Variety (October 1925)

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Wednesday October 7, 1925 VAUDEVILLE VARIETY • INSIDE STUFF ON VAUDEVILLE Aciording to report, Marion Bent's uncle is said to have been one of the silent partner* In the Hooney-Bent show, "The DauRhter of Rosie Q><^;ni(ly." It is said the show may not reach Broadway until after the li()lid;i-y»- Both Pat Rooney and his wife, MIsfl Bent arc -eported unanimous in the Intention to iteep It off of Broadway until it la In the playin? ^hape they desire. Further road time was booked last weel< An expanding trunk full of flowers was among the floral tributes to Alice Lloyd last week at the Palrice. A 5th avenue firm called up Lloyd saying it would like to present her with a trunk of the new ex- pansion style as It ha<! tlie Prince of Wales and the Prince accepted. Alice replied she didn't want to be up-stage In the face of the Prince; to send the trunk along. And that's the nifty way the firm did it. Miss Liloyd was immedintely routed by the Keith-Albee office upon her Palace engagement. This week she is at Iveith's Philadelpliia, next week Washington, then Boston, then Riverside, New York, etc. According to house manaRers, actors are still missing first shows through the practise of making jumps in automobiles. Accidents and flat tires are given as the unlooked for impediments which make them lat-. Through acquisition of a number of houses by Famou.i Players in outside sections which were playing or were to have arrcnged for a few acts of vaudeville as an added attraction to the regular picture feature, a number of New York's independent variety bookers have found all negotiations off as a result. It was also understood that the Rowland ft Clark houses in the Pennsylvania roglons that had paved the way for vaudeville bookings from New York offices have called off all negotiations through a late change In their plans. From No. 2 on a vaudeville program to next to closing in Broadway's big- gest musical production ("Sunny") Is what happened to Pert Kelton, that sweet 17-year-old dauiThter of her very well known and popular parents, . who were In the same vaudeville for a long while. In placing Pert In '' the next to closing spot of the "Sunny" show, Charles B. Dillingham - again evidenced what seems to be his unerring judgment In the selec- tion of Important performers. Pert did not have that position when "Sunny" opened In Philadelphia but she hopped right into It when called upon after other and more seasoned performers had gleefully dotl'ied it. It's around 11:15 when Pert appears for her specialty. For a slip of a girl like Pert, who Is b6th pert and pretty, too. to graduate so swiftly bestows a great credit mark for her folks, for Pert really started alone only last Christmas time, finally getting into the Palace. New York, In *+ie spring. It was at the Palace she was No. 2. Pert started with Mrs. Kelton (Sue), doing a sister act. billed as Bue and Pert Kelton, with Mr. Kelton loading the orchestra. Previously there were the Three Keltons,* father mother and another daughter. Gladys, (now married). The Keltons have many friends and all of them have been interested tn Pert, watching her advent as a single and happy now that their lalth and Judgment In Pert have been vindicated thrcugh her landing ■o solidly In a Dillingham show. ■When Variety »f Sept. 16 reached London a howl went up oV'->r the Btory on the foreign pages about Edith Kelly Gould slapping the face of Nattova, the Russian dancer. It also stated that Miss Kelly after- ward remarked: "If it had been on a side street, I'd have killed her." Nattot'a la the same dancer said to have slapped Toots Pounds when both were in "Sky High" at the London Palladium. The howl appears to have come from the Kelly-deCourvllle side of the unpleasantness. Nattova, the one_slapped, has yet to be heard from. Variety was requested by cable to de'ny the slapping story as some one must have hoaxed Variety Into printing It, the cable said. Also Variety's attention was called to the legal aspect; that to say anyone had said she would have killed another person, and with killing « crime almost anywhere excepting In Chicago, that Variety had laid Itself wide open for a libel action. Last week in Variety Alf T. Wilton, the agent, In his advertisement, Bald "I Believe In advertising." Therefore It must have taken Alf ■Wilton four years to reach that decision. Last week was exactly four , years since Mr. Wilton ordered his standing advertisement in the Bills —Next Week department of this paper. Since that time Mr. Wilton has Jumped in rank to the second vaudeville agent of the country in point of acts and business handled. Two national quartet contests are about to be launched, one by the Class A and B radio broadcasting stations, and the other by the Kelth- Albee vaudeville circuit. The Kelth-Albee stand against radio has been ■tressed repeatedly In the jiast which occasioned considerable comment when a letter to the broadcasting" stations from Dr. Slgmund Spaeth, sponsor of the radio contest, promised the winners a week at the K.-A. Hippodrome, New York, for the finals and a future Kelth-Albee route. The K.-A. officials denied a tie up with Spaeth or radio jind stated they would not recognize any radio winners. The "radio" proposition to make it a vaudeville and radio contest was turned down by J. J. Murdock, K.-A. general manager. The Spaeth angle seems to be the publication of "Barber Shop Ballads," * book of close harmony edited by Spaeth and Illustrated by Ellison Woover, with a foreword by Ring Lnrdner. The book sells for $2, includ- ing two quartet phonograph records. When Mrs. Edna TInney last week asked Justice Strong to appoint • receiver for a $20,000 mortgage held cojolntly by herself and husband. *^nk TInney, now in Paris, on the TInney property at Baldwin. L. I., *o that her alimony of $200 a month and counsel fee for $5,000 be paid, ">• action recalled that the pro<perty in question—Foxhurst—several years ago was intended as a part of a development growth by TInney *nd the late Sheriff ^gteve Pettlt of Nassau County. For some time after«,Tinney bought Foxhurst. the reaidentla,! part ^ we huge estate of the late Senator Fox, the place lay neglected with TInney and Pettlt (the latter only recently dying) of the opinion that Foxhurst, properly developed would turn over big money on the original •Bvestment. Then came Tinney's outside affairs with show girls and also the Im- provement of the place as a permanent residence with all talk of a proposed development discarded. Since Tinney's departure for Europe Mrs. TInney and her son, Frank, Ji"-. have occupied their Baldwin, L. I„ property. In recent weeks Mrs. Tinncy has been rehearsing a new act for vaude- ville, the comedian's wife to be featured in one of Charles Stoddart's oand turns. The court application by Mrs. TInney followed stories of Imogene ^Bubbles) Wilson walking out on Frank in London to go to Vienna, where lived a sausage maker or something like that, whom Imogene had grown friendly with. Mrs. TInney (Edna Davenport) on top of that yarn, ran a blurb that she would still take back Frank, etc., reading ^e one of those page things the tabloid or Sunday magazine papers " P'^y for If they can't get them any other way. if L^*" thought TInney would take care of himself after the "scandal ■">n" with Imogene, and he away in London. A year of that and Tinney ^«M have come back. But Frank didn't scom to change his ha:bits ™"ch abroad. -Whether he will return here or when isn't known. He J«>k out one of the Hammersteln's music.iJs Into the Kngllsh provinces "th that company meeting a bad finish, all of the backers (and there * sal'i lo have been several of them) losing their investment. RIGHT OFF THE D^ By NELLIE REVELL VIOLET BARNEY with Herbert Warrei* in "The Mahatma" Loaned to Mr. Herbert Warren by Mi.<=8 Valerie Bergere. i)EAD LADY" GAG IS ORDERED OUT OF AQ Dillon and Parker Revue Loses Entire Scene's Value The Dillon and Parker Revue ran afoul of the K-A censors after playing the Broadway, New York. It was ordered to delete a gag. The gag was the punch line of entire scene. It Is an old revue and burlesque stand-by concerning the man In the crowded hotel who Is given a room on the top floor. The clerk Informs the guest that a lady is on the other side of a thin parti- tion. The guest retires but reap- pears In a few moments and breath- lessly informs the clerk, "That ladv Is dead." "I know It," responds the clerk, "but how did you find It out?" Ann Chandler in Cabaret Anna Chandler opens tonight (Wednesday), at the Hofbrau, New York, receiving $6(K) weekly. 'D'Andres and Walter, last in "I'll Say She Is." are another new dance team at the Hofbrau, opening Oct. 3. ALLEN SUHMEBS OH BECOBSS Chicago. Oct. 6. Allen Summers, after 12 years of agenting. will make records for the Okeh. The discs will be mostly in dialect. Summers was well known as an actor prior to entering the booking end. "* W. & p. AT $5,000 Weber and Fields are to make a tour of the bigger picture houses. They will open at the Lafayette, Buffalo, In November. The salary for the picture house appearances Is said to be $5,000 weekly. Reopens Star, Elgin, III. Elgin. 111., Oct. S. Charles Hagedorn, of Chicago, has leased the old Star Theatre from Frank Sherwood and Fred W. Jencks, and will reopen In two weeks. It has 700 seats. The Star was closed 18 months ago by Ralph W. Crocker, owner, when he opened the new Crocker Theatre. .\n interesting stor.v Is told how "Tea for Two." the musical com'.>dir sr)ng that has brought a small fortune to Vincent Younians, it.s writer, came Into existence. The "Nonettc" show had been in rehearsal for several weeks but tlie producer was still dissatisfied with the music. There was no outstanding number in all three acts and he bedeviled the writer of the score for a new and unusual number. For a whole day the comi)oser tried out themes at his piano but couldn't get a rejU lnsr>lration from the whole eigiit octaves. .Midnight came .inil still noKiiiig had been accom,iIl.shed. Finally, the man III the apartment next door got tired of listening to the rough improvisa- tions taking plac<' on the Ivories and began to bang on the wall. His knocks had a peculiar rhythm. Youmaiia listened a moment and the knocking seemed to translate itself to his piano. It gave him the idea for a new and extraordinary swing. Inside of half an hour the tune was on paper, ready to bring Its writer many thousands in rovalties. And now there is another firm believer in the proverb, "Every knock is a boost." — As the writer watched Alice Lloyd's American reappearance at the Palace last we<'k one of the things that came to mind was her first openin.u; in New "i'ork 17 years ago. She went on No. 2 at the Colonial at the matinee for $75 a week, but that same night she had brome the headliner and her name was in lights. On the same bill were the MacNaughton Brothers—to one of whom .Miss Lloyd was married. By Monday night this columnist was ready for more entertainment and made sure of It by going to a dinner party at Dan Frohman'a ui)arlment high up in the Lyceum Theatre building. That the enter- tainment was there may be judged from the fact that the guests Included Rita WoiniarT and her husband, Maurice Marks, and Lillian Laftery and her spouse. And any one who reallly wants to know the lo\ e of Dan Frohman's life has but to spend an evening with him and find out—it's the Actor's Fund. "The Evening Telegram" is now carrying pictures of its signed women wrltei^s at the heads of their columns. Wish they would plaster the likeness of Frank Vreeland at the top of his tower of chat. We have been an ^rdent Vreeland fan ever since he first started his theatrical comment column in the "Herald," yet it we met him on the street we wouldn't know him from Joe Zilch. But we would ^tlU think that he had coined the shortest and most expressive description we have ever <«een when he denominates musical comedies as "Hoot and Mouth Displays." OPEN, PEARLY GATES Mary had a little lamb, A lobster and some prunes, A glass of milk, a piece of pie. And then some macaroons. Besides she'd had six little clams, And Ice cream last of all, And as the' doctors gathered 'round. She heard the angels call. The porters at the Pennsylvania station have organised a union with a nunat>er of objects in view. One of the most important is to dis- courage the habit of the traveling public of calling every man who wears a red cap, "George." It seems reasonable enough since If a man is the kind of a fellow who ought to be called "Qeorge," his parents would have named him that in the beginning. Now if the manicurists will band together to protest against men calling them all "Olrlle," this will be a pretty fine world for the work- ing classes. And if the millinery saleswomen will only stop calling their customers "Dearie" I would not run so much chances of going back to the hospital. Another story by Harry Grant, Orpheum Circuit auditor and raconteur pre-eminent: An Italian olive-oli importer with a. country wide buslneaa followed, tba. practlce of colleatlng his bills by sending through his bank a sightdraft upon his various 'customers. One of his smaller accounts was that of a grocer in Wichita, who had always honored the drafts promptly each month. But one month there was som<» delay and finally the draft came back unpaid and marked. "Man Dead." Somehow another was .sent out the following month and this was returned more promptly. Across the corner in red pencil was written: "Man still dead." :? -^: Burns With Miina Chicago, Oct. «. Bob Burns, publicity manager of the Chicago Pantages office, lias been appointed assistant to Ed Milne, in the New York Pan oflflce. Burns will ofllclat* in his new capacity commencing next week. Capitol, Indianapolit, with Vaude Indianapolis, Oct 8. The Capitol, former Mutual bur- lesque, reopcne«t Oct. 4 witli vaudeville, booked by Billy Diamond. The will play a full week, with five acts and a feature. Frank Van Hoven says ho played on the same bill with a strong man. The Hercules had big iron weights an* apparatus that looked as though it weighed tons. And Saturday night he mot him at the station. The strong man was checking his props and together with his trunk they made just 80 pounds excess baggage. .7 .. Van and Schenck. the ent< rtalncrs, have been engaged to do their stuff In a Florida cabaret next winter at $4,000 a week. Where are they going to put this cabaret? I thought the only buildings down there were real estate ofrices. Our own Eddie Jacob! Is back from the famous gfrotto of Lourdes, France, cured of a heart ailment of 14 years standing and one which the doctors seemed unable to aid. It is another proof of my con- tention that J^nyone who prays and then believes that his prayers will come true, will not be disappointed. Faith not only moves mountains but it makes them dissolve into thin air as though they had never existed. A little booklet received from tljf. Virginia Hotel, Chicago, contains oomplet«'ih*tructlon8 for Back Seat Drivers. They are. "SHUT UP!" FORUM Gertie Saunders Leaves Show Gertie Saunders, & principal with the colored show, 'Lucky Sambo," left It In iJuffaio. Miss .Saunders, with a pianist and two boys, will do an act iu vaude- ville. Editor Variety In this week's Istue of your paper, I see that a Harry G. Bates la in the cast of Mr. Wood's production, "The Pelican." I have i)een many years in the theatrical business and no far have been the only Harry O. Bates. I to state that I atn not in any production In New York, nor do I expect to be for some time to come, a.<» I am playing In my own act, and from all appearances shall be for some yeava t« come. Harry G. nates. rrhe Harry O. Bates listed In "The Pelicln" cast in Fred.Tiek rCerr's vulet who rolH him on th. stage in a ,wheel (bnir and ba.s no sjiciKing part). Arthur West's Jobs Arthur West's evenings are com- pletely filled, but despite his flock of Jobs he hadn't lost a pound of weight. West is appearing in "High Jinks," after which he night- ly rolls to the Village being master of ceremonies at the Club Barney ( On Sundays, during the early st-ctlon of the evening, he etitertiin«) at Woodmansten Inn. He 1.1 also booked for the 400 Club, which is being reopene<l by Fred- die Coat CM. West has a "Jinks" sign on his cir and offers to Install a ticket "^ rack. The 16 Jacknon Girls, trained by .Tnlinti.v Jackson, Kn^'Ilsh dancing .>^clin..i. arrive hero shortly to play t'ae Palace, New York, S'/V. 9.