Variety (August 1925)

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nwm'i^f^^^T-^'^^^^'^.^T'i^r^. :, 'i^^:^l^?*^^,\.'^■:;^ •vfr'^'^^.f,', irtv^imsj- ■»"-i».VF,-':'\"'r««>"''if,n'.^». i; VARIBT7 ^ MUSIC .-*rp!i»!if"i- ;,7!-«^a»j|i™orTOnH5"f»'^«»'•»;..■%,-v v;';yy f.; ^-LV^-U.kfM'fc'.'^tM''.: WMoMdaf , Aocoil It, II V f NO SOONER DOES VARIETY i': yjtNOUNCE ITS ANNUAL BAND AND 0RCHES1M NUMBER Than Olher Publkatkms Decide It's ^> 9 Hme for a Similar Number S' !• tlie ONLY GENERAL THEATRICAL PAPER •crioiuljr talcMi by th* show bw mw t , inehkliBf Or^ oheslim Leader* mmd Mwrici>n«, became it cavers the acti-ritiee o€ Am Bands and Orchestras with Great AN ADVERnSEMENnN VARIEIT C mHT t Everything, Et>€ryvoh»re ani Evtryhody It is anj paper. to r e p s at yonr aararllsac costs aceordSnflj. V»> rietr is the Band and OnaMstra's RECOGNIZED THE- ATRICAL MEDIUM. It «o«<ar« the emm field. ^ Variety reaches all the Manacers, Agents, Bookers, Cafe and Ballroom Managers, Musical Comedy, Picture House and VanderilU Executrres and anybody who Variety U the ONLY THEATRIjCIAL PAPER on the of the Phonograph Recording i- •I- hM Because of its general cluuracter. Variety is the BEST MEDIUM for ORCHESTRA PUBUCITY. YAiUETrS SpecUi Band and Orchntra and Foptdar Mume NaoAer » Will be Published in September. It b the psycholog- ical OPENING^F.THE^SEASON PERIOD. It means exceptionally -valuable exploilation for the Orchestras of Every Calibre. It serves as a GUIDE ond YEAR BOOK to ANYBODY AND EVERYBODY WHO WILL NEED ORCHESTRA MUSIC THE COMING SEASON. y THE PiCniRE HOUSES TMs Year are Particularly Keen About Orchestras BRING YOURSELF TO AITENTiON Exploit Your Qualifications as to Straight Dance MusiCi Versatility, General Entertaining, Etc YiUUEIY'S RATES REMAIN THE SAME ^er page, $300} half page, $15S; quarter, $80; fifth, $66t triple column cut with caption, $150; double col- cut and caption, $75. Varietys Offiem* Evrywkere Accept Copy . GET rriN EARLY I-! ' ' ..-V,... 1-i NEW YORK 154 WMt 4e(h 8«. LOS ANGELES •1# Ctiapman Bldg. CHICAGO 8teU-Lak« Th«atr« BIdfl. LONDON 8 St. Martin's Pt^ Trafalgar 8q. IVomUing Songs The preaant Idaa of panntttlac privileged esolaalve reoordinir arUsU to "oaa" promialng aonga from the manuaoript may be the Rolution tor ataUlnar the leaaar companlea from cutting th on the big: csoncema in the matter of aalea. The prior r«l<^a8e from the manuaoript or an advanee acratoh orohestmtton permits a jump on the market for the priT- lleced oompaalaa and record artlata. The reoant Itata dta- otoae certain numbers which are so new tbejr wea« a aaoret to this paper, which gets a flesh lailletln of nU new numbers ptaoed or aboat to be placed on the "floors* ef. the bis sons factories. HERE AND THESE Charier Stralvbt. whose orohestra has entered Into ita third year at the RendesToui; Cihicaso. has Anally decided to take a vacation. StralrM wUI leave Aus< ll> l>ut i<^ return in time to open the new show Sept 1. Strai«fa^ has been oontraoted at the Rendesvous cafe for six years. Ralph Pollock, who succeeded Paul Ash at the Oranada. Baa FranoUoo. in May. terminated his engacement last week. Verne Buck took over leadership of the orchestra. Buck was formerly at the Uari«old. Chicago. >■'■'< Andile Slater taA his orohestra have been sisned fdr a year's ooa- tract at the Palais VfOt restaoraot. Mew Tork. DISK REVIEWS By ABEL Henry Bmersoa has a l»-»leoe orohestra which Is provtdlas the daaoe auiale at the Bsyptiaa BaU- room recently opened on the new pier at Ooeaa Pnrk. I^oa Ang e l es. He has a AMir-year ooatiiaei with a renewal eptlea. 1. H. Maloney has returned Areas California to his fonnar heme here and aanouaoea that he wiS soon open a dance haU and pavilion tn the Shoecraft Mock, nrst street and Fifth avenues at Clinton. Iowa. The building is belnK remodeled ier the enterprtsa. ▲ new Ughtlng system and dance floor wUl l>e installed. Donald Maleney. who has bean prominent in orchestral woi^ on the Pacifle Coast. wtU oc«aalse an or- chestra for the halL INDIAN DOWN (Pm TMl>>-Pavl Whitsman and His Orchestra. OQO_POQO--e«ne—Vieter ISTIt. FOOlXOOSE-^amew , SINa LOO—Same—Victor No. 19720. SONY A—Same. GOT NO TISI B S am e V Ieter No. ItTSt. Plenty of oolor anA paprika to WhitemAn's newest batch of Vtotor recordings. FnNn the "Indian Dawn" barbaric motif he awltches to Afro-American indigo Jaas in "Ftootloose." to a chink idea in "Sfaig lioo" and then to oomxklete his tn- tematlonaliam. "Sonya," by n«d Fisher introduces the Russe laUey- upa," with not a Uttle Ykldlsh fla- voring. Billy Murray eontrlbvtes vooal choruses la some and the orohestral color throughout Is typloally Whtte- man. The brass >s are partloularly brtlllant. although t|ie flute, strings and cjrmbals have opportunities in the characteristic fox trots for proper atmospheric effects. DOWN AND OUT BLUCt (Pex Trot)—The Cetten Piehers. THOSE PANAMA MAMMAS— Same—Brunewiek No. 2879. For the first time In record his- tory has an individual Instrumen- talist been feattireS on the label. That dlstlnctloa goes to Miff Mole, whom Ray Miller (owner of the Cot. ton Pickers) singled out for this special bilUng. Mole (slnoe with Robs Oorman In the "Vanities") commands unusual prestige among his associates for his prowess on the trombone. Mole is mentioned in oonneotlon with the trombone pas- sages in this reeord whIA are uni<iue %nd extraordinary la readl- Uon. "Down and Out BtueiT* (Farrell- Slsemo Re) and "Panama Mammas" (Bibe-Johnsoa) otherwise are oerfc- ing dance numbers. It Is an nltra "hor reoord in 1 l U < - - on the Vtetor lui welL With aeoompaalment by Dave Jones and Hare do a counle sprightly ditties whtoh they^i uso "canned" for the other bran' n Miss My Swiss" (L. WolfT bert-Abel Baer) Is the new k__ hit from NIklta Balleff's '"Chain.. Soorls." GHlbert InoldentaUv oo^ trlbuted "O Katberlna." the MeoedT Ing novelty song h^t from the Ba« U^ show. It's a corking comedy conception, a novelty in idaa and construction and in the hands of the intattttable Happiness Boys wKk thslr gUb talk and yodeting ad In between choruses It's a wow. "Porcupine" Is a nonsense, edy Sfing which Is Interruptedly rtodlcally by gac Interludes ~ ehonwen. TWILIttHT. THK STARS ANft YOU (PoK Trut)—Bonnie Kr«e« amr Oreheotra. OH, VERAI—Same—Brunewiek Ne. 2872. A corking Bennle Krueger dance reoord. It Is smartly scored, ant the Krueger sax speclaltlee are out- standing in addlHon to the Jtaaje and brass work otherwise. Bdth are west coast numbers by Nacio Herb Brown. Billy Jones vocalises a chorus In "Vera." BECAUSE OP YOU—Riehard •. Gilbert. MIGHTY BLUE—Same-Okeh No. Richard B. OObertls Ingratlatfaw baritone plus his novelty t*ro-paten accompaniment is already starting to build a following for him. Gil- bert has a fine sense of light ballad lyric values, and his radio and disk experience has lately catapulted him Into a new Shnbert production. IVed Nlebanet'o Seattle Harmon- ists succeed Coon-Banden^ Might Hawks at Toung^i MiiMon Dollar Pier. Atlantic City, this week. Char- lie FVy remains an the attsmate band attraction. Benny.Davis, song writer-enter- tainer, has signed to make reoords tor the Columbia and Victor. Jolmay Hemp's Kentuoky Sere- naders will make Victor reoords this season. Albert Spalding, concert vIoHnlst. has been signed as an exdnsive Brunswick artist The Samovar orchestra, under di- rection of Jack Johnstone, le on its third year at the Samovar cafe. Chi- cago. Charley Straight reeruited this oombinatloa of youngsters. BY THE LIGHT OP THE STARS <Fox Tret) M n rry Reser'e Sam- oepators. SING LOO—«ante—Columbia 892. "Light of Stars" is a melody fox trut (Shay-Ijlttle-Sisemore) which gives Harry Reser's banjo ample scope for solo flash work. It la brightly arranged throughout, as Is "Sing Loo" (Norman-Ruby). ROYAL DECREE (Msroh)—Ararat Temple Shrine Band. JIM CHANDLERS BAND—Sam»— Olwh No. 40S9S. Theee fralemaLmarohes were re- corded by a Kansas City band. Like all marches, they are Inspiring com- positions and well rendered by the Ararat Temple Shrine Band. LOOK WHO^ HEREI (Fox Trot)-. Pred "Suqai^ Hall and Hie MY SUGAR —Same —Ofceh 404ia Fred Hall Is oo-attracting Phil Romano's oreheotra at Boseland ballroom. New Tork. has the daaee knaOk down nl and demonstrates It In this couplet 'Oiook VThCs Here" (Ken Whitmer) Is a particularly inspiring dance number, and "Sugar" flts the Hafl bllllac nicely. HONG KONG OMMM GIRL (I Tret)—'^•*»'' — — tj^"" ~ WAITIN^ POR THE MOON- —Edissn Nn. i1M7. The Tennessee Ha^py Boys probably aome well-lmown oamoQflaged under a pseudo At any rata they dellverspii with this dance ooui^let 'ffie dar* (net saxes and banlo are partlov larly affective. WEST OP THE GREAT DIVIDE-* Waller Soanlan. A KISS PROM YOU—Chas. Harrjk eon—Bdieen No. 81618. A braoe of stately ballads. Ibotb I _ tenors, doing In exoeUent tashisntJ IQmest R BaU's "West of t^M On>^j Divide" is a song classic, and •iclss" number by Mitchell-Ma a likely entry for almilar honors. OH. HOW I MISS YOU TONIG» (Walts)-<Ls Petit Salon- " FEEIH9AH1M) FOR VAUSS. Ueut. FeHz Ferdlnando reopens with his Havana orchestra for KeMh-Albee tn Boeton. OoL 1*. Rapee^e Farewell Brno Rapee. picture house orebes- era conductor, was honored Sunday night at Romano's restaurant with a farewell dinner by his confreres, m. B. Marks, Frederick Ftadkln. Jacques Oruenberg, Jack Bobbins, M. Barron and Joseph Cherniavsky comprised the committee. Rapee sails for Berfla this week. Don dark Re-eigne "* lios Angeles. Aug. IL ■T>op Clark, former member of Paul Whlteman's band and who brought a IS-plece orchestra to "La Monica" ballroom, Santa Mon- ica, has signed another oontraot with the management to continue there another year. PANQO PANGO MAID (Pox Tret) —Billy Wynna^s Orehse t r a . BRIGHTER DAY S S a ms E dieew No. 61668. Billy Wynne has been turning out some STtanpy records on the Bdison label of late. He repeats himself here with "Pange Pango," since In- corporated in Barl Ciarroil's "Van- ttlea" "Brighter Days" has Wynne partlaOy responsibls for authorship. WE'RE BACK TOGETHER AGAIN —Eddie* (^ntor. IT'S TIME TO KEEP AWAY PROM YOU~«niy Jones — Celumbis The Arst Is a typical Cantor ditty by Monaco-Clare, as Is the second, for that matter, although Billy .Tones nolos "JCHfcp Away ftwn Tou." Both are tried and true vocalists, and the combination Is sure-flre ac- cordingly. COLLEGI ATE — Ohaflea Sargent Burt Lewie (Veeal). THE FARMER TOOK ANOTHER LOAD AWAYI HAYI HAYI Same—Okeh No. 40880. Sargent and Lewis are a standard vaudeville team who have been clicking unaastirafngly but consist- ently on the disks ^tth novelty and comedy pop ditties. The present couplet Is a good example of their stuff, selling the lyrics In great styla Clktns Resesemblins Bddie Blklns has returned to New York after a vaoatlon on the Coast and Is reassembling his t>and to go across to London under WUliam Morris* direction. Klklns was previously NL Club Rlcbmao, Meiy York. WHY COULDN'T IT BE POOR LITTLE MET—Hsrry Robineen. IF I NEVER SEE YOU AGAIN— Ssme Okeh No. 40462. Harry Robinson, tenorlng uke solo, croons a la the Ultulele Ike Edwards' school of vooallHts. He has an en^raglng delivery and Is a popular Okeh soloist. I MISS MY SWISS—Happlnees Boys. AS A PORCUPINE PINES FOR ITS PORK—Game—Victor No. 19718L Billy.Jones and Bh-neet Hnre. the Rapplnefls Boys of radio fame, are quite well known on almost every ttMc label nMMMrtag iabmoimSlia ROSE OP THE EVENINI Okeh Ne. 40406. A graceful waits rendition by thM miniature salon orohestra of pop waits numbers. They are engaging melody compositions, well readeredi with Joe Green contributing vibra- phone bells and xylophone Interludes for tone coloration of high order. LOG CABIN BLUES—George HaSi- ntnn Green. ^ . CHROMATIC — Same—Edisen Ne. 61 .SB^. A novelty disk by that crack xyle* phonisL Oeorge Hamilton Oreeib Frank Banta acoompanies at the piano. The Bdlson Re-CreaUon pro- cess faithfully reproduces Greens technical hlghUghts. BESIDE A SILV^V STREAM (FeiC Trot)—Markel and His Orchee< LITTLE PEACH-'SanHH-Columbig No. 372. . An unusual cleanrcut arrangement Is the feature of Markel's recoWlng. "Sil'ry Stream" (Black-Moret-Nova) with its "Barcarolle" from "Tales of Hoffman" foundation lends ltse« well to symphonic scoring. "Little Peach" (Romberg-Wlmperis), from "Louie the 14th" is also exceUeatly scored. ^ ♦ Sam Bischoff Is making a seriee of Wltwer's "Classics » Slang" at his C^alifornla studio. Be will state right the product. Charle* Delaney and Eddie Phillips are b«- Ing featured In the picture with Charlotte Morgan playing the fem- inine lead. Weymann Banjo8 are being played by the world's great- est artlsta Their choice is proof of aual* ity. ITHte tor Oatatof >r: t* H. A. Wsymann & Son, Inc DWt V. ilH Cliwtssi St. rbltaM)#i«. •'^