held at the Drake Hotel, Chicago, Dec. 3, 4, and 5, 1924. A most cordial invitation to all Park Owners, Managers and Manufacturers and Jobbers of all park devices and merchandise is extended. How- ever, such Park Owhers and Managers as have attended previous meetings as guests will not be admitted to the forthcominfr meeting except as members, as it is thought that such men are now sufficiently familiar with the advantages of membership to join previous to the forthcoming.con- vention and would want to attend as members with a >^oice and vote on fU matters. As a greaf many things of vital interest and importance to every- one in the park business will be discussed, it is hoped that every Park Owner or Manager wilt make it his business to attend. After many weeks of preparation and consultation with the Board of Directors and numerous members of the Association, the Program Committee has arraoged a wonderfully strong, comprehensive and valuable program. The Committee has mlso Arranged an extensive display of new devices, new novelties and new merchandise, and has provided very elaborate booths for the convenience of manufacturers and dealers, in order that park products may be looked over and studied under xh€ most advantageous conditions. These exhibitions will constitute a park man's exposition, the' biggest of its kind ever put over in the park world, and the program is so arranged as to allow all delegates to spend their evenings and certain portions of eacl^ day among the exhibits. The Secretary will be pleased to make hotel reservations for any one desiring to attend the convention. If you are entitled to an invitation, and for any reason have not received one, same will be gladly sent to you on request. \. ' , ^ a: . :y Comm ii^Rt^g$Uit'Tu€$day, December 2, from 2 to S p, m»f 8iio W p,pi, WImb piuecliasliic jrpur ticktot to Chicago, get receipt or certificate, which will enable yoa to save 50% on jour return trip ticket. ff located in the East, join the Special Train feaving New York City 6 :05 P. M., Dec. 1st. Make arrangements with Mr. R. S. Uzzell. President ■R. S.'Uzzell Corporation, 1493 Broadway, New York City. ' ^.. -^ Address all communicatioits to' ' ^^ '^^^"A^a'^ IfS-i : J) General Offices: A. R. HODGE» Secretary National Association of Amusement Parks , - ■ - Riverview Park, Western and Belmont Avenues, Chicago, III., U. S. A. ■OK- , fe-^ ^^^:^^''' KllilUll ASSOCIillll 0[ jHMENI PARKS . '- '*-:: ,^5^ ■ "/-^ ^->^?^/. •'' V ' aAi--* ; CdMk' • . . .^. : j> Remember the Date, December 3rd, 4th and Sth, and the Ptace-;r^^\ y^, ' M THE DRAKE HOTEL, CHICAGO, ILL. . i.«,*w:« %m * (.•■^ -•■•»l-.««».«'