Variety (August 1925)

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19 VARIETY Wednesday, August 5, 1025 BILLS NEXT WEEK (AUGUST 10) m VAUI>BVIlJ.a THBATRB8 ,'.l'- J iv 4AII bouMi open (or th« week with Monday matinee, when B«t otkerwlM t&Aleated.) T)>e Wile below are grouped In divlalone according to booking olBcee rapplled from. •th* manner In which tbeee bill* are printed does not denote the relative Importance •( acta nor thetr program poeltlona. Am aetertsk (•) before name denote* aet to doing aew turn, or reappearing after absence from vaudeville, or appearing la «i^ wher* llated (or the ftrat timet' KETTH-ALBEE ORCniT MKW YOBK CITT Pala«« Kan Halperin l,eo Been Trado Twins Van Horn A Ines (Others to ilU) It's CUrk « McC 1> * B Dreyer ■ttal Uook Hoy Co Mabel McCano (Other* to fill) KeHh's Slst St. Barry tt Lancaster Friok * Pope Te« Kyok * W P-jCk * White Wilier A Mack Dixie 4 Fred Holder Co Rabble Gtordone (Two to flII) FAB BOCKAWAT td half 4 Chockolate D Shaw A L,e« Hr Bergman Co (Three to nil) BHOOKLyN B. r. Albee Rasch Ballet DotaoB 'THB WOHAM-HATKKS* CLIJB" Palton A Barker Karl A Qreas - Alice Money Moes' Broadway Ned Norworth Johnson A Baker (Others to All) Mom* OoHsevm Berkea A Terry , Chinese Syneo ^ lIsM' rrmkUa Amae Aerial Smiths Bo'iby Randall Ruth Sis Co (One to mi) HsM' Bsge a t Aaaason A Nile Bam LJebert Co Shaw A l«e (Three to All) Id half Ouu'lle Irwin Cyeling Brunettes (Others to Oil) ^, Keith's Pordban 'VcDonald A O Vorrlsaey A W Ruth Budd ' Dooley A Bales (Two to fill) Id half Amao (Others to All) "Ibrcling Brunettes Cnariie Irwin (Others to AH) Xd halt Aerial Smiths Edith Clifford (Other* to All) Keith's OrpiMBBB Taylor Howard Co Lottie Atherton Anderson A Burt Oliver A Olson Rosemnnt Tronb 'One to All) Id half Will J Ward Besaer A Balfour Ruth Sis Co (Others to All) Keith's Oreenpoiat 2d half (C-») Running Wild 4 M Barrett 4 Norton A Brower Paris Fashions (Two to All) 1st h»lf (10-lt) T Flashes (Others to All) Xd half (ir-l() Oxford 4 Harry 3 Conley Co (Others to All) Keith's ProspMt »d half («-*) Balabanow t Fred Helder Co Royal Oascoynes Anthony. A R Guatemala Rev (One to AH) 1st half (10-lX) Trayan A Wallace W A O Aheam Cabaret la Paris (Three to All) RTAN VERNA HUGHES and BURKE ^ lnd«p«nd«nt—Ril«y Bros. Keith-Alba*—Lloyd H. Harrison Morrisaey A W (Others to AU) riveter's IMth St. td half (•-*) t< A B Dreyer Bolger A Nonnan Iianlgan A C Dot Rose Rev Oliver A Olson Wilson A Qormana Ijit half (10-lX) Cooper A Kennedy Baker A Oray TAD Ward J A Shaw Hart Helene A L (Two to All) Xd half (11-1*) Chaa Mack Co Queenle Duaedln td half (11-1() PIdgeon Cabaret Hawthorne A C ■thel Parker Rev Roy A Harrison (Three to All) AI.BANT, H. T. Proetar's Helen Harvey Towers A Welch Keller Bis A L. Clifford A Marion Art Alexander Co Xd half Ben Dover t Step Children LAwrence A McA Margo Beth Co (One to All) The Melsteraingora Walah A KIlis H McQuarrle Co Banquet of S A D Carroll A Oormaa Sumner I Dave A WooA Kimball A O Volga Singers Oordoa'e Olympia (Scolley Square) Martell A West Alf RIpon Hargraves-A K Kam Tal Troupe Rain Bow Olrls Oordoa's Olympia (Washington St.) Weatworth A R Wm Morrow McKenna t VC:^n A Godfrey Jbas Marshall Rev CINCINNATI, O. Paiaee Tesek A Bddy Bob I>aSalle Jue Quon Tal Co (Toogan A Casey Sherman A R Rev Briscoe A Raugh CUtVBLAND, O. B. F. Koith'S Odiva (Two to All) td half Trayan A W hulh Budd (Others to All) JOHNSTOWN. FA. Majeotl* Roaenda Oonaales H. BB'NSWV. M^ BivaU td half («-t> Alfred Farrell Co Paula Ridge Oo In Hong Kong Johaay Marphy •* Miles fr B'way (Oa* to All) lot halt (l«-lt) Bvans A Hart I. A M WUsoa ami (TABI.M BARBIER-SniS & CO. Fnss^las "AOTMHI. CAMKBA" Bvans A Hart (Two to All) 1st half (1«-11) Jack DsatoB Montros* A Mae* (Others to All) td haU Uswls A Darwla Oaatamals lUv (Three to All) M ha» (11-16) Toxas 4 MoUlo Pallor 0> Harry Brooa Capmaa Bros Co (Two to All) td half Jeaks A Pulton (Thro* to All) WASH'OT'N. O. O. B. W. Keith's (Banday openlag) 4 Caraerons Crafts A Sheehaa Wilbur Mack Co Uly Morris Bdwards P A P F Sargent A Lewis Basis Willie Bros BIkina Fay A ■ Maaon A Col* Murray A Aliaa WIUDWOOO, N. 9. If 1X0*1 Ramlltoa A B Ws havs found that living up to • high stattdard pays, not only makes iM sisop bsttsr nights, but k«*p« us wido-awaks during th* day attending to ntor* and more business THE FAUY HARKUS VAUDEVILLE AGENCY 1579 Broadway cMiCKERiNQ MiO-i-t NEW YORK CITY Piccadilly 4 Patrlea Fay Co Dal* A Schiller < Saxos IANCA8TBK. PA. ColosJal 4 Chocolate D (Others to All) td halt Levan-Dorla Co ALF T. WILTON PRB8CNT8 A Prima Donna From « THE WHITE HOUSE .NABEL NcKINLEY '^he Amerioan Soprano" This B.F. KEITH'S New Week PALACE York CHAS. C. CROWL CHICAGO BBPBBSBNTATITB THE M •••'"' T N.v.A.|lE^^» I wars llMabslle M t-M Morgan Co ■•■ Anthony A R ^. (Two to All) » Froetor** SSth St. td half («-f) « tiOttle Atherton ' Christie A Nelson Chapman Ring Co Smith A Cantor Norton A Wilson Senorita Arosa Co lat half (10-lX) Clifford A Gray Chas Mack Co M Morgan Co Anthony A R Burt A Dale Jas Miller Rev td half (lt-16) Kd Hill TAD Ward She Him A Her Coopar A Kennedy (Others to All) Proctor's Sth Av*. 2d halt («-f) Texas 4 Frank Dobson (Others to All) 1st half (10-lX) Vox A Talbot Joe Browning Al Tucker Bd Wbit* A Noer (Others to All) td half (IS-K) Herbert Ashley Co Amant Bros BKIUHTON nCH New Brighton ainra bavAa AIXBNTOWN, PA. OMoBtel Levan A Doris Langford A F L«ne A Byron td half Wakefleld Elliott A L,a Tour Tramp Tramp T ATLANTA, OA. Pursy the Stafford A Louise Coscia A Verdi Jean Bedini Co Oene Morgan Billy Batcbelor Co A8HTAB0LA, O. Palaes td halt Dolan A Oale H Grlbben Co W W McOlnty Co ATLANTIC C. N. J. B. F. Keith's Johnny Dct'.T" Oe Margie Hedegus Sully A Houghton Ben MeroR Bd Baby Hendcraoo Bill Robinson Arman A PereH Toang's Great SanteM Harmon A Sans Capt Ktdd Co Gallarlnl A Sis BOSTON. MANS, B. F. KoUh's Od«tte Mvrtll 4 Casting Stara Malvlna Lee Children Tracey A Hay Weston A Bllne J Joyce's Horses lesth StreM Billy Fynan A G Jack Strouse Kelso Bros Rev (Two to All) COLCMBVS, O. B. F. Koith'S L A H Zlegler Roth Olanvllle Mann A Strong Warren A O'B Harry Coleman Co B Feleen Co DATTON. O. B. F. Keith's LaFlenr A Portia Jack McGowan Meehan A S Wells A Brady The> Test Larmlner A H Id halt Komao Japs Dave Ferguson (To Stota A Bingham York* A Lord (Two to All) DBTROIT, MICH. Keith'* I,iady Alice's Pets Pearson N'wp't A P Pasquall Bros (One to All) Xd half Brn'tlne Meyers Co Ryan A Lee Adler Well A H Jutta Valley Co O. RAPIDS. MICH. BaBsona Park (Others to All) I.OVI8VIIXK. KT. National Koman Japs Dave Ferguson Co Stats A Bingham Torke A Lord (Two to All) Xd half LaFleur A PorUa J Murphy (Others to All) NBWBUBiGH, X. T. Aeadoaay td half (•-») Hurray Bros Jackson A Shelly Tramp Tramp T Duval A Symonda A Boone's Danoers (One to All) 1st half (1»-1» Texas 4 Mollle Fuller Co Harry Breea Capman Bros Co (Two to All) td half (lt-l«> Bvaa* A Hart Lew A M Wilson Ouatemala R«t (Others to All) K. LONDON, cnr. Capitol Blssett A Soott Bobby Wright Sully A Thomas t Reddlngtons td half W Cromwell Knox Kutle Kids (Two to Ail) NIAOIABA F.. 1I.T. Wheeler t OaSney A Walton Cole A Snyder Honey Boys td half Perry A Covan Brent Hays (Two to All) (M3BAN CT.. N. J. HlppodroBBS Oalns Bros Mao Francis Novelty t Joe Marks Co Vogoee Vanities td half Vaughn Con»(ort The Briants Wllkins A W (Two to All) OTTAWA. CAN. Keith's Buckley CAS Parker R A C Mis Maro«ll* Jaek A C MeMahoo Poriar A Pl*rc* Homespun Vanity Olrls . Jerrie Dean The Astellaa FRTSBUBOH. PA. Davto JAB Mitchell Murray Girls Kythnaie Toes R'A B Dean Craig Campbell (^> Richard Bennett Co Jim McWlHlama Worden Bros Sa. Rosenda Oonsales Piccadilly 4 Patrioia Fay Co Dale A Schiller • Saxos Vaughn Comfort The Briants Wllkins A W (One to All) td hal( Oalns Bros Mas Francos Novelty I Jos Marks Co Vogues A Vaaltlos TONKBBS. N. T. Fiae t ss's td half (•-•) Dixie 4 Gerard A Quintet Beaser A Balfour (Thre* to All) 1st half (IO-lt> Hanlon Bros 8 Morton A Browor Paris Faahioaa (Others to All) td half (lt-l«) Seven Flaah** Lorotta Grey Rev (Other* to Ally TOKK, FA. T*rk O H Blllott A La Tour Tramp Tramp T td half tiangford A F Ijsae A Byron. TODNGBTOWN. O. HIppisdroBBO Perry A Covan Brent Baye* H Grlbben Co Dolan A Gale W W McOlnty Co td half B A L Gillette Jason A Harrlgan Lloyd A Rome (Two to 4U) , POLECIKCniT BKIDGBP'BT, CT. FOU I.* Roy A Marion t Pal* (Three to AU) Palaes Rose Miller Hall A Dexter Chooa' Frolics (Two to All) td half Polot A Wilson Al K Hall Co May A KllduS OmB MB A jrVNB NIGHT BEN ROCKE CLOtHES 1632 B'way, at MHh St., N. Y. City td half Jack Hall Leila Shaw Ct> Bobb* A Stark (TW9 to All) FITKF'LD. MASS. Jarvis A Harrison Brush A Thnrston Clifford A Marion F Ross A DuRoss (One to All) POBTLAND, MB. Keith's H Waiman A Bd Zelaya I Great Johnson Oraoe Bdler Co (On* to All) HABTFOBO, CT. Onpltol Vim Beauty A H Frank Ward Marguerite Padula Cnifford A Marion Satlrlcon (One to All) td halt Daly Bro* Hector A Hi* Pal* Mabel Harper Co Hall A Dexter Cole A Tonge Rev (One to All) WHEN PHILADELPHIA TAILOR JACK L. UPSHUTZ 908 Wahnt SL MONDAY; ORDER FINISH SATURDAY Jack McOowan Meehan A S Larimer A Hudson Wells A Brady The Teat MT. TBRNON, N.T. Pxoctsr's td half «-•) Doris Jams* Bam Mann Co Kraft* A Shoehan Ideal Peterson Cl't'r 'Co Cnby A Smith PATKBSON. X. t. td haU («-t) PIdgeon Cabaret Joae* A Bradley Hanlon Bros A B Wm Morrow Co Jas MUIsr's Rov 1st half (l«-lt) OFFICIAL DBNTI8T TO THB N. F. A. DR. JULIAN SIEGEL 14N Broadway (Fataaas BMff.). H. V. This Weoh; Hasry Jolsoa. (Three to All) 1st half (10-lX) H Ashley Co Loretta Gray Rev (Others to All) td half (It-ll) Al's Here Pari* Fashions MARTY WHITE ■n-HE SINGING HUMORESQUE" Dlreetloa JAMES B. PLCNKBTT Associate. TOMMY CVKRAN Gen Pisano Co Emory Girls Bingham A M Meehan's Dogs Shrlner A F Fleurette Joeffrie Alexander A O L. BRANCH, N. J. Broadway 2d half Flo Lavar^ Co Padula A Psreell IJKOIANA. PA. Indiana Burna Ilroe Spencer A Carroll JERSEY CY.. N. J. 8Ut« Xd half ((-9) A A Thompson 81s Will J Ward Helen Lackaye Co Raymond A C (Two to All) 1st half (10-lt) Balabaaow 3 Harry J Conley Co I Hawthorne A Cook NASHV'LR. TBNN. Prla< Jahl A George J Dunfee Co The 8«ebacks Tyler Mason Chas Foy Co HKWARK. M. J. Proctor's F A Teddy Sablnl Flo Mills Orch (Others to All) N. BRITAIN, CT. Capitol W Cromwell Knox t.«wls A Darwin C Donovan A M Kutle Kids td half Blssett A Scott Bobby Wright Sully A Thomas t Reddlngtons Brenaan A Shaw J Marphy td half (ll-IO) Lottie Athertoa Taylor H A Them (Others to All) PASSAIC, N. t. Montaah Irving Bdwards (Others to All) FHILADKLPHIA B. F. Keith's D* Ko« Bros Duval A Symoads Fits Sis t Amauta Geo Jessell Co O* Den n I Shawn D Moran A Mack KItaro Japs ■srio Major Rev Royal Oascoynes Hyams A Bvans Melroy Sisters Anderson A Graves SCHKNBCVAOY Prsotor's Ben Dover 1 Step Children Lawr*ne* A McA Margo Both Co (On* to All) td half Helen Harvey Towers A Welch Keller Sis A L Jarvis A Harrison Art Alexander Co TOLBDO, O. B. W. KaUb's Kats A Wlloy Rodero A Malay Bamlla A Maok Ouy Rariek t LaSalle HAM td halt Betty Moore Co NBW HAVKN. CT. Palace Pelot A Wileon Neapolitan t Al K Hall A Co May A KIlduR Grace Bdler Co td half La Roy A Marion Roee Miller Balabanow I - Crooa' Frolics (One to All) BPB'OF'LO, MASS. Paul Paulson t Boland A Hopkins Homer Lind A Co Carl McCulIough Sun Pong Lla Co td halt Falermos Dog* DeAngelo A Clair* Bmma Trentini (Two to All) WATKBBURY, OT. Daly Bros Rector A His Pala Mabol Harper Co Cole A Tonge ^ev (One to All) td half Vim Beauty A H Frank Ward M1MNKAPOU8 Oiphasa* (Sunday opening) Paul Kirk land Chaa Wither* Co Diero Sophis Tucker T A K Andrews OAKI.AND, OAL. (Sunday oponing) H Carroll Rev Pepnt A Dartner Bernard A Garry Ward A Van Bob Albright Orpheam Abe Lyman's Orcfc Thank Tou Doctor Moras A Wiser Franklin D'Armost Jack Clifford Oeorglls t kua ci. ^^ IMroethHi RILKY BR08. Wm OaxtoB Co BAB Whsslsr Slbonati Clinton 81s err. tavl, minx. Palaco Alphonso Co Oolden Bird Walter Brower (Two to All) Id half Kismet SIstsrs Uncle Bob B A L Fltsglbbons (Two to All) 8AK FRANCISCO Ooldoa Gate Chas- Ruggle* ▼ANCOUVKR, B.C^ Orpheam (Sunday openlngl Singer'* Midgets HIckey Bro* ' Bva Clark Judaon Col* Bert Melrose Hartley A P WINNIPBO, OAII4 Orpheam j (Sunday opening) Deno A Rochells ' Jos B Stanley 1 Manuel Vega Frank De Voe Arthur Jarrett Og* Moore A Mitchell LOEw cmcuiT XBW YORK CITY Stat* Hollanders Albright A Hart* Tracey A Ellwood Ben Welch Mme DeLerio C!o (On* to All) Crane Slater* Harry Duncan Blta of (}em* Bronson A Rene* Boulevard Obala A A Aaron A Kelly Dave Harris Co Arthur Lloyd H Kinney'* Rev td halt Roy A Arthur 1 Cavanaugh A O Nell McKlnley O King's Melodf Aveoao B Ana Schuller Co -^ Next ti eleelss. PaatsfM T«S|k EDDIE HILL DtrostioB—RILEY BROS. t^ Ctery A Baldl Greene A Burnett (On* to All) Xd half Obala A Adrienne Hightower t Mahoney A Osell Leah Jo* Termini Flo Bnright Co H Wagner A BUls Blly Murray A Oerrtsh JACK MATTY JORDAN and ROSEN strand 1%. Bide N. Y. Laek. n«e-t761 ArUsts Bepreaeatatlvea Writ*—Phoaa—WIro Marguerite Padula Clifford A Marion Satlrieoa WOR'STBB, MASS. PoU Palermo* Dog* De Angelo A Claire Bmma Trentini (Two to All) Xd half Paul Paulson I Boland A Hopkins Carl McCulIough Sun Fung Linn Co Homer Lind Co ORFHEUIC CIECTJIT DBS MOINES, lA. Orpbeaaa Davis A McCoy Local Vanities (Three to All) CHICAGO Dlversey P Hanaetord Co Venlta Gould Al's Here MANNING aod CLASS YACATIONINO—GV8BL8 K8TATB 717« Invoraeea St. 80. TANCODVRB. B. O. Ann Oreenway • Haaaan* td halt MInatrel Monarch* Clark Morrell Ben Blue Bd (Two to All) NAT C. HAINES "YES, MY DEAR" Homo (or tho Sammer VARIETY, Nsw York Bdward Marshall Richardson A A TBKNTON. N. i. Capitol C^rol A Adair Currier A McW (Two to All) "BROADCASTING JOY" Direction LEE STEWART CLIFFORD and MARION Plator A Natalie Frank Farron The Gingham O Sampsel A L Bostock's Riding 8 PO'KRBPSIR, M. Y. Bard Avon td half (•-•) Tho Plokfords Sanford A Bolgor Tom Swift Co Id half Chevalier Bro* Andrews Bears (Two to All) CTICA, X, T. B. F. Keith's Rellly A Vee Thornton A C Poppy land (Ons to ill) Palaes (Sunday opening) Karyl Norman Al Herman Shone A Bqalres The Pioneers A A M Havel Billy Farrell Co Gypsy Wanderers Stat* iMho The 4 Husband* H Williams Co The Parisians Keane A Barrett Jack Hanley Freda A Palace Arco Bros Combe A Nevins DENVER. COLO. Orpheam (Sunday opening) Clara K Young Chain A Archer Jack Redmond Tempest A D Psplto Jerry Jarnegas td hal( Walter Brower Local Follie* (Three to All) KANS'S CITY, MO. MstaMtreeS t Spinnett* Hatter A Paul Bd A Morton Bejk Choy Ling H«^e T (One to nil) LOB ANGRLBS BUI Street Isham Jones Bd Wanaar A P Neal Abel Sheldon A Daley Herbert Bolt I Golden Visions Orpheam Justine Johnson Annette Kellerman Jane Green Ford A Priee Murray A Oakland Corlnne Tllton . Radio Robet The Stearllngs MILWAUKEE Palace (Sunday opcnlns) Henry Santry Bd Edille Nelson Co A A H Hrymour Billy Dale Rev Lloyd A nrlre Santry-Seymour Oo Ledova Co Ben Smith Gua King's Melody (One to All) Camilla's Bird* Mary Ana Gary A Baldl Dave HarrI* Co Brevitie* Uneola 8qoars Dale A Mayne Bu**ay A Caae Neil MoKialey Officer Hyman Fay Kilbey Co Gordon A Lenne^ Mabel Walser Co Xd half ' Jeaale Miller f Lorraine AH 1 ' Lang A Voelk B Raymond <^ (One to AU) > BBOOKLYX Meiropsiltaa KIntlng's Aalmals Sherman A Ryan Kirby A Du Val Polla's Orch Jean Granase Girlies' Revels . Fnltoa ' Manilla Bro* Kono San Geo Alexander Cs Bobby Henshaw Russian Master ■ td haU Arthur Lloyd Wilson A Strain Beeman A Graos (One to All) Gates Lea Kelllos Frank Whitman Flo Bnright C:o * nMMY JOB LOCKE and VERDI Bsokod Bond—Loow Cireatt New Revao (On* to All) td half Gordon A Gordon Neal A BIsi* Reed A Baker J Hudglng Co (One to All) QreeleT Sqaara Frank Work Co West Gates A K Mahoaey A Cecil Joe Termini B Phillips Co (One to All) td half Winnie A Dolly Aaron A Kelly Howard A N Mallon A Caae Caprice Sia Co (One to All) Dolaaeey Street Masie Lunette Neal A Blsle Marie Marlowe Reed A Baker Wilson A Strain Beeman A Grace td half / Lea Kelllos Crane Sis Malinn A Case Brevities Xd half Blly Marie Marlowe New Revue (One to All) .1. The Arcados Jessie Miller Money A Anger Balto A O K (On* to All) Xd half Ann Schuller Cs Officer Hyman Fay Kilbey Co Gordon A Lenney Mabel Walser Co ATLANTA, OA, Grand Bd OIngraa Co ' Kennedy A Davla Leonard A BoynO Jim Reynold* Siamese Twin* BIRM'OH'M, AIA Temple Brford's Oddities Lawrence A H Arthur Ashley CO Fred Lsrsll PELET and WIU50N "BITS OF EVERYTHING" Openino Poli Circuit August 1(Hh Ben Smith Geo Alexander Co Green A Burnett Evelyn rhllllps Co National Emma Raymond 3 Oordon A Gordnn H Wagner A B Lubin & Lewis Lola Girlie A S td halt Arley A Stewart Uronson A Rcnec Harry Dun>.-aa H Kinney a Rev nurt A Rosedal* Morning Glories BOSTON, MASS. Loew J A J Gibson Singer SlHters Bvuns Wilson * B Jack K«>nnedy Co ncrnard A Towne* Jeen LaCosfe Co miFFALO. X. AT- State Onaka Koys Grant A Feeley iVt^.t U^iuHiiimi^MMiMiL.^. . .jiiMiiittliSkMHUiiiiiiiki