Variety (January 1926)

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•mn*. <4 IV. <i* •**,,. «• yi/ein99Any. January IS. IWt VARIETY Bllui» WBXT WEEK (Continued fr^m pa«e 17) Dr Rockwell Ideal • BO.. Thor.- Scbw.rt. * a rd Bro»<Iw»r W>«" Onurf O- ■• <*> l,t h»lf <"-»») Che*."*"" B'^V Wright * M.rl« Bloe * W»r«er C R * OowB Wop ^ „, td Half <l«-»») V»» HoY«» * *»•■ ■I Clert Vog*** jtcCool * »••»» ReOT °* K.ttii'a (>•> O Myrtl* Co poouy A ■•'•• Bert B»Uer C» Corbett * B»rrr y RlchardBoa Ixirralne 8l« Co MlzM <■) lut half (tl-l») jlerlaJ Laport. Helen Moretta Roy Rogera * Co prlmroM 4 Kaxarro B * B :d half »«-") Alphonao * Co DrUcoll * P«"*y BlcB * Warner B Rowland * M roll lea !>• !*»• Wm. rtmm (K) l.t half (n-l») Bllen Harvey Klaa. A Drilllant Olnddens tt Vane Kcldon * Pariah Bex'. ClrcuB 2d half (14-17) • Chevalier Broa Ruwell * MaroonI Brlerro * KiBf Moran * Hperllnr Mat Naasaro Co Foi (P«) (11) M Shean* CaraoB Ruaalan 4 A C Brown Harrr GIrard '^afee for WIvoa" r»r» a»> ai) tiovo * Speneo «all]r Canton A Wlllard Xlrby A Duval Booth A Nina 1>aat Bdltloir ntanloy (Pc) (11) lionlM Doae Vurteva A Swoboda George Raft •"American Ven««" nrrsBuitOH DbtI* (K> Olga PetrovA C Vincent Co 12 Enc Dancora H Barnes Murray Sla Oroh A Adonta (One to nil) 8heHd«a S«. (m> iRt half (11-lt) LtKavor A Plorco Harry RappI Carl Roslnl A Co J nemard A M At'* Hero Zd half (14-1T> The Oladlatora Two Ulossoma R<1 Schofle^d A O Zuhn A Dreli Carlo'! C Clrcua rmsFjj>, M'88. Pal»ce (K) lit half (II-IS) O'Bal* A Adrlenne Lylo A Virginia C T Greon Chong A Mooy Clvle Comedy 4 Banjoland 2<1 half (14-17) Bogeri tt Dorkln Betty Washington Caaey t Kay Wlvee va Stenoga t Senator. Zematuer A D'Varo PrAIXPEtD. NJ. Proetor** (K) let halt (ll-U) T>awton McRae A Mott Warray A Lavero 2d half (14-17) Andre A Dypanf Burt A Roaello B Moore A Wanda PLATTSB'O. N.T. Stnuid (K) 2d half (14-17) Pollard Ouy Rariek Oo I I<ondon* / PORTLAND, MB. Kolth'a Wheelero Permanu A ■ "Musicland" Romjilno ft Cattle Burke & Durkln "iJ'une ilaker" PORTLAND. ORB, I'untBgr* (IS) R»<Ilo Ship ^ tt U Reat Brooka A Naoo Joe Freod Co Colleano Family Uotig <0) (10X2) (Rame bin playa n»criim<Tito 14-16) Powera Elephant. Maker A Redford «f>«etnary A M'J'ry Rich IUy«« 4 Kiewanninga Meredltha POTTHVUXE, PA. Ulp (K)^ lat half (ll-lS) liruah A Thurston Hanlon Brothera Pam A Mario Plccblanl Troupe Id halt (14-17) Torpay Jim A B Mclntyre Klaaa A Brilliant 4 Porda P«OUli'P8IB. N.Y. Bwa-Av«a (K) 1st halt (11-11) Plnk'a Mulea Lot* Cabin 8ayr« A Mack Marlon A Ford Musical Xylos PBOV1DKNCE, &.!. B. F. Albc* (11) Singer's Midgets Homer Ronialne Aerial Ktfnt'c'tlea QUI Robinson Bmery d') (1») Tha Rackos Dorothy Bergere Co Prisch A Sadler Anthony A Rogers Primrose Seam'B Co Vbt's (Ib) (11) Welch's Mlnstrela Bernet A Clark Ruby Raymond George Grlffen Co OaakI Japa QUINCT. ILU Orpbrana (WV)(1«) I^eary A Lee Bordo A Robinson Venetian Masquers Id half Mannol Vega Gary A Baldl VIrglBia Barrett Co BBADINO. PA. Bajah (K) lat halt (11-11) Dowaey A Clarldge Wilson A Keppell Wni Morris Family Lubin A Lowrle • Rockets Id halt (14-lT) Wordon Bros Wills A Bobbins (hurting Daya Rozy LaRocca Novelette Rev BBD BANK, N. J. PBl»oe (K) let hair (11-lt) , Gordon A Rica Tomklns A Lovo Col Jack Oeorgo Billy Bmythe Co Id half (14-17) Cycling Brunettes Dolan A Gale "Country Life" BICHMOND, IND. Mamtjr (KW> 1st half K A B Gross WAG Ahearn S Arleya BOCn'HT'B. N. T. ToBspIo (18) Mary Saves Gingham Girl D Charles Co Crafts A Rhcehan R.-yre A Mark Rochester Follies ROCKFORD PalBco (WV) Lorraine A How'rd J Morgan Co McGrath A Deeds Frnllrs of 192G Charleston Contest (One to All) Zd half Smith A Cantor Skelly A Helt Rev Deagon A Mack Carl Emmy's Pets (One to nil) B'CH'STER. N. T. Fay's (In) (U) Harry Webb's Bd Taxltoots Cleveland A Dowry PAL Etx Frank McConvllIo "Broadway I^dy" Regent (Pc) (11) Willie rreager'B B "Madame Behave" S'CR'M'NTO. CAL. PMtagM (18) Les Kellors Raymond Wllbert 4 Ma<lcap8 Norton A Brower Irving's Midgets ST. liOUIS. MO. Onuid (WV) Lang A Voelk John R Gordon Co Morgan A Sheldon 8T. PA I) I., MINtf. Palare (O) Curt las Friends John Oeixer Walter A lV>ys Uevan A Flint Trangcr Syncos Id half Sherwood's Orch Henry A Mooro Thalero's Gang (Two to nil) Orphomn William Sally 0 Myra A li Roe. 1 Laordons M. iMla (O) Alba TIborio Mehllngcr A W Chas Chase Carnival of Venice HALT LAKB CITT Pantagea (18) Will Morris GIff'ord A Holmes OeorKctte Menn A Strong Murdo A Wynn Countess Sonlo S. ANTONIO, TBX. Btajestio (It) <U) Gaines' Do(s LIuyd A Bryco Aleen Bronson Mabel McCane Hawthorne A Ook Ib Bargravia SAN DIBGO. CAL. Paatacoa (IS) Beabo A Hasson Goelet A Hall Bmeraun A 13'Idwln Charleston Rev (Two to flll) . 8. P'NCISCO. CAL. PaatacFs (18) Little Yoshi Howard A Ross LeRoy Talmo A B JAB Page Shadowland Orpheaas Nora Bayea Hughlo Clark Bd Alice Lloyd Wllaon Bros Wm Brack 0> Edwin George 4 KIcwennlngs Ruth Roye Brendel A Burt Uolden Gate (O) Hackett A Delmar Clayton A Lennle King A Beatty J A Baby Grands I Golfer* The Dupunta Shon* A SQUlroa SAVANNAH, OA. BUo« (K) let half (11-lt) Kramer Bros Ruth Glanvllle M Montgomery Lano A Barry Pay Coleys A P td hatf (14-18) Hayas M A H Oliver A Oleaoa B Barker Co Jack Stronse Ranazawa Japs 1st half (11-20) Beo Jung Hewitt A Hall R Janis Co f^yd:a Barry • Harmonlacs td half (21-lt) Cavanaugh A C J O'Meara Co Haynea L A' K J Black Co SORANTON. PA. PoU (K) 1st half (11-lt) Zoo Delphlne A Co Miss Marcelle Wm Kennedy A Co Conlln A Glass Higgle A Girls td half (14-lT) The Roeders Nan Travellne Frank Sinclair Davis A McCoy Town Toplca aCHKN'T'DT, N.T. Pnx-tor's (K) 1st half (ll-lS) 3 Londons Healy A Oarnella 6C6 Sycamore InRlls A Wll.<on His Little Revue 2d half (14-17) Camilla's Birds Ryan 61s Healy A Cross Lewis A Girls 8FATTLE Pantages (18) Chandon t Dan Downing Deslya 81s Macon A Hogoo John Aeee's Hornes Orpheum (Sunday opening) Harrlaon A Dakin Stanley A Blrnes Doe Baker Rev Jack Benny Reynolds Donegan Martinet A Crow Templeton Bros BH'N'ND'AH. PA. Strand (K) Bnntell A Gould Walts A Relngold Evans Wilson A E Ledorn A Beckman 2d half (14-17) Paul Nolan A Co Ja»on A Harrlgan Joyner A Foster Alma A Duval SlOrX CITY, lA. Orpheom Covan A Riiffln Bi-frd'n A" M'r's'y Klein Bros Thalero's Circ»a (Unc to nil) :d half To«o Mabel WaUer A B .smart A Lash (Two to nil) SO. BKND. IND. Palaco (WV) (Sunday epenlng) isl half (17-20) A A a Palis Baban A Mack Arcadiaus Co H Garland Toy Town Rav 2d half (11,-23) T Wilson Co (Four to flll) SI'OKANE, WASH. Pantage* (17) Ehlcl Marme Co Coulter A Rose Joyce Lando Co Joe Roberts I Avallona SPRINOI'''D, ULu Majestic (WV) A A M Havel Herbert Clifton RoblnsoB A Pierce "Bits of Gems': (Two to nil) 2d half Bob MclSood A L Brady A Mahoney H Kinney Co Texas 4 (Two to fill) 8PR'CF*U), MASS. I'aiace (K) 1st half (U-IJ) Roth & Drake Lewis A Smith Sager Midsley Co Cooper A Kennedy Ro.emont T'b'd'rs Id half (14-17) Tuck A CInns MeC'rm'k A W'I'eo Murray A Charl'to Jean Bedlnl A Co STAMF'D, CONN. Stnuid (K) 1st half (11-lt) Soanlon Penno A 8 Stuart 81s Jed Dooley A Co Bast Side Love 2d half (14-17) Nambo Bros Barr A Lamar Freeman A Morton Cosmopolitan Rev STEUBRNVLB, O. Capitol -(K) Is', half (11-lt) Bd Blum A 81* NIelson A Worden Cruising Coakley A Dunlevy Princess Radjah td half (1447) Cadleuz Will A Iva Holmea Cook A Oatinan Billy McDermott W Manthsy Co STRACL'SB, N. T. Keith's 1st half (11-lt) Lockhart A Claire Hughes A Monte Karter's Komed'ns Anderson A Maley Paramount B 2d half (14-17) Sherwln' Kelly Ryan A Ryan L Walker A C^ MInottI A June "Hold Up" Paul Yucan A Co (18-20) Rae Samuels Molllo Fuller Co Monarchs Melody Hartl'y A P't'rson 2d halt (21-23) Adele Vern* BIklns Fay A B (Two to nil) TACOMA. WASH. Pontages (18) RIbli! & Lactyne I^anitcrtl Handsw'rth A DeM LAM Wilson Bandbox Rev T-BK H'TK, IND. Indiana (KW) Ponzini'H Monks lirady & Mahoney Eva Clark A Co WAG Ahearn Goldle A B Rev 2d half Paul Rahn A Co Aunt Jemima (Three to nil) TOPKKA, KAN. Novelty (In) Ist half (U-lJ) KIku A Yoshl Currier A McW P Mcintosh Co Tom Mahoney Bnell A Vernon td half (14-K) Peppino A Paul O Kidrld Co Alex A P«gKT t Lordcns TOl.KDO, O. Keith's (18-20) Newell * .Most Crulsltig Loyal's Dogs (Three to nil) 2d half (21-23) Colleano Co Ibach'H Band Chanaino I^wls A Ames Goiilon A Pierce Oniiert A May RIvoll (P) (H) naiifll.i Alba Grace Doro Doree's t>peralo«?ui' K]V(s * Arnold t Maxf'llos TORONTO, CAN. Kelth'H (18) Wally .shariNi'S Co Clenn A Jenkins Hector A Pals Joe lloK.inny Co Du CnMlon The Volga Slngern Tooge St. (L) (l8) Les riinflys Barry A Rolls LaPolUttt O* Barr Mayo A R Jack Wilson Co TRENTON. N. J. Oapitol <K) 1st half (11-11) Alphonse A Co Aiitliony A Marc'le Walter Fisher Co Mallcn A Caae Vogues 3d Italt Bllcn Harvsy Maria Allyn Wra Shannon Mm* DuOarry Co TBOT. K. T. Proctar** (K> lat half (11-11) Gainea Broa May A Pranela Flo A OlUe Waltera Healy A Cross Howard's B Rev 2d half (14-17) His Little RevB* The Wagsr (Three to til) mJtA. OKI.A. Orpheom (It) (18) Little Plplfaz Jimmy Lucas Orcy A Byron BronRon A Evans Olson A JohnaoB td half BAH Skatell Regan A (^irlla In Hawaii Ned Haverly Palermo's Dogs UNIONTOWN, PA. 8t*t« (11-lS) H Cooper A Bd (11-lt) "Fine Clothes" UnCA, K. Y. Gaiety (K) (II) Joseph K Watson VANCOVVEB, B.C. Orpheaas (14-lS) Henry Santrer The Seymours Moore A Freed Santrey A Seymonr Ntte In London Ray Hultng Co Pantacoa (IS) Torcat's Rooators Fablano Phil Sead Clark A Talltal Nerelda Melnotta Dim WASH'OTON. D.O. Bario (K> Casting Stars Bill Utah Outh CarmoB A O B Brice A Bd Broadway Whirl (One to fill) Keith's <U) Sylvia Clark The Brlants Torke A King The Lockfords TIessen's Bd Foster A Peggy Plerson N'wp't A P I.eow (IS) Dillon A M'guarlto John I Fisher PultoB A Parker Lancaster A McA GAP Magley Rev Keith's (All Sunday openings) Karyl Norman Vorko A King Lockfords Sylvia Clark The Briants P N A Pearaon Foster A Peggy Kuma Bros WASH'GTON. PA. Stala (K) 1st half (11-11) Temple Four 2d half (14-lT) The Norvellea LeFranc* A O'rn't The Glided Cage WATKBB'BY, CT. Palaco (K) 1st half (11-lt) Alice Annette Dara Tulip Tim* Blackface B Boss Fashion Hints 2d half (14-17) O'Bala A Adrlenne Natasha Rombova Hilton A ChcBleIgh B Ilandraan A B WATBRIXM), lA. Plasa (WV) (U) Grace Moy Tilynu A Rogers AI Garbelle Rev 2d balf Chrlsale A Daly Chabot A Tortlnl Arnaut A Bros WATEBT'M, H.T. Avoa (K) l.t half (11-13) .Sherwln Kelly Kyan A Ryan Irving A BIwood "The Hold-Up" Allen T A H 2d half (14-1«) The Younger* .Music Johnsons <:o'>can A Ca*«y ,stan Hughes Carlton Bis wnr.KL'o, w. VA. Vlrtorta (K) 1st balf (11-lt) Cadleux Win A I^ Holmes Oook A Oatinan BUI Utah W Manthsy A Co Id half (14 IT) Ed Blum A Sis Earle A Mathews Chlsholm A Breen Temple 4 Princes* Radjah W. PLAINS, N. ¥. Stato (L) (IS) l.t half Van A Tyson (Others to flll) W'KES B'RB. PA. Pall (K) 1st half (11-11) Th* Roeders Nan Travellne Frank Sinclair Davis A McCoy Town Topics Id half (14-lT) Zoe Delphlne A Co Miss Marcelle Wm Kennedy Conlln A Glaa* Will Higgle A O WICH. P'LN, TKX. Majoatte (It) (18> Kenney Mason 8 Perry A Wagner Nash A O'Donncll Carlcton A Ballcw BrolUa Panio Co WICHITA, KAN. Orpheum (It) (18) BAH Skatell Regan A Curlia lo Hawaii t Wheelers 2d balf Lnmars Moore A 8hy Lucille .Ballentlne Barry A Whltledge FUher A Hurst WINDSOR. ONT. Oapitol (KW) I Ballus A Mllo Leslie A Vanderg't P Kelcey A Co Justin A Delaney Nathanson's Bnta Id half Kimball A Ooman ^Alabama L.and Eddie Foyer Pasquati Broa (One to flll) WINNIPEG. CAN. Orpheum John Steel Kelso Broa Joggling DeLlsIa Jean Boydell Delraar'a Lion* WOODHAVKN. L.I. Wlllard (I.) (18) 4 VVordens Brennan A Adams Wigglnsville W A M Rogers 4 Rublnl 81s Id halt The Herberts Jack Ryan Co Burns A Klssen Barber of Jayvllle WBCmrR, MAe%. Poll (K) 1st half (11-lt) Fantasy Tuck A Clnns McCorm'k A W Tee Murray A Charl'te Jean Bedlnl A t^o td half (14-17) Alice Murphy A Sukle Salter MidKley Co Cooper A Kennedy Rosem't Tr'bad'r. WOONS'K'T, B. I. UUoa (H) - 1st half (11-13) Alex A Quutler Carroll A Gorman Goss A Barrows McCoy A Walton Ths DIgatanoa td half (14-17) .Dcvltt A Fletcher Shirley 8ia Nolan Leary Co .Sampson A D'glas Arro Broa TONKER8, N. t. IVoctor's (K) Ist halt (11-lt) Peplto Lawrco A McA'afr Fred J Ardath Gautter A Pony B td half (14-17) Thos J Ryan JonH's Hawallans Louise A Wright Kandy Krooks Rose A Dell TOBKB, PA. T<wk (K) 1st half tll-lO Hay Miller A G Marlon Oibney SpotllKht Rev Sampsel A Lenh'rt 4 Ortons td half (14-17) The Andersons Luliln A Lowrle I'owrr. A Wa!l«c.> Jerry Dean Morin 81* IOUNO.STOWN, O. Ulp (K) 1st half (11-11) t ch< ers K.irl A Mathews Chiihulm A Brecn Lewis A Amen L Davidson Orch Ulaney A Wood 2d half (14-17) Hielnon A Worden Cruising BUI Ul»h T Coll'glan. OBITUARY C. C. (8PORT) NORTH C. C. "Sport" North, «»1, veteran churuoter ninn In midwest stock cotnpanles, died suddenly Sund.iy morning (Jan. 10) at a hotel :n Council Orovee, Kansas. North bad played three perform- ances on Saturday with his sun's company, the Ted North Players, but did not complain of feeling 111 until on hln way to the hotel at mldnlKht. His wife, Genevieve Rus- sell, also of the company, called a physician but at two o'clock In the morning her husband succumbed to heart failure. The deceased, for many years, was part owner of the North Brothers' Btock Company which played In this section. Last sea- son, with hi.s wife, he did a dra- matic skit on the^ Orpheum Circuit. His home was In Holton, Kansas, where burhil took place today under auspices of tha Masonic bodies. MRS. LOUIS CHROMOKOS (Elaina Thompson) Mrs. Louis Chromokos, wife of one of the foremost and well-known Oreek citizens of Chicago, died Jan. 7 In the St. Luke's Hospital, Chicago. Mrs. Chromt)kos was the daughter of Martin Thompson, prominent Englishman of his day. and as Elaine Thompson she was one of was at various times city editor, nianaKing odllor, Sunday i-ditor and editorial writer for that publication, (lied from heart failure at his home. 1619 Amsiordam avenue, shortly after 6 o'elook last night (Tuesday). Mr. Deering had returned home from his office, had his dinner and then sat down to read the evening papers. A few minutes later he complained to his wlfo of not feel- ing well and asked that a physician be summoned. Before tho doctor ar* rived he died. He is survived by his wife and a brother. Kuneral arrangements ar* to be announced. LEAH CLARK Lieah Clark, colored, formerly ta vaudeville and the wife of Quail Clnrk, composer and arranger, died suddenly last week at her home, 201 West 136th street. New York. She was with the "Tennessee Ten" act at one time when both her hus- band and tJ. 8. (Sloe Foot) Thomp- son were with the turn. the original pony ballet that came to this country with Kddle Foy's "Oft tho Earth." Mrs. Chromokos afterwords played In "Jack and the Beanstalk." About that time she met her husband They were married in 1897, and she left the stage. Mrs. Chromokos was one of the best beloved women in Chicago. She was the first Knglish or American woman baptised to the Greek church. BELLE WILCOX WILLIAMS Belle Wilcox Williams, wife of Max Williams, died Jan. 7 in an apartment hotel In Lefferta place, Brooklyn, whirh bears her name. Mrs. Williams was the sister of Helen Wilcox, prominent ingenue, who died about 15 years ago. An- other sitfter Is tho wife of Kruest Kinp, the artist. Mrs. Williams, about 20 years ago, condiict<-d the St. Albans In Kast 31st street, New York, where many profe.ssionals stopped. At that lime /^ IN MKMOUY O.K Our Di'.irti.l lYl- nd PAUL MURRAY Who Pled Jan. I. 1926 JACK POWELL SEXTETTE EVA PICKARO I9va Pickard, 22, treasurer at Tal- ley's Breadway, Los Angeles, died at her home In that city, Jan. >. Miss Pickard had been In the em- ploy of T. A. Talley for the paat eight years and besides otflciatlnff as treasurer was assistant manager and made film purchases for tha house. TRUE POWERS True Powers, 40, character woman, with the M. S. Cross Slock Com- pany, died Jan. 3 in Terre Haute, Ind.. of peritonitis. She Is survived by relatives living in Massa^ chiisettH. LILLIAN «E LEROY Mrs. Lelyan D. Kluting, 34, known in vaudeville as Lillian De Leroy, IN H.tCKEO MK.MOHy OF DAVID GOODMAN (na*id Fowell) Who l>led Jan. 1», 1>23 I Mother and Jack Powell Sextette died suddenly of heart disease Dec. 22 at her home in Brooklyn, Dr. Frank Stone, C4, veteran horseman and for years starter of harness races at QrMt Western and Grand Circuit meetinKS, died last week at his home In Burlington, Wis. A widow and three children survive. • she was Mrs. DcForrest but later married Max Wlliiams, the Madison avenue art dealer. Interment in the family plot at Ma<li8on, Conn. D. E. PORTER D. Edward Porter, for many years a well kiitjwn figure in Amer- ican music, died In the Harper Hos- pital, Detroit, Jan. 11. Porter's illness developed from a carbuncle Which Increyed In se- verity until it wan found neces.sary to remove him to tho hospital. He was in his year n.s rn!inac;er of the l)"troit .Symphony Orchestra and prior to going to l>etrolt was a.sRoeiate manager of the Now York Philharmonic Orchestra. DWIGHT CLEVELAND DwJKiit Cleveland, 61, slnjjle, sce- nario writer and one of the founder.s of ibi; Writers' Club, died in Hoily- wood, Jan. &, after an illness of over a year, Cleveland's picture career began at the Vltagraph Studio in Flatbush, L. I. At tho time of his illness he was employed at the F. B. O. studios in Hollywood. A8HBY DEERING Asliby DeeriiiK, 63, one of the re- porlorlal geniuses of Broadway. who for 25 years handled th<:itri- ral stories for tho "T'leifraph," and Henry Lane Wallace. 73, son ftt General Lew Wallace, author of "Ben-Hur," was found d»-ad In bed Jan. 10 at the home of his son, Lewis Wallace, Rye, N. Y. Mr. Wallace had come East from Crawfordsvllle, Ind., to attend the screen premiere of his father's fa- mous work at the Cohan Theatre, Dec. 30. At the opening he was ap- parently in fine spirits and the best of health. Jscob Benclift Pultz, 73, step- father of Ade;e Ritchie (Mrs. Guy Bates Post), died at the Pultz home, Philadelphia, Jan. 10. Miss Ritchie raced from Pasadena, Cal., when Informed of his illness, but Mr. Pult7.'s death occurcd two hours before she reached Philadelphia. Mary Janice Schsfer, 16, daughter of Mark D. Schafer, director Buz- zfngton's Rube Band, died of pneu- monia Dec. 7 at E:aton. Ind. Schafer and his wife were on the Pantages tour at the time, but hurried home, arriving the day the dniKhter died. John Wilton, brothrr -of Mrs. Clarence Brown, wife of the picture director, was killed in an accident In New York Jan. 4. The fsther, 88. of Ackeriu.inn Gill, manager of Prortor's, S'henectady, N. v., died In that city Jan. 8. The mother, In her eluhtles. of Homer r.yton, of Slraus.s-Peyton, r'h<'t"i'riiob<Ts. died Dec. 26 at her lioriie In i'es Moines, la.