Variety (February 1925)

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Wednesday' Febniarf 25, 1925 VARIETY n TOBONTO Mm*'* ^vjg.piiltoa 81a A F , 5;^ ft OMt filMtte ^X Jflireo'' Hor««» ^f ^rSKNTON. K. «. 'irilaoD * H«7M ^■>A Lauclllln Co >Tletro V-'' $d half Jftnny * CMar ••Al'a Here C JiacV * Stanton *; MonrM * Grant <^ ' T«OY, K. T. ' Pr»*t«r'» ■' AluaixJe' ft PpiKV Hobbr H«ath Rev f B«i>««e ft Bairl .'■ ■ 3plnette» 2d half iionlai trr 8toutpnberv«MU ChMatoarlAlo * ■ 2d half LAttia AthM'toa RUU' ft O'Briaa Mlddletos ft 8 Dr. B B Uatntr E Marina If ATKKTN, N . T. ftVM Id halt Ed Lowrjr Masettt Lewta Col WH'UNO, W. VA. Tlct«rl* Liottla Atberton Rule ft O'Brien Mlddleton ft S Llr u 13 Marcus 8la ft C 2d halt Wllaon 8 Henry Frey Courtlns y>ayii Permane ft Shelly Mclntyres WILM'GTON, DEI.. ftl^lM '^Wood ch 0 p PC ri^ ^ CLOTHES BEN ROCKE •4632 brbidway, at SOth 8t^ N. Y. City • -• '' ' ■- ^ . ■. ^ . . ■ drpny Wanderer* ;, (Oae to Oil) , Via6N HIIX. N. J. 8d halt (:s-l> Morrip ft Shaw <Otheri to nil) lat half (2-4) B ,Farre)l Co <Othera to Oil) !d half (5-8> '.eackivy C ft S . (Others to (III) VTICA, N. T. ' * ' ChU«t7 Melody ft Steps Kd Lpwry m Arleya Id hair Victor Graft Charles Wilson Co <Oae to nil) ■ WASHINGTON ^, B. F. Keith's Veynan Co Thos E Sl^ea Co ,Dr Rockwell ; The Merediths Stephens ft H .Oiga Myra 8 ft N Kouns J C Pllppin *WA8H'GTON. D. C. Cari* Odeo Brown ft La Velle J Templeton Co Margaret Padula ' Babcock ft Dolly , d'''^* Ahearn Co State • Mclntyres Marlon ft Jason Courtlnc Days Ted Uesile . .; . Hack' ft. SantAn Hart ft Helen Harmon ft Sinq Marcellne D'Alroy Id half The IjlvinKstona Belle ft I^ Clair Marie Russetl ' Hick Cogley Co Hall' ft BMpkro Marrone Rev W00N80CKET BUon Ryan ft CKell 4 t>ahsley« (Two to fill) 2d half Daly ft Berlew Bill S Hall Co Manning ft Hall Galla-Rlnl ft Sis TONKEKS, N. T. Proctor's 2d half (:S-1) 2 Danubes Lee ft Cranston Clayton ft Cody Haynes ft Beck Terkes Bd (One'to nil) 1st half (2-4) O Handsworth Co (Others to All) ¥OBK. PA. Tork O. H. Cleveland ft Dowry Alton ft Alien Ted Weem's Orcti. (Two to fill) 2d half Ross Doc ft Pete Jones ft Morcan Clem Bevans Co Rita Ctould Jules Black Co poii cntcmr BB'GBPX CONN, r*u La shar Drury ft Lane '.itOthfra to All) 2« hair Clayton ft Clayton Clara Jool Co (Others to nil) Wilbur ft Adama Shuffle Along 4 . <Oa« to fllU troshavr ft Shannon Shadowland Sd half Taylor ft M MoCool ft Relllr (Othera to fill) HABTfD, CONN. Caiuial .Ambler Bros ' Dock ft Ferguson McCool ft Reilly SCRANTON, PA. FoU'a (Wilkes-Barre) 1st half Canary Opera Reed ft Baker Vera Gordoa Co 2 Sepatora SPBINGF'D. MASS. Palace Ooelet ft Hall Mitchell Bros Justine Johnstone Shaffer ft Be'rnlce Rath Bros 2d half Wilbur ft Adams Jerry ft Oranda Bison City 4 Roma's Troupa (One to fill) WATKBBT. CONN. Palace Clayton ft Clayton 'If t; Havni't Heard af Him t) Win ROE REAVES .*' "TUB KID GLOVE KIDDER" Idealil (One to nm Kicks »( J»:4 . • 2d lialf Goelet ft Hall Salt ft Pepper Meehan ft Hh.tnnon Shado^laod Mary. Haynes S' Drakes . . MBBIDAN, CONN. Poll May ft I.ewii L'a Shay Drury ft Lan» RIeka of l»:i . (One to fill) K. HATEN, tONN. . Qalaco May ft Lewis Taylor ft MarUl-v Crralslng Coakley ft D ■ Schofleld l'> :d haif Attbler Bros Shuffle Alor.» ( Ideals Bison City ^ Mary Paynes . 8 ■ avUes (Ot.e to nil) '2d half .Elsie .Harips, Co Beck ft Ferguson Coakley ft D (Two to fill)' W.-BABBE, PA. Pali's (Scranton split) 1st half Noak Tinoey ft Dale Fortunello ft C 4 Dion Sim WORC'TER, .MASS. s'oU Elsie Harms Co Salt ft Pepper Jerry ft (brands Roma's Troupe (One to fill) td half Cruising stitcneii Bros J Johnston Co. Shaffer ft Bemke Rath Bros Nell McKay Weber ft RIdnor Keane ft Whitney Stat* L«ka Joale Heather Joe Darcey Adler Well ft H Howard Kyle Co The Test Doc Baker Rev GALGABT, CAN. Orpheaat (1-2) (Same bill plays Vancouver 4-() Gatliaon Jones Bd Pressler ft Klaiss Doris Duncan Leon Varvarra Arthur Byron CBD. BAPID8, lA Majestic Walter Fishier Co H Williams Co Hons Kong Troupe (Two to ail) 2d half Selbini ft Or^vlni Ruth Budd . . Cotton _Pickers Harry Keesler Co (One to ftll) .. DAVEN^cfRT, ta. roUaaWa, ^ Selbini ft Orovinl ' Maxneld ft Stone • Bcrnacd ft,iceUar. ; Ruth Budd .... Kllen Bros Cotton PlcHers 2d half Melva sis LUbln ft Laiirie Gordon ft' Knowlton Henry Bergman Co (Two to BID' DENVVI^, COLO. ' . Oryhoaaa Snub Pollard Don Vftlerlo Jean Adair' Walter Weema Ncal Abel Bostock's School Van Hoven DBS MOIITES. lA. Orpheaa* Melva Sta Lubin ft Laurie Bessie Barriscaie Bert Gordon ft K Henry Bergman Co 2d half Hong Kong Troupe Maxfield ft Stone Bert Levy Kllen Bros Giersdorf Sis KAN8. CXTT. MO. Orpheam (Sunday opening). Emma Tretlnl Adelaide ft HugDes 0RP3EUM CntGUIT , (Hit \(;o > Palaea '■■jn.ii'j>i r.->-n"-t. Eddie Leonard Co Van ft SchenrU S ft PStMmsn t'.bbi\''' &■■ \T^1T^ BIcknell Harry Hiaes Dick Lucke B4 Harris ft Holly OAKLAND, CALIF. Oipheaaa Marg Hedegus Snell ft VernoB Oilly Hou9» .'.tw Brlce Power's Elephants Harry Breen OMAHA. NEB. Orpheaai Molntyre ft Heath Coyne ft French 4 Camerons Newell ft Most Rich Hayes Sargent ft Marvin Wilfred Clark POBTL.%ND, ORE. Orpheaai Nan Halperln Kharum Bmilea Lea Baldwin ft Blair Harry Burns Perez ft Marguerite The Sterliags SACBATO, CALIF. . Vrpheaat '(1-3) (Same bill plays Fresno 4-S) Demerast ,& Col,I'»',li C'oii(ibe ft Kevins Pattersdn ft 0 Anderson ft Tuel. Mabel McCane Joe Howard's Rev SAN FKANCISCO Orpheaai (Sunday opening)' Ted Lewis Bd ■ ; Robin ft Hood Sig Friscoe Kimberly ft t>ago Mendozaa Fields ft Johnson-' Birdie Reeves Lorraine Sis Ooldoa Gat* Walters ft Walters Manning ft Class . Dave Ferguson Sinator Ford .Sylvia Cl^rk Roye ft Miye ST. LOUIS. MO. Orpheam (Sunday opening) Flo Reel Co Juggleland Warren ft O'Brien Lillian Ftsgerald V ft B Stanton Mme Pasquall ST. PACL Palac* Ramsey's Canaries JIMMT OBACB DWYERandORMA H. BART IMcHUGH rc Powers ft Wallace Murray ft Altea Kikutas Japa ' Jack Norworlh Maia Straet Froxint Golden Gate Rev, Creedon ft Davis (Two to All) liOS ANGELES UlU Stl^t Maker it Redford Van Biene ft T Howard's Pon'es Wright Danc-rs Harry Breen D ApoUon J ft B Morgan Bd Bruno Stelnbach Chas Kellogg McRae ft Cl?gg Bowers W ft C Henry ft Mooe* Weber ft Fields Leo Carrille BflLWAir^KK Palac* (Sunday opening) Chit: Sales Juliet Paul Decker Burt Sheppard Co Doner Family Glenn ft JenKlna Deno R ft Bd MINNEAPOLIS Heaaepla (Sunday opening) Marlon Ilarrla Frawley ft Louise Perry ft Wagner Bert Levy Oeorgls Jessell Harry Keer.MV Co 2d halt Heller ft Riley Hayes ft Lockwood Lorber Girls SylVestar Vance Herbert Williams SEATTLE Orpheaaa Blue Bird Griffln Twins Robbie Gordonc Dick Henderson Princeton ft W. Prances Arms Stan Kavanaugh SIOVX riTT. lA. ' Orphaam Heller ft Riley Tex McLeod Leviathan Banft Van ft Vernon Althea Lucas 0> (One to fill) 2d half Fred's Pigs Harry Holbrook B Barriscaie Co Perry ft Wagner Co George Jessell Co Homer Romaine WINNIPEG, CAN. Orpheam Webb's' Enter Herbert's I>ogs Coscia ft Vertd Elliott ft Dexter Herbert Clifton LOEW CIRCUIT NF.W YORK CITT Mat* Selma Braa'tz Co Hazel Crosby Co Stars of the Future Brotfks ft Powers Band Box Rev' (One to nil) Amrricaa Jimrqy Gallen Brahain ft Masters Coulter ft Rose ^ Deslys St* Co Kerr ft Ensign Phillips ft B Berndt ft.Partner (One to ail> 9d half Poppyland MarrltiKe vs; D Rngfei ft Pierce Ketch ft Wllma Jack Wilson Co Grazer,ft Lawlor (Two to flU) . Victaaia . - .«elblnl ft Albert Jack hooseh Co Ketrti'ft Wllma McOrarh-ft I>f<\% (■'•«> nw' /(Aw CMi" ' 2J half Ford ft PMte Flatow ft Frazer Jack Conway Co Coulter ft Rose (One to nil) LINCOLN 84). Esry ft Eary Van Tyson ft Van F Stafford Co Woflton ft Schramm (One to fill) . 2d half Jimmy Gallen Jean Barrios Co Moore 1^ Mitchell Deslys Sis Co OBESiIeT 84). Boyd ft WaMIn KlaiO{ ft J.icobs Marston & Manley Marriage, vs. D Don Romaine Co :d half Eary ft Eary J ft A Hunfby Zerk ft Randolph MoGrath ft D^ed* R»rf»w of RiHr '• 1 (<»MJ'':I., if! *»:-'.<'i' DELANCET ST. Roder ft Deaa J ft A Humby Overholt ft Toung Bobby Carbons Lu Jack Wllaon Ca (One to fill) 2d halt W Baker Co See America First Weston ft Schramm Chas McGooda Co (Two to fill) ?Iati*aat Rerk ft Rector Renard ft West Meyers ft Haiiford Poppyland (one to nil) 2d half Herberta Beeson Smith ft Cantor M Costello Co Marston ft Manley Stevers ft L Rev } Victors Jim ft Betty Page M Costello Co Wtl)»n ft G^rry Powell Sextette Balkan Wah^erera Powers 2 Warren ft'Ifayea Howard ft Ross Plerca ft Arrow H Kinney Rev Al H Wilson Teddy CLEVELAND, O. 8ta(* ' Walters Telephone Tangle Raymond ft Itoyc; Walton ft I..fltrim (diie to ml) DALLAS. TEX. Melba McDonald 2 Frost ft Morrison Jackson ft Mack Jimmy Lyons Vie Uuinn Bd HOBOKEN, N. J. Lylte ' Tlfe.L^na,', Lar^y Oordon Cot Jack Kennedy' Co Davi() R. $J3ibtosky ARTISTS' REPRESENTATIVE Keith and Orpheum Circuits 221 strand Thaatre BI(H|. NEWYQRk .' St* Colonial Tnut BWg». . PHILADELPHIA. PA. FANTAOES CIBCniT TOBONTO 2d half Bellia 2 I Van Tyson ft Van : Renard ft West Meyers ft' Hanford Tango Shoes Boalevard Chas McGooda Co Grant ft Feeley Jack Conway Co Moore ft Mitchell Grazer ft Lawlor 2d half Selbini ft Albert P ft B Rpss Kerr ft Ensign Jarrow Clinton ft K Co Avoaae B Robertas ft Deagon Edna Knowles Lewis ft Hurst Hokus Pokus Rev (One to fill) 2d half The Kramers The McCoys F Stafford Co Chas Tobias Olga ft Nicholas BROOKLYN Metropolitaa 4 Reddings ' Pful Mall SO Miles from Bway Emerson ft B Mile Ivf Co FalUa W Baker Co Flatow ft Frazer See America First . Jarro# , Arleys 2d half Reck ft Rector Overholt ft Toung Primrose Mtnstrela (Two to fill) •nsrea Ford ft Price Jean Bat'rios Oo Angel ft Fuller Primrose Minstrels 2d half Arleys Stuart ft Lash Kendall Byton ft S Tarmark (One to nil) Palac* The Kramers Hurray ft Oerrish Zeke ft Randolph Chas Tobias Tarmark 2d half Robertas ft Deagon J ft B Page Howard ft Ross Lewis ft Hurst Will Stanton Co Fielder Putnam I i (Ona to flU) 2d half ' i J ft A Rtley Niobd' . (Three to All) ! liONDON. CAN. 'Laa'w Lunvars • • Chas F'SeamOn 4 Madcaps '2^ half Beasley ^Wlns Hodge ft Lowell Wania ft S Rev MEMPHIS I.*e>w Adair ft Adair Goldie ft Beatty Jas C Morton Milo £ Phillips Co MILWAVKEE Miller Redford ft Wallace Barrett' ft Farnum Maybelle ft Phllllpil Ktndy Krooks Bob Nelson bola Brava Co MONTREAL Laew Royal Guards belbridge ft G ; Weber ft Elliott Bernard! Fagg ft White 2aza ft Adele NEWABK. N. J.j Stat* Vancierbiits H Reynolds ft 3 Emma Carus Bums ft Kissen Barber of Joyville NEW OBLEANS Creaceat A Day at the Races Gould ft Adams ' Van ft Carrie Avery Rogers ft Donnelly Braille ft Polio Rev 08HK0SH, WIS. Graad 2d half Aerial DeOroffs Raymond ft K Cook ft Vernon Toney ^ Norman E'ClaIr Twins ft W PBOVID'CE, B. I. Bmery Pielert ft S omcer Hymaa Frank D'Armo Co Cecilia Wcstoa Co DeC Orenados Co Paalac«a . (Sunday opening) Helen Bach S Hardy ft Hanlty Harmonla Downing ft puddy Barbier Simma Co HAMILTON, CAN. Paalagea I Silvers Purcell ft Vinci* Revue DeArt Kitnsr ft Roane/ Sully Rogers ft S CHICAGO Chateaa Strobvl ft Morten* Marks ft Ktliel (Two to nil) MINNEAPOLIS Paatage* (Sunday opening) Wheeler ft Whesler Ferguson ft S Scovllle Dancers Pisano ft Landauer tl4.)nel Sis ft >; Covins BEGIN A, CAN. Paatage* Perettos Wyeth ft Wynn Louis ft' F Bel-koff Thomtoil * S A •C Astor Kuma * -' saska'I'66n'. can. Pantage* (J-,l» , ' (Same . biill play* Edmontpn 24 haU)' 1 Blanks . Louis W.itiifell Fashion* Iseo Llarl Raymond Fagan Lomas T Co CALGABY, C.%N. Paatagea John Olms Co Orren ft Drew r,enora's Steppers Wills ft Robbins Toyama Japs Santaccl SPOKANE Pantages Phil LaToska Muriel ft Phyllis Sid Lewis Robt Reily Co Mack ft Corel Oirton Girls SMittI* Paatagea 2 Martells Joe DeLier WHY TRAVEL T ^ ■ WANTED f'h'^raa Olria NO TRAVELING •, 4« Weaks ia N. Y. VUf 4^aly jasii Mass*. AoelU Barissk Tkwlr* 211 W. tJMh St.. New Y*rh City H! ATLANTA. GA. Graad Booth ft Nina Boland ft Hopkins I.loyd ft Rosalie Lewis ft Dody Paramount Quint BIBM'HAM. .%L.\. BUaa Circus Show BOSTON Ofyheam Rogers ft DorUIn Mabel Drew Haig ft ^.eVerf . Seminary Scandals Cook Mortimer ft II Cretgbtot) ft, Lynn BVFFAIX) Stat* Witt -ft .■tV'inler.i Arthur Lloyd Jimmy Olld^a Ca C:^r(lo fc Nazarro Buck & CHICA(M> Cbataaa - 2d halt • Hubert Dyer Ct Berdie Kraemer CupM's- Close-UT^ f»H t .« t'.■^i^^M•f • ■ RICH. iilLL. L. I. Wniar« Herberta Beesoa «mlth ft Cantor Tales ft Carson Local Follies 2d half Berndt ft Partner Don Ronvaine ft Co Phillips ft E lA>ca4 Follies SPBINGF'D. MASS. Broadway Jack Blrchley I.ocal FolUe* (One to fill) 2d half . Amoros ft 0(>ey Local Follies (Two to Urn TQBONTO Tonge St. McKay' S^a Caites Bros CIgy CroiTch Co Julia Keletr DeVrie* Tnjupe WAHBI^G'TON , . lia«w Torke's Dogi .M Abbott' McD Kelly-ft Q Wet- WVlf*-C-* • r»».* »> irj' :s .. .. j-i Summers ft Hunt Kate ft Wiley Travel (Opening Week) Karb* ft Sis Jaols ft Chaplow Scanlon D ft S Vln* ft Temple Movie Masque Follies of l*2t SAN FBANCI8CO Paatagea (Sunday opening) Joe Reirhen Carvat ft Vorena Filzglbbons ft M ( Anderson Girls Masters ft O Skate Classics LOS ANGELES Paatagea Murand ft Lee Leonard ft Wilson Mildred Myra Norton & Brower ; Langford ft F FalrvleW SAN DIEGO. CAiJ Paatagiea Zelda Bros Dodd ft I.efder Bobbo ft Stark k ! Vlr Norton Co Adler ft Dunbar .. Dreamy Spain I.. BEACH, CAL. : Hayt Bill Genevieve ^ T Aithoff Sis Geo Toeman Slatko Rev I*w Cooper Oljrmpia D^aval SALT LAKE CITY' Paatagea Kara Moro ft Taco Renneea Cliff Nazarro i MorriRon Bd Thalere's Clrcua (M2DEN. I'TAH Panlagea McBanns O'Brien ft Joseph Helen Bddy Alexander ft B Sherman Van ft H Klutlng's Animala DENVER, COLO. Pantagea Visser ft Co una ft Clark Seminary Mary Paul Sydell Marcus ft Booth Chefalo (One to All) 2d Half The Braqalnos Alabama Ijind .(One to nil) BLIIINGTON, tUU MaJeoUa I^olly Burt ft Rosedal* (On* to nil) 2<' half Stratford 4's Dance (One to nil) DECATl'B, ILL. B m p rea * Stratford 4 Let's Dance (One to nil) 2d half Oroh ft Adonla Holly Burt ft Rosedalo BVANSVI'B, IND. Ormm* Fitch's Minstrels (One to .nil) 2d half Worden Bros ." Stutz ft Bmcham rBOBlA. ILL. t Saltoa Morrison ft Coghlaa Henry Bersmaa Ca Torke ft King Vertatil* OctetU 2d half Raymond Boad C* Stanlet Chapman Davison's Loons (Two to>.nil) Ol'INCT. IIX. Orpheam Jack HuKhes I Allen Norman His Little Rev 2d half Green ft La Fell Hall Ermine ft B (One to nil) BtMTKFOBD. ILU Palac* Monroe Bros Harry Jolson Snodgrass ft Wlttea Ducallion All Aboard (Qne to nil) '• .^ 2d. halt '?, - Williams ft Touar .; : W* With to Thaak #• FRED ALLEN For th* Laughs Wo ' Raeoiveti Readine Mii "N«ar Fun" Column" RAYMOND & ROYCC Direction MARK LEDDY FBANK A.— —DOBOTIfT FORD and RKKETTS in, tho "WEDDING RING" W'k March 2, Paatagea, Memphis. Teaa. Kelly Sis Ivan Bankoff Burke Walsh ft N Fred Lindsey Co VAJKCOrVEB, B. C. Paalage* Tvonne Pollls ft L«roy C Donovan ft M HUghet ft Burke Ben Nee One Riding Costeilos BELL'AH, WASH. VaadrriU* F ft E Carmen P ft M Miller Oaffney ft Walton Girlie ft Sonia LeMalre ft Ralston Vardell Broa TACOMA. WASH. Paatace* Bentell ft Gould Gibson Sis Rowland ft Meehan The Conductor Hyams ft Evans 6 Aces POBTLAND. OBE. Pantages "Raymond Wllbert Norman ft Olien Dana ft M«ck ice Ballet H Langton COIX>. SPRINGS Paatac** (Same, bill pl«y* Pueblo C-T) Juggling Nelfoas Kennedy ft Martin Leona LaHotr Maryon Vadle Co \ Seebacks OMAHA, NBB. Paatage* Mack ft Brantley Harold Kennedy Ross ft Edwards Caprice II ft L Mayers ft O KAN. CITY. MO. Paatagea Allan Shaw King ft Irwin Herb Lloyd Co LambcrLi Russian Scandals Jewell's Manikins Rekoma MEMPHIS Paatagea Goldie ft Eddie Barly ft Ijilght Wsddina Ring Watson His Stanley Twipp ft M Aerial Bartiett* WESTERN vCHIC.%GO Ameriraa Morrales Toy Shop Phillips ft Holt Rogers ft Martin Sbellis of Araby Davis ft- McCoy Unusual Duo 2d half Carmon ft Nlckdn Clifford Kemp ft II 4 Sonssters Harry Rappl (T«yo to fill) Eaglewaad Jim Penman ft L Wood ft White Jacka ft Qaeeiu Harry Rappl DaviilOn's Looi^v (One to fill) 24 half Morrales Toy Sh6p Uoss ft Barrows Bob tun Sheiks of Araby (Two to BllV Central O litaUln C.Ci .. Creit if Farrell McCorraack ft. W Mel K\f Al Tu^l^^r^^^^Ba. Travers Bros ' ' i Harnum 'ft Ball'y SKI ■•«»»*»■• 'l"* ' i''"#-4 .'■J .a ♦•'•I •« VAUBEYIILE WeMer Sis Rev K«4bI* Ebeneezer Uncle Bob • Crafts ft Sheehaa . Cycle of Color (Two to fill) 2d half J Saltos Waaner ft I^lla Olcott ft Polly Ann Portraits of 1«2» (Two to fill) liacala Blllle Ritchie 4 Southern' Singers Oordon ft <Healy Andersop ft Burt 1 Jas'(7irtronl (Ona to fill) 2d half Klown Rev Wood ft White Jacka ft Qaeena (Three to fill) Ma|«atlc Swift 'ft bailey Geo Lovett Co Taylor-Lake ft K Jam^b' Thornton Dunlay ft Merrill O'Ri^urke ft Kelly Hamilton ft tlarnsi (Threa to nitr An (Person ft Qurt. (Three to fill) OAlJUBllBp. ILL. Orpheaaa Green ft LaJTell Hall Ermine ft B (Onb to Irttt) 2<r '»*« Jack Kuthet S Allen Norman Miss Little Rev JOUET. ILL. Orphaam The Braininos Antler 2 Olcott ft' Ann ' Tork ft I.ord Brockman ft H Co (One to fill) 2d half Versatile Octette Morrison ft Coghlan Tork ft Klna MAMSON. MICH. Orpkaaai Moore-Megley Co 2d half Monroe Bros Snodgrass ft Wlttan Harry Jolson All Aboard (Two to nil) MILWAUKEE Majestic Claire Atwood Co Mias Virgiiita Co Murdock ft K Sis Mahon ft Cholet Blue Bird Rev Bronson ft Kvana (Two to nil) MINNEAPOLIS 1th StrrH M ft R BlAcUie I..ocal Corking Rev Flagler Bros ft R Plckards Co Ling ft Long Crystal Benu<; Jeaate ft H C» \^ Al Moore Orch (Three to flit) 9T. liODU' GnM Bob ft Lucy ailletto Bvana ft OrtH' Reslsta • Andrieff t Hayden DAK s^ Sampsel ft L Banjo Land (Oae to fill) RIalta Groh ft Adotita Broken Mirror Raymond's Boh'ns Stats A Bingham (Two (o nil) 2d halt C R Fou; Alice Hamlltoa Lester ,> (Three to fill) i SO. BBin», IND. Palaca 3 Taketos Williams ft Toaar M Craig Co , Stan Chapman Co Al Moore Orch 2d half Roahler* K » Nor Elsie Clark Ducallioa . Barnard A Kallar (One to fill) . SPBINOFV, ILL. MaJ«*tl« C R Four Ray. Bond Ca Bob Hall N Jay Birds (Two to fill) 2d half Oscar Mortla C* Ja Da S York* A Lord Oordon-ft Heatf Raymond's Boh (One to nil) KEITH'S CHICAGO CIRCUIT CLBVBEAND. O. Bcatfa Revue Comlqu* Morgan ft Sheldon Scbletls Co Barber ft Jackaoa (One to flll> 2d half Bert ft Lehmaa Dainty Marie Toney ft George (Two to fill) DETROIT, MiCJf. Ijisau* C ft L Dore Dewey ft Roger* Lavarre Bros A P HAP Valentin* Indian Jass R*r (Two to fill) LKXINOTOH. MM. B*a AU ■< Mowatt ft Mollea Swartz ft Clifford (Three to fill) 2d halt Patrlcola (Four to nil) UMA. O. Fa<M«l Atfs ft Darlinr RIckard ft Oray Oertrade Barnes RMMT CHAKLl BARBIER-SMS & CO. fr««eatlng "AOTIOK. CAIInA'' Direction tlAV|D B. SABtXW< = (I'd •>! •.■»at'> Coley ft Jaxon Lailfe Travefs Co Id half Sonia ft Arylla Shean ft Phillip* Barber ft Jaekson (Two to fill) FLINT. slICH. Palaca Toney ft George Dainty. Marie Co Baby Henderson Dan Coleman Co (One to fill) 2d halt Dippy Dlers ft B Drew ft .Vail* Pierce lA Ryaa FT. WATNB. IND. Falaae Alabam'a Lapd Ted Claire ft Bd Waburn Jats Rev 2<l halt Dan Coleihao Co T ft F (;al)|n( (One to flilf INDIAtl(fr9LU9 ,B|«4th (I.ouisville iipllts) 1st halt ' It '.-tro'i i ,f<* »U4U!v(iua. Manila 'Bros td halt Laddie ft Oardaar Geo. Armatrong' Schlctis Co it (One to fill) LOVISYILLB. MM. (lodlanapoUa split) lat hai^ Bd Allen ft Tad Bob Syrell ft L Jerry Mack Co Capman Boya TB'K HAITTB. IND. laAhMO Worden Br*a Ja Da Tri* • ■ ' Loneaotne T*ira Dunbar ft Turner B Brewster Co 2d haU.. 1 Takttoa -,• Foa ft AJiira. Emily C;arl 0a Bert Dav)* (On* to All) MaryRel/lf: (Tw* to ffln Jd Half flam H«t<» '^' ( 1 A- I ■<'. »*^<* ft * I