Variety (March 1925)

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Wedne84ay4 March 4, 1925 VARIETY 15 BICBMOND, TA,. (Norfolk BplM l»t Half y«BU«l Vega jfellvllle ft Ral* fhoae Per* OlrU ^ BOANOKE, W. TA. BMWWlM (Bklrich "PUO lat half rraler * ?««»«•« Lloyd * Brlc« O Mooay Co Btltaboth Marrar r A D Ri*' td balf parklya Francla & Hum* Norma & Violin pemarest t l>oll BOCHE!«TEB, N. T. Tmple Palermo's Dora Annette K Grey Terry Co A Robblne jfcLallen t Sarah Fra]i)c Whltmaa Ray Holinc Owena A. Uerera 'Qartruda Arery Co 2d halt, Mlaa DuBotae O* Chaa Fou A Co Vincent O'Donnell Ueaaetl Lewla Co (One to Oil) TBOT. N. ¥. Proctar Emmy Ttoga FYed Busmnan Buke A DurKln Hawthorne tc CooU (One to fill) ^ Id half Oaaton Palmer Brennen A Winnie Victor Qraft >iiser A Packer Cora Caraon VNION HILL, N. J. Capitol 2d half (5-8) The Duponts K^ne tc Hermaa Houae of David betta A Partner Lady Ta<-n Hal McL.ouBhllD & ■ Dolly Davla Bar XOVtiGHTOWS, O. Hlppodrema Rinaldo liroa Rector ft Barnet MIddletoa S C* IJbonatl Lew Rosa Co tit half Singer Sis 4 Horaemrn Jimmy Olldes Co Mullrn ft Franrla L>1 Oaetanoa pou cmcurr BB-KPUHT, CONN. »PBINGt-'D, MASS. "^J'iTw'Z" CLOTHES BEN ROCKE 1632 Broadway, at 50th St., N. Y. City Rae Samuela The' Pioneers ••. SCHK'TADT, ,K. t'. Proctor*^ J<4 Arleys Alexander A Pesry Beasle Wyho Carl HcCitllough Partio & Archer Bobby Heath Rarue 2d half Arthur Whitelaw Burke A Durkin Original Bway En (Three to fill; SHEN'DOAH, BA. Htrana Seymour & Jeanette Meehan & Newoian Philbrick fie DeVoe 2d half Johnny Neater Tcs My Dear (One to fill) STANF-D, CONS. Ktrand Jas A Hernia L^ate: Beck A nirsuaen Haney Sl»*« Fine Ann Gold ft Co Xlcke of 1»21 :d half Morale A Daisy LeMeau A Tbung Tom Davlj>» Co Harry Mayo (Oae .to All) BTEL'B'VIIXE, O TIcterU :d half Bob Qeorge Stewart ft Olive Courting Days Mahoney ft Cecil Camilla's Bird* •TBACIT8E, K. X. B. F. Kcltfc'a • Splnettes tCeo TakI ft Tokl Thr Parlalana Senator Murphjr •W ft o Ahern Wm Morrta Ce Xd Lowry Mme Dupree Tempi* Ztuss Dock ft Pete ' Xelly ft stone Mae Francis Westernera Jas Thornton Original Bway Etit . 8d half ngeon Cabaret X Andre Olria J F Haney Rer (Three to fill) Coogan ft Casey (Others to flU) lat half (9-11) Ctinlln ft Glass Lahr ft Mercedes (Others to fill) 2d halt (12-15) Avon Comedy 4 (Others to nil) tJTICA, N. X. GiUety Davis ft Nelson Mi^rtin Harvey Ben Welch 2d half Keene ft Williams Bobby Heath Co (One to iili) WHINOtON. D. C. B. F. Keith's (Sunday opening) Sophie Tucker Co H Wataon Jr Co Stephens & H Rosemary & M Ji'red Barrens Co Paul Klrkland Earle Gordon ft Rica Mme Pampadour .Marino & Martin Toung America N'lxon & Sans Henri Berchman VTA'HINCTON, PA. etMth Stewart A Olive De'nby A Dawn D'Armond ft H Mahdney A Cecil Camllla'a Birda :d half Murray Broa Marjorle Burton Martin ft Courtney Permane * Shelley Hester Bailey Co WATEBT'N, N. T. Avon 2d half Mae Sims Davla A Nelson Martin Harvey ^raxiNO, w. VA. victoria Murray Broa Martin A Conrtney (.Ward A Dooley Wias Mareuila .Blossom Heaf5 Ent ■. 2d half Wt>n« Broa Ubonatl D'Armond A H Dsnby A Dawn • i:tanclng Shoea ralaee Canary Opera R A B Drill Birthday Party :d halt Arbler Broa Salt ft Pepper Mary Ilaynes HABTF'D, COXN. Capitol Drary ft I.ane Jerry Co Romeo Troupe 2a half BIsle Harma Co R A B Drill Clara Joel Co ' WInohlll ft B Birthday Party N. HAVEN, CONN. Palace Elsie Harms Co -.Salt ft Peplper McCool ft Rellly Mary Haynes I'asquali Bros 2d half Canary Opera Heaken ft S Jerry Co Shadowland 9CRANTOX. PA. Poll's (Wilkes-B. split) 1st halt 6 Golfers L Ordway Co Mr A Mrs N Philips Dave Roth Chinese Gladiators • Palace Hathaway Co Taylor A M Edna Rucker Co Barrett & C Shake Your Feel 2d half Pridkln ft Rhoda I''latow & F Coaklcy & D 5 Uracka W.AT'BIHY, CONN Talaee Ambler Bros Meehan ft S Clara Joel Co WInchlll ft B Shadoitrland 2d half Drury ft Lane McGoel ft Rellly Burns & B Romeo Troupe WILKE8-B., PA. FoU'a (5cranto<i split) 1st halt May & Lewis Clark ft Crosby Mason ft Keeler Sam Hearn James Miller Co WOBCTEB, If ASS. PeU Frldkin ft Rhoda Flatow ft P Coakley & D 6 Bracks 2d halt Hathaway Co Taylor ft M Edna Backler Co Barrett ft O Shake Tour Feet OBFHEUM cntcmr nill Dooley Keye ft May* Lew Brlce Weston ft Elalaa Kharum SAN FBANCI8CO OiVheaM •. (Sunday opening) Frank Keenan Nan HalperlD Lorin Baker Emily Lea Demarest ft C Luster Bros Harry Hreen Anderson ft Toel Colden Oato niliy House Frankle Heath Mendoxas Perex & M Fields ft Johnson ST. LOFIS. MO. Orphcana Van ft Schenck Keane ft Whitney Powers ft Wallace Neil McKay Newholf ft Phelps Sd halt \1ctorla A Dupree Barton ft Tounc Ruth Bndd L Faulkner C* (One to All) SKATTLB Orpheua Gatisoa Jones Prenler A Klataa Deria Duooaa Leon Vavara Arthur Byron Zoe Delphlne Wheeler S 8IOVX CITT, LA. Orpheoaa L Faulkner Co Cronln ft Hart Jean Adair Oo Ruth Budd Herb Williams Co (One to All) 2d half Radio Fun Harry Keealer Co Harry Hinea (One to All) WINNIPBO. CAN. .Oipheaaa >♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦»♦»»♦»♦♦»♦♦♦ "BR0ADCA8TINQ JOY" CLIFFORD and MARION Direction LEE STEWART Week March 2—Keith's, Phila. ST. PAVL Palace Walter Weems Co Harry HInes (Three to fill) Harris ft Holly Jack Norwerth Geo Jease Blckneli Arcadians Broken Toys LOEW cmcuiT CHICAOO . Palace (Sunday opening) Hemlng & M Marlon Harris J ft K Lee Boreo Mme Pasquall Wilfred Clark Adler Well ft H Newell ft Most Keane ft Barrett ' Bert Levy gbacb aiM^- DWYERaodORMA H. BART McHUGH FRANK A.— —DOBOTUT FORD and RICKETTS in the "WEDDING RING" Week March 3, Paatoges, Detroit < SAMPA, rtx. , Virtorr (3t. Petersbiyrg. 8a- ^ ragota. prlando epllt) 1st half Roma Bros Furman & Evans Diane ft Rublnt Fern ft Marls Joy Dros ft Mann tou:do, o. B. F. Kelth'a Peters A LeBuff Dixie Hamilton Otto Bros Fo«r Flushing Jed Dooley Co Carnival of Venice . 2d half Wade Booth Senna & Weber Al Rasch Ballet Stan f<taf.l(?j' " Paul Pk'trtneh } (One to nilt ^ TOB^NTO1 ,»hM'a Twtt Geztls ' Jean .^uthera C&rllsla ft Laijial J Lucas £ia ^ , Road to 8tariaj;(i , Haley ft Rock <) ^ Siamesr- Daiicers TKHNTOM^i N. •« inU'CTOK, DEL. AUUne ^d Morton ■WIIllcs Reception • Margaret I'adula Roy ft Arthur ■ 2d halt Chevalier Broa . Dayton ft Palmer Bnckrldge Casey Co Babcock .& Dolly WOONSfHJKEI BUon Merrltt ft Coughlin Bits of Melody 2d half Tune In Tabor ft Green YONKER8, N. T. Proetor'a 2d half (5-«) Royal Oascoynes George Lyons Husbands Beware Edith CllfTord Co Cole ft Snyder (One to nil) 1st halt (S-11) Buckley CAS Thos E Shea Morris ft ^haw Holland Dot-kri:: (Two to fill) Id half (12-ir.) I>erothy Nellnoh Keyholf Kamens (((th^rs to fl!l» ' YOttk. ^A. York p.. M. .MrrnrmBCli fi \V Demi Tasse Rev Bill Robinson Du (Alien State Uiko Juliet Ckelly ft Heit Rev Bert Swor DeAo ft Rochelle Olcott ft Polly Ann Curtis' Ahimala I'aul Decker Heller A Rellly CALGABT. CAN. OrphMtna _ (g-l«) (Same bill playa Vancouver 11-11) Webb'a Ent Herbert Clifton Elliott Dexter Coscla A Verot Herbert'a Dogs Ubby A Sparrow Lola Bennett CED. BAPIDS, lA.. Majertle Neal Abel Oordon A Knowlton Leviathan Orch (One to- All) 2d Mlf Sargent ft Marvia 4 Cameron* Elsie Clark Co (Two to fill) D.AVENPOKT, lA. ColamMa .Althea I^ras Co Sargent ft Marvin O B Alexander Co ' 4' Camerons (Two to ftin •• 2d haU Ncal Abel: Van ft VemoB Moore A Freed- DENVER, COLO. Orpheana ICaravaeft Ilurft ft Vogt Blsle Clark I<ockett ft Page O'Dlva M Clifton ft P Willie Solar DE8 HOI N EH, I A. Orplieom Australian Waltes Harry Keesler Co Mala St. Hong Kong Troupe Tex McLeod Snub Pollard Co The Volenteera Revue LaPetlte LOS ANGELES Orpheuaa Patterson A C Sylvia Clark Harry Burs Lorraine Sis Cecilia Loftus Combe A Nevltts Sleeping Porch HlUSt. Jee Howard Rer Walters A Walters Mabel MoCane Henry ft Moor* Manning ft Claaa MILWAUKEE Palaea (Sunday opening) Trentlnl A Zardo Chic Sale The Test Howard Kyle Frawley ft Louise Glenn ft Jenkins MINIJEAPOLIS Hennepin (.-Sunday opening) Rich Hayes Harry M Snodgrass Jpale Heather Kitty Doner Ce Klein Bros GHorsdorf Sis OAKfJIND. CALIF. Orpmnm Birdie Reeves Dave Ferguson 1*ed Lewis Bd Klmberly ft Page Robin ft Hood OMAHA, NEB. Orphenm lion Valerlo Harry Holbrooic Bessie Barrlsca!* Scofleld Dancers ^ Joe Darcey Bostock's Riding S PORTLAND, ORE. Orphcom Blue lllrd -NEW YORK CITY State SeiblAI ft Albert Paul Mall Rudell & Donegan Ed Cleve , Century Rev (One to All) American Plelert ft .Scoficld Kay Span^ler Co J Eddys Butler ft Parker Reck ft Rector (Two to fill) 2d half Ruaaell ft Haye* Clinton Rooney Bd Arch Stanley Matthews ft Ayrea (Four to fill) Tictoria Marston ft Manley Yarmark (Three to fill> 2d half "^ Reck ft Rector Smith ft Cantor Frank Statrord Co Buttler ft Parker Kay Spangler Co Liacoln Sa* Arleya Stuart ft Laah Shilth ft Sawyer Chaa ToMaa Prlmroae Minstrels 2d half Samaroft ft Sonla Brooks ft Power* Frank D'Armo Co (Two to All) Oreeley 8«. Ellta Garcia Co Walah Reed ft W Kerr ft Ensign Moore ft Mitchell Cha* McGooda Co (One to fill) 2d half Arleys Hazel Crosby Co Thornton ft Carlton Overholt ft Touag Bert Walton Deslys Sla Co Delaarey St. Maude EUett Co Stuart ft Lash Smith ft Sawyer HcGrath ft Dpcds Jack Wllsoa-Xo ATenne B The Harringtons Charlotte Wortk Jim Reynolds Cole Toang ft Bd (One to All) 2d hajf Musical Wheelers Eva Tanguay Chaa McOooda Co (Two to All) BROOKLYN MetropoUtaa Vanderbllts Van Tyaon ft Van Seminary Scandala Wilson ft Garry Stara of Future I^dt•a Herl>erta Beeson Eadie ft Ramsden Ray Barrett Co Brooks ft Power* Deslys Sis Co 2d half Ford ft Prioe Foley ft Jerome Marston ft Manley I>eC Grenades Orch Gatea 4 Beddings Smith ft Cantor F Statrord Co Philllpa A B Dec Orenadoa Orch I*t halt Plelert A Scofleld Jack Houach Oo SO Miles ffora Bway Graxer A Lawlor (On* to All) Palaea Foley ft Jerome Eva Tanguay Olga ft NIehola* (Two to fill) 2d half Hope A Manalon Tango Shoe* (Three to flli) ATLANTA, OA. Graa« Torke'* Dog* CMMY CH.ABLE8 BARBIER-SMS^ & CO. rating "ACTION. CAMEBA" Direction KILKV BROS. Moore ft Freed (Two to fill) Sd half AJthea Lucaa Co Flagler Bros ft R a B Alexander <> KnJ'es ft LockWood I>avi(]8ori's Loons K.\NSAS CITY. MO. Orpkenan (Sunday opening) M I- ^■:•,^ 1* .vr-iA' Frances Arms I'rlnceton ft Watson Stan Kavanagh Dick Henderson Grtmn Twins Robbie Godore SACR'NTO, CAUr.^ Orpfacam (8-10) (Same bill p!ny* I'fpsno ll-ir,) P e i; Singing, Dancing, Fighting' juvenile of "Plain Jane'' MAX HOFFMAN,-JR. Thi* Wet4c,* Wcrba'*, BvaalUya I I'' lOSl't") V-j^ Hazel Crosby Co Bert Walton Tango Shoes (Two to fill) 2d half Herbf-rta BessOn Eadie ft Ramsdcn YaroiAu (Two to fill) National Samaroft ft Sonla J ft B Page Milestones Jarrow Clinton Rooney Bd 2d half : Eddys •See America Fir*t Emerson ft Bsldwin Berndt ft Partner Orphenm Rerndt & Partner J Housrh Co iO, Miles froui Bway T|iornton A Carltoir Uraxer & Lavilor 2d half " Rogers ft DorUIn Chaa Tobias Kerr ft Enslga Phillips ft i: J I Fisher Orrli Bonlcvard Ford A Price J ft A Humby Overboil .A Ifoung Bi-onadn A. Dale Bonif DOfe Rev tdhn'f ! : . -rf •• « «i . Al Abbott McDevltt Kelly A Q Bsrio Dlying Olrt* (One to fill) niB'OHAM, Ala. Booth ft Nina Boland.ft Hopkins Lloyd ft Rosalia Lewis ft Dody Paramount t BOSTON Orpbeaas Grant ft Feeley Gormley ft Caftrey Irvlng's Midgets (Une to fill) BirPFAIiO Slat* l/aFrance Co Delbrldge ft O BfrnardI Fagg ft White Zaza Adele Co CHICAGO Chat«aB 24 half Powers 2 Warren A Hayes "• Hub<rt Klnnejr Co AI H Wflsoo Teddy Bear ' Kandy Krooka Bob Nelsoa Tidla Brava Oa (One to All) C!LEVELAND, O. Stat* Hnbert Dyer Co Berdle Kraemer Siamese Twlna Pinto ft Boyle Balkan Wanderers DALLAS, TEX. Mriba Day at Race* Gould ft Adama Van ft Carrie Avery Rogers A Donnelly Braille ft Polio Rev HOBOKEN, N. J. I^rle Russell ft Hayea (Four to All) 2d halt The Leons Calvin ft O'Connor Niobe (Two to All) LONDON, CAN. La^w Witt ft Winter* Cardo ft Noll (One to All) 2d half Capld'a Cloae'^ap* Kaianis Orch MEMPHIS, Ixtew Circus Show MII.WAVKEB Miller Arrlal DoGrolfs Raymond ft K Nkda Norraine Cook ft Vernon Tony ft Norman E'ClaIr Twlna ft W MONTREAL La*w DeVrles Troupe May McKay ft Sla Clay Crouch Co Gaites Bros ' Jiilia Kelety 4 Uadcapa NEWARK, N. J. State 4 Casting Campbells Chas F Seamon Tales ft Carson Meyers ft llantord Review of R*vu*a MEW OBLBANS Cresarat Adair ft Adafr Ooldie ft Beatty Jas C Morton Co Mllo B Philllpa Co OSHKOSU. WIS. Grand McDonald J Frost ft Morrison Jackson & Mack 'Jimmy Lyona Vie Quinn Orch PBOVIDENCB. B. I Kmrry Amoras ft Obey Mabel Drew Jean Barrios Co Ilalg ft LeVere Co-Eds BICH. HILL, L. I. Wlibtrd Gibson ft Price Ubert Carletpn See America Ftrat McOrath ft Deeda Mile Ivy Co 2d halt 4 Beddings C Weston Co Milestones - Van ft O'Donnell Primrose Minstrels SPBINGF-D, MA»S. BreadWar Rogerii. A DorklB Frank D'Armo Co t Weston Co Cook Mortimer A H (One to All) 2d half Bllla Garcia Co Walsh Reed A W Bronson ft Dale (Two to All) TOBONTO Yong* St. ; Wallers Beasley Twin* Hodge ft Lowell Raymond ft RoyCe Wanla Seaman Co W-ASniNGTON I.OCW Olntaros Murray ft Gerrtsh Robinson Jania Co Bob Murphy And Powell Sext'-lto EXPERIRNCED CHOHt'S GIRLS WANTED NO TRAVELING 40 Weeks la N. Y. City Only Jack Maaoa, ApolU Barieek Theatre 811 W. UOtk «t., New York City FANTAOES dRCTJIT TORONTO PniitaceB Rrdford ^ Wallace Barrett A Farrmn i i-f ;» (Sunday opening) 4'Wordons Fpley ft Leture Dillon ft Parker Cp Tim Kelly Gbrdon ft Germalne HAMILTON/ CAN. Pantage* Helen Bach 1 Hardy ft Hanley Harmonia Downing A Buddy Barbler Slmma Co CHICAOO Chateaa t Silvers Purcell ft VIncle Revue DeArt KItner & Roaney SMlly Rogers A S MINNEAPOLIS I*aatage* (Sunday opening) Strobel A Merteaa Marks ft Ethel (Two to fill) REGINA, CAX. ^ Pantagea Wheoler ft Wheeler Ferguson AS Scovllle Dancera Plaano A I.andauer Hamel Si* A S coiiimis 8lSii.%TOON, CAN. Pantagea (J-11) (Same bIH plays I>;dmonton 2d half) peretfos Vj'yelh ft Wynn T,oul8 ft F Berkotr Thornton ft S A C Astor ^uma 4 CALGABY, CIN. Pantage* S Blanks Louis Winiett Fashions Iseo I.lnrl Itaymund Fagan Lomas T C* Sid Lewis Robt Relly Co Mack ft Corel Ulrton Olrla YANCOCVEB, B. C. Paatagra 2 Martells Joe DeLler Kelly Sla Ivan BankoR Burke Walsh ft N Fred Lindsay Co BELL'HAV, WASH Vaaderille Yvonne Ppllls ft Lerey C Donovan A M Hughes ft Burke Ben Ne* One Riding Costello* TACOMA, WASH. Pantage* F ft E Carmen P ft M Miller Oaffney A Walton Girlie A Sonla T^Malre ft Ralston Vardell Bro* POBTLAND. OBK. Pantagea Bentell ft Oould Gibson Sis Rowland ft Meehan Th* Conductor Hyams ft Evaaa S Aces T^yel (Open week) Raymond' WJlbert Norman ft Olaea Dana ft Mack Summers ft IlUnt Kate ft Wlle^ SAN FRANCISCO ranlacoa. (.Sunday opening) Karbe ft Sis JanIa ft ChaploW Scanlon D 'A S Vine ft Temple Movie Maa<iue Follies of^ 1»2S LOS ANGKIJ» Pantage* Joe Relchen WALTER MEYERS "Repre*«pBnns the n«>«it'.' Bxctusive 'VftOdevlllo Repfei<entallre for VINCENT IX)PKZ N»»l week. B.F. Albee. BrtJhkly* 1«:<) Il'way, at ^IstSt., N. Y. Circle >•«« Urn SPOKANE, Paatasea , John Ultita. Co Orren ft Dpcs^ 'I.«nora'H Htoppar* '\Vllls ft BobMna: Teyama Japs ■ f.intuct'l ' , SEATTLE Pantavae . %'^ I T.«T««i:n »M . ' Ar-.; ••. . •,., Carvat ft Votena . FUzKlbbons .ft M * Anderson (Mrl* Masters, ft O Skate Classica >A*f oitGo. Murand A X<*e I^onard ft WUhoq Mildred. Myqa Norton ft Browcr t mi<<fnVn' »■ r !■ '>• r- -1 .;.. 1 , L'G UK.\(li, CAL. Uoyt Zelda Bros Dodd ft Leeder Uobbo ft Stark VIr Norton Co Adler ft Dunbar Dreamy Spala SALT LAKE CITY Paaiage* Bill Genevieve ft T Althoff Sla Geo Toeman Slatko Kev L^w Cooi>er Olympla Dearal OGDEN, ITAH Pantagea Kara Moro ft Yaco Rennees ClIR Nazarro Morrison Bd Thaler's Circus DENVER, COLO. Paatage* McBanns O'Brien ft Joseph COLO. BPBINGS Paatacr* (»-Il) (Same bill play* Pueblo 2d half) Visaer ft Co Ulis ft Clark Seminary Marr Paul Sydell Marpua ft Booth Chefalo OMAHA, NEB. Pantagea Juggling NeUona Kennedy ft Martia Leona I^Marr Maryon \adie Co Seabarks KANSAS CITY, MO Pantage* Mack ft Brantley Harold Kennedy Ross ft Edward* Caprice Ballet H ft H Langton L Mayers ft O MEMPHIS Pantagea Allan Shaw King ft Irwin ELMER EL CLEVE In "A BIT O' SCOTCH" Next-lo-Cio*lng LOEW'8 STATE *' NEW YORK Week of March 9th Direction MARK LEDDY Helen Eddy Alexander A B Sherman Van A H Klutlng'a Animal* Herb LIoy(} Co Lambert I Raaal%n Srandala Jewell'* MaDtkUui Rekoma WESTEKH VAUDEYILLE CHICAGO Anaericaa Van Camp's Novelty Harper Olrla Arthur Lloyd Vanity Dolla (Two to All) 2d halt Hatter ft Paul Crowland Oordon ft Healy (Three to fill) Cealral Park The Braminos Williams A Toang Emily Earl Co Al Moore Bd (One to fill) 2d half Banjo Land Sang ft Chung Anderson A Bnrt Hayden Dun ft U Herb Bolt t Engiewaod Snanley Chapman Bflly Gross Co Blale Clark Co (three to All) td half Van Camp'* Novelty Stuts ft Bingham (Four to fill) Ke4«le > Kryo ft Ogawa Lubtn ft liOwrle Ada Henderaen Bronson A Bran* Doo Baker Rev <One to All) 2d half Bell ft Caron Ray Snow Co Eepe ft Duttoa (Three to Alt) LIneala (loss ft Barrow* Clifford Kemp ft II Casey ft Warren Stuts ft Bingnam (Two to All) 2d hair Emily Earl Co Arthur Lloyd Billy Oro*a Co (Three to All) DECATdB, ILL. EnapreiM Oreen ft LaFeli ' Hall Ermine ft B Dunbar ft Turner 2d half ' Jack Hughes t ' Allen Norman Uttle Rev EVANSVILLE, INO Grand Juggleland C R 4 •"• • Fox ft Allya V ft E Stantoa (Two to Alt) 2d half O'Rourke. A Kelly .. Frank Devoe Co Aramantb SI* (Three to All) OALKSBrBO, tLI.. Orpheaaa Versatile Octette Morrison A COghlaa Yorks ft King 2d halt Oroh ft Adont* Sampset ft L Kerlnska-Getart Ce JOLIET, ILL. Orpbeana Bsp« ft Dattoa (Two to fill) 2d half Bronson ft Evan* H«iry Bergman C* (One to fill) • MADISON. WIS. Orpheaaa Oordon A Healjr Alabama Land Hamilton A Barnea I Salto* (Two to All) ^ 2d halt Roahlers K FNor Lorner Olrla Johnny Hyman A A F Stedmao The Teat (One to All) MILWAUKKB HaJ**tle MAR Sfaelair IN CHICAGO CHARLES YATES a( Irring Yata*' Olllce, New Yarfc Standard acts desirous of going Ca*( kindly call. Loop I-Iad Uoildlag, 1T7 North Slate St. nooklag with Laew and all independ- ent Kaatern oHlce*. a= i,» Mai**tic S«lblnl ft Orovlnt Mahon A Cholet Karrlsoa A Dobson Ramsdells A Dcye I.azar A Dale Ray Bohemiana Jarvis A Rarrtson (Three to All) 9iAi* Monroe Bros Burt ft Roaedale Co (One to All) 2d half Dainty Maria C R 4 (One to All) BLOOM'TON. ILL. Hajeatie Jack Hugh** 2 Allen IVopmaa HI* Little Rev 2d halt O^een ft I.aFel| Hall Engine ft B Datibar ft Turner ca.UfPAIGN. IIX,. Orpi)^aa 2d half i (i:-i6) B ft L <1i!lecte 3a Da 3 Lewis ft LkVsrr Franklo Kelcy la Bob Hall (One to (111) < I' J i.1.. \> .».^ I '. Ml I .> / Bartlett A Pranklla '.; Harry Antrlqi Jessie Hsyward C* '' P Chinese <7o Stratford Comedy < Crystal Bennett Co (One to All) mXNBAPOUS 7th 81. Prlnca l,»o Pinched' Sunset 4 ■ylveater A Vance , (Three to 00) PKOBIA, IIX. »«•*• 'T.,. rUch MInstrela 2d hiill ••V-" ?hll Davla S B Leviathan (/rch (l^hree to filll i QVixcY. rLt. •; Orptoanai ";« , i O^oh ft Adonle' t I'' < .Sanipsel ft L' •< i-f Ktrinska-Gkzart'Ca >> Id halt -It V«riiB(lie Ortett*' Morrldotl A Coghllg • ! Yorl.r ft King I Bacine, wiA. ' Blaila '■■•'■'' ' ' Berf flhepard Cm '•'' ' Waller Weei&i,?,'*"; li»rry.Q;j'nt*ttf "*** ' . . ft-,,-;?