Variety (February 1926)

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t I M V A R I B T T W«daeed<iy, February 3, ISM BaUra O«o Schrsrk 0« BILLS NEXT WEEK (Continued from page 19) IIAZKLTON, rA. Oanern Ulrla Two Sheika Wm MIsto Dancing M'Donalda 2d half (4-7) Rnaa A I^eddf Miller St Uradford Harrjf nrren NlKlit in H A Ht hair (S-10) Ro(ty Jordan Dannr I>uican Co ii'XIiera to nil) 2d half (11-14) Musical lluritera H.'Itn Morelll Sunips'n A U'glaa (Others to nil) CL'Nfl r*UJ. W. T. BUlt* (K) 2d half (4-T> Tarlor A Lake Pucalllon td hair (I1-14) Bo ma Hroa 4 Duncint Dcnioaa John T Ray <Otliers lu nut •L-VSVII.I.R. N.T. (ilovrr (K) 2d httir (4 7) Paramount Quintet Dalton A CruiR O HHnnt-ronl Co Kovelty ren-ttoa 2d hair (11 14) Horl Ca Oullfoyle & lAnge Powell Hand (Others to fill) » O'D B'P'DS, M'CH. ftomand Park (K) 1st half (8 10> eiirrord * Uray Irmanettft M & O Verga Anti'iue Shop Pasquall Droa O'RourUe A K'lly 2d hair (11-14) # A D I.oalpr Rlrkey A. Hart ■ rnpst Illatt J B Stanley Co Rarry Burns Co P Whiteside C» CR'NPLD, MASS. VIrtorU (K> 2d hair (4-7) FlylnK Henrys Patrice & Sullivan A & Xs Barlow Harmon & Sana Boy RoKers Co U half (11-14) Prances A Deniar Bealy & Gamella Major Revue Cardiff A Wale* B A L Qiilette CB'NSUl BO. PA. Strand (K) Ist half (1-t) t Blossoms Dunham A O'M Cruising Milton Berle Ballot Troupe 2d half (4-7) Blaney A Wood Jones A Peet Vadle Dancers Clifford A Marlo0 Amac 1st hair (S-10) Thomas A F'd'r'ks JAM Dove Country Club Olrls Bchwarti A ClTd (One to fill) Sd hair (U-14) DeKos Uros^o Stone A Lever ■We Three Carl McCulIough Monarchs Melody HAMII.TOy. -CAN. PanUres (•) The Dorans Mabon A Cholet Jimmy Gildea Co Chap'le A StiDQ'te Camllle I H.VMMOND, IND. Parlhrnoii (KW) 2d hair (11-14) Gaudsmitb Bro« Fern A AHen Bobby Mr Learn (Two to nil) BARKI8B'0. PA. Mujestle (K> 1st hair (1-1) Orpheum 3 Cecil Alexander Jed Dooley Co 2d hair (4-7) Orpheum t KruKcI A Robles 1st hair (1-10) Eolda Bros Davis A McCoy ProsinI Hadji All (One to fill) 2d hair (11-14) Paramount 6 Prplto (Three to fill) HARTFORD, C'T. Puluce (K) 1st hair (1-3) Antliimy A Marcel Jack Merlin Co Bxpi<!iition 4 The Iluriequins 2d half (4-7) Carp.>s Bros Dale A North Bellly A I'ahner Apples Cupllnl (K) 1«t half (1.2) PranUle Wihum Co Mme ronipailuur Rose A Thorn Kitza WrniUc Co PreBsler A Klaiss The I^amys -ITd hair (4-7) ilazel (;<>fr * B ' —BrnmoTt tVMnra Morton A Glass Burr A Ulaine The Co-Eds) Ist hair (8-1*) Molvin Broa Murdoch A Mayo Tracey A Il.iy Baym'd A Caverly Nlfht Club (On* to <tll) 2d hair (11-14) The Retlaws Chonimy Club Rer Al Turkar pd (Tiro W fill) IIOBOKKN, Ji. J. I.o«w's Isl hair («-10) Penner A I'harl'd Wedge Van A W M A A Clark LeVan A Holies 2>1 half (11-14) Bert Sheppsrd Co ( Msey A Kaye Viola Leyman Co Constance Leet Co (One to fill) nOI.YOKK, MA88. Victoria (K) 1st half (1-3) Marty A Nancy Kddie Mazier Homer Lind Rev Cardiff A Walea Michon Broa 2d half (4-T) Ryan A Ryan Final Rehearsal Hal Nelman Zemater A Devaro Ist half («-10) Helen Carlson Co Frances Demar Major Revue Green A Burnett Jean Phillips Co 2d half (11-14) Morrell'B Dogs Lucille DuHi is Roy Rogers Co Brown & LaVello Herbert Loyal C^o HORNKI.I^ N. T. Hbsttnck O. ||. 2d half (4-T) Gaines Bros Demarr A Lestar Nick Hufford Tommy Rellly (30 HOUSTON, TEX. MmJmUc (It) (1) Kenney M SchoU Perry A Wauner Nash A O'Donnell Carleton A Ballew BrolUa Paulo ReT H'NT'CT'N. W.VA. Orpheom (K) 1st half (l-»> Ford A Price Nielson A Wordaa 6 Beaucaires Zuhn A Drela 3 Little Maids 2d half (4-T) La Favor A Pierce Lorner Qirls Chisholm A Brean Lubin A Lowrl* La Fantasy Ist half (S-lt) Jo« Rich A Pal* Morris A Townaa Ellz D<>Soltt Co Towers A Darrel S Knights A Day 2d half (11-14) Roxy LaRucca Lewis A Amea Fashion Hinta . (Two to aiK INDIANAPOIJS PaUee (KW) Ut hair (S-lt) Dawson LAC Princess Rajah Bernard A Keller (Two to fill) 2d hair (11-14) Connelly A Francis A Ashley Co Sylvester A Vance Mildred Liv'Kston (One to fill) Keith's (») FridUIn A Klioda M HeKcdus Co Hamilton Sis A P Hiiynes A Beck MehliriRer A W'ms Chan Withers Co 4 JanHleya ChiUeau (P) (S) SanliaRO 3 Bayes A Speck Slalpy lilrheck Co I.ydell A Mason Al Cokin I'o ITII \rA, ?«. T. KInuid (K) 2d h*r '4-7) Krarili )'.• ■ r. '■ wi t Ann i ■/*'.' :« & W HarlVy A Taur*'!■ H:Mf.i<K'un A Q 2d hh.t <iJ 14/ T H.;\lr '-(J Turk A '"inrii^ i UurUt.-li (Others to fill) JAf'KSON, Ml( H, Capitol (In) (31-.';) Mil* J Berzac Cherry A Adair Roy Thonins t Aerial Younja FlHher Sis Flying Valentinoa (0-6) Bveresfs Monkey" Jonas A Jones The Ksther 4 Naw Majeatie (K) (21-1) Cappa Famllr U A D Rath O'Rourka A Kellr (4-«) Authors A Comps Manuel Vega Lidell A Qibsoa JOUBT. IIJU Orphnus <WV) lat hair Alexander A F'stY Clinton Sis Co (f>n« to flin :d hair (11-14) Empire Comedy 4 Around the Globe (One to till) .I'M'ST'WN, N. T. Op«>ra House (K) 1st hatr (1-J) Three I.ondona Temple Four Cleveland A D Ann Gold Mitzl Royal Co 2d hair (4-7) Kitaro Trio Brent Hayes Cook A Oatman Kenny A Uollis Edna Torrance 1st hair (9-10) Sayre A Mack McCorm'k A WTce Hold Up L Davidson Orcn (One to fill) 2d half (11-14) Caaa A Lehn Nixon A Sana Lea Gellls (Two to (III) JKRS'T CITT, NJ. Stat* (K) 1st half (IS) Scheer A Rldridse Mack A Mann Dobson A Howard Bryon House Rev Purple Prince Atkins A Daniels 2d hair (4-T) King Bros Doy.o A McDonald Frank May Collins East West N A S Airred Farrell 1st hair (8-10) Martell A West Versatile S Whiting A Burt (Others to fill) Id half (11-14) ~~ Allen A Canfield (Others to fill) JOHN.9TOWN, PA. MajMtle (K) Ist half (1-2) Weadick A liaDue Francis A Iluma Dan Coleman 0> Roxy I.aRocca Claire Wilmot Rev 2d hair (4-T) E DeSoltl Co Mayo A Francla 4 QreRK Sis Harry Downing Co The Broken Mirror lat half (3-10) Owat A LInko Jones A Peet H Herbert Co Chas Dnrrickson Grace Edler Girls 2d half (11-14) Glided Cage Gilbert A Ma« Cruising Cliff Johnston Jaxx Cocktail KANS'S CITY. MO. Orpheum (31) Adel Hughes Co Bragdon A M'r's'y Deagon A Mack Bevan A Flint Etal Look Hoy A Raach Glrl« MaJnxtreet (O) (1) Broslus A Brown Stuart A Lash Don Tranger Bd (Two to SlI) Pnatagea (8) Bob Bobbie A Bob Harry Bolden Dave Schooler Thornton A "Sq'res (One to nil) LAN'CASTER, PA. C'olonlul (K) 1st half (1-3) Ali'xandcr A O Rudy Jordan r.llly Regay Rev Davis A McCoy Clarion Trumpeters Id half (4-7) FlHher A Craham Charles Hoyden WiRsinsvllle Ilena Arnold Co Eliza BrUe Co Ist hair (S-10) Carroll A llemont Le Meau A Young Venita (iould (i)th-rs to nil) '.d half (11-14) Jutinson's Cadets I'at Hrning Co Jiantiy Jiuean Co Others to All) I *WK'N4 K. M AKH. Kfuplrs (ii> ]»i half (1-J) N«r/il>a Jlr'>s r>s» Wright <ii nr Barn's J'')"ier A I'o.^ter ^V.ll IIIkkI a li)ri.i 2d h.iir (4-7) The It'tlaws llng.T Wlllliims R(iMi;iini' A Camis Kisher A l{llmor# Let's Dance i.kxin<;ton, ky. Ben Ail (KW) 1st hair (8-10) M Allen A G Bonnie Ke> noldt Dwyer A Orma Qaudsmllh Uroa (On* to nil) 2d hair (11-14) Harry Snodgraaa Dallas M'alker * (Three to Oil) UMA. a PavMi (KW) 1st halt (l-l») Nambo t Kerg Fashloaa (Two to nil) 2A hair (11-14) C A E Ureas Harry A Whitledg* Waltor Brower C Billing Co U ROCK. ABK. Majestic (It) l8t half (S-10) Nathans A Sully Stevens A Woolfd Jans Dillon Pinto B Fletcher rrlnc'^ss Wahletka 2d haie (11-14) Ltrimer A Hudsoa A O Duncan Eddie PiLcdo C« Foley A lletour Armand-Narie Rev lockport, n. t. Palace (K) :d half (4-T) CBsa A Lejin Carroll A Gromaa ( Anderson Girl* Coakley A Dunlevjr The Holdup 2d hair (11-14) Kitaro Japa Ann Gold J Bernard A M Mital A' Dancer* (One to fill) LONDON, CAM. I'4>ew lat halt (8-10) Aerial Crawrord* Delano Dell Janet Klppcn B4 2d half (11-14) Knight's Roosters Meyers A Sterling Capitol Revue L'O. B'ACH. CAI« Hoyt (P) (8) Rita Toniellt Raym'd WUbert 4 Madcaps Emerson Baldwin Charleston Rev L'O BRANCH. JtJ. Broadway (K) lat hair (1-3) Jack McAuliffe Angel Bros Roatttna A Barrett Warren A O'Bflen Marie Lee AGirla 2d. hair (4-T) Knowles A. Hurst Gertrude • -Dwyer Don Austin Martin Ryafi A M LOS ANOELES Metropolitan (Pc) <3Q-5) - Renu-lif A Renova Heller A Riley Scln»« O^Jjeal Jules 'Buffano Nora SrUiller Jack Haiix Henry -K,ublick Tremalne Dancers "Wonmanhandled" MilUon Dollar (Pe) (28) Edith Oriffltk Arthur Burckley Manuel A Vida Col F I^iidsay Co Tremalne Dancer* •Don Q" Bialto (Pc) (SH) Sherman Van A U "Royle Girl" Loew'a State (Pe) (30-6) "IManologue" I>orothy Gilbert Carlos A Jinett* Davis A Goodman Gwen fOvans i4ell A Coatea Dorothy Kelly Dorothy Mark Madeline Legh Irma Sparkling "I'nguarded Hour" Porum (Pc) (30-S) Ted Henkel Orch Chas A Rae I'erry Son Car-|sOn ■•Ta De B'm De R" "Windertijer's Fan" Itoulevard (4-7) (Pc A Vaud) Syncopation Idea Orietttal 3 Crosby A Rinkrr F A M Ballet •Old Clgthts ngnrroa (Pc) (JO-i) "Southern Skies" Rjth Miles David Stewart La Carte Sis Joe King L< nore Gordon Carl Fredericks FIgueroa Ballet "Door Opened" Panluges (8) Schlict's Mai.ikins IluOMiy A Cass •iyi'Kylanil A' I III a n A M ay 7 Iliiiiilens Lot ISVII.I.E. KV. Nulional (KW) Isl half (8-10) The Itlos CoiMii lly A Francis Mack & Velinar Sylvc-iter A \'nnc« (One to All) td halt (11-14) Arnold * FI*r«B** Bernard A K*U«v (Tkre* U All) l*t half (l-I*) Lavrl* A Birma Carr Lynn Olnghaoi am $ Roekatt* (%sela A V*rai Id halt (11-1«) Celleaao Duval A UttI* Tom Swift C* It JaekaoB Qlrl* Stanlejr Chapraaa LOWKLL, MA80. K*kh'* (•) M Pe«ri Co WIvea V* Stenoga Stan Kavanaogh Irene Iticardo Elklna Fay* A ■ Romalne A CaatI* MADISON, WIS. Orphean (WV) Ist half (t-l*) Tranafleld SI* Summers A Hunt Bdouard Hea'lberg R A B A Saranoit Buddy Doyle Kelly Latell Tr'pe 2d half (11-14) Ward A Dooley Bords A Robinsoa Karavleff Ed Lowry (Two to All) M'NCH'ST'B. KM. Palae* (K) 1st half (1-8) The Ret law* Roger William* Leonard A Wllsoa Romaloa A Castle Fisher A Ollmor* Chaa Aheara C» td hair (4-f) Chong A Moer Betty Washington Gen* Bat-nea Co Joyner A Foster Louis* Wright Walter Jame* Co Ist half (1-19) Holloway A A'atin Hughe* A Monti A Sullivan Co Harmon A Sands M Severn Dancer* 2d half (11-14) Lottie Athertoa Stuart Sis Conlln A Ola** Miller A Mack (One to fill) M'KEKSF'RT, PA. Ulpp (K) 1st half (1-3) Blaney A Wood Jones A Peet Vadle Dancer* Clifford A Marlon Amac 2d half (4-T> Two Blossoms Dunham A O'M Cruising Milton Berle Ballot Troup* 1st hair (S-IO) Deftoa Bros Co Stone A Lever Wo Three Carl McCulIough Monarchs Melody 2d half (11-14) Thomaa A P'd'r'k* JAM Dove Country Club Olrls Schwartz A CUffd Lewis Sis Co MEADVILLK. PA. Park (K) 2d half (4-T) Hughes A Wheoler Short A Shorty Mitzl Dancers 2d half (11-14 McCorm'k A W'l'ce Cook A Oatman 6 Anderson Girl* (Two to fill) MEMPHIS, TENN. State (I.) (8) DIMon A Marg'rlte John I Fischer Co Fulton A Parker . Lancaster A McA GAP Magley Pantagn* (8) Thomas 3 4 Pals Dewey A Roger* Spencer Williams Sanderson's Rev MERIDRN. C'T. PoU (K) Claude DcCar Bowie A Jerry I'oral Blair Co Deinont A Oracia Nit7.a Vcrnllle Co MIAMI, FLA. Fairfax (K> (1) Redmond A Well* Rempel A Howard Edna Bennett Dunlo A Gogna MIIAV'KEJC WIS. Pala«e (0> (SI) Alleen StanI*/ I.ockrords Eddl* Nelson "Tramp Tramp" Coram Carton Emmy "Golden Coooob" MaJ'sUe <WY> (SI) Around Globe Summers A Hunt Chrissie A Daly Stanley t I'rout A Hetf Kdilie RuRsell l,ester A Irving "Hogan'a Alley" 1st half (S-10) t Wilson Co (Other* to All) «r«» (8t> Mlaal* ■el ■haplM J«ai (ll> FUmMf WalUr PoatitM Mjrrtte «»*—*■>'» Teddy Craft John Maaar HortoB Spvrr Veat Callahaa Carolin* SeovtU* Alice Conroy "lafatuaUoB** (U (•> Ruhr Lathaan t Mabol Dr*w O A ■ Parka Raymond A Roye* Keyhole Kameo* MIWMKAPOUS 1th S*. (WV) (7) Stanley • Alfred lAt*U O* Bungle-Lov* Kean* A William* McOood* I^nsia Co (Two t« All) Paatace* (•) Clauda Alba Orace Dor* Mm* Dor** Rive* A Araold » Mazollo* IfOIfTBKAU CAN. Imparka (K) (1) Elklna Fay A ■ LottU Ath*rtom Ryaa SU Mellrlde A Redding Severn Dancora K*w«lt A Mo*t Imvwva (K) (1) Adel* Verne Rodara A Haley Fink's Mule* Roger* SI* Harry Ame* O* V Berger* Cn Lecw** (S) 'Ales Broa A ■ nbnno 81s A T Hart Wagnor A B Bob Nelson O N Brown Co (Ob* U nil) Prtar*** (K) (•) Loyal'* Dogs Senator Murphy 4 Ortona Ccrvo A Mor* DuCallon Craft* A Sheebaa Mollle Puller Co M'RBIST'WN. HJ. Ly*a* Park (K) 2d half (4-T) Ernie A Ernie Burt A Roscdal* Mai I en A (Tase Ilanlon Broa Co MT. VEKN'N, N.T. Proctor** (K) 1st hair (1-3) KImberly A Page Parialcnnes Nerritt A Coughlln Dippy Dicrs A B 2d hair (4-T) Dainty June Racin* A Kay Ray Samuels 1st hair (8-10) Angel Bro* Alien A Canfield (Others to fill) 2d hair (11-14) Whiting A Burt Remoa Midgets (Others to fill) MCTNCIK, IND. Wynor Ray A Eldred Brady A Mahoney (Two to nil) td half Princess Rajah Co (Three to fill) MCSKOOEK. OK. Palfvo* (It) (7) HashI A Osal Emba A Alton Armand-Marle Bd Duncan Larimer A Hudson NKWABK. N. J. Mosqna (Pc) (SO) Oold Modal 4 Beth McCoy 4 Aces Ross HInie* "Koylo Girl" Branf'rd (Pe) (SO) The Ingenues "Womanhandiad" Proctor'* (K) (1) Th* Brianta PariHlennea I^ady Oden Pearse Mellle Dunham A O W«lls Virginia A W Spotlight Revue Allan A Canfield Mulroy McN A R FrancesCio A T Noltle Dunham's Co (t) Rose Wyse C* Lang A Haley P. Kecnaa Co A A F Steadmaa Van Hoven (Other* to fill) Paatag** (8) Lndora A Beckm'n Melroy Sis Radio Fun Barrett A Cunn'n Peplta Oranadaa StiU* (I.) (8) McDonald I Jack Ooldle Tempest A D'l^on Bams A KIssea Barhsf •< JeyrtU* (K> n-*t Lawtaa Shirley Sto UavMl MeQ O* Ryaa A Rraa ■I Clev* D*msr*t A Dow Bradaa C* Sd haU (4-T) Hasal Ck>tt*r Edward* A Mlllaa McCornuick A I Cuby A Smith Roaemont Co l*t hair (8-10) M Dupre* Show td half (11-14) Tk* RIckarda Amoro* A Jeanat MIlUr A Bora^rd Night Bueno* A (On* to fill) N. BR'N8WK. ir.J. Stat* (K) l*t half (1-8) Phil Cook Qordon A Mara VIotot A I>artner Country Lite 2d half (4-T) BrowB A Demont Avoa Ralne* A Avey td halt (11-14) Martell A West (Other* to fill) M. HAVBN. CT. Palaro (K) lat halt (1-t) Paul Broa Permalne A Shelly Kandy Krook* Sylvia Clark td half (4-T) The Iloedera Murdock A Mayo The Night Club Raymond A C'verly Carl Roslnl Co Ist half (8-10) Powers Duo Exposition 4 Rose A Thome Krafts A LaMont The Test 2d hair (11-14) Msnning A Class Rellly A Palmer Langford A Myra Guy Rarlok Co Karl Rial R«v N. LONDON, C'T. Capitol (K) 1st half (1-3) Eddie Bolder Ooetz A l>u(Iy Rosemont Co Carroll A Remont Flying Henrys 2d hair (4-T) A A J CorelU Shirley Sis Haven M'Quirro Co Demarest & Doll Namba Bros Jst half (8-10) Vanltorn A Inez Homer LInd Rev Amoros A Jeanet The Rlckards (One to nil) 2d half (11-14) Michon Bros Powell lievue (Three to fill) NEW ORLE.\NS Orphenm (It) (1) Ah San A Jo Jlrtlmy Lu^as Bezazain A. White Herman Timberg Rebellion Innovation Cmcent (L) (8) Diaz Monkeys Roy Conway A T Tracey A El wood I.*zar A Dale Kikuta Japs NIAO. T'tAJi, N.Y. Bellevlew (K) lat hair (1-3) Casa A I*lin Chamberlain A H Six Andcraon Sis Coakley A Dunlcvy The Hold-up 2d half (4-7) Chassine Orace Edler Co Joan John A B SIk iMt half (8-10) Kitaro Japs J Ber'd & Marc'lle Cook A flatman Ann Clofd Mitzl & Dnnrers 2d hair (11-14) Sayre A Mack Wilbur c,lrlle Kx-Wlves W II Wakefield (One to nil) N'C'RA F'LS. N.Y. Strand (P) (8) Cliff Jordon Marcell Sis Dancing Some Bert Gordon Madollne Berlo N'RRIST'WN, PA. Garrlrk (K) lat hair (1-3) The fleyns* UuMseli A Marconi Frank Richardson I.« I'aiva 2d hair (4-T) M'DevItt Kelly A Q Fred Sossinan Meehan's Do:;s in hair (8-10) Torbay W A M Austin Burns A Wilson Lorraine Minto Co (One to All) 2d hair (11-14) Paster A T'appo Hirdle ReeveM Knnte A Dumke (Two to nil) N. ADAMS, MAPS. Empire (K) 2d hair (4-T) Marty A N.inry M 01*v* Honaor Ua4 Ilov Oardia A Walea Tbr** Alea Sd halt (11-1«) Sawyar A ■«4lp Murray A Irwta Havaa MeQaar** O* McCormaek A Irr'c A A J Corr*ia MTKItT'M. CalTta (K) lat halt (1-8) B*tty WaahlngtMi Roy Roger* Co France* A Demar Three Ales td half (4-T) The Wager 1st halt (i-lf) Marty A Nancy Raym'd Bar'att O* B A L Gillette (One t* nil) td half (11-14) Zematner A Devar* A A L Barlow Burr A aialn* Van Horn A In*« (On* to nil). NOKWICII. CT. Broadway (K) Altredo A J'nnett* Patrice A Sulllvaa Crystal A Anderson Cope* A Hutton Allena A J CorelU 2d half (4-T) DeLyona Duo Bddle Bolger Win Oclair C» Herbert Lleyd C* 2d hair (11-14) Nestor A Vincent (Other* to fill) OKLAHOMA CITT Orphean (It) 1st half (t-IO) Dewitt B Torrance Gertrude Baraa* (Others to fill) Rich A Adair Collin* A Peterson td hair (11-14) Royal Gascoyne* Marjorie Burton Anger A Fair Rltx Broa Ted A K Andrews OMAHA, NEB. Orphean (1) Eddie Leonard Johnny Burke Shone A Squires Oscar Loralne Arnaut Bros Miss Zelftler A P Artcrplece World (P> (8) C'dm'n "F'h'ntes" Mardo A Wynn Will Morris Olyn Lardyck Jaffy A Young (One to fill) "Wedding Song" (8) Marlon Jerry Rosa Gifford A Holmos Shertel's Revue Mo(Tarthy A Moore Bullis Troupe Moon (BL) (<) Benn A Allaa Ed Recce « 6 Red Peppers Walker A Oreea (One to fill) "Blue Streak" (T) Nick Cogley Williams' A Helenn Doc Joy May A Lewis "Cowboy A C'tess" Sun (Pc) (S) Jack Kneland Eaton Sisters I'eifgy Powers Superrnanlac Orch Gatchctt A Carroll "Mike" RlalU tPc) («) "Monk" Watson ^ong A D Man" Strand (Pc) (6) Prolog "Duchess A W'ter" OTTAWA, CAN. Keith's (1) John Murphy Fink's Mule.4 S'awyor A Eddy Harry Amer Rodero A Maley Roger* Sis (8) J Regay Co Hartley A Patereon i:a<lio Robot Shapiro A O'Maliey Wlllon Sis Jean Patterson PASADENA, CAL. Pantage* (8) Les Keliors Lowa A Mura Shadowland Briscoe A DeT,arto Irving's Midgets PASSAIC, N. J. Montank (K) 1st hair (I-I) Ernie A Ernie Mallen A Case Walters A Walters Burt A nop'dnle B A E O'Brien Co 2d h.iir (4-T) Dancing Demons Fred 'Wuber Chas Ruggles Co Clark Sla Leo Society Singers PATKR80N, N. J. Regent (K) (1) Jim McWIiliams J E Howard Rev Robt Rellly Schlrlle's Manikins Primrose (■> lat half (|.i») CoHBt Bernlvtol (Other* to fltl) PBNS'OOLA, HA. " ■*—*■ (Mi (ii-it) Lydla Barry Una Clayton O* Hewitt A HaU 8 Harmunlae* Be* Jung 8t*lla Mar4a PBOBIA, ILL rniM* (WY) l*t half (8-18) Lea Kllcka Clay Crouch (3* Kmpir* Comedy 4 Hhelly A Helt Co (One to nil) Id half (11-14) McOrath A Deed* Alba Tlberl* Henry A Moor* Cilntoa Sis O* (One t* fill) PHILADA.^ PA. AUegheiV (K) let halt (1-t) HuUng'* Seal* Orpheum 4 Douglas Charle* Co Frank Bush Novelet t* Rev td halt (4-T) Torbay Scanlon Denno A S Earl Rlckard Co Klass A Brilliant Biille Regay Co 1st half (8-10) Casting Star* Wright A Marlon Texas Chicks ()ulnn Binder A R Ferkos Band 2d half (11-14) Belts A Partner Billy Abbott Ned Norworth (3* Broadway Whirl (One to fill) Broadway (K) 1st half (1-3) W Cromwell Knox Klass A Brilliant Frank Farnum Co 2d half (4iT) Russell A Marconi Dance Revels Ned Norworth Jean BedinI Co 1st half (8-10) Paster A Capp* Artist Model East A Dumke Mme Bradna C* (One to fill) 2d half (11-14) Csaling Stars Wright A MarloB Coogan A Casey Ix)rraine MInto Co (One to fill) Croa* Keys (K) 1st hair (1-3) Guilly A Jeaany Webb A Hall Moonl't Klilarney Cuogan A Casey Broadway Whirl 2d hair (4-T> Stanley Galinl Co Orpheum 4 W Cromwell Knox Masterpiece 1st hair (S-10) Bicknell Beban A Mack Arcadians (Two to fill) 2d hair (11-14) Sc.'tnlon Dennos A S IVrkoe Band Quinn Binder A R Mme Bradna Co (One to fill) F.arle (K> (1) Junior Combination Orpheum Junior Arthur Dcvoy Co Crnedon A Davis Miss Marcelle (H) The Roeih'rs Barto A Mack Golden Violin Schaerer A B'mlce Tulip Time Fields A Johnson Ranch's Ballet Orpiicum (K) 1st hair (1-3) Bill A aenc\levo Paater A Cappo The Artist Model Burns A Wilson Casting Stars 2d half (4-T) Ilullng's Seals MInettI A June Vardell Bros Coogan A Casey Novelette Revu* (8) Dublin 3 2 Orphants T\f>b Fulgora, Morley A Anger H"geman'a Bd Grand O. It. (K) 1st hair (1-3) Meehan's Dogs Minnettl A June Dance Revels Ned .N'orworth Co Jean BedinI Co 2d hair (4-7) La Palva Billy Abbott The Artist Model Will Hall Casting Stsrs 1st half (8-10) Belts A Partner Scnnlon DAS Blcdle Reeves Coogan A Casey Follies de Luxe 2d half (11-14) Plaza Bros Bob Fulgora Morley A Anger liegeman's Bd (One to fill) NixoB (K) 1st halt (1-t) Torpay Outh carme, 4 - Hanio* Bros Harry L Massoa I^rraln. A j|,-^ „ " h«lf (4-71 Betu A PartM* Past.r A Capi Bird I. Reeve, Burns A Wllsoa Prank Farnum Cm lat half (|.„7 Homer Romala* Green A Parker Walter Newmaa Od Louise Wright Parlslenn* 2d half (ll-m Dublin I ^ Russell A Mareori Moonl'ht KlIiarBsa Just Walte 4 Dance Revels Wni. Pcsia (■) 1st hair (1-1) Holdcn A GrahaM Billy Abbott Ran Rlckard C* Civic Comedy 4 Hegeman's Bd 2d hair (4-T) Jack A H HlgglB* Outh Carmen A 9 Henry Regal (3* Frank Bush Ray Bohemians 1st half (t-U) Plaza Bros McDcvItt K A () Nod Norworth C* (Two to nil) 2d half (11-14) Carroll A RamoiC Artist Model Cy Seymour Vogues (One te fill) Stanley .(Pe) (1) Hans KIndler Rasch Ballet Bernard De Pass Tlmoken A K'ritsa "Bluebeard's" Fox (Pc) (I) Dolly Kay Belle Davey Marts Nova Irving Kaufinaa Busier Dale Sis The Macks Alton A Allea Evelyn Laska Charleston Girls "Gi'ded Butlerflf^ Keith's (8) Baggoft A Sheldoa West (Jates A Kan* Powers A Wallaos I'enna Male 4 11 Hoctor Co Hal Nelinan Willard Maik Co Fleeaon A Gr'nway Traver Bros PITTSBrRG, PA. Davis (K) (8) B CllfTord Co Hector A Gang Eddie Brojvn MosconI Family .led Dooley Brendcl A Bert Mulroy A MuHe* Clifton A Burke Harris (K) (1) Variety « T A Frederick Bid Musical Hunters O'Bala A Adrian Stone A I.ecver Art Stanley Clark A Hortoa The Mantles (S) Raymond Pik* 2 Blossoms Lew Rose f'o Shelton Beiitley ■ 4 Gregg Sis Nelsnn * Parish 3 Londons Sberidaa Sq. 1st half (1-3) 4 Gregg Sis H Downing Co Schwartz Bros Mayo A FrancI* B De Saltl Co "Golden Cocoon" 2d halt (4-7) Dan Coleman Co Weadlk A Im Du* Roxy La Roca Loach Quinlan t Shelton A Bentlef "My Wire and l" Ist hair (8-10) Gilded Cage Gilbert A Mae Cruising Cliff Johnston Jazz Cocktail 2d half (11 14) 0'.vsl A LInko Jones A Peet II Herbert Co Chas Derrickson Grace EdUr Girli P'TSF'IJ>, MASS. Pnlure (K) Ist hair (13) Ruby Trio The Wager 2d hair (4 7) Lawton Frances A Demar Major Revuo Carroll A Remont Michon Bros 1st hair (8-10) Morrells Dogs Lucille DelloiH Haven McQuarrls Brown A LaVelle Hoy RoKirs Co 2d hair (11-14) Il'-Ien Carlson Co Lawrence A Illc'h Ray Barrett ro Green A Burnett J Phillips Co PLAINFIEI.D. N.*. Proctor's (K) Ist hair (I-J) Jo* Darcey Worths La.Malle A Mick (Cont<T»«ed on lage 54)