Variety (November 1924)

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jyiftdamaa$y,^ortaAtr 86. 1M4 VARIETY . ■ r"»-'*ifBT"I-Vw»K»»Bi m iw, ■ '."Tf - r-- 'fg .^ "7T"|fy 57 i HENRI GENDRON AND HIS STRAND ROOF ORCHESTRA HOLD THE FIRST CONTRACT OF ITS KIND ISSUED BY THE STRAND ROOF MANAGEMENT STRAND ROOF, BROADWAY AND 48TH STREET, NEW YORK - IT IS A SIX MONTHS' PLAY OR PAY AGREEMENT ■ ' \ HENRI GENDRON Announeet Aho a Year^t ExduMive Phonograph Recording Contract, Thanks to Harry Pearl / The HENRI GENDRON ORCHESTRA WUl Make DUks Exclusively for the New York Recording Laboratories Which Markets Sis Different Disk Brands •> HENRI GENDRON AND HIS STRAND ROOF ORCHESTRA PERSONAL DIRECTION OF HARRY PEARL, 1607 Broadway, N. Y. CITY—Lackawanna 1715 tb«atrM «re sperated by Aacher -Broa. Ch*riM and Maym* Butt«n were severely ent about the face and hands wben the car In which they were makinf * lump from Milwaukee to Chtcaao collided with another car. The team appeared at the Rlalto, do- tnK their act while bandaged. The preceding: tnra offerlBf an aiioloKy for their adverse appearance, ez- plalnins the incident. The saf* «t the Pershing theatre If yon want a new act, a nevi MBS, a play, burlesque or mnsi- f Ml eomedy, we will write it. CHARLIE WILSON ■ AND TED Mac LEAN WBITS, WTKS ar CAIX 614 Qayety Theatre BIdg., MVH York PheiM LackawannA 1B02 ^^' ^. 72WMt48thSt. NEW YORK CITY FERIIAHENT WATINQ EAIB GOODS—HAIR SBESSmO XAIB CUTTUtiO was cracked by burglars Sunday night, who escaped with |2,000. Stanley Lubllner, the manager, be- lieves that the burglars attended the last performance and remained in the theatre until the house was emptied. LOS ANGELES Variety's Office AAirest, 322 Ctiepman BIdg. At the Orpheum last week they had a 500 percent comedy bill. Enough of this element of the same hoke and low comedy caliber to do (or . two. or three regular shows. However, thongh the bookers made a faux pas. It cannot b« said that the entertainment which they did furnish was bad. It was excep- tionally good. "Shamrock," held over for a sec- ond week, consumed around TS min- utes. Opening the show was' M. Alphonse Berg, aided by two mod- els In "Creations." Berg is a deft student of drapery of the living. Placed In a most disadvantageous spot Bers proved showman enough to make the beat of the situation. Next came Bobby Barry and Dick Lancaster. Barry found It tough at the start. He worked every stunt conceivable to get them. When he and tAncaster found them biting at the "Sausage" busi- ness they fed it uotll they had them In spasms of laughter. Ethel Grey Terry appeared In a WilUrd Mack crook playlet, "Sharp Toole." She was aided by a com- pany of. three men, Carl Gerard and Clyde Fillmore can be called «c- cepUble, but the third. Kdwin 8tur- gls. Is negative. This house has had sketches of this type here only recently, one played by the astute HERE'S YOUR BOOK lUGHTOFFTHECHEST' By NELUE REVELL . Vnth a Preface by lEVnr COBB Pabllahad by OBOROB U. DORAN, N*w York PRICE$2£0 IPS WKi rr aw tor thb show pkopuc au. show rxoruB— aix otkb Tk* tkrIIUac story ot NelU* R«r«ll. Sti* lay helpleu la ber b*<L.aad wrot* IL A book of tendariMM and laacbter, with a drawlns on tba (rontlsplaco a( NoUio by JaaM MentsoBMry WtWLgt. vbll* anoas U>« eoatrlbetlag tUaatratora ara Ruba Ooldbarg, Orsea D. Itnyton, 1. W. MeOnrk, W. B^ Bill. Clara Brtrca, Tony Sarc, Haracblleld. T. A. (Tad) Dorsas. Tbom- tea Flabar. WUi Johnstone. Martin Braanar and Bd UoKbaai H utn o r o uM , UmHiI, Omammntal, Educational l«KIXnC BBTEU, Hotd Saaaenet, Waat 47th St., Haw ToA CMy Plaaaa aend me cop il "Klcht Off tbe Ctaaat" at tl.SO a copy (poatasa Itc). tol which I aaelaaa Chaoh er M. O. tar | NAMB ADDRESS <TliLla A«T«rtlaaaaan( b CoatrUmtad) Marjorle Rambeau. Mack has the faculty of flavoring his stuff up to the highest pitch of blood, thunder and melodrama, but It seems as thongh he were trying to outrival Theodore Kremer in this particular one. Miss Terry is an emotional performer of no mean ability, but from ap- pearances she picked a vehicle which is not class on the big time. York and King supplied the big wallop. In their easy style and graceful way they fed their gro- tesqiie offering In consistent fash- ion. Olson and Johnson, who appeared here on several occasions during the past season, came l>ack to clown a bit and and up with their customary "Surprise Party." The boys have changed their opening, using Barry and Liancaster to dis- course that they have been lost or kidnaped. Then Barry brings into play a piece of business done with the "fetchem-a-scope," which is a wow. The boys trot down the aisle at the conclusion of this and go into their routine of song, dance and grotesque comedy. They are aided at first by Billy, a colored dancer, who is quite a favorite here, and looks to l>e a runner up to Bill ■'Robinson and Sidney Gibson. Then came the piece de resistance in which York and King, Berg, Barry and liancaster and some others help out, and It proved on the Monday matinee to be worth while, as it held them ta till after Ave o'clock, even though half of the audience had started to leave and then changed their minds and either sat down'or clogged the aisles. Vng. and no dialect can save it. Carr forced himself on the ground bunch for another song, this in Italian dia- lect. Also a recitation In the only dialect he Can do, Yiddish, and got away without much coaxing to re- turn. CLEVELAND By PHIL 8ELZNICK Hanna—"Sally, Irene, Mary"; next, Al Jolson. Ohio—"Lollipop," -Meet tbe Wife." Metropolitan—"H e 11 - B e n t Fer Heaven," Indef. Columbia, Star, Empire, Band Box—Burlesque. the Majestic, were attacked by thr«e drunks, who forced their way bacdt stage during the Monday night per> fOnnance. Three arrested. Three in the works. WHY GROW OLD BEFORE YOUR TIME? H U unneoeseary and unprofitable. WESTPHAL'S HAIR RENEWER •eeitively restores the hair to its natural eoler, profitteing ■ youthful luster and sheen, thus rstardlng age. apeeial la-day offer—three bottles aent prepaid to any place in the United States on receipt of |1M Jn stamps, money order or currency. PAUL 306 WEST S8th STREET WESTPHAL NEW YORK Three Alexanders were repre- sented on the bill at Pantages last week with neither one of them reg- istering anything to speak of. Alex. Pantages was first to take tbe count with his girl act, "Spices." a hodge-t>odge of bad dancing and staging. Alexander and Fields, fol- lowing this noisy flop, found it tough going, and Alexander Carr— beg pardon. "Mr." Alexander Carr —failed to spring anything surpris- ing. All In all. it was a tough day for the "Alexanders." The Jackson Troupe, cycling act, opened, going over strong, criving the show a good start. Two Stern- ards, man and woman, followed with tbelr apeclalty on the xylo- phone, both playing seven num- bers, with the man doing two alone. They have a great Instrument, and the nearest imitation of an organ heard around. "Spices" followed with an array of scenery that was weird, aa it was Inartlstlcally painted in futurist style, with all the c<^ors of the rainbow splashed over a eye. The only colors miss- ing on the scenery were supplied In the costumes, made of cheap, inex- pensive materlaL They used up twenty-five minutes of the time al- lotted to vaudeville on the program and it would have been better for all concerned had the turn been- elim- inated from the bill. Alexander and Fields tried hard to get a laugh out of the customers next, but bad tough going. Their sure-flre parodies Just g<ot ripples here and there. Alexander Carr fol- lowed. They slipped him a luke- warm reception. In anticipation of what he might do to cheer up the gang, but after his first three num- bers everybody settled down for a lethargic session. Carr'a presentation was kept a se- cret all week in the billing, no an- nouncement was made as to what he was going to do; he didn't do much. His first song, "Under the Matzo Tree" spluttered through In low. It was followed by his Impression of an E^tgllshman, with Hebrew dialect predcmilnatlng. He next sang "My Rose of the Ghetto" and put It over as of old; it got him the only real hand of th«* act. His recitation, set to Scotch dialect, was a fiop; it's ss old aa "The Face on the Barroom Floor," Bill Miller, formerly with Henry Thies' Vocation Orchestra, Detroit, has Joined the Kmerson Oirl Orches- tra at the local Circle. "The Miracle" box office sale opened this week after having filled $35,000 in mail orders. The sale the lirst week hit $50,000, the largest on record out here. Ben H. Atwell'a publicity wwrk for the show la what la given credit for the early buy. D. R. Winkler, formerly with the Forster Music PublUhing Co. of Chicago, has been appointed man- ager of Robert McLaughlin's Crystal Slipper dance hall. It opened Thursday night to 6,50» paid ad- missions. The Robblns brothers, who _ ^ the Robblns theatre at Warren. O., have taken over the Dome theatre^ YotingstowR. Possession Deo. It. It Is said that the Warner brothen. who originally hail from Youags- town, will be associated With tile Robblns boys In the management of the house. The Guardian of a Good Cofl^axton Ed King and his Victor recording crew are tai Cleveland to scratch eight records for Phil Spltalny's orchestra. Carrie Flnnell, she of the shapely limbs, enda a 10-week atay at the Empire thia week. Milwaukee U the next stop. Frank Day la in charge at Loew'a State, sncoeedlng Joe Maxwell. Rumors around that Fox will build a theatre on the present site of the Savoy Hotel, In the heart of Play- house Square. Jamee C. Collier, bis wife, aad Caroline Taub, in Collier'a Revue at ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED Hoida the Centre a iM Stage - ■ ■ -^ STAGE DANCING Tsagbt by Amcrtca'a Oreetaat JACK BLUE Spaalal seta, aonss and daacaa written to anlt yosr ability. Claaf and pifvata iea> aoaa for liaahtaewl^ prMCaaaoaala and otbera In all klnda of tap,'maaleal com* ady, acrobalto and novaity bailruom daaelBs lor hatal. caharat and ataga, Lady and aaatlaraaa sail—a ■acurad, BLUE'S ttl Waat Slat Rtreat, N. T. Ctrala <IS«. Near B'way, Oppoaita Capitol Theatre THE GREAT AND ONLY ORIGINAL SIR JOSEPH GINZBUKG e Famone Internaiionai Eniertmnt!t WANTS GOOD, REXIABLE STRAIOHT MAN OF (KXPERJENCE, MUST 81NO AND DANCS AND DRESS WEI4L, ON AND OFF. APPEAHma IN VAUDBVlLLB WITH a' IWrfr ACT 8PBC1ALLT WRITTEN AND STAGED BT WaUE ihI EiENE IIVAiO My Peraenal Managers. Direetere barf RStresswttlvea Address THK GREAT SIR JOSEPH QINZBURQ, Care Variety, Now Ysrk City ^(.• 11^ ■eaa STEPHEN .»♦■ IRENE DOUGLAS and CLARE ,,peering Tl^eir Original Norehy Dances OF 1620 TO 1924 ■>J,.' 'i LOEWS AMERICAN THEATRE:, NEW'YORK, November 24,^. 26