Variety (February 1925)

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R w«<Jn^^^y;J^*™?!Li?! 1925 VARIETY 11 ^S^ to mil __ »■■ Do«* xW H«I« ma4B»ond * WelU lUnWM. M. T. '^ Id halt KM* * B»k*r SHhr^d* u*u Co %itnw * Boiii* ^ WHSBUNO TMMto %gm A Wlllla H»l« «£ua « Jaioa S^iaond ft W«!U PM 8t(ermAn Co Id bait S^aaaiiy ft Bmith W0ON8OCKBT BUM Waller Bla ft '•>» Taaapl* 4 Id half IClBC * Baattr (On* to fill) TOMKKB8. M. T. Proctor* ' t« half (l*-)a) Tho riomtBia K A Wallman Co Watta * Hawlay Bullr ft Mack Al Qarball Htv (One to All) lat half (li-:i> Conlln ft Qlaaa (Othera to nil) Id half (Zt-1> Ijtm ft Cranaton CUyton ft Cody ■aynea ft Bscic (Othera to flU> TOBK. PA. York Opera Uoow Radio Robot Keyhole Cain>!ia Clark ft Croaby a Ooltara ioB UAVK BABLOSKT ChMBberlatn ft n OMflMBd ft 9 WXUtlTON, DKL. AMIae AU«* De Oarnia jCbM Pompadour Honeymoonera Ja«k Ooldie KaWk Knack* (Oaa to All) td halt lyajuAng Dordn* Carroll ft Gorman I^ipilr Raya Bohcmiana Sban*«n ft Vat H Area Bro« td half Meehan ft Newninn In China Arthur West Klaznet Sis toi;no8to\vn. o. Hippodrome White Bros Pred Sosemjn Cora Corson Co Mae Francis Slmpaon ft L*ean 2<^ ha!f 2 Sparka Rhoda & Broah.Ml Laura Orm^bee Danclnc Sho<:>s (One to nil) FOLI CIRCniT BUDOT'T. CONN. PoM, Ulaie Harms Co Flatew ft Fraaer I, BIhen Co (Othera to 1111 > Sd halt Joe Nlemryer Co (Othera to nil) Palaco Ziew Hawkiaa Watt* ft Hawley • Bracka (Two to ftU) td haU B ICoore Co A Dover Co Coakloy ft DoDleTy (Oao to ait) CONN. Capitol Mar ft Lewla l^tor ft Marklor Cndaias Oea^ley ft Dunlavy Baptlo ft Ice Ballet td halt Omwni ft Kaao M Jolmatoae Co •haatar ft Beraloo Blaaa City « .Rath Broo (Oao U ail) DXN, CONN. Battr Mooro A Ca Tabor ft Orooa Arthur DoTor Ca Blaoa atr 4 CraaUoao-Talda >d k«f \ Tlotor OraC "Watta ft Bawter t Braeka (Two to ail) NBW^ VN, CONN. Bottr Mooro <3o Tabor ft Qreen BCRANTON. PA. PoU'a (WUkes-Bar split) lat halt Pleaa S Ana Suter Meehan ft Shannon B Heath Rev (Oao to All) 8PRINGFV, MASS. Palaeo Zelllaa Sla Lia Shay MeCooI ft Rellly Shako Tour Feet (Ona to aU) td halt Zoe Delphine ft Co Beck ft FerroaoB Kaah ft O'Domiell SalTle Alonf Four B SchoHed Co WATKBB'T, CONN. Palaco Caraon ft Kane Victor Orad J Johnatoa Co Bhaater ft Bernico Rath Broa td halt Mar I^wU Taylor ft Marklay CralalBK Pabor ft Oreen Baptle ft Ice Bailey WIXfKS-B.. PA. PoU'a (SeraatoB aptit) lat half Kraemer Broa Seymour ft Jeaa'ta W Nawmaa Co Baraa ft Burchlll (Ono to All) WOBTOB. MASS. PoU-« S BelphlBO ft Co Back ft Ferfuooa Naah ft O'Doonell Arthur Do Voy Co Blaoib City 4 Creatlona >d half Victor OraS Watta ft Hawley t Braeka (Two to All) Shotne Alone 4 ■ i(eea SchoAeld Id half Zelllaa Slatera lA Shay MeCool ft Rellly Shake Tour Feet (One to nil) OKFHEUM CIRCUIT Orlffea Twina CHICAGO (Saaday openlni) Vaa ft Bchanck Al Moore Band Joha B Hymer Oloott ft Polly Ann Paul Nolan Jack Norworth I^ta Banco R Bolt t Babbo Syrall ft L, Mato Uiko Powera ft Wallace t« Roy Talma ft B AI TacAier ft Band Oliver ft Olaen Reary Berrmaa Bernard ft Keller Ulliatt Pttsfferald CALOABT. CAN. Or^Msai (11-14) . -(Saaae bill playa Vaacouvpr 25-27) Blue Bird Frances Arns rnnoeton ft W {itan KavanaKh I»ck Henderaoa CBD. BAPHM. lA. Weber ft RIdnor Bert I^ery A ft r Stcadmaa Lrf>retta Orey Rct (Oao to All) Id half Wyomlnc I Webbo Botcr (Three to All) DAVKNPOBT. lA. CoIamM* Minor ft BrowB Tes McLeod LaBernecta Creedon ft . Davia Weblta Enter (One to AH) 2d half Weber ft RIdnor Roahlera K • Twins Newell ft Most Bert t«Ty H Wllllama Co (One to nil) DENVER. COI.O. Orpheaai Boaaie Barrlacale j; > «j i .' 4 Camerona Barraat ft Oarvla Frawlay ft L«ulao Harrjf Hlna* Jufglofaad Mnto Da Paa<iuaU DBS MOINBS, lA. OrphoaM I.oroer Olrla Rich Hayao W Clarke Co Sylraatorft Vaaao H Wllllama Co td halt Bolblal ft GrovlBl Tex McLeod Cotton PIckera Vaa ft Vernon (Oao to All) KAN8A8 OITT Orpheans (Sunday opening) Blllott Dexter K T & R Doner Ruth Budd Herbert Clifton Prank Farron Torke ft Lord KANSAS CITT, MO. Mala Street Freda Plga Stuta ft Bingham Love Neat Sampson ft L Mae DIx C:o ix>s HUl Street tfDlva Seala Kara vaa tf Lockett ft Page (Three to Oil) Orpheum Weber ft Flelda Van Blene ft Ford Harry Brea Hovard'a Ponlea Weston ft Blaine M Clifton Co Wright Dancers MILWAUKEE Palace (Sunday opening) Marlon Harris Ben Merhotf Band Wm Morris Harry Jolaon Blrdla Raavea KImberley ft Pago Leo CarrlUo Loria Baker Moadoxaa Robla ft Hood BACKAMENTO Orphenaa («-l«) (Same bill playa Froano It-IT) Senator Ford DApollon Dave Ferguaon Waltera ft Walter* McBae ft Clegg Connor Twina SAN FRANCISCO Ooldea Gato (Sunday opening) Powera Blephanta Maker ft Redford J ft B Morgan Co Lew Brlce Patterson ft Ca Bowera W ft C Connor Twina Orpheoaa Ted Lewis Band Harry Breen Roye ft Maye Combe ft Nevins Chaa Kellogg Snell ft Vernon Henry ft Moore Allce'a Peta ST. LOUIS Orpheom (Sunday opening) Juliet Adier Well ft H The Zest Bob Hall Harry Holman Josle Heather KIkutaa Japo ST. PAUL Palace SelbinI ft Orovlnl Ling ft Long Anderson ft Burt Van ft Vernon Cotton PIckera 2d halt Crystal Bennett Co Flagler Bros ft R Corking Rev Bpeciallv Designed f*t fYVLlVC Ready to Wear BEN ROCKE 1632 Broadway, at 50th St., N. Y.City P ft T Sablnl Sylvia Loyal MENNBAPOLIS HeBBepla (Sunday opening) Oeorge Jeaaal Du Callioa Bllaabeth Brloo Coaela ft Verdi Herberta Doga Coyn* ft French Keane ft Whitney OAKLAND. CAIm Orphaaaa WlUla Solar Bruno Stelnbach Horat ft Vogt MaaalBg ft Claaa Joe Howard Rev Mabol McCano Loylathaa Baad Althaa Lucaa H Kylo Co (}orooB A K Klela Broo Heller ft Rllagr Troatlnl ft Zardo POBTUUND, OBK. Orphevai Lorraine Sia LOEW NEW YOBK Stata Ford ft Price Staart ft Lash Latell ft Vokea Tatea ft Caraon Mayera ft Hanford Jack Powell Co ftiBialiiaa Fenner ft Roberta Qolden Girls Band Box Bevao Chaa Toblaa Hall ft O'Brien Laao ft ByroB (Two to All) Id half Koban Japa Kelly ft Browa Boms ft Klaaon Barber Joyvllle Jarrow Overholt ft Toung McGrath ft Deeda (On* to All) ▼letarta Herberta Beeaon A ft P Steadman (One to All) SBATTLB Orpheum Bmllll* Lea Kharum Nan Halperla Baldwin ft Blair Harry Burna Peres ft Marguerite Sterlings Sleeping Porch SIOUX CITT. lA. Orpheum Crystal Bennett Co LaPotlt Rev Warrea ft OBriaa Corking Rot (Two to flu) td half . Rich Haro* B Batebalor c:* S Vanca Co Wiltrod tnark* cro HarrI* ft Holly Lornor Olrla W INNI PBQ. CAN. OattiaoB Jon** Bd Preaalar ft Ktaia* A Byroa Co Doria DuBcaa Co LooB Vavara Zoe Dolphin* cntcuiT Brady A Ma honey (On* to All) td half ROder ft Dean J ft B Page Win Fox Co Ubert Carltoa Banny Barton R*r Oraeloy S«. Roder ft Dean Vaa Tysoa ft Vaa Fraak Stafford Co Brooka ft Powera Gautlar'a Doga (Oao to All) Id half Samaroff ft Sonia Katato ft Blona Chaa Toblaa Ray Barrett Co Flnlay * Hill Pelaarey St. Mac Sovereign Co Will Fox Co Trovato SamaroS ft Sonia (Two to All) PBAKK A^— —DOBonnr FORD aad RICKETTS in tha "WCDDINQ RING" Wk Fob. 18. Paatac**. City, Mo. =E Jim Reynold* Kendall Byton ft S Demaroot ft Doll M Fraaklyn Rev Id half Boyd ft Wallln J ft A Hvmby H Coleman Co Dealya Sia Co (Oar to All) LiBoola 9%. VanderbllU Katate ft Blona B Barrett Co td half Fenner ft Roberta Ooldea Olrla Vaa Tyaon ft Vaa Ketch ft Wllma (Ob* to All) Natloaal Ponslnl'a Monkeys Corlnne Arbuekle Zeck ft Randolph Wtlaoa ft Oarry Taago Shoea Id half I Victor* i I ' ■. t z Bert Walto* (Two to All) Or»l RaaaoU * Hayaa Overholt ft Toung Jarrow Taiuack (On* to All) td half Herberta Bceaoa Corlnne Arbucklo Jack Conway Co Wlae ft Janese Band Box Rev Boalovard Belli* t Foley ft Jerome McDevitt Kelly ft Q Al Abbott Ck>-Bda Id halt Jean ft Jacqu** Ilrooks ft Powera Tango Shoe* (One to Ail) Aveoue B Creedon ft Tay* P Seamon Co Bert Walton Woat 1st haJC I Walter* Beaaley Twiaa Hodgo ft Lowoll Raymond ft Royo* Wanla * S R«v CLEVELAND, O. SUto DeVrlaa Troup* Clay Crouch Co Nat Naaarro Co a Ardlne Co (One to All) DALLAS, TEX. Me»a DeGrolTs Raymond ft K Cook ft Vernon Toney ft Norman B'Clalr Twin* ft W HOBOKBN. N. I. Lyilo Woodland t Bingham ft Harvey My Wlfa'a Back At San Down (One to All) WYTE & GORDON ATTORNEYS-AT'LAW Ttmea BnlMlag, New York City Telephone Bryant S546-1S7> We announce formation of above co- partnerahip and will continue to apa- cialise in mattera appertaining to the theatrical profeaalon. JAC. W. WTTE—DAVID GORDON Niobe (One to All) Id half Kennedy ft Nelaon M Harper Co Stone ft loleen Bob Murphy And Lucy ft Pala BROOKLYN MetropoUtoa Gibaon ft Price Calvin ft O'Connor See America Firat Phllllpa ft G Clinton ft R Bd Faltoa Bary ft Bary Joe ft Art Humby Jack Conway Co Klsie Whtte Co Benny Barton Rev 2d half Grant ft Feeley Frank BtaCord Co Wilson ft Garry (One to All) Gate* 3 Victor* Grant ft Feeley Ketch ft Wllma Burns ft Klsaen Barber of Joyvllle Id half Rary ft Bary Jim Reynold* Demareat ft Doll O-Bds Kennedy ft Nelaon M Harper Co Stone ft loleea Bob Murphy And Stevera ft L Rev td halt Nlobe Weaton ft Sohramm Cha* Foy Rev (On* to au) ATIJIlMTA. oa. CIroa* Show BnUfHAM. ALA. Bijoa Adair ft Adair Goldl* ft Boattr Jaa C Mortoa Mllo B Phllllpa Co BOSTON Pielert ft SeoAeld Officer Hyman Kerr ft Baalga Slameae Twin* Cecilia Weatoa O* Prank D'Armo Co 2d halt Sbeppard ft Holmes Brady ft Mahoney (Three to AID LONDON, CAN. Loew Hay McKay ft Sis Marston ft Manley Telephone Tangle 2d halt Walter Baker Co Gormley ft Catlrey Caaper ft Horrlasey MEMPHIS Loew Day at Racea Gould ft Adama Van ft Carrie Avery Rogera ft Donnelly Braille ft Polio Rev BOLWAUKEE Miller Powers 2 Warren ft Hayea Healy Sia Teddy Al H Wilaon H Kinney Rev MONTREAL Loew Witt ft Wlntera Arthur Lloyd Jimmy Olldea Co Cardo ft Noll Oraaer ft Lawlor NKWABK. N. J. Stat* Chaa McGooda Co ClifTord ft Bailey to Mliea from Bway Bmerson ft Baldwin Mile Ivy Co NBW OBLKANS OM*«*ut KoDoaald I Froot ft Morrison Jack*on ft Mack Jimmy Lyon* Via Quinn Oreh 0SHK08H, WIS. Oftaad Id half R*dford ft Wallae* Barrett ft Faraum Kaady Krooka Bob NeiooB Lola Brava Co PBOVID'CB, B. I, Rogera ft Dorkia Smith ft Caator Seminary Scandal* Creightoa ft Lyaa C:ook Mortimer ft H If V Havoa't BMWd •< Btaa O WUl ROE REAVES "TBB KID OLOTB BtDDBB" BCFPALO Lumara Chaa F SeamoB Millar ft Fr*ar* DaVal ft Symond* Review of Revue* CHICAOtt ChMtoM Id halt t Walter* Beaaley Twia* Redg* ft X,ow*ll Raymond ft Royce Wanla ft 8 Rav Hubert Dyer Co Bardie Kraamar Gray ft Arlla* Milt Colllna - Cupid'* Cloao-up* Plato ft Boyt* Balkan Wanderer* BICH. Hnx. U I. VIBar4 Koban Japa H Coleman Co McOrath ft Deeda Doaly* Sia Co (Oaa to All) 2d half a Miller S Paul Mall Angel ft Fuller Tarmark SPBINGFay. MASS. Jack Honaak Co Halg ft LaVor* D*C Orenado* Co TOBONTO ToiW* M. LaPranc* C» Dolbridge ft O Boraardt Fagg ft White Zaaa ft Adele Rev PAHTA0E8 ciRcnrr TOBOHTO Paatac** (Sunday opening) * Silver* Nollooa ft Warders KItner ft Reaney Revoe Do Art Sully Rogera ft ■ HAMILTON. CAN. Part—** Strobol ft Uirtut Joyaor ft Footer , .1 1 .<■ I .1 t •. * ,. TwiB Bed* Mark* ft Bthel Ray Pagan Bard CBICAOO Wh«aler 4c W GordoB ft Xing Boovllle Daaoers J C Nagaat Hamol Sla S UMNKArOLIS Paatac^a (Supday opMHng) »', ■ !• » J .\ O. Perretto* Wyeth ft Wyna Thorntoa ft • Kama Four (Oao to ail) BBGINA. CAN. Paatago* Thr** Blaaka Sully ft Kaplaa Faahlona Noodle* Fagaa LoomI* Troupe SASKT-N. CAN. Paatac«a (2J-I4) (Same . olll plays Edmonton 2d half) John Olms Co Orren & L).- w Leonora Steppers Wills ft Kobblns Toyama Jap* CALGABV. CAN. Paat4c«a Phil LaTo*ka Muriel ft Phyllis Sid Lewis Robt Rellly Co Mack ft Co'ol Olrton Olrla SPOKANE PaaLign* Two Martelia Joo DeLler Kelly Sla {van BankofT Burke Wtlfli ft *N Fred Under/ SEATTi.:;: Pautag'io Tvonne Follls & Lcroy Carey Uomvun ft M Hughes ft Bc'.'ke Ben Nee One Riding Cosiellos VANCori:Eti. B. r. Pantagea F ft E Cartnan P ft U Miller Oaffney & Walton Lola Olrlta ft S LeMalre ft Ralston Vardell Bros Murand ft Leo Leonard ft Wllsoa Mildred Myra Norton ft Urower* Laagford ft F FairvUw LOS ANGELES Paatagoa Zelda Bros Dodd ft Leeder Bobbe ft Stark Vlrg Norton Co Adier ft Dunbar Dreamy Spain 8. DIEGO. GAL. Paatage* Mack ft William* Althotr Sla George Toeman Slatko Rev Law Cooper Olympla Deavall L. BEACH. CAL. Hoyt Kara Moro ft Taco Rennees Cliff Masarrow Morriaona Band Thaleroa CIrcaa SALT LAKE CITT Paatace* McBanns UBrien ft Josephlno Helen J Eddy Alexander ft B Sherman Van ft H Klutings Animals OODEN. UTAH Paatac** Viaaer ft Co Vlis ft Clark Seminary Mary Paul Sydell Marcua ft Booth Cbefalo DENVBB. COLO. Paatage* Juggling Neiaona Rose ft Bdwarda Leona Lamarr Kennedy ft Martin ;•' - i ■ DOING NICELY THANK YOU WARREN and HAYES CITY va. COUNTRY Direction MARK LEDDY BELL'H'.V. WASH. Vaadaville Bentell ft Gould Gibaon Sla Rowland A Meehan The Conductor Ryana ft Evana S Aoas Jpo Relohen tacomA. wash. Pantagea Raymond Wilbert Herman ft Olaen Caprice Ballet Dana ft Mack Summera ft Hunt Kate ft Wiley POBTLAND,. ORE. Paatagroo ICarbe A Stater Janl* ft Chaplow Hranlon Denno ft 8 B W Hopper Vine ft Temple Movl* Maaque TBAVBL (Open w**k) Bill Genevieve ft L Carvat ft Verena FItaglbbon* ft M • AnderaoB Olrla MaaUra ft OraycO Skat* Claaalo* SAM FBANCISCO (Sunday opening) Seebacka Vadla Dancera COLO SPRINGS Paatago* (tS-tS) (Same bill play* Paeblo 2d naif) Mack ft Brantley Harold Kennedy H ft H Langtoa Jarvia -Revue L Mayor Glrla OMAHA. NEB. Paatagea Allan ft Shaw King ft Irwin H Lloyd Co I.ambertl Ruaalaaa Scandala Jrw*la Manikin* BANS. Cmr. HO. CHAMPAIGN. UX. <3oldle * Bddlo Early ft Kay* WoddlBg Bing WataoB Slater* Stanley Tripp ft M Asriel Bartlatt* HBMPHn Paftta«*a Maxim* ft Bobby Rom* ft Boltoa Abdoraoa ft Oravo* Koaaody ft Kram*r Joo Robert* Lo* Klleka WE8TER1I 7AVD'KfnjJL CHICAOO Faltoa ft R Oeraalla ft C DoiWlaa Oravaa Co Pollard Fox ft MIyB La* Mar*hall R*t Id half Pravoat ft Ooulet Rhinehardt ft DuS Phil Darla (Thre* to All) Coatral Agrenoff Variety Harry' Rappo F Schwarts Co Craft* ti Bheehan I Taketo* Id half Clowa R*v H*rb*rt ft Neoley Flelda ft Edward* Duabar ft Tura*r Art Laadry Band Id half AtphOBja C<> Jamaa TlMrutoa Lasar ft Otu% (Thre* to All) Orace L'aye* ft D Marl* Allyn Co Pkil Oavl* (Three to All) td half t Taketo* Stanlay Chapmaa Lao Mambrll R«t (Thr** to All) Ghoaai Bro* Throop ft Phillip* Edward* ft Doaa DdTiaoa** IjOob* Oroat L*at*r (Fir* to ail) Taylor Lake C!* OHABLia BARBIER-SMS & CO. ■tiiW "ACTION. Cil Diroottoa DATID B. BABUMMn Bftglewood ProToot ft Ooulet Bogaa ft Cur-.tsa Herbert ft N^elay Road t* Vaud'vlilo (Two -.t ll'> Id half Fulton ft Ray W Flabter « r. (Pour to All' Badal* O MartiB Co Armatrovtg ft Sm.' i h Joha V-ie Co (Throe to ail) #"> < V • 1 ♦ > Staaloy Chapmaa Roalata Id hatf Broaaoa ft Evana F Kolcy Co (Oao to All) BLinNOTON. ILL. lUJ«Ale The Barmlnoa Portralta of Ifll (Oaa to All) td half Versatile Ociei'f Morrlaon ft C Tarke ft King Snodgraaa ft W (Two to All) td half Broken Toya Ray Bond Co BIsle Ciwrk Co Farneil ft Kloronco T Claire Band (One to All) DBCATUB. ILL. Empreaa Veraatile Octette Morrlaon ft C Torke ft King 2d half The Bramlnos Portralta of I3tt (One to All) ELGIN. ILL. Moore Meg.'y Co (Othera tn Ai:) EVANSVI'K. IND. Craad Towa ft D'Hortya Harry Ilolbroolc F Kelcy Co Joe Darcy MINNEAPOLIS Ith M. Homer Roniaine Jenninga ft Mack Chaa Rogers Co Mah^a ft Chalet Harry Keaaidr Co Perry ft Wagner Claire ft Atwood PBOBIA. ILL. Palace Broken Toya Bobby Hensh'iw Brooka ft Evana Doo Baker Rev 2d half E O Terry Co Crafta ft Shrhan Olga ft Mlihka Co (Two to All) QUDTCT. ILL. Roshier* K » Twina Burt ft Roaedal* (Oaa to All) td half O-Roorke ft Kelly (Two to All) BOCKFORD, ILL. Palace Brightons JIMMY OBAGB DWYERaodORMA H. BART McHUGH a: Hamilton Barnaa Creatlona td halt Wood ft WhUa Stateroom It Mary Rellly Snodgraaa ft W Mel Klee (Oa* to ail) OALESB'OH. ILL. Orpheam ORourke ft Kelly (Two to All) til half Raahara K t Twins Burt ft Roaedalo (Ono to ail) JOUET. ILL. Orphaam Monroe firos Elsie Clark Co Lane Travera Rev td half Green ft LaFell UaBernecla Co Barton ft Toung MADUOH. WIS. Lawton Oreea ft I.aF«II Ohio Sale KIowB Rev (Two to Ail) td halt Brlghtona Murdoch ft K Si* Gordon ft Healey Anderson ft Burt Chio Sale (On* to ail) MILWAUKRC Majeatle Shannon'* Playtime ■witf ft Daley Batty Bhean ft Phillip* DanUy ft Merrill Lane ft Happer Cycle of Color (One to All) Murdoch A K Gordon ft Healv Paal Decker Co Deno Bochelle Co (One to All) Id half Moore-Megley O (Othera to fill) ST. LOUIS Grpad Warden Broa Wagaer'ft Peli.i Creat ft Farrall L Whitea Co Hayea ft Lllllaa Little Rev lahikawa Bro* (Two t6 All) BtaH* Wood ft White Stateroom It Ray ft Emma Dana Mel Klee (Two to All) td halt a Saltoa Fox ft AllyB Murray ft Allen Jeo Dar«r Creatlona (Ona to All) BO. BBITD, IND. PirfM* Fitch'* Miaatrel* Id halt MaxAald ft Stoaa Pan) Dookor Co Done Rocholl* Oreh (Tw* to fltl) SPBINC«*U>. ILL. Mary Roilly Marrar * Alloa Tod Claire'* Baad I Salto* (Two to ail) Id halt Moaroo Broa Froalal Broke* Mirror Bradr A Well* V ft B SiaBt*B Guiran ft M KEITH'S CHIOACK) CXBCDir CLBTBtAHD. O. Chuck Haa* Draw ft Vallie _ . . .. _ Jarvia ft Harrison Davto ft McCoy Capman Boya Dewey ft Roger* ledlaa Jaaa Rev LIMA. O. Oertrude Baraa* ItMWt O (Oa* to ail) Id half Doree SI* LaVarr Bro* ft P (Three to ail) DBTBorr. mcH. LaSaBe DIppr Dior* ft B Fraaoea Keaaedy Daft Oaleaaaa Oa Haydea Daa A M Dalatr Maria Id half Richard ft Orer Maaoa ft Dison Bd Morgan ft Sheldoa Bernet Down* Ca (On* to All) BTANSTI'B. IND. ▼letary Jarvl* ft HarrlaoM (Two to All) Id half Raymond* Boh (Two to ail) niNT. MICM. Plantatloa Day* rr. WATNB, IND. SchlotI* WoB Brady ft Well* DoPaoo (Oao to ail) Id halt •ddle Carr Co Haydea Dua ft H (Oao to ail) IKDIANAPOIJ8 Doroo 81* Hart* Hollanders (Two U ail) Id half Allen ft Taxi Dewey ft Roger* (Two t* ail) IMVnVtthK, KT. NaM**Mri (tBdIanapolia apUt) lat half Mowatt ft Mueller Alabama I.and CChree to All) MUNICB, INU. Wyaar Oraad Chock Ilaaa Wiaeman Sla Barber ft Jaokaoti Oerdon ft Day td haU JotiBBr Hynan Jerry Mack Co (Two to ail) MVBKMOIf. MICM. Areh ft y*«a Babr Hoadoroon OtU ft Otto Id half H*r*hlad Aaatrallaa Walt** CfcrUty ft McD TBB. MAOTB. UIB. (Loulavill* apllt) Oaao ft Alloa Bntlly Earl Co Swarta ft Clifford L,oneaome Tewa (One to ail) LBXINOTON, KT. Ben All Minatrel Mcmoriea Denby ft Dawn (Three to All) 2d half Rayinnnd ft Geneva Raymoad A Oeao/a Johaay Hyama Draw ft Value V ft B StaatoB Baymond* BoSe'aaa Id half Fitch* MlBatrjl* wiNSDOB. oirr. Capital Allan 4k Taxi Uoghe* Mueloal t Rlekari * Orey Chriaty ft MeDoa Baraot ft Dowa* R td half Dalikty Maria Daa 0*l*m«a C» Davi* ft McCoy (Two U mi) (Continued on PM* tf)