Variety (March 1925)

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Weibiesday, If a^ch 18^ IMS VARIETY W I YOU KNOW YOU ! CANT BUY THIS / ! 8TH WONDER OF THE WORLD ! v^. •;> K ' ■ A u. J .'i i ^ *. T DAISY and VIOLET S 1 ^,.. .i '.' h^--r •■* [■ -..- " . ' '<■ HIL-TON *rat 1 •■'••' ■. ,* J' •*-i*'- • SIAMESE TWINS .i.- Songs, Music, Dancing , 12 Mins.; One and Full, _ ^., Loew's State, Newark - ' The greatest draw attraction and business getter that has hit vaude- vme^ ih the past decade are these two 16-year-old twins from San Antonio, Tex., Violet and Daisy Hilton. Joined together at the base of the spine since birth, the girlis at 16, are jierfectly healthy, normal youngsters and present a pleasing vaudeville turn which on its merits releas<is them from the category of freaks.. . . The turn opens in "one" with the announcement by a clean-cut youth which informs the audience the act isn't offered for sympathetic ap- proval. The announcer explains the sisters are healthy, contented, and in no way envious of normal children, etc. Upon the entrance of the twins the act goes to full stage ^tith the announcer at the piano. He accompanies on the instrument and does .a straight, introducing the specialties of the twins, dotted with Wts of crossfire. • The' girls are pretty brunettes, tastefully dressed. Their motivation is as natural an* easy as two peo- ple strolling arm in arm. One sister walks backward when the other walks forward. - ^ i They open with a Very fair saxo- phone and clarinet duet and follow with an imitation of the Duncan Sisters. The numbers are intro- duced naturally by the pianist, who explains the girls. are fond of mu- sic, which cues in^ the sax duet. They also have seen the Duncans. A bit of showmanship here puts it up to the audience to request the number and also alibis the quiet singing voites of the twins. For a finish two youths enter from either side and dance with the twins. The finish is a wow and a real novelty. The routi ning of the dance steps shows it per- fectly possible for the twins to dance all of the present type of dances with partners who are fa- Aiih"ar with close formation. The turn got over on its merits at this .house, where it made its vaudeville debut, doing 29 shows on the week and blocking traffic in front of the house with long lines, patiently waiting for the house to empty. It's one of those draws which happen once in a lifetime, and in addition is real vaudeville. It could be played in any vaude- ville theatre in the country regard- less of the clientele and will dupli- cate its pulling power in any spot on any bill in America. Ray Traynor is the announcer and pianist, and the act contains nothing rcpellant or gruesome. Con. ' n 111II in ' t " I ' 11 las V. SAN ANTONIO'S f" ' ' '*.-^-'- .r--- :'i'.i TWINS 1». ■• ■» »'• .i BORN Joined Together ■4 li. 'i,'."*^*: ■>» ' AMMted at the Piano br^^y TRAYNORiiii air Act hj tERRY TURNER ! SMASHING V..;c ALL -»'■>." \fX.- •'• ORDS! 1, ir «■ INCLUDING DEMPSEY, MIDGETS OR ANYTHING ■V • •'•■■" •;: ■ <: ■:: « ,,«•■•.... -f-V.t ,» ►fi*- ., \ ■.vSn " . .'■ • ^ .J4,. > ( .». / AND A SURE-HRE WlAW FOR ANY PHASE OF THEATRICALS SEE FOR YOURSELF ; LOEW'S STATE ENTIRE WEEK OF MARCH 23 * * NEW YORK CITY : i ; i .1 '. •*^ MYER MYERS - Manager ^^^^™^^fiy " '" " ■ " ■■■" ■ ' "" WWW^iTr—^""^ xtd