Variety (December 1924)

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,--'■*<. •"■».•;- orVlhr; IS '■**'^:MS^"5?w«St 'f- WcOnaday. December 24, 1924 ^ 1924 1 BILLS NEXT WEEK (Dec 29) IN VAXTDKVrt.LM THCATUKS (All kaaaa* •van for tht waafe witb Monday mattn**. wkan sot oiberwu* tsdUatad.) TiM bills below *r« croup«d In dlviatona accordlnc t( booklni ofllcaa aapplUd from. Th« manaar la wlUcb tbaaa Dill* ara prlDiad do«» 001 danot* iba ralailva l:aip«rtaDc« of acta Boi ibair program pMlttoaa. Ab astartak <■> bafor* oama dcnotas act is doing aaw tars, or raappoanng aftar abaaaca troia *aada*llla. or appearlBg In etty wbara Hstad for fbs tmt Ubm. KEITH CmCUIT •*■ TOBK CITT KoHh's HippwlraaM Ccrro * Moro Btory * Zardo Slngor'a Midgata Tbo Baratos Ulllaa Sbaw C Bronnar Co B * W Howard (Otbars to ail) KaHh's ralace noaaymooB Cnilse aican * JanklBS O'Donnall * Blair Rhaa A Bantora Salt A Fappar Albart Wbalan (Otbars U fill) ■attta'a BlranMa Nera Bayes DAS Ford Co id bair HcGr&th A Deeds Fall of Eve Herman Timbcrg Tha Raballion (Two to flII) Praetor's ItMh IM. Id half (>t-n) nils of Melody IfcCartby A Moore TAD Ward Warren * O'Brien DAB Ford Rev (Ona to fill) 1st half (lt-11) Samaroft A Sonia Hamilton A Backer (Otbers to fill) mmtmr't Htk M. td balf (26-lS> Rablnl A Boaa Ml -rnS W<MIAK-flATKR8' CLDV I^cavltt A I^oekw'd Irene RIcardo V Bergere O Cheealter Braa Spadora Dnrbla's Aatasals (One to «H) ■altk^ Bayal Mme RerBMna Thirty Flak Tom Peplto Alma Netlaoa Co Crawford A Brod'k Vealta Oaald (Othsrs U All) Uoyd A Brica liSB Bolts I^dell A Maeey Banay l<soBard Blla Bradaa (Olhars to All) ■ettk% UM M. Bager ImkoS Ca. Harry V^a Ca Ryan A !«• Vsnrflla Ravba (Two to flU) Chaa Fay Kelly A Dearbora York A Lord O'Hanlon A Zamb't Cecil Cnanlaglkajn (Otbers to Ul) Corradlal** Aalmals Dooley A Mortoa Bleaaora laelaF Wblts Btsura HIakay Braa Tk« Ceauaantfars U balf Xar4e«k A Maya Claytaa A Iiaaala rucar A DaacUa Bella Bakar C Vincent Co Medley A Daprea Artbar Whitelaw Geo Uannatord Co (One to nil) lat balf (tt-lt) Maria A Pale TAD Ward Frank DIsoa Cn (Otbera to flll> Id bait (1-4) Samarofl A SodIb H Warren Co Hibbllt A Bartmnn ((Xbers to All) Fkwtas'a tM W. Sd balf (1(-2I) SaiaaroB A SonIa Zardo A Wolf Fall of Bto Combe A Nevin* Mack A Vetmer 'Dae ta ail) M half (1-4) Maria A Fala J A A Bamby TAD Ward Fraak DIxaa Ca (Two ta Ul) r mt» 1i MA Aea. td balf <!>•»> Jhn Jam Jaaaa H Wanaa (^ (^B'gbam A Ban't Jallas Tanaea (Two to Ul) 1st halt (S(-Il) LAM Wilson ▲dier Wall A H M A A Clark B C Hllllam Ca atan Stanley Caral Allaa Bead FAB BOCKAWAT Id balf (1-4) Tea My Dear Chas Withers Rot Cnre (Otbers to 111) Maaa'BlTcra J. A Uantell Mitchell Braa (Othera to ail) Xd balf Klamet aiaters Doaer A Berkes Alexander A Olaan Sophia Tucker (Two to ail) . ALBAMT. K. T. Proctor'a Mlaa Merle Co Bddio White Ca A Reach Qlrls Browii A Whittaker Romae Troape Zd half Mack A Manoa Ryan A Marr Four Huaband* (Two ta ail) AIXKNTOWN TA. Reed A Baker Stare of Fatore Carl McCHllongh Shaw'a Doge (One ta AH) 2d half Meebaa A Shannon C Mattbewe Cu Bert Swor Shaffer A Beraica Walter Brewer Oolbanrk Roamers (One to fill) Id half Jackie A Btllla Bea Smith Tarroarh (Two to All) BINGBAH'M. K. t. Blagham«a» let halt Sport Paraona Co JLIcCoriu'h A Rcgay Murray Olrla Beaaett A Laa Henri BIrebroao Bd 2d ball Ontario Twa Anthony Helen Mannhig Co Fletcher Clay'a Bee CHA-8TON, W. TA. Kaaraa Grace Ayer Bra BAM OardDor Drelys Sletere Co Wlllard 2d half Deaso Better Hartley A Pat'rsoB Temple Four Caaetti Rydell Co CmSTKB. PA. Adgeascat Pauline A Lorte Driacoll A Perry Marty White Betty Lon Ckerrle Matlbews Bert Swer Kola Sylvia Cb (One to ail) 3d half Reed A Baker Stare of Future Carl McCnllougb Shaw'a Doga BUUBA, N. T. Carsea A Kaae Wink J Downing Kolly Cytell Troupe Penn Diamond Or (One to ail) 2d half Major Jack Allen Ooff A Bobbie Oh Charlie (Two ta ail) BBIB, PA. Homer Roiaalaa Ruby Royce Sla Newell A Moat Mclntyre A ^eath Bd L«wry Lloyd Nevada Ca tAC1kaOJtm.lM (SaTasBah split) let balf Dale A Delano H Holbrook Co Jaet a Pal Holland A Oden J J Clifford Co 4BB8BT CITT Mate Sd half (2S-Zt) Klamet Bis Roblnaon A Pierce Fcnton A Flelde Bryan Falrchlld Co (Two to ail) 1st half (2t-Sl> I«w Hawklaa Road to Btarlaad Uoyd A Brice WITH A SINCERE WISH TO EVERYONE FOR THE MERRIEST OF CHRiOTMAS WBITK OB STOP IM AND SEE V8 FBB80MALLT « THE FALLY HARiOIS VAUDEVILIE AGENCY 1570 Broadway chickerino B410-12 NEW YORK CITY Pert KeltoB PanUna (One to fill) BIBMIBOHAII t^rki (AtlanU apUt) lat half Dol'ger A Reyn'de J Hughes Two J Dooley A Co Wilson Broe B Drenater Co BaBcoek A Dolly Pllcar A Doaglaa ITeaTer Broa witnnfo A Miwwv L chbirmab TO BTKBTOMB K \RI I. an<i HOVKIN OirMtion PRANK DONNKLLV Fear Casttag Btara (One U aU) Sophie Tucker Alexander A Olaea Four Jansleys tOtbers to ail) 2d half Ward A Van The Commanders (Others to ail) Keith's Fardham XIaraet Sisters Marg Padnia Fall of Bva Herman Timbcrg The Rebellloa (One to ail) 2d half SIgebee's Dogs Babcock A Dolly Blossom Beeley HIekey Bros (Two to ail) Moss' Besaat VeOrath A Deede H Warren Co Bert Fltsglbbons (Otbers to ail) Id half Jaoouea Hayes Wi^er Broa ((Others to ail) Kaaa' BamUUa SIgsbaa's Doga Mnrdock A Mayo Al Moore Baad (Two to ail) td balf Corradlnl's Animals Mitchell Bros Whits BIstsrs (Othsrs to ail) BBOOKLTN BeUb's Bashwtcb W Morris Co Mabel Ford Co Frank Fay Gallarini Sisters Jean Southern W A Kennedy Co Lahr A Mercedes Bernard A Oarry Three Plerottya Kdtb's Orphean Xeane A Whitney Kohin A Oallettl Whiting A Burt Jack Conway (^ Stanelll A Douglas Three Adonea (Otbers to aU) Moss' Flatbnsh Clark Morrel) Davis A Darnell Dillon A Parker Oscar Irf>rratae (Two to fill) Keith's Grecnpoliit 2d half (2t-28> Thirty Pink Toes OTIS MITCHELL and HABTXAND SINOER8 Headlining oa Keith Circuit BlaglBg, Soatban Bangs of tha Blxtlsa " HABBT WBBBB ng> SoiKbaf IMraetla a Belle Baker Ward A Van (Two to nil) 2d halt t. A Mantell Marg Padula Fred Berrena Co Dooley A Morton Four Janaleya (One to All) R Orlbboa Ca Daaor A Barkaa ClayUa A Laaala Foar Chatlaff Wars 4Tw« U ftU) t-k—^. Anger A Packer (Others to BID Keith's Piaspeet 2d half (2IS-2I) Monroe A Grant Clark Morrell Co Thuraby A B'm'g'm Kramer A Boyle Cameo Ramblers (Ona to All) 1st half (Zt-ll) Quizy Four Weston A Kllae Tes My Dear Uoara A Millar Co (Twa to ail) MAN-KIN The Frog Hoppng THIS WEEK TRENTON BiNf POTTSVILLE NEXT WEEK KEYSTONE. PHILADELPHIA WILTON CROWL--MACK KEEP ME BUSY Kola Sylvia Ca (Oaa U aU) AMBTDAM, «. T. Maek A Maaos Ooa Lyoaa Raaly A Cress (navaTd A Downey Ktaka of 1»14 Zd half Mabel McKlaley Healy A Cress (Three to aU) ABBCBT F'K, M. J. Rule A O'Brlea Jobaay Net Wilsoa A Q BU (Two to ail) td balf Slmpaon A^Daan LAM Wilson (Three to ail) ATLAMTA (Birmingham apllt) 1st half A Bchuler (^ Follla Oiris BOBTOlf B^ F. ■dMk'a Mlacahaa Ray Uashaa A Pam B SchoasM (3a F ArdeU Ca Chief Qsapelieaa The Piooeer (Twa ta ait) Shannon A V Horn Bobby Heath Rev 2d half Willie Broa Rnascll A Marconi Broohs Phllson A O Mr A Mrs N Phll'ps Leon A Dawa Geo Brown Co cntciMBAn B. F. KatOl's Dippy DIers A B Allen A CaaBeld Bill Robinson Leo Bears Hackett t Delmar nevan A Pliat Claudia Alba 0> Two Solarea Oehaa A Oerlteoa Macart A B'dCd Cte Bison City'Foar Plsano A Laadaaer Radio FuB Fulton A (Jalnette CL'KSB'O. W. TA. Onuia The Herberta Merrit A CoghUn Hartley A Pat'rson Olyn Loa Basersan Cm td halt Bunlce Miller Ca Werner Amoros J Peara'a Newp't A P (Two to All) CUETKEAMD Boyd Beater Oa Keyhole Kamaoa Bert Haatoa Mr A Mrs J Barry Stasia tiOdova Co Naa Halpena Rath Bras Frank lUebardsoa Alphouo CO Beymoar A Jeaaette aastoB A PklOMT Paal Zlmas's Orch Mr A Mra J LaaoS BUtera Ca Chaa Althoff Realata (Two to ail) td half Howard A Roaa Jos Griinn Co Walter Newman Co B Bvana Glrla (Two to ail) OEKMANT'N, PA. Sylvia PotUrd Raasell A Mareoal Compllm'ts Be|Mon Jules Blaak Co 2d half BrgottI A Herman Burr A Chtlten Fear Flashing Jack Oatennan Major Review OLBM8 FOB, N. t. 1st balf Healy A C:roae (Othera to BID GKAXD BAPIDS Kmpreaa Mack A La Rue Marie Rueeell Hyman Mann Co Perrone A Oliver Gygl Severn * Bal't Hawthorne A Cook 2d. balf Faltoa A Rao Miller A WHaoa Cbaae A La T Co NIzon (Two to OKBKM « r«a I CO A Saas^^^ to aiu^^^ BKMUVBO Norma 'Pelraa Harklna A Mc<nay JIatmy Daaa Ca Lameaus A Touag Marion A Jasoa Zd hair FAB Oasdaor Hall A VBrtoa BtatioB JOT Lewis A Boffsrs Baggott A Shaldoa FA. Traban A Wallace Rest Core (Two to ail) td half (1-4) Qaizy Four Harry Rose Roes A Moon Rev (Others to All) JOHNSTOWN, PA. Majoatie Hoffni'n A Lambert Bales A Robles Alexander A Peggy :d balf Bannia Bronaon A Renee Harrison A Dobaon (One to ail) 1.ANCA8TBB Colantal Arena Bros A A M Joy Mack A Velhar Bspe A Dot ton J A K Lee Harry Jolsoa Hart A Brsaa Lyvfa (K. Orieans split) )st half Rialto A LamoBt Vernon R R Ball Bro Moore A Bagar Billy Croas Ca MONTBKAI. lapasial (Sunday opening) Brown A Sedaae Lydia Barry Oantier's Dags MIIIOB Pollack Co Snow A NarlBo Aaron A Kelly Prtaecas The Gaadsmitba The Teat Cole ft Snyder Take Taka ATT Jack Benny Wilton Sisters - Chrlsto Ronaldo MT VBBNON, N. T. Praetor's 2d half (25-28) Robin A Hood Adier Well A H Al Herman Alma NIelson Co (Two to ail) 1st halt (2(-31) Rose A Moon Rev (Othera to ail) 2d half (1-4) Road to Starland B C Hllllam Rev (Othera to All) NANTICOKB, FA. Ontario Two Emma Bar! H Manning Co P Clayton Revue 2d balf Murray Glrla Bennett A Lee Gen Plsano Co (One to ail) NASmnLUE (Cbatiaaoaga split) let halt Three Armeironge I STAB OF «n/AI!f JANB" J0£ LAURIE, Jr. Dlreetloa MAX RABT Venetihn Mssqnc'rs Sd half , Markell A Gay JAB Page i Naah A O'Donnell Tabor A Green Harry *Kahne I.ANSFOKD TallCF Anthony Tommy Toner Co JAB Pa«e 2d half Raymoad Pike Bmma Barl Frank A Barron Hack A Valmar lAWBBHCB Grant A Feelay Hagh Herbert Ca Bana A Halloa Ambitions 2d half Margot A Fraacoia WHEN PLAYING PHILADELPHIA JACK L. LIPSHUTZ MONDAY; ORDER TAILOR 908 Wakat SL ,„:':^Vi Benson Massimo Co Sid Hall A Band (Two to BID (Oordoa'a Olympla) SeoUay Sqoare Bolger A Norman Harry L Cooper Co Bayes A Speck Weir's Elepbanta (OovdOB's Oiyvpla) Waskli HIE PICKFORDS Tkb Wedl (OesL S). Orsbasn. Las AawlW DtoaotlaB AlF T. WILTON Four Horsemea Mallan A Case Bohemian Ufa '^ACBDBN. B. T. Poliach A Barmaa Oh Charlie Jau-O-Mania Bav (Oaa to ail) td half Crhas Keating Co Ward A Hart MasxettI Lewis Co (One to ail) BALTIHOBB Marylaad R Harriaon's. Circus Boba Roblson A Plareo Mary Haynea Glesdorf A Orch Dick Henderson Five Bracks (One to All) BATON BOVOB ColambiA (Shreveport split) 1st baU The Rloe Three White Knhns Bckert A Franeis Sampson A Douglas Three Uttle Maids BBnrLKBBM. FA. Wallaoa 4 Cappo D'Arm'nd A Hnnt'g SbuSIs Along Four BOFFATO Tip Tip Tapb'kers Charles Dttmar Joe B Stanley Co Innee Bros Aunt Jemima Mason A Keeler Co Dr Geo RockweU The Merediths OAMDKIf, N. t. Dare A Treosio Jadsoa Oslo Mr A Mra N .PhU'ps Jack Ostarmaa Geo Brewa Co td half Fitch's MiastraU CANTON. O. Lyeoua Arcbl Onri Karl A Mattheva LAsar A Dale Morgan A Moraa B Andersoa A Pony td halt MoratI A H^rrla Hal Nelmaa (Three ta aU) CAKBONDAUB Gea OOLOlIBim B. F. Kslth'a Palermo's Dogs (Uatlston A Mack Sam Liebert Ca Montana (Three to ail) DATTON B. F. Kotth'b Jack iBgUs Co Allya Maaa Co (Othera to ail) Id half laaballe Co Carroll Gorman Larry Stontenb'gh Haley A Reck M Wllkins Oroh DBIBOn Four Beadlngs Senna A Dean Primrose Four (Two to ail), td half Luellla A Cockle McNolty A Mollen Choos Fables (Two to ail) HAZKLTON Feeley's (^mpbell A Esther McFarl'nd A Palace Freeman A Lynn Qypey WsBderara td halt Normao Broa R A B Brill Owen A DeVerp Haney's^>^ks holt^Hbass. Capt' KIdd ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦< i THE FEDiMG METHODS UWAYS WINS '■■■ ', Ask tb« Acta W« Rapracent • > ABELFEWBERG il Loaw AniMx Btdg. 160 West 46th St. Bryant S«64, 1O108 "BaoklBB the Beat ta Taaderilla* ^ »♦»»♦»»♦»»»»»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦» Millard A Marlla Caaey A Warrea Duel do Korokjarte BedmoBd A WoUO May Wlrth Oa Barry DeU Caaslao Oa ■ABTOM. FA. AHa a a. M sotea a I <yCojinar A Wilson Ponsini's Monka Id Balf Baaa A MaUoa AmtdtlODs nmiANAFOLU Frldkla A Bheda ■taa Kavaa*ath HamlRaa Bis A F Ksane A Williams Clark A Crosby Everybody Step Marg't Hessler Co LOUISVILLB Blalto Isabelle A Co Carroll A Gorman Larry Stontenb'gh Haley A Rock Marlon WllklDs Or (One to eil) 2d half Jack Inglls Co Allyn Mann Co (Others to BID LOWELL, HAS9. B. F. Keith's JAB Grands Odeo Jans A Whslen Billy 6 HaU Co Nell McKay Malinda A Dads MANCHBS'B. N. H. Falaoe Hargot A Franeola Harg't Hfaaler Co Keane A Williams Clark A Ooeby Springtime Revue td half Grant A Feeley Hugh Herbert Co Lloyd A Good (Two to AU) McKKESP'BT, FA. Blppodroma F A H Gardner Ball A O'Brien Lewis A Rogers Station JOT Baggot A Sheldon td half Norma Telma llarklns A McClay Jimmy Dunn Co Lemeanx A Tbung Marlon A Jasoa MiAia Wmtrtma rw. P. split) 1st halt Magical Wlaurt Fsley* LaTaar Kerr A Eneign Mills A Kimball Nell MoKinley Co The Cown Shop NBWABK. N. Jl. '•actor's A A'o Falla Frank De Toe Greenw'd Children Solly A Thomaa I J FUher Al Rermaa NEW BBITAIN FalMa Rialto Four Fern A Mario Sis Mareaa (Ono to ail) td halt Capt Kldd Ray ConHn (Two to ail) N. B'NSWV, H. J. Blrolt Zd halt (lt-2t) Willie Smith Welle Walters Oo Seven Arlstoerata (Others to All) Zd half (1-4) Mabel Rowland (Others to All) M'EW OBUEANB Crescent (Mobile spllt> lat half Frisco's Seals Moore A Mitchell Damarel Vail Co Fleming Sisters L Faulkner Co HORFOIX AeaUfaiv Zd half Dob Romalne Co Venetian Maaqae'rs Bapo A DBtloB ^Others U ail) OTTAWA. CAN. KaHA'B Bert Barle Ca Zahn A Drels Jos Bernard Co Mason A Shaw Jaaa Reyea Howard Girls PABSAIC, N. t. Ftayhoasa HcGratb A Norton Spencer A Carroll Bimpaoa A Dean A Bobbins Graalelt 2d half Annette Dare Norma Violin Maheney A Talbert O'Brien Sisters Co (One to All) FATEB80N, N. i. Majestic 2d half (2&-2I) Mae Miller Co Mr. Dooley Bums A Allen (Otbera to All) 1st half (2S-31) Compllmenta Bea^n Rogert Wllilama Carson's Rrvue FITTSBUBliJH Oavis Koo TakI A ToM Oliver A Olaen : Lillian Leitsel Chaa Wilson A Friedland Revaa Leo Carrillo Pollenberg's Bears ■arris Zellla SIstere Hare A Hare 2d half Wardel A La Cost* Eddie Hume Co. John Qeiger Dorothy Watera Max ZImmer Sheridan S«aaro Bonnia Bronaon A Renee Harrison A Dobeoa (One to All) Zd balf Hoffman A Lamb'rt Salae A Roblea Alexander & Peggy (One to All) PORTLAND^ MB. B. F. Keith's Blossom Kcalh Or ROY ROGERS UireetloB U.^VE S.^BLOSKT J A A Humby (Others to All) PHILADELPHIA B. F.-Keith's Gsntier'e B'klaycra CConnor Twins Wanser A Palmer Marie Nordstrom Ells Brlce Band Julius Tannen Take was Adelaide A Rugh<-s Jack Norworth ADeghcny Hathaway A Co L Ormsbee A Co Thoa J Ryan A Co Freeman A Mortoa Lenore BIben A Co Braa4way B Bouncer's CIrcn* Beck A Ferguson Harry Mayo Jimmy Carr A Bd 2d halt Frank Wilson Jttstay A Hoffman Bell A Naplea Jimmy Carr Band Crooakeya Dan Fltcba Mln 2d balf B Bouncer's Circus Beck A Fesgruson Bobby Heath Revue Vaugbn Comfort John Regay CO n»io Dancing Kennedys Jaaoa A Harrlgan Cbas Maek Co Barka Barton A B Howard Lanlns Or Ceakley A Dnnlevy Royal Siameae Bat Arthur West FlTO Bplnettes Haynea A Beck Carlt'n Binmy Doga Barrett A Cuneen B A L Walton P A E Roaa POTTSVILLE, FA. mppodromo De Mario A Lam'lt Roger Williams Cook A Oatman Col Jack George Jos Freed Co Zd half Ralph Holbein Mort Harvey • Jules Black Ca Robey A Gould Joyce Ixtndo Co FBOTIDENCB B. F. Alhoo Marcel A Seal Richard Keane Rosemary & Ifarjio Paul KIrkland (One to All) KALEIOH Andltarinaa (Jacksonville split) let half A A E FrabeUe Billy McDermott McCormk A WaTeS Pieiro Venetian Five BEADING, PA. Bajah Jackie A BUlie Stone A loleen Robey A OoulU 2d halt Wallace A Cappo Shaffer A Bemlea Senna A Dean Walter Brower Gotham Roamera Gloho Woods Three Larry Relllr Cnrley Bums Oa (Three to All) Oraad O. ■• Frank Wilson ErgottI A Herman Edna Buckley Co Vaughn Comfort Major Revaa Zd half Sylvia Pollard Hall A Dexter Betty Lou OFFICIAL DBNTIBT TO THB N. V. A. DR. JUUAN SIEGEL 14U Brottdwap <FrtMUB Bids.)'. K. T. TbU Week: MI88 DOBOmT KNOWLB8 MBA. HARBY NORWOOD (Richmond apllt) 1st half Roulette Albright A Harto Powers A Wallaoa ' Mullen A Frances Sterling's Frolloa NORRIST'WN, FA. Oarri* Marg't Hessler Co Burr A Cullen Bmmett Welch Milk Zd half Hoskins Fred'lts Bd Judson Cole Tonth MORTBAMPTON Calvla MoL>ghlln A Bvans Ann Suter Selbit Co (Two to ail) Zd halt Buchanan A Bro'er O'Con'r A Wilson Marcus A Carlton (Two to All) OBANOB, N. ». Palaco Raymond Pike Jewell A Rita Frank A Barron Dolly Davia Jack I>avler The Oranadoa <Tv« to BID Shannon A V Horn Bmmett Welch Min Koystoao Mankin Brennan A Wlnnla Ferry Convey King A Beattr Maarice DIam'd (^ Jones A Rao (One to BID Ntxan Ralph Holbein Justay A Hoffman Fisher A Hurst RICHMOND iMorfolk spUtI 1st balf lAara Ordway Wllkens A WilkoB Reyn'ds A Donegal BOANOKB Boannho (W. Salem spltll 1st half Melford Three Denby A Dawa Irman'te A Viol Ernest HIatt Hall Ermine A B BOCHB8TBB I Templo i Willie Hale C^o Mareellne D'Alro]( TAB Healy Syncopated Toea Bteptaens A Hol'siM (Two U ail) ■ATANNAH, (Ue 1st half ^_ (Same bill plofl M'tgomery Zd baU] Pagana F Mallane A Hart A Helene Browne A RoC'j Florence Gaae A CI ■CHKNBOTADX, Froctor's Mack A Stanton FRANK A^- —DOBOTB FORD aid RKKETTS in tha "WEDDING RING" "A MERRT CHRISTMAS TO AJSJ"^ Carson's Revue Zd halt Arco Broa Harry Mayo Lewis A Norton Rome A Oaut Ton Gotta Dance Winiaai Penn De Alma Ball A Dexter Four Flushing Roms A Oaut John Regay Co td halt Dara A Trosaie Four Husbands (Others to All) Zd half Miss Merle Co ^ Clevel'nd A DowrjW Albertlna Reach WC Romas Troupe (Two to All) BHKNANDOAB Strand Norman Bros R A B Brill Owea A DeVere Baney Rema