Variety (December 1925)

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50 V A R I K T Y Wednesday, December 2, 1825 VARIETY'S CHICAGO OFFICE HAL HALPERIN in Charge State-Lake Theatre BU^g., Suite 520 Phones: Cekitral 0644-4401 CHICAGO ProfcMionals h«v« the fr«« um of Variatya Chicago Offica for information. Mail may ba addraaaad cara Variety, State-Laka The- atra BIdg., Chicago. It will ba held aubject to call, forwarded or advart'aad in Variety's Letter Liet. When in Chicago Visit These Hits STUDEBAKER WHAT PRICE Gf r\ u \r "'"''• °''*"* *-« Vy rV 1 vVar Comedy" POP. MAT. WED. AND SAT. HSAM H. Q MATINEES A R R I >^ A R R I THEATRE WED. AND SAT. SAM n. HARRIS Preaente JEANNE EAGELS in "RAIN" Capt. liay'ii Arctic Hovue," trained sea lions, ri'placed (Saletti's Mon- keys, openinK the .siiow at the Pal- ace this week. The resemblance betwoon tho Arctic lievue and I^ola Arline and Seals, a standard tank act. Is very close at times. Kach has four sfta Uons perched on four stands and lias same? relation to the tank and sta^e settinKs. Kach act has a girl diver and a lecturer. The liifTi'roiu'e is ni:iinly that in the Arc- tic Revue the diver does more and the lecturer less than in Lola Ar- line's act. The Sunday show was very lonff, the first three acts consuming ex- actly an hour for an avoratre of 20 Ticket," preluded by some film foot- nfle of a humorous nature, served Jimmy Hussey very nicely, Jimmy Roing into one for three songs after- wards. It can scarcely bo regarded as Rood booking putting Benny Itubln on the same bill with Hussey. Both do the modern type of comedy, and It was natural that the flrst would take the edge off the one that followed. Benny, accordingly, suffered. May Usher, his principal assistant, also suffered, her Yiddish delivery not being as effective as upon her last Palace appearance. The Sunday matinee was an early sell-out. The bill, which looks great on the signs, should gross big. Alice C E N T R A L Brtghtest Theatre In Chicago, VanBurcn at illcbigrac Avenue THE 7TH GUEST A Thrilling New Mystery Play S E L W Y N Myron C. Fagan Presents "THE FASCINATING DEVIL" SHUBERT PRINCESS John Tiirek Presents THE COMEDY SMASH ONE OF THE FAMILY with GRANT MITCHELL And a Brllllunt C—t of Comply ArtUtu EVENINGS, 8:10 MAT. SAT., 2:10 WOODS ZIEGFELD GREATEST EDDIE CANTOR in "KID BOOTS" with MARY EATON 8ATUUDAT MATINBK3 ONLY ILLINOIS The Host Fumoos Show In Amrrica Cast Include! Fiuinle Urice Clark & McCalloash Oscar ^>haw (Jrncp Mi><>re Hrox SIhtrr* KnnawBy t'oor I.ednvu Marluii F.iiajr <foHei>h Miicaulajr Itudoiph Maliuoff And olhrrH. AIno THE Ml SIC itox novH ■\M) «;ii ti.a MutinrcM Wednesday and Satiirdiir. JOHN GOI,nL:.N'3 Sure-Fiio I.aush Hit Bam II. Ilarrli PresentB IrrioK Uerlin'a MUSIC BOX REVUE minutes each. In the deuce the Four Diamonds, after worlcing up a whirlwind, came baclc for an encore, and while It went very well, like most encores, it was something of an anti-climax. The clever four- some could get along without It. The third act. "Tramp, Trami), Tramp," is minutes too long. The idea and general construction has the flavor of burlesque toned up for vaude- ville. Entcrt.Tinlng without being particularly classy, it's okay for a once around, but should be cut down, ft employs eight men in out- landish holio clothes, with the usual shaveless face and bulbous nose much in evidence. Eddie Cantor's skit, "Getting a CORT ii PIGS" SUKPd bj FRANK CRAVF.N Dtrcnt fr'iin all BPa»on (41 wo''k») onilro:iilw.iv with trup N. Y. ("aat EUGENE COX SCENERY 1734 Ogden Armavut CHICAGO rhoac 8EELEY S801 ASK MOOKK and MKUI.ET Lloyd, Jimmy Hussey and George Jtockwell comprise a trio of names to conjure with. It la possible that some customers may te lured by Bob Cannofax, world's champion three-cushion billiardlst. Closing the show, Cannefax, with Benny Hubin clowning, held the audience practically Intact until his last trick. Miss Lloyd is making her first Chicago appearance In years. She was on fifth, using some new songs and several that sounded familiar to the ralace regulars. Following the English idea, now used but little among American singles. Miss Lloyd makes a change for every number. This serves to plant the character, and materially enhances the turn. Miss Lloyd Is one pf the cleverest character singers the stage has sent us. Her appearances are too infrequent for her to be as well known In Chicago as she Is in New York and London, but there were many who knew her, and she re- ceived floral tributes at the close of her turn. J/ol. SmilF.llT GARRICK PAT ROONEY and MARION BENT in THE DAUGHTER OF ROSIE 0 GRADY pxT itooNKY 3D .S.vno<>l>atlnK S.vmi>hiini»lj< ami WorM'-M riri'Mti'Mt Char!. -Mien D.inrpm A. H. WOODS A D E L P H I THE KISS IN A TAXI with Arthur Byron and Janet Beeche^ Anil Cn-alitis I'gst SCENERY DTK SCKNKRT. VEI.ODR CTRTAINS R. WE8TCOTT KINO STUDIOS taia W. Vim llnren St.. Thlrii ko NEW SHIBKRT 01 V M P I P Seat* Four l_ T IVl r I U Wueki Alioad CASTIES in the AIR ., ^^ with VIVIKNNE UKRNAKI) SEGAL GRANVILLE AND A GIIK^\T <:.\.ST OF lOO in th« IWwt .Mii.slrnl Day on Earth BLACKSTONE f, V rr:;---",! (■iii<'A<i<>s rirx.-i'i'.vsMMNf! hit: l>A\l|i l;Kl,.\Sl(rs TKHMr'H IK Pl.H);< lOK .UliliH BUNN ANDERSON I.N \Vn.I,.\ 1M« ^I \< 'K S VK' ' >' >K.\.M.V "THE DOVE" I.T>TnKn km; ACKMKNT 1 Wlv.-i. MdUK The Place To Dine — At Any Old Time North of Chicago Theatre a. <ireenOrili <^r''V\ea.V' DKI.IC'IOIS S\M)\VI('I1KS, STF.AKS, (liors and SAI..AD8 OI'KN IKOM 7 A. M. TO 12 P. M. ( ATlJtKlt.S TO TIIH IMtOFKSSION ' RF.MOOKI.RD THE FROUCS RFDFrORATED "AIVIERICA'S IVIOST BEAUTIFUL CAFE" 111 EOKt a-i<I Strcrt (oppfiNlfp "ir htiillim) ('liir:i|;o, III. The l(rn<lF;.viiu>< of thr riii-iitrii-»l mufb CIVIC AND<-AI. i|.:i.KHi:ITlES UAI.I.K.T Munasrir nKSEnVATIO.NS AClKl'lElJ Plioin. CAI.tVMKT 33«l The ai>pearance of the first snow didn't help the Majestic business. The returns were considerably off for the first show Sunday, being about three-quarters full downstairs and the upper section practically empty. The show appeared to drag throughout with nothing strong enough to lift it up. The various turns pleased and that's about all The last two acts had a tendency to do a little uplifting, but not sufH- clont to overcome the preceding handicap. Maxon and Morris, as a couple of manikins, employing the grotesque head with the minLature body, rat- tled through several numbers In- termingled with a few old "wheezes." The finish discloses them to be built above average proportion with the woman garbed In a "kid" costume. With a small audience to work to the turn barely got over. Gautier's Phonograph I>ogs outside of getting in a good "plug" for Victor, offer very little. The turn is below tho usual Gautler act standard. llay Conlin, still clings to the veiitriloQuial routine of talk he used some ten years ago. Conlin Is a ^ood ventriloquist. His talk got over, but could stand rehashing. Murdock and Kennedy Sisters entertained with songs, dances and some comedy chatter. They all have Improved immensely and will more than hold their own In the Intermediate houses. "At the Polo Club" is a seven- piece musical combination holstcroii with a singer and dancer. The lat- ter is from the amateur rnnks, and noeils relishing. The girl is a curk- irig character songstress, j)uttiii;.' over several numbers to good re- turns. The music is true to the average small outfit, ripping off ."ome "hot" tunes. The set should 1)0 lilled In as the siaue looUs bare. Some rearranging would also lielp toward the siici'css of tlio turn Monte and Lyons, were the com- tily "wow" of the afternoon. 'I' "Italian" comedy procured some real laughs with their music, also adding a touch of flavor to their perform- ance. Held the spot with ease, George Schrock and Co., the lat- ter consisting of singers and dancers, produced a good closer, though It woi4ld have fared better up further on the program. The featured member Is a good come- dian bundling the comedy nicely. The balance of the cast help to round out a good flash comedy turn. Loop. Each circuit has its individual showing house, and the Vic is con- ceded to be the demonstrator for the Western Vaudeville Coast cir- cuit. The program tho last half measured up with the average small time bill. Capacity first show Thursday. There Is more speed attained here in getting the acts on and off than in some of the larger houses. No one is given an opportunity to steal bows. Parti and Regan Sisters drew the opening assignment. The man is a good accordionist, with the two girls singing, playing piano and saxophone. Apparently new com- l)inatIon and needs some work to whij) It Into playable shape. Some re-routing of numbers would help. Lester and Uuth, doing the vehicle formerly employed by Van and Ver- non, did not fare so well In the deuce spot. The turn lacks some- thing and the members not capable of handling what they have. An eccentric dance by the man drew the only solid response. Royal Slav Serenaders, six-piece string combination, connected for the applause hit of the evening. An assortment of melodies disclose them to be ejmert manipulators of the strings. A female dancer exe- cutes several styles to fair returns. With a little staging It would be a good bet for the Intermediates. Weir and Crest, two men comedy turn, wowed them In the late spot. The familiar "wop" character ex- tracts innumerable laughs with a conventional routine. A comedy THEATRICAL W SHOES IB^ WORN AND ENDORSED ^^^ BY J-OKfc^lOST ARTISTS ^ Eveiything for stage, ballet mk f circus wear made to oidet ano f in (lock. Short vamp aodnoT* Th« Pavlowa city itreet and evening tlippen. TomSUptm Opmrm Hom — Tight* 11 N. state St., Chlcaco WMTE FOR CATALOG H The Talk of the West henry g. clarke horace"sistare Present OSCAR O'SHEA Anil Associate Artists Our 29tb Work Majrntlc TliMttre Waukriptji, III. One Hill a Week 10—PERFORMANCES—10 noyalty Srripta Only Interested In Kenting or Leasing Theatres In Cltle.i Over 29,000 Population tVrlte Horace Slstiirp, Mannrv ST. REGIS HOTEL CHICAGO noma of th* I*ror««Hlon Single rates $8.00 up Double rates |10.50 ud 616 N. Ctark Ht. CHICAtiO, ILL. Phone Dearborn 2070 Excellent Tranaportatlun to nil Theatr«« MANY KINGS Hava Been Driven From Tha LAND MANNY KING Was Driven to $950.00 Worth of LAND FRANK GOED Arthur T. Mcintosh & Co. 160 No. LaSalle St., Chicago Phone 8tat« 3783 AMBER PIE TEA SHOP At the northwest comer of Saprrlor aa4 HIchlrsD noulevlu'd. Chicago W* serve the most appetizing, dell» clous and generous lunclieona for par« tlcular business persons KOH 60 CENTS. Also excellent dinners tn quaint and bomelike surroundings FOK tl.Ot, rntnKBN dinner stiNi^Ava ti ik international Booking Office, Inc. Ninth Floor Woods Theatre Bidg., Chicago GEO. H. WEBSTER Booking Manager Phone Central 1497-8-9 DOES YOUR FUR COAT NEED REPAIRING? WE WILL Clean, Olace and Eeline your Coat for only $20 Our vrpentmc9 wUl enftbU you to iiftTe younoU Ui« prlre of a new roat by our expwt aethoda of alterttkm. Blumenfield's Fur Shop 204 State-Lake BIdg., Chicago Phone DEjIKBOBN 1^.^S WORK CALLBD FOR gar Bifwacw—Asy.s. Is «h»i» Butlsws "FREDRICK Costume* — Hats — Gowns Rented or to Order 130 No. State St. 4th Floor, Krani Rldg. riione 8t»ta 7717. ChlcaiK*. HI- >VTliTF, Kb IT NKW CATALOO H and M Proresalonal Tyank. (Union Made) BARNES LUGGAGE SHOP KxcIasUe Aseiits 110 North Peartwm St.. Chlr afo. IW--- HOTEL New IlulUlliig. Fireproof, Walklnc Distance from all Loop Theatres 1019 No. Dearborn Street. Phone Superior 5760—Chicago Rooms without Bath, $12.50. Twin Beds, $16. With Bath. $20 per Weela A HOTEL FOR THE DISCRIIVIINATING PERFORME R ^- ynil Kverybody Vlsltlnr ChloBEoCoesto Roet Food ARE Ro**»»child and Leiderman's Entertainment INVITED RFNnP7 VnilQ CKVV ^^^'^'"^ ^*'*^'«^*'^ TO RENDEZ-VOUS CAFE 't'oS' VISIT UIVEIl^l PARKWAY AT BROADWAY Orci.esti-a I'ROKKSSIONAL TKOrLF.—WHKN IN rilirA<iO—COME TO THE QIIKT, RKSIIIKNTIAL NORTH SHORE MANOR HOTEL MitiUKt>nirnt ItnUNAUI) (il.ATT • . Whiih Is Only 15 MIniitrs From Anv Loop Tlioiifrs Ol K RATKS ARK LOU KR THAN LOOP PRICKS Rememljir This Will He Vour Home-.\way From the Nolss _„.,„ ^.^ "nil Congostlon of the Loop .SIIKRinAN AT ARCiYLK AUnMORR ;oo« DR. MAX THOREK Annoiuirc* the KoIIowIiir ( lianKi* In OIIUk Hours at The American Hospital, Irving Park Boulevard and Broadway, Chicago PHONE LAKEVIEW 0152 >• to II A. M. 1 10 tn 3.jn P. M. .Siindriys hy A iM.nIn' ni.-n( MUSICAL coMEorr- - DRAMATIC STOCK - -THEATRt Lessee-- 'ff Ui an Anda WrIAht Attrdctton in the Best thorv Isr BUTLER BLD6. — CHICAGO OTTO n. .mNOKRS CAFE OF DISTINCTION VANITY FAIR RALrn H JAN -BN'i *, «^ .,...„. BROADWAY AT GRACE STREET „- $1.25—UNSURPASSED TABLE d'HOTE DINNER—$1-25 ,. , , , .. , S.rv.l from r. iHO p m. until p. m. Abfioiatnly No (our < h rc<" Diirlnic fhp Lntlr^ Ktonln^ tor Dinner <:««»*• „..„ AprUlnit lt«.ri>r« 9:00 P. M. FOR RK.SKRVATIONS. Ul't'KIN(illAM .12St. WELLINGTON ?•«« .