Variety (December 1925)

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Wednesday. December 16, 1925 VARIETY 69 li\\, HOTELS FOR SHOW PEOPLE 1 HOTEL HDDSON ALL NEWLY DECORATED S 8 and Up Sirgie $12 and Up Ooubia H'<i and Cold Water an^ 'tt\»VtPV* in Cacb Room. 102 WEST 44th 8TREET NEW YORK CITY Phoa<>' OBTAN1 liZS-t* HOTELFULTON (lo ihr Uasrt ol Nrv Vork) f 8 dnd Up Single $14 and Up Double ■faowar Batna. Hoi and CoM Watar,an(l Tf^lrphnna RIprtrle Van In mrh r*am. 264-268 WEST 46th STREET NEW YORK CITY Pboae< Lttrkairanna nM9-l OppM<t» N V A. SINGLE ROOM WITH BATH, $2.00, $2.50 AND $3.00 PER DAY Double rooms for 2 persons, $21.00 per week Twin Beds at $2S LORRAINE and Chicago GRANT HOTELS LEONARD HICKS. Managing Director . i- ' —L THE DUPLEX BoU!i«:<e»plnt Pumfslied Apartmenta S30 tVeat 4Srd Strert. N<w York Loneacre 7132 Three and tout roomii with bath, com- Stlt kitchen. Uodern In every parttcu- r Will accummoUate four or more a4«)ta tie.OO or WBKKLT BILLS NEXT WEEK (Continued from page 17) Sd half ' Jerome & Newell Billy McDermott Dolly Kramer ft Bd pvBirqtE. iix, Majeatie Belblnl « Albert Clarence Wlllard Dance Kfad :d half Bronnon A Bvani Fahnova Dancara <On« to Oil) xvANflV'LE. mn. Grand I/a Veen A Crosa llaatera A Orace Tabor * Qreen Venet'n M'aq'rad'ra <One lo All) 2d half The Higher Upa (Four to flil) OALRSnlTBU. IND. Orphrum Roletta Boys Morgan & Sheldon Frolics of 1S2S Id half Thalero 4t Ganr Smith A Cantor Stepa * Sonss JO MET. rLU Orpheom Harris A Holler YANDIS COURT 241-247 West 43d Street NEW YORK UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Newly renovated and decorated 1, 2. 3 and 4 room furnished apartments; private shower baths: with and without kitchenette, alao maid service $15.00 and up wt-ekly. THE ADELAIDE UBS. 1. I.BVEI Prop. NOW UNDEIt NEH MANAOKUKNT 754-756 EIGHTH AVENUE Mar. Between 4eth and 4?lh !«lre*t» One KInek W»ml af Drnadway Ose, Tu'o. Three Four and FWe-Room Famished Apartmenta, M L'p. fltrlttl.T l*rofeHslonal Phoaes: SICO-3161 I'lioao: LONOACRB 1034* 6800 GEO. r. SCnNKIDEK. Prop THE BERTHA FURNISHED APARTMENTS COMPLETE FOR HOUSEKEEPING. 323-325 West 43rd Street CLEAN AND AIBY NEW YORK CITY Private Bath. H-e Roome. C'BtrrlUK lo the eonatert and roovealeace •! , the prof«-aaluii. HTBAM HEAl AND EI.Bt'TRIC LIUUT .... Sia.«V CP HOTEL LAFAYETTE PHILADELPHU, PA. Broad and Arch Streeia Central Theatre District Will serve and entertain you at a protea- slonal rate. All rooms run'nlns water, telephonvs, private hatha and showers, newly furnished. Ooldle A Oeatty R (One to nil) Sd halt Pollls Girls Kelso Bros Dellsla Outside the Circus Delmar's l^lons MILWKEE, WIS. Majestic Mack A Veltnar Silks A Satins Jones A Jones Qallcttl'a Uonks (Three to nil) MINNBAPOUS 7th St. Mills A Uuncan Arthur Jarrett Co Colored Orchestra Monie A Lyuns Gautler's iJogn (Two to fill> MADI80N, WIS. Orpiieum Frank Shields Keo Taki ft Tokl Harrison A Dakln Ilarion A Young S'.rvany Twins Co TAVERN A CHOP HOUSE OF EXCEPTIONAL MERIT 1S6-8 WEST 48TH STREET E»tt of Broadway -t 1^ « # DAMCINQ MFSIC BT CRUSADERS AND MANY BKO.*DWAT STARS H FAMOUS I 1 ofbraU UUNCHEIOM DININER. ^UPPEV^ ALSO o^^-f V Aijr> ao""* st. ■. riew Cut Rate. Aristo Hotel 101 W. 44th St N. Y. C. Phoae Dnsnt 1101 Two (jJ"! ft '*•'' Pertone «pXO Week Outside Room with Connrctlnv Bath 350 HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS ^ IRVINGTON HALL 356 West 51st Street 6640 Circle HENRI COURT 312 West 48tb Street 3830 Longacre HILDONA COURT 341-347 West 45th Street. 3r.60 Longacre. 1-2-3-4-room apartments. Each apartment with private bath, phone, kitchen, kitclienette. $18.00 UP WEEKUY—$70.00 UP MONTHLY The largest malntainei of housekeeping furnished apartments directly under the supervision of the owner. Located in the center ot the theatrical district. All fireproof building*. Address all communications to CHARLES TENENBAUM Principal ofllce. Hildona Court. 341 West 45th St., New York Aparttncnta can be seen cicninys. Office in each buUdinu SPKCIAI. RATKS TO THE ritori'SsioN Courtesy—C'leaullnehK—Comfort Th» Most Modern Onp and Two Room Apart nicntH with I'nviiie Hath and All Night Srrvice Grencort Hotel 7th Ave. and 50tb St., NEW VORK Hotel America 149 W. 47th St., N. Y. C. Phono Bryant 0094 Two 1 rf «M1 P*"" Person. 1 i'^^ Week Large Room and Private Dath (One to nil) 2d half Joe Fanton Co Porter J White Billy Taylor Co (Three to All) PEORIA, ILL. Palare Ponzlnl's Monka Buddy Duyle J B Stanley Co Freda A Palace Variety Pioneers 2d bait Little Plplfax Co Goldle A Beatty R Robinson A Pierce (Two to nil) Ql INCY. IIX. Orpheam Thalero A Gang Smith A Cantor Oddlt Steps A S'gs 2d half Roletta Boys Morgan A Sheldon Frolics of 1926 KOCKFORD. ILL. Palacn Joe Fenton Co A A M llavcl r'rank Devoe Co (Two to All) 2d halt Selblnl A Albert Keo Taki A Tok! Harrison A Dakln Servany Twins (One to Oil) SPBINGF-LD, ILL. Majeatlo Kelso Bros JuKClIng DcUsle Outsldo the Circus Delmar's l.lons (Two to All) 2d half Rasno Co Around the Qlobe Hlckf-y Bros (Three to till) SO. BEND, JND. Palace Koman Japs Chabot A Tortonl Billy S Hall Co Ann Gripnway Boylan Snranoff Co 2d' half Slg Frlsc^oe Ud Barton & Young Authors A Comps (Two to nil) CHICAGO K-A CiaCUIT Bernaise Restaurani 35 WEST 46TH STREET NEW YORK CITY AT WM. J. flALLAGHER*t IVIONXE CARL.O BROADWAY AND 5I8T 8T. Ths Premiere of a KrllUtnt Rerue. TELEPHONE CIRCLE O7l-40lt WIl.t.IAM ABNOLD'S **ROULETTE GIRLS'' WONDERFUL DINNER $2.25 : • le t p. M. Ne Cover Charge AT DINNER At All Heurt Theatre Supsert A LA CARTE l«aturin| THE THREE WHIRLWINDS to rouriMjr uf K«rl < .irnH'^ Venlll« THB Wfilll.n KAMdIS SKATEltS THELMA CARLTON late cf Artutt »nO WiM>eii MILDRED ENRIGHT (,f I'.tratll^e <;tr!i» MARJORIE and ROBERT ALTON lata jof Ore'Tiwiih \ lllago folliri "THE FIELD SISTCRS of the I'a.iFliig hiiiiw Id othnr* <rlih the ftiti!'! tti'l napplett U«ri< lijg till rut lo America DANCINO ALL EVENING ACE BRIGOnC'S FOURTEEN VIRGINIANS Fameut Radio end Reeterd ArtUt* MiU BETTf^ REIO Haitaei F>IROL.L,E'S 145 WEST 46TH ST., NEW VORK BKNOIVSEO FOK 1T8 FUF.Ntll rVISJNE AMI P.\5>TKr PIKOLLK-S SPECIAL TAHl.K irllOTE UINNEB *| (in HI NPAV FROM 1« P. M. TO 9 P. M. s»»-w HlN(;^lBON'.S . PA^XyY 8r»tAL DISHDS POCtJLAR PUKSgS HLOO.n'(iT'>i. 1NI> Ilnrris-Crand 2d half Potter A* Gamble Kerr A Ensign (Two to nil) CIJFAKLAND, O. Read's Hippodrome Hart Rob'ts A ON ICiTiplre Coinrdy 4 Uroadway Bits (Two to nil) 2d half Petct L.C Anna Tr Al Btrnlvkl Dorothy Byton Co (Two to nil) DKTROIT, MICH. (■rand RIvlora R Evcr'st's Monk.s Clias OlJott Co Sunphino Olrla Mabic Walzer A B (One to nil) La Salle Garden Ix)iilsc & Mitchell in Mexico Stf-wnrt A T.,ash (Two lo nil) 2d halt Kay H.-imlin A K Kn(,'ll»ih Madcaps (Throe to nil) FT. WAYNE, IND. Puliice Novril Bros Spaiili.1i Driams (Onr; to nil) 2'1 half Lee K Ids John Harry Co (Ono to All) INDIAN APOIJS Palnre Krma lialiiiua A M Bay A Everett R'iBn A Du Itoss (TW'i to fill) 2d half Manon A (;ole 11 Musical MiMD's (Three lo fill) LAKAYKTTK HitrH 2d ha:f Geo ilack 't h(4r« Lftig Hee Tr (Three to Oil) KY. LEXINGTON Ben All Woodland Rev Billy B<ard Ali-xandrrB * Ev'ln (Two to fill) 2d half Kennedy I'Kterson Lf'on's I'onies (Three to nil) M.MA, O. Faarot O. II. Grey A Byron AI Birnlvicl Do Witt Burns A T 2d half Stafford A I.iulso Klch'dBon A Adair Kmplre Comedy 4 LOl'lSVILLE, KY. KeithV National Staff'ird A I.ouifO Mason & Cola Geo M.ick 11 Mu.>!i'.al Misses (One to nil) ."d h.ilf Irnia Hiliiius A M Billy B. ard Woodland Revue (Two to nil) MfNCIF,. INI>. Wy«or Grand FlaMlrrri *. I'.nt'.r Bi^rn.ird A K'llfp Choy I.lnjr Lte Tr (One to nil) 2d half La Frati' • Xr 'ia'n t ll.'liard Vinlnur (Two to nil) RKIIMnNB, IM>. Murray 20 haif Ma"<t< rK Sr <;r.i<;o (Tl.r.-t to fi;i) T-KF, H'LTK. INI). Indiana Pott..r * C.riible Fril Hfrins 0> Hli l-.'-y r.rc.^ It.' hard Vlr-.tour Co (Unu to nil) 2d h.iif Flandrr;!-* HatlT I. lialit ii:;.i.e Co NaUie Jap" (Two. ip. 511). , . . . V Jfotel ^Ik NeWLY FURNISHED Modern In Every lie-ipeet Rot tii'l ((4>1 waicr. Tcli iili'inct la stery roum. Kltv«ti)r » r^l'p all iilRl.t. Oyr b«t recommcndRtioa are latUfled sifim- ken sf ttte protctklon who aiake It their ROOMS $10 PER WEEK AND UPWARD: WITH BATH tl4 PER WEEK AND UP- WARD. (Double }3 otra.) 53RD STREET .ln«t E»nt of Bronduay. New York ROANOAPARTNtNTS 800 Eighth Ave. (49th St.). (IIICKERING 3.V>0 2-3 Rooms, Bath and Kitchenette Hotel Service, Weekly or Monthly "SUMMER RATES" ~MI»» AGNES CONLKY. HanaKir" iimLPiNE Formerly HKISENH EBKR'H SSth St. and 8th Ave., New York I and a ROO.MS. PRIVATE OATH 8PECIAI RATES TO PROFES.SION PHONE COLUMBUS lOOO American and Annex Hotels 7th and Market ST. LOUIS 6th and Market Room and Bulh for One nnd a Ifiilf Clrculiitlnjr Ice Wairr In P^vpry Room Rates $1.50 and Up 200 ROOMS 200 DATIIS The Home of the Profession MARION ROE HOTEL Broadway and Pine hT. ft)i;i,H, MO. Cars at Ptntlon Pans the Door <s. Dryant Apartments (.IIST KK.MOUICLKlt) 119 West 45th St., New York Apartments—Ti\n ItooniM and nalli AlfD ItDlllTlH Running walor and ph'ifl'e In every roam. Mind and all nlyht elevator »• rv- REASONAELE WINDSOR. ONT. Ctoltol Petct I-c Ahr,i Tr l^nfjIlRh M.-.dfiii.a ( to nil) Id halt N'ov< He Bros r.'itilHp A MiIcIk'I 111 AI' xir o SiivMirl A T.aHh It. II LlRliI Co INTERSTATE CIRCUIT DALLAS. Ti;\. Miijestlr Iliiyal C.iH-.■>n<-s ';>rtrud" ll.irtii"< Many ll"'m.'n Co f'clhni! & I'.l. rio.n T A K Ari'lrcws I-T. SMITH. ARK. Jole 3 I.ordinH .M-Iroy Sis I.''\%|:h * Norton Nit (• Il.ilr.M Mttrh^n Tr lirvr t-r. WORTH, Ti;x. .Miijefitli- M:. r;;.-.r>.' l.-iyL^r St. ■..■Ill *.■ Wof.lfrd I'l-ir;'.'■!.! Wal.:. l-.a I'lnlo H ri" I'll' r h.M . I'Mi.lo Co (;ai.\lstv, ti-.x. .Merlini ICunl'f .SMI' 1 .tnn'-r M rr, rn K'i'h r.Uhard K-n-i. Harry t- NMi'IdR.' -J-'il"!'-^ .'i.'U'L"i»0 - - IKII STON, I e,\. MiiJ'-Kllr I..II. or fi I'l.rtlu .Mary l{<illy r.ari" A Harper W.ilM A Itr-idy Wlther's (Jpry L'TTI.K R'R, ARK. .MaJpHtIc .M< Iroy .Sm Lewis U .Norton H * A i'eyiiiour Santrey & I'.md ^ Hotel •f DistXncilitk Mow Open] Newest and' most mod- em Hotct in Saint LouiSe' 400 Rooms 400 Datha Rates from $3.00 Charles Hciss, MutMger 320 West 96th St. (NEAR DRIVE) NEW YORK CITY Express Subway station at corner* Furnished Rooms and Apartmenta with painted panel walls Housckcppina rooms, $7.50 to $9.50. Apartment, large room, REAL crivate kitchen, $12 to $15, adjoin* ing bath. Gas, electricity and linen free. Switchboard tervJco; steam heat; modern building. New Management J. P. WAL LER ■ Phono: RIVERSIDE 5557 ' t<! ii ; i r "y A —;< "y t n ' u i ;!d hair I'.rroii« St Oiixer Hilly K'lly fc Co ll.t'Uijian liT'ii MrAT'S'lK. OliLA. Itu-.liy Mornll A Klinor !'■ trie * (JrvMory Up. ramc'ie .1 II loy r.yon^i Ah ^:.n, A J" M'KOtMIK, OK LA. _■ i':ilii<'<< Xf.rr. II K Klinor Nat C Haines Brady & Malioney l'"re'.niai> A T.ynii N. Oltl.KANS, LA. Orplieuni H' .!:, y Traliane A Wallnre \VI;;i man .Sis Iny Co Ki»li-r A Hurst Hairy HnmlBraiis OKL\lfOMA CITY Orplii i:iii Ah .San .': .Urn S & O V. • K'l I ip'T.i'OIUO .lin.iuy Lyons doHlar ,«• I iisl.y 2<l half M.i.-k .^ I.aKue :| M'KerT'as ViUKlin (.'onifort H.-rry \ill.r Mo-i..',s, .Mi'fhtll S. ANTtlNIO, TEX. . Jliucalle Palmero'H Dogs Ned H.ivi rly .VIMred I.iv'KSton Chain A Bronsoa I'au: Jairii.Hon Tl LSA. OKL.A. Orplieuni Mack Xi La Hue Harry ,\.l..i- VuUKlin Cimifort Moo,.: JC- .Mii,:hfll ^ ilelCeiinas 2.1 half .Mendi:?! >t Snoor.©f .Morr.Tv & ( fl..o Filirmk Laura tJnn.lioe FreeiiKiii * Lynn U'lI'TA. F'l.S, T'X. MuJ><»llo CJillu. '.s !m,h I Mub'l IKlVne In IlarKravia Hav\i>iorTi6 .t C LJuyd Jk. Uric* t^