Variety (August 1925)

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AMUSEMENTS ■''.* ■'*■'''*:'^ "* -■ '''*' '^■'* ^* ' '' PRICE 26c TIMES SQUARE P«kltaka« W«*Ur u 114 Wm* 4«th 8t^ M*w Tork. N. T., by Variety. Ino. Aanaai autMorlptloB IT. StBci* ooato* M M«U. BaUr*« M MOOBd olaaa matUr DMaatkOT II. ItOt. at tb« Poat Offlc* at N«w York.. N. T.. under th* Act af tfarob t. 1S7*. irOL. LXXDL No. 12 NEW YORK Cmr, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 5. 1925 48 PAGES 'FIMFOLK^CIAL OUTCASTS' ITKINSDN'S REPLf ISEN.J.J.WAIM SOLD) CHOICE OF FILM MEN |¥idi Any Other Tam- inany Nominee Picture People for Hylan Btate Senator Jamea J. Walker Im the only candidate Tammaay Hall |b«B poeaibly name tor the Mayor- feMy who will attract the motion lecture theatre managrera of Oreat- ta Mew York from eupporting May- tlK John F. Hylan. That information It is reported has been imparted to the leaders at Tammany Halt At present there are three or four fiamefl looming particularly bright tn the field of possibilities for the ^lomlnatlon on the part of the Hall la opposition to Mayor Hylan In the primaries. None of the names Interest the picture men except that ttt Senator "Jlnunle" Walker. Walk- Itr has been identified with the ex- (Continued on i>age 1() aORIA'S HUBBY SAILING AWAY -.u Eublicity Frame? Not Re- ^ newing Passport 1^-', . . ■ •■■*» Los Angeles, Aug. 4. ^IfarqulB de la Coudray de la Jse. otherwise. "Hank," husband Oloria Swanson, will leave aerica when his passport expires ^^••Pt. 1. He will make no effort to tNnew it. despite Miss Swanson ^Jrtll be In production at the Famous rPUyers' Long Island studios mtdt- fiag "Stage Si-uck" at that Ume. I *hough nothing has been said re- tkardlng the matter. It Is reported |«i F. win endeavor to get a big (Continued on page IC) P«ia Negri Marrying Actor Los Angeles, Aug. 4. yConfldentlal sources say Pola , '^rt will shortly announce her en- - Wtgement to marry William Haines, •creen actor. The marriage is set wr the near future. *t is said that Miss Negri met Haines for the first time one eve- ning In the Cocoanut Oro^e of the ■w>tel Ambaasador here when Chrls- »|n* Mott Introduced them, From *«*t sprung the romance. Actors or Agents Many pertormars turning agents within the last few weeks and some dallying be- tween acting and agentlng has the bookers guessing. A wag of an agent has sug- gested that the agents wear badges to distinguish them- selves from^ performers when cluttering up the ofiBces of the Independent bookers. A darb w&B passed this week when an agent offered a booker a team for the tast half. The male member of the team had been doing business as an agent for two weeks and his own agent didn't even ktaow about It. RENT FREE AS HEARST BOOST ''Louie" Will Be at Cos- mopolitan Until Jan. 1 Ziegfeld's "Louie the 14th" wUl run until Jan. 1« according to report this week, and meml>ers of the cast have been so notified. The piece will be kept on despite any losses which it might sustain, the story goes. With the long run report Is the explanation that W. R. Hearst, who owns the Cosmopolitan, in which It is playing, is giving the house to Ziegfeld rent free, and that the run of the musical is In line with Hearst's efforts to boost property values around Columbus Circle by establishing the Cosmopolitan as a successful legit house. MUSIC AND SONG INDUCEMENTS IN JAIL San Quentin Prison Pleas- ant—^Digging Talent from 'tMiesU" Los Angeles, Aug. 4. Warden Frank J. Smith at San Quentin, figuring out the problem of digestive aid for his charges at the State Penitentiary, came to the concltision that music with meals would be the safest and surest aid. He organized a 1<-piece orchestra recruited from the bocurders of his institution, who are to provide mel- ody during the noon and evening dinner hours for the unwilling in- habitants. Though Warden Smith has not made any public declarations as yet. It Is reported that when his band is properly organized It will be sent on tour among the various penal in- (Contlnued on page •) W. a DONALDSON William H. Oonaidsen, founder and publisher of "Th* Billboard," died Aufl. 1 at M* home in Sarasota, Fla. A resume of the career of 'the deceased is on page 3S ef this issue. $219,000 Bond Posted by Boltoii to Appeal Case Quy Bolton, author of "Polly Pre- ferred," doM not intend to permit his royalty earnings on that play to pass over to Osslp Dymow, the Rus- sian playwright, without a strug- gle. Bolton will appeal the case and in order to do so Judge Edwin Oar- vln in the Brooklyn (N. Y.) Federal District Court ordered Bolton to post ji bond for |219,213.48 as security to Dymow in the event of complete victory. Bolton, through O'Brien. Malevin- sky & Driscoli posted the bond to that amount. The appeal comes up in the fall. Dymow succesafully sued Bolton, alleging "Polly" Is an Infringement on his (Dymow's) play which had been submitted to Bolton for pos- sible collaboration. Judge Garvin's decision sustained Dymow with the comment that Bolton, with the rep- utation of a gentleman was prob- ably guilty of "unconscious plaglar- TROTEOIOr IN SARATOGA $20,000 Gambling House Scale for August Saratoga, N. T., Aug. 4. Everything here Is "wide open" during the August racing season, with a "protection" scale placed upon the three open gambling houses in the city tor th^ term. The "protection scale" Is |20,000 per house. A condition was made that each had to pay 110,000 before opening, the remainder to be settled after running two weeks. The racing season started Satur- day (Aug. 1). Mouth Organ Craze The heirmonica craze in sales is even more sweeping than the ukulele vogue. The biggest harmonica manufacturers In America Bold last year up- wards of 20.000,000 harmoni- cas. Harmonica folios and In- fltruction t)ook« are being readied bjr some music |mb- iishersL BAD ON STAGE BUT SOUL NOT FOR SALE Edith Ransome Charges Criminal Assault Against Willard I. Le Dioyt Baa Franoiseo, Aug. 4. "Just because I played a wicked girl on the stage doesn't make me wicked in private life. I've got a heart and a soul and can't be bought First they beat me up on the stage and n*w comes—this." And with these few words Bdlth Ransome, late star ^f "The White Cargo" and whom the local news- papermen call "the world's champion space grabber," socked a charge of criminal assault against Willard L Le Dioyt, New York raUlio man. MIsa Ranaome swore to the com- plaint under her real name of Blaine Randolph. The complaint Is a sequel to a dinner served In one of the banquet rooms of a downtown hotel. Much liquor ipay have been served. Miss Ransome, claiming to feel ill, said she retired to Le Dloyt's rooxn. where she had left her hat and coat, to lie down before going home. The actress clainu. that Le Dioyt followed her, coaxed her to have an- other drink and then attempted to assault her while she was In a taint- ing condition. All of which the New Tork radio man denies. Miss Ransome's Storiee Some weeks ago when "White Cargo" was at the Wilkes and local (Continued on page 19) ini TO 'WWi FILM DEFENSE Britldi Radio's Picture Critle AsMuIs America's Attitude on Scrgcn — Film Leader of World Betrayiuf Puhlie Trust —CaUs WiU Hays CeUuloid Patrick Hcory and Pr(^>onnds Questions to ''Csar'' Upon His Own Statements In Past—^''Does the American Social Pho. toplay Realljr Represent American Social Life?" . u O'Ryan Reported New Prohibition Boss of N. Y. Washington, Aug. 4. Along with the announcement of the roorganlxation of the Prohibi- tion forces is the report that the "doUar-a-year" man slated for charge of the New York district after 9ept. 1 is Major General John F. ORyan. Oeneral O'Ryan Is at present a member of the Rapid Transit Com- (Qlssion of New York. 'ART WHOr" By a A. ATKINSON I, Shoe Lanek London, ( E. C. 4, July 20, BdHpr Variety: "We are making an effort to develop the full usefulness of the motion picture as an In- ternational amity. Do not for- get that just a« there U devel- oped between individuals a bet- ' ter relationship t>ased on a bet- understanding, M> is it between nations. Members of our asso- ciation have taken—I say. have taken—definite steps to make certain that every film that goes abroad, wherever it shall be sent, shall correctly portray to the world the purposes, the ideals, the accomplishments, the opportunities, and the life of America. We are going to sell America to the world with American motion-pictures.*' WiU Hay (in 1023) WlU Hays is the Patrick Henrr of the film world. Everyone know* that he said something important but no one remembers what he flUld. He is clearly destined, at an early age for a niche in mythology. Throe years ago Mr. Hays took "deflnlte steps" to see that Amer» lean photoplays correctly represent- ed American life. The net result of his alleged Intervention Is that oowNS • •Uniforms FOR EVERyBoey vmo IS ANVBOoy ON THE STAGE OR SCiaN..E}CCLUSIVEa KSKNS By LEMM6 SME (StEATORS a—--^ttowpoowTVMseiossin' ■ \