Variety (March 1925)

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Wednesday. March 25.1925 r'^^' fr' T Y mOS THAT LEAVE A LASTING IMPRfSS/ON 'yLJrV '^^D'SPE^SABLt' •S^M'S'S fOR.ANy ACT i%G4RDEN WTO-liOIUlOW IWEUIUEIIKANOriM SONGS THAT FIT IN ANY ACT ANDHANE ABIGACTBtGCER. PROF COPJES ANDORp(€STI^TlONS, SENT UPON REQUEST CHAFPELL-HARMSnc M6 MAOI»ON AVt. NtW-YORK ..a I NORTHWEST By DAVE TREPP Some of the scenes for "Winds cf Chance," a story of the Alaska frontier, will be taken along Puget £ound, according to Frank Lloyd, who is in charge of the picturiza- tion of Rex Beach's novel. Motion picturea of the transpor- MAYS trMitm«nts for peri^anantly r«mov- iiifl wrinklas, scars, frsckiss, tight- •ning muselsiB, givsn only at my ons fcd d rss s 80 WmI 49tli Street, N. Y. Bryant »4M , njBlalsas* aadaiseaiart. SUNSHINE CARDS fr« I Ae SUNSHINE CDtL I Ify new •ssortment of EASTER •REETINQ CARDS Is now ready. Wtean B««utUul Cards, ao two MOm, neatly boxed. $1.00. DOROTHEA ANTEL t 600 We»t ISOth Street NEW YORK CITY taticn of antl-toxin by dog team for the relief of the Nome diphthern. sufferers, arrived Jo Seattle last week after a varied route. They were taken from Nome to Nenana, Alaska, 870 miles, by dog team; thence by railroad to Seward; thence by steanHT to Cai>e Lazo, B« C. and by airplano to Seattle for the final lap. The Helllg theatre. Seattle, be- gUming March 27, will begin pre- senting Western Vaudeville Man- agers' attractions. In addition to vaudeville the policy will include feature pictures and music by Me- lee's Arcadian band. Seattle Is going to have a liberal supply of vaudeville theatres, with the changes in policy at the Heilig and the contemplated switch of the Palace Hip to Ackerman-Harris from stock. Orpheum. Pan, Western Man- agers, Ackerman-Harris and some independent time will ail be repre- sented. House Peters, Mary Carr and other screen stars will be In Seattle soon for "shooting" of some scenes for the Universal picture, "Titans." With the new studio eompleted at Taooma by the H. C. Weaver Corporation, and with the many fine locations in all directions from Seattle and Tacoma it is expected Puget Sound will be used more ex- tensively than ever this year for fllmins. r First Act Held Over at the ALH AMBRA, NEW YORK, Under the New Policy THIS WEEK (MARCH 23) ^ HECTOR "The LovaUe Pup" AND HIS GANG B. F. KEITH'S PALACE, NEW YORK Nat Week (March 30) HECTOR BarkM Hit ApprwHaiiom, Mr, Dave Beehter, Manas*r, Alhambra, New York liiA^liHiiUv Direction MORRIS Jk FEIL ct*t^**'*r '^^^ Ensemble starts ypith the Slipp^^ -^ ^ •-> ' . —and for the ri^ht slipper one visits the Shoivfolk's Shoeshop, where, from a bewildering array of fascinating ^yies, in cro- codile, lizard, batik and polychrome and new shades in satin and kid* kin, one finds inspiration for a hundred frocks! I. MILLER Beautiful Shoes 1554 BROADWAY open tmtd 9 P.M. 15 West 42nJ Street 498 Fulton Street Near F^ Avenm Cm. of BondL BiooMyn BOSTON By LEN Libbey Benny Leonard Is the headllner at the local Keith house this week with an act programmed Is a one-act comedy but which actually Is noth- ing more or less than the same type of act that boxers have pulled for many years when they deserted the roped area for a fling at the vaude- viUe game. Leonard's name is de- pended upon for drawing power. It will draw into the house the same- class of patrons that followed Dempsey to the Orpheum recently, smashing the house record there. Whether they follow Leonard is such numbers with the price of the Keith house remains to be seen. It looks more tiian a "drop in" act, although there was a big house at the Monday matinee. The real act on the bill, from a vaudeville standpoint, Is "Dr." Rocit- well. next to closing. Rockwell held his audience easily and got away better than any lone performer in his class that has appeared at the house for many taoona. After finishing his regular routine Rockwell stayed on for the cioaiiig act, Madelyn and Norman Meredith, dancers, and taking a seat on the stage (as the local censor rules pre- vent him from appearing n the boose proper) he dbes one of the best comedy acts of the season while this dancing act is going on. The other high light of the show is the Oeorge Choos dancing act, with "Ledova" and Danny Dare fea- tured. The solo work is done by Ledova and Dare. Rudolph Malinoff and the W^re Sisters are also in eluded. The act Is prettily st.iKod and well executed. Toodles and Totl. ahimal act, opened, followed by Jean gothern^ who does three bits as u male and then swings back Into her own element for a Anale number. While not especially strong as a singer, the girl Is a good Imper- sonator and has chosen some neat numbers. William Brack and Co., five acro- bats, going In strong for risley nnd tranapoUne work, are on after the Scthera turn snd drew a line re- ception through their speedy work. Jack Haley and Helyn Kby Rock, with more nifties than Boston has seen (or some time, did a splendid Job on the house for several min- utes and were strong all the way. The Metropolitan District Com- miesion, after several hearings and despite much opposition, has decided to accept a bid for the use of two lots of land at Revere Beach, owned by the State, and the bidder will be allowed to charge for iwrking of automobiles on the land. Both lots front on the boulevard. It Is the first time such action has been taken at Revere and there was a storm of protest from automoblllsts. SAN FRANCISCO O. M. "Broncho Billy" Anderson hopped on Nan Halperin, Orpheum headllner, during her engagement here for the correction of an old judKment of $950, obtained by him against Miss Halperin in 1920. At that time Anderson claimed he loaned the hcadliner this amount of money when she was working for him In pictures. This is the first time, since the Judgment, that Miss Halperin has come under the Juris- diction of Judge Van Nostrand's court. Police brought William C. (Jack) Ashford, former merchant of Tuder, Sutter county, to headquarters for grilling on a charge of using the malls to defraud. Ashford will probably be turned over to the Fed- eral authorities. Kthol Smith and Mrs. Helen McCain made the com- plaint to the police. They chnrRC that Ashford advertised for younK girls to ucccpt positions In'the film studios of Hollywood and that they bad given him a fee of |10 but the Jobs never materlalisad. A movement has been started by the Nevada Editorial Association to restore and preserve the old print- ing plant of the Territorial Ente— prise, at Virginia City, where Mark Twain first won recognition as a writer. The plant is now stored in a warehouse. Leo CarriUo and Ed Gallagher were Initiated Into the "South of the Slot" Society. This is ihe pet or- ganization of Police Chief Dan O'Brien, and its members are made up of those men who were bom south of Market street. FOR SALE A COMPLETE BROADWAY PRODUCTION FOR SALE Wrtte r.TXI.. Bes JlF., Bean IMl tM Waat «M M.. New Tert HELEN PACHAUD PREMIER DANSEUSE WITH THE WRIGHT DANCERS Playing ORPHEUM CIRCUIT Tariatr. Hm«Ii Mki Mlaa Pachand's RanUn aad Indian iaaees are elanalea. \jtm Aasele* TIsiMt And mnre Important stMl la th* d«- llKlitful younic ■iirlle, Hel«n PacbRUd. whose ndarilnblllty !■ auch (hat ihr c'hormn In all the varied dance rhar- nr-terlsatlon* she la called upon to make. TYPEWRITING AND STENOGRAPHY m aU Ua branches ' NOTARY PUBLIC NATHAN NEWMAN _ ,, 160 West 46th Street, New York City Hmhr 4*1—BrjaiM 44e«