Variety (August 1925)

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Wcdoetday» August », imn VARIETY I. NOW BOOKING INTERNATIONAL STARS AND ATTOACTIONS FOR imiisV'"*'J • HOLLYWOOD GOLF AND COUNTRY CLUB HOLLYWOOD BEACH CASINO HOLLYWOOD TEA ROOM RALPH X BONDERS, Managing Director , HOLLYWOOD b,*.*.; FLORIDA ■w»^'. V. MANAGERS Write AGENTS Wire ARTISTS 'Phone ROEHM & RICHARDS Personal RepresentotiTes for MR. WONDERS 216 Strand Theatre Bldg., B'way at 47th Street , 'Phone Chickertng 8140 NEW YORK CITY h CLEVELAND f' By C. 8. GREGG b Hanna—"White Cargo" with An- Iwtte Margiilea, fifth week. Ohio—"Badges" with Gregory Kelly, e^cond week. Keith's Palaea—Premier showing of pletnr*, ■OlaToc'* and TaudevtUe. I A CHILD > WHOBK PABBfTS MITST TRATKL will ftJid • h^wr koBM and exp«rlc*ced, vnpatketle ear* wHk • CAri rtl a n (so^le ai iijllii—i«wi. BplaadM «aTlroiun«at. CkarailBK Ijong laland realdenec. Mo •ttier ehildriB boarAaA. WOVW BOX «•», P«H WasUnstMi. N. T. Keith's 106th 8t^"Tracked In the Snow Country" and vaudeville. Loaw's State—"Fine Clothes" and vaudeville. * Loev/s Stillman—"Her Sister frona Paris." Loaw's Park A Mall—"Marry Me." Losw'a Alhambra—"Night Life of New York." Empira—Mutual Circuit Burlesque Bandbox—Burlesque stock. Luna Park—Burlesque. Tjralter R. Hlnes, for the pcust eight years assistant to Manager Boyal of Keith's Palace theatre, has completed his first week as manager of Keith's lO&tb SW theatre, to which NEW YORK THEATRES KW AMBTBRDAII ^JJ^TSS «. ■Ma«B. nmoskui * ■i^ail. Mar. Btmton, rOP. PRICK MA'TIiaCBS WKD. * SAT. NEW 8UMMER EDITION ZIEGFEIO FOLUES OlorifTina Mm A»«ric — O Iri ■WILL R001DR8—W. C PIKLtMJ . THE • POOR NUT with BLiaOTT NUaiENT ZIEGFEIB COSMOPOLITAN TBBATHX CaL Circle Iftb St. A B'way LEON ERROL in LOUIE THE 14TH HENRY MILLER*8£^'^ rbM., IM w. tsd. HAVE YOU MET 'fc.'SSSS ietyr DON'T MISS THBU la THB GORILLA rCKlOKST SHOW IN TOWM RTI lAIVM WB8T 43ND 8TREBT. ,****-•*'•' Mata W«d. and Sat. ANNC NICHOLS' Great Oomedy "ABIE'S IRISH FOURTH YEAR THS PLAY THAT PUTS "V ' 111 HUMOR position Brown. he succeeded Wlinam Columbia circuit burlesque will open the first week in September for a thirty-three weeks' run herei. ROSE" AMKK KICHOUB vreaenta WHITE COLLARS of Ameriean Ufa EARL CARROLL VANITIES THIRD EDITION pUfnrcnt TFrma AnTthfair Kver R««n ii ]f«w Tarfi. Poatartns «>• l/ovalleat OfartH In Ain«rir« At. Sat. Earl Carroll ""»•*. »« "»• * ' ALOMA (D# the SOUTH SEAS *•«• •S^ LYRIC 7haa.. W. 4M St. Bvaa. 1:30 niKATBB OmiD PBODUCnOMS THEY KNEW WHAT WK PAULINK LORD WAMTEt LEO CARRILLO KI AAV ^«M *■"> B^ >Tenlnn 1:4* "■^^^ *» MaUiwu Wed. and 8*t., 1:40 GARRICK GAIETIES BparkUna Mnaieal Vlvna GARRICK,,' Th«a., «B W. 85111 St Kri. 40. Matj,Tbun..8*t..l:40 At Sam H. Harris J^'^^ Wad-Sat PLAYHOUSE j\o. MU. Wed.-Bat. ISO A GOOD BAD WOMAN PB. F. KEITH'S «-« A L A C E B'war * 4td St. Bryant 4S0« Ooncarta Sunday, S and • P. M. OIABK * MaCnXOCOHi BOSS * ARTHDB BOTIAN and SABAMOrF * CO.J TOTOj PUCK A WHJTB; BUTU BUDD; MABBI. MeKINIJET. atheva. "Tommy" Carroll has returned as manager of Loew'a State Theatre after an absence of two years In Detroit. — ^ BUFFALO By SIDNEY BURTON Majeatic—McGarry Players, "TThe Gold Fish." Hippodrome—"The Charmer.". Loew's—"Pretty Ladies." Lafayette—"The Woman Hater." Olympi^^"The Desert Sheik." Shea's Court Street — (K.-A. vaudeville) reopened Monday. Preisent plans for the reopening of the legit houses call for the Ma- jestic to continue with the McQarry Players till the middle of S~ tember. The Shubert-Teck will resume Labor Day with "The Rat." Rumors were current this week that a New York theatrical concern has secured options on over a mil- lion dollars' worthy of Main Street frontage directly opposite the pres- ent Shea's Hippodrome theatre. At the same time t-iere ere stories from Penpsylvanla that certain Keystone architects had been se- lected to draft plans for a new Buf- falo house. Agents securing the options refused to divulge the name of theh" principles. Theatre men here mentioned Fox and Pamoos- Players, but the long-standing Para- I mount-Shea agreement would seem to preclude the latter company. KANSAS CITY By WILL R. HUGHES Pantagea—"Vaudeville. Mainatreet—"The Marriage WMri" (film and vaudeville). Newman — "The Lucky Devil" (picture). «.«..,. Royal—'"The Manicure Olrr (pks- ture). Liberty — "The Woman Hkter" (picture). Qlobe—Lol* Bridge musical stock. three weeks and every one liked it. fThis spectacle will run for a week This week "The Rivals" is the bllL "The Ten Commandments" at popular prices made good money at the Strand for three weeks, a record booking for length in^SeatUe for over a year. Salvatore Santaella, pianist, is back at the Strand as musical direc- tor, after six weeks on the Pan. Santaella was headlined and proved a jptleasing attraction. Seattle showmen are now enjoy- ing their harvest, for It is the height of the convention season and thou- sands of outsiders are in town. "The Wayfarer," advertised as the world's greatest pageant and as destined to make Seattle the Ober- ammergau of America. Is expected to break al] attendance records this week at the Stadium, where 30,000 can be seated at each performaiioe. and has been widely advertised throughout the west so that tt will draw from far and near. The Roycroft has h«en leased llsr 10 years to H. J. Carey of Ranlw Theatre Company. This bvlldlns has Just been completed at a cost eC $50,000 and win opeR July 21. WANTED To Buy for CtSh (xtmplflte Hvaieal ConM>^ PradveMea .•( WardnAe, BtM mm j aad Beeteteal B^ 'feaU. ke !■ seed eenSMati. Alao wan* Mealaal Oonady aU Unaa. TED (VUIDNER Hotel America 146 MtfST 47TH ST, N. Y. ontU Aa^U KcadlBC. Pa. Sift, thea Hlpimitial^ RB. F. KEITH'S f^ iversidE , B'way A 9«tb St RIveralda S240 Sunday Conearta, 2:lt and 1:11 Harmaa Tlmbrrr'a "ROSITA"; HABinr DBIJ'; OAT * PjBARI. MA01,ICV; WAIIK BOOrn; NFD fJtoBWOBTH, oUi<tr». ^^^m B. F. KEITH'S r*^ 818t street 81«t A Bway. Trataltax «1M Msttners IMUly Snnday ConcnrtR. S:lk and l:tf MY8TRRV WBKH ORRAT f.KON ft rO.| Othrtn*. Photo- play: "WIZARU ur OZ," atMrtiw LABRT SBMOM. Park B. Sherlock will be resident m«T^n.«r«r of th* Oayety, Columbia burlesque, this season. He has been advertising manager of the house for the past twelve years, and suc- ceeds Fred Waldmann, who baa been sent to Buffalo, N. T. Earl T. Cook has arrived to as- sume the management of the Pan- tages, succeeding Walter L. Kenney, resigned. SEATTLE By DAVE TREPP • Strand — "Ten Commandments" (third week). Heilia—"The Unholy Three." Coliseum—"Night Life of Ifew York." Liberty—"The White Desert." Blue Mouse—"Rllles of the Street." Columbia—"The Teaser." "The B*8t People" Is proving a hit at the Met, as enncted by the Henry Duffy Players. The pleoo went for n TIflfiF THEA.. 4M, W. of Vy. IJL,lliiv«a.i Evenlnita Only at 1:10. The Oraat AiiH>riraa Con»«dyl THB FALL GUY Tly JAMKfl OT.BASON frO-AUTHOR OF "IS ZAT S07") and OKOllUbJ AUUO'iT With KBNKST TBCBX THE SIX ENGLISH TIVOLI GIRLS Wkh JOS, HOWARD'S "GITPSY WANDERERS^ €}n a Triumphant Tour of thm ORPHEUM CIRCUIT "The BtX SNOLISH TIVOLI OIRLS bav« twelve 4if the neatest dancing legs I have ever seen. Their team work and sense of rhythm Is superb. Watch thenn. They'll be kicking those well-trained legs In a musical aomady or new revue soon."—^The Theatre Macazine. "The'daneing of these six girls was an eya'openar, every movement made in unison, every foot touching or leaving the floor at the same moment, the girls looked as If they worked by clockwork Instead of being very person- able damsels."—Winnipeg. "One of the mo«< perfect sextettes possible. These ara known as the SIX ENGLISH TIVOLI GIRLS, and for perfect timing In their dancing, whether it be a kick «r step, they would be difficult to excel."—C^gary. . "Curiously enough* It was the slz^ girl dancers wl^o received the big hand of the evening. They danced no uniformly and with such grace that they won the crowd. The girls well deserved the applause."—Portland, Ore. "Special mention must be made of the work of the SIX ENGLISH TIVOLI GIRL& Their prcsenUUon of various styles of dancing has never been equaled in this section of the country. . . . One of the greatast exhibitions of ballet dancing by the SIX KNOLISH TIVOLI GIRLS that has ever been seen at the State. The act is mn Orpheum headliner."—Stockton, CaL TIVOLI LASSES FROM LONDON MAKE BIQ HIT (Headline to Wrlteup) "... If all the English Tlvoll girls can dance like the six In the 'Gypsy Wanderers' act there's plenty of room for them here In America—they'll be a riot on any vaudeville stage. Their work had a precision and snap to It seldom seen on local stages. . . . Dancing directors whose task It Is to secure complete unison would do well to learn how these girs attain such precision. Quite tha|t>e*t In their line appearing here for somo time."—Los Angeles. Next Week (Aug. 9), Palace, Chicago ,^ Booked solid until Sept. 20, then open for productions. jT Permanent address: Daisy Sheldon, 208 Kearny Ave^ Kearny, N. J,