Variety (November 1924)

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"W V A S Z X t T Wednesday, November M. IMi »* MADAME KAHN ONE-FORTY-EIQHT WEST FORTY-FOURTH STREET NEW YORK CITY 1*1 Gowns of Rare Distinction A gorgeous galaxy of rich individual gowns * that compare only with those generally offered at twice their price and mmre. They offer rare values diat are rapidly mak- ing "Madame Kahn" the most talked of Insti- tution of Fashion of die dieatrical profession. Madame Kahn GOWNS r* WRAPS NEW YORK 14S WMt 44lh St. UnTERS i ■f B«b fmaH ni 4D1 ABTBBTUBO Ol OMB IMDB OHLV. ■ralym -^ ■■niM Wram Bolr4 Flo Brcnaan H IC BreaaoB U«Ub CalUban Helm CknuB ^uehlak Cut JImmla ChrUtUin Tomml* Collloa Diok Cralc Marietta FOR SALE Daii^ Studio Rehearsal Hall AND Suite of Offices Vally Equipped (Up to Date) HIQH CLASS ELECTRIC ... PLAYER PIANO Apfij ggitc 811, 16 58 Br oadway HEWTOEK CITT AIL STYLCS OP Stage Dancing Taught RpecUllidlw In ACROBATIC INSTRUCTION BTBrrCHINO. BAB and PAD EXERCIHn Tkm FiMn OtMM t> Oaaa4af D«l7 ViBl* Daaa Dalar DraaaUr Maria DaVal ■ Jaaa ■mmatt * Uod .Fannjr SatcllS* FarcuaoD John Flatchar BdnA Ford DoUla Forraat Amr Oaltaklll Ward Qardaaar Daira Oairaav' Claud* Oaoraa Jaok atrard Eddia Hallldar Oraea Hamilton Baaala Harrla Bert Harriaon arllBn Haras Chrtitopbar Hayea Ed Hoar Frederick Howard Hu|:hl« Jaekaon WarraM Jobnaon Ollva Jobnaton Arnea Kaek Waltar Kent Blllr Klac Edith I^Frack Jacquaa I^aMay Pterr* Lambert Ed tARua Demic* La* Mildred I>Ro7 Claranc* L.ewla Jack McCarthy Jobnnr Uaok Erneat Marvello Multerer Chaa NIcoloako Anton Noel * Laaa Norton El Raclna A Ray Ragea Ijeon Rawaon Our Raymond I<eat*r Ralnka A Mlaa ^7B Oraoa Rhodaa Ma)or Roillna Robert Romaln* Julia Rosa * CarlKMi Roaentbar tiawla' Roaa Rita Bebaffer * Elliott Salaar O Bermore Oraea Scbrell Oeorsa Sbarkey RAH Sbnmlln H ■ SIcnor Jerry BImpaon Qeorca Smith F A M Smith Thelma Smith Pearl Smith Masla Smith Jack A Smyth L. Mra Sowara A Stecar Stanton Bebe Stephen Murray Sterllns Oscar Stevena Flo Stewart Liula Stuart Marian TannahUI MyrtU Tern peat Bobby Tborha B Mlaa Thornton Stella Vincent Paulina Vltcbal Billy Vivian Mlaa Weaton Nellie I> Wllaon Viola Winter Banka W Tounc Pegrr Tounc Emma Zlnnell Billy CmCAOO LETTEE LIST Arm 81a Almond A Hacal Bradley Oeo Boyer Mabelle Mrs ButterHy KIddlaa Bernard Bert Boyer R E Mr* Bell Betty Burke Jackie Brooke Jack Bath Lao Corbett Jamea J Chamberl'n A Earl Collins W J Davldaon ■ F COMEDY SKIT iN"TWO" TWO MEN—ONE WOMAN—ALL GOOD PARTS fiBaUIRES SPI|CIAL DROP—SOMETHING NEW ' " ALSO (ffiKDUL ROUTINE FOR SINGU MAN j .C«a B« l>elhrered "Straight" or in Any Character ONLY RECOGNIZED ARTISTS. APPLY JOHNNY O'CONNOR VARIETY, NEW YORK —L«f C/« Help You Put Your Act Over— OUR fSSjQO JAZZ COSTUMES WILL SURPRISE YOU ESMONDE COSTUME COMPANY ^^^ ^. . ^MS WJWT iM STREET. NEW YORK TRBATSa and vaudevillA. Brandford—"Husbanda and Lov- ers." Rialto—"Hot Water." Fox'e Tarmina I—"Welcome Stranger" and -The Bad Boy.", Goodwin—"Cornered." Clayton Hamilton, ahead of "The Rivals," la apeaking thla week at the Newark Hifch Rohools. He doca not advertise the show directly but talks on subjects connected with the drama In Sheridan's tim*. Walter Reade, the theatrical mag- nate of the Jersey coast, together with Richard ^ube^, is making an attack before Vlce-Chancelior Foster on the lease made by the Asbury Park City Commission of the bath- ing houses of Asbury to Ekiward T. Mitchell. Mitchell's flve-yaar concession has expired and the ttg- ure on the new lease has been raised from (50.000 yearly to 186,000. Reade maintains that the lease is lllegral because bids were not sought and there was no advertising. Keade also states that City Commissioner Taylor had promised him last sum- mer that bids would be advertised for and that, further, Mitchell vio- lated the provisions of the lease In charging more than 2B cents. There is no que.ition that more than that figure waa charged during the last seasons. Reade also started with Huber a Bimtlar suit Thursday before ttie Supreme Court. He statea that he ia willing and ready to put up 1100,000 cash tor th* first year'a rei^tal. Haarlns on th* Chancery pMeeedlnga ooflk** kp t>0«.iS ant on •w Buprome Court caaa Dae, 4, NEW YORK THEATRES ■nr Alutuiu JSrSi^Xi^Jlt ■rtaafv. PHNashaa aad liafWt. Man. Obs. NEW FALL EDITION ZiEGFELD FOLLIES Ml Baats Rasarrad. tl.«« aaata at Bes oao* REIPUBLIC T»«*t»* W. «td Btraat. r\Cjr\JDLA\^ ■». tM. Mia Wad-aa*. i:ae ANN NICHOLS' Qr*at Comady :"ABDE;'S IRISH Rn C C W ' THIRD XJ D Es I YEAR THI PLAY THAT Htf "U" IN NUMOB SELWYN THEATRE 7,«'*, Bveainsa Mata Than, aad Bat.' ZIEGFELD PRODUCTION EDDIE CANTOR in *iaD BOOTS'* with MARY EATON BABL CARBOU. preaenta WHITE CARGO By LEON OCR DON DALY'S 63d ST. ^'^^i" "'-^ Sat. S:t«. I VrCIIII W. 4lth St. Bvea at I:SO. klUCUHl Mata. Thnra. A Bat.. 1:»0. The Best People "I UIOOHEO LONG AND LODDLT." —Heywood Broun. ABTHCB HOPKINS preaenta ETBiL.BARRYNORE in Pi.NBRO'S MASTERPIECE The Second Mn. Tanqueiray Z^riDT Theatre. W. 41th St. Eva l:l« ^V/IVI Matlneea Wed. and Sat.. »:10 EARL CARROLL VANITIEC " with JOE COOK *^ NOW £A^ CABBOLL THEATRE TU Armuc WMl *Oth StrMt. Cn^ at t:M. PopuUi Millnwe Tl^uradey and Btturdey at 1:30. TIMPQ fiA ThMkin, W tKist. Bna S;ia. I imCO OW.utUiiepi Thui*. Jk 8«t. »t 1;». ZIEOFELD PRODUCTION BULIE BURKE In MuBlcal Comedy "ANNIE DEAR" '"^'fil?^^ TRUEX Arthur HopUna preeents "What Price Glory' "A Trae aad Stouains War ruy" hy Maxwell Aadbnon and L4inreBea StaUlnKS PLYMOUTH Theatre, 46 th Street r 1^ • m\^\j M. rm ^^^ ,, Broadway Ent. IttO. Malintaa ThanUclTlnf Dn tad Bat. EXTRA MATINEE FRIDAY. NOT. M THRILLSI ACTION! THRILLSI WILLIAM FOX preaentatlon THE IRON HORSE" A John Ford Production I Yjyjf Theatre, 42d. W. of B'way. *^ * IVl^ Twice dally. t.lO-t.SO. Phone ChlekerlnK 1796. Mat. today, l.tO. Beat R^ata $1.00 JT/yrS* "Th* Iron llofM" vUl be atan at ae ■"' athar theatre durlns tba aaaaoa of in«-lf». Bt8.8'.S0 Bat. ^I AAV Theatre,Wieth St r^J-ttXTT Mate. Wed.. Thura. A Halldny Mattaae Thankaclrtac "DROWNED IN AFPLADBB."—Xv*. Bon SIMON CALLED PETER I HARK •TKAN D BROAOWAV •a* 4701 a T « K E 1 -A NATIONAL INSTITUTION" Dlreatloa. Jeaeph Plnnkett SECOND WEEK RUDOLPH VALENTINO in **A SAINTED DEVIL" 171 TfNr*l7 Thaa..W.4td St. Bva.l:l* Cald I ll^VBCt Mta. Wed. A Sat. at l:t» A. H. WOOD8 VraaenU Lowell Sherman la a new play by Wlllard Maok HIGH STAKES DPI UnNT Tkm., 4t St., B. of B'waf OCLMUil I Mats. Thura. A Sat. >:t* ■renlnaa 1:30 A. H. WOODS Preaenta CONSCIENCE /^l r\ni7 B'way A 46th St. Eves. t:IB IaJUV^DEi Mate. Wed. A Bat. at 1:S«. ED. WYNN The Perfect Fool preaenta hlmaelf In "THE GRAB BAG" An Entertainment Booke-Lyrtca-Mualo by ED. WTNN Dlreettsa A. L. ERLANOEB . 1_«, CRAptDE' Thea., B'y. 4« St. Era. I-.K CJWUTltyCt iiAta Wed. A Sat. at<a:l4 INA CLAIRE in "Grounds for Divorce*' PLAYHOUSE *"" V-r^tSitT^^ Bvea l:I*. MaU. Wed. and Sat., —EXTRA MATINCB THANKSBIVIMB DAY» STEWART A FRENCH praaant Tha Jeyooa Ceaaedy Saeeaaa THE SHOW-OFF By OBOaOS KUXT KKICKEEBOCKER S^I'^Ja-TsSt Direction 'A. L. BRLANOER CHARLES DILLINOHAM preeenta MARHYNMniER . In Barrle'a Famoua Fantaay PETER PAN Stated by BASIL OBAN The International Mu*ical Sensation mbihiiie Pompadour' wUh . i WILDA BENNETT Martin Beck Theatre Shth*'!j:i„- NIfhU at t:M. Mati. WednOiday and Satunlayi Oeod Beau II la W. All Patternuaoaa. PljCS UTTLE THEATRE WEST 44th STREET. Evenings S:l«. Matlneea Wednesday and Saturday, 1:SB. BELASCO ■">•»-. W. 44 St. Eves. •:!• DC1-#\0«„V» Mats. Thurs. A Sat.. 2:1* DAVID BELA8COS Presentation of ROBERT LORAINE in TIGER CATS By Mme. Karen Bramson, with ; 4 KATHARINE CORNELL PB. F. KEITH'S se^ A L A C E B'way A 43d St. Bryant 4100 Concerts Sunday, t and S P. M. ^ BIGGEST >' i HOLIDAY SHOW IN NEW YORK Harry Singor, Orpheum circuit's c(^ rebMBMitatlve, I»ft Mbw York jJ-iflUty.. M «1M« <• itMi<Mhliia«< I RB. F. KEITH'S a.^ iversidE B'Wfiy A »8th St. Riverside 9240 ALICE B R A D Y MARION VADIR * OTA OYOI; I.OO HOLTZ; ANQER A PACKRK; FRANK !?£I<*" • *^O.i LLOYD A BRICK: CHRI8TO A RONALD. ^^ B. F. KEITH'S ^^ 81»t STREET 8lFt A Bway. Trafalgar Olfin Mats. DiUly, M>«., tSe.. 40e.. SOe. RAY MILLER AND HIS ARCADIA ORCHESTRA NIEMKTER * MOROANj GLENN A JENKINS; others. PART 2—Photoplay, "THE BORDER LEUION." with AN- TONIO MORENO. Q«org« Fabdl haa be''' gppolnted reoBlvar of the Grandj "Eaet Strouds- buv(,, P&. H« was fb)uB9|ltr the own- •TiSC'tlMtlliMtC&ti. .lA.