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VARIETY Wednesday, December 8. 1M4 HOTEL HUDSON ALL MEWLY and OICORATIO {• and U9 •inala 1< and Up Oewbia Bol and Cold Wb<w aad Taiapkoa* la Baek Ro«h«, 1QS WK«T 44th KTRBET hKW YORK CITY •kMai BBTAMT MM-W hotelIulton a* tto HMit •( Item Iwki I • and Up SinaU |14 and Up Oeubl* WlBWr Batha, Rot aad CoM Watar aad TalapbtMM. H-Mt WEST 44lh STREET _^ NEW YORK CITY O f paxt t N. T. A. ACE HOTEL i . 200 WMt 50th 9trMt I : NEW YORK CITV>. .: - , 4r: '^- (0« Broadway) ;■ . ■ ^••- aad d m n U id. fUJ* ap. Bmr aad alpM imi I i ) *. 1 ^Tk Brandoii Aparbnaib •St Ninth Avanua I a* Mtk MM**. »«» York atr ; KltcMnotta apartmeou and furnl«h»d faniat. all aawlr faraUIicd; a pertaot hMM (or pratc«rional (oika. TeUphoaa ealla atriotl/ attondad to. Apartmonta ■HUM* (or • or 4 »erw>na, WtM ap. Cal^ariiaa Wt* s®* '^>i-'--k HOTELS FOR SHOW PEOPLE ;4. v'.., .^ >-*.< ••-Il- ^ ■:»i?M*.' i»<y ] L^eonard GRANT Hiolcs, Operating Hotels chicaST" LORRAl N t SpMtd Railt to ihe Pr of ••dan - 417-419 S. Wabath ATenue Hovsekeepiis Fnmished Apaitmeiits of tk Better KomI THE DUPLEX 330 WmI 43rcl SItmI^ New York-~Loikf acre 7132 Tkraa aad (oar rooma with bath, complot* kltckca. Modara ta avarr particular. WUI aecommodat* (our or mora adalta. $ltM Or WBaKLV. tm U. CUmAM, m flmk 4M Mraat t LeMOAOaB 1M«« THE BERTHA OBO. r. BCHMBIoaBj rrap. FURNISHED APARTMENTS COMTLBTC POB BOOBUMcriNO. 323-325 West 43rd Street CLKAM AND AIB* NEW YORK CITY Privata Math. S-« BoaMa. Catarlas la tha eaaiCart aad aaaveaiaaca ai tha prataaatodu ■TBAM BKA* AND BI.BCTBIC UOI|* ..... fUuM OT . THE ADELAIDE 3S0 HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTlS IRVINGTON HALL HENRI COURT III Wear Slat Strcat •<4» Clrcla tia W«at 48th Straat tno Lioncaot% HILOONA COURT «4V-I4» ,Wdst iSth aireat m4 Loncacra. ttM*^*:t->4-rooai «p«r<itaa)its. Bacta, apartnaiit witb prfvata twtb. rpBona. Idtehafi,'kitchahatta. tISJO UP WVEKLY-^ITOJIO Uf^JIONTHLY .-. Vbe lATgaat matntainer of tiouaekafpiOi l!liraia)i«<l ppaiiaanu wrtetly undar tha auparvlaton of the ownar. XdMsatrd tn t!b» eeatar of tka tbaatrleal dlatrlct All fireproof buitdlnw, '• : ^ddraaa all eomraupioatjonajc jl . _--L.rt"«i : i'-'^^. CHARLES TKNENBAUM :.^' %■ Principal offlca. Hildona Court, Ml Waat 46th St., New York- AP«rtat«a(« c^n 6a aoea ecen^ntr*. Office in paoh 6»M4<«>v , DENVER HALL HOTEL Tha Honfia of tha Piaeriminatins Artlat • IM HMI Oaaa Apta IM BaaaMraqr larMaha BAIBS SBNSIBLB UU CMlta St. jr. W. BV88BIX. J*;,"**' New incDBB BiEsr HAMAonamT 784.756 EIGHTH AVENUE W a t areaa Mth aad 41th Sii OaOb Tera, Thraa. fi BtHetIr raafi ' MBS. BAMSin M«T. YANDIS GOURT^ ;^1.247 West 43d Street NEW YQj^ ;^ ;^ : UNDER NEW MANACEMENT > v ^' - ^ NeWljr renovated and decorated 1, 2, 3 and 4 rboita ap»rtment»; privata I ; ■nower baths: with and without kitchenette, aI>o maid service. $1^00 and op weekly.' Under supervision of MRS. SEAMAN roar aad tlra-Boaa Oar Black Waat at BrMdwap raralkhad Apartaiaata, SS Ci. — ■ - - -tall rfaoaaat Chlek«rtaa Sit Ul HOtnSB Naarly 2,000 aicna which datr&ct- ad from tha nati^ral iMauty of tba acanary of tba Adirondack Park. hava baen removad by foreat raa- sara oC tha GonaervAttQa Commla. aioB, or by tha owners 9t the land on which thay stood, alnca the en- actiUent ot tba l^w prohibiting the use of such sisna by the legislature to 1M4. -x t 1^ A aladl AOd concrete theatre Is balnc constructed: in what less than six nkoBtha ago was a vlrgrin forest. ▲t Coranr Brook. Newfoundland, a town la belns built by a pulp and paper nunutacturlns company. In- o)udIns inilla. doclcs. stores, botela and 804 houses. Tba theatre will open in the sprins. A. F. O'NalO will be manager. It was necesaary to fall more ttucn 6,040 trees to open tha town. THE DESERT FLOWER (Continued from pace 17 > Ha retuma to Magrgie'e shack to call all iMta off, but Maggie won't let him. Despite the supposed Ignor- ance of the prairie flower she fights him into accepting a loan and aendii him out with the others to dig gold. HOTEL FRANKLirr (retaMrtr BBII.LT'8) Franklin and EuUw Streets, BALTIMORE b B atto air radaeaaatad aad raaavaUd. Aa daaa aa raar hona. OatcriM ta tba haat. Braty raaai baa raaaiaa water, ar ahawor ar tah bathi fM mmUUe sapaaaiii. Sp M ia l latea to uror i a slaaa l i. Oaa blaek (raai Marrlaad Thaatra, wtiklB tmt Maaka a< atbara. WASHINGTON, D, C. ROOMS (10.50 WEEKLY HOTEL NORMANDIE BROADWAY and 3Sth STREET CooipUta Hotel Sanrioa., Raa- alap Watar. Talaphoaa Barrioa. UVU OW MBW TOBX CRT ¥ ; A CHOP HODS OFlJ^CEniONAL MERIT ISC-if^WEST 48TH SIREjET -■■ j ^'^ tsst iP'9r«gii'dwajr ' :r i; ■ Thla episode registers tha first punch of tha evening and la eat tn the second act. When "Ranee" re- fuses to take a stake l>ecause of bar sax she calls him a coward, quitter and worse until she steams him Into a temper that makes him take the money Just to prove ha la not so bad. "Ranca" returns after having made a strike. He intends giving the entire claim to her and making a getaway. She won't let him be- cause she loves him and had decided to marry him even long l>efore he knew anything about it. With that settled and so happy that she Is unable to sleep Mike Dyer, brute that he Is, has pursued the gal to Bullfrog to kill her but Is killed by the gal instead. "Ranee" hears the shots and decides to take the blame so she can remain free to take care of her little alst4r. Despite, being subjected to severe grilling and called more than one ugly name by Nol^n, the sherlfr. "Ranee" never Wincea. Later -the girl breaks through and tells isverythlng ao con- vincingly that the sheriff suggeita a seU-defensecaae. Despite Us decidedly theatrlofil p.ittem, "The Desert Flower" con- tains many worthy moments, with Miss MacKellar ' contrtbutlng the I>est acting of her career. Several comedy touches well planted to re- lieve the tenseness of the drama also hit for a bull's-eye, especially the wedding celebration scene in the flnal act! and the witticisms of Mrs. McQuade as delivered by Dorothy Walters, whose delineation of an Irish pessimist had them In- con- tinual howls. Robert Ames was also splendid as "Ranee," tha young "rake" making a none too fat part stand out for more than its value and bi'inging the desired nota of sin- cerity to hia Work. While several shades away from perfection aa stage entertainment the piece shows great possibilities for pictures, providing H Is equipped with a star as capable as Miss Mac* KallAr. It has the thrill spots and ■axy stuff they generally aat up In pieties. RVAROArARTnENTS 800Ei^ATe.(4MiSL) NEWLY FURNISHED TWO ROOMS} BATH Hotal aarvlea, woakly or moatblr. Bryaat 44a4.5-«-T OEL' := One Moment West of Broadway at 41st Street l%imm4t^f*m at the Laadtac UgkU tt Litaratara aad tba Btaca. Tha Boat Faad aad BatertalaaM^ la Maw Vaak. naaia aad DaMlac. |1 Onr Special: ASirioin Steak tad Potstoei (Aay dtjle) |] It's longevity at tha preaent stand i la problematic. Tha star'a popular- ity may hold it tn'for a while, but In our opinion It will fold up within two monthi. Whatever measure of success It achieved la due to Its star. ^, -,.;>, ;,.v:, .,,. v. >. ,^ Edb9. (Cntlnued from pa4' It) Gerson-McCutcheon to be In a poal- tlon to demand favors for the Shu* bert shows in town. • Qerson Writaa Paaaaa Oeraon has the privilege of writr Ing passes for Sbul>ert theatres. It has resulted in so much pai>ar being issued to his advertising clientele that one of the Independent shows with a smart manager, who inci- dentally had all his own paper ques- tioned, refused to honor |iny of Cfer- son's passes.' Most of the Oersdn-McCutcheon advertising odstompcs are firms dealing with or wanting theatrical patronage. In getting ttfts business It has been repeatedly reported that prospective clients are led to be- lieve through Intimation that per- 8on-McCutcheon Is,really a Sljubert agency, although the Shubert name Is never used directly. The client is given the hint, tt is said, and then allowed to use hMl'own "Judgment." Restaurants, hotels and cafes are among the bigger customers of the agency, notably the Congresa and Sherman hotefs and the College Inn. Several railroads and manufacturers of t>eauty creams that want theat- rical taattmonlals are also on the list. The policy of this agency with In- dependent shows playing Shubert houaas here has caused so much dis- satisfaction that not one or two, bat evary one has complained, aboof th«lr put>|lelty and press treatment here. C>n» Practtca Condemnad One practice In particular has been condemned by the independent shows. It is sal4, whenever one of these shows has a atar In the cast, and naturally featured In tha pub- lidjty, a member of tha Qerson agency has approached tha lassar lights In the show with the stats- Fiftaanth and L Streets WASHINGTON*S NEWEST DOWNTOWN HOTEL ^.,^, ' ZSS BOOMS — OVT8IDK — SS* BATHS ' SINOLE. 93.00 aad Vr | DOOBLB. 44.00 end OF' "^ HtT8SSL.L A. CONN. M«ivager. formarly of Bhof»b«m Hotat TORONTO H&rEL STOODLEIGH ad MmOAI. glBBBTS :,' Uka Oolaa Haoia far f Waak 8PBCIAI. RATB8 TO PROrESfllON Catateria — No Charga for Boam S«rrlca ' Witto aa Wti* Car H01ELALPINE raraaerly BBISBMWBBEB'S 68th St snd 8th Are., Hew York 1 aad i ROOUS; PRIVATB BATB SraOIAI. BATBS TO rBORSSIOM PHONE COLUMBUS 1000 HOTEL AMERICA 47th St., Just East of Broadway NEW YORK CITY ¥he aa:y azolaaiira Theatrical Botal at ■aa4«i<ata vrteMi to. Baw Tark CItr. Our I rataa ar* reaaonabia to tha protaHlon. Laraa raom. with privata bath. tlT.lt par waak. SIbcI* room, without bata. tt4 pot waak. Maks Yaur Rasasvation in Advana* GALGAKT, AI3EBTA, CAH. St Resis Hotd THE ONE BEST BET SPECIAL THEATRICAL RATES MODERN—FIREPROOF FREE BUS to take care of thd star, for a week- ly payment, it can ha arranged to take cara of you." The "arrahga- metit" Is presumably ft,' profltaole side Ilna for the agency. Oarsen'a Waning "Influaaoa" Oeraon at one time boasted of hts local political Influencti, and it was aajid he maintained hla atanding with the.Sbuberts on. that basis. At present his political influence Is a minus quantity, despite his paas> Issuing privilege. Oarson tool: the credit of "squar- ing" the libel stilt between the Shu- bdrts and the Chlcagp Poat," although the inside storv is that the "Post" spent nearly $100,000 in maintaining an intelligence bu- reau, the work of which was so thorough the Shuberts were only too glad to forget their quarrel with the paper and restore friendly relations. The Shuberts failed to press their libel suit when it came up la court and It was dropped. ^BROADWAY STORY (Continued from pagf| 12) "Artistic Temperament'.' (but prob- ably with a new title). Next week will be the last for "8candal.i,* which will, be followed 'by "TJ»e 8|ap." which is playing Chh^ogo now under the title of "Dumb as i^ Fox," After poopii"*,wni with Raymond Hitchcock two weeks "The Best be succeeded at the LyceiiOa. Ity Belasco's "Mdles of the ^v«niBg," and "The Fake" may tour at the ment that, "although we are ordered time also, with. "High Tide" tt^e ARLINGTON HOTEL . WASHINGTON, D. C WB ALWATS TAKB CABB OB THM PBOTBSSIOH BBOABDLBSS Or COMTBMTIOM8 SAMUEL J. STEINBERGER TORONTO BEBBIDOS HALL AFARTMEHTS ''~CT?V.'85o."?£?%a^« Hot aad eold water la each aalta - Btaam heat Cloaa to all thaatrca Spaoial aoeoiAmodatloa (or thaatrioal _pa«pla BS and 67 Mutual Street TORONTO, CANADA possible successor. "Marjorle" will go to the rosLd, with Its place at tha 44th Street taken by tba highly tovtad "Betty Lee." • f ^tRain" started «n the aubwajT'' eljrcuit at Warba's Brooklyn, and twp box offices with unbroken lines livened. tha lobby since the sala opened, and this week should gross nearty It0,000 alone. '"Tha Student Prince" at the Shubert, Newark. w^S. best last week, ovfr 124,000 baina , claimed. "The Money Lfmdar," wbioh stopped . at tha ^ Broad dtraet In the same stand for "Evening^ tlxlng, got about $6,000. "Wild- newer" did excellaatly at the Ma- jestic, Brooklyn, grossing nearly 121.000. "Be Yourself" started something in Jersey City with better than 12,000 estimated. "Lasy- bonea" got a little under $7,COO at the Bronx Opera Kouse. 'X>ittle Miss Bluebeard" got around |9,000 at the Brooklyn. "Fata Morgana," which was disappointing elsewhere, is Credited with $14,000 or better at th4 Riviera, but was closed, aa jtr- rasged for previously, * • Fivt New Shows Oat Buys, PlVa of the attractions neif to Broddwfiy last week aad this have been added tothe buy list. Afthe .■uimc time two -of the current buys ran out and the buy fbr "Dawn," after having- run but one week, was called dtr. That mode tlie total of buya IS' tba agenctea 27. i Of the new buys three gtft 400 seats a night. They are for the Jolson, Liberty and Mualo Bt>x, opening! this w^«4i and all tha'same Jianhar. ■ >Yeat«r4aii^ Ja tha ocencies lira dtnnand far—t-ady. Bar flood" at ths Liberty topped t/o call for