Variety (January 1926)

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V A R I B T T Wednesday, January 20, 192| BIL^ NEXT WEEK (Continued from pa^e 17) > K\J lUMNKArOI.Ui raaUCM <«4) Saininan Duo Bortk* * Leonard Dane* Carnival aid Ijtwla Qibao* Navigators HMioeptai (O) <8S> T * B Hnalr BtB Com Oarnlval Tom Brown Bd Uaacasao Ballet Th* Ilaaaana HONTSBAL. CAN. Mmwm (K> (IS) Jaaaomanla Rev Taam IJiOroaa *•• Sycarooro Haalcal UrHnilnas <Jur Rarick S Harry Adiar <tt) WTally Sharpies Co Barkaa * Sawa -■•ayr* A Mack Vol(« SltiKfra OUna * Jenkins lapaiiiU (S) (SS> Slaa Cavanaugh Sawyer A Eddy Mortoa Harvry Walter James Co Chas Ahearn Co Oshaa ft Or'tson Lttew's (25) lt»m PIsrottya Barry A Rolla L«FoIIetts Co Barr Uayo & Reno lack Wilson Co irSK'OEE. OKI^. FsiM* (It) <S4.t5) Follis * LeRuy )*hannon & Col'm'n Rlrhard Kean Millard & Marlin 'LJttIs Piplfax NOBRIBT'N. K. J. Lyons Paric (K> td hair (21-24) Oordoa * Rica Bontoli * Oould Holiday In Dixl* rraok * F*io Innls MT. VKENTf. N.Y. rradw's (K> lat half (ll-tO) Crawford Br'd'rick Jinks ft Ann Namba Bros Id half (21-24) Nan Halperin (CHhars to mi) MITMCIB. IND. Wrnr Qr'd (KW> 1st half (2S-tT TIIU ft Strlxa Clar-c* K Wlllard Johnsoa ft Baker (On* to fill) td halt (21-M) bsalU ft V'nd-rB-ft O Webh ft Cut Upa (Tw» ts All) VAMTICOKB. PA. inmtm (K) Sd half (21-24) • ft U Conrey Richard ft Gray CoBlIn ft Qlaas At 4 P U XBWAKK. N. J. (HaU (I.) (M) ■ankna ft Bylvas D Bertcrs Co Anthuny A Rogers Prank A Barron P Snamoa Co Btmaford (Pc) (1«) Nelson Maple T^vlathkn Band Stella Wllaon Acnes IMvoy Infatuation MoaqiM (Pc) (16) J JosstasoB Vanlahlnc Am'riu'n Newwfc (P) (M> Ths Barlea A June Liowla A Lavarre Ths Campaigners Tone Wung Troupe (On* ts nil) PrastM's (■) (18) Warrsa O'Brien Tom Smith Marguerlt* A Olll Bob Hall Rath Chatferton Janet of Franre Oautler Pony Boy Ucair A Cross M. HKITAIN, CT. Capitol (K) 2d halt (21-24) Chonc A Mory Carroll A n<mrint See America Klrst Morlay A Angor f Balaal Trio M. BB-NSW'K. NJ. »taU (K) lat half (ll-zn) A ft I. Wllaon Wheeler KIiIn — Indoor flportn 2d halt (21 24) Oenaro Joyce Alios Uorloy V'W OA8TI.K, PA. Capital (K) 1st half (lS-20) ■ DeSoltl Co - 2d halt (21-J4) 4 QreKK Sis ITBW HAVEN, CT. FnJM* (K) . Bddia Powell Rev Taek ft CMnna i, Wesley Barry Blankfaoe ■ Ross Sun Plonc Lia Id halt (21-24) The Worths Hilton A Cheslelsh Gown Shop Angel A Poller Jeao Bedlnl ft Os I*. lANDON. CT. Capitol (K) Isf halt (lS-24) Chong A Moey Eddie Mazier Burr ft Blaine Civic Comedy 4 Banjoland 2d halt (21-14) Toby I The Wager NEW OBI.'NS, lA. OrphMUB (It) (S«) Margaret Taylor Stavena A Woulford Pinio H Fletcher Edd;<- Pardo Ritx Bros Wahleika Crssrent (L) (W) Ruby I^lhani Duo Mabel l>rew a race A B Parka Raymond A Royea Keyhole Kameos N'O'BA F-LS. N.T. StraiMl (P) (t6) Wanda ft Seals Seymour A Cunard Billy Batchelor Marcus A Booth Evans A Peres ItoUerlsw (K) 1st halt (18-20) Frank Reckless Cto S Cheers Oiltuyls A Lang Carmen A Ross 4 RocketU td half (21-14) Peggy Brooks Will H Ward ft Co Harty Whits Helen Higglna Ca MOBPOUC TA. Coloalal (K) 1st half (11-20) Lahr ft Marcedea Margie Coate lllily Fynan Raym'd ft Nsllaan "Poppyland" td half (21-tl> Norwood ft HaU Jack Hanley F Whlttler A Oa Elliott ft King Zos Delphlne Co NOKBIST'WN. PA. ' Oarrtck (K) 1st halt (l«-lt) BUca Harvey Chase ft Colltoa Body Jordan The Charlestoas 2d half (21-14) Ctaevallar Broa Wm ShsnnoB Bchwarts A Cl'rd Ferko's String Bd N. AD^IU. MASS. Bavira (K>' td halt (21-14) SL Clair A Boya Casey ft Fay Purr ft Elaine I Senators Rosemont Tr'b'd'ra HORTH'I-rN, IPS. CalTiB (K) Isl half (1(-1«> St. Claire A Boys Cy Beyibour 3 Senators Brlast > 2d halt (21-t4) Dare A Tatoa Kennedy * Kram'r I,yl^ A Virginia Sam" I.lebert Co NORWirn, CT. Uroodway (K) 1st half (18-20) Betty Washington Demont A Oracia Howaid lilair A Co Barr & LaMarr Qulna B'der ft B Dare A Tates td halt (21-14) Bud Flaher Caprice Misters Co Freeman A Morton OAKLAND, CAL. Orplienm (ttt) Dr. Rockwell Merediths Elliott A I,atoar Choos Dunceland Flurrle l>* Vers Ruth Rnye Keller His ft L OfinKN. CTAH Pantace* (tS) Salinas Circus Reno Sla A Alien Olyn Landlck Capman Boys Co Allman Sc Mny 4 Hradnxn OKLAHOMA CITV Orplirum (It) (21-27) BAH Skatfll Regan Ai Curlias In Hawaii N«d Havcrly Palermo's Dogs 2d hal> (28-10) . The Lnmars Gruet Kramer O Mildred I-tvlnsTBton Chain A Bronsoii P Jacobsnn OMAHA, NE». BkUt« (Pc) (1«) Mary Richards Irene Beasley Harold Stanton Brader's Orch' Clothes Pirates Paa«iW«a («•) Bellls Troupe Marioa A J Ross Tony Grey Flagler Ilroa A R Spirit Vaudeville Orpheam (24) Charlotte Or.enw'd M Walzor A Boys Billy Halloa Covan A Ruffln Ruae KreHS 4 Mooa (BL) (18) Dawson A JackRon Cheater J Agreenod 1 A C Kasley A BIkins BialU (Pc) (18) Dexter Sisters Henry Thompson "Monk" Wulson Sua (Pc) (18) U S Naval BU Qatchclt & Carroll 0SHK08H, WIS. Grand (L) (SO-31) Circus Show OTTAWA, CAN. Kelth*s (18) Stan Kavanuugh Morton Harvey Gehan Garretsiin Graco Eillir Arthur A Sullivau MuCorm'k A Irv'g (25) Lottie Athevton Ryan Sis 864 Sycamore Munlcal Branilnos McBride A Read'g Blklns Fsye & E PASSAIC. N. J. Montaak (K) 1st halt (18-20) Burns Bros Bentell A Gould Rice A Werner Frank ft Flo Innls J Cartler A R O td half (21-24) Dippy Diers ft B Emery Girls Brown A Rogers Werner Amoros t PATBBSON, N. J. MaJeHtte (K) 1st half (18-20) Zoraater A Dcvota Ohil Cook Minor Clayton Howard A I.iod 2d half (21-24) A ft L WlUon Robia Hood Indoor Sports PENHAC'LA. FLA. Saenger (K) (26-2S) Clark Morrell Co Adams A Th'iups'n Harris A OrirCen Harry Jolaon Alexandria A N Co (27-28) Jerry Evans Dogs Wolf Clash of Wolves PHILA., PA. 8tMiley (Pr) (18) A Rasch Ballet Helen Hewitt Bernard Ferguson His Secretary Fas (Pc) (18) Orvtlls Harrold PattI Jan RubinI Gieradort his Yankee Svnor Fay's (In) (18) CHIT Naxarro Co Lane Travera Rev Gene Lorenz Bd Morton Bros Blum 1 Keeper ot Beea Alleghrny (K) 1st half (18-20) Hazel Gofr A R Cecil Alexander Walter Newman Co Nelson & I'aiisn Vardell Bros 2d hs« (21-24) Bill ft Ouncvlova Barto A Mack Chase & Collins Jack George Spotlight Rev Broadway (K^ 1st half (18-30) Sylvia Pollork Fred Sositman C R 4 Spotlight R'v 2d bait (21-:<4) Anthony A Marc'lo Dainty Marie Moran A K|ierling Apples \ CROSS KKVS (K) 1st halt (18-20) Bill A Ooiu'vlive Anthony A MaiCIo Nuveiatte Rev Sihwartx & CITrd Miss B UiK^y Co :d hair iil-lUt Hazel (ioff A.- B l-'red Sosriitiun Walter Newmn Co MeCuol A DooiU Vardell Broa Wilson ft Cappsll W Fighter ft Co i<chafer & Bernlce a Hanneford A Co 2d tiair (21-24i Paayer A Cappo Nelson A Pariah Demi Taase Rer NIxoa (K) 1st half (18-10) Van Horn A Inea Klaas A Brilliant Brierre ft King Uurt A I^ehman Ferko's Siring Bd" 2d half (21-24) Jt-rome A Evelyn Gladdens A Vance Schaefer A Bernice ricchlani Troupe Wm. Pmui (K) lat halt (18-20) Vie A Tally Wright A Marlon Ht>y RoKt-rs Co Barlier A Jackson Dolly Duvia Rev 2d half (21-24) Powers Duu Hare A Hare Gaftney A Walton Chas Boydc-n Billle RfKay Co Keith's (2S) Roy Cumininga klargaret Young The AudcrHons Orth A Cody The BrIantH Hellle Dunham TainakI Duo Potter A Gamble Robey A Gould PITTSBI'BOU Davis (86) Odette MyrtU BAB Wheeler Bert Levy Alma Neilxon Tom Smith Janet Adair Ross Wiac ft W B Oe« A Gupee td half (11-M> HopI Indlaaa Mosher Mays ft M Ceeaa a Oa Knrle (K) (18) Wlllo Bros Scanloii T A R Sailor Hoy Frank Buah Al's Here Klmbcrly A Page Masterpieces Grand O. H. (K) lat h.ilf (18-201 Torpay Aldins (18) (Pe) Roucoe Ails Co The Only Thing Grand (18) (Pe) Holland ft Barry Orch Just Suppose Sheridan H«.. (K) 1st half (18-20) Dulmage A Kitty Jo Jo Randall Chapman A Ring Temple Pour L Davidson's Orch 2d half (21-24) Ben Dover Morris A Townes Country Club Girls Billy McDermott Edna Torrance Co PTTSKLD, MASS. Palaea (K) Tiawrence A McA Goets A Duffy Tulip Time Kraft A Lamont Flying Henrys 2d half (21-24) Marty A Nancy Mack A I<ee Qulnn Bander ft R Harry Breen Gcnaro Girls PLATTSB'O. W. T. Strand 2d halt (21-24) Pigeon Cabaret Ryan Sis Karter's Komed'ns PORTI^\ND, ORB. Utdoc (O) (iS-87) (Same bill plays Sacramento 28-30) Harrison A Dakin Stanley A BIrnes 1)00 Baker Jack Benny Rt^ynolds A D'n'g'n Mitrtinet A Crow Templeton Bros PORTI.ANl>. MK Keith's (tS) 3 Molvins Gone La Crosse FiHher A (iiirnore Wyatt's Rov Macart A Bradfrd Claude A Marlon Paatagen (20) Riblo A Lacotyne Irftinbertl Handsw'rth A DeM Lew A Man Wifsoa Bandbox Revue PORTSIMOITH, O. I^roy (K) lot halt (18-20) Holden A Graham Mayo A Pr,'\nila Harry Downing Melody Revuo 2d half (21-24) Masked Athido (Jotter A BouliJcn J Morjjan X: Hush M Andree Girls POTTSVILLE, PA. Hip (K) lat half (1810) Towers Ddo Driscoli A Perry McCool A Dooln Apples Id half (21-24) Van Horn A Inet Wright A Marlon llody Joriiiin Novelette Rev P'GIIK'P.SIE, N.V. Iturd-Avoa (K) lat halt (18-20) Tune In A Phillips Mullen A I'rancJs Joe Burke PB'TIDBMCB. -UbM (SS) Frank K< I'arlslaaa Chapelis ft OaHtaa Brooks ft Ross Klacktaoa B Baaa Baassy (U (M> Martla ft Martin Mary Ann McRae A Mott Alice la Toytand BACIMB, WIS. RlaHa (WT) <14) Kay Hamlla ft Kay Chas Chass tSkelly ft Halt Bav Klein Broa BBADINO, PA. Bajak <K) 1st half (li-tt) Mack ft Mannla Taylor A Lake Herbert Warren Cv I'resfler A Klalsa Town Topics 2d half (tl-t4) The Andressona Diet Sis ft MeD East ft Dumka Morin Bis BBD BAKX. B^ Palaea <K) lat half (ll-tt) Howard NIohala Emery Olrla Davis ft MeCoT Moors ft Markat 2d halt (tl-t4) Burns Broa (Others to fill) RICHMOND, TA. Monmr (KW) 2d half (l«-l*) Clarence B Wlllard JAW Hennlnga Kimball ft Ooman (One to nil) ROCHESTBB. H.T. Temple <K) Cm Cervo ft Mora Mme Herman Oa Hartley ft PatsnTn NexoB ft San Tracey ft Hap Johnny Mnrphp Hector. Fay's Oa) (tt» Ford ft Hanafard Welch's MlBstrelB M Lewis Co Green Paga ft O Hunting ft Francis Steel Pretarrad Regea* (Pa) <!•> Dixie Singssa We Modems Thorston (Pa) (tS) Frank B AneaM Claasided B'K ISliAIfD. nX. Ft. Amastraac (Pa) (IT) Townsend ft Bald Roumanlaa Orak Edward Stsia Roy B KanU B Biuebeardr WIvan td half (tl-t4) Virginia Ra««a« Charlestoniaaa Edward Btela Roy B Kanta B Unguarded Hoar S'CB'M'NTO, OAI> Paalacas (W) Little Tsshl Howard ft Lcrcy T B) Shadowland Blna Baad Taxaa Fsar Frada ft Palaaa Kes TakI ft TaM Aarom Tran p a ■8. UmM (0» (M) 18 MUea Wm B**^ Roya ft Mara Bar Al's Bsra Jskaay Hyaaan BAB FBANOnOO Oiphanaa (M) Nora Bayaa Ban MsroS Btkad Jeaa flothsm Powers' Slephanta RIek Haysa OaUsM Onto (O) (14) Beaay Leonard Four Diamonds Sully ft Thomas Bryan A Falrchlld V ft B Stanton Four Klewenlnga The Qecsles Pnotafea (U) SchleU's Manlklna Bosssy ft Caaa Qypsylaad Renard ft Waal Bsdanlaa SABATOOA. M. T. Oaactaaa (K) Id half (tl-*4> Mlnettle ft Joaa Emma ONoll Howard'a Ponlaa SCHirorDT. M.T. Proetaa'a (K> lat halt (18-28> Ths Tonngsrs Hughes A Menta Tommy Reilly Oa Dixie Foar Sandy Lane Oa td half (11-14) Wilbur ft Lyka Twa Sheika Paramonat 8 Bodera A MalsT All Olrl ^evne 8CBAMTON. PA. Nan Travellaa Tommy Reilly Ca Morris A Shaw Uaa Hassan Tr lat half (M-tT) Aagsr ft Fairs Mas Francis Slngsr-s Midgeta (Others to nil) Id half (38-11) Newell A Most Willis Solar Singsr's Midget* Iraas Ricardo TACOMA. WASH. Pantages (P) Pulton A Mack Baker A Gray BnmardI Stanelll A Douglas Rsvue do Luxe rBB H'TE. IND. 8. ANTONIO, MaJeaUa a*) (M> Ah Saa ft Jaa Jimmy Lyoas Bezasala ft Whtta Hermaa TtmharB Rebelliea SALT I.AK Padtacaa (S8> Petchings Wheeler ft FTanala Maurice Barrett Emerson ft Baldwin Charlestoa Rev SAN DIBOO. OAU Paatasss (W) Lows ft Mura Brtscos ft DaLorta MIddletoa Bp*m'y*r Prof Amand ST. I4>VIS. MO. Hlssonri (Pe) (IS) Gene Rodsmlch O 14 Ho Roekata Joe Ross Roy Smoot Chariots Woodruff "Hands Up" O. Central (Pa) (14) Dorothy Edwards Fernamle Guaraeri '•niueh'ds WIvea" W. B. Lyria (Ps) (14) Alllsler Wylle Bd Darling SIstsra Arthur Nealy Miller A Ryan Russell Kay •Bluebda Wires" StnU (Pe) (1«) Raymond Pagan O Mile Vereoa llartrom A Saxon "Time, Comedian" Orpkenm (84) Alleen Stanley Harry Ctnley Os Knravae: Oa (K> lat half (18-18) Mm* Herman C* Kragel ft Rebia* Love Boat JnUan Artknr Os td half (tl-84» PraakI* Wllaon Jed Dooley Ca Langford ft Myrm Kennedy ft Martin OUltgan'a Bar SBATTUB, WASH. Orphsnas (84) Heary Santray Seymonra Moors ft Fraa« Santrsy ft Saymanr Martlnatta ft O NKs In London Ray Hnllnv Maok ft La Bm Pantncea (SS) Bthel Marin* O* Coulter ft Baaa Joyea Lands Oa Jo* Roberta FlTa Avalon* SHBHAMIPU. PA. Stmad (K) lat half (lR-18) Jo* ft D*B Conlon Mualcal Zylos Crystal M ABd*ra*n SchleU's Mar'n'tsn td half (11-14) Novelty Perattos Madam Pompadoar Ann Franela ft W H anion Broa SPOKANB. WASH. Pantacea (M) Lieut Tbetloa Nancy Fair Guy Voyar Oa Chaa Althoft Belleclair Bran SPB'OPUD, HLA8B. Pnlaaa (K) lat half (18-88) Th* Roedotn L*w Kcaaa Raym'd Barratt C* Shapiro ft (XMallay Th* ParlslsaBsa M half (11-84) Julius Fnrst O* Patrlea A SmIllTan Final RehanranI Teddy B«ar STAMTD. OOBN. Strang (K) 1st half (18-88) The Wagar td halt (11-14) 4 Dancing Detnona Harry Hlnea Oh Qabby ST'CB'HVILL^ O. Capitol (K) lat haU (li-18) Tenedhoa ft Raid Milton BerU We Thre* Zuhn ft Drie* Mitzi A Royal O* td halt (31-14) Leach I^Qulnlaa 1 Carle A Ines Those Dare Olrla Hfynea A Back 4 Beaucalraa STB.%CUSB, B. T. KaHk'* 1st half (li-18) Gains Bros Marlon Uibnay Lewis A Smltk Country Coosiaa Mack ft Stanton Snow White C* td half (11-14) Robettas A Dsagen Too (KW) 1st half (2t-lT) IH Arleys 4 Dion Kia atal Look Hoy Co J ft W Hennlnga Little Cottage td half (28-10) Arthur Jarrett C« Harris A Holley Rlva A Orr Band (Twa to (III) TOLEDO, O. Kelth'a lat half (2&-1T) N McKay Co Gardner's Maniacs Mack A Velmar Rajah Co Australian Boys td halt (28-31) Benny Rubin Co Sampseil A I^nh't Jo* Mendl Santell Co Levan A Doris John A B'ldwin Sis BlTsU (P) («») Howard Sis Gary B Marr Knick Knacks Jerome A Gray Robinson's Bl'ph'ts TOBONTO, CAN. Shan's (K) (88) Wilton 81s Mitchell Broa Pink's Mules O'Donnell A Blair Charlotte Will Mahoney Tansa St. (L) (8«) The Mrlntyrea Jennings ft Mack Paye Kilbey Ca Orrea ft Drew Cllaton A R Bd Pnntagea (25) CIIS Jordon Marcell Sisters Dancing Some Bert Gordon Local Band TBENTON, W. J. Capital (K) 1st halt (18-10) Plasa Broa Jack Sydney Dainty Marl* Sampson A Dongl's Tom Senna Rev td half (21-14) Roma Bros Joe Daniels Anita I'am Ca Webb A Hnll Danee Revela TBOT, N. T. Proctor's (K) 1st half (18-20) Sawyer A Eddp^ Senna A Dean SInger'a Midgets td half (21-14) Shelton A Bentley Bckert A Francis Singer's Midgets TULSA. OKLA. Orpheam (It) (24-27) The Luniars Oruet Kramer O Mildred Livingston C!haln A Bronnon P Jaeobson td half (28-18) Follls A I^roy Bmbs A AktoB Jane Dillon Shannon A Col'ra'n Ralph Pollock Co UNIONTOWN, PA. Dixie (In) (18-28) 1 Laddcrettea Calif Slaters Day A Rollin Gray A Arliaa Bud Snyder Ca UTICA. N. T. Oalcly (K> 1st halt (18-20) 1 Londonn Hcaly A niirnella Anderaon A Graves NorthlanH ft Ward Irene RicarUo Ray's I'.ohcmians Id hair (21 24) Stuart Sisters Nick Hufford Country Cou»lna Coogan ii Casey Chas Ahi urn Co VANCOLVER. B.C. Orpbeuro (28-30) Jean no>dei; Kolao llroH Juggling I>eT.I<i1e PurtnU'a Lions Pnntagra (CS) Chaadon 8 Macon A Hogue Dcslys Sis Dan Downing Agtt'i Horws WASHINOTON Ksltk's (K) (11) Homer Romalna Jos Griffin Co Laagford ft Myra Jo* Browning Hei^or ft Ilulbrook Courtney ft Keyea Olga Petrora Hearts ft Vogt Manning ft Klaaa (11) Olga Pstrora Jos Browning Homer Rotnalaa H Hoctor Co Manning ft Class Courtney ft Keyoa Hurst ft Vogt Joseph Orlffea Co Langford ft Myra BnrI* (K) (11) Torbay Scanlon ft Danno* Crecdoa ft Davi* (Three to fill) Pace Kills (pe) BialU (Pe) (11) Platov ft Natall* Annette Royak HI* People I/omr<s (88) Aerial Clarke Phil Davis Brown A Roger* Hall ft Dexter Spanish Follies WASH'GTON, PA. Stat* (K) lat halt (18-tt) O'Brien Sextet 2d halt (21-24) Joe rich ft Pals Dunham ft O'M Lewis Sis Co WAI-BB'T, CONN. Pnlae* (K) 1st half (18-20) Frank A Geneva Rose Alien A Sla Wealey Barry Hal Nelman Mme Bradua WTRTOWN. N.T. Avan (K) lat halt (18-tO) Robettas ft Deagon Stuart Sisters Thos P Jackaon Co Nick nVifford Miss Justa ft Boys 2d halt (21-24) Pollard Healy ft Gamella Anderson ft Graves Northlane A Ward Ray's Bohemians WHKKL'O, W. TA. TIctorIn (K) 1st half (18-10) Leach LaQuinlan 1 Dunham A O'M Those Dere Girls Haynes A Beck Lewis Sla Co 2d halt (21-t4)L Ths Texans - T ft D Bennett We Three 1*. Franc* ft O O'Brien Sextet WICHITA. KAN. Orph«am (U) (24-27) Dor*en Sisters Briscoe ft W'hIII Jane Dillon Hall ft O'Brien Ralph Pollack's Bd Id halt (28-10) Petite La Anna Co Millard A Marlin Moaaman A Turner Knox A Inman Hashl ft Osal WICH. riS. TRX. Majestic (It) (78-30) Little Piplfax Stephens A H'l'at'r Jimmy I,ucas L Ballentine Co (Others to All) WILK'SB'BK. PA. PoU (K) 1st half (18-20) Frankie Wilson Jed .Dooley Co Langrod A Myra Kennedy A Marlin Qiltlgan Radio Rev td half (21-14) Mm* Herman Krugel A RobI* \Mvm Boat Julian Arthur Co WINNIPKO. CAN. Orpheom (28) Toney A Norraan Billy House Weston A Elaine Louis London Willie MaUHs WOODH'VN, 1- 1. Willanl 1st half (18-20). Alvln A Kenny Hu<l|{e A Lowell JaTzpliiends (Two to flil» Id halt (21-24) Harnson'8 Circus t'a.spor A Anthony Rich * Chcrio 1'"r'klyn D'Arnio Co Grlllln Twins WNltOCKKT. B. 1. ItlJon (24) Dupree Muilral Co WRC'ST'R. MASS. Poll (K) 1st half (18-20) Julius Furat Co I'airlce A SulUviin Filial Rehearyid Teddy Hear 2d half (21 24) The Roed.Ts Lew Keane Raymond Barred Shapiro ft OTMallsy The I'arlslennea YONKKB8. N. T. Praetor's (K) 1st half (lt-t8) Burns ft Kan* lAios Singers Smith A Barksr White Way Revn* Id halt (21-14) Freehand "trio Stanley ft Wllaon Jii)ks ft Ann Roger Imhoff Will J Ward TOBK, PA. York (K) let halt (18-18) Riullotta Bros Murdock ft May* Frank Sinclair Ca Rexy LaRocca Vogues 5d halt (Ji.|4j Macky Manis Cecil Alexander Miller A Bradfon Van A Vornon The Teat TOUNUST'WN, 0, Ulp (K) 1st halt (18.2() Bergman A UcK Nixon A Sans M'Devltt Ki'lly »Q Jules Bernard A )| 4 Beaucalrea Id halt (21-24) Paula Jack Murlln Co Will A Iva Hulmio BAB Gorman MttsI A Royal Ce TOO MANY ENGLISH (Continued from pa^e 1) are playins for less money tAai commanded by American actors. At ICqulty'a offices U was Btated that while certain rumors liad be«n heard about the matter, no com* plaint nor petition had been flled. An Ekiuity ofllcial explained tliat siriiilar rumored objections wer» hoard almost every season about this time. He also expressed th* idea that it might bn a good thing for objectors to file a petition If they, felt aggrieved and- in that way tlia matter could be thoroughly thrashed out with the CounclL DARK HOUSES STILL (Continued from page 21) porial); "Dearest Enemy" (Knicka erboclter); "Tip-Toes" (Liberty):) "Naughty Cinderella" (L.yceum);| "Cocoanuts" (Lyrics); "Cradl* Snatchem" (Music Box); "Sunny' (Amsterdam); "Chariot Revue" (Selwyn): "Artist* and Models" (Winter Oarden). Saturday for tha matinee the cut rates experienced the biirgest ma- tinee sale that they havo had this season. At that time there were 30 attractions available at bargain prices. This list was reduced through the closings Saturday. Monday the list of 28 contained "Lady's Virtue" (BIJou); "Easy Come Kasy Go" (Blltmore>; "The Patsy" (Booth); "Paul Swan" (Central Park); "Princess Fiavla" (Century); "Open House" (Criter- ion); "More On" (Daly's) "Hello Lola" (Eltinge); 'Tklay Flowers^ (Forrest): "Down Stream" (48th):| "Greenwich "flllage Follies" (46th);' "By The Way" (Gaiety); "ArniB and Man" (Garrick); "Monlcey Talks" (Harris): "Hamlet" (Ileclc- scher); "Alias The Deacon" (Hud- son); "Androcles and Lion" (Kluw);] "Dearest Knomy" (Knickerbocker);i "Master of the Inn" (Little); "But- ter and Kgg Man" (Longacre)!! "Naughty Cinderella" (Lyceum): "Capt. Jinks" (Beck): "Vortex" (Miller); "12 Miles Out" (Play- house); "Young Blood" (Ritg);] "Gay Psree" (Shubert); "The En- emy" (Times Square); "Laff That Off" (Wallack's). X SHEA'S NEW HOUSE (Oontlnued from page 6) tlon where its own gross is limited to its moderate capacity, and in direct opposition from a new form of entertainment of Btnndardlzed production at prices with which the ^ straight vaudeville house cannot compete. No K-^ Men Ther* The total absence of Kelth-Albee ofllcials other than the booker ot the Shea vaudeville houses, wa» con.splcuouBly noted. Other^ openings almost 100 P«r cent. K-A attended were mentioned by the theatrical men present. Not a congratulatory telegram w.'i.s re- ceived by Shea from his .TfTlliftted booking associates, and no floral tributes from the K-A people graced the lobby, although TUiffalo'a business men, .«ocial an<l civic or- ganizations and other houses were pioniiiiently (%pliiycd. The I»<'* Circuit bouquet was con.spicUDUS. The incident served to revive the report that the K-A Clrnilt ftt- tompted to buy In on the Shea prior to Shea'.'* allillatlon with F;i!r.M'ls Players. It wiis ru- mored .Ii n,e time that K-A. *' siiree.-sfil !ii securing a f(.ii'iollliiK Interest In the nufralo, woiiM h.'!V« i*onr;nnimated a deal with I'nnnu* on their own Meeonnt. Tt is .wid that Shea, whll.- willing ^ to .tUow the K-A i.n(,,,lc in "H the HiifTalo, was unwilling to sell thpm ( nnl-ol, h.iving the Fanio'.is rii.^T* 'leal in iiilriil. .Mr. Shea ha.« 1 eon bi- >ki:iT i" '^'' Keith ofTlee for over SO yenrs