Variety (December 1924)

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iV VARIETY" ADVERTISEMENT Wednesday. December 24, 1924 SCCIN' THINGS M GIRLS *• A ■ -TTT A M«rry Cttristmat to You I know 1 am frightfully old-fashioned about my ideaa of Christmas—But I cannot apologlre. I love every- thing associated with 1^—the surging crowds, the gay decorations and the concentrated preparations for weeks preliminary to it. Somehow at this time of the calendar I always wish I were a native of Canada, Scandinavia or Russia, where a "white" Christmas Is always guaranteed with each gift! Oh, If it only snows here for this one I—well, maybe I would believe In Santa Claus. If you are fortunate enough to have an open fire. Invite your friends and their friends, too, for surely New York can b« a bleak and cruel place on a Christmas eve. They'll enjoy decorating the tree, hanging holly and assorting gifts as much as you will. And those gifts—I hope you'll llnd the thing you wanted most In each package and from the ones you cherish most. I wish you the happiest Christmas of them all. ,.;?.' ShoppirtB 0 Pl««sur« at Nat Lewis' It Is always a pleasure to shop in Nat Lewis' Shop, 1>78 Broadway, for there la always a new and complete eluuige of stock. Ktla baga are a source of delight. I am nure you will love them. There are large and small ones, In every shade, shape and color. Some are of the smart envelope model, while many others are mounted on handsome silver tops with the heaviest and richest of materials. They're priced from |4.9J> up. And his gloves! Beautiful Jouvin suedes,- In all the latest French models and shades. The beaded, ^embroi- dered and braided cuffs are wonderful, $4.85 and up. There are some lovely Fownes kids for only $1.85. You really should see them! « Robert's New Perfume Aro you tired of your perfume, or Is It impossible to smell It any longer? I know that frequently happens when you have used the same perfume a long time. If so, I have found a new and subtle one. "Robert le Dlable" Is Its name, made especially for Robert, the Beauty expert, at (75 Fifth avenue. Ignore Ulrlc says It Is "rarely delicate and alluring and I use It every day." I can secure a trial bottle for you If you 1 wish for tl. unless you would prefer the $6 or $10 size. Wonderful Values in Furs . The values that are being offered at the Hudson Bay Fur Shop. (62 Sixth avenue, these days are truly remarkable 1 I do wish you would go in and &ee the Parisian model of seal and skunk caught at the hip with a stunning buckle for $185.00—a lovely thing. And another bargain was a marmot wrap, fifty Inches, beautifully marked, for only $85. The raccoon "sports" are equally reason- able. Tou can travel the length and breadth of Manhattan and you will not get better values nor finer skins than they have at the Hudson Bay Fur Shop. Do not forget to mention Variety, you'll get the 10 per cent discount given to professionals. Splendid Eyebrow Oarkener Have you used Spiro's "Caloura" yet? If you haven't, by all means get a box! You will never uso anything else. "Caloura" Is the only preparation of Us kind on the market for darkening the eyebrows and lashes. Think of It—one application lasts from two to four weeks. I shall be happy to get a box for-you if you are on the road, priced but $1.10, or send direct to Sptro Beauty Shop. 26 West 88th street. Faeiab at Mme. Renna I cannot repeat too often the satisfaction you will have In visiting Mme. Renna In her oosy and restful salon. In the Hotel lAngwell. 121 West 44th street. Her work Is marvelous. Bva Clark, whose charm and beauty are captivating the audiences of "Madam Pompadour," \» enthusiastic over the facials she has been having there. tilie Is a perfect wisard in removing puiT-i from under the eyes, taking awaj double chin and lines from a too thin neck, and really rejuvenates you. The greatest joy of all—Mme. Renna, tend you personally. 1847. E«* Clark herself, will at- Telcphone for appointment,. Bryant Rialto RosmtngC With a WATS and a smile, Nina Wilcox Putnam stepped Bto her pierce, and said, ~Delray (Florida) beforo Phrist- mas, James." Blanche Merrill, our celebrated and gifted one, will spend Christmas In Ifontreal with dear Mollle Fuller. We wish them both a Joyous holiday for surely they deserve It. Ethel Chase, who has an enviable reputation abroad for her miniatures and drawings, has returned to these shores for the holidays. She la to do mi** w..mi* puumT a portrait of Edgar Lee Masters, of "Spoon River" fame, and one of Lenore Ulrlc. Zoe Akins Is recuperating from a short Illness we are happy to say, and will be able to Join In the holiday festivities. Preserve the Skin I am always so happy to recommend DEEVA to women who have been looking for a LTEXES8 soap. DEEVA Is absolutely free of that tissue-destroying. substance—lye. It respects the most delicate and sensitive skin by VARffinrS NEW SHOPPING SERVICE BY MAIL ORDER FROM OUT-OF-TOWN Qlrls ot the show business like to shop. So I shall be happy to h«lp yon in your shopping wants if you wish, and right here in New York. There will be no charge to you for the service. It Is Variety's Shopping Service, for the girls of the show business while they are outside of New York City. Variety Guarantees Every Purchase There will be a guarantee with every purchase I order, that the girl giving the order through me la to have thorough satisfaction; in fit or material or article, or correction made or money refunded. Variety demands that I procure that guarantee from everyone mentioned In this department, of from any merchant or shop I make fi purchase of for the benefit of a woman professional. Variety goes farther, in stating to me that it will back up the guarantee of the merchant or shop, to the extent that if ever a merchant or shop refuses to correct or refund to a dissatisfied purchaser when the purchase has been made through this department, that Variety wUl make the refund Itself. Unsatisfactory Out of Town Not only do the smaller cities and towns outside of New York fail io offer a variety or the latest In everything until after New York has had it, but they ofteqp fall to give full satisfaction in fit. material or price. Price especially when they know they are dealing with "show folks." New York presents the very latest In all seasons. If you don't want to purchase locally when travel- ing, let me know what you want. I will get it for you here. If It can be had. New York has It. Protective Service Needed The show business always has needed n protective service oi this kind for the girls. This is It. Neither Variety nor myself is Interested In any profit or commission, from you or the place where I may make the purchase. If you should want me to make a purchase of any amount for some one thing a consultation may be needed over, suggest you write first so we can get down to a basis when I can tell you the cost or other details. If sending for articles you know, make out check or money order payable to Variety, 1G4 West 46th street. New York City. Do not send money (currency). Though shops do not, as a rule, care to send goodif C. O. D.. if you prefer it that way. It may be done, if you will fully Identify yourself when writing to us. Service Fre» to Everyone, Everyw.Hsrs Variety's Shopping Service Is extendea vfely a. d without charge tb any girl In any branch of the show business (taking in pictures) anywhere in the United States or Canada. AnnaieUe Vee. Miss Larrimore's Wraps One of the most startling wraps I've seen this season Is one worn by Tranclne Larrlmore. An exotic leopard skin bountifully trimmed with white fox. ., Plastic Surgery Perfected You, too, can be good-looking now that plastic surgery has been perfected. At the 'House of Health," 140 East 22nd stre<)t, estab- lished in 18t>, they have some of the most skilled and famous surgeons In America. Face iming Is GUARANTEED FOR FIVE YEARS! And nose corrections GUARANTEED FOR LIFE! Imperfections and blemishes of all sorts are removed by these nation-famed specialists and the skin restored to Its natural beauty. Their fee Is very reasonable, and, by the way, if you are out-of-town mall your photograph and they will write yon fully. Appointment by phone, Gramercy 13(8. preserving the natural oil so necessary to a beautiful complexion. It also prevents chafing these brisk days. It is superb for a shampoo, Its lather giving the water that soft, velvety quality that Is so easily rinsed from the hair. Most of the department stores have It, however, U you should have difficulty In finding It on the road, I would be very glad to send you a box of It, four cakes for $1.00. (Care Variety, 164 West 4«th St.. New York City) THE DRESSY SIDE By SALLY All Dull but Dancers The cuiient Palace bill is dull, except for the Wrlglit Dai;ce:s coming close to closing. Helen Pashoud In her colorful Russian outfit has a pleasing voice. The Spanish dancers wearing embroidered fringed shawls with Spanish headdresses are clever. Betty DeMattIa dances uBsually well, wearing the regulation French outfit of dainty bliie. Jack McLallcn Is at his best skating. Sarah's abbreviated French gray velvet, cut very low, worn with a French cap effect of gray and pink, could be eliminated. Ker'silver and blue brocade with trailing sash is in better taste, with slippers of brocade. Miriam Hicks in the "Good Provider," wears a dainty sage green chiffon with sliver bands and trailing chiffon from shoulder with silver slippers, over which Is worn a blue wrap with feathers for a neck dressing. Constant Beaumer (mother) looks well though not modish in a black and white seml-decollette. Mr. Courtlelgh provides an usu.-tl, poise and finish, looking well In tan sack suit with red tie; the living room Is dressed In simple furnishings, red velvet drapes and Inmrs. silks and embroidery especially attractive. Her room negligee of velvet. embroidered In circles and edged with fur Is a peach. Gladys Rice singing '.'Kiss Me Again" looked very pretty in a pink ful; skirt, silver slippers, cut low. .'"he has an unusual soprano voice. The Capitol in its festive dress of holly and paUnctto plants radiate the Christmas spirit. Henley's Interesting Picture Hobart Henley Is responsible for one of the most interesting pictures shown on Broadway, "So This Is Marriage" at the Capitol. Eleanor Boardman is acting her best and wearing her best. She is particularly beavtiful in the "dreAht dress" of black velvet, long white Jeweled waist, oat exetremely low in the back with a headdress of white aigrettes and with a wrap of white ermine, with white fox collar. Miss Boardman's boudoir is furnished daintily and her pillows of soft An Ensembler Suit Lynn Fontaine is looking her prettiest these days in '"The Guardsman," wearing her always flattering canary colored dinner dress, cut low, slightly draped, no sleeves, and a one-piece sports dress, long sleeves, pockets. Her ensemble suit with fur collar and cuffs of brown san^! small hat is most becoming'. McCormack Got Moct Applause The benefit at the Century Sunday was a success, 'john McCormac); in evening clothes singing his best and to the greatest applause of the evening. Grace Moore (with the "Music Box Revue") looked charmln.7 in white, *nbroidered in brilliants. Vincent Lopez Band was In evening clothes. The singing and dancing of the Brox Sisters in blue and yellow. with their blonde curls and silver slippers, were an attractive feature. Bunk Plus Talk The holiday spirit was responsible for the good humor of the first nighters at the Gaiety Monday. "The Youngest" Is bunk, plus Bpee«-hes. No rhyme and less reason for wasted efforts of a splendid cast. Eflfle Shannon's mother role saves the play. Fhe Is looking particularly at- tractive In white wig. black taffeta and the usual lace collars and cuttp worn by mothers. Genevieve Tobin makes the most of little and Is attractive In her one-piece brown f^ck, and in a simple low neck short sleeve white. The beat «f 'The Toungest" are the settings. YANK CANCELS YANK (Continued from page 3) passage back on the "Regina,' which sailed Saturday (Nov. 20). Seed will return here in th< spring to play vaudeville. Jean Bedlnl has been a burlesqo producer over here and also pro iluced replicas of American bur lesque shows In London. His Eng lish associate, Tom Hearn, was performer known as "The La« Juggler," who appeared on this s! about 15 years ago. Hearn has been touring mus shows In the provinces. After Bi dini put over a burlesque show London that scored substantial!; he. with Hearn, commenced to ganize troupes for provim bookingn. Bedini left New York couple of months ago to pre other musicals along burlesqi lines and took Seed along, wl Seed's contract to start in Novi ber, running for one year. Seed has been in burlesque OT here. Another Seed, now playing, this country, Dave Seed, Is not Seed referred to In the cable. Both Seed and Bedini are Ameri; cans. Bedlnl was a perfoi (Juggler) for many years in the known as Bedini and Arthur,