Variety (February 1925)

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Wednesday, February 11, 1925 VARIETY 13 Qaixtr Four Freeman Slater* Suhn & Dreia* Beaux ft Bow 2d half WiUla Broa Blllr Swede Hall T Sherman Bro« (Tkree to All) TAMPA. FLA. ' VIetMT fit Peterabarv, Lakeland, Or- lando ipllt) Queenle Dunedln "Bernard A Orrr ^ Saatman A Moore The Sharrocka Three Arnauta Ned Norworth Creations Cerro A Mttrr* WASHTON. PA. Btat* McFarland A Pal 8tacey,A Fajr Donovan A L>e« (Two to fill) 2d half Al A B Frabell Rolctta Boys Vox A Talbot Al Shayne Patricia Fay Co WATEHT'M. Avon 2d half N. T. -DOBOTHT rmANK A.— FORD and RICKETTS in th« "WEDDING RING" Week Feb. 10, Pwatacea. Omaha, Neb. .IrOLKDO . B. F. Keith's Maslcal Winters Bevar Williams Pewey A Rogers Fletcher Clayton R Bert FitSKlbbons <poe to «it) M bnlf Ward ft Dooley Ann Francis Rev Rose ft Thome Oeo McFarland Chaa Wilson The Schallera TORONTO Shea's The Lamys Castleton ft Mack Larry Btou'beurfh Marr Toons Avon Comedy 4 Al Herman Artistic Treat ntBNTON. N. J, CaplUI Juan Reyes Xinr Neptune (Two to Btl) 2d half Areo Brothers Nan Travellne Honey moonera Danny Duffna Co TBOT, N. T. Annette Mason A Keeler Moaa ft Frye B ft J Creifhton Skelty Helt Revue 2d haU Cress ft Daley Will J Ward Bherrle Matthews (Two to nil) VNION HnX, N. J. Capitol td half (12-lS) B«vc*tt A Sheldon Walter Jamea McRaa A Mott (Others to flll) 1st half (1«-1« Heaty A Croes (Ot^iera te flll) M half (l»-tl) fteair A Croaa (Othea to nil) XmCA. N. T. <MMfal BoBonJa MeLaurhllB A ■v's ■aa Welch's Mina Xarfarot Padula Sd half JBaMwla A Moore (Thrs* ta ail) , WASHINOTOlf B. F. KaltA'a tSuBday openlDc) ^em'f A Matthews Kramar A Boyla yameo Raiwblera Babby Felaom Bononia B Welch's MIns McL,au(hlin ft E'ns WHKBUKO Victoria Odeo Laura Ormsbee Vox ft Talbot Al Shayne Albert Veea Co 2d half Kamplain ft Bell Staoey A Fay Ir-ette ft Viole'te Donavan A Lee Slfsbee's Do(a WILM'TON, DEL. Aldlne Chonr A Moey Carrie Lillle Hewitt A Hall Mr A Mrs Phillips Wm Ebbs Norma A O Vlotla Id halt Max ZInimer Roae A Bunny Brill Bums A BirchlU Ray Hottnc Co Hasel Crosby Beeanan A Grace WtfONS'KBT. B. I. BUoa 1st halt Aaron A Kelly Okas Iteatlnv Co Carl McCullonch TONKBBS, N. T. Proctor's 2d halt (11-1(> Donat Sis Ifeehan A Newman M Fuller Co P Williams Co Ryan A Lee (Oao te mi) 1st half (l*-lt) Meehana Docs Mercedes Duabars Rinvers (Others to flll) Id haU^lt-M) The Fteittlnsa (Others to flll) TOBK. PA. Opsm liawa Mllltcent Mower ■rnest Evans Co (One U fill) Sd halt Four Dlan Slaters Oareth Ruche* Co Bd Lowry TOimoaTowM. o. Barnstt S Wsstoa A Tenng- Mattytee Uppard Miami Clab Orch Sd half BetU A Partner Camay A Raa* DUIs 4 MaaasttI Lewi* Co FOU CntCTJIT BUDaKPOBV FoH Th* Novalloa Telaek A Deaa toroatlons (Om* to flll) 2d half May A Lewis Crulalng (Oa* to flllj 'Carsoa A Kane Sachaefer A B Rath Broa Bison City 4 Baptle Ice Ballet 2d half J Johnstoa Co Fortunello A C (One to flll) HABTFOBD, CONK Cavttol Clayton A Clayton Zelllea 8m Waman A Mack F Ardell Co Vaush Comfort Trim K. HATBH. COjm. Noak Mitchell Bros J Johnstoa XSo Harry Mayo L BIbea Co td hair Carson A Kaaa Sehaefer A Beralce Trial Clayton A Leml* Rath Bros BCBANTOH, PA. Pair* (Wllkes-Ba'e split) Kale A Indetta ?*nna A Weber >otly Darts Rev Lydell A Macoy ( Braeka gP'OFIBLD. MASS. Palaoo Pleas Trio Reed A Baker (Tmlslnr Klnr A Betty Bolflanack Bis The Novelles Mitchell Bro* F Ardell Co Vaasha Comfort Creations WILKB8-BABRE Poll 1st half (Bcranton apUt) Carter S Jeanne Joysoa WlKglnstlUe Haynes A Beck Fred Berren* Co WOBCTBB, MASS. PoU May A Lewi* Victor Graff Zoe Delphlne Co Clayton A Lennle Cunnfngham & B R 2d half Pleaa Trio Kins A Beatty Bison City 4 Baptle A Ice Ballet (Ope to flll) OBPHETTH CntCUIT CHICAGO Palace (Sunday opening) Dwyor A Orma Sylvia Loyal Adelaide ft Hughes Arthur Byron Co Marlon Harris Kikutaa Japs Bob Hall Juliet State Lake George Jessetl Harry Jolson Harry Holman Co Teddy Claire Bd V ft B Stanton Newell ft Uoat Ted Lorraine ft M La Bernecia Herbert's Dogs OALGABT, CAN. Orpbeana (lS-17) (Same bill plays Vancouver 18-20) Bmtlea L,ea Co Nan Ilalperio K'.arum Sleeping Porch Harry Burna Co Perez A Marguerite l!h« Sterlings Oliver A Olson Antique Shop Harry Bnodgrasa Jack Norworth Oulran A M Oloott A Ann MINNEAPOLIS Hennepin (Sunday opening) Chick Sale Bert Sheppard Crafta A Sheehan John B Hymer Denno A Roch Bd Mme Fretlnl OAKIfAND, CAUF. thvkenai Weber A Fields Maker A Bedford Patterson ft C Slg Friacoe Bd McRae A Clegg Walters A Walters OMAHA, NEB. Orpheaai Bert Levy Warren ft O'Brien Weber ft Rldnor Al A F Stedman Rogers A Allen Webb's Bnt Mp^eUttty Designed f^t f\ Remdy to Wear V^*-Vr TOES BEN ROCKE 1632 Broadway, at 50th »t, N. V.CIty CBDAB BAP'S. lA. Majestic Zesaater A Devaro nnCallon CooeU A VcrdI Doo Baker (Oa* to n:i) 2d half Oscar Martta Creadon A Davis CUMTklng Revue FAT Sablnl Anderson A Burt DAVBMPOBT. lA. Colambia Crystal Beanet Co Mlaor A Brown AadersoB A BUrt FAT Sablnl Loalsvilte Loon* (One to All) 2d half Paal Nolan Co Joha Val* Co Ed Allea A Taxi Harry Rappt Prsssler A K:as* Doo Baker Rev DKNTEB, COLO. Orpheaaa Lertathan Oreh Horbort William* Broh«Ray*a M*l Kta* DBS MOINES. lA. Ol»lMU* Paa: Nolaa Oa Ua* A boa* Carkiac Boroa T'-fsatsr A Kiaa* ft: Tnckar Or«k Id ka.t Ci^tal Boaaet Co Mifor A Brewa Bi'ly Balehoite tetrbort Cltft*» (ua* to flll) Elliott Dexter Co Margie Clifton POBTLAMD. OBK. Roye A May* Lady Alice's Pets Chas Ktllogg Bylvta Clark Combe ft Nevlas aaell ft Vemoa Henry A Moor* BACBAMBNTO Orphoaaa (lS-17) (Same blU plays Fresno It-M) JAB Morgan Bd Hurst A Vogt Manning * Class Brano Btelnbaoh KararleS Harry Breen SAB FBANCISOO OoUea Oato (Sunday opening) Jo* Howards' ^ev Vaa Hoven Mabol MeCan* (7* D'Apolion WIIHo Solar Margie aiftea Ted Lewis Bd W*stoa A Btaln* Howard'* Poalea B Waltsrs A C Jeaa Baydell Wright Dancer* ▼aa Blaa* A F Beaator Ford ST. liOUIS Oip>*a*s (Bunday opening) Doaar Family AT ALL TIMES TRYING TO FURTHER THE INTERESTS OF THOSE I REPRESENT MARKLEDDY M half Alexander BAB Ling ft Long Coscia ft Verdi Howard Kyle Co Klein Bros Hong Kong Troupe WXMNIPKCi, CAN. Orpheusa Blue Bird Dt«k Henderson Staa Kavanaugb Princeton ft W Qrlffln Twins Frances Arms LOEW CIBCUIT State C McOoods Co B ft IS Coll Calvin ft O'Connor to Mis. from Bway Moore ft Mitchell Llbby ft Sparrow ^ Ai^MriraB M Collins Co Ambrose ft May Demareat ft Doll M Fraaklyn Co Clark ft Roberts Ai (}olem S (One to flll) 2d half J ft A Humby Lytell ft Yokes 2 Meyakoa Flatow ft Frazer J Conway ft Co Al Abbott (Two to flll) Victoria Dura Cross ft R Doris Roche Monroe ft Urattan Meyera ft Hanford Tango Shoea 2d half Hayataka Jape Sterling t Paul Mall See America First Uncola 8a. Hayataka Japs Corlnne Arbuckle McDevitt Kelly ft Q Jim Reynolds Co-kds Sd half Cook Mortimer A H Foley ft Jerome Ketch ft Wilma .Trovato Oreoley Sq. Plelert A SceSeld Steveoa ft Laurel Foley ft Jerome J Conway A Co Tates A Carson i Meyakoa 2d half Ford A Price Doris Roche Fargo A Richards Dsmarest A Doll Seminary Scandals Dolaaery 84. Ponsinl's Monkeys Katata A Blona Scott A Christie Seminary Scandala JAR LaPearl Boyd A Wkllla Sd half P A B Ross Phil's A Ellsworth F DArmo Co (One to flll) National Paul Mall Jean Barrloa Phil'a A Ellsworth F D'Armo ft Co (One to flll) 2d half M Collins Co Julia Curtis Brooks A Powers M Franklyn Co Orphoaai 4 Campbells J A A Hnmby Z*ck A Randolph ^Bort Walton Powell Sextette (Oa* to flU) Sd half Boyd A Wallla ▲r*k BtaBl*y KoBdall Byton A B Stever* A Lorejoy jimn QBAOB DWYER and ORMA H. BART McHUGH Sd naif tlhufne Along 4 A De Voy Co LAM Wilson Relfenack Slo MRRIDRN. CONN. Poll 2d half Clayton & Clayton Waman & MarU L III ben Co Harry Mayo Zellias Sis 2d half Victor Graff Zoe Delpt!lne Co Murray ft Neal Cunningham A B (One to flll) WATBBB'T, CONN Palace Shuffle Along 4 A De Voy Co I. ft M Wilson Portnnell A C Id half KANSAS CITT Orpkoam fflunday opening) Josts Heather Van A Schenck Babba Byrell A L Henry Bergman The Teat Mala Street Klown Revoe Heller ft Riley Raymond Bond Broderick ft Felsen (One to fln) LOS ANGKLB8 HIU 8tr««« Jean Adair Neal Abel Snub Pollard Demareat A C Bostock's School Marglt Hegedus Orphcam Billy House Co O'Dlva A Seals Fields ft Johnson Bill Dooley Frank Keenan Co Frankle Heath Corlnne Tllton Luster Bros MILWAUKEE Herbert Bolt I Joe Darey Sophie Tucker Morgan A Moraa Curtla* Animals ST. PAVL (Sunday openlns) Al Moor* Bd DIas' Monks Tex MoLeod Billy Batchelor Gordon A Knowlton LaPetlte Revue 2d half Andrlelf t Dnnley ft Merrill Wilfred Clarke a> DaCalloB Al Tackor Oreh SBATTLB Orpkeam Leo CarrUlo Klmberly ft Page Robin A Hood Birdie Reeves Mendoxaa Lorraine 81* Lorln Raker BIOOX CITT, lA. Orpbaaai Flagler Bros A R Lewis ft r.aVarr Coyne ft Freach Dunbar ft Turner Mae Dix (On* to 111) Storllnc Trio 8*« America FItat WlIaoB A Garry Cook Mortlmar A H (On* to flll) Sd half Bary A Bary Prtmroae Sea Ca Meyer* A Haatord (Oa* to flll) Aveaae B Mnaleal Wheeler* CarreU A Oake* Cantor Putter C* Weber A Blllott Jack West Girl* 2d half Ro**o A Co 2«ck A Randolph MeOrath A Deed* (One to All) BBOOKLTN MettopoUtaa Herbert* Besson Staart A Laah Emma Cams Boms A KIssen Barber of Joyvllle FaMoa BamaroCt ft Sonia P ft«B Boss Ketch ft Wilms Trevato Colonial Sextette 2d half Torkea Dogs J ft R LaPearl Jean Barrios Co Halg ft LeVer« 2d half Musical Wheelers Golden Girls Weber ft Elliott Princess Wahletka ATLANTA. OA. Grand Adair A Adair Coldle A Beatty Jaa C Morton Milo B Pbllllpa Co BIBM'OHAM, ALA. BUoa Day at Races Gould A Adams VAC Avery Rogers A D Braille A Folio BOSTON Orpheum Jean Jacques Smith A Cantor Robinson Janls Co Emerson A Bald Tarmark (One to flll) BUFFALO State Arleya Oormley A CafFrey Rlckard A Gray Casper A Morrlssey English Frolic CHICAGO Chaleaa 2d half McKay A Sla Nancy Decker Clay Crouch Co Caites Bros DeVries Co Blalto K Collier Co Beasley Twins Hodge ft Lowell Fuller Clark Co Buddy Walker Raymond A Royce Wanla A Beamon R W Ba«l*w**d l*t halt McKay A 8U Maacy Docker Clay Crouch O ' Oaltea Bros DeVrles Co CLBVKLAND, O. 8tat« LaFranco Bros Fagg A White Bernard 1 Bernard Grattville Tvetu A Band DALLAS. TBX. Meiha Bedford A Wallace Barrett A Fornnm Kandy Krooks Bob Nelson Lola Brava Co HOBO^N. N. t. Ijttm Bingham ft Harvey Badall ft NataU (Ibrae te flll) 2d half Baby Bdna^ Klng'a Melodylaad (Three to flll) U>MDOM, OAK. Torkes Dogs Arch Stanley Primrose Sea Co Crelghton ft Lynn Stevers A Lovejoy Sd half SamaroS A Bonla Soott A (airystle WUaoB A Oarry Clinton A R Co Palaeo Vanderbllta a Stone A loleefl Priaeea* Wahletka (Two M flll> GHhaoB A Prie* Dav* HarrI* Miller A Bradford Sd^lf Raymond A Masoa Delbrldg* A O Zasa A Adel* B*v MKMPHtt Laow McDonald S Fro*t A MorrlaoB Jaeksoa A Maek Jimmy Lyoas ▼io QulBB Band lOLWACKEB MUI«r H Dyer Co Ferry A Hawthorne Bardie Kraemer Cupids Close-ap* PInto A Boyl* Balkan Wanderer* MONTBEAL L **w Lnmar* Chaa F Seamon Miller A Fears Rueker A Perrin pnVal A Bymonda Review at Revuea NEWARK. N. J. State Van Tyson A Van Ubert Carlton Will Stanton Co risle White Co Kiatnese Twins NEU OBIJCAXS Crrsrrnt DeOroffs Raymond ft K Cook A Vernon Toney A Norman B'Clalr Twins A W OSHKOSH, WIS. Grand BICH'D HILL, L. I. WUlard Ford A Price Flatow A Eraser Kendall Byton A B Halg ft LeVere Clinton ft R Co 2d half Al Oolem Trio Racine ft Ray McDevitt Kelly ft Q Bert Walton Tango Shoes SPBINGF'D. MASS. Broadway Aerial Butters Clifford ft BaUey Lloyd A Rosalie PANTAGES CIRCUIT Al Abbott U Barton Rev 2d half Plelert ft Scofleld Ofllcer Hyman Crelghton ft Lynn (Two to flll) TORONTO Toage St. Wilt ft Winters Arthur Lloyd J Olldea Co Cardo ft Noll Qraser ft Lawlor WASHINGTON Loew Circus Show TORONTO Paatagcs (Sunday opening) Strobe! ft Merton Joyner ft Foster Twin Beds Marks ft Ethel Ray Fagan Band HAMILTON. CAN. Pantage* Wheeler A W Gordon ft King Scovelle Dancers J C Nugent Hamel Sis 8 CHICAGO Ch4t«aa Perrettos Wyelh A Wynn Thornton A 8 Kuma Four (One to flll) MINNEAPOLIS Paatages (Sunday opening) 9 Anderson Girls Masters ft Orayce Skate Classics Travel (Opening week) Murand A Leo Leonard ft Wilson Mildred Myra Norton A Brower Langford A F Fairview SAN FBANCISCO Pantages (Sunday opening) Zeida Bros Dodd ft Leeder Bobbe ft Stark Vlrg Norton Co Adler ft Dunbsr Dreamy Spain LOS ANGELES Pantage* Mack ft Williams Althoff 81s George ToemaB Slatko Rev David Ro Sablosky ARTISTS' REPRESENTATIVE Keith and Orpheum Circuits 221 strand Thaatra Bldg. NEW YORK Ml CohwIal TriMt BMg. PHILADELPHIA. PA. Three Blanks Sully A Kaplaa Fashions Noodle* Fagan Loomla Troupe BBOINA. CAN. Paatage* John Olms Co Orren A Drew Leonora Steppers Wills A Bobbins Toyama Japa SASKATOON. CAM. Paatags* ^ (10-lT) (Same bill plays Edmonton 2d halO Phil LaToska .Muriel ft Phyllis Hid Lewis Robt Rellly Co Mack A Corel , Olrton Girls OAIXIABT. CAN. Pantages Two Martells Joo DeLiec Kelly Sis Ivaa BankoCr Burke Walah ft N Fred Llndaey 8P0KANB Paalag** •Tvonnf Folll* A Leroy Carey Donovan A M ■Hughes A Burke Bob Nee One RtdlBg Oatello* SEATTLE Paatac** FAB Carmaa P A M Miller GallBey A Walton Lola GIrll* A S LoMaIr* A Ralaton Vardell Bro* Lew Cooper Olympia Desvall SAN mBOO. CAL. Paatag** Kara Mora A Taco Refinee* CUB Masarrow Morrisons' Band Thaleros Circus L. BEACH, CAI* Hayt McBann* OBrien A Josephine Helen J Eddy Alexander A B Sherman Van A H KiDtlngs Animals SALT LAKE CITT Paotaces Vlsser A "tCo Ulls A Clark Seminary Mary Paul Sydetl Marcus A Booth Chefalo OODBN. CTAH Pantage* Juggling Nelsons Rose ft Edwards Leoaa Lamarr Kennedy A Martin Soebaeka VadI* Dancer* DBNVBB, COIX>. Vaek A Brantley Harold Kennedy HAH Langtoa Jarvl* Revo* L Mayer Girt* COLO SPBIN08 Tttmtmgm (16-U) (Same bill play* Pueblo IS-Sl) Sd half Blaise ft Blala* Bea Harney C^ Taylor A Roa* Just a Pal Stanton A Flynn Road to Vaudeville Central Park Towa ft D'Hortys Gosa ft Borrows W Fishier Co Benaea ft Balrd Alabama Land 2d half Ebenesor Coley ft Jaxon F Gash ft Boys Lewis A Condon Sis Raymond B ■ADISON. WIS. Orpkoam Althea Lucas Co Billy Purl Co Stanley Chapman Bernard ft Keller (Two to flll) Sd half 2 Taketaa Mellon A Renn Broken Mirror Lillian Flt|;gerald (}attlson Jones Bd (One to flll) MILWAVKKS Majestlo John McLInn Kingston ft Ebner W Baker Co Jennings A Mack MARTY WHITE "JE8T-ER NUT" Direction JAMBS B. PLITNKBTT Assadalo. TOMMY CUBBAN Englewood Blaise A Blaise Oliver A Van Just a Pal Stanton ft Flynn (Two to flll) 2d half Moore-Megley Show Kedsie Lawton Hayea ft Lillian Barton A Toung Frankle Kelcey Hayden D A R Little Rev Sd half Allen A Norman Leon Vavara Doria Duncan (Three to flll) LbMoIa Moore-Megley Show Sd half Jim Jam Jem* Regan A Curllss Herbert A Neeley (Three to flll) Majeoti* The Satto* Green A LaFall O Alexander Co Williams A Toaag Stratford Comody 4 DalBty Marl* Alfonso A Co (Three to flll) SUto Nellie Jay (Two to flll) Sd half Lawtoa Lano-Traver* BeV O'Rourk* A Kelly BL'MiMOTOir. nx. MaJ**tlo Walter N1I**ob BronaoB A Bvans Pickard'a Band Sd halt Worden Bro* Bill* CUrk Co Eddie Carr Co CHAMPAIGN. ILL. Orpheaai Sd half Towa A D'Hortya Shean A Philip* Mary Marlowe B*n MaroCt Band Hamilton A Bars** Craation* DXOATVB. m. CHABLBS BARBIER-SmiS & CO. Fre*rBtlng "ACTION. CAMEBA" Direction DAVID B. BABLOSKT Duo ft Hayes Powers Warren Teddy Al H Wilson B Kinney Rev PBOVIDBN'B. B. Emery G Miller 2 JAB PSK* Kerr ft Bnsign Lewis ft Dody Mil* Ivy Oa VANCOUVEB. B. C. Paatego* Bentell ft Gould Gtbaon Sis Rowlsnd ft Mrrhan The Conductor Ryana ft Evans i Aces Joe Reich*a bkm.'ham;wash i'naf««llla RaymoBd WObort Horman A OUea Caprice Ballet nana A Maek Hummer* A Hunt Kate A Wiley TACOMA, WASH. Paatag:** Kerb* A Sister Jani* A Chaplowr Scanlon Denno ft S B W Hopper Vine A Temple Movie Masque POBTLAND. ORK. Paatase* Bill Genevieve ft L Carvat A Verena Fttsglbbons A M Allan A Shaw King A Irwin H Llo^d Co Lambertl Ruaslans Scandals Jewels Manikins OMAHA. NEB. Paatages Goldle A Bddle Barley A Kaye Wedding Ring WataoB Sisters Stanley Tripp A M Aerial BartlatU KANSAS CITT. MO. Paatag** Maxims ft Bobby Rome ft Bolton Anderson ft Grars* Kennedy ft Kramer Jo* Roberta Lea Kllcks MEMPHIS Pantage* Lorlmer A Hudson Murray A Gerrish DIehl Sis ft M Artie Mchllnger The Xmas Letter Worden Bros Etoi* Clark Co Bddl* Carr Co Sd half Walter Mlla*oa Bronaon A Evan* Plckards Band EVAKSVILLK, IMD OrmW Victoria A DuPr** Ble* A Cady Vereatlle Octett* Murray A Allen* (Two to flll) 2d half S Ohesxl* Frozlnl "^ Paul Decker Co (Three to flll) GALESBCBO, ILL. Orphenm Bobby Henahaw (Two to flll) 2d half The Bramlnos Portraits of l»2t (One to flll) JOUET, ILL. Orphcam Leon Vavara Doris Duncan (Ob* to flll) Sd hair Burt ft Rosedsle (Two to Oil) Gordon A Healy H Kessler Co Perry ft Wagner Realsta MINNEAPOLIS 1th Street Selblnln ft O Miss Virginia C* Jessie Hayward Murdoch A K Bla Cotton Picker* Hayes A Loekwood (Oae to flll) PEOBIA, ILL. Palaeo Bd Allea A Taxi Herbert A Neely Burt A Roaedalo (Two to flll) 2d half Little Revuo (Four to flll) QITINCT. ILL. Orpkoaai Th* BramlBos Potralts of itSI (Oa* to BID Id halt Bobby Henohaw (On* U flll) SACINK, WIS. DUif Moak* Barton A Toung Nellla Jay Laa* A Harper (Oa* to BID BOGKFOBD, ILK* S'Takota* M*Uoa A Beaa Brokaa Mirror Lillian FItsgerald Gattlaon Jonea Bd (On* to flll) Sd half AIth*a Laca* Oa Btaoley Chapmaa Billy Pari Co Bernard A Keller (Tw* to flU) ST. LOOIS BrokoB Toy* Froslal Hamilton A Baraaa Brady A Weil* (Two to flll) Sd half Victoria A DuPrea Harry Holbrook Great looter A Rasoh Girl* (Two to flll) Otaa d Opara Th* Brighton* Wm Morrow Co SMo P*ggy Mclntoah Throop A Phillip* •Lov* Ne*t Monro* Bro* (Tw* te BID S. BEND, IMD. Patoeo I*hlkawa Bro* Laa* A Harper A Ra*ch Girl* Th* VolBBteer* Cycle of Color 2d half Go**, ft Barrow* Brady ft Wella Hherwoods En (Two to flll) SPBINGFI'D. IIX. ]faJ«*U« Mary Marlow* Harry Holbrook Ben Mereff Baad Great Leater Creation* (One to flll) Sd half > Broke* Toy* Rio* ft Cady Frankle Keleey Versatile Octett* (Two to flll) KEITH'S CHICAGO CIBCniT CLKVEI^^ND. O. Hippodrome Wyoming Duo Hay ft Kllduir Dan Coleman Co Fejer'a Orchestra (One to flll) 2d half Indian Jaxz Rev (One to flll) id half Fejer-s Orch (Four to nil) EVANSVI'K. INO. Victory The Rials BRIERRE and KING Fifteen Minutes of Comedy Directioa CHAS. BIBBBACEB WESTERN VAUDEVILLE CHICAGO Jim Jaa* Jems t Red Peppers Fuller A Vance Regan ft Curllss (Two to flll) Bertram A Baxton Bernat A Downs Schwarts A Clifford Sheiks of Araby (One to flll) DETROIT. MICH. LaSalle 2 Melvlns Baby Henderson Christy ft McD T'Osar A Dal* (On* ta flll) Sd half Dalton A Oralg (Two to flll) PUNT, MICH. Humphrey Baad Telephone Taafla (Continued on paga 47>