Variety (August 1925)

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'■ty iWH/v^ VARIETY VAUDEVILLE Wednefdny, Avif^ml 18, 1929 ENGLAND DEPENDS ON AMERICAN TALENT, SAYS WILLIAM MORRIS English Vaudeville on W»ne<^Nothing but Ameri . ', I can. Mufic Abroad—Never So Many American Headliners Before in England ""' ' * 'WtUlara Monia returned from 'I^Bngland Monday after spending a |r0pminer In promoting and maikaging i several scoree of acta which he Im- '■ yerted: Mr. ICorrte Bums the for- eign eltuation up by aaying that Taodevitle' (or variety) as an Bns- {<lteh product is on the wane. The " dependence is on America, he said. Nothing but American music la -': iMing played in England and on the ^i: Continent. The advent of Ijopez and J^rkrts t»and has sent a flock of the Sng- P^;U8h baiMU into the Quidc Jan I Hiythm. Morals and Harry Poster ^s «o-operiited in Sngland. the Foster M •Ace being his English agent i^ Mr. Morris said that there have minever i>een so many American beadliners in Bhgland. The vaude- Tille there Is now looking to the Ulilted BUtefi to furnish its big aiunes. Its new material and its hrlght personalities. "This can be compared to the con- ditions In America 16 years ago When I imported Sir Harry Lauder, Vesta VUtoria, Charlie Chaplin and Mjtzt," Mr. Morris said, "and ma^y others whose new style' ot entertain- neht hrought;. them immediate sac'- oeas. A Vlt of the stars I havf booked in London during this sum- mer win be of tQterest, since it •hows how absolute is the depend- ence of London theatres on Ameri- can material. AmerieaN Acts Abroad "Thla Ust ladttdes l<o»es and his Itaad. Dolly Bisters, Ted Lewis and hand, Alleen Stanley, who, inddeat- ally. was the same kiad of a ssn s a -. lion in Bngland that Ve«Ca Ylotorla «aa here; Hal Shermaa, Val aad Braie SUntaa, the de Mareos. CHanlon and Zambunl, Sophie Tucker. Ray Miller and )>and. Beth Berl, Marion and Martines Randall, Amelia Allen, James B. Carson, Mo- ran and Mack, Princess Wahletka. Harriet Rempel, Heststa, Cody and Orth. Lnyraine Sisters, BUuil Boreo. Ruth Btidd, Melsoa and Nelson, Bor- rah Miim«vlteh, Charlotte and Petersen, the Blue Bloweirs> Bobby Arnst, Dezo Bietter, ESisle and Paul- son. Nloto^ Frank I<awIor. Kitty Kelly. "These artists appeared at the Kit Kat Club. Giro's, the Hotels Savoy. liletropole and Piccadilly, Cafe de Paris. London Hippodrome. CoU- •eum. Alhambra, the Holbom Sm- ri plre. Shaftesbury, Oxford, Haymar- *• ket,' Finsbury Park, Newcross. Tivoll ;' and Capitol. From this list of cafes, hotels and theatres it will be realised / that the American Importations luive become very great—to that point where the ^Itlsh public now expects and demands them. "With C. B. Cochran I produced The Gorilla' there and it has gone • ♦ver nicely. • 2D0 Hiflh SatsHes "The great criticism that Ameri- can acts re cei ve from the trade in Sngland Is that they are too high Itit price. When the kws of time and the expense has been consldarBd, however, this is ahnost necessary.. for the houses there do pot pay the Urt over. The |Cit Kat is the ez- •eptlon to this. "And as far as this talk of Amer- ican musicians replacing British ■lUBtclans—that Is false. Not one American has replaced an English- man, for In places where the Amer- ican bands are employed, a English band is used for early evening danc- ing, while the American band takes the floor for the later crowds." With Mr. Morris during his Bog- Hsh aojoum were his wife and daughter, Ruth. Miss Ruth finished • season In the spring with the •outhem compaAy of "Seventh Heaven.'' .. Mayor Booking Direct Indianapolis, Aug, 11. It looks like Mayor Lew Shank is goiatf back on the stage when his term expiree next January. The Kxecutive admitted last week be has been dickering with the Kelth-AIbec cirieuit for a vaudeville con- tract. Shank toured the country as a single with a trained horsA In 'It-IS. Vm-SckMk ■ FIl Xib' The Roehm ^ Richards plDce has booked Om Ynto'nad Jm Stheack into the Hellywood Ctott and Coun- try Club. Hollywood. Fla., for four weeks, startlac Dec tX. ItM. The team is reported to be. receiving 14.000 a w»ek. probably « record for an act of this description. An elaborate revue is to be-built around the vaudeville favorites, with Jana Overten.. Corine Manb and Anitji Purman, #iU danoers, already engaged.- "tlitift too. Open New Year's B^re^. GALLAGHERS REUNITING^ Irish Flag Over Heme at Party .ler Wtfe Stirs K. K. K. STBEMXLtl *^££AK*^ An' alimony acrdem^nt between Blanche dtrettiel and Keary 8tr«m4i, of the Dallas WMlMr Trio. <s a "break" for the latter. StremeTs tM weekly assignment by stipulation has been reduced in half, and the tlM nccnied aUmony ikcut to 00. The latter cunount. however, immt be paid off at the rate tit |SS a week. A stay tor the irder of arreet hi also provided unless Stremel de- faults his alimony payments. Miss Walker, who flgured circum- stantiaJly In the divero* action, strenuously denies any implication In an affidavit. Mr. and Mr*. Kd GaUagber may Idas and nstJce up again from Indi- cations. Mrs. aallagher is mis- tress pt ceremonies at the Cas- tlllian Oardens, Lynbrook. L. l^ and the Consistency with which the Arst half'of the former "Oallagher^f^tfl Shean %eam has been patroniJEihg the roadhoQse^ it looked upon as a hafbinger fot a reconciliation. 6ne incident at Oallagher's Beechuntt. L. I., home is looked signllleaat. In honor of a party to his ex-spouse, tba actor featured an Irish flag over the demieile which created some dis- turbance. That part of the Island is K, K. K. territory, and the fla^ or Brin iaoited plenty of eosoment. ' GRUESOME DEATH ■ody o9 R. CelHns ^Miml WMi Head.turned Off paveaport. |a.,.A«c. U. With tha head, humad aff. Um body of BSmest Raymond Collins, 10, husband of Jean C^lllqge, dancer, waa ,founf). in a chair at hl^ home here«» . . 4 CircunutiMiMs, still shrouded in mystery., point to. ptfiioide, but there is also . reason .' to believe defttli might Jtave bMn accidental. )f Col- lins intended suicide it is probable he leaned over to inhale gas from the kitchen range and that in soma way the gas ignited. The body waa found in a aiair placed close to the kitchen range. It leaned over an opr n b^mer from waieh the flames issued six Inches Into the air. The bead wa.. an- tirely consumed and the remainder Of the body waa decomposed from heat. "Rie temperature in the room indicated the burner had b««n lighted tor 19 hours or more. D0B80N QUITS ACT Wank Dobson win step oat of "A Nut Shell Revue" this weeh, being replaced by Wally Sharpies. Dobson played two weeks with the revue, but decided It didn't fit him. -:-Tt^^.»": TOUR" iv •U":: :s-' By WALTER C. KELLY <"Tha Virgiilia Judge") (With profoond apol<^(las to Sdgar Allan Po^^ One* opaa a mldnlghtv dreary 1 was dozing rather weary . In a cosey hotel bar-room on old Bngland's stormy shores—v >-*-^-'^ < Whea I heard a gentle tapping, like a Lincoln audience clapping. Or soi^e lay-off actor rapping hopefully yet feebly, at. Darling's doer— Only that, and nothing more..v. , Distant bells called midnight's hour, and outside .a heavy shower Rattled on the roof-tops with a dull and steady rear. 8tfn this weird and eerie ^pping bid a challenge to my napping, fio angrily I roae and opened wide the ddor— .^.i , .,... Only thatk and nothing mora. >v ^.v, Vw". «, I Mairiace Splits Teams; Partners Fomi A<i Marrlaga has caused the dissolu^ tlon of two mixed teams with the united pal* Joining forces in a new and appropriately titled aot. "Honeymooning." The principals are Prank Dailey (Dalley a Svana) and Alice Havens (Rowley A fia- vens). who were married two weeka ago "somewhere in New Jersey" as they and are spending the first lap of their hotoeymoon at X^ke Hopatcong. N. J. To make matters more interesting the discarded partners. Robert "RowTtey and Ann Svans. wIU form a partnership to continue next sea- son In the former Rowley ' and Havens act. By tka gods of my anceatora, by the ghosts of kings and jestara, The sight that met my visien fairly frose me to the floor. Tkerf, In i^ostly haze of blue, stood a weird and long-dead crew, Wlfll araa avtatretctaad toward me as though soma tavor to Implora- Qmtf that, and nothing more. Bpsaklny trambllacly, I said: "Tell me, pray, ye troubled dead. What can I do to ease thea on the tar-Flutonlan shore?" Than spake enia stately ghost, who seemed leader of the host: , "Stop Paatagca, Xx>«w and Poll from making acts do tovi"-^,.. Oiily that, and nothing more." V.,: While I stood thus cold and clammy, a grisly shade'hummed "Mammy,* And another gboatly hoofer tapped his heels upon the floor. Then to sighs and groan* of woe^ they all did "Off to Butfalo," Moaning a* th«y yaalshed: "Four, four, never, hever mora-V* Only that, and nothing HM>rs. ONLY MAN FLORIDA NOT SELLING R.I Hmband of Marguerite Sylya—Prima Change4^ ,i..i, Her Mind .1 ? Marriiarita Sylva has left NeiR York for Miami, where her h\ifhaiH| has charge of the Curtis ayiaUM plant. He is Major Smith. ifsM'te be the only man in Florida not s^ Ing real estate.. BCIaml papers recently fea);ored'4 statarpent from Miss Sylva in whMH she refused to live at Hileah.^ > Miami suburb, to cook and takeciM of her children. ^7. Viennese Vaporing* < 9y CM. SAMUEL \,''^ Vienna. July thf^ '" Nearly all the men in Vienna waS > around hatless, and most of 'em ai^ bald. Perhaps, though. It is onM slnoe Austria becHme a RepubuS there's no hair apparent , In the restaurant!) the beadwalterf make change, using a large wallet ag a cairii register. And what money! 10,000 kronal is IS cents. In kronen a guy ^tes ti • millionaire with ^nly IS '^ucka." Kid yourself not, though, the priea is the same all over, whether tpf kronen, f ranea, marks or dollars. The taxis here are the towii enigma! You multiply the numbe^ showing on the meter by 4.100. U there is a two staring out from thd dial as yon alight, you owe 8,0M kronen, or 12 cents; If a four, 16.004 kronen, or 24 centa Most of the shows begin at 7t Theatregoes have to eat and rvn. There's a permanent instiintli here called the Kirkus Zeatral. (Central Circus). It is a "ena«, ringer." One of the features present is ^ colored girl, styUngF herself "Tiger Uly." in act with two white boys, billed as AmericaaMt They are distinctly German. * r ' THEFOUTIGALCHEBBT > . Cedar Rapids, la.. Aug. 11. ■813 Cherry, star of the famous Charry Sisters and remembered, by two generations as the world's Vorst vaudeville actress, Is again to ' ttM front Efllle has announced she VlWin again be a candidate for Mayor ^•f Cedar Raptdg Ib the March prl- Ben Benlley Gete Hot Doflr Patent Chicago, Aug. 11. A l>atent has been granted by %he Canadian Government to EJen Bent- ley, local booking nmnag«tr of the Bert Levey circuit, who ventor In his spare time. ^ The patent is for a special method of manufacturing buns for hot dogs. The bun is baked with a hollow cehtta-. is wrapped in wax paper and is all ready for the in- sertlota oi mustard and frankfurter without the touch of human hands. American patents are pending. Sam Tlsliiiian Is Marrying Jimmy O'Neal's Daiigbter Chicago, Aug. 11. Today Is looked upon for th^jhar- rlage of Sammy TIshman and Ber- nloe O'Keal, daughter of Jisuny O'Neal. From all accounts, the couple at- tempted to keep their wedding day a secret. It ie said that Jimmy O'Neal, now In New York, only heard of the contemplated wedding on Monday. Liika aaiUs upon the (porcupine stood this bushy balr of mlna '- Aa these troubled spirits vanished through a wall that had no floor. Then a waiter's voice beside me, in a tone that s eemed to chide me, Bald: *'Wa are closing, Mr. Kelly—Good God! how you snore!" Onl^ that and nothing more. ALKZ CARE'S S 8ALAEIE8 Los Angeles,'' Aug. 11. Alexander Carr will play Perl- mthter to George Sidney's Potash for Sam Goldwyn in his next film of that famous series. Carr will get but |1,S«0 weekly Instead of the |2,- 600 provided for in the original agreement Goldwyn secured the release of Carr from Universal, effective Sept Cross-word pussies are.very po#* blar here.. Auto drivers are contlmM ally indulging. Just what they ard saying defles solving by most of Ul4 > traveliag public. , -r '-'—^> ■ ••• ■••■ JmymyTNuui Loses 2nd Father by Violence Chicago, Aug. 11.. Jimmy Dunn'a stepfather, Alfred Allen, was mysteriously murdera4 near Crete, 111., about two week(i ago. ^is body was found tied bjf. the neck near a railroad tractui death being due to stranirulation. Nine years ago Jimmy's owrf father. Joseph Dunn, a local PoUf ticlan. was murdered under circiune atances that have never been «**-—, plained by the police. Mrs. Dua4 ' is in danger of a breakdown bea cause of this second loss by vio« lence. Jimmy cancelled an engagee ment at the Metropolitan, Los An^ gelea. and took one at the Paa^ the()o, Chicago, to be in town tft cara for his mother. Dunn has been doing his siagi* alUMst exduaively in movie houses ,t.i i.» 01* i J ■;.» I ^•" ■ i' WALTER DARE and WAHL ' The OrWnal "SAP* Hsnd-Balancer* "^New a Laiigli Hit with ZIEQFELD FOLLIES .- NKW YORK AMKRTCAN: "Dare and Wahl. an acrobatic comedy act which Is a masterpiece of originality. The originality of the act has resulted in several others imitating tiMse orlglnatera ef a new voKiie in comedy acrobatics. Other BAHKER ISflJUiUlTlVE I Los Angeles. Aug. H. N. L. Levering, a banker of Red^ lands, has asked the city trustees tot ban stage Jokes and slurs reflectinc on the 18th Amendment The trustees have agreed with Levering and say that they will txt to devise authority which will stofl the reflective comment by actors. At present tha trustees have n<l such law or power. Boeetinfl 'K^harleeton" Heipe Chicago, Aug. 11- The local Hearst papers having gotten behind it with a big contest and several dancing teaciiors advef* tlsing free lessons It Is beKinning tO look as if Chicago's Inoculation wltB ^ the Charleston has "took." Up untU recently the cabaretd only fell for the dance In Chi, but I IS. On the U lot Qarr w** S«ttinc I (^guQ, |„ y^ud^uie any copy their style, but Dare and Wahl will go | how the boys and girls In the j9aU-» but I7S0 weekly. ,^ , I down to posterity as the originators of this style of comedy." (rooms are wanting up to It