Variety (February 1926)

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VARIETY VAUDEVILLE Wednesday, February 3, 1928 AN OPEN imER NELSON ROBINS Dramatic Editor, Baltimore "Daily Post." Win. that 99 44. ion p.ropiu. (.f jnltr\i(\v« with atturs nnd jn'trfssis iiri- Mipplif'l l'> t"'"^ *^y the liueiA l'i'i>ni WILLARD R. SMITH Des Moines Correspondent, Variety De« Moines, F<l'. 1. Nflsfin, (11(1 you cvir inttrvi'-w EiHe Cherry? "Times S*4Uiii« l»ail>" may h:tv«: bf-i-n •The Worlds Newspa- per,* I'ut Rffle Cherry was an actress. KIHf was ail uiU'e.sK helore hlie Opened a bakery In Cedar RapldH. anil nurtured aspirations to become Di;iyor of her home town. Kvidehlly ElHes lioi>es ar.- leav- ened with l)akery ><ast. She lost the nomination in the last mayoralty raee I'y only a few hundred vote.« and her liopes are ri.sing aKi>in. Pe:liaps you wouldn't be tlirilled to the prodiiction of any top i>ot;i- tiiin, banner head Interview if she took yuur hands In hers, gazed into your eyes and wild, "Write it your- sflf." l>ut. honestly, i.«n't thiti fair 8tiifr forgone of the C'lB percent, to si-rilible hurriedly on a bread wrapper. ■ Ertle did it. By EFFIE CHERRY (M'riitcn for the Inited Prcti) Cedar Itapids, Jan. 30 (U. P.).— In announcing my candidacy for mayor I realized that I would have tstifi' opposition. This mayoralty caniiKiiK'n is Boinu to be the hottent thins Cedar Rapid.s has seen In m!'.ny a day and it's going to be a lot butter fur »ojf\e people after I am eh'Cted mayor. The city, state and nation is go- ln>,' from had to worse, physically, financially, mentally and morally, and I propose to make the first start to curb the rapid downward swing of,thinKs. lt'» the high prices, high taxes, lii<h skirts. hij;h lif<-, one-piece haihing suits, hi^h g<is, lisht and water rates and white collared ga.>;oline hounds that I am after. Those white-collared hovinds who sell us gas are havin;,' plenty of fun at our expense. Tiie fumes have caused us no <'nd of trouble :in(l nearly sufTocated our next door neighbor recently. Bigger Policemen Tublic otTlcials waste too much time Kolf. Wcinen's skirts ar<- riitieulous: they are too short— !\n!(le length skirts will be the style if I have m.v way. Next, more and bi(,'Ker pcdicemen. \\ hell I g.-i into the mayor's of- fice 1 am Koini; to make some of Iho'^e p«tiple chang*' ilieir ladies. I'olitici.ins jiark themselves in tin ir otn. .-s and live ..ft the fat of the land; they have btfU(Ml<-d the people and issues long ein-ugh. My past is an op< n l)ook. Tliey can scan its pages lr(>m jirefiice to Iik'.cx. I am going to stand on tliat recoi'<l and I'm going to meet the pn'ili," faee to f"ce in this eam- paign. I have studierl the cnmpaii;n and needs of the jx-oiile from [dllar to post aiul [ have shaped itiy lilat- ti'^-^ ■ r-;d a «';u,ire deal for all. My plati'orm follows: first—Kconoiny In all depart- nient.s. Se(mid—1/ower taxation. Third—Ijower water, gaa atid !i;;iit I'ales. I'ourih— Sano and b«'tter trallle re^;uIations. I'inii- Home prutietloii for our labui'iiig rii«ii and women. .'r^ixlh- 'I'm do all in my power to helji purify ilie sireaiii.s of water in the Slate of lo\\!i. .Sesentli—y p. ni. ( urfew. i;iKlith — l/uger and Ix-fter regn ^.^.tled )HilUtw 4>U'^.'«', .\iiith —To refill tie aiul puiil'y all theatres, dance halls, mairaziiies. and turn the muidcipal golf <ourse into building lots; lon;:er --kirts for Vomeii. Teiilli— Uetter ao<->iiMini> ions lor our farmer gardeners. ENGAGEMENTS Maude Powers and "Vemon Wal- lace. "Stray t>heep." Robort Reiidle, Clvde Fillmore. Hruco De Lelte, Uuberl Conties.'<. Leslie Xing and Anna Za^cek, "The Right to Kill." George Xash, Justine Johnstone •an(l Rii'hard (;^)rih'ri "No Questions Asked." Ooitrmle M'lilire replaced I.uln McConiK 11 In 'Artists and Models." Agnes .Martin nplaced Kav Cusick in "Ladies oi the Kveniiig." Ca\.n Mnir and Lucille Nikolas, "The fUateri Track." Joseph Alleiitiiwn. "Lulu Belle." Huth IV'nnelly, "A Orent Little fijv. • M> Kay Mori is, "The Shanghril C^slure.' Kloienrn Eldridge, Elliot Cabot and Charle.-s Dickson. "The Great t;afsl.,\." Heiir.v Morliiiier and Violet Kem- h!o Cooper, "The linchaatened Woman." Rose Hohart, Allan Vincent and Marion Warinu' Mauley, "John fSabriel Rorkman." tieorge McQuariie replaced Ram- sey Wallace, "Open House." Jean tireene and Kranclg VerOl. "t^ijiiare Crooks." Reverly Sitgreaves. Flora {Shef- field, iJiaiith.i I'attison and Ernest i-'tallard, "A Weak Woman." Mildred Wavne and Joseph Allen. ■Lnlii Belle." Xr-rval Keedw^ll. "A Voice In the WiWerness. ' Reii Welilon. "Xica." Reatrice Reiss and lallian (Clarke, understudy rules in "Hello, Lola." Phoebe Hrami, "Rumplestiltz- s'.jln." Danzlo 0(>odell replaced Vivian Marlowe in "Merry Merry." Miss Marl.iwe joined the No. 1 "My (Slrl." Paul Harvey. Margaret Rorough, Willard Robertson. Isabel Withers. Margaret Kealy, i'hil Rishop, Wai- ter Downiiitr. Charles Halton, Georgiana Tilden, Frank 1. Fayne, O. O. Taylor and Boris Korlln, "Up the Line." Louise Gary. "Louie the 14th." • GirU Take Chance; Work 15 Weeks A honkey tonk paying tho price is far more preferable to palatial surroundings at "cof- fee and cake" salaries, accord- ing to Collins and Bell, har- mony sister duo, wlio have been playing wildcat picture dat'>s. The girls claim to have booked lo weeks* work direct, helped only by refer- ences from i>ast employers to grab the next job. <They also Slate they have been getting $150 to $175 weekly on most of the jobs according to the size of the theatres. Some pay less they admit but those are ac- commodating "jump breakers." The girle uso a mixture of pop stuff and specials, the lat- ter their own material. One writes lyrics and the other supplies the tunes. Those who have glimpsed Uiem say they are another Duncan Sisters In embryo. They claim they had "showed" In several places and tired of^being stalled. When no addition?! bookings were forthcoming they played Inde- pendent dates for awhile until they hit upon the idea of tak- ing a "brodte" on the wlld- catting. INCORPORATIONS NEW YORK Production-Display Studio, Man- THEATRES IN CONSIKUQION NEW ACTS Elinor Wilson, late of the Lafa- yette Players, and Mrs. Wilnet Chalmers, formerly a principal with "Thais," have been eng.aged to sup- port Clarence E. Muse, the colored actor. In his comedy skit, "Ker'sene and l^rd." Ethel Waters, former star of the 'Plantation Revue'' act. has been replaced In the turn by Mary Staf- ford. Miss Stafford made her debut with the revue at the Broadway, New York, last week. Herman and Eva Mae Brown, col- ored two-act. Valentine wnd Kramer, singing and dancing in "one." ! Mabel Thompson and Co. In six people musical flash. Bert Benedict (Benedict and Clark) with Florrle Hepner. Oliver and Olp in new sketch. Jerry McGrath (McGrath and Norton) and Frances Quinn (Madrid Troubadours), two-act. Billy Raskette and Frankle Ma- guire, songwriters, .two-act. Ann Oreenway and Neville Flee- son. ' Louis Simon has supplanted Wil- iiani Koiit in the tabloid vei"»ik)n of "Battling Euttler." Derine and Gould. Alberta Hunler and Sam Bailey (Clifford find Bailey). Arthur T'trry and Maretta Me- Nrtlly, two-act. John iiowlcs, single, with pianist. Ja<k Norton, lu 3-act with wife. JUDGMENTS Norman Trevor; Hamuel Khiz and .MliiMtir .MnrUct. In-.; $60.OO. Sicgmund Breitbart, Inc.; W. Spink, et al ; $•.':!..'>'<. Freed Scenery Studios, Inc.; -■vj. Y. Tel. Co.; Owl Restaurant Corp.; P.. A. Jack.son: $i'L'i>.!•.■>. Publicity Clock Co., Inc.; Czaplieki; c.^sts. $1 1J.9I. Take It From Me, Inc.; W .\nrler.«:oii; $i'>.ls.u,'). Same; Lii>rar.v ProducrioHS Inc.; $r,4!' Same: A. C iKlainater; $833.62. H U. Co.. // you don't advertite in VARIETY don't advertite ILL AND INJURED Orto Shafler, Cliicago vaudeville pr(>ilucer, is at West End Hosjjltal. I'hinigr), recovering fr(>m an opera- tion performed l.tst Sunday for a siiilden alfa' k of acute appeiidi«-itis. \ irjfil and lilandie Florenis, aeri- .ili-^ts, were both injureil when miss- ing a trick \',liile appearing in a CireiiH We.-k iiiH'crani at the Lyric. Si. I.iiiiis. Th'ii- injuries w<re not suih as to confine them to a hospital foil they wei'p oMiged to cancel Im- oitdialc b(wkiiigs. Hope ,'VIinor ("Tlie Indian"), 111 for some lime, has recovered and is at present with Texits Gulnan ,ii the nno Club on West 54tb stroot. liatfan, tluritrical; lOO shares com- mon, no par. Directors, Colliy Harri- man, Meyer Machlis, Horace Sra- gow. Attorneys. Heimann & Ru- birn, 1440 Broadway. Spur Amusement Corp., Manhat- tan; theatres, pictures; 100 s'aares common, no i)a.r. Directors, Richard Ilildreih, Rose lialkin, Willi.) in Kessler. Attorney, Samuel Schwartzman, 117 West 4ath street. Brandon Brother*, Manhattan, pictures; capital, $20,000. Directors, Walter Lee Brandon, Fred C. Miller. Stella Berthoff. Attorney, Leon C. Shultz, 1674 Broadway. Whitefielde Production*) Manhat- tan, theatrical; capital, $10,000. Di- rectors, Meyer, Charles and Aaron Kurz. Attorneys, Kurz & Kurz, 25 West 47th street. Stanhope Bimberg Productions,, pictures, 150 shares pre- ferred, $100 each; 200 common, no par. Directors, Frederick Stanhope, I'aul Minskoff, A. J. Bimberg. At- torneys. Frost, Watson ckaa & Looby, Albany. 235 West 46th Street Co., Man- hati.Tn, picture; $2,000. Directors, J. H. .Mayer, Frances Ascher, Sam- uel (Jilhert. Attorney, Frank Locker, 299 Rro.idway. Rosereb Amusement Corp., Brook- lyn, theatrical;, $10,000. Di- rectors, Morris and Rose Goodman. Samuel Strausberg. Attorneys, Levy, Gutuian & Goldberg, 277 Broadway. Masque of Venice, Manhattan, theatrical, pictures; 200 shares com- mon, no par. Directors, J. F. Whar- ton, O. Gusfafsen, D. L. Whitney. Attorneys. Weiss & Wh.Tton, 34 Pine street. Crystal Palace Theatre, Buffalo, pictures; capital, $100,000. Directors, B. C. Colegrove, James Quider. At- torney, Charles Oishei, Buffalo. Fitzer-Kenmore, Syracuse, pic- tures; capital, $50,000. Directors, Mitchell and Rae Kilzer, Max Fltzer. Attorneys, Mackenzie, Smith & Lewis, S.vracusc. High Tide Producing Corp., hattnn, theatrical; capital. $20,000. Director.-^. M. J. Rellly, S. T. Niclicd- son, K. 10. Hcimblirger. Attorne.vs, t;r<'ene & Hurd, 52 Broadway. Percival Productions, Mahattan theatrical, capital, $20,0o0. Dircc- j tors. Charles R. Jeffers, Louis E. Wi( lier. Walter I. Percival. ••Vltor- neys. Parker and Aarons, 30 Broad street. Studio Electrical Accessories Co., MaiiliaitMii ; 100 shares eoinnioii. no | Direetors, Archibald L. Jack- son. Henrietta Bittel, Judson M. .'Strong. :til Cluireh street. Attor- | neys, ITnited States Corporation Company, 150 Broadway. I 275 Grove Street Corp., .Manhat- tan, theatrical: cajiital. $5,000. Di- rectors, A. A. Snyder. Abner Green- berg. Abi-ahain ItapiMiiort. Attoi*- iiey, L. H. Raer, 1410 Broadway. Shelter Producing Co., theatrical, i .••■: Jt'.nO. I )irtilors, Barry Macollum, H. I'. l''oid. Therese Hynes. Attorney, .1. A. Olieary. 220 Broadway. Henry M. Hobart Productions, .Manhattun. theatres; 200 shares common, no Directors, M. I<. Les.ser, H. .M. Hobart, Sally Buud. No atlormy stated. Fred C. Curtis, Manhatt.m. vaude- ville, pictures; capital, $10,e(iO. Di- rectors. Fred C. Curtis, Herman W. Klinedlnsf, Herman Factor. 1440 Broadway. Attorney, Emanuel Mor- ganlander, 1440 BriKidway. Asbury Park, N. J.-iPt. James place and I^uke avenue. Own.-r, R.iuli Theatre Enterprises, Savoy theatre, N, Y. C. Architect, Thomas w L.Tmb. Value and policy not given. Chicago.—(sports arena) $5,000,000. West Side (location withheld). ()wncr.~. I'adilv Harmon ^ S.vndicate, care of orchltei-tH, Hall, Lawn rice' Rlppel & Ratchliffe, 123 W. Madison street. Chicago.—( stores, apartments) $2,500,000. Roosevelt road and Komensky avenue. Owner, Lawndale Theatre Corp., 822 70th. Archi- tect, E. P. Rupert. Policy not given. Corona. N. Y.— (also stores) $2(7t),000. Roosevelt avenue and Junction boulevard. Owners, Strausberg & Small, Republic theatre, Grand street. Brooklyn. Architect Eugene De Rosa. Pictures. Detroit.—(also ai)artnient hotel) $2,000,000. W. Adams avenue, we.n of Park. Owner. Charles H. Miles Amusement Co., Detroit. Architect, P. K. Pereira. Policy not given. Seating capacity 3,000. Downers Grove, ill.—<al8o efores, apartmeots) Main and Grove streets. Owners, Dvova Bros., care of architect, Elmer Behrens, 605 N. Michigan avenue. Chicago. Value or policy not given. Floral Park, L. I., N. Y.—(also stores, oHlces) Jericho Turnpike and Tvson avenue and Si)ooner avenue. Owner, Folpnd Realty Corp., igg Jnralemon street, Brooklyn. Architect, Charles A. Sandblom. Pictures. Value not given. Jersey City.—(sports arena) $7,000,000. Hudson boulevard and f:ottage street. Owner, Journal Square Gardens, Inc., care of architects. Crane A Franzhelm. 345 Madison avenue, N. Y. C. Jersey City.—(also stores, offices) $200,000. Ocean avenue. Owner, Cameo Theatre, Inc., 221 Ocean avenue. Architect, C. H. Zlegler. Policy not given. Lake Forrest, III.—(also stores, offices) $225,000. Bank lane and Deer* path. Ov.ner, estate of Jas. Anderson; Geo. FIndlay, trustee. Archi- tects. Anderson & Tickner, Jas^ A. Anderson & Co. Policy not given. Minot, N. D.—$70,000. Owner, J. M. Wilson. Architect, H. T. FrotU Pictures. Site not selected. Muncie, Ind.—(remodelled. Interior and exterior) Owner, Flttpatrick* McElroy Co., 202 S. State street, Chicago. Architect not selected. Value and policy not gU-en. Patchogue, N. Y.—(Rialto, rebuilt) S. Ocean avenue. Owner, M. Gij-nne, Main street. Architect, C. A. Sandblom. Philadelphia.—Owner, Norman E. Greenberg, 903 North American build- Ing. Pictures. Value not given; location withheld; architect not selected, Philadelphia.—(also stores) 618-20 Market street. Owner, Harry IL Goldberg, Victory building. Architect, Frank E. Hahn. Value or policy not given. Rochester, N. Y.—(also stores) $1,500,000. N. E. corner Clinton av.nue. South and Court streets. Owner (corporation to be formed), A. H. Fenny- vessy. Architect not selected. Vaudeville and pictures. Steubenville, O.— (Olympic, alterations and additions) $80,000. Market and Court streets. Owner, Trl State Amusement Co. Architects. C. C. & E. A. Weber. Policy not given. ~ Utica, N. Y.—$100,000. 331-33 South street. Owners. Samuel Sltrln A Wm. Berkowitz, 308 .Whltesboro street. Architect, H. M. Decker. Policy not given. Yonkers, N. Y.—(also auditorium, stores) Lockwood and Wlckea ave- nues. Owner, N. Chrystmos, care of architect, W. Kats, t Hudson street Value or policy not given. Bala, Pa.—(also stores, aixirtments) $250,000. City and Bala avenues. Owner, B.ila Theatre Co., care of architects, Hodgens & Hill, 130 S. 15th street, Philadelphia. Policy not given. Baltimore.—$400,000. Pennsylvania and Fulton avenue**. Owner, Charles Ralth, s. w. corner Pennsylvania and Fulton avenues. Archi- tects, Clyde N. & Nelson Frle. Pictures. Bound Brook, N. J.—(also stores, offices) Hamilton atreat. Owner. R. Schretzman, care of architect, Wm. E. Lehman, 972 Broad street, Newark, N. J. Value and jwllcy not given. Chester, Pa.—(also apartments) $275,000. Third and Central avenue. Owner, H. C. Goodwin, care of G. W. Carry, 514 Lincoln building, Phlla- deli>hia. Architect, Clyde S. Adams. Philadelphia. Policy not given. Chicago.—(also commercial building) $2,500,000. Exchange, 75th and Saginaw avenues. Owner, syndicate, Frank Ragen, gen. mgr., Jackson Park Hospital. Architect, J,ohn Eberson, 212 E. Superior. Policy not given. Chicago.—(Paradise) $1,500,000. 213 N. Crawford avenue. Owner, Na- tional Theatre Corp. Architect, John E. Eberson. Policy not given. Chicago.—(also bank, stores, offices) $750,000. N. E. corner Addison and Southport avenues. Owner. Addison Building Corp. Architect, E. P. Steinberg. Policy not given. Cincinnati.—(also hotel, stores) $1,000,000. 420 Vine street. Owner. Clno Theatre Co. Architect, Thomas Lamb. Policy not given. Cincinnati.—(colored) $50,000. N. W. corner Gilbert avenue and Beecher street. Owner. Ell G. Frankenstein. Architect, J. J. Wllkens. Policy not given. Detroit.—(also offices) $2,000,000. Woodward, between Columbia an* Mountcalm. Owner, William Fox Film Corp. Architects, C. Howard Crane, Elmer G. Kiehler and B. A. Dore. Policy not given. Fort Wayne, Ind.—$50,000. Maumee avenue. Owner, Oscar E. Wobrook. .iVrchitect, C. C. Brunswick. Pictures. Grove City, Pa.—$50,000. Broad street. Owner, John Guthrln. Archl- tecus, C. Bates & W. H. Cook, ^^'hecllng, W. Va. Pictures. Indianapolis.—(Lyric, alterations aJiid additions) $100,000. IlUnolfl street. Owner, Central Amusement Co. New York City.—(altersitions and additions) $100,000. 8. W. corner, Jd avenue .and 2d street. Owner, Second Avenue Theatre Co. New York City.—$1,000,000. Owner. Oltarsh Building Corp. Architects, H. Craige Severence & David M. Exact location withheld; policy not given. New York City.—(also stores) $500,000. 4915-23 Broadway. Owner, Emerdyck Itealty Corp. Architect, Eugene Dp, Rosa. Policy not given. Riverhead, N. Y*—Roanoke avenue and Main street. Owners, Silver- man & Mandelson, Brooklyn, N. Y. Pictures. Value not given; archi- tect not selected. South Euclid, O.—(also stores, apartments) $150,000. Near a. e. corner, Mayfleld and Green roads. Owner, W. T. Arneg. Cleveland. Architect, J. F. Steffens, CTleveland. Pictures. Union City, N. J.—$200,000. Morris and Stuyvesant avenues. Ovm?r, Joseph !5tern, Newark, N. J. Architect. Wm. E. I^hman. New-irk. Policy not given. PUBLICITY PLAN SERVICE In is a simple aiiU inexpensive m.-inner of keeping your name or Inisiiioss before the show bnsines.'^ of the world eacli week. Gives (lispl.iyed or jjictorial ptthlicity for 52 week? eaoh year. Amount may be regulated by the advertiser. Write or eall at any Variety office: NEW YORK CHICAGO LOS ANGELES 154 W. 46th St. State-Lake Thea. Bldg. Chapman Bldg. LONDON, 8 St. Martin's PL, Trafalgar Square