Variety (May 1925)

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•yg^vr-yt r Vfr iJglB^f>. fTTiWrj-; e8d#f, ttly 80, 1M5 VARIETY ^T'.'^'rTr'A"'.' "•^■^TTS'' f'' 'iw*^*'!*^' •• 'j¥^:' mj*^' m/.-^^K^'' MILWAVKl • Ctar* K ToMw L7««U * Ifaer no I>«wla >Datrallui mnd'u Jack Hugh** 1 KINNKArOUfl . Orpbaam fBunday opening) W1>**l«r > Arthur Bjrro* 'TrAnoea Arma Xiao Carrillo B Burna Co ' 3 Joyea'a Horaea -Wllllani Bbba OAKLAND, OAK Orphflvm (Bvnday opening) X>orotby Jardon Tork A L«rd Xobarta Arnold MltM Vamilla SAN FBANCI800 Oaldaa QmU aUradoTf 81a Alfred X^tall Clifton A DeRes Kaane A Whitner Margaret Toung Nell McKay Orpheaa Moaconl Family Karyl Norman W Morrla A Family Dooe De KerekJ'rto L>et'a Dance Broneon A Edward* Tempest A Dlck'son Milton Berle ST. PAVI. Palace Manning A Claaa C R 4 P Uagen Co Wm Bbba Cnn'ham Bennett R Id half Howard'a Fonlea SUMMEH DEITTAI ClUnC B tU Kf t work at actual cost plaa $10 fee AH work personany performed by Dr. Stephana at hi* offlca with aat- Isfactlon guarunteed DR. N. WILLIAM STEFHENB 8VBOKON-DENTI8T imn Broadway (ChnrehUI BIdg). N.T. OUdIo Ha«n. t A. M. t* 6 P. M. Siaie aark Pablo D* Sarto Co rOBTXAND, ORB. Oiphanai (Sanday epealog) AI Herman Venlta OouM Area Broa Clark Morrell Oypay Wanderer* 4aek Hanley •All DIBOO, CAL. <«*me hin playa ' l>«m*. Ocean Park M-lt and Calif, Pomana tl) Anderaon * Tt*! K«atag<lb I/ot* Bophi* Tucker ai«aa A Jenktn* Oleott A P Ann O P Wilson Van Blene A B4 Laxar A Dale Wright Dancer* BAN DIBOO l*t half B Tucker A Boy* aienn A Jenklna Oleott A Polly Ann Montague Liove Aaderaon A Tvel SIOITX CV. IOWA Orpheaa* Meredith A Snooser O P Wlleon H Snodgraa* Anger A Packard (Two to All) Id half Fred Hagen C* Boreo H Snodgras* (Three to fill) LOEW CIECniT mm TOBK OITT • ZiOBglleld*- Aaraa A Kally !••• A Cranatoa Jaa Watt* Co H Bllsworth Co Amerleaa ••rard A Berke* Hamilton A Bgbert r Klknta Jaiw C For*yth* Co Klokard A Gray Cardiff A Wale* Cook A Bhaw SU COb« to fill) Id half Haouner A H'mer NatlMMl Hammer A H'mer Qould A Adam* Robert* A Boyn* MeRa* A Mott Indian Jan Rev Id half Belaaay t Brennan A Shaw Ch'pm'il A Ring Co Hall A Shapiro Kimb-ll A O-m'n Co Orphewa 4 Bard* Rublni A Roaa Johnny NefT (A'pm'n A Ring C6 Hall Shapiro w. MANNING and CLASS TovHag Orpbeum Clrcolt Pananal Mgt., Harry O. Daaforth Waek May^t Orpli«>nm, St. Faal ^Orphitmm, Dee Molne* 9 t^lnlfred A Brown O'Brien 81* Co Merrltt A Cougalln Boberts A Boyne Pox A Clare Chandon t lOa* to All) VIetorIa . K«BBy Maeon A B TIaraay A Donnelly Oeok A Vernon Brady A Maboney Ba**lan Singer* Id half Mazlne A %)bby Pardo A Areher Bdwards A Gardner Xlkata Jap* (One to mi) ^ liaeala B«. f Amoro* Co Brennan A Bhaw Bam* A Allen Qulna A Ca-verly 0^»*a' Whim* Id half CIIS Jordan Frl*oh A Sadler Carllale A LaMoll Tower A Weleb '' Corking Rot Greeley B«. • Qlff Jordan Uttle Joan 4 Madcap* Id half Palermo'* Canine* Nancy Decker Walton A Brandt Rnaalan Slngera (One to (111) BouleTard Palermo'a Canine* Conn A Hart Pardo * Archer Lea Gellla Lee Marshal] C!o Id halt B Braat* Co Rublni A Roaa Cook A Vernon Blaon City 4 Morning Glorlea Aveaae B. Blum Duo Bdna Dren A Braughn Co Monte A Lyone Lee Ford Rev Id half The Arleya Dorothy Mack Miliar A Mack Bnt (Two to nil) BROOKLYN Metropolitan Reck A Rector jaarw JOB LOCKE and VERDI Booked Solid—Loew Ctrtnit Iferritt A Coughlln VAC AYery W ger Flaher A Ollmore Lee Marshall Co (On* to All) Delaneey 8t. CAM Stanley Nancy Decker A A L Barowe Raymond A Royce (On* to All) Id half J Arooros Co I^onard A St John Conn A Hart TIerney * Donne'.Jy (One te All) Wade Booth Co HAW Lander Bar's DeHollub Co Butler A Parker Operalogue Fulton Will Morris Westony ft Font'e A Ashley A Co Rdwards A Singer (One to All) :d half Kenny Mason A 8 Qoufd A Adams SchaefTcr A B'nloe Laurie Ordway Capes' Wbim* Gate* Josephine Babel Harris A Vaughaa Weslon A Schramm Newhoff A Phelpa (One to All) Id half C Forsythe Co A Braughn Co Lea Gellla vaalr Twlaa A W (One to All) Cook Mortimer A H Willing A Jordan Arthur A Parta« Green A Davla Night In Spain MBarpHiB lioow'a I Leianda PIcadllly 4 Ideala Ward A Bohlma Chas Qrohs 0> David Re Sablosky ARTISTS' REPRESENTATIVE Keith and Orpheum Circuits 1S60 Broadway NEW YORK filO Colonial Trust Bldg. PHILADELPHIA, PA. Carlisle A LaMoU Jarrow Miller A Mack Bnt Id half Blum I Shean A Fhllllpa McRae A Mott Newcomera ATLANTA, GA. Grand Rosso A Co Tompkins A Love Wives A Stenog'ers MoGrath A Deeds t«n* Travera Rev BIRM'HAM. ALA. BUoa OaakI Jap* Grant A Peelcy Smith A Sawyer Locke A Verdi M Pvanklyn ReT BOSTON Loew'* I Heddlngtona Jack Ryan A Co Tom Mahoney Dewey A Roger* LeVan A Bollea Tip Tip Tap'kera BUFFALO BtaU Booth A Nina Boland A Hopklna MILWACKKB Miller Maude BUett (3o Morlen A Maaoa Harry Sykea F D'Amore Co Angel A Fuller CVi'Bda MONTBBAX. Loew'a Torke'a Doga Kamplain A Bell McDevitt Kelly A Q Don Romalne A Co Berlo Glrla NBWARK. H. S. Btato AI Golem • Bddle White Oe Toney Gray Co Julia Kelety Vie Quinn A Oreb NBW OBLBAMS CreoeoBt Rnaaell A Hayoa Goelet A Hall '^ J Kennedy Co Thornton A Cletoa peC Grenadoa A Or PBOV'ENCB. B. I. White Broa Irene Trevette Dalton A Craig 'H'hat'a thg last tima^ni taka you to a party" unlasa you waar BEN ROCKE CLOTHES 1682 Broadway, at 50th St.. N. Y. City Lloyd A Rosalie L«wls A Dody Paramount Q'tctte CHIOAGO Blalto Berndt A Partner JAB Page Kibel A Kane Joyner A Foster Seminary Scandals Sandy Bhaw Mile Ivy A Co OLBVBLAND, O. Btato Boyd A Wallin Racine A Ray Zeck A Randolph Oeighton A Lynn Band Box Rev DALLA^. TKX. Molba S Nltoa Ubert Carleton Kendall Byton A 8 Burns A Kane Stare of Future BOBOKBN. N. 4. Lyrie Franklin Broa H Gilbert A C Atkoff Klaia* A J Hart Robert* A O'N Toung Lov* -' Id half L*wl* A Dutbera Rhoder A Jordan Dorothy Burton Co (Two to All) LONDON. CAN. Loew'a Scrantona Brooka A Powera Broken Mirror Id half Bhriner A Flts'm'a Fletcher A (Ttoa R B'MOND H.. L. I. Wniard Belassy I L Ordway Co Bernardl Fisher A Gllmor* 0>rklng Rev Id half 4 Bards Josephine Sabel VAC Avery Quinn A Caverly Newhofl A Phelpa SPB*FIELD, MASS. Broadway Mazlne A Bobby Leonard A St John Mr A Mrs Bmmett Shean A Phillips Armaad Marie (3o Id half Homer Broa Westony A F'talae Fagg A White Johnny NeS 4 Madeapa TOBONTO Tonga Bt. The GIntaroa Murray A Gerrlah Robinson Jania Co B Murphy And J Powell Sezt WASHINOTON Loew'* Ambler Bro* Lillian Walker Allman A May Opera v* Jaxs (One to All) OUfT OHABLBB BARBIER-SIMS & CO. Preoenting "ACTION, CAMKBA" Dlreetloa BILKS BROS. PANTAOES CIBCUIT TORONTO Paatage* (IG-It) Mile Thea Co Markell A Gay Lenora'a Jewel* Bckert A Francis John Agee'a H'r's HAMILTON. CAN. Pantogea Baggott A Sheldon Joe Roberta Cbefnio LaPearl A Oonne • Rockette cnicAOO Chateau Nelson's Calland Morton Bros DuDarry Sextette Lane A Harper MINNKAPOLIB Paatagea (Sunday opening) Nalda Miller Burt Ambrose A M J4lller A Bradford Paul Mall Pagan's Band BEGINA, CAN. Pantagea The Dorans Geo A Lily Oardea Roy Rogers Revue Smith A Holdea Junetros Troupe BDMONTON^ CAN. Paatage* (IS-IT) (Same bill playa Saskatoon (Il-It) Freehand Proa Neilson A Warden Primroso MInat'lla CHias Altoff Rose A Moon Rev CAIXIABT, CAN. Pantagea Gordon A Rloa Hard/ A Ilanley Doris Roche Butterdy Kiddles Gulfport A Brown Selbll'a Illusions 8POKANB Arthur A Darling RlnaJda Chao Gill A OO Barly A Kay* 0*o Morton Bpriagtime Rev 8BATTLB Oeoper A Seaman Window Shopping Joaelyn A Turner a White Kuhna Naomi A Nnta ▼ANOODTKB, B.C. Paatagea Hap Hasard Mia* Minneapoll* Margaret Heaaler Rod Green A TeU'w Putaam Fielder Co lioala* Bower* Co BXL'OH'M. WBH. ▼aadevlUo AadereoB A Pony Bl CoU Burn* A Klaaea Kltner A Reaney Barber of Sevlil* BAN KBANCISCO I Faleoaa Gordon A King RIU Tonlello Sun Dodger Mark* A Btbal Sully Rogers A B LOB ANOELK8 Paatage* Wheeler A Wheeler Ferguson A Sunl'd Scovell Dancers PIsano A Landauer Hamel Sisters A B Barbier Blmm* Co BAN DIBGO, OAL. Paatage* The Perretto* Wyeth A Wynn A C Astor The Berkolf* Kama Four Robt RoUy Cn Mack A CoroU OlrtoB Girl* DKNVEB. COLO. Two MartelU Joo DeLIer Kelly Bisters OMAnA, NBBl P A M Miller Gaffney A Waltoa L Girlie A Senna Lemaire A Ralston Vardell Bros Fred Lindsey KANS'B CITY. HO. Pantage* KEEP COOL AT HOTEL COOLIDGE It* Weet 47th St.. N. Y. Manager FHANK J()Y(:e Burke Walsh A N K'nn'dy A M'rt'ns'n OOLO. BPBINGS Paatage* (I6-IT) (Same bill plays Pueblo (II-SO) Folll* A Leroy Carey Donov'n A II Hughes A Burks Ben Ne* One Riding Costellos Noodles Fagan Bentell A Gould Harry Glrard The Conductor Hyams A Bvan* MEMPHIS Vantage* Karbe A Sis Norman A Olsen Raymond Wllbert Rowland A Meeban Ivan BankoR Art Landry Orob » PICTURE HOUSE BILLS Thla new department will wieekly contAin current blUa in picture theatrea or those combination yaudeville and picture houses of which the playlngr W\^ do not appear In the regular Bills Next Week (vaudeville) department. These picture house bHIs name the acts or special attractions for the week and the title of the film concurrently playing: as indicated. Picture house bills for the succeeding week also will be printed when obtainable. Owlnff to lateness of completion of picture house proerrams and the lack of aystem In bookingrs, the bills are being gathered by Variety at present In a baphaxard manner but are Anthentle as reported below. This department will list enly traveling attractions, acts, er- chegtraa, etc.. but not permanent house orchestras, permanent or- eheBtra leaders, organists, aoloista ar any permanent entertainment OBit or IndlvlduAl. TOBX 1U* Weak (II) Lieut. Qlta-Rlce "CyeloBo" (Aim) Btnutd ThI* Week (It) Kitty LaughUa "Craekerj'ck (Aim) Blalt* Tbt* Week (II) Betty Panlu* "Bare*" (Aim) «BOOKLTN. N. T. Mark Stnad ThI* W*ek (II) BugenIO Clbelll "Soul Fire" (Aim) BALTIMOKB O a r de a Thia Week (II) Dare Cole A H'l'ne Po*t*r A Grant Leon A Mltal Frank Btafford Co "D'k T-rpiB" (Aim) HIf Holland Doekr*! Co (Pieman A Hart Framont Benton Co Browning A Weir Frank A Genevra "Dynamite Smith' (Alm)- BKBWTN, nX. PartbeaoB let half (11-11) Bruno Btelnbaeh BITFFALO. K. T. ■Op This Week (II) ReriBa Meatb Tom Boob 'n%* Lady" (Bins) cbucaoo IBi* Weak (II) Horahel Baalere Paatbaoa AadrloS Trto Thto Waek <ll) Hollor A Blloy Cantor Booaaklatt Art Kaha A Band Thia Week (W) Joo Howard Kovue Tbia Week i\») DaaelBg Olorlaa BtnUfovd Thia Woek (II) Bgbert V*n Alatyne Bert Barl A Girls Sherman, Van A H Cairitol ' This Week (II) (XMalley A Th'r'n Jimmy Dunn Fields A Johnson Prlaollla Dean nroiANAPOLIB Apollo Thia Week (II) Henderson A W'b'r Way of Girl" (Aim) Cotoalal (Thia Week (II) Frank Owena Bob Jonea Amer Harmonlsta Mad Whirl" (Aim) MILWADKBB BOCHB8TKB, N.T. KANSAS crrr Ne« Thia Week (II) Chaa B Cash "Spaniard" (Aim) LOS ANGKLK8 MetropoUtaa Thia Week (II) Id Aal B'th'g Rev P'lm B'ch S'nc'p'trs Adrlenne Dore Miaa Loa Angelea Danny O'Sbca Slg Homar Amoldl Sammy Cohen II Girls Adventure" (Aim) Loe^a Staio ThI* Week (II) Max BradAeld Bd 'Proud Fle«ta" (Sim) Tbl* Woek (IS) Max Fisher Orcb Til Show Ton the TowB" (Sim) WlaooBala Thia Week (II) "Lilac Time" (Local achool chll dren In aong fea- tlval). Tlllla A LaRue "Shadowland" (With Bd'd Fitch and Art'r HIchter) "The Lady" (Aim) AUuunbra Thia Week (11) Anna May Wong Proud Fleah" (Aim) Btraad This Week (TH) Llehter'a orch "Oooae Hangs" (fllm) Merrin This Week (II) Jaaa M'n'ca' Rev 'Vp Ladder" (Aim) OMAHA Blalto Thia Week (II) Rublni Slaters KBWABK. B. S. Blalto TbIa Week (18) r Bllver Oreb Smith A Durr Bnra* A FormB 'Mea A Women" (Sim) Brooke Johna 'Bae'en'tb A Boar" (Sim) PKOBIA, ILL. Palaco lat half Oraea Doro Id half (Oao to All) PHILADELPHIA Btaaley Thia Week (II) The Commander* Melva Moore Platov and Natalie Fox Kouaa SIstera Kentucky B'r'B'd'ra Pky'* Tbl* Week (II) Dixie Strutter* Bll A Napla Maeon A Cole Lew C A Billy BAM Barl "F'dl'y Bn'm'iT' (Aim) BT. LOCI8 Grand Central Thia Week (17) Bngllah Rockets "Declasse" (fllm) Kings TbIa Week (IT) Baby Johnson "Idle Tonguea" (Aim) State Thia Week (17) Pasetell Ballet Brooka A Rosa "Adventure" (fllm) Next Week (74) Mexican Orch "Zander" . (fllnr.) HIaaonrI Next Week (14) The Canslnos "Bve's Secret" (Aim) PITTSBUBGB Aldla* Tbl* Week (II) B Miller-* Band "Zander" (Aim) Tbl* Week (II) Vanity Fair Orcb "-Daknowa" (Sim) Kext Week (SI) UatOB'* Oreb 'Buprom* Mom't" (fllm) Olyaapi* Tbl* Week (II) VIerra'* H'wilan* Any Womaa" (Aim) BKATTI^ Strand This Week (II) Harold Stanton "Charmer" (Aim) Columbia Tbl* Week (II) Jack Bain "Man A Maid" (Aim) Next Week (SI) Gllda Gray H«Ulg Xf^lu W**k (II) Lrw Well* "WblU Faar* (fllm) VAMCOUVXB, B.C. Tbl* Week (II) Iraaar Tloo TIOTOBIA. B. C Neat Week (SI) Irma Tloo wlsiroTV, l>. o. Tblo Week (!•) Ted Boydor Fred Hughe* 'Vdl'y Baemlair' (Aim) Melva Tbalma Bo* Moflle Co Hall A Baxter Bid Ball'a Bnt«r TAGOitA. WASH. Btrobel A Mertona Purealla A Vlaele Tom Kelty Harmonyland Foley A Letare Gerdea A Germaloe POBTLAND, OBB. Paatago* Wanda A BeaU Downing A Buddy Calm A Dale Rev Jack Wlleon Co Helen Bach I Edith Torko TBAVBL (Open Week) t Silvers Bawallan <)oartet LONG B'OB, OAL. Hesn I Blank* Prof WlB**! Paahlons Isoo Llarl Lomaa Troupe Bd Blondell BALT LAKE OITT John Olm* Co Orroa A Drew Lenora'e Stepper* Will* A Robblna Santucel Toyama Jap* bODBM, VTAH Paatagea Phil I>aTe*ka Muriel A Phylll* 91d Lewla WESTEBH CHICAGO AasoHeaa Hallen A Day (FIT* to All) ta halt K*lly A Burn* (FIT* to Oil) Knglewood C3alre A Atwood Rose A Bdward* Perry A Wagner Johnny Hyman Vlatour'a Revue (One to All) Id half Hallen A Day W O Hill A Co Huret A Vogt (Three to Ul) KedaU Achilles YAUDEVILLE Combo A Nevina Claude A Marion cnilnese Bmeopat'r* (Two to All) Sd half Haxel Moraa Roe* A Bdward* Bva Fay Lytall A Fant (Two to All) Uaoala Walter O Hill Olngcr Jass Rev Bap* A Duttoa (Three to All) Id half Alexand'r Iiros A B Jonla's Ilawallans (Four to All) MajeeUe 1 Tskrtaa Kour or Ua Bert Leigh AI Lavlne Band Jean Boydeli Verna Heywortb (Four to Ail) BLOOM'OT'N, ILL. Majeatlo John Vale Jimmy Lyona On the Campua 2d halt Fox & Mack Waiman's Debs Polly A Ox CUAMPAION, ILL. Orpheum Wood A While Danny Urah'm Rev Prussler A Klasa Odiva (Two to All DECATl B, ILL. Kmpresa Fox A Mack Walman'a Deba Harry KeealoT Cblo Sale Local Band (One to nil) 2d half O'Rourko A Kelly Chic Sale Fox A Barno (Two to nil) QVINCT, ILL. , Orpheum Connell L A Z Emily Darrell Banjoland 2d half Stratford Comedy 4 Kismet Sla (Oone to All) BOCKFOHD, ILL. Palace Alexand'r DroaA ■ Town Toplce Stuls A Bingham Dainty Mivrle Hurst A Vogt Herbert's Dogs SUMMER RATE MAY 1at Hotel Lorraine CHICAGO. ILL. LKONABD HICKS, Proprietor (Bath) Single, |2.00 up. (Bath) Double, weekly: 117.50, |g1.00. $24.50. $28.00, Polly A Oa Id haU Joha Vale Jimmy Lyona Oa the (^mpu* MILWAVKKB Phil Davl* Oeation* Bafr Mayo A B'b Ling A Long J J CIIITord Blllott A LaToar Wilbur A Adams (One to All) MINNKAPOLIB Itb BC The Bimbo* Igorett* Girl Battl* Cry Valvin A O'Connor J DeSylva R*v Carw>n A Wlilard Amao PEOBIA, UX. Martinet A Crow Id half The Lamy* Redd A Lucy Lorin Raksr A Oe (M Diamond (3* (Two to All) ■T. Lorir Kialt* lat half Biny Doaa Danny Graham B Praaaler A Klaas Odiva (Two U Bll) SOUTH B'ND, mt. Palaoa Bacardle t Reed A Lucy Maurice Diamond Moore A Freed Notre Dame Boy* Id halt Johnny Hyman DAB Ford Rev Stuts A Blnghaa Seven Flaahes (One to All) KEITH CHICAGU CIBGTJIT OLBVKLAND, O. iUppodroMM W A Kennedy Oo Jack LaVler Lee MattlaoB Bd (Two to i\\) Id half Stan Kavani\'if;h FIndlay Hill Co Local Act Btamm A Girl* (Two to All) VT. WATNB. DflX Palae* Joan Uphasi i "-..v' Maehaa A NewoMI) LaFayetta D'lro C^ Id half D... Thursby C!o , - -—- 1 J DAILY DEALING OUT ACTION and SATISFACTION MARK J. LEDDY Qraenwloh Bank Bldg., 226 West 47tli St. BaHo BOl Wcema Co Jean Upham Co DBTBOrr. MICH. Keboe A Ogawa HoiArd A Und Beaaeaire Sextette Demarest A Doll La Temple I Sd half Ooefti A Duffy W A Kennedy 0> Leater Loo MattlaoB A bd FLINT, MICH. Palae*- I Jacka A S Qu'na Kreet A Farrell Dave Thuraby (Two U All) Id half La Temple I Demareat A Doll Geo Lyon Bnglieh Rpeketa INDIANAPOLIS Palaeo Stan Kavanaugb Goet* A Duffy Raneo Grey Co Burn* A Bnrcblll latlmat* R*v Id half MoCormack A Wal Komper A Co Beancaire Sextett* (On* to All) WIND80B. OITT. Capitol MoCormack A Wal Oraea Bdler / (Three to All) Sd half Xr*«t A Farrell Howard A Und I Jaek* A S Qu'aaa (Two te All) INTEB8TATE dECUIT DALLAS, Togo Maud Barlo Co LangCd A rerlcka U BOCK, AI Maia*tto Ford A Prleo Wla* A Jane** BragdoB A Mor'say STANLEY VERNA HUGHES and BURKE Independent—Riley Broa. Keith-Albe^—Lfyod H. Harrison W**toa A Blalao JAB Morgan Bd F. WOBTH, MaJ**Ua Lobae A Sterling Armstrong A B'del) J Thompson A (^ Sylvia Frooo F Kelcey Co HOUSTON; Majeotle Huffman A I.amb't lioudlnl A Benard M Sabbott A Co Orare Hayes B Snyder Co (Continued Dixie Bamlltoa r.- Courting Days Id half Queenle Donedia M Hegcdus Snow A Nariae M Ford Co OKLAHOMA CITY Or»heaoM Stanton A Dolores Ates A Darling G Del mar Boya Bva Cisjrk Arnaut A Co 3d half Adonis A Dog Alexander A Peggy Simpson A Deaa on jtago 63)