Variety (August 1925)

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Wednesday. Augiisi 12. 1M5 LEGITIMATE Xiucille Chalfonte Singing At Wagner Festival liUdlle Chalfonte (Chalfant In J^kmerlcan mualcal comedy) la head- lac for Bad«n>Badea where she wlU "' iOnff In "The Magio Flute" at the , iWagner FeetlvaL !>. MlM Chalfonte was la«t in the 1 f<3reenwich VlUagre Follies" In New - Torlc She la studying o];>eratlc act- ,;- ins with Mme. Storchlo, the great r tutor abroad and ia getting prac- i'ttoal expe^^rience wltb the smaller bpera companlea In varloua Italian VARIETY 19 ' Invitation for Composers Florence Stem, the young Call- 'fbmia concert idolinist, plana to in- '^troduce new American worka in the third of her series of New York re- eitals next seaaon. Accordingly .- Iliaa Stem ia inviting composers to ^bmit manuacripta for her eon- ■Ideration, care of the American , Goaeert Artists Bureau, 142S Broad- fray, New York. ^' The third .>Iew York recital la . tlatod for March 10. 1»U. at which : lUme the new works will be intro- 4|ac«d. The winning composers will not know of Mlsa ^ern'a choice un- til the night of the concert when she .jiriU program the worka chosen. j\^ The Players, Seneca Falla, N. T„ iBttl* theatre organization, will pro- duoe "Bast la Weat" Aug. 27. Earl C. Selgfred will direct. Boston Opera Sept. 7 ■ The Boston Opera advanced ita Manhattan opera house, New York, fornlght engagement to Sept 7. Al- berto Baccolinl la mualcal and ar- tlatle director of the new Boaton organization which opena Ita home seaaon In the Bocton opera houae Sept 28 with a New York return date slated for later in the falL The roster includes Clara Jacobo, Anna Maria. LaudiMi. Maria Pla Pagllarlnl. sopranos; Lucia Abbrea- cia, Elaa Pelligrini, mesao-aopranoa; Antonio Marques, Norbert Adier. David Dorllnl. Fauato Frera, Fran- ceaco Tagliavinl. tenors; Manuel Martlfolgado, Leo Piccilioli. Fablo Ronchl, barytones; Andrew Mon- gelll. Samuel Worthlngton, Eugenio Sandrini. bassos; Pirro Pad and Ceaare Brensa, conductors. ST. L. OPERA CLOSine St. Louis, Aug. 11. The seventh season of Municipal Opera here will come to a cloae Sun- day night with the final preaenta- tlon of "The Merry Widow," thla week'a offering. Yvonne d'Arle has the title role of Sonia in Lehar'a opua and othera In the cast are Ualph ErroUe, Forrest Huff. William J. McCarthy. Roland Woodruff. Ber- nice Merahon, Detmar Poppen, Jamea Stevens and EHva Maunus. BALTO. OUTDOOR OPERA Plan Civic Enterpria* for Stadium Next Summer Baltimore, Aug. 11. Plana for outdoor opera In Balti- more's vast atadlum next aummer were advanced laat week at a con- ference of William L. Norris, presi- dent of the Park Board; Dr. Hugh H. Young, chairman of the local board of the Chicago Grand Opera Company, and Frederick R. Huber, Municipal Director of Music. There will be a company of 300 augmented orchestra, and promi- nent visiting artlata. Parker, Thomaa and Rice, architects, are preparing plana for a portable atage to be erected at one end of the great elipse. The project will be wholly civic In principle, with no attempt to ahow a profit There will be fully 10,000 aeata priced at Kt cents. Baltimore la the only southern city with a atadlum available for out- door opera on a vast scale. Blair'a New Fares Howard Blair, female imperaon- stor, who haa been making a circuit of atock houaea will have a new vehicle next seaaon, "The Vamping Venua," a farce, with soncs. by A. Jackaon. LTTTU THEATRES The Mimera little theatre club ia the toteat group of that sort In New York, with offlces at 1658 Broadway. The Mimera wiU main- tain a workshop and "laboratory" for the presentation of dramaa. Twelve productiona are contem- plated during the season. Edward Sergeant Brown Is managing di- rector and Adelaide Traugott, sec- retary. Robert Peel Noble, who directed the productiona of the Kansaa City theate. the local "Little Theatre' organization, for the past two years, haa been engaged to direct the pro- ductiona of Lulu VoUmer'a two new playa In London. Mr. Noble will sail for England early in September. ■ V- >;:• PLAYERS IN THE LEGITIMATE . BLANCHE BATES ^taa««meat, GITTHSIK MeCUNTIO MBW TOBK CITT FREDERICK BURTON "WHITK OOLLAWr* ^ B«m H. Harria, New York ^ PHYLLIS CLEVELAND *<■ •TUX MB MORB" Gaiety Theatre. N. T. r CURTIS COOKSEY wUh ~THK OOBIULA" Adolplil, CMeaao SffiYlLA BOWHAN WANDA "Bom-MmW* Wo«da. Chleaa* FenoMtf B«p^-JKNB JACOBS BILLY BURRESS with -nxm BM TOr** Majni^li TheatKB. Loa AaceUa JOHN BOLES "Mercenary Mary" lioncaore Theatre, New ToA JAMES C. CARROLL •The Stranacr" with the "Oorllls" O*. AdrlpU, Chieaao HILDA FERGUSON V* "ZIEQFELO FOLLIES" ... New Amsterdam, New York I SAM HEARN "HEBCENABT MART* rf' f.—«aiTii TkeaSre, M. T. LILALEE "THE BRIDE RETIRES!* National. New Tork FLORENCE MORRISON ^Tha LAdy Falstaff of Musical Comedy** Tfc* Orand Dncheaa, of New Tork Cea- oT "THK 8TCDKNT PRINCJE" .1. Jolaon Theatre, New Tork JOHN BYAM net oDo*" aath WIUIIJR. BOSTON Maoocement, I,TI.E ANDRBWS SHEPCAMP la "RAIN" Oarriek Theatre, Loadoa. IndrftaUte EDMUND FITZPATRICK •■ Vaele Tobi *Top«y and Bra** Balwya, Chleaav Mr.. ROBHM * RICBABOfl TAYLOR HOLMES •We. No, Naaetto" PaeUe Cmm« Curraa T h ea tf , tea WILLIE HOWARD "Sky High" Casinoy New York Personal Mgr. EUGENE HOWARD MARYBOLAND MrMtlM BAM HABBIS New y«rt( Bbell Club o< Loa Angelea haa arranged with the Potboiler Art Theatre to give their production of Eugene O'Neill's play, "Beyond the Horizon." at the Ebell Club on Oct 19. The Paaadena, CaL, Community Playera will make the original Pa- cific Coaat preaentation of Molnar'a "The Swan" at the Community Play Houa*. Aug. lt-22. Gllmor Brown will atage. STOCKS William R. Blair, who aponaored the New York Playera at the Ithaca. N. Y.. Uttle Theatre laat aprlng, will take a atock company back to Ithaca in the fall through arrangement with the Ithaca Con- aervatory of Mualc WUCOXIANS IN ORIGINAL ROLES ON BROADWAY Syracuse Players May Bring In Newjng's "The Baby" to New York House "^ Syracuse, N. T., Aug. 11. Frank WUoox. Joaephine Fox and Eric Clavering may be aeen in their original rolea when Dewitt Newlng'a "The Baby" la bom on Broadway. Thla announcement came from the Wletlng stock impresario and play- wright following hla return from New York, where he conferred with the Bhuberta. The piece waa re- cently given ita premiere by the Frank Wilcox Co. at the Wletlng. The Shuberta want "Baby" to go Into rehearaal Aug. 17, opening In Buffalo on Labor Day, later moving Into the Wletlng for a three-day run State Fair week. After thnt the ,Shut>erta have auggeated it be aent to Chicago for a run. It ia hardly poaalble thla arrange- ment will be okeyed by the play- wright and hla co-producer. The plan would reqalre the loaa of the three Wilcoxiana to tha Wletlng atock company and would neceaai- tate Newlng'a preaence In New York the entire week of Aug. 17, that being the date picked for the pro- duction here of Newlng'a aecond new play, "Handa Up." The Newing vlalt to New Tork alao resulted In the dclslon of New- ing A Wilcox to ahelve Crane Wll- bur'a "The Cinema Myatery," whkh waa to have been given a tryout in Albany by their Capitol Playc SIDNEY ELUOn (Mvmto I,awlaoha) "Wkat Priee GOeiTt* nyawotli. New Terk ERNEST GLENDINNING Permanent Addreaat 26 W. Ninth 8|, NEW YORK LONHASCAU :iOAin with TIm AdelpU. Chleage (MB. ttUXXIOAin with TIm OOBIZXA" Jpht EDNAIEEDOM Tremendous Hit Singing ««TONpELEYO»' -ZiEGFELD FOLUES" New Ameterdam, New York 4 Wluit London Said of f MIRA IflRSKA U WAITDA in "ROS£-MASIE" at DRURY LANE .^TUere were also princlpala, of whom wbe moat auccesitful w«re. I thodcht, aa lady called MIra Nlraka." —EVKNINO STANDARD ROBERT OBER HAJKSTIC TIIRATRE, f.08 ANOEU THR LAMBS. NEW VOJKK HARRY PUa Production director for LYLE D. ANDREWS YAHDEEBUT THEATRE, NEW YORK CHARLES RUGCLES Orpheum Circuit NOW! Direction—ALF. T. WILTON GEORGE SWEET "My Gitr WILBUR, BOSTON HARRYaKEENAN -wt aiRL' WUbnr, BoatOD. I^la D. Indeflnltelr. JAMES C. MARLOWE oat. OABBITT) wtth "THB OOBUJUt" Adal»U Thwit n. OUeaa* What London Said of MIRA NIRSKA M WANDA in "ROSE-MARIE* at DRURY LANE "But the hit of the evening Ia«t night waa scored by MIra Nlrska as a squaw." —"WESTMINSTEI\ GAZETTE." CLARENCE NORDSTROM -enBOFltl.D FOLUKfT* New AMatrrdaai Theatre, New Terfc JOHNMARSTON "w hAk coli.ab«^ ■L Harria. New Teak BRANDON PETERS CELUNI in *The Firebrand' ■fOaaflCO THBATRK. NCW TOKK The Majeatlc. Detroit, wU reopen with atock Aug. 16, after having been doaed two months. The Wood- ward Playera begin their fourth year at the theatre under manage- ment of U. W. IfcOee. The Qrat production will be "Friendly Ent- miea.** Ralph Clonlnger, of the Wllkea theatre. Salt Lake City, haa re- turned to thla city from the eaat with contracta for playa to be pre- aented the coming season by the Clonlnger players. "The Beat Peo- ple" will be the opening play. Aug. li. PROVIDENCPS NEW STOCK Modem Players Opanino at Meilern Thsatra Sept 7. Marjorle McLucas, of the Stuart Walker Company. Cincinnati, haa t>een forced to retire temporarily from the atage due to Illness. She haa left for her home in Kanaas City. Lsonors Sorsby win leave the company for a brief vaeatloa at Duluth. Minn. She will Join a new production in New Tork in the fall. MARIE SAXON Diroction LYLE ANDREWS VanderbiK Thestre. New York CHARLEY STLBER Hard Boiled Herman "Roam-Marie^ WOODS. CHICAGO Edward Clarke Lilley, leading man and director of the Pauline McLean Playera, Akron, C. haa withdrawn from the company and gone to Co- Inmbua. where he will direct the Murray-Harolde PUorera. » The Broadway Players. Orand Rapida. Mich., announce they wiD go to four matlneeaei week. Thla la the moat popular aeaaon for the players, who have been here three yeara. New cast people Include J. Olynn McFarlane. P. W. Brandoi. Ger- trude Moan, FVjrreat Orr and Plerr« Watklnu laabelle Lowe returns as leading woman. Providence, Aug. 11. For the first time in fonr seasons Providence will have a winter stock this seaa6n. The new organisation, the Modem Players. wlH open at the Modem theatre Sept. T. Whon the Modem failed as a pic- ture hoose, due^ its uptown loca- tion, it was bought by the Emery Amusement Corp. The Emery comt>any intended to book road flhowa Into the houae^ it ia under- stood, but nsffotiatloaa were not completed and the stock company la now being organised. Peraonnel will not be announced until the entire company la organ- - ised. It is understood that U the company ia auccoaaful during the winter montha it nuiy be carried over through the sumoMr la oppo- alUon to ths Albee stock. stock at the Kurta, BethklMiii. Pa., last week. Edwin Kampkr is now playiag Jave« nlles with the Rldiard Morgan Pta^rs at MayloB Park, lltehburg. Ha Joined last week. Elliott Toreman la maaaglag the Capttol Players at tha Capitol. Al- bany. N. T. The Bunny Strieker stock opened at the Hohman o>pera bouse, Pu- laski, N. Y« Monday. Charles Maybury and Frederick _____ HlUsmaa wUl install stook In the Vaaoa Powell Joined tba AnsoB | Lyceum, Ithaca. N. T., SepC SO. CYHJINKETT Eccentric and Dlaekfare Comedlaa Now Appearina In "SPOOKS" CHARLOTTE IHEADWAY Lead*—'MnroRfn Theatre . . LOS ANU£UE0 GDY ROBERTSON Americ</s Leading Juvenile Tenor . DireettoB—MAX HART Hat.—AKTRUR UAMMKSHTKIN FRANK K. WALLACE Simon I>earee "TOPftT AND BVA" ttelwya, Cbloage BILLY TAYLOR ■,* JUVENILE Care of EQUITY, New YoHc NANCY WELFORD "Ne, N«. NMiett«" Parlfle Cotm» Carren Thrutre. San Vrmncimem R PIERRE WHITE with "R08E-MAIUR" Woeda, Uiieaa* INIiKFTNITeT.T ALFRED H. WHITE * T.mdlna Comedlaa 'AMe'fl IrUh Knae," K^nukllo. New Torh naaagemeBt, ANKB NICDOU PUBLICITY PLAN SERVICE is a simple and inexpensive manner of keeping your name or business before the show business of the world each week. Gives displayed or pictorial publicity for 62 weeks each year. Amount may be regulated by the advertiser. Write or call at any Variety ofHcei NEW YORK CHICAGO LOS ANGELES 154 W. 46th St. State-Lake Thea. BIdg. Chapman BIdf. LONDON, 8 St. Martin's PI., Trafalgar Square