Variety (June 1925)

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ASVLTWyCLC-^'li VariiSt Y" .- vauft-K.* :i<«-s. U A^'^<»^ •-»a< '• ui^k'UJk, i n? ■V, AM MJOirBIS AMbtor nro* vrlMh & Sadler MlJUn WaJksr Co Allm*"' * *^ OB«t« »• J*" ToouMUaa .* lAr* Whraa va 8t«noc'a lA** Tntv*r« Ker nMTiwqx. s. I. MILWACKM MUlw Ranrll A HnyM Oo«|«t A H«U J Kcaae^iy Co Jlmmr a*ui>« far Ormr A C* L.a«rU Ordway Co Barl* Olrla (OM •« nil) BICHMW H, 1- I. WUI*rd Cllir JurAan Rlioda A Rroahell Cook A Varnoa J WatU Co (One |o flit) Id half CAM stMiur Pieidc A rtnk A C Attor TiM BarkaCa Kveaa Faar Hawaltaa OfMrtattt DKMTKK. COIiO: Paatacaa Prof Winael laeo I.lart Faahloo* Bd Blondall Ca tjomaa Trouva ...PMitagaa (Sama >IM H*T»^ Pueblo t*->t> OMAHA, NKB. TAraa Bla«k« 8M L«Wla Itobt lUiihr C* Mack A Corel Oarta^ Olrla KANS'S CITY. MO. VtMtff KInf 8a«la Kc'Mied]!' A Murt'i'n Solomon Maaco Olrards Uualcal R MSMTHIS Faatacaa MartlnK Hajrwi A Ulliaa cue Deaa Ca "Taar a( U^' B Llchta MTdy L'd I.aZar A Dala Weber Olrla MINMKAPOUS Yfh M. Tlma A Ward Ataa A DarliiiK Spirit of Budda Moara A Sky Vera* Her wart h Ca Stati A -Blncbam jay A lBI#r^« V«a Btaaa A Ford mily Daaa Wrtcht INMaaf*' Sd lalt - Hallyn A Day* Harry bowaliui Co Sail Bate* Davlaaa'a Laaaa (Two ta All) ST. UOVta, MO. OniMl Koeller A Rokerla Qro P Wllaoa Co Emily Darrell a-* I fniXINOI«T WORKIWO . dftrins tke HOT SPELL 'CAFTOMNO ' ■-ahr-'.-^i. Weaha Wkaraver . r068ni.B MARK J. ItODY, Jkrtlrti* «4»rai*ita»lM ar.-«a«:s>i .k mW. »• WM 47th *%.. Haw Vark Si. Kvaas & Hday Thornton A C'letoa DoCarloa * O 4 Or MONTRBAI. Laew'a 'Ponalnl'a Monkeya Dufiaey A Caae Caleilonia 4 Pinlay A HIO Bcoiunn A Oraco NEWARK. N. J. State i' 4 Madcapa 'North A K<itl«T ^McRac A Mott :!rBlaon City 4 '^ Haanamnra Jcpa ;: NSW ORIXANH C raaaaa d rSaaao A Ca MUnon Paramount Quiat'te (One to nn) sraiNcri), m.%sr. D rah d way Catisano Cheater A DeVera Citapman Ring Co Qulna A Caveriy (One to flU) td half B Austin A Sister I^awroneo A H»lc'b Artie Nolan (Two to All) TORONTO Taoca (H. Berndt A Partner JAB Pace ^Seminary Scandala Sandy Khaw MHc Ivy Ca PICTURE HOUSE BILLS This new department will weekly contain current bills in picture theatres or ttaosa combination vaudeville and picture houses of which the playing bills do net appear in the regular Dills Next Weak (vaudeville') dep.rtment. Thea* picture house bills name the acts or special attractions for the week and the title of the film concurrently playing as Indicated by the final title. Picture house bills for the succeeding week also will be printed when obtainable. This department will list only traveling attractions, acts, or- chestras, etc.. but not permanent house orchestras, permanent or- chestra leaders, organists, soloists or any permanent entertainment unit or Indlridnal. P Mclntoah Ca (Om to All> Id hair Bemire Brina Co Tke Parialaaa (Three to BU) BVANSV'LE. IND. VIeUrr Pianola Walah A Bllla Jouaa Hawaiina Sd ItaU 1 While A Manainc Mechan £ Newman a L.ovett Co PAXTAGB8 CIRCUIT TOROMTO raatacaa (1»-1»> *< Al Qolem Ca '^' Arnold A Dean t-i Sally A Rath .T I.aretta Klac €• BveraaU Maakeya ■AMILTOM. CAK. raatagca Aaa Ti\-taa Co MMtkeli A Oay BBLVAH. WASH VaadeWNa Arthar A l>arlli« . RIaaMa C Ulll Ca Barly A Kaye» O Mavtaa 8prln«tlaa« Ravaa TACOMA. WASH. Caape* A Seaman W l aSaw 8liap»ln« S'''AM f V HUGHES and BURKE Inde»en4< i i * ' W ttay Kaith-Atb^ U yod M. Hfri—n Oliver A Olp >lacer Brea A R Carnival of Van lea CmCAQO Chataaa Bert Sloan Banaoa A Haa'o Co 1 CaachHn A Ce Four Pala Faar Nlchtona MINNBAPOU8 ~ raatacaa (Sunday -opanint) Mile Thea Co Bddle mil Votuea A S A T Bokert A Franca DaBarry Sextatta BBOINA, CAN. Paa t ataa Bacaott A Sheldon Morton Broa Oaater A Laaby Lane A Harper Keyhole Kameoa RDMONTON. CAN. Paatacea (IS-IT) (Same bill playa Raalcatoon 18-20) Plantation Daya CAUiART, CAN. Paatacea Brenitk'a Horaa B Ambroiio A May Jaaaelya A Turaer t White Knhtta Naomi A Nuta PORTi.ANe. o: Hap Hassard M Haaalaa Rad Oraaa A T Li Bowara Ca Dalana Dell Royal Maariah Ca Traaal (Opaa weak) Andaraaa A Poay Malva Talma B«a Maac Oa Mall'a BateKalnera Hall A Dexter SAN ntANCISCO NBW YORK CITT Capital (7> Roxy'a O'c at R'c'a ••Wildflre" Strand (7) Edward Aibano Iflle Klemova Daha A Boarman Nick Locaa "Show Taa Town" Calaay (T) Grant A Wine Wh^lar W'dWA Bd "White Maakcy' Billy aiaaon White 8ia Helen Torka Boyd Senter 'Heart of Siren" RiTlara (♦) OriSIa Twiaa "Qua Vadia" (7t l«a Thomas Co Ana Dwiclaa Sylvia Barahardt "ParaaU Faapla" (() Dncliah Raoheta "Tracked In C*nfy* Stratrard (t) Ama Mar Wane iCy A Scatt Mal^alla ■barman French Oirl" (•) Mlaa SamelaS "Daac*roas la'e'ea' RlaUe (T) Michael Valaraa Farria "Bva'a SacreF' (T> Beatrlea Balkla "tlilant Saadaraoa" ATLANTA. OA. Matrapa au a (7) P«tter-S»<kar Rev •■Naeeaaary Bvll" (Murray A T.9e Moyaelle A <r» I' Bic'r on H'r'ab'k" Critariaa (() White'a Colleclana Ooidan Frame "Baameraac" RIaUe <«) Moray Sia Black Cycloaa" (*> MUtoa WaUaa fae Tarmlai Vheefc Pwaeh" («) (A»eai Shaw "Welcome Home" (S> Bella Starar Fawlar A l^mara rvatte A Band ■oDovtH K'Hr * V Froslal Kardaa D'ab'r A ft Mad Daacar" Kay Spangler Harrnerlta Sylva "Kiaa Me Again'■ Stanley (7) Walter Pidseoi- Sena I/oriaa The Neta Mikalalehik •Saa! Fir*" _ <«> Ftaher A Band Priarllla Dean "Crimaaa Rnnner'* B aalava f d (T-l) Waif Orck' Suakiat Chorna Walah A Kramer CePTtelll A Dowd Heart af Sirea" (!•-"» Waif * Orch Batty Dea Oraett A Qrnett Roth A Stater "Oaclaaaa" niTsmiROH Aldlae ((> The Comntand'SrB Chrtne Marion Intradnce Me" (•> N Jaya Co LABlae I.orinc 'Soul Fire" CKICAM XBtTK CIRCXat ' CLKYKI^ND Maahan A Mawman liacal Sketch Lae A Bennett Mexican Serenadera Id hair Wiae A Janeae Liocal Sketclv Alama Club Inaplratlon (One to nil) Masked Atheleta I>ariBh A Parm The Parialaaa (Two to flII) DBTBOrr. MICH. I«8aU* OarAeaa Wise A Jaasa The Alama Club Jack McAulifle I.Ol'ISVII.I.E. NntloMU KT. KMMT CHAKLBS BARBIQl5DiS t CO. rraacfrttas -ACTIOS. CAMRRA" mrtHtm JUUR BROS. FROTID^CB. R.I. MINNRAroUS (If) Martaaaea Flar Mnlhalland Mao Vadts" I Splaattfa laa Bnrkler V A H Falla Jaaan A Harri^n MMalcAt Mally" FT. W.WNK. Palao* IND. Childhood Day^ Broeks A Roas Keo A Ocawa L,aToar A BlUott Inaplratlon (Two to Sll> td halt Aoatla Cole Golden Violin Achillea (Two to nil) TRRRB M.; IND. Indiana White A Manninc Simpson Sc Dean S Pollard Co Id halt Jonaa HJtwalians Walah A Bliia P Hannetora Co T'liBtimAiiM'* tlMMd bia whersaMuts off to the Federal agents. Williams carried from I&0.009 to, SM.MN) in suitcases to the bank, the OMKiey being carried through tha Streets as though they didn't con- tain anything that bandits might shoot op A town for. Ther* WAS one thing that the sellers of hootch liked about Joe Williams. They said he always paid' on the apot cash for what he bought.. He also paid something like $3 a' case commission to any of his aa- sociates puttl.ig over a bootlegging deal. One man is said to have cleaned up a nice fortune through his alleged llauor cpmmiaslon ar- rangement with WilUams. MANNING and CLASS Toorina Orpheam Clrea» raraoiMl Met.. Harry C. Oaaforth li Bridcps Co Id half I, nrldcea Co Fnrman A Rbani Webb'a Bnler'era INDIANArOTJS Palace The Achillea W'S'R, ONT.. CAN. Ca»ltel Farman A Bvana Bernlce Brinn Co ' (Three to Sil) Id halt Pariah A Peru jr MrAullltf<> Karaaaky Oei't Ca (Two to nil) DATBNPOBT. lA MORTENSEN Strobel A Merteaa Purcella A Ranuey Tom Kelly Harmonyland Foley A I^tura Qordon A Cermalne LOS ANOBLRS Paatacea Wanda A Seals Bdlth Torke Dewninc A Buddy Calm A Dale Rev Jack Wllaoa Helen Back t SAN DIBOO, C\f. Faatagaa Three Sliyera Touring Orphanm Circuit .^„ EMIL BOREO ^*" _ Tnteraatlonal Star neeadUiy, Loadoa. Anc S Miller & Bradford Paul Ma fasaii's Band SPOKANR Paatacea Dancinu Dorana O A I. Garden R Rogers Co Smith & Holden ianetros Co ., BRATTLB j • Paatacea Freehand Bros Nellaon ft Warden Primroae Mlastrela Chas Althoir Roae A Uaou Rav ▼ANCTBB, B. C. Paatacea Gordon A Rica Hardy ft Hanly iJorls Roche Butterny Kiddies Galfport A Brown Beiblla Illosiona Rl Cota Burns ft Kiasen KUner ft Iteaney Barber of .Seville Four Wordens L. REACH. CAL. Heyt Three Kb I cons Jordan A King Rita Toniallo The Hon Dodger Marks A Rthel Sully Hocers A S SALT LARK CITT Paatacea Wheeler A Wheeler Ferguson A Sundl'd Scovalle Dancers ^ Pisano A Laadauer Hamel Bisters A S Barber Blms Co OODRN. VTAH Pantacaa The Perettoa Wyeth A Wyoa (T) Mala Streat Jass Baria Taaaar "Old Heme Week" (7> Barney Rapp Bd lA. BALTUMHKB, MD. r C^llaclaas Ball ft Baplaa Walte Japa Law C A Btllr R J Ballay Ce "Arlsona Romeo" BRRWTN, ILL. Partlieaea (7) Cronia A Hart "WIZARD or weak (Jaae M>. Weak <Jbm SS) DOAL PIAINMr* ^ ini.WAVKl (•) >recory Mataaayloh Cyrlc Mala C!e ■Old Kama Week" mcH. CapHel (T) Araold Johnaoa Bd •The Talkar"* BUFFALO, N. T. Hlp» (I) Prineeaa Ancle Co "Declasse" Lafayette Sa. (I) White's Dancera Herb Uoyd Co La Pearl A Oonnc Mack A Stanton Gordon A Day "Chrl-itlne of H'rt" (T) Batella Carey "Code of Weat" Bway-Slnad Kibbler's Band ■Show Tan Town" SANS'S CITT. MO. Nswmaa'a (7) Mario Rnbinl •Old Home Week" CH1CAOO Chlcace (t) ,_ Uous^ Presentation Warlnc's Band "Chickle" "French Girl" TlvaU («» Runaway 4 Balta, 'Race (•) Doc to Noma" NBWARK, N. t. ST. LOUIS. MO. lAew'a State HI The OiarUs Derma Laa '*Cafaaf <2aa«n'< (1»> Sheik Bead Praad Flaeh** 0*aad Cairtval (•) Coyla A Aahtoa "Learniac Lava" (1» R Bercer Bd "The Talkei" Nat Nassare Jr Bd "Wisard eC Oa" (7> Robinaon A Turin Chlokie" LOS ANOBLRS Leew's State («) Tosef Rosenblatt Rosebud Morse awendolyn Bvana Mildred Melrose rnie Wehl ganklst Beauties •Way af Girl" <^AHA, NRB. Rlalte (7) Dan Graham Rev Stnmd (7) Coietla A Jan MatrepelUan («) .^ - I Bl •French Girl" miUaa Deltor (I) Washineton («> H Henlara Vic Haary Harptand Fantasy •French Oirl" SBATTLB Ubcrty (I) Howard Roas Decia UNIONTOWN, PA. PBORIA. ILL. Madlsoa (7) Axel (Thrlstensen Nelson Warinc PHILADKLP'A PA. Fes (T> Anthony Guarino Aagasta Caoper (t> Linton's Band WASH'OTON. D.C. RaUte (7) Helen Jane Marr Mary Apple •Show You Town" (14) Okia rolleglins Coode Montgomery DTTESSIATE CIRCinT DALLAS. TKX. | OKLAHOMA CITV Halaatic Adonia A Bac AteaaaCer * Peccy Emill Lea Co \y J Kennedy 0«B Plaana rr. WORTH. TBX. MalenMc Lea Oaeaala Coomha A NevUs F Hunter Co Flo t.ewla Patteraoa A Cleal'r iiO«7STON. Majaatle Ford A Price Potter A Gamble Caurtiac Daya Bva Clark Bragdem A M'riaaey L. B<R*K, ABK. Hajeatla Peres A Marguerite Ann Clifton Mercedes Briscoe A Raah Al Garbetl Co R Rayce A Sia Fax A AHea B Barle A Co Stratford Comedy 4 4 Ortaaa td half / Jahri A Georca Josephine Daafea Deeethy Richnaand 4 Haraamen Chas Foy Co S. ANTOMIO. TRX. Haj e a tla t.ohsa A Sterllnc AroMt'c A Bloe«en J Thaatpasn Ce Sylvia Freaa F Kelcey Co TULSA, OK LA. Jahrl A Ciearge Josephine Danfea Dorothy Richmond 4 Hon C Fay Co NAT C HAINES **YES, MY DEAR" Home tar the Samaier VAAIBTY, New Ysirk Id halt Hoffman A Lamb't R Royce A Sis Marie Sabbott Ca Boudinl A Bernard Bad Synder Co td halt DIai Slatera Tyler Mason F Torke Co Grace HayeB Melody A Steps J Olana Co Orren A Drew • Leonraa Steppers Wills A Rohbins SantuccI Toyama .Taps Two Martclls Follla A I.eroy Joe DeLler yugbes A Burke Carey D A Marr Ridlnr, CoFAyV.OH WESTEKN VAUDEVILLE CHICAtiO Hajealle Bacardi t Victoria t Connell Leoaa A 2: The Art Shop Fred Hacea Co Fargo A Richards Klrby A DeOage Harry Braea (Two to au) DKCATl^R. ii.l.. Rmpreaa Chrisly A MfOonM.I M Diamond Co (One to Ul) Id half Martlaat A Crow Barber A Jaekaon Ginger Jax* Rev MILWAUKBK Majealle j»i^ /2^'. Bird Cabaret PBORIA, ILI- ralaea Billy Hous<«. Co QIINCV. ILL. Orpheem Martinet & Crow roiirla ft Vfrrti ^Ginger Jacz Iti^v 2d half Chrlsi: (i McDen'ld M Dtamend Oe (Oaa ta BIO ROOKFORD. ILt.. Pawar'a Poaiea Mm Eva Fay rytell ft Fant Rcrue iJi Petite (One to nil) HOUTH B'D, IND. hlaatoa A Dolorea ■mil Borao Harry Dowalng Co Claade A Marlom Poodles Vaerd Co Id half Howard's Pualaa Billy Doaa Vaa Biene A Ford Wood A Wbita BOOIUGGER IN JAIL CContinued from page 11) ance in dress but he threw money to the winds when in any of the places along Broadway. H« is known to have gone to cabarets and handed out $5 and tlO tips with reckless abandon and tossed ffOO bllla on the floor to the feminine en- terlainerii. Efforts on the part of cronies to "touch" Williams resulted in a.i em- phatic no and the saddest of stories failed to pry loose a single cent of the man's bankroll. Williams carried on his i>erson, gend'ally i<i one of hia hip pnckets a wallet contui.iing $20,000. ''Thin roil wa.s in large bills and used by Wil- liam.s after the fashion of the fa- mous Qeorge Barr McCntcheon Ac- tion spender, Monty Krcwster. He was known as a bootieiCjer .tnd cleaned up on sales i.i and around Times Square, Williams having the Square as a rendesvous where he kept close tab on his liquor-sellins activities, so the story goes. Wll- Mams was convicted of forging liqucM* permits, a l>ootlegging aspect by which Williams was alleged to have mad* more money and in much easier fashion. WhereaboMU Tipped OfF The i.iglde story along the Dig Street is that Williams was in hid- ing, having jumped 120,000 bail, ac- cording to allegations, and felt safe and secure for some time,at least Plenty of Gambling at * Boid Houses in Chi. Chicago, June t. It looks like a banner season for the road houses and cafes opetating outside of the city limits. Gambling devices oC every description have been installed on the upper floors which are running unmolested. Detf- oration Day marked the offlclal opening of the summer establish- ments. The cafe part of the bulMing merely acts'as a blind with no at- tempt being made to bolster the downstairs business. Exorbitant prices are being charged for din^ ners which coupled with the table cover puts the amount so high as to keep out the undesirables. When A party who looks liks ready money •Bters the place they ara ushered to a choice table with all sorts of extra Attention. The bead waiter in discussing the menu intorms tjf prospective customers in • round about naanner about sMoe iafluen- ttal person who last night walkad upstairs merely to look around and came down tlO,*M to the gooA. This •alve is handled with eipert show- mABsbip without the sUghtest per- suaston to entice the party to par- ticipate in the upstairs festivities. After th* h«A4 winter csts through dispenstac his line st chat, ter anyone with th« sllghtost gam« bling blood wttl find himself worked up to a pitch. It has been figured out that At least one out of every three who visit the place f«r the flrst tine take « look and in nenrly every instance the curiosity seeker has walked out leaving a contrlhu- Women are hustled in practically the SABM RiAnnsr, only that the hostess makes the spiel. BAIL SAVED Mrs. Callad UpMt Up WhMi Mrs. Helen Marie Patterson Hey-> worth, said to hsve been At one time the flnAneee of Dapper Don Collins, caused muph concern td her bondsmen in West Side Couct when she failed to appear on the charge of possessing narcotics. Magtatrate Louis Brodsky forfeited the bail of 1500. Word was quickly gotten to the fair Mrs. Heyworth and uhe hurried into court before Magis- trate Brodsky left. He rescinded the forfeiture. Mrs. Heyworth was recently ar- rested in her apartment. Hotel Walton, by detectives Wollkof and Conden of Dr. Simon's Squad. After a series of adjournments in which her attorney stated to the court his client was ill the case eras called last Friday. A further adjournment was taksn. ^ Bus Boy Caught Stealing While employes in the St. Regis reataurart at 1491 Broadway were buay waitli)? on customers All George, 27, buM boy. 2M W. 104th street, went to a small safe i.i the basement, forced open a strons box and took 1^65. A abort time Idler the m:tnager went to the safe to obtain ch »nge and discovered the stronfj box smashed. As Ccorge was *il only o.»e who had been in the l>i.<»e;nent suspicion wa.s illi-ected towards liiiu. Detective Co!eman. West 47th street station, fearched f!eor«e ani in his pocUetH found ttie money stolen from the safe. George offered no explanation for his act. When arralg.ied before Magistrate Brodsky in West Hide Court he was held in fl.OOO ball tor further examination. ft The Mt. Morris, New York tSltf, will attempt for the flrst time to re- main open all summer with a new vaudeville policy. The theatre 1» but that one of bis own batch of' managed by Max Wilner. < * 't '