Variety (December 1925)

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Ineiaay, Decemfeir 1, IMS VARIETY fy^'^^r- NEW YORK THEATRES YANDEEBILT MtB^Wed.'* Sat., J!:3t> The New MunleiU Comedj MPRRY MERRY v^ith MARIE .8AXON r. and Notable Ca»t Harry Archer't Orchestra TIMES SQUARE THEATRiB liata. Thurs. * Sat. Crosby aalge presents Fay Bainter In CHANNINO P0I.,1.0CK a New Play 'THE ENEMY' _ 'ar-11<v«<a T 11 B A T R K Henry JIUlierB 5,4 we«t <3rU street •)..,.. «40 Milts. Thurs. « Sat., 2:30. "the NEW SE.4SON'S BK8T PI,Alf *' ' _. Hammond, UtralU Tribune THB VORTEX Noel Coward's Triumph irlth Mr. Coward and Lilian Bralthwalto In the leading roles 1^ Tl^^t^'mABm Thea., W. 42d St. New Amsteraam Ev.ninp«. 8:3o. Mats. Wed. and Sat.. 2:30 «rl«ni(T I11lllngh»ni A Zlcgfeld. Mil. Dlr. ( IIAUI.K.S UI1.I.1NUHAM preMuti MARILYN MILLER And h(r Compinr r 'SUNNY' Musical Comcd> Hit Music by Jerome Kern. Book by Otto H»rbach & Oscar Ilammprsteln 2d. Staged by HassarU Short I W. 4S St. Evs. 8:30 «L Sat., 2:30. FULTON I,-^?,:^ wed. CHARLES DILLINGHAM presi nta INA CLAIRE Ib a Comedy by Frederick Lonsdale The Last of Mrs. Cheyney* with Roland Toung and A. R. Matthews Staged by Winchell Smith ■ I —^___^^^—^^———^-^—^—— WtX-l^ I TRFRTY Th.,W 42St. Kres. «.3» ^tnttt ^'^"'^^ ^ » Mts. Wed. A Bat. J.30 Britngct Chuln Dtliiiighim prer«nt< THE an CHAP with BICHARD 8KEET OALI^OHER Hulr by Jprome Kern. IVwli by Jamrt Mont- (omrrr. Lrrlrt by Anne Caldwell Dlr.A.I.. r_,-„t.„ B> * 4«lh Bt K»» 8.S0 bltnier I'J'ICty M«t«. Wed. * Sat. Charlea Dillingham A A. H. Woods present lo Mli'hiel Arlen'i Cyril Mande These Charming People staged by Winchell Smith ChirlM Pl^k-H'y * 46th at KtM.. I.Jf DUllnfbtm VJlODC u»tn. Wed. and Sat. 2.25 H. 11. Frazce's Round-the-World Musical Sensation NO, NO. NANEnE with I,Ol71HE OROODT and Star CMt TftDT Thea., W. 48lh St. Kvs. 2.30 VVriM Matg yvfj i^nj Sat., 2.S0 George Jessel in i "The Jazz Singer" -4 — ZIEGFELD COSMOPOLITAN THEATRE. Col. Circle 69tb St. A Bway Matinees Thuwday A Satwrdax LEON ERROL in LOUIE THE 14TH REPURI Tr'"»a W. 42nd St. Era 2.3 * '-'"^^^Mats. Werl. and .Sat., 2.3 I ANNE NICHOLS' Great Comedy I "ABIE'S IRISH ROSE"! '°eIV THE PUAV THAT PUTS "U" III HUMOR LONGACBE 7?""- ^- *» st. ky«. tso ■"** Mats. Wed. & Sat., J.Su The BUTTER and EGG MAN MUSIC BOX '^»' • W " S« Kvs.8 40 aT>w^a«,« a^vry^ jjj^ y,^^ ^ g^^ ^^^ CRADLE SNATCHERS A Sparkling, Clever, Scintillating Comedy with MARY BOLAND And ■ Wonderful Cast BELASCO ^ "t" St. Eves. 2S0 ua^a.x-awvw'wr j^^,^ Thurs. A Sat., 2.30 DAVID BELASCO prccenta By arranr^ment with Lee Shubert E. H. SOTHERN ACCUSED By BHIEUX 1 THE •.POOR NUT with ELLIOTT NL'GENT dAf-k <iT THEATRE. Eves, at 8.30 ■wotu .3 1. Mots. Wed. A Sat., 2.30 0*^0- COHAN Thea., Bway A 4Sd St. H- ^V/n/\l'l EvenlnKs 8:30 Mats. Wed. & Sut., 2.30 "One ef the laach hits of the aeason." —says Evening Sun. EASY COME, EASY GO! A New Farce by OWEN DAVI3 with OTTO KRUGER and VICTOR MOORE Move* to Blltmore The*. Next Week "GORGEOUS" Unanimous Verdict EARL CARROLL Presents FLORIDA GIRL LESTER ALLEN—VIVIENNB SEGAL t VDir'THBA.. W. 42 St. Ever 2:S0 LiiniV* Mats. Wed. A Sat., at 2:30 Hove* to 44th 8t. Thetk Next Mod. \ WALLACK'S^^rin^ Phone Wisconsin *064 MaU. Wed. and Sat., 2.20 EARL CARROLL PRBSBNT.S LAFF THAT OFF THE CHAMPION COMEDY LYCEUM Tbaa., W. 4( St. Bva 8:30 IRENE BORDONI in "Naughty Cinderella" AVERT BOrWOOD'8 NEW gONO FABCE EARL CARROLL VANITIES wrarxhe Ix»ell,>Nt UlrU la AmeHon EARL CARROLL ^n*:? WtrIve^' _ Mttineea Thursday and Saturday ARCH SELWYN i,rcaonts THB CHARIOT REVUE <rf 1926 With BIL%TKU'E MLIJE, JACK rtUANAN, GRRTUUDR I^WKKNCB SELWYN Thea . W. 4Id .<lt. Bva. »:S0. *" Mais. Thurs. * fat., 2:S0. MOROSCO ■'"*"'*• ^ " ^^- "'v" •"" *^ """ Mats. Wed. & Sat., 2.30 Why In 8he the Talk of tfa«< TownT THK DRAMATIC HIT CRAIG'S WIFE By OEOnriE KELLY with CHRYSTAL herne THEATRE OUIU) PRODUCTIONS BERNARD 8IiAWS OOkfEDT ANDROCLES ANIt THE UON with CLARE EAMES. TOM POWERS. HKNUY TUAVBR8, ORVILLB t^ALD- WELL. EDWARD C. ROBINSON A to OTIIER.S. 1^1 AW W. 4&th St. Eves. 8:30, ■^J-''^*^ Mats. Thurs. A Sat.. 2:30. BERNARD 8HAWH CO.MKDY ARMS -^ MAN Alfred Loot, Lynn Fontiuine n A T>V>irV Thfa.. «S W. 85th Bt..Ev; LlAKKHw.rv.g.30. M«li«Thur8.,8»t.,2;30. GUILD THEATRE ^"^r^^TaV Eves., 8:80. Mats. Thurs. A Bat., 2:JO. t i\m SUPPER A Comedy by MOLNAR catch line number at the flnlsh was the cauAe for several returns. Robblns Trio, roller skating turn, were a trifle slow foUowInB the two successive hits that preceded them. The trio depend mainly on swings, wtfh the balance of tholr rotitltio t Y 'if M '11 '■A.^ The PIQUANT-fn ^at«>t l«<i(h«r piptA u-uH |o/den 1 lese The ARtSTOCRAT-In pastel satins ui't/i ribbor\-em- broidered tiamp. larmino People --buy their ^ ' slippers at the (§howfoW s (§hoeshop! Among recent visitors to the Showfolk's Shoeshop was Miss Irene Ricardo.the clever vaudeville entertainer; also Miss Ada May, the dainty star of Captain Jinks, who chose itome delightful evening slippers. Miss Marie Saxon, the charming star of the Merry, Merry Company came in another day for some stage slippers, while another Avell- known visitor -was Madame Kalisch wrho ordered slippers for her ncAv production. Charming people usually wear charming shoes, which is the reason so many of them are frequent visitors at the famous Show^- folk's Shoeshopi ..••»..• "•♦•*'*. I. MILLER SKotu/oIk's Shoeshop-1554 BROADWAY Fifth Avenue at 46th Strwt ^ 15 West 42nd Street 498 Fulton Street Neof Fi/th Auenue Cor. 0/ Bond, D roo fcl yn not being on par with the averago turn of this calibre.' Loop. The Kedzle lineup the last half wa.s not very entertaining. Alvin and Kenny's presence in the opener of a houso like the Kedzle would seem to indicate that acrobats arc scarce. They have an act composed principally of nerve, but not nerve as applied to daring feats of skill or strongth. Tho straight does a few twists on tho rings while tho othw partner is attired in a sooty tramp make-up with loose pants. A lot of oft-dono hokum pantomlnio will make children laiigh if the children arc still very young. Drisko and Earl, man and woman, followed with traveling salesman chatter. They were recently re- viewed under New Acts. "They did nicely. The trey held a six-piece girl or- chestra plus Kurt Kuehn (New Act«). The girl musicians need practice; they left their teacher.s too soon. "Mush," that venerable old boy.Ms still being done by Kawl.s and Von Kaufman, and It Is still making the customers laugh continuously and heartily. Tho man Is a good bl.iclc- face comic while the woman makes a good foil. Kawls and Von Kauf- man, with LiOla Arline and Seals, were the high lights of the bill. Another venerable turn, Empir*' Comedy Four, next to shut. A monocled Englisliman, high-hatted actor, nondescript Dutchman, and a straight form the membership. Good voices. The audience found Interest In tho closing act, Lola Arlliie's Seals. These Intelligent denlzons of tho Pacific are remarkably well trairn-d. A clever lecture r "sell s" the act adroitly. SEATTLE By DAVE TREPP Blus Mouse — "The Man on the Box." Liberty—"Gold Rush" (3d week). Colis*um—"Why Women Love." Columbia—"Where Was 17" Strand—"The Best People." Capital—"The Charmer." Winter Qarden—"Never the Twain Shall Meet.' The city movie censorship board wants a more stringent city ordi- nance—one with teeth in it—mainly to close up the all-night showshops, several of which flourish "below Ycsler" In Seattle. "Blossom Time," at the Met, was broadcast from KJR, tho Post-In- telllgenccr station, last week, this being the second time the show was put "on the air" in Its entirety. The first timo was from Schenectady, N. Y. Bids are being asked by the Great- er Tlieatros for tho erection of the company's new sub house, the liroadway. to be built at a cost of half a Tnlllion. This is the Jtnson- Von llerbcrg Co. Loop. Arthur B. Jewett la aakfd to got in touch with his brother, Waltor Kellogg, at .632 West Cist street, Chicago. Keller Sisters and Lyncl) will not go to Morida for the winter. In- stead th« trio will make another tour of the Orpheum Circuit, If You Don't Advertise in "VARIETY" Don't Advertise "What Price Glory" fKmmott Cor- rlgan) optins at the Met Nov. 29 for a week. The Duffy Players, at the newly named Pro.«id<>nt, did close to $9,000 gross the week and ahout $7,000 the second week with "Polly Pre- ftrred." The policy until New Year's Is to change i)ills wookly. Norman Haokett, ch.aracter man, now In Kan I-'ranclsco, Joins tho Duffy Players, opening Jan. 10 in "Thank You," = has formed a oompany with B. T. Mathes. former mayor Bellinffham. to operate a new theatre In B«lUn»- ham. Albert M. Ray, picture actor, wtM has been in Nome, Alaska, with an F. B. O. company, visited TacooMt last week en route to Chicago, where be will be joined by Beatrice Thrift and others in a sketch to play vaudeville. Byron C. Downard is building a new theatre In Red Lodge, Mont. SITUATION WANTED Young man, 23, alert, intelligent, desires to become affiliated with a reputable theatrical concern. Press work, box ofllce or any opportunity available. Salary of no concern un- til merit and worthiness proven. Address Box 23, Variety, New YorhL. The Llttlrjohns Headdress A IlfK Klaiili For NovembV Our Price $6. FumoDs l.ittle- Jolin H h I n e - st<iD<>N <-an be boQKht only at THE UTTLEJOHNS INC. 254 West 46th 8t. NEW YORK ANTTllINO IN RHINRHTONB8 Al KInklestine, manager. Strand. thehdical cms THE STANDARD EHCPAVING CO I aZtWttl 39 SI NCWVOPM. ARE YOU GOING TO EUROPE? m««in«hlp •reemmodatinn* arrenged ob all Llnea at Malo OOr* Pritee. IV«ta are Knlng very fall: armnire early Foreign Honey bnosht nnti aold. Liberty Bond* booibt sjad eoM. > PAri, T.^rpIO * SON. 104 Reat Mtb St.. Now Ter* Phone iillarveMial •II«-(II37 / < n I »» f 1 I ' I