Variety (November 1924)

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i3 VARIETY OUTDOORS Wedneadaf, November 26, 198f MR. CONCESSIONAIRE:— Imagine yourself as one of the public, on the Midway of a Fair or •Carnival, playing the various jj:anies. Would not the better quality merchandise have the stronger appeal to you? We arc sure. you will answer "Yes" without hesitation. * ! If you intend using blankets or shawls this coming season, why not use the best. ■\:--:. - PENDLETON & CAYUSE INDIAN BLANKETS and SHAWLS Will come in nerv patterns and colors. Ready for delivenf r»hen the sea$on opens. Start the season right b}) using the right merchandise. The public in the majortt}/ l»ants. qUafily, " The price of Pendleton and Ca^use blankets and shawls are necessarilyf higher, but your increased volume'of business-niU. of set this d^ \ fcrcnce many times. .. ' j^ ;■. fr*-. p WE ARE DIRECT MILL REPRESENTATIVES AND SOLE AGENTS r / 7 IN THE EAST AND MIDDLE WEST . . .*;-^ i : r- OUR PRICES ARE MILL PRICES S. W. GLOVER, Manager PALMER HOUsi, CAYUSE INDIAN BLANKET CO. aucAGo.iiI $109 at Lyceum's Door Chicago, Nov. 26. Edwin Brush, tyceum artist, who Is presi-ntlngr a three-day magic eorlea, Interspersed with health lec- tures, did $109 recently at Mlnot, N D., over the season ticket sale. The $109 that rates as top money for a lyceum attraction ot this kind taken In at the door. BOOKED FOR COLUHBTJS Chicago, Nov. 25. Columbus has the following booked to appear there this winter on the town's Lyceum circuit: lio- rado "faft, Opie Read, Judge Ben Llndsey, Strickland OlUllan and Katherine Ridgeway. N. A. A. P. BIG MEET i . ^^^^ LBcruwite IT. S. COMMH ON PLATFORM Chicago, Nov. 2S. IT. S. CommTssToner or Education TifTont is filling Bonne Lyceum dates this season. It is said to he the first time the holders of the Commissioner of Ed- ucation position ever consented to talk on the commercial platform. PEARL NECKLACE iNi)F*tTr;i;fTiBi.E Witk Imitation Dl>man4 OtI- bl. Safety Cl>i» St tn'-h Opalpni-cnt or Opaqae. P"rf.--t Krrulii Put up In iittraitlve Velvet nox. K.vh $1.75 DO lu'h. niMiie ai atvve... 2.00 All SpmirlPT MprchnnfllM wld on a nnjiiey l),\rt[ Kuiirante. Rfitall pHc. .1 above tS 4 tlO L't III quote on 100 loti or nor* SPANGLER MFG. CO. 160 No. Wells St., Chicago Merohantt Guarantee Ticket Sale Geneseo, 111., Nov. 25. Oenesco is again assured its an- nual Chautauqua, Eleven business men have guaranteed the sale of tickets. An Iowa Lyceum Course Chicago, Nov. 25. The Oskaloosa, la., lyceum course now in progress includes Russian Cathedral Quartet, Aborn Opera Co., Dr> B. R. Baumgardt; the play "Everyday"; Hilton Ira Jones and the Zedeler Symphonic Quintet. Oshkosh't Bookings Chicago, Nov. 26. The Oshkosh, Wis., lyceum course that opened Nov. 18 with VUhJalmur Stefansson will use the following: Herbert Leon Cope, Jan. 20; Tda Tarbell, Feb. 24, and Capt. T. Dins- more Upton for the closlrtg, March 20. MILLER BROTHERS SHOWS 25 Cars Six Riding Devices Fourteen Showe invites offers from all Secretaries of Fairs, CelebrationSp Old Home Weeks, or any committees ADDRESS: MORRIS MILLER, Mgr., Miller Bros. Shows. SAVANNAH, GA. Chloago. Not. 26. So many applications hav* been received by Seoretary Hodfe for exhibition space at the Drake Hotel for the N. A. A. P. convention that additional space has been acquired to take care of the overflow for the sixth annual meeting Deo. t-i. The program committee has com- pleted its work and performed most commendable services. The New York Special will leave New York 8:05 p» m. Monday, Dec. 1, carrying practically aU*of the eastern delegates. Last minute reservations for space can be made by wire to the secretary, who will endeavor to ac- commodate overyono who wlabos to exhibit. , All Who have not recetred Invi- tations to be present mayi have one by wiring A. R, Hodge. Rlvwvlew Park, Chlea<o. Chicago, Nov. n. ^ JeflTerson tt. Harbour, formerly on the staff of "The Youth's Com- panion," Is now lecturing on the lyceum platform. His subject la "Reminiscences of Famous Au- thors," Zedeler Quintet Playing Chicago. Nov. 25. The Zedeler Symphonle Quintet. with the same personnel as ap- ;j^ared on chautauquas lant sum- mer, has opened Its winter lyceum work for O. Leroy Collins of the Rochester Kcdpath offlee The ac^ is now appearing on the Peffer winter circuit. BED WOODMAirS FOTJX Chicago, Nov. Si. The Swarthmore Festival cir- cuit inclivlea Ned Woodman, B^ed- erlck Powell, magician, wltb two assistants and "Buck" Reagan. Mr. Woodman will remain wltb Swarthmore until Deo. IS. Jan. B he Joins tbe Allen Bureau. 2 DeMarcos Booked Chicago, Nov. SS. TLe DeMarco Harp Ensemble No. S, Is booked with thu Afflliated Lyceuoi Bureau uhtU AprU. Both companies will then return to Chautauqua. MOBTOH HAT TIBIT CUBA Bob Morton and hUi tentod olroas outSt mnjr go to C«b* for « winter tour. L80:UPPA,0wiW NEB. GOV. TALKING "•? -'^ <niieftc«^ttNov. ti; • "i Governor N«sto« of N<>rth 'Op^'^ kota will bo heard next kummer-oa one of Redpth's circuits. The Governor has already affiic^ his name to a Redptb contract jffir a period of months. ACCIDENT DT 3AB9 CIBCIII Paris, Nov. IS, One of the Junior memboni of ik* Chas. Blrkens troupe of aerial acro- bats, appearing at the Cirque do Paris, broke bis arm as a result of » bad pausy UM4 tm * n>p«. It was flrsr thought ttm so^uMbt was more serious. ' ^' 8. LiPPA, QenM>al Maimaw; SEASON 1923-24-2S IIPPA AMUSEMENT COMPANY Producers of Indoor Circuses and Oai<fo69\ Celebrations WINTER HEADQUAKTCRt »**'* ALPENA, MICHIGAN p. O. BOX 263 WASTED All XIBDS OP ATIRACTIOHB CONCESSIONS ALL OPEN .> wi. w THE THIRD RAIL ELECTRIC MINATURE RAILWAY CLEAN, DEPENDABLE, SIMPLE, SAFE THE BEST RIDE FOR EARNING AND DRAWING CAPACITY. SUITABLE FOR COAL MINE OR TUNNEL RIDES. ALSO FOR TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES. THIRD RAIL INSULATION AP- PROVED BY UNDERWRITERS. THE LOCOMOTIVE WITH COVER REMOVED NOTE THE ACCESSIBIUTY OF ALL PARTS WRITE FOR PAMPHLET PmOH FUN HOUSE AND RIDING DEVICE WFG. CO. ^j. jPAYTON, OHIO "1 ■ULU*^ A MARVEL OF SIMPLICITY OF DESIGN STURDY, POWERFUL, DURABLE, ECONOMICAL LARGEST BUILDERS OP COA&TER AND WATER RIDB EQUIPMENT IN the; WQRU) -1 1^ ^RQ^EPE