Variety (June 1925)

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WcdneMlfty.' Juat tr, iMfl V A R I B T y ■NftTi Frr^^s^r;"3»3' -iiKRKwriiBF- If f A I lf«lr* ^^- to aM> lomrHig, VBHIL iTMtonr * •■ ^ g^rrl* A Vkuclia -^••toa ft 8 MaWArKSE. WI8 AMl>l«r Bros rriMk # 8««t«r UIMmi WaUcw AiiBMM * Mar Op«ra v« Jass rBOyiOBNCK, B.I. Kaaor. MAS Brvanoa 4b Stiaiw C Crouch Co AI H WIUOB Prank Hovlira Co BICHMOND H..UI. Here's Hopjng Wjratk « Wfu A C AMor The BorkoSa Kuma Four Hawaiian 4 0OU>. SrKIH«S PMBtMM lit-H} (Same bill i^laya Pueblo 1»-ZT) Wheeler ft W Vercuaon ft 8 Prof. WlascU Wllla ft IUMMm Santucct Toxama JaM KANSAS CITT. MO i Blaaka Sl« LewU Robt ReiUr Co Mack ft Coral QlrtoM OtrU Dick Ho<i4«r«o« (Two to ,ftlU MILW-WKKK. WIS MaieaUc CoBBell L.«ona ft Z 2 Roaellaa Mayor A Manicure Bmllr I>amii Harrjr Downlnr B ft J CrdKhton Lady Alice's Peta MIMMBArOUS 7th 8«rc*t Amac ti half Oa tho Campua Praaceii Arm CleaMoa Belllai Co (Three to all) 8V. LOOTS. MO: Tho Btmboa Harry Fidler Billy Ho«ae Co (Others to flll) I C.*K I»« Oyr BBBVIOB TO TOD -^ ^I^IARK J. LEDDY OBBBinnca baiik ■viuhho i Ideals Ward A Dohimaa Cbas C Uroha MOSftMMAU CAS. Beradt ft Partner Shepherd ft H J ft U Pus* Seminary Scandals J Baody Shaw Mile Ivy Vo i*; •■!«»*■«• «• ■»• ^^.^ : Stole i'K.VA Barda . Cheater A DoVore ■eWnsnn Janls Co Hall ft Shapiro Newcomers Howard Nichols Alhrlght A Harte Bofeby Mlsdna Co Bobhy Renahaw Tracey A Hay ' td halt Dowhlas ft C S Abby Sis [ABK A Voelk Cardiff A Walea Bawd Dox Rev TOBOVrO. ONT. Voi«o St. M Kllett Co Harry Sykaa Ansel A Pitllcr r lyAaaore Co Co-fMa PAHTA0IS dXCUH TOBONTO. CAM. (n.M> : Baymond Pike i Byaa A VNoitl Tho MartM* i Jerome A Gray •t, Boeder LaVelH Co aAMUiTMr. CAB. Al Ooleas S AraoM A Doaa Qalfport A Brown SelMt'a IllaatoMi TACOMA. WASaU Arthar * Dartia* BlnaUlo Christmas T^etter ■arty A Kaye Ooo Marto» a»rtagtla»o Rer OBB. iA ^-AN^E > t\ Hrr i HUGHES and BURKE i Ind«p«n4«ii«—Riley Bros. Katth-Atbaa U yo* H. Hftrriaoti aally A Raih Carlysie A L«Bsal Waller Maalbojr Co ^ CHICAGO, nx. rhaMaft' .' : Bert Sloan , Benson Massimo Co Jaaies Couchlan 4 Pals MINMfCAPOUS Paatavoo ' ■• (Sunday ovenlai) SMaoB'a ^atUaA Haaal Kennedy Kajlyama Olrard'a Bnserable BBCUMA. CAM. Paata««a Qalottl's Moakoya «S)ldi«- Hill ^ocues Steps A' 8 BokarlJA Fmncia Chofalo Ceep or A SeaoiMi J u ia tt yn A Taraor WlaOew ShoMrtwc t White Huhaa V It U Ralla Naomi A Nats TBAVBI. <09aai waah> H»» Haaard Marcaret Heooler Red Oreen A Y LfOalse Bowers O Royal Moorish Rer HaroM StaatMi SAMntAMcnco PhaUicaa Anderson A Pony Meira Talma Boe Moflte C-> Delano Dell HaU's Batertainers LOS AMOKLBS PaatacM Strobel A Mertoa ^'S" Jivr 1 ToarlBC Orvhevm CIrcalt EMIL BOREO International Star PieoaAUly. ~ BBSIONTON. CAM. Ui^y;--, raatocaa ■ ' <t»-X4) (Same bill plays Saskatoon t(-t7) Baccatt A Sheldon Morten Bros Ooalar A Busby T'Sne A Harper Keyhole Kameos : CALOABT. CAM. Faatacea -Plantation Daya -^ • SPOKANB. WASH. Paataceo Brensk's Horse Bart Ambrose A M Miller A Bradford Paal Mall Pagan's Band 8BATTLB. WASH. Paataaraa Danciat Doraas O A I. Oarden Boy Rogera Co Purcella A Vlacio Tom Kelly Harraonyland Foley A L«tMro Gordon A Oermaiae SAM DIBOO. C.AL. Paatacca Wanda A Scat Edith Torke Downlnc A Buddy Calm A Date Rev Jack Wilson 1 Helen Bach t L. BBACH. CAL. Har* I Silvers B| Cota Burna A Kisaea Kltner A Reaaey Barhor of Seville 4 Wordens SALT LAKB CITT Paataceo 5 Falcoaa Gordon A Kin* snhn JOB LOCKE anl VERDI Baakod B«IM— Lmw 01r««tt 1^ Smith A Holden Jnnetroa Tronpe ▼ANCODTBB. B. C. Paatacca Freehand Bro« Netlsoo A Warden Primrose MIns Cha« Althoft »<*• A Moon R«v »*I.IMGH'M, WASH ▼anderiUa Jordan A Rica H.rdy A Hanley »orto Roche lluiteifly Kiddle* Nita Toaielle The Son Dodder Marks A Kthel Sully Rogers A 8 OODBK. UTAH Paatacsa Scorell Dancers Plsano A I^andauer Hamel 8U A S Barbter Bimma Co Putnam Fielder Co Caraa t Dr.NVBB. COLO. Paatacoa The Perrettoa PICTURE HOUSE BILLS Thin new dep«rtm«nt wUI we«klr contain current bllla In picture theatres or thoa« combination vauderille and picture houses of which the playing bllla do not appear in the rerular Bllia Next Week (vaudeville) dep.-rtment. These picture house billa name the acts or special attractions for the weeic and the tttle of the film concurrently playlna as Indicated' by the final title. Picture house bills for the succeeding week also will be printed when obtainable. This department will list only traveling attractions, acts, or- chestras, etc.. but not penMinent house orchestras, permanent or- chestra leaders, organists, soloists or any permanent entertainment unit or IndivlduaL MBW TOBK CITT Ca»ltoi Roxy'a Oaa* at Scaahore "Siege" Miss White Or'nds for Dlv*ce" "Sapreqne Moment" (14) Kitty McLonghlin Nick Loeaa Daka A Boarman "T ea ser ^ PIcradHly (IS) Virginia Newhacia Claire Stetsoa Bee Jaekaoa "Uying wives" (t»> Carlo 4 Jaai Blowers 'Baxter Butted In' BMcra (l»» White Sis BUly Olaaon Raaaarar 4 Bord Boater Helee Torke Heart aC (1»> Holt A Looaard Selblnl ■ChlclUe" (14» La Torrieoiia Both M«Cer D!»y A Boaaing Marimba Band Houra*' bic (14) Aucaat Werner (14) Tiaen'a Bna< Raaslan 4 Nina Sergeyeva Nick Kovac "Maaicaro Girl" (IS> Leslie A V'ndTg'ft "Buck Cyclone" MinUa DoBar (It) Mnrray A Lee O D Washington "B'g'r on H'rseb'k" (1S> Maooy ft Scott John A Baldwin Sis WlUUaas A Toaag -■▼o'a Secrat" Week' lA. PITTSBCKCH AUHske (»») Horton Spurr The Oloriaa labot Cattow Proud Flesh ' s Mat* Owen Sweeten Bd Barsha Beraard De Pace ■ Saaklat Beanta Vnprense Momeat' Crit«e«aa (11) (4a SchnaM Co iV«re« Melrdae "Juat a Woaian" (IS) Max Fisher Bd mtttt A pecker Caltaaa Criato»h Kiaa Me Asaia- (It) l.>e Paradlsa Bd Tho Talker" K.T. (14) Herahel HoalOfW M0R TENSE Wadi (. (l«-l«) Raha Wott BanA Lottie Bate « ft A Ckaag Billy Gross Co 'Proud Flesh" (iT-ie) Baba Waif Baal *tera *-B(Mr- anaaat ft J io Florence . Pamall ■"Zander Oraaf BOCHBBrBB. (If) Boaas A Baws la* Baekaer Co Haaap A t* Poye A A L Daela Dave A Treoale ■Mirage" (U) Ptrta Peaaaaco Baatmaa Ballot ■Saprento Momenf Alfred 9a«wpt "Steele ntcd" (14) Bthel Sweet "Stop Fllrtinc" (») Hnataa Ray "Soal Fire" (It) Oilda Gray ANN ABB'B,( MnB. (14) Moore A Freed Brooka A BALTIMOBX. MD. (It) K Spankler Co Kchoea Scotland Summers Dao Bibto A Spencer Lew Cooper "Air Hawk" BBBBTTM. ILL. Parthaaaa (14) Roae O'Hara , BUFFALO, M..T. Hip» (It) Walter Pontlaa Biawr diovs "Old Home Week" CHICAOO CUcaga (U) Grldla Twins "Confess'ns of Q'n" Ca»Mal (It) B A J Pearson Bennett Twins Marjorie White "Old Home Week" McTiefcero (It) Miltoa Watsan '9BTWIIT. MICH. OBTBOIT. HICH. Aset Chrlateasea ChildhooA Days Parish A Pra (Two to ait) 2d half Achlllos Latoar A Blllott Roblnaon A Pierce Inapiratiun (One to Oil) BVAMSTILLB. IND Victory Moore A Freed Variety Pioaeers (One to All) 2d half IH»*M.%POLtS. IMD ralace Beotel A Ooul4 Hart Wagner A L Bernice Bron Co Fenton A Fielda Oolden Violin 2d half Hickey A Hart Parish A Peru Benny Barton Rev (Two to ail) TERRK HTB, IND. Indiana Achillea Meehan A N 1* Rockela 2d half CHABLBS BARHER^nS & CO. PreaeatlBA -ACTION. CANHMA" Dli«ctla« BILBT BBOS. Bentet A Gould Dolly Davia Rev (One to flII) nr. WATMB. INB. Blltott A Latotar Cunningham-B R (One to Ul> 2d half Moore A Freed Fenten A Fields (One to 1111) Nanette Variety Pioneers (One to All) WIMMOB. ONT. Morrlaaa A C Insalratloa (Three ^ flit) Sd half Axel CrhrUtrnsen Childhood Days Porter WhKe (Two to All) INTERSTATE CIRCniT HaieoUe 2 Ohesala Coombe A Nevlns Frank Hunter Co Flo Lewis Paterson A C VT. WOBTM, TBX. BAB CAL. (It-IT) Margaret Taaag Jackie Sand BUUe T A L Dorathjr Or el or A Bichards MILWAVKBB- (It) Lloyd Garrett "Advenlara" (l<) Shote'a Baad "Show TonToara" (It) Hay's Lehman A K Man and Maid" lA Sail* (I4-1T) Markwlth Bros Art Brown Co Laat Laagh" (U-20) The Parialennes 'Age of Innoc'ce" (14) Faico A Tarpla ■Seal Fire" (14) Rita Mario Band Night Club" (It) Ward A Goodwia t Lamoata Burt A Lehmaa Dale A Delias ■My Son" K'L'MTOO. MWH. Big tat (14) Grace Bdler Co KANS'S CITT, MO. Ni (14) Taylor PAH Baater A Haselton LOS ANOBLB8 MatravaUtaa (12) Wartng's Band "Any Wojaan" (14) HarplaaA Fantasy ■^^hlckio" (14) Uehter's Rer •Night Ctub" NBWABK, N. J. (If) Catherine BIgo • Palaco-HIpp (It) Bdlth Thurman Margaret Green OMAHA. NBB. (12) Graham Rev SBATTLB Strand (lt» Stolts- Ror . Life Wonderful" (If) Dixie 4 "J>ady of Nicht" Pores A M Aaa CllCtoa Mercedes OKLAHOMA C<TT Diaa Sia Tyler Masaa Ftoreace Torke Co Oraeo Hayea Melody A SUpo id halC Jack Lavter B ahettas A Doocaa rierco A Boaya Coacia A Vsrdl NAT C HAINES "YBS, MY DSAtr VARIKTY, Nm* Yerfc Briscoe A Rauh Al Oarhell* HOUSTON. TBX. Adoaia A Dae . Alexander A P Bmllle Lea Co Wm Koaaedy Ca , Gea Ptsaao UTTLB WL. ABB. ST. IXHIIS. MO. (12) Chaa Fisc Band Grand Ontral (»t) Dorothy Mooro White Monkey" WASHIMG'rOM BlaKa PHIL TYRRELL ATTBAOnOMS S«Ho TM. WaaSs BaOilag. Chleaga Booking more larger picture theatres thaa any other oflloe In the Middle Wsst PHIL'D'LP'A, PA. IMaaley (If) Ormonde Sis Bert en leva Lillian Kalman ■Decli (14) Okia ColUaa Gooda Montgomery "Bway Butterfly" (21) Brown Olria "Up LadAer" Fox (It) W. Hopper Chaa Derlcks De Fay A Nanette lA. WATEBLOO, PUaa (If) Sherman Van A H Isco Llari Buzslngton'B Bd LoaMS Co OMAHA. NBB. Paatages * John Olms Co MBMPHI8, TBNN. Paatagoo Malda Milter Hazel Rita Burt Hasel Hasiam Cn Orron A Drew Calif Ret ■ Pantagea Tour Now EDDIE HILL In "Philosophy," by Benny Ko** Btatlve. BII.EV BROS. WBTTEBH VAUDEVnUS CHIOAOO. ILI.. I Hlblttl A Hart MolMtln I Walter Weoms Co r-TTjT-T-» 1 ^^^ Parisians Koehlor A Roberts whirt of Soag • Wekar Olrls Ourti A OrlHtha JAG Mahon Pearaoa A K CHS Dean A Co Ross A Kd wards Orville Binmm Co BOCKFOBD, IM.. Wheeler Duo I.eon Varvars fsrol Kohl I<nrlK Duncan Glenn S: J en l< inn SO. BKND. IND. Palaeo Dippy Diers A M Oa the Campus I.azar A Dale J Da Sylvia Bev (One to All) 24 half W healer a I .aaa Varara (Awal Kohl Doris Danean Caaaiachaaa A B KEITH'S CHICAGO CnUTUTT (XBTBLAND. O. MppadroBse Brostaa A Browa Jaak M«AallBa Porter White Rohlnson A Pierce Benny Barton Rev td half Morrison A C GoMoa Violin (Thrsa ta til) 'Von * Allya Jayrt A George Dorothy Richmond J Dunefee Co ■ Chas Foy C>> 24 half Dias Sla Florence Torke Co Melody A Steps (Two to ail) Statlord A Louise S. AMVOMIO. TBX. FarA A Pri«e PMtar A Oaaahio Caarllag Days Bv% Clark Brasdaa A M TUIAA. isKLA. Jack Lavier Habettaa B "Daegan Pieree A Baayn Cascia A Verdi Statord'A LOalse Jd half M Morrell Co Friend A Spariing Art Fbwier (Two to nil) THEATRE TRUST FAILS (Continued from page 3) theatre belonging to the Nemxetl (National) Sctnhax. All these theatres were until A year ago united under the manage- ment of Laaxlo Beotby. among the most talented of Hungarian pro- ducers, and the shares were In the hands of the big banking Arm of Kohner's. The firm, however, not being proof against the results of the 'teneral slump surprised the city by selling the theatre union shares to a group consisting of Hun- garian and AmericAD flnaociera. Former Banker Managed Houses This group was presided over by Jeno Faludl. who also undertook the management of the theatres. Faludi was formerly manager of the Amer- ican-Hungarian iSAnk.v which had failed during the stock exchange crisis, but it appeared that directors and managers had saved enough to start on a theatrical undert.<iking ot great calibre. Other members of the new group were Berlalan Barna, lately returned from the Unted Sthtes where he made a for- tune in the confectionery buaines^ Jeno Revess and Dr. Alexander Banyal. The new company* ac- quired all the bulidlngs and the en- tire equipment and material belong- ing to the five theatres for a mere song, barely S75.»0!i. and there was a general opinion (hat they were going to make tremendous profit. The news was spread that un- limited capiUl was at their dis- posal and wouM be invested liber- ally. The new management begnn its activity by tempting away tttar actors and actreeaes of other thea- tres by means of the highest sal- aries ever paid In Budapest. They also paid advancen which were un- precedented here. To Imre Kal- man, for instance, an advance of M.OM was paid for "Qraeftn Marlt- xa," and con.<iidering that Budapest la not a very U% city, this was an unheard of sum. But it appear<?d that the capital they could dispose of and were going to Invest In the interest of their theatres etisted •nly ia the imagiaAtkm aI; the directors. "MaritzA" Kept Trust Al«n« LAst fall, considerable loans had AlreAdjr to be ealered upon to en- sure the undisturbed work of the theatres. *'Maritxa' was a great hit, and that helped to l«iep the trust above water for a wMle. but other theatres were man.iged in such a way that failure was bound to come. When It came, the form it took was worse than anyone would haev thought possible. May IS be- ing pa>-day. Director Faludi simply declared that there was no money to meet the pay rolls and the entire personnel of the four theatres, ac- tors, musicians, technical and oMce employees, some SOO were left with- out money. This is made all the worse by the circumstances tliat In Budapest all actors and musiciana have yearly contracts, so that the company was really bound by ooh- tra6t not to give notice before Bept. I. It appeared thht the fftiion owed about 15.000,000 crowns (about |21S.000> to authors, tradesmen and others. The shock was alt the greater because in general Buda- pest theatres are managed on solid buoiness grounds and it is >0 yeaTs since failure of a theatrical under- taking was lajft recorded. The actors, reduced to despair, thereupon undertook to conduct the theatres on their own management and fortune smiled upon thenu Only three days after the smasB. the Kraly Szlnhag made a big hit with A new vaudeville called "Good Old Budapest," which is Ailing the thea- tre to capacity and suflliws to m^et the most preaslnsr obligations. TIM actors have placed their lUmost aair bitlon in the productioA oC this comedy-revue. Pesthumewa ftAyalUes Unpaid It is chAracteristic for the ahAb- blaeaa ot this theatriCAl snash ttat among other debts of a simliar Ma- ture the nuuiagemeMt Iiaa not pAid the royattlca owkag to the rc^riae •t "BybU" which has lately take* place. These royalties due to the family of the late composer. Victor JacoM, were generously offered by the same tor the education ot tlM. orphan son of Pongraca Kacaoh. who composed the music of "Janoe Vltea," the most popular and most origlaal Hungarian musical ptay ever written, and who after hhvtais achieved supreme popularity, died last year,' peimilces and dement4il. There was a general wave of indig- nation throughout the city, and pub- lic opinion forced the law courts to open proceedings. Th* entire pfoo- erty of the Union was put Ufiaer selaure and Kaloaan Csatho. fenaor- ly manager of the Nemsetl AUahas, was appionted custodian. By raea^s of some energetic and prarticai dis- positions he has already managed to get thinfs into working order aiAd ensure, for a time at leAst, the maintenance of all four theaitr^. The future ot the Union theatres In still uncertain, very probably they will be leased to different managers or producers each during the next season. BARTEWERS STRIKE (Continued from page 1) 9 a. m. dally the day men have been working on a 10-hour dally basis with the night ciew relieving at 7 with their houra supposed to run until 4 a. m., but with the latter complaining It is generally 7 or S In the morning before they get out of the places, and consequently be- lieve they should receive larger sdl- aries. Stole Business, Too This is said to be the second controversy with this partlcalar group within six months. In the last instance their employers refused to meet the d. mauds. A numl»er of the men stepped out ahd opened opposition places nearby, taktag most of their trade through their popularity with custoaers as the real ownera seldom came into con- tact with tholr patrons. When the latter nltr>i(ipted to rehabilitate the trad^ thry %vere praLtically atr;tng;a ers in the neighborhood and had to build up a new clientele. The cmpluyers are trying (u jkiUi- trate the matter and if poasibte get around the domanri of 7S cents an hour for o\-ertlme if it can be dotte. The mlxer8 have delivered tiieir ul- timatum and given their employeiH 10 days to. think it over, promiaiog a general walkout If llieit- demand.s are not met. .i Claire Windsor has signed a new contract with Meti-o-(l<>ldwy|i ft^r a Hubatuntlai period of time. --r- ■-ti .Tohn«ton McCiiIley, scenario writer, annouiioed hi.s engiiRfement in Colorado SprlUKH. to Mrs. I^urlgr Munsey Powers, mother of MeCttl<H ley's adopted daughter, MauriRO I'owern, film actress. t.i