Variety (January 1925)

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1^" Wednesday, January 28, 182S VARIETY IS ,.„.U»y^ N«Tad» * mi Si Mar Daria '- Uaa Beers > . Heorr fr»T roltoa ft Quintette • BeaucaJree »A half tm > K^rolt Bros Olyn I^ndlck . K'CarthT ft Stenard .*' Caasoit Bros ft M R ft B Drill ;<,£ro*<L<'>y Dreams .. VANFJI. «T. PBT8. IJIKE ft OBI^NDO ■■<''' Green, Tare ft O ' Rodero Sc Maler Cook ft Oatinan Col Jack George Thank You Doctor TOLEDO ft. r. Keith's The Schullera l<ee ft Romalne Taka T Si Toga T Macart & Bradford ck Henderson roar Readinc* Tom Davles > WftSHINOTON.rA. sut« Cliapelle ft Carlton R)ran ft Moore Hart ft Helene Harry dee Haw ( J0II7 Corks 2a halt Kate ft Indetta L.evan ft Doris Mabel McKlnley Bam Hearft Beeffee ft Qupee WATBBTOWiH.N.Y. Avon 2d half Oeo Morton Arnaut Bros R ft J Crelghton Paul Kirkland Co WnBELINO.W.VA. Victoria Beetee ft Qupee Levan ft Doris Mabel McKlnley If V aaven't Heard of Hias V Will ROE REAVES "THE KID CLOVE KIDDER" ) .The Lamys Zd half Venio Moore Rd Sh TORONTO 8hr«'s , JP^Iernno's Caolnrs Millard A Marlin Pert Kelton Powers ft Wallace > Juan Reyes Brn Evans ft Girls East & Duinke £1 Ray Sis TBENTOX, N. J. Capitol Jean 1m Cross Trehan ft Wallace , t Golfers (One to nil) r 2d half Pflot ft Wilson Margaret & Morrell Hazel Crosby Oddities of 1*:S TROY, N. T. froetor's Betty Moore Co Rose O'Hara Eddie Stanley Co Dotson Sheldon Tyler ft S 2d half Rtannelll ft Douglas ' Rosem'y & Marjorle Coulter & Rose Fred Helder Co (One to fill) ' 't'MON inLL, N. J. Capitol 2d half (29-1) Jack Ryan Co .Kenna ft Dean Al Mitchell Band Alexander ft Olsen (T>*o to All) 1st half C-t) Wearer Bros ' (Others to flU) Zd half (S-S) tt Miles from Bway (Others to All) . , I'TICA, N. T. ColonlAl Oeo Morton Arnaut Bros 3 ft J Crelghton Paul Kirkland Co 2d half Jean Sothern (Others to fill) WASHINGTON B, F. KeUh's . (Sunday opening) Honeymoon Cruise Fenton ft Flelda Nell McKay Stan Stanley Richard KeaB Annette Sam Hearn Cora Y Carson 2d half I^ucan ft Inez Moratti ft Harris Harl & HeUne Harry Qee H^w Fl'cher Clayton Rev IVILJIINOTON, DEL. Aldlne Gordon ft Riga Jules Harron I.awton & Walsh Archer ft Bclford Brown ft La Velle 2d half Belllas Sis Al ft M Joy Jean La Cross Edna Buckler Co ClltTord Wayne 3 Corlnne ft HImber W00N80CKET.R.I. BUou Ed Ford Primrose Semon Co (One to nil) 2d half Donahue ft Morgan Romas Troupe (One to nil) TONKEB8, K T. Proctor's 2d half (29-1) Fred Sossman Stanley & Dimes Wm Edmunds Co (Others to nil) 1st half (2-4) Will Cromwell Kolnus ft La Vere (Others to nil) 2d half (S-8) Radio Robot Weaver Bros ' Holl'd Dbckerell Co (Others to nil) ¥OBK, FA. Lloyd ft Brlce Inspiration Walter Barnes Bobby O'Neill Co 2d I>air Miller ft WIISOB I^ve Boat Arthur WhItefaw (One to nil) Y0UN08T0WN Hippodrome Annette Dare Alexander ft Peggy The Love Garden Woodchoppcrs O'Brien Sextette 2d half Cuby ft Smith Misses- RIchter Wm Kennedy Marston ft Manley Dan Sherman Co BBIDGEF'T, CONN PoU Carter S Carrie Lillie Rolling Their Own FOLI ciscniT N. HAVEN, CONN. PaUc* t Petleys ' Seymore ft Jeanette Jack Rodman Co JIMMY GRACE DWYERandORMA H. BART McHUGH Resista 2d half Jack Redman Co (Others to nil) Palace Pless Trio Fred Berrens Co King ft Beatty Eddie Buzzell Co 2d half Buchanan ft Brower BrgottI ft Merman I,eonore BIbes Co L ft N Wilson t Petleys HABTF'BD, CONN. Cn(>ltol IflMmer Bros Happy Cribben Danny Dugan Co Haynes ft Beck Dolly Davis Revue 2d halt feymore ft Jeanette Fred Berrens Co EMdIe Buztell Co Billy Hnllen Ttiscano Bros MKRIDF.N. CONN. • Poll Kramer Bros Carrie Llllle ■K%rry Celeinin Co Rvslsta- • L ft N Wilson L Blben Co . 2d half Pless S Harry Grlbben Rolling Their Own King ft Beatty The Fair '8CRANTON, FA, PoU 1st half (Wilkes-Barre split) Haney Sis ft P Jack IjH VIer Lee Mason ft S Mitchell Bros Chas Withers Co SFRINOF'D, MASS. Palaco Morales Bros ft D Taber ft Green &{ Dlarodn Rev Harry Mayo •d ha'f Noak J ft A Itunby Stars of Future Vaughn Comfort Sonny Thompson Co WATERB'Y, CONN. Palaco Buchanan ft Brower ErgottI ft Herman The Fair Billy Halle* Tuacano Bro« >d half Carter 2 Danny Dngan O* Haynes ft Beck Dolly Davis Rer WILKE8-BAKRR PoU 1st halt (Scranton split) Clayton ft Clayton Fritz! Brunette Bradley Hen'sey Co (Ono to nil) WOBCnrEB, MASS. PoU Noak J ft A Hunby Stars of Future VaOghn Comfort S Thompson Co :d half Uoralcs Bros ft D Taber ft Green M Diamond Rev Harry Mayo James Miller Rev STATE LAKE (Sunday operUng) Hughle Clark Bd Hurt ft Rosendale R Dixie 4 Role ft O'Brien Amac Yorke ft-King , Canslnos & Family Lester CALO.%RY, CAN. Orpheam (1-3) (Same bill plays Vancouver 4-6) Roye ft Maye Henry & Moore Chas Kellogg Combe ft Nevlns Sylvia Clarke Sneli ft Vernon CEDAR R'PIDS, lA. HaJesUo ITamlln & Mack Harris ft Holly Lewis ft LaVarr Joe Darcy Trevor ft Harris Harry Burns Co OBPHEUH CIECUIT CHICAGO Palace (Sunday opening) Sophie Tucker Brady ft Wells Barry ft Lancaster Ethel O Terry Webbs Entertainers Olson ft Johnson Aterpiece Creations MINNEAPOLIS Hennepin (Sunday opening) Nan Halperin Gattlson Jones Bd Henry Bergman Pressler ft Klaiss Sleeping Porch O'Rourke ft Kelly Klewn Revue OAKLAND, C.IL. Orpheun Karavaeff Demarest ft Collette Lockett ft Pa^« O'Dlva Fields ft Johnson 3 Rubes OMAHA, NEB. Orphram Van ft Schenck Paol Nolan DuCallon Princeton & Watson Emily Lea Co Coscia ft Verdi Herbert Bolt 3 PORTLAND. ORE. Orpheam J ft B Morgan PI Frankle Heatti Billy House Co Van Horn ft Inez Al Tucker Orck (One to All) 2d Halt Murdock ft Hendy S Sampaell ft Leon'dt J B Hymer Co (Three to nil) WINNIPBO. CAM. Orphovas Klmberly ft Pago Birdie Reevea Lorraine 81a Leo Carrllto Robin ft Uoo4 LOEw cncuiT state IjtMont 3 Fisher ft Sheppard Crelghton ft Lyan Colonial Sextette J I Flsoher Orch Beeman ft Grace Amerleaa Nelsons Catland Smith ft Aliman Ideals Furman ft Evans M'DevItt, Kelly ft Q Vanderbllts (One to nil) 2d halt Selma Braats Co Harry Sykes Stevers ft L'Joy Rev >tIomer Qlrts Co 2d halt Jean ft Jacques. Arch Stanley scoct ft Chrrstie Bums ft Klasen Barber of Joyvllle Gates Dura Cross ft R J ft R LaPearl Jack Conway Co Clark ft O'Neill Berlo Ulrls Sd halt The Geralds Julia Curtis Robinson Janls Co Brady ft Mahoney Berlo Girls David Re Sablosky ARTISTS' REPRESENTATIVE Keith and Orpheum Circuits 221 strand Theatre BIdg. NEW YORK Ml Colonial Trast BI4g. PHILADELPHIA, FA. BpeciaVv Dcsioned f^l OTHFQ Readv tp Wear ^^^I-V/ 1 E^MLiiJ BEN ROCKE 1632 Broadway, at 50th St., N. Y. City Robblns Family (One to nil) 2d Halt Miller ft Rellly Golden Gate Rev Al Tuckers Orch (Two to nil) D.%VENPOBT, lA. ColuBSbla Wordeb Bros Heller ft Rellly: Henry Tooroer Co Murray ft Allen Chic Sale Gheczls Bros 2d Halt Goss ft Barrows Stan Kavanaugh Harry HoUman Co Chic Sale (Two to nil) DENVKB. COLO. Orpheam (Sunday opening) Howard Kyle Al ft F Btedman La Bernecla Bert Levy Weber ft Rldnor Gordon ft Knowltoa DES MOINES, lA. Orpheam McDonald ft Oakes Stan Kavanaugh Harry Hollman Co Dunbar & Turner (One to nil> td Halt Halklngs Harry RappI Henry Toomer CJo F ft T Sablnl (One to nil) KANSAS CITT Orpheam (Sunday opening) Julius Tannen Elsie Clark Sherwood's Band Gyge ft Seven Arthur Byron Johnson ft Baker Main Street B ft L Gillette Shean ft Phillips Brockman ft How'd Syl'ter ft Vance Corking Rev LOS ANGELES Hill StreM Leviathan Orch Josie Heather Rich Hayes Herb Wllllama Co Willie Solar Connor Twins Orpheom Joe Howard's Rev Mel Klee Frawley ft I.oulse Luster Bros Senator Ford BUI Dooley 8.\CR'M'NTO, CAL. Orpheam (1-3) (Same bill plays Fresco ^-6) Neal Abel Margie Clifton Harry HInes ^Lorner Girls Bessie Barnes Water Weems SAN FRANCISCO Golden Gate (Sunday opening) Don Va•-•'•^ 1 Anna May Wong Bostooks School 4 Camerons Jean Adair Sarg^ant ft Marvin Orpheam Weber ft Fields Pat'son ft Cloutter Lew Brlce Fields ft Johnson Dave Ferguson Power's Elephants Bums ft Wilson, Bert Walton Balmus 3 (Two to till) VIctorta Selma Braatz Co Julls Curtis Jas Kennedy Co Weber ft Elliott Stevers ft L'Joy Rev 2d half Torke's Pupils Al Abbott . Ideals Phillips ft Ellsworth Creations Lincoln Square Circus Show 2d half Plelert ft ScoOeld J ft Rita LaPcarl Yates ft Carson Weber ft Elliott Browngale's Orch Greeley Square •N ft S Kellog Scott ft Chrystle Frank D'Armo ft Co Bob Murphy And Cook. Mortimer ft H (One to nil) 2d halt Ponzlnl's Monks Jessie Reed Smith ft Cantor McDevitt, Kelly ft Q Jim Reynolds LIbby ft Sparrow Delancry Street Torke's Pupils Doris Roche Smith ft Cantor Burn^ ft Wilson Al Abbott Ann Lynn Co 2d bait Vanderbllts Smith ft Allmad Jack Conway Co Bob Murphy And Homer Girls Co National Creedon ft Taye Jessie Reed Seminary Scandals Brady ft Mahoney 4 Campbells 2d halt Cook, Mortimer ft U Palaco Halg ft Le Vere Minstrel Show ' (Two to nil) Id halt Golden Olrla Br'don Horrfssey Co Minstrel Show ATLANTA, OA. Gyuid McDonald t Frost ft Morrison Jackson ft Hack Jimmy Lyons Vie Qulpn Orch BIRMINGHAM, ALA. BIJoa DeGrolts Raymond ft KaufC'n Cook ft Vernon Toney ft Norman EClalr Twins ft W BOSTON Orpheam Holden ft Graham Ubert Carlton Win Stanton Co Vl^ri It Bohlman London Steppers BUFFALO . Orpheam Preston ft Ysobel Abbott ft White Bmma Cams Geo- Morton . V Rucker ft Boys CHJCAGO Chateaa 2d halt Witt ft Wlift^rs Arthur UoyA J Olldea Co Canio A Noll Oraser ft Lawlor BUlto LaFranoe Bros Delbd'ge ft Orsm'r Fagg ft White 4 Amer Beauties Arturo BemardI Zasa ft Adeto Rev (One to nil) W. ENOLEWOOD 1st halt Barrett ft Faraam Kandy Krooka Bob Nelson Lola Brava C» MILWAVKKB May McKay ft SU Nancy Decker Clay Crouch Co Baldwin ft Haley Caltes Bros DeVrle* Co MONTRE.\L Loew Gibson ft Price Dreon Sis Miller ft Bradford D Harris Co Primrose Minstrels NEWARK, N. J. State Ambler Bros Wilson ft Strain J Barrios Co Lewis ft Dody Dcslys Sis Co NEW ORLEANS Crescent Powers Duo Warren ft Hayes H Kinney qo A^ H Wilson Teddy 08HK0SH. WIS. Grand 3 Walters Bcasley Twins Hodge ft Lowell Raymond ft Royco Wanla ft Seaman PROVIDBNCB Bmery C McOoods Co Currier ft M'WIll'ms Lloyd ft Rosalie Trovato Cheyenne Days RICHMOND MIIX, L. I. Wlllard Plelert ft ScoHeld Arch Stanley Renard ft West * Bann ft Mallon Anibltlt>na 2d halt Nelson's Catland Bernard ft Ferris FInlay ft Hill F D'Armo Co A Lynn Co TORONTO Vonge SI. Arlcys Gormley ft Caftrey Rickard & Gray Casper ft Mornssey Clln'n ft tloonoy Or tVASlHNGTON Loew Day at Races Gould ft Adanos V ft C Avery Rogers ft Donnelly Braille ft PoUo Rev FANTAQES CIBCniT TORONTO Pantages (Sunday opening) The Perrettoe Wyeth ft Wynn Lee Mattlson Thornton ft- Squires Kuma'4 H.\MILTON, CAN. Pantages 3 Blanks Scully ft Caplin B W Hopper Vine ft Temple Movie Masque DELLINGHAM, WASH. VandevlUe Bill Genevieve ft L Curvat ft Verona F'glb'ps ft Mah'ney 6 Anderson Girls Masters ft Grace Skate Classics THERE ARE (2) KIND OF ACTS (2) STANDIT ft KANT 8TANDIT FRED ALI.EN Standard Act Greenwich Village Follies Dlrrctloo MARK LF.DDT Kashlons Noodles Fagan Lomas Co CHICAGO Clmteaa Clifford ft Stafford Joslyn ft Turner Sun Dodger Wills ft Robblns Toyama Japs MINNEAPOLIS Paatagea (Sunday opening) Phil lATosca Murial ft PhyUIs R Rellly Co Sid I.*wls (>irton Girls BEGlNA, C.%N. Paatagea The Martells Joe DeLler Kelly Sis Bankoff ft Co Burke Walsh Nana Fre« Lindsay SASKATOON, CAN. Pantagea (2-3) (Same bill plays FRANKLYN D'AMORE with MICKEY LOPELL and SMisted by Ethal Truesdala in "A VAUDEVILLE SURPRISE" You. of course, know FRANKLYN D'AMORK (Formerly FRANKLYN AND CHARLES), the originator of an act embodying comedy, travesty and deft athletic feats. Their present offering contains timely comedy ahd new "Surprises." HEADLINING;—State. New York, thl.i week (Jan. 26) and booked for the entire Loew Circuit by ALEX HANLON. Margaret Hcgedua McRae ft. Clegg ST. LOVIS Orpheam (Sunday opening) Antique Shop McCarthy Sis H M Snodgrass LeDova Co Tom Smith ST. PACL Palace HaiUings Harry Rappl Little Rev F ft T Sabint (One to nil) 2d Halt McDonald ft Oakes Lewis ft I.eVarr Dunbar & Turner (Two to nil) SEATTLE Orpheam Weston ft Elaine Sig Friscoe Van Blene ft Ford FRANK A.— —DOROTHY FORD and RICKEHS In the "WEDDING RING" tVeek Feb. S, PanUges, 8»lt I.ake City Nelson Keyes Ruth Budd Mabel McCane Walters ft Walters Juggleiand MII.WAIKEE Palace (Sunday opening) George Jessell Blue Bird Rev t J c i I J. • Wright Dancers Jean Boydell Howard's Ponies Harry Brecn SlOrX CITY, Orpheam Sultan Crafts A- Anderson Bob Hall I\. .'iheehin ft Burl It St Stewart A Lash Ketch ft Wilma Halg ft LeVere Shaw Locust Rer Orpheam Jean ft Jacques Stewart ft Lash Ketch ft Wllma Burns ft Kissen Barber of Joyville :d half Circus Show Boulevard Ponzlnl's Monks Jim Reynolds Robinson Janis Co Jim & Betty Page Creations 2d half Creedon ft Taye Doris Roche .Seminary Scandals •Clark ft O Neilt 4 Campbells Avrnne B Paul Mall n Thomeshefslcy Co Van. Tyson ft Van (Two to nil) Id half Morreli Kliiiore ft J B Thome^h^fsky Co (rhre» to nil) BROOKLYN Metropolitan I .iDora ft neci;tr..-ti. R.-iclne ft Ray F Stafford Co Meyers ft Ilanf ird Co-Eds Fulton llalmus 3 Harry Sykes Yates ft Carson Br'don Morrlssey Co Witt ft Winter* Arthur LJoyft J Glldea Co Cardo ft Noll Grazer ft Lawlor CLEVELAND. O. Stata The Lumars Klasa ft Brilliant Miller ft Fears Bert Hanloa Revue D'Art DALLAS. TEX. Melba II Dyer Co Berdle Kraemer Cupid's Cloae-aps Pinto ft Boylo Balkan Wanderers HOBOKF-N, N. 3. Lyrle 11 T Walker Weston ft ChadwicU Rita Keans Co Lewis ft Hurst Morrell Rlinore ft J 2d half G Eiuiuett Co D Burton Co Harry Sykes J West ft Girts (One to nil) LONDON, CAN. Loow Wanda ft Sea'.s M Harper C» K Uarle Co £4 halt Hector ,DuVal ft Rvue otKevu's mopFBit lioew Rfdtvrd ft WW.xr-: ..:.-. J ' J r t; > .1 » (.) i Edmonton 2d halt) Yvonne Foil Is ft t>erey Carey Donovan ft M Hl«hes ft Burko U.-n Nee One Riding Castelloa CALGARY, CAN. Pantagea F ft E Carmea P M Miller Cafftipy ft Walton I. Glrtls ft Senia I.eMaire ft Ralston \ard<rll liros SPOKANE Pantagea S-nt'il ft Gould Gibson .'^is Rowland ft Meehan The Cunductor Hyams ft Evans K. ve Af-ps Ju? H-;chon SE.^TTLE Pantagea R.iymond Wllbert Nonujin ft Olsen TACOMA. M'ASH. Pantagea Murand ft Leo Leonard & Wilson Mildred Myra Norton ft Brower L'ford ft Fredlrlcks Falrvlew PORTLAND, ORE. Pantnges Zelda Bros Dodd ft Loeder Bobbc ft Stark V Norton Co Adler ft Dunbar Dreamy Spain TRAVEL (Open week) Mack ft Williams Althoft Sis George Yeoman Slatko Revue Lew Cooper Olympla Desvall SAN FRANCISCO Paatagea (Sunday opening) Kara Moro ft Taco Reenees Cliff Nazarro Morrisons Band Thaleros Circus LOS ANGELES PanlacM The McBanns O'Brien ft Josephine Helen Eddy Alex'der ft Elmore Sherman Van ft H Klutlngs Animala SAN DIEGO, CAL. Pantagoa Vldser Co Ulls ft Clark Seminary Mary Paul Syd«ll Marcus ft Booth Chefaio LG. BEACn. CAL. Iloyt Juggling Nelsons Ross ft Edwards I>>ona I.aMarr Kenii'^dy ft Martin The .leebacka Vardie l>ancers SALT LAKE CITY Pantagea Mack * Brantley Ilarulil lv>-nnedy Hal & II I.angton W.'dJ ng Jarvis Revue Lottie M.«yer Co Or.BF.N. IHH Pantages Allen .Shaw H l.:')r.l to Ivlng ft IrA'in CMMV CHARLES 6ARBIER-SIMS & CO. Presenting ".\(TIO>. C \.MFR.*" Dlrertioii D\VII> H. SlIIIOHKY '■aprii.f> B.iliet Kaiil ft Micl: .^unimTs ft Hunt ICa:e ft W.!;y VANfOrVKR. II. ( Pantagee Ivari»« ft Sis .I.inis & Chapl'ivT i»'-»nion r>anne ft ! <■■'■■ 1 »n*it 1 e«4l I.nnit).Tr;! RuBvi.tTl ."•r.irtdiJs J<*vvtls Mui.iiikins I»rN\KR, COLO. Panlnge* Gfii^.e ft i:aj:a Mi^rray ^ U"rri«hi .Xndsrsui ft Gravies Wa'si^a SLs * N 1 1 [ / 1! i w » I' * S Tripp Ho watt Aerial Bartletta COIX> SPRINGS Paatagea (14) (Same bill plays Pueblo. (-7) Maslne ft Bobby Rome ft Ilolton Kennedy ft Kramer Joe "Roberts Les Kllcks OMAHA, NED. Paatagea Ixtrimer ft Hudson Rita Tennlell D ft McDonald Ob Jonesy Artia Mehllnger Blsle ft Paulsen KANSAS CITT, MO. PaaUgea Wilfred Dubois Monte ft Lyons Banquet of S ft D Green * Burnett Carl Rn.iinl lU'len Moretll ME.MPIIIS Pantagea Maxellus O'Nell ft Plumkett U Wynne Co Roth ft Drake Nellie Nichols Grace Doro WESTESN VAUDEVILLE CHICAGO Amerleaa Roshlers Novelty James ft AdaiAa Throop ft Phillips (Three to nil) 2d Half Powell Troupe T ft L Minto V ft B Stanton (Two to nil) Id Half PIckfords ^ Grace Hayea L Gray Co / Resista (Two to nil) MARTY WHITE "JE8T-ER NUT" Direction JAMBS K. PLVNKETT Amocfasto. TOMMY CURRAN Force ft Williams Bud Rose Co Raymond ( (Two to nil) Eaglewood Fleurette Banley ft Porter Elliott ft LaTour Ebeneezer (TWO to nil) 2d Half Don, Sang ft Chong (Five to nil) Kedite Aramanth Sis Goss ft Barrows Tea McLeon Dalton ft Craig Bensee ft Baird Love Nest 2d Half Freds Pigs Carney ft Rose Joe Browning (Three to nil) Lincoln Freds Pigs Chang ft Chung FIshter Co Alabama Land Radio Fun (One to nil) 2d Halt Roshlers K-l Nor Tea McLeod Pantheon Singers (Three to nil) Majeatia Tock ft Toy J Hayward Co Bronson ft BraAS The Volenteers LaPetIt Rev Jennings ft Mack Ishlwaka Bros (Three to nil) State Hayden Dunbar ft H Cycle of Color (One to nil) 2d Half O'Rourke ft Kelly Banjo Land (One to nil) BLOOM'OTM, ILL. Majeetis Bobby Henshaw (Two to nil) 2d Half Irvlngs Midgets CHAMPAIGN, ILL. Majeatle 2d Half Lane ft Harper Iy>ve Neat Elliott ft LaTour Gordon ft Day (Two to nil) DBCATVB, ILI.. Empresa (Full week) Ifoore-Megcly (Others to flit) BV'SVII.LE, IND. Graoft Baker Co MILWAt'KEB Majestte Sam DeYo Stateroom 19 Minor ft Brown AgrenoRs Rev B Batchelor Co Van & Vernon Australian Waltes (One to All) MINNEAPOLIS 7th St. Crest ft Farrell Johnny's Car Green ft LaFell F Ketcy Co creedon ft Davis O Martin Co PEOBIA. ILU Palaeo Walter Nlssoa H Craig Co O'Rourke ft Kelly Ellz Brlce Band (One to nil) 2d Halt Flagler Bros ft R Murray ft Allen (Three to nil) qtiiNCT, n.u Orphroaa Monroe Bros Herbert ft Neeley Lane ft Travers R 2d Halt Homer Romalne Mellen ft Renn Stewarts Sis Band KACfNE. Vn9. Bialto Towa ft D'Hortr Hays ft Loekwood Telephone Tangle Hayden, DunbarftH His Little Rev ROCKFOBD ILL. Palaea Plckforda Grace Haynes L Gray Co Resista (Two to nil) 2d Halt Froxinl Davis ft McCoy Lorraine ft Minta V ft ■ Stanton (Two to nil) ST. ix>n9 Graa« Otto ft Otto Ling ft L.oag Williams ft Young Jay ft Jay Birds Barton ft Young t Taketas (Three to nil) lUaH* Towa ft D'Horty's Hayes ft Ixtckwood Claire it Band (Three to nil) 2d Halt Brightons Cronin ft Hart Deno Rochelle Bd The Boy from New Orleans aad The UIri from Boston BRIERRE and KING Fifteen Minutes of Comedy Directioa CH.IS. BIRRBACER Cronin ft Hart Fejer Orch Stanley chapman Haley ft Rock (One to nil» OALFmHBI RO, ILL. Orpheam Homer no.imlne Mellen ft Renn Stewart .'ulsters BJ 2d Half Monroe Bros Herbert ft Neel'y Lit.e ft Travers Uev JOLIET. ILL. Orplieam Irvlngs Midgets :<l Halt Word -n Bros Regen & Car'.lss li:jj.e Carr Co MADIHON, WI-I. Orpbeura Fru7ln! DaviS ft McCjy Haley ft Rock (Two to ni!) ». BEND, I NO. Palace Flagler Bros ft P. Broken Mirror (Three to n:i) 2d Half W Baker Co Mary Marlowe Dalton ft Craig olcott ft Polly Aia Claire ft Band SPR'FIEIJ), ILL. .Majestic Briflilons l.aiie ft Harper Deno ft Rochel'.e O* Gordon ft Day (Two to dUi 2d .Half *. ahe«zl» Batty. > SlanVy Chapmaa Ells Brlce jOr ^ (Two U> ait» , KEITH'S CHICAGO CIECUiT (ir.v»:iAM», o Brads Hipp M'>oro-lS<tf;?y (Others to nil) (Con'imieii ')•.'. jiage 55j- -' -'-Iraifii i :<t Half P.'rry ft Wagn.>r A::yn NonMlin Mitit ft Daarers ('Two to (l'..>' «I«1I '.I th4il i