Variety (December 1925)

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r Wednesday, December 16. 1925 CABLE ADDRESS, VARIETY. LONDON 17 n D 17 f P M mher 16. 102S 2096.319fi R«>»*nf F \^ 1\ C* 1 VI 1^ 2096-3199 Regent VARIETY'S LONDON OF'^ICE 8 St Martin's Place, Trafalsar SquiJ-« :u: m ACTS IN FRENCH! FILM HOUSES FOR 1ST TIME Gaumont Palace, Paris, Playing Combination Pol* icy—M-G Affiliation Paris. Deo. tl. 'The Gaumont Palac« (Hippo- drome) haa add<>d vaudeville actx to Ita stralsht nim policy. Thia la construed aa tha outcoma of the Franco-American afflllatlon of Gau- mont and Motro-Goldwyn with M jQpntll aa manager. jA rrrent bill at the house eom- priaed the Powel Troupe, acrobnta: ■Jtenee and Godfrey, dancers: MUe. >rnnlla. vocalist; Arthur Flagel. orftaniat. and "Teas of the D'Auber- vllles" as the flim feature. The addition of acts to the Oau- •lont Pnlace prosrama is the open- ing wcdRe of either the "combina- tion policy** (vaudeville and pic- turra) or the American conception of picture house "presentationa" in France. It marks the first time a iinnjor clnrma theatre in Parla has Included anythlnjr other than cellu- loid subjects an -an attraction. SOILY JOEL WON'T PUT UP ANY MDNEY '■*■ London. Dea 2Z. Solly Joel has left for the south «f Prance. Before leaving he Mated that while he la willing to permit the $1,175,009 mortage on the Empire property to atand, he ■win not advance the $"50,000 toward the bulldlnir of the new houae on the site. In which Metro- Goldwyn of New York la Inter- ' voted. Rather than do that, added Mr. Joel, ho would he wllllns for the llarcus Loew deal for the house to be passed up. It ■ was reported In Variety a couple of weeks ago that If Mr. Joel and Sir Alfred Butt did not wish to invest In the new Empire, London, that Marcus Loew will build, th.nt Loew stood ready to assume the entire deal. ^'1 INDEX Miscellaneous 1 Legislative 2 roreign 3 Vaudeville 4-7 Vaudeville Revie'vs 13 Bill! Next Month 14-15 Burlesque 8 Sports 10 Times Squars 11 Women's Page 9 News from the Dailies... 12 Legitimate 17-21 Legitimate Reviews Tl Pictures 22-39 Editorials 16 Picture Reviews 36-37 rilm House Reviews 33 Presentations 32 Literati ^30 Rad-o 39 Music 39-41 Cabaret 41 Ballroom Reviews 40 Outdoors 42 Inside Stuff—Legit 16 " " —Music 40 - —Pictures ,.. 35 Obituary 42 Correspondence 43 Letter List 49 ■•~~"--'—- 3 MilHon Francs, Cash, Spoiled Gulliver's Sleep Parts. Dee. It. Charles Quillver. of the Va- riety Theatres Controlling Co.. London, was hers last week and haa bought the freehold of the Alhambrs (vaudeville) for 3.000.000 franca, cash down The house has been closed and nothing done In the way of rebuilding since the (Ire laat year. It is believed Gulliver has bought to resell. I»cal tournals atato a new music hall Is to be built on the site, with a capacity of 4,000. Another report Is that it will be a big picture theatra. According to a Paris report, when Charles Gulliver went there to buy the option on the Alhambrs music hall he called on the owners of the ground with the purchase price in his pocket. 3.000.000 franca Two of the Interested parties did not show up and the signing of the deeds and payment had to he postponed. By this time. In the after- noon, the banks were closed, and Gulliver had to return to his hotel with the cash In his pocket. He did not retire all night, but shut himself in his room until the waiter knocked to take his order for breakfast the next huorn'ng. OulUver did not open the door, however, waiting until an associate called to accompany him to another rendezvous with the attorneys represent- ing the landlords Chariot's Revue Can't Make London Grade London. Dec. 12. Chariot may be very successful In New York, but "Chariot's Revue." without Buchanan. Lillle and I^w- rence has failed utterly here. Monthly editions were planned. October failed dlsnvally. November was somewhat better. There will not be a December Issua. The revue leaves the Prlnco of Wales' /next week, then goes on tour wude comedy fob faais Paris. Dec. 12. The French version, by Albert Sa- vine and G. de Salx. of Oscar Wilde's "An Idoal Husband." was presented by Hene Dlum at the Casino theatre. Monte Carlo, being successfully greeted. It Is probable the comedy will be given here with the creators., Cande. Sarah Rafale, Mar- ccUe Genial, Grumbach, Josette France remaining in the cast. Early next month Blum will mount a musical edition by Octave Cre- mieux of "\* Rol des Schnorres," adapted from the book by I Zang- will. Pierre Varenne will write the French text and lyrics. MME. ALTDA HUEDERED Paris, Dec. 12. A former vaudeville performer, Mme. Alida. 70,^^as found In her room, dead, after missing for a fort- night. The deceased had Just entered when killed, for she was entirely dressed with hat and gloves, and had apparently disturbed thieves. CmCITS OPENS WELL London, Dec. 22. The Olympla Circus opened last night (Monday) successfully. Alfreds Hon act and Truztl's horses shared sensational honors with May Wlrth, who also ap- peared with her act. Opera Singer for Vaude Parla. Dec. 12. Vannl Marcouz will sing "Le E'iccret de Suzanne" at the Empire, music hall next May with Renee Dpstnnge, of the Opera Comlque. as her partner. Arch Selwyn's Arrival London. Dec. 22. Arch .Selwyn la due to arrive here Jan. IS. THE TILLER DANCING SCHOOLS dp#n for ■ Mmltrd Mumbor of I'uplla «TInN«)<« of B CkJIUiVn a bpevlaitr OF AMERICA. Inc. 226 West 72d Street NEW YORK Phoari Bndlrotf N?lft-« MART READ Secretary SHUBERT TALK UPSETS LONDON Swaffer Interviewed Mac- lellan—"Inva«ion" Denied Hennea Swaffer of tho "Dally Express** printed a story on the "Shubem Invasion" of Ixindon. after interviewing George Maclellaa. It charged a monopolistic Inrunh of the Shuberla. adding that according to Maclellan the Shuberts had world- wide plans for theatrleal control. Intending to ^qulre theatres In every foreign capital. Five of the flrst plays the Shu- berts Intend to produce la London were nsmed by the paper. Immediately there was a dash by .Maclellan and Pat Malone to brush away the growing vlsusllzatlon by the British of an Amerlcjtn conquest in the native theatre. Maclellan told the newspapers that the London plans of the Shuberts meant no more to them than hsvlng lunch. DAMON RUNYON said to BUGS BACR: "Boy. you said something when you said those M08C0NIS are dancers— only you didn't «iy enough. What you should have said la that they re (he best dancers In the world. But, as you didn't say It. I'll have to say It myself." Just at present the Shuborts are giving more thought on how to fill their New Tork theatres thaa they do to London. COMBINED POUCY GAINS GROUND IN ENGLAND Numerous Kinemas^ Adopting Extra Attraction Idea—God- send to Vaude Artists London. Dee. It. The growth of combined pictures and vaudeville is becoming stronger every day. Thero are signs that before long this will b* a powerful factor of the entertainment world over here. Already hundreds of klncmas in the provinces and sub- urbs regularly stage vaudeville acta, while many others put on spe- cial attractions for the Friday shows, that day being generally considered "off ** The movement Is getting further west and tne Capitol Is lo open with Hal Sherman and Margaret McKee, with Sophie Tucker to follow. This house started Its career with an ambitious mixed program The New Gallery Kinema. the head house of Provincial Cinems Theatres, will probably soon stage the Leoa Pol- lock tabloid revues now running on the circuit's other stagea The Tlv- oil and rtialto have both gone In for acts, while the Stoll picture house Included vocalists for a long time. There can be no,doubt that the movement is a Godsend to music hall performers In general. It of- fers them the more^r less consecu- tive work they hav9 been unable to get for years. Royal Funeral Dispute London. Dea 12. Managers and musicians of the West Knd are engaged In a dispute arising from the cloning of the the- atres on the day of the Queen Alex- andra's funeral. At the end of the we^k a day's pay was deducted from salarlea the managers arguing they were forced to down The musicians* union, however, replies that the lord chtim- berlain did not Issue an order, but a request. There la no likelihood of a-* "down Instruments" movement over Christmas. If ths managers persist In their refusal, legal action will be taken. In every actor's contract there Is a that one night's salary wt|l be deducted through the closing of a theatre due to royal demise. ODEDN'8 NEW LIEECTOB Parts. Dee 12. Paul Atwam has b>>en appointed CO-ma nag er of the Odeun Theatre, to assist l-'irmln Gemier, who Is currently devoting much lime lo polillcs. afcordlnj; to Ijm-sI r«*poris The appolntmoni Is made by the Ministry (if p^lne ArtH on the rec- omnienilntIon of (".<Tnl»T. and with the approval of Wormser .repre- senung the .boa<-d nnanrlng the present rcRinie at the Odeon Al>r."m unoiHrlatly has been gen- oral mannc««r for some months but is now given the lltio of oo-dlroctor. The English in B*klyn 1 Last night (Tuesday) "By the Way." with an all-English company, opened at Werba'a Brooklyn (N. Y.) theatre. It's the show headed by Jack Hurl- bert and Olclcely Courtneldge. with Paul Murray In. Monday night the show would have opened, but the English had to chase birds and animata out of the theatre, ac- cording to report, before un- loading Into IL Blackstone. the magician, played the theatre last week, ail week. He must have left hasti- ly or In disgust, as it's reported that many of his best props in the form of geese were still wandering around the garret or cellar up to Monday aftar- noon. Mr. Hurlbert Is said to have Inquired of Mr. Murray when ihey entered the Wcrba house: "I say. old chap, do we 'navo to play here In a barn?** NIGHT aUB PROnTS A profit of 1116.000 was realised by a class night club, lately pad- locked exactly one year after It had opened. Opening with an investment of $65,000. the club worked itself out of that amount, showing a gross profit of 1170,000. Its highest net for one month was In October. $21.- 000, Two months. July and August, ths tt}ub remained closed. IDA'S NEW SHOW Paris, Deo. St. Ida Rubinstein Is sponsor for the big poetical problem. "L' Impera- trice des Kochors," to ba presented Jan. 14. This will be a special charity performance at the opera • which she will appear In ths lead, with Jean Herve. Desjardina Ar- mond Bour, Suzanne Despres In support. There Is a big cast for this latest work of Saint-Georges de Uouhe- ller, some roles being on horseback. Charles Thorogood Dead London, Dec. 21. Charles Thorogood. 78. founder of the Association of Theatrical Em- ployes here, was stricken and died during a meeting of that organisa- tion Sunday niRht (Dec 20). "Cat's Pajamat" for Co-Stars Los Angelas. Dec. St. "The Cat's Pajamas." by Ernst Vfidja. Is the title of the co-starring ttlciure Hetty Bronson and Ulcardo Coriez will make under the direction of WlUlnm Wellman. for Famous I'layrra Production begins Jan. 11. "Mannequins" in English Paris. Dec. 11 The Capuclnes oiierctta. "Manne- (lulns." by Bousquei and Kalk. in t'oing IranKlatod for Charles M Cochran »)y Kdwjird Knobloth. This Is to he played In London e.irly In I he new year with the music by Szulc PARISFARCE SUGGESTED FOR GUILD Satire and Tragedy in Circus Comedy—Melo- drama with Sad Finish Parts. Deo. St. One opening here, well liked. Is • prospect for New York, It shoul4 be particularly acceptable to tho Theatre Guild or a similar organi- sation. This writing Is a three-act philosophical farce bewailing tho strength of overwhelming Justice from the pen of Alfred Savoir. and Is at the Theatre Michel. It Is la an entirely fresh styles with tho author combining comic satire an4 trapedy. The play's title Is "Lo Dompteur, ou L'Anglals tel qu'on lo Manpe" ("The Tamer, or EnTlIsh aa it Is Eaten"), telling of an English, man who follows a circus expecting to see the lions devour their tamer. The story revolves around the wife of the tamer. Arabella, whom an English Lord leads astray, hop« Ing to vanquish her husband. How. ever, the Lord falls In love with tho wife, his Intrigue thereby proving a boomerang In that It proves tho brute triumphs over the IdeallsL Mme. Splnelll plays the wife an4 Is capably supported by Alcover aa the tamer. Debucourt as the Rng-, Ishman. and Jaequln, George* Atlrlcs has fumlaitl44 some Inci- dental muslo. "Blood of Spain" Another opening took place at tfi« Ambigu Comlque. where Maurle* L^hmann Is present'ng "Sang d'Bspagne' ("Blood of Spain"). II Is a three-act melodrama by R. Saunler and Andre Salmon. It waa fairly received. The script is of a proud noblemai^ who objects to his son marrying a herdsman's daughter, desiring a union betjveen his boy and tho dai^hter of a lifelong friend. Tho fniner sends the youngster to Cuba and marries the friend's daughter himself. She refuses him conjugal rights and rtins away with a farm- hand, who kilio her during a fit o< Jealousy. Gretlllat Is caat aa tho eldertir nobleman, with Eve Francis playing the young wife. Dorothy Dickson Scores In London as Peter Pan London. Doc SS. Dorothy Dickson, at the Shafts, bury In the annual Christmas r^ vlval of "Peter Pan," Is rated aa having spored a success In the titio role, despite unfavorable prognostl* cations. Soph Has 'em Yellin* London. Deo. IS. Sophie Tucker has had it out witk the Piccadilly Cabaret audlencoa. and has won. Soph's start at this cab was nono too optlmlstia It being an uphill nght all the way. Now. however, she's warmed 'em up sufflcleDUy so that they are yelling pleatjr. 8AILIHG8 Jan. • (New York to London) Pajr' Marbe (LeviathanI. Dec. SO (San Franclsoo ta Austra- lia) (leider and Armstrong (Mak* ura). Dee. St (London to New York) Carl Hyson. Peggy Harris (Homer- ic), gSTUMESi 'MODUCTiONS^ PICTURES GOWNS INDIviMIALS 'SCHNEIDER— I ,—ANDERSCMI, 1^29 W30 ST- NEW YORK I