Variety (December 1925)

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^«dnesday, December 2, 1925 PICTURES VARIETY 3T HOUSE REVIEWS (Continued from page 34) plause across the footlights to tho little singer. one thing about tho ahow and aj-t is there Is plenty of variety rj;, week. Four distinct Jilm divi- al na A very interesting short sub- tlct entitled "No Woman's Land" ChirJi shows the monasteries set w^h on the cliffs in Greece, then ^f Capitol News m which Patho lirried off the honors having five !SVlects. .vhile Kox had twp and Tnternational and Kinograms one loPh Krom a kick stan.lpoint the Schute jiHnp.r8 in the I'utlu. lUn. Jf.^f Mae Murray in "The Masked Bride" is not anything to rayo f^ut and finally a Mutt and Jeff !^oon of a bike race was timely wauso »' ^^^ running of the ^x-day bike race in the new Madi- ann SQuare Garden. •^The overture was Uszfs "First Hungarian Rhapsody" which ran .bout 11 minutes. Following tho ihort film Marjorle Harcum and Seurd Mllpsen did a duet entitled -Sometime," which got across fairly well. Doris Nlles was given an oppor- tunity to solo in "Danse de la OiDsy" which she prefaced by a impelling piece of pantomime. The Sancer's personality had an oppor- iTinlty to a.ssert Itself In this to a •reater extent than It did later In the number In which she was as- •Isted by the ballet corps. Here Vlss Nlles was on her toes and seemed to be paying too much at- tention to her feet to permit of her throwing her heart into the dance. GRAND, PITTSBURGH nttsbiirgh, Nov. 26. With Fred Damon's Greenwich Village Orchestra as the special ■tage attraction and Colleen Moore In "We Moderns" on the screen, the Grand U healthy-this week. The Damons went over big. giving tho people just what they seem to want, favorite dance selections. In adfli- tlon they had a number of novelties that won favor. Although • nothing exceptionally brilliant about "We Moderns," yet there were many who liked it Im- mensely. The appeal of the star, probably, had a great deal to do with It. Thanksgiving day and night ■aw capacity audiences at every performance, with as many more trying to get in. Special symphony orchestra and pipe organ music were features. The bill was rounded out by a comedy film, "The Sky Jumper," With Earl Fox; News Weekly and •Topics of the Day." Bimotia. RIALTO The regular two-hour show for the current week with 15en IJernio and his 19 men in the pit, even unto a few lingering to play the feature. Fox hail both the program loader. Tom Mix in "The Best Bad Man," and the comedy, "Tho Iloart- breaker," fair, on this bill. Other footage divided between tho news weekly and a short titled "Wooden Shoos." Kernie and his outfit pushed off with a popular selection after which the curtains opened for Marguerito White's singing of two old-time fa- vorites whilst bedecked in hoop- skirt. The selection of songs miglit have boon improved, for at this Sabbatli niatlnoe the oi)oning strain.^ of the familiars caused a number of patrons to (lee On tho other hand, that might have been the idea. Following .MiKS White was jilarod Ray Bolgor, who donated an e<!c<n- tric legmania Item to appreciation. Bernle's bov.^ whooped It up again hero. Fowlor and Tamara. from the Casa Lopoz (wliich night club is oolng very well th:s week in the picture hoiis<s with I.opoz playing the Strand) oiriciatod for a t:ing<i and their .siir.--!irc w.iltz. Tliis date sees this coni.lo hitting around .SOO «s coneorns tlio I'.roadway tlltn the- atres, for 1)1,yvo played thr Capitol, polony, aiKl, if jnemory serves, tho »trnnd. I-lniited as to daneo space, the duo nianeiivored neatly and Closed to .soli.i ni)pI:iuso, a corking lurn for lli,. better clneni.i p.ilaces. /ollowing this 24 minutes was Piared "Wooden Shoos," a Cranlield a" 1 Clarke i.rodijotlon evolved jnt^ a brief tour of Hollan.l after nrse showing Sterling Ilollownv fh "',?'-^" "'■••"•'•ick Gaieties") in -^,'"■''•'''■• A idcturesiiiio seven- "^"lutes interlude, neativ tilled and •'l'|irci|,rial(.. t.l^^' ^'' '^'•'''' ^- lie organ r,'^ ,':'' '"C'(ly slides ,.n.l .. pop soni ; r^nditl,,,,, wiii,.h .nmused. Mr. Gois a,, "" '■'•-•I'list of r.'pnte, but tlie ani^ibllily of chewing fjuni duriiK. ■ ^ixci.iity is open to a matter of |-"wmansl,ip. The weeklv held four nrUa .•'"'" '"t<rn.itional, one of th-' Ht th r^' ^•■'^■'*' •'••niy-Navv g.amo ino i'„|„ (;r„un<ls, two from Kox and one by i-atho. nimo"""','"''" "^ I'ernle's varsity men ahi.n"'*" '" '"" ''"nspictioiis ly their ■ ■"'''• lit Sunilay's second sho». Skig. hi sh c MISSOURI St. Louis, Nov. 29. After a record-breaking week for their lirst one as managers of the Mi.ssouri. tho Bros, held over the cas% of tho stage presenta- tion for anutlier week. Uusiiies.s last night (Saturday) can't be compared to that of tho Saturday previous howev<r. The urchoslral overture was taken from "Aida," and a surpri.'^e was sprung at its conclusion by the di- rector, who allowed his men to take liows. Last week the leader tlionulit he doForvod them all by If. Tho courtesy shown the nnisici.uis this week is a llash-baik to lli.ii ol' the former loader at tho .Mis.s,.iiri. And all by itself as far as flash- backs are concerned. Just like last week, the ehi>rus of the stage show grabbed the ap- honors. The girls, K, are by far the best-trained group the writer has had the pleasure to see on a local movie stage. One of the num- bers in which the 16 do things one after another with split-second rapidity and roRularity is similar to the chorus number in "Rose-Marie," and makes a hit. Headlined on the bill are .Tane and Katherino Lee. They offer three turns. Tho first Is a demonstration of how movies are shot. It Is a kitchen scene, and the director doubles as cameraman while the girls do some comedy in mixing up a cake, and end up in a chase around tho Uible. The scene ends wben Jane hurls a bag of Hour at her sister, but of billmi,- the latter, who ducks, It hit.'< their niother, who is just op-nuig the iloor. Tho girls, restrained by court order from doing the Duiuan Sis- ters' material, usu the.r Sp.inish co.«tumes .xiiU, but sing a dil.Vrent soiiK. Tlieir Kiigii.-^l i-.-Kteiiiod de- ocnptlon ot rhe "naT:7T^liarle-.i,or«" was clever, as was too tlnir rendi- tion of "Ob, Kathorin.i," which arises from the grave. The cKksing scene of the sliow wa.'^ "The Charleston Weddinfr." iJride and groom, preach, t, be.-t man. niaal of lionor, flower girls, brides- maids—everybody—goes IbroiiKh the ceremony while supping the Charleston, and all the speaking Is done In rhymes to tlie tune of "Cliarleston." Gone Itod.mieh, ac- customed to si)eeclnnakiiig from (Srand Central days, geis in a few- words to announce that the happy couple will next be shown one y,.a"r later. They are walking down tiie street, the husband .pushing trii)lets in a cart, still Charleston ing. The preacher (Sammy Lewis) passes them, stepping "hot." Rudolph In "Cobra" thrilled 2.000 girlish hearts, but that was about all. Milton Slosser was again cheated of his organ solo by the length of the stage show. The bill as a whole, however, was very good. In fact, only one bit of augge.-^tion can be made: that tho orche.stra drummer be either made to realize ho is not the most important mem- ber of the organization—or guillo- tined, iimbtl. RIVOLI New York. Nov. 29. Everything wits pared to the l>onc this week to allow for tin- many minutes consumed by "The Road to Yesterday," the newest Do Millo film. The overture was omitted, and tho presentation consisted of a dance routine by the four Rivoli dancers, called tho Itivolettes. This was fol- lowed by August Werner, who lends bis e.xcellent baritone to m.any of the Rivoli programs. Werner worked before the draw curtains. -Marion and R;indall, specialty dancers, well known for their pro- duction work, with their routine here es.«ontlally the same as seen in shows along liroadway, and clicked with its usual precision. Marion is a smartly dressed dancer having .a flair for unusual costume, while Rmdall is also well fitted out, his oiittU running more to the usual lines, however. Following them was a news reel with two outstanding subjects—one of the salt plains in Tilict, a Kino- grams subject, and tho other .a Patho subject showing some fiincy para- chute Jumping. The take-offs war* made in slow motion and showed the par.ichute literally pulling the men from tho wings of tho plana and then reverting to normal mo- tion, the lilm showing the men drop- ping Ihrouub at 61 feet per second until tho chute had adjusted Itself. Fox and International each had representation with one subject a I>!eTiT. Then tlio feature, which ran about lOO niliniiis. Hiisiiii ss .<unday aflerno^in heavy, evi-n for the lirst show, a direct re* salt of ibe lioon comiits which Dr. lU'Sinfeld Inauirurated re,, ntly as a means of filling the house early. POLITICAL LADY'S AMBITION Cleveland, Doc. 1. Mrs. Evelyn Frances Snow of Mt. Vernon, Ohio, former member oC the Ohio State Board of Picture Censors, wants to be governor of Ohio. Her candidacy for that cfllce on the Republican ticket has been announced. Harry Langdon's Lady Lead Los Angeh.s, Dec. 1. Joan Cr.iwford will play the lead opposite Harry Langdon In his first for First National, temporarily titled, "Mr. Nobody." Playing Its Second Big Week at WARNERS THEATRE NEW YORK CITY -^■+ THE GREAT ALLEY FIGHT I THE PRIZE FIGHT I THE POLICE RAID! THE AEROPLANE CHASE 1 THE GREAT TRAIN VRECKJ AND FIFTY OTHER THRILLING FEATURES WABNERBROS PatsyRuthMiUer Louise Fazenda AVillard Louis