Variety (August 1925)

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w^^* i^j'.»*Tr.^jSpr'.- '«.j«/t VARIETY JHRSP^'*'^"'^ '.TM„'»: OUTDOORS WsdiMMftqr, Angfittt 8,1991 FAIR DATES (Continued from page 17) ■r WakkUkum County Fair. Loncrlew. Oct. •tO: Oordoa W«Ut 8«>'r. f5»™'*lTM.J?^ Wert W-h Fair. PuyHlttP. 8«»t. M-tT: W A. IJnWater. Mar aj^(Vlc«-Pr«»t<l»»t). Whltmaa County Fair. QarfleM. Oot. T-»: J. H. McCroakey. aev«t*ry SASKATCHEWAN, CAN. Bl«g*r A«rlcul. Soc. BlnAr, Aug. T-»: A. J. McP»rUna. 8«crat»ry. - fitadwortb Agrtcul. Boc.. Bladworth. July W: F. A. Brawer, 8acf«t*ry. Braadvlaw Agrleul. 800.. Btoadvlaw. A««. 6; H. C. Blenkara. Swsratary Brook Atrlcul. 80c.. Brock, ▲««. 4: N. A. t*mb. SecraUry. C»t)rt Agrlcttl. 800.. Cabrl. July »; Mr* Harry Smith, Becr«t*ry. Carrot River A«rlcul. 80c.. KUilatlno. Au«. B; 3. W. Roecoa. SMsralwr- Gayloo A«rloul. Boo.. Oaylon. July tO-tl; ■■ M. Freeraaa. Becretary. Cut Kaife Agrleul. Soc., Cut Knife. Aug. 14; J. L. «?"• »««"'»i2:r.Ur» - nukeLake Agrleul. Boc.. Duke L*k». Sept. 8; M. Courchene. BecreUry. Knia A«rk5l. SocTKitonK July 81; A. M. Defo. Secretary, ■art Bnd A«rlcul. Soc.. Bart End. July W; B. D. Waltera. Secretary. SfKw Airlcul. BicTWlbow. Au«. B; H. F. R.dclKT. Secretary. •-KtaSSr iSrkcui. sSc'.. BlatoW. Au,. 5: a^-Llttl^ohn. Secretary. Falrmede A,rlcul. Soc, FalrmMe Aug. S^R- ^-K'^^. secretary. -Fartlla Valley ArtIcuI. Soc.. Bounty. Au«. 1; John f.'^^^\^^,}fl'-g^r%ti.' wt Oia'AnneUa An-icul Soc.. Ft. Qu Appelle. Aua. 4 fc. W. Miner, oeereifc oiAro'Srh A«r^ul S^c^'Oalnrtoro,^^^ July Si; Horace Styne. Seerttary. (iSSlLuck Ai,?SuI. Soc.. L«oky Lake. Jul? 28; O. B Le'»»^.8f ""•''' Oovaa AgrlMil. Soc.. Qova*. Aug. «-T; J. H. Kdwarda. 8ecre«*'^-,,^,-„ Oravalbourg Agrleul. Soc.. Oravelbourg. Aug. 5-«; J. U Doutro, Boorotary 8rent«ll Agrleul. Soc.. Orentell, Aug. 7; John Walker. Secretary. rUBa Agrleul. Soc.. Oriain. July 88; R. Prayeon. ^^'^^jy-,,^ Hanley Agrleul. Soc.. Hanley. July »»; O- »■ Trelcayen^ecretary. Harbort Agrleul. Soc.. Herbert. July fa; A. J- He^de e««'«l"J-,,_ Hawarden Agrleul. Soc.. Ha warden. Aug. 7; W. X. Jonea. SecreUrT. Invermay Agrloul. Boo.. lavarmay, Aug. 7; F. A. A»'>™o™'' °*""'f';_ Kamaack Agrleul. Soc.. Kamaaek. July 20j C. A. Bradbrooke, BecraUry. LacVart Agrleul. Soc.. LacVert. Aug. 7; P. Heugh. SecreUry. L,ariilMim Agrleul. Soc.. Laahbum. Aug. U; B. W. Townley-Smlth, 8y:retary. ' I^ng l!ake Valley Agrleul. Soc.. Imperial, Aug. 4-9; K. N. Ballard. Sacratary. Luaeland Agrleul. Soc., Luaeland, Aug. 0-7; J. F. t«ve. Secretary. Malr Agrleul. Soc. Malr. Aug. 8; Jaa. A. t*mo«>. Secretary. lUcrorle Agrleul. }«oe., Macrorle, Aug. 4; Henry Cole, Secratary. Harcelln Agrleul. Soc., Marcelln. Aug. 6; Leo Langlola, Secretary. Monet Agrleul. See., Hugbton, Aug. 6; W. R. Stewart. Secretary. Mayfleld Agrleul. Soc, Richard, Ang. •; J. C. MePherson, Secretary. Mooaa MouuUln Atsrieul. Soc.. Carlyla. Aug. «; A. Kmkey, Secretary. Meeting Lake Agrleul. Soc.. Moating Ijike. Aug. 4 5; W. J. Worboya, BaeratAiT. M*»ta Creek Agrleul. Soc., Maple Creek, Sept. 18-IB; V. J. Bull. Sacrataiv. ■Kaaaby Agrleul. Soa, Naaeby, Aug. 4; John F. Allpn. .RecreUry. N. Battieford Agrleul. Soc.. North Battlefors. July SO-Aug. 1; F. Wright. BaorataiT. Onniattfa Agrleul. Soc., Ormlalon, Au*. 7; R. Titllab. Secretary. Oxbow Agrleul. Soc.. Oxbow, July 20; A. J. Wtnterlnghara, Secratary. Parkman Agricul. Soc., Parkman. Aug. S: P. G^ntwblstla, Secretary. Pordua Agrleul. Soc., Perdno, July SO: H. Hodgaon, Secretary. Plenty Agrleu!. Hoc.. Plenty. July SI; A. M. Perclval. SecreUry. Plapot Agrleul. Soc., Plapoti Aug. I2-1S: E. A. Olover. Secretary. Paynton Agrleul. Soc.. Paynton, Aug. 11-12; A. M. Black. Secretary. Provincial Exhibition. Reglna. July Z7-Aug. 1; D. T. KIdarklo. Secretary. Radvera AKrlcul. Hue, Redvera, Aug. 4; O. 8. Way. Secretary. - "111 ■ ■ - - - =«- _-__.-. ^ FAffl NOTES The Montgomery Countjr Fair association has arranged a BP*** PTtigmm tor Sept. li Ifi l». «»«•*■ I rules of the National Trotting As- BoolaUon. The program U open only to horses owned by persons in ButAs and Montgomery counties. Liberal purses will be offered. Perkasie, Pa., Aug. 4. The Bucks County Fair directors announce that the 19Sf exhibit, which will be held at Quakertown. Pa., Aug. 16. 14, J7. M and «», will be the biggest In the history of the organisation. Conshohooken. Pa., Aug. 4. The 75th anniversary of Con- shohocken wlU be celebrated on Armistice Day, Nor. 11. It la un- derstood that concessions will be permitted. Pottsville, Pa., Aug; 4. Twenty-six classes, with fll.OOO in purses, constitutes the siteed program, for the light harness and running races, featuring the Schuyl- kill County Fair, scheduled over the Cressona half-mile track, Sept. 7 to 11, Inclusive. ItOVDd-Hlll Agrleul. Soc., Round kUK. 4 rnii. Aug. 11; W. Smith. Secretary. I fi^^ii&fc Simula von Agrleul. Soc. Bhaunavon, Aug. 4-6; H. L. Ctalrnei Secratary. St. LouU Agrleul. Soc., St. Luula, Sept. S: R. Frad Bond, Becretary. .'SgltcohU Agrleul. Soc. Saltacoata, July 31; R. D. Klrkham. Becrotory. ' SbeUbrook Agncu!. aoe., Shallbrook. Aug. T; A. J. Chambara„ Beoratair. Turtlaford Agrleul. Soc., Turtloford, July ■»; W. H. Koatar. Sacratary, Tof» Agrleul. Soc, Togo. July »0; J. D. Fogg, Beerrtary. Tiadal* Agricul. Soc., TIadala, Aug. 0; R. WilHlnsu.^ Sacratary. Touchwood Agrloul. Soc, Punalohy, Aug. «. 8 (• Tbor\ie, Secratary. Vooda Agricul. Soc. Vonda, Aug. l;R<ibert Lynch. Secretary. Wataoa Agrleu!. Soc, Watami. Aug. 4; V/. T Smart. beerrUry. WatrotM Agricul. Boc, Watroua, Aug. 7; K. Uarrctt, Secretary, waaalla Agrleu'. .Soc. VVapella. Aug. -I; J. C. Tocher. Heoratary. ^Mw Lake Agriz-ul. Hoc. Wakaw. Aug. «; J. B. WMIoughby. Bacra.-^ry Whttawood Agrlojl. Sue. Whltawood, Aug. 8; W. H. DIaek. Becretary. 'Hierard Agrleul. Ooc. Wyayard. July »•; F. C. Cameron. BacretMy. <)«U1. Lake Agrleu!. Soo.. (t«IU Laha^ Aug. 8; Jona Bird. Bacivtary. ALBERTA A|rictaL 8oc.. Fort Baakatobawaa. Aug. 11-1>: Chaa. Kakea. Bacratarr. AlU Agricul. Soc. AlU. Aug. «0-»l; IW^. L. Pettet. Secretary. S""** Agrleul. Boc. Baahaw. Aog. 11-11; J. A. Ma.-ahall. SecreUry. Banalto Agrieul. Soe.. Bcnalto. July 21-22; A. Noru»a. Sacrelary. Berry Craek Agrlcnl Soc, Berry Creek, -Jept. G; L. ■. Helmar. Secraury (PaadMa). Brooka Agricul. Hoc, Urooka, Sept. 7-8; W. F Qrarton. SecreUry. Bowdea Agricul. Soc.. Bowden, Aug. 80; Mra. W. A. BlUa, SeeraUry. Buahy Agricul. Soc. Buaby Aug. 28; O W Cadlgan. SecreUry. Bye-Moor Agrleul. Soc, ByT-Ho<,r, Aug. U: Leonard Browne, Seo'y (Haruhom. Alts). Calgary Bzhn. A SUmpeda, Calgary, July «-ll; R. I^ Hlehardeoa, SecreUry. Oardaton Agrleul. Soc, Cardaton, Aug. 18-15; 1. M. Conmba. Secretary, Boa US. Caraiangy AgrleuL Boc, Carmangy. Aug. t-4; Jamea McNaughton. 8«cr«tarr. Oaator. Agrleul. Soc, Caator, Aug. 10-11; A. H. ShefTler, SecreUry. Chauvin Agrleul. Soc. Chauvln. Aug. 7; P. H. Perry. SecreUry. Chinook Agricul. Boc. Chinook. Aog. S; A. H. Cllpaham. Secratary. Clareaholm Agrlcnl. Soc, CUraaholm. July S8-2S; Jamea McKlnney, Secratary. Cochrane Agrleul. Sm.. Coohrana. Sept. g-4: F. W. Magga, Becratarr. Gollntoa Agrieul. Soc . Collataa. Aug. !•: J. A. Robertaon. SaoreUry. ^<saaSeld Agrleul. Soc, Croaaflald. July t-t: A. C. McLaea. Becrotaar. DayaUad Agrleul. 8oc.. DayaUnd, July »-»; N. A. Houghtoa. Sacratary. Didabury Agrleul. Soc, Dldabury, Aug. i-*; A. A. Revell, Secratary. Doaalda Agrleul. Soc. Donalda. Aug. 1»-14; T. J. Preaton. Sacratary. Bdnaonton Bxhn. Asan.. Bdmonton. July lS-18; W. J. Stark. Secretary. Grand Prairie Agrleul. Soc, Grand Prairie. Aug 14-15; J. W. Lawyer. Secratary. Gooaa Creak Agricul. Soc. Oooaa Creek. Aug. »; F. Oraadago. Sae'y (Longbaad. Alta). Hanna Agricul. Soc. Hanna. Aug 7; W. KIdell. SecreUry. Haya Agricul. Soc. Maya. Aug. l»-20; Joeepb Smith, Secretary (Louaana .Alta.). Hlghlaad Agrieul. Boc, Highland, Aug. 7, Leslie Stephenn, aecretary (Delia). I na lanU l Agricul. Soc. lanlafall. July 18-19; Stewart Moore. Secretary. Innlafrae Agricul. Soc. Inalafrea. Aug. 12-13: R. Q. Chapman. Secretary. Irma Agricul. Soc, Irma. Aug. 11-12; W. Masson. Secretary. ^amaa River * Bagle Valley Agrieul. Soc. Mound. Sept. 25; G. L. Lehaop, Seoratary. liaeomba Agricul. Soc. Lacomba. Aug. 4-0; John McKenty, SecreUry. Lake SaakatooB Agrieul. Soc, Lake Sukatuon; Aug. 12-lS; H. C. Cooper, Baorataiy. Irfunoat Agrleul. Soc, Lanu>nt. Aug. 20; O. R. Stewart, Secretary. Leduo Agrleul. Soc. Leduc, Aug. IS-ll; A. R. Bnnli. SeereUry. Lonaond Agrleul. Soc. Lomond. Aug. •; F. Newton. Becretary. Maclaod Agrieul. Soc. Maeleod Aug. g-g; C. K. Undera-ood. Secretary. Magrath Agricul. Soc. Magrath, Ang. 4-5; John T. Steele. SecreUry. Medicine Hat Agrieul. Soc, Medicine Hat. Aug. 8-4-5; C. A. Rlchardaoa. Secretatr. Mld-Parablna Agricul. Soc. MId-Pemblna, Sept. 10: A. D. Ollmar. Secretary. Mllnerton Agrleul. Soc. Mllnerton. Sept. IS; B. W. Meers. Secretary (Wlmbonia), MorinvUla Agricul. Boc. Morinvllla. Aug. 18; J. B. Dalphond. Secretary. Moaalda Agricul. Soc, Mbaalde. Aug, 1-4; T. Richmond. Secretary. Mnnaoo Agricul. Soc. Munaoa. Aug. 5; R. R Fraaer. Secretary. Naatoa Agrical. Soc, Nanton. Aug. 4-5; Wm. Robertson, Secretary. Okotoka Agrleul. Soc. Okot(,kB, Aug. 10-11; Chaa. Forekel. SeeraUry. . nv Olda Agrleul. Soc, pida. July SS-M; R. B. Campbell. Secretary. Onoway Agrleul. Soc, Onoway, Aug. 14'; W. Maekay, Secretary. Oyen Agricul. Soc, Oyen. July 23-24; W. V. Miller. Secretary. Plncher Creek Agrleul. Soc. PIncher Creek. Aug. 11-12; R. Boaaenherry. Secratary. Peace River Agricul. Soc. Peace River, Aug. l.'i-lg; H. E. Dunning, Secretary. Plamondon Agricul. Soc, Plamondon, Aog. 2A-27: J. M. Ulllac. Secretary. Ponoka Agrleul. Soc, Ponoka, Aug. 80-21; L. I. Struart. Secretary. Provoat Agrleul. Soc, Provoat. July 21-22; 8. F. Burgess. Secretary. .Raymond Agrleul. Soc, Raymond, July 81-Aug. 1: J. F. Anderaon. Secretary. Red Dear Agrleul. Soc. Red Deer. Aug. 13-18; Ralph Patterson. Secretary. Sangudo Agricul. Soc, Sangudo, Aug. 27; H. Melhlauaen. Secretary. SIbbald Agrleul. Soc. Blbbald, July 28; C. O. Dudley. Secretary. Sedgewiek Agrleul. Soc, Sedgewick, June 80-July 1; B. 8. Clemena. SecreUry. Stavely Agrleul. Soc. Stavely, Aug. 4; M. B. Malehow. Secretary. Stony Plain Agrieul. Soc. Stony Plain, July 29: Wm. Robertaon, Secrrtaty. Taber Agricul. Soc, Taber, Aug. 18-18; Fred Watklns. Secretary. Thorhlld Agrleul Koc. Tborhlld, Aug: 25; L. Z. Bradbury. Secretary. Thrae Hills Agrleul. Soc, Three Hills. Aog. 18; C. P. MeDonough. BecraUry. Trooa Agrleul. Soc. Tmchu. Aug. 0-7; C. J. Christie. Becretary. Valnwrlght Agrleul. Soc, Walnwright. Aug. 6; Samuel Lewthwalte, SacretatT. Warsptta. Agrleul. Soc. Warsplte, Aug. 20; Wm. PIckard. Secretary. Waterhole Agrieul. Soc. Waterhole, Aug. 0-7; H. M. Bailey. SecreUry. Westlock Agricul. Soc, Westlck-k, Aug. 20; J. 1. Watt, SecreUry. Wetasklwin Agrleul. Hot., Wetaaklwln. Aug. 7-8; C. D. Kmllh, Secretary. ' *" Wlanlfred Agricul. 8o>s., WInnlfred, July 8n-;tl; J. R. Chlnholm. Secretary. Vegrevllle Agrleul. Boc, VegrevlUe, Aug. 10-11; James McCrea, SeeraUry. 4Uklng Agricul. Soc, Viking. Aug. 18-14; Wm. McAlhey. Secretary. _, TMingstown Agrleul. Soc, Toungatewn. July 80; J. J. Baker. Secretary. MANITOBA - BInaearth Agrleul. Soc. Blnacartn, tuly 80; W. L. Johnson. SecreUry. Forli River Agricul. Soc, For* River July 80; I). F. Wilson. Secretary. '. Gladstone Agrieul. Soc. Otadatone. Sept. SO; Aaberry Singleton. Secretary. Glenella Agricul Soc, Glenella. July 81; R. B. Atklnsonr SecreUry. Isabella Agricul. Soc, Isabella. July SO: R. B. tfelse. SecreUry. KinosoU Agrleul. Soc, Kinoaota. Sept. 17; H. H. Scrase, Secretary. Klldbnan Agrieul. Soc, Klldoaan, Aug. 27-29; 8. R. Henderaon, Secretary. Winnipeg. . Man., R. R 4. Xalwood Agrleul. Soc Kelwood, Oct », Angua Wood, SecreUry. Langruth Agrieul. Boc. Langreth, Oct. 2; G. W. Langdon, Secretary. • Mlaaadoaa Agrleul. Soo.. MInnedosa, July 28-29; A. J. Bell. SecreUry. MoCraary Agrieul. Soc, MeCreary, July 80; Wm L. Ranklna. Secretary. PloSMa Agrieul. Soc. IMumaa. Oct. 1; E. A. Mellersh, Secretary. Selkirk Agricul. Soc, Selkirk. Aug. t; Jaa. J. Bell. Secretary. Shellmouth Agricul. ScC. Shellmouth. July »■ V Hllbert. SeeretaiT. etrathclaire Agrleul Soc. Stralhrlaire, July 81; Fred Wllllamaon. Secretary. 0t Vital Agrieul. Soc, St. Vital. Aug. 14-18; C. H. Price. Secretary. Hultoa. Mas. Swan River Agricul. Soc. Swan Rlver.^Aug. •; R. G. Taylor. Secretary. The Pas Agrleul. .Soc. The Paa, Sept. 2 8. Oaa. L. Selfe. Secretary. Wtrtoe A«TlcuI. Soe., Westoa', A««- *>-*»! F, W. BUdwt>rth, 8eo»a«*Ty. Des Moines, la., Aug. 4. The revised premium list for the 1926 Iowa State Fair embraces of- ferings totaling 1127,170, announces the state fair board. More than SllS.OOO win be offered In o(>en de- partments of the fair,* approximately >11,000 In the boys' and girls' de- partment and 11,000 tn the educa- tional department. South Ehigllsh, la.. Aug. 4. The Keokuk county district fair will be held Aug. M. U. M and 17. Marshalltown. la.. Aug. 4. Members of the executive commit- tee of the board of directors of the Central Iowa Fair Association. In session here, made plans for prepar- ing the grounds (or tta* fair Sept. IS to IT. Tankton. 8. D.. Aug. 4. Negotiations are In progress for holding the annual Yankton county fair, September 1 to S, at Wild wood park, east of Tanktoa. Monticello. la., Aug. 4. Jones Coiinty Fair association has set the dates for the fair this year from August tS to SS, In- clusive. The management this year is Lfc B. Hoag, president, and T. J. George, secretary. Kutztown, Pa., Aug. 4. The number of concessions at the Kutstown Fair, which opens Aug. 18. wlU be the largest In the history of the local fair association. The Reithoffer Carnival C«. la furnish- ing the attraotlona. BROADWAY STORY I (Oontlnuad from pag* IT.) Modeta," "Rosa Mart*** maA **nM Student PrlBoe" are the mualoals to hold over, tha others iiraltidlng "Is Zat So." 44th SU "Abto'a Irish Rose," Republkj. "Tha aorllla," Selwyn. "The Poor Nut," MlUer. "Desire Under the Blms." Cohan (Daly's later), "They Knew What They Wanted," Klaw. The final week of July with "Art lets and Models" distinctly out In front, gross between |41,000 and $42,000; "Follies" held second hon- ors at $17,000; "Rose Marie" was next, beating $IB,000 a figure which "Scandals" approximated; "Vani- ties" and,"IiOule" were rated next at $12,000; "Student Prince" be- tween $17,000 and $18,000 With" Lady Be Good" again around $14,000. "Is Zat SoT" continues to lead the non-musicals getting $11,000 In six performances again; "Abie's Irish Rose" was almost as good With "The Poor Nut." next at nearly $10,000; "The Gorilla" reached $9.^ SCO with "Aloma of the South Seas" a bt under that mark "Desire" held to $7,000 and "The Bride Retires" bettered that mark for the first time. "The Morning After," a summer try which sUpped Into the Hudson last week, failed to register and the first week was estimated about $$,- SOO, "Mercenary Mary" ends Its run at the Longacre Saturday; "Spooks" must vacate the Cort and will move \o Daly's for an expected month's extension. Buys Remain 8am« There are still five buys In force, all for the musical attractions. The Winter Garden show, "Artists tnd Models," is getting the heaviest de- mand in the agencies and seems to be topplnfi: the rest of the revues In popularity with the public The quintet that the brokers are han- dling are "Scandals" (Apollo); "Louie the 14th" (Cosmopolitan); "Lady Be Good" (Litarty); "Zieg- feld Follies" ^Amsterdam), and "ArtisU and Models" (Winter Gar- den). In the cut rates there were 18 shows listed, two shows having droiq>ed out by closing last Satur- day night. The remainder are "Sky High" (Casino); "Desire Under the Elms" (Cohan's); "Spooks" (Cort); "The Fall Guy" (Eltlnge); "Garrick Gaieties" (Garrick); "White Collars" (Harris); "The Morning After" (Hudson); "They Knew What They Wanted" (KUw); "Lady Be Good" (Liberty); "Mercenary Mary" (Longacre); "Aloma of the South Seas" (Lyric); "The Poor Nut" (Mil- lers); "The Bride Retires" (Na- tional); "A Good Bad Woman" (Play- house); "What Price Glory" (Plym- outh); "The Gorilla" (Selwyn); "White Cargo" (S»th St.); "Kosher Kitty Kelly" (Times Square). OBITUARY PRANK ALLEN Frank Allan, one of the knowa B^ea la the vaudeville pr fessloB of Bngland and for soib»| years managing director of Mo Empires, died July 16, aged 74. was bom in a little North Coiwli village and began life as a postmaster. Later he became agar of the South Shields muilg^ hall which had Just been opea^C by Richard Thornton, creator of tttft Moss and Thornton circuit. Allen was really the originatlf- of the high class music hall as WJ know It today and his life"8 histoiy > is really fhat of Moss Bmpir«a,1 During the wur he raised ov«r^ $500,000 for various charities. BETTY BARCLAY Betty Barclay, London vaudevllla^ topUnar of only a few years agc^ died In Colney Hatch, the London institution for the mentally d»> ranged. For years she was rarely out of A^est Bnd programs and iHr act, Betty Barclay and Her Bari< tone, was exceedingly popular. Her husband, a naval ofUcer, was killed during the war and she thea married her vaudeville partner, George Glover, That her health was failing was obvious to her friends but she de« layed retiring until too late. H«r last appearance was at the Vie- torla Palace In 1928. MARK FENTON Mark Fenton. B5, screen actor, died at the Receiving Hospital. Los Angeles, J>uly 29, after the amputa- tion of his right leg, crushed in sa automobile accident. The accident happened when Fenton was stand" Ing on the running board of an aa« tomoblle which was backing out oC a driveway. The machine was Harrlsburg. Pa., Aug. 4. The fourUi annual Harrlsburg- Dauphln (>mBty Fair will be held from Sept. T to 11. Strict watch on the character of concessions granted will be made by censors apiwlnted for that purpose. MONUMENTS MACSOUBVIU >—> BSADSTOMMl tBIOTIB AMTWani la the WORLB If TUB OLD and REUABLE CHAS. a BLAKE CO. IM 8*. lA SaUa Mrcet OHICAGO| Ssad tm rise BssfcIsC •TiOWOMSWW Struck by a stage, with Fenton caught between the two cars and his leg crushed at tlie knee. Loss of blood after the operation caused deathv Fenton was working at Universal at the time of his death. A widow survives. Carrolltown, Pa., Aug. 4. A novel free attraction will be staged at the Carrolltown fair this year. It will be a conilc automobile race. Pigs will be the prises awarded to winners. A carnival will open on the evening of Aug. 24, and horse racing Is scheduled for the next three days. WITHDRAWS COMFLAIHT Mrs. Lillian Steipek, 804 W. 109th street, formerly a burlesque actress under the name of Lillian Arling- ton, withdrew the complaint of grand larceny she had preferred against Michael Re, 84. a decorator, and John Michel, a contractor, when the case was called before Magis- trate Barrett In West Side Court. Mrs. Steipek caused the arrest of the two men after she said Re had come to her a|>artment, April 24, and had stolen Jewelry and bonds valued at $300. In court Mrs, Steli>ek stated her property had been returned to her and she did not believe the theft was intentional. FRED FLECK Fred F. Fleck, veteran company manager, died at his home in New York Aug, 29. He was strlckea with apoplexy several years ago and was inactive the past two sea- sons. Fleck was formerly asso- ciated with the A. H. Woods offloa during most of his theatrical career and was well known In Chicago and Boston as well as Broadway. Ha Is survived by a widow, profes- sionally known as Grace Fieldlnfr Harrisburg, Pa., Aug. 4. Applications for the new dyna- mometer that tests the horse pulling contests are coming in rapidly to Joseph M. Vial, horse extension spe- cialist at the Pennsylvania State College, showing that a lot of fairs are adding this feature to their programs this year. Ten liave al- ready arranged for the "pullometer" and additional inquiries are com- ing In. NEORO POPULATION GROWS Washington, Aug. 4. The colored population of the country Is increasing. The Bureau of the Census has compiled these population figures and though the Hat is not yet complete the follow- ing estimates of July 1 on the num- ber of colored people residing tn the cities named has been Issued: Now York City, 196.199; Philadel- phia, 168,904; Chicago, 150,088; Washington, 119,641; Baltimore, 117,860; Cleveland. 49,861; Pitts- burgh. 46.166; Indianapolis, 42,117; Louisville, 40,478; Cincinnati. 86.168; and Kansas City, Mo^ t4.9ft. OAHBLIHO DEVICES BANITED Qulncy, 111., Aug. 4. Instructions to arrest every oper- ator of a punchboard or slot ma- chine in the city went out last week to Chief Coleman after Mayor Jas- per called him into conference. A general ban on all forms of gambling was pronounced, the mayor explaining that the order which was sent out a few weeks ago seems to have been ignored, with several places slipping the boards or machines iiito place quietly. Sheriff E. J. Grubb has issued a general order to cover the county with the same ban. WB. VALLET FAIR AUO. 24-28 Wausau, Wis., Aug. 4. The Wisconsin Valley Fair and Exposition will hold its fair Aug. 24-28. It is one of the most modem fairs In the entire Northwest. This year $17,200 Is offered in premiums. It triples the amount led five yc, -jo. A. W. Prehn. president of the Wisconsin Association of Fairs and the National Association, is the sec- retary^ The father of Cora Youngbloo*; Corson died July 84 of heart dls-, ease at his home In EldoradV;^ Kansas. "1 DEATIfiABROAD Paris, July 26. Fleuriot Kerinou, 67, Brittany poet, died at Locmarlaquer, France. . Vladimir Dawydow, .76, Buesiaa actor, formerly a member o' *°* Imperial theatre at Moscow, died la Russia. '^, Theodore Vavasseirt", cinema cam-^ eraman, was killed at Messa^^ France, in a motorcycle accident. Levis Corinth, 68. famous (Jerman painter, died at Zandvoort, Holland. ELEPHANT RUNS WILD Kansas City. Aug. 4. Modoc, the largest elephant in the Gentry Bros.-Patterson circus, came near causing a riot at Eldorado, Kan., Thursday. The animal broM from fastenings, rushed from the lot through a cornfield and plunged into the Walnut river. The elephant defied all attempts to coax him out. and not until a keeper swam out with an elephant hook did the ani- mal capitulate. Reoeiver for Salt Lake Park Salt Lake City, AuK * Appointment of George M'in «• receiver for the Pleasure I'a'"'' Amusement Co. was made poimfl- nenfr until labor claims against th* company are pttid. i