Variety (February 1926)

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Wednesday, February 24, 1926 VARIETY fl Oilv* * M»<:1» Rtnard 4 We«t Countess Sonia B»llna'8 CMrcu* pAVKNrOBT. lA. c»p«toi (re) (t«) Cody * Trigf DAYTON, O. Keith's (22) Kanazawa J»P" Kranlt Sinclair Bender ft Kuapp Larry Stoutfiiberc Flo Carroll HJ Zd bair (4-T> Utile Cottagt) Tom I>avl« Tuck A ('Inns Eva Clark FAIBM'T, W. JTA. Falmioiit (K) laC hair (1-1) Elks Mlnstrpla 2d half (4-T) ARTHUR SPIZZI Booking tho Bottor Picture Theatres NKW TOBK OFFICK 1587 BROADWAY Novelette ReT HAMILTON, CAN. PantacM (27) LnDora A Becktn'a M Iroy Bis Horrpnllno 4 (Urrett A Corlnoe Mann's Syncos nABIU<IB'BO, PA. Majestic (K) Ist half (It) The Kocilers HoRer WlUlams Fnd Ardath Co ;d half (4-7) Josiph Griffen D Appolott Co Palace (K) 1st half (II) Jackie & DilUs Ryan His U.rlis & Uandtre McCool A L>uoia lOna to (IM) Zd half (4-7) Cii.niley & CafTerly Kobt. Reiily Co (Others to till) nAZRLTON. PA. Froley's (K) 1st half (1-1) Rowis A Jerry Hunter Randall Co Fohnova Dancers ii>ne lu llli) HOLYOKK. MA88. Victory (H) 1st half (1-1) I'mik Work C^ 0 4 1, GIrard Haknr 4 Kry CncU AUxaiider Novelette KeT 2d half (4-T) Narnba Hros M.t. k 4 I.ea Whlt.-fd 4 Irel'd Wm SIsto John llcgay Co Hl'NT'OT'N, W.ITA. HaaUoBt'B (H) (1) Leland 4 St Clair Savoy 4 Abbla Sis OfThetUB (K) lat half (1-1) Sayre 4 Uauk HuKhxs 4 Wbeetar Anita l\iN> Co Neison 4 I'artsb Qt^lles 2d halt (4-T) M:iry Zoeller Co LtuFranoe 4 Garnet nilly Kelly Cv Carroll 4 Qarman Itanijuct of a'c 4 D I.yrie (P) (1) Muranil 4 Tuck A Toy Jane (.'ourllin|>* KlaRler liros Kuth Jitrvis Itiy Polare <K) Int h»>f (IS) Bobby KInK Taylur 4 Markley Chaso 4 l.:\Tour Spencer 4 Wlirnis Arriiand Marie ltd 2d half (4-7) chriaaV A lialey C. A K I'arks Clinton Sis Co JAMKSTOWN, N.Y. Opens House (k> 1st half (1-U> Marico n.'th Co (iXhcr.t (o nil) 2d half («-7> •r.-niKh.a » Held W lUer Fi-nrnT Co Klo Curioll Co C^nu to r.l) ,IEK.H¥ riTY. >».J. Mate (K) Id ha'f (:r-;6> Wall.T latUon Co A 4 K .stfdiKiiii 1st half (l-J» MirK'.iri r.ulula Princess Bajah Winthlll 4 Briscoe Oliver 4 Olson DErATt'B. ILI.. Lincoln (Pe) (3t) "Monk" Watson l,ee Evans Cbas. Oberle Collins 4 Saelton DE KAL,B, ILI. DeKolb (Pc) (22) Codec 4 Trigg J K Haney Rev DENVER, COLO. Pantaces (1) Leu Keliors lK>wa 4 Mura Knierston 4 B'dwin Buziilngton's Bd Briscoe 4 DeLarto 4 Madcaps VKH MOINES. lA. Capitol (Pc) (22) Capt. KIdd, Jr DKTBOIl, MICH. Regent (P) (1) The Dorans Frank Peggy Jones Alice DeGarmo We Three Valerie B.rgere Co Davis 4 McCoy Don Valerlo Co FAB BOCKAWAY ColambU (K) (22) ShufTlo Along 4 i'eiiito Trahan 4 Wallace Jimmy Morgan iJd 2d half (4-7) Mari« Sa.bbott Ki.^hi'r & Glliuore (Cnht-rs to nil) FT. DODGE Blalto (Pr) (22) Mary Jane FT. .SMITH, ABK. Jole (It) (1) Meredith & Snooier I.aura Orinsbce Earl Hampton Zulaya 6 Kelands F*n-UU-UAC, WIS. BetUw (L) (1) Aerial Clarka i»hll Davis MttMial ky Bsa Rsm Paataats Teat EDDIE HILL DlreetlOB—RILEY BROS. JImmIe Glldea Co Chappelle Stlnnette Catiillle 3 Temple (K) (22) Tamakt 2 Courtney 4 Keres Jed Dooley Joe Howard's Rer Bill Roblnsnn Weir's Elephants Traps Boganny Troupe (1) The DIgetanpea Frank Kichnrdsoe Tula Swift Co Oiacla 4 VcrdI SJ^^^a ClarJi Ohaa Withers Co MoM'j^er 4 Wlll'ms I^elly l/etall Troupe Iji8'Ie Gardens <K) lat half (l-t> nasi 4 (>sal Ann Gold S Stepchildren G 4 E J'arks (One to nil) 2d half (4-T) t>anclng Kennedys McCornilck A I Pager 4 MIdley Cto Hyatns 4 Evans I Rcddingtons O'd Blv'ria (K) (I) Embs 4 Alton Brown 4 Rogers HaM 4 Dexter Spanish Follies FT. WAYNE. IND. Palace (K) Ist half (l-») Clinton Sis Co Kva Clark Co Nicola (One to nil) 2d half (4-T) Max Bloom Tab Mont* Lyons (Two to nil) FT. WOBTH. TKX. Majestic (It) (1) C Kmmys Pots Claudia Coleman B Farrell 4 Co Shone 4 Squires Visions of 192* Pantares (1) Win M.irrls 0!yn Landlck Maurice Barrett Mardo 4 Wynn Capman Boys Co OLENS FA'LH.N.Y. Blaito (K) Id half (4-T) Harry Watklns Holllngsworth 4 C Furman 4 Evans Once Upon a Timo FOUR MADCAPS WINNIE—MARGIE—WALLY and the uriiciniil ZELLA MADCAP Wk Jan. 23, Pantages, Los Angeles B Dudley & Boys Rico 4 Cndy Glfoylc 4 Lange Tho Gingham Girl DL'LL'TH, MICH. Oarrlrk (Pc) (22) Joe Riley Co E. I.IVEBPOOL. O. Cupitol (K> lilt half (1-3) ■Weodlck A Ladue Tnw<r 4 Darrcll V Minthley Co (On.i Id nil) 2d half (4-T) Bvelyn & Daisy B & E Gorman 6 R.ioK.'ts (One to mi) I'.I.'MIBA, N. Y. Majestic (K) 1st half (1-3) Aerlil I^e Crcfts Goss K- Harrows rrcMltr & Klalss Banjo Land 2d half (4-7) Hiirbi'rta Heeaon Ann Suter OLOVBSV'LB,N.Y. Glove (K) 2d half (4 7) The Stubblenelds Hilton & Cheslelgh Crecdon 4 Davis Rosomont Troub'rs G'D B'P'DS, MTH. Bomona Park (K) 2d half (20-28) .'ilng.r Sis Coscia & Verdi Slngrr's Midgets Bender 4 Knapp Cuiilds Close lips l.-l half (1-3) Chl'ho'm & Breen 12 .lackHon Ulrls Joii Dooley Chas Chiico (Ono to (111) 2d half (4-7) Hnyncs A IJtck IIay<» Mnrnh & H Sl;irgit litiliKtis (1 (tliirit to flil) GBEKNSIl'G, PA. Strand (K) l»t half (1-3) RiiH.iTi'y 4 Marj'rie FOR VAI IIEVIILK MATKKIAL AM) KTAGE DIKKCTION FRED HEIDER •lACK .lOKDAN OKKK E (Strand Theatre lllilg.), N. V. C. Kait 4 Dumke Cosmopohian Rev KRIK. PA. Colonial (K) 2d half (26-21) Laiiiont I N & (J Vcrga 'lijh'i'm 4 Brecn •I'tnn 4 Jenkins l.a K;4n*asy l<t half (l-S) Ili/ 4 White Jsns 4 V;hal<B Nick 4 a Verga 7 Collegians 2d half (4-7) Ellz D'Soltl Co I*ow Rn^s Co Wallace 4 Ma* Joe .Mendl GKEK.NF'D. MAS.O. Virtoria (K> (1) Frank Work Co Betty Washington B^ll A C'lair.i Stan Kavanaugh CABARET BILLS Current Programa in Cabareta and CitiM ■• Balow Liate4 NEW YORK Ambassador OriU I'crot 4 Taylor Larry SIry Bd Avalon Club Beth Chains Waxy I-oul5e Taylor Cliff Rourk* Ai Roth Lucille Joycs Bob Murphy Kathcrino Adolphe EJ GalliiKlier. Jr. E Lambert Band Backstage Club Johnny Marvin Win Hollander Teddy King Andy Hamilton Harry Nadell Eddlo Thomas Beaux Arts Floor Show B Qlaser Orch Caravan Cleb Arthur Gordon! Jennie Marvin Marjorle Leei Virginia Rocne Eutelle Levelte Rose Stone Marlon Swords Flossy Cryon Jane Gray J Friedman Bd Case Lopes V Lopez Orch Fowler 4 Tamara Radio Franks Verona Chantee Alice Lawler Arthur HrowB Eddie Joyce Peggy Dougherty Geo Olscn Bd Chateau Shanler Will Oakland Chateau Band CIre's Colored ReT Dot Rhodes L Smith Bd CInb Alabaos Johnny Hudglns Fowler's Orcn Jean S'arr Abbie Mitchell Clarence Robinson At Moors Roscoe Simmons Johnny Vlgal Ruth Walker Freddie Wash'gton Lillian Power Eilda Wnbb Ethel Moses Vivian Harris Madeline Odluna Gladys Bryson Renee Harris Gwendolyn Graham Hyacinth Sears Club Anatol Grace Fisher Roalta A Ramon Muriel DeForrest Norma Gallo Helen Henderson Ruby Steevens .Terry l/ryden Dorothy Shepperd Dorothy Charles Claire Davis - May Clark H Reser Bd Club Barney Hale Byers Bd Knterlalners Clob Kentackf O Wantz's Rer Sid Clark Harry Harris D Ellington Orch Chic Barrymoro riob Lido Carl Hyion I'eggy Harris Davls-Akst Orch riob Sons Gene Jerryctres Rev Jerry Dans San Gene t Connie's Ina Colored Revun L .Smiths Orch Cotton Clak W Brooks Rev Eddie Rector Ralph Cooper Brown 4 McGraw Jonah Dicklns'n Bd Evelyn Shepard Millie Cook Hazel Coles Annie Bates iMTrien Harris Pauline McDonald Minnie McDonald Dover Club (New show Keb.lS) Jimmy Durante Eddie Jacknun Lew C'ayton Hyan Slstcis Mmo. Fin Ethel Crai? Margaret Hellwig Doris Dickinson Brad Mitchell R Jordan's Orch Eversladee a Lindsay RsT AI B White Olive McCluro O'Brien Sis Joe Condulo Bd Mth St. Clab Mary Mulhera Dorothy Ramey Harriet Townee Mildred Kelly Dolores Griffla Peggy Hsrt "Ripples" Covert Oernlce Petkere Prances Mallsrjr Ruth Sato Sat Miller Ana Page Van Lowe M Specials Bd Dolly Sterling Elaine Palmer Sth Ave. anb Cecil Cunningham Bert Hanlon Bobble Cliff Elizabeth Browa Dan McCarthy Mignon Laird Mabel Olaen Albert Burke Adier Well 4 U Johnny Clare Edith Babaon Kdnor FrUimr Maryland Jarboe Helen Sheperd Dorothy Deedcr Richard Bennett H Archer Club Bd FrlvoUty Laura Lee Buckley C 4 8 J Denny Orcli Hoff Rraa Billy Adams Estelle I'cnMing Frank Cornwell (Jruaadt'rs Ktt Kat Komer rnmme Girls Rev Billy GUtfon V Godfrey Rev ".';rr<imblcd I-egs" D'Andrcw 4 W'ters Hobby Da<e Ethel Wolfe Amy AlklnnoB I Bloom Bd Kulght Club (Opened Feb. II) Lester B'rnard Kritzl lirown Monte Carle Bert Lcnis Johnny Dile Ted Reiiy Rev Alia Walla Iliildy Kennedy Il.jtiblo Adams \'lo:rt lIcKce I'.irnlco Tjrrovis Itoss Oorriian Bd Montniartre Cnrl Randnll Mary Washburn Jackie Hurlburt Murray Smith Parislsaa Yvonne George Loulou H'^gobuni Maria Kicva Leo Bin Mile. Nltta'Jo Carlos Conte Nina GordanI Michel DalmatoS B Sulvin Bd Parody Clab Van 4 Schenck Thelma Edwards (gnats Orch Gyi)sy Byrnes Broderick & Leon Alice Lawlor Plantatloa Florence Mills Rev Will Vodery Bd Bendesvoos B Llllle O Lawrence J Buchanan M Goodman Orcb Uichman Clab Harry Rlchman Yvette Rugel B Coleman Oreb Silver Slipper D Bennett's Rev Dan Healy Dolores Farrls Ferrari 4 Bunay Rose 4 Carroll J Carr Orch BIgelow 4 Lee Texas Oainaa'e T Oulnan Rev Rubye Kseisr Mary Lucas Kitty Rellly Jeannle WllilaiiiLa Kitty Banks Dolly Sterling Diana Hunt Starr Woodmaa Twin Oaks Arthur West Gypsy Burns Ethel Allls Lucille Harmoa Jimmy Walsh Jockey Francisco Joey Benton Billy Burton B« Lenl Stengel Walderf-AsterU B 4 L Starbuck II Loonard Bd Cliff Rourke Iterroa WUkea's Colored Show Orch n's Orch Rainbow Garden Lolo Fletcher Merle Smith Marie Pollitt Elenor Perry Grace Thayer Irene Gorman Rdw Arthur Merrill Carder I Jubilee Singers (Male) (from "Big Boy") Jack Chai'iiians Bd Silver Slipper MiKiioti Keiie Hubert Fohl Peggy Burns Nina Taylor I'lereo KecKan Marjorlo Clark Betty Cayl Babe Lydell Caroline Pepin Helen U dwell Art Larson's Orck Pershing Palar« Prince Rajah Bud Whalen Irene Feary Flo Whitman Louise Ctranvllle Dixie Field C Lorraine's Orch Tearney s T'n Club Kva Tanguay Terrnce tiur«lrns Henri Tliorrlen into Deppori Trio Florence Sehubi rt (I C KiUvaidn Orch BALTIMORE CHICAGO Frellee Bernard 4 Qarry Julls Gerlty Kddle Rash Victor Capita Gladys Kern Marls Hubbard Natalie 4 Damelle The Barslows Century Screnaders A1»BM 4 London Qlrls Adell Walker Lew Fink F Blondell Oreh John Meehan Jr LaMar 4 ToslO* Dolly Austin Virginia Cooper Bee 4 Chas Kerr's Orch Friars !■■ Harry Rose Samevar Bud Murray Bev Flo Lewis Olive O'Nell Wayne Alien Mary Mulbert Eva Belmont Harry Maztteld Alma Hookey Qene Woodwar4 CrUle« TomsoB Twiaa Revue Lido Orch (B B'e'l) Towa Clab 'ofochlns Taylor Flo tvhltmaa Lew Jenkins Sam Kahn'a Orcb Chea Pletre Martba Mortell Shirley Butord Carolyn Iji Rues BILL PARENT Booking High Class Supper Clnbs and Cafes Woods Theatre Bldg.. Chleace Milton BronsoB Allyn Reere Hazel Green Lew Fink Ann Cuin Octette from M Brunles Orch College laa Ruth Etttng A Lyman's Orcb CoUsImoe Isadora Prati Adelina Dosscna Jos Del.ucia l>eVal A Dorothy RoRS Wynn Bobble Danders June Lloyd P DeQuarto's Orrh IJtUe Club Marlon Eddy Alice Buuldcn Mart:ue A Marq'ttf D'.IIy Austin Gl.idyce Harvey Valeatiae r^e Mansfleld Forrest Luper itabn .Slicrmaa Al Reynolds Dcvall 2 Hawaiian I Vera Welch Madeline McK'nzle Chlcagoans Orcb Rendesreas Maurine Marnelllrs Dorothy A Anna Jay Mills Bale Kane Eddie C;ilfrord Williams SIS C SlralgD's Orch Tina Tweedle South Sea 3'r'a'd'rs Dixie Fle'ds B Hoftmaa Orcb Tanlty Vair JAM Jennings Lula Swan Thelma Coombs M 4 B Lee Vanity Fair « Ruth Gslbert Adele Walker H Osborne Oreh Clob Avalea Bert Gilbert I^nnrtte Ball Crle r>avla Sol Wagners Orch MooUd Bonce Mrs. Deo Parsons Kubln 4 Areu .Smith 4 Durrell Little CarUHc Quart International Trio Kay A Darnell McCuna Sis John Wade's Orch Deaaville Sylvia Hanley (Nister A Itleh Maybeile Dillon I lava (juixano Helen Doyls Hellc While Nan niackstone Mentssattf* Hal HlxoB Mabel Cedars Herble Vugel r'ranilall Sis Edna Llndiiay Alfredo A Gladys Murr.^y 4 Wagner' Tent K Davis Band Easbassy Clab Davis Orch Polka Dot Belv'd're T W Murphy Orch Silver Sllppee O Morris* Orcb CLEVELAND, O. Clah Madrid Adele Gould Harry Bloom Johnny Ryan Emerson Gills Ores CULVER CITY. CAL. NlghtlDtale Harry Cook Harry Vernoa Iraas McKlnrisy Blackman Orob DETROIT, MICH. Addis Lee Horse Bddls Cos f L Slllninn Leilta AVestman Kay MIll'T Oich LOS ANGELES Oreca MIU Val Roberts aiadys Oook Addle Moraa Sneti Orch Cottoa Clab Frisco Nick Will HItchsll Sue How Cliff Ritchie Leslie Walton Blklns Orch Clab AlabaM C C flnowden Martha Ritchie Ivy Anilerson .Marshall 4 Pertle Lawrence Ford Sidney Reevs .'^usle Hoy P Howard 4 Orch MIAMI .irabtaa Nights Wood Sis IHoward 4 Tlennstt Iwaahburn Orch MILWAUKEE Tune Tinkers Monte t'arie Billy Winams Badger Room June Warwick Badger Pyncop't'rs Sky Booas iphu Kislln Jean Hammond 'LuclIM William NEW ORLEANS UtUe Clab Wells 4 Brady Wanda Goll Guy McCormIek Hazel Verges Al Piper Scranton's Sirens Ringside Geo McQulna Billy Pierce Bobbie McQulna Harold Fletcher Willie Jackson flerenaders Victory las B B B I^etty McKenats Rose Shaw Neyba Adams Charlotte Brand Twilight Cllvs Mbe So Serenaders PALM BEACH, FLA. Embassy Club Marguerite Price I*e Arnold Mary Salisbury Miller 4 Farrell MIrador Orch rinb May fair Frances Williams Sleepy Hall A lid SALT LAKE liouvre Pfct (unit B.bble Olten (JreheMlrr: WASHINGTON Le I'aniills Meyer I'.i vli Oi I h l.o .nils T Vina •Mglit In Orient" Hayilowrr Ganlea lut/inan I 'ri h Wardnian I'ark Rner ( tr'h t,'-m Herrnan D'To'liy Dnye Itett«r 'OIn B'Tri.-ttein Or< b I»orothy Iiiiye Joe Uoinlrest l.a JavA Pile M-.'ian' firrh Spanish Village Tillriianri fireh Welch A Norton (Otie to till) HARTFORD. CT. Capitol (K) 1st ha;f (1-3) .N'uison 4 .Notion Carroll A Remnant Ernie 4 Ernie nillle Reitay Co Kleiils A Johnson Vardiil Bros 2d haf (4 7) Sawyer 4 Eddy .Stuart Sjs A Sullivan Co Herb"rt 'llfton Murray * Charlotte Chamherrn 4 Earl Princess Hajah (fine to fl'l) 2d li ilf (4 T) W 4 M Austin Rogers A Dorkia (oilii rs to nil) HOBOKKV, V. ». Loew's 1st half (1-3) Three Merottys .Savoy 4 Marn Malley 4 L'lrey Woodland Revue 2d haf (1-7) Jean Miller Trli> Kitty CiMilian IIOHNKLL, N. Y. Shatturk (K) 2d half (4-7) Boss 4 Barrows Glenn 4 Jenkins Tom Senna Co 'On* to All> II018T0N, T«3I. Majestic (It) (I) Brent Hayes M.lUrd 4 Marlln H Bergman 4 Co Chief Caiipo eon Keaney 4 Moll's INDIANAPOLIS Keith's («2) 4 ("lovelly Olrls .Frank RIchar'Json Wally :-'hariles Chas Chase Edith Cla.per Harry Burns Traver Bros (1) Raoasawa Japs Murdo>k 4 Maya R»rt Levy Henny Kubln Ri's Serenaders Ua't^'r Br'iw*ir Rnlph Whitthead Ra'h Bros ITH\<:A, N. T. Htnsnd (K) <l) J A SI Moore Id-a s lisnJo Land (On* to nil) J'K.H'.WLB, nJi. Paiaee (K> (22) .loe llrownlng Hh.ttiiiik 4 War« KdKSr Ilerfen Helen Hlg;;lni ilanie/ 4 Wallers Janet Clillds Ilarrin Claire Co « levi 1(1 ,v Dowrcy Kailuon Hints K \Ns'S < ITV. .MO. I'antages (I) Pi u-;i.n»;i Flank Hraulwood Shadow;.mil 4 Kri-kilnav (Two :.-> rtU) lANt a>ti:k. p.l. 4 oluniul (K) Isl half (1-3) Bill A <;eii' v'e\* \>^^ Mont A (l.trela Bryhon A Joii'm Wm Seat.ury Co (f)lli"rs to III!) 2d half (4-7) WMlnti A Kills- I lie Bnaij's (')'her.i to nil) JOIINsTOWN, P.*. .Mitje'itlr (K) 1»l half (13) I'' I'll ' uriU'.n Co i.ubln A Lowrt* .Sailor il <y l.iio.^ Wrlitht 2d' (< :i The It l...r.Js MUllon Dollar (i'e> CT) .Spanish Kr.<;ival l''reil I.indiay "Don Q" Metropnllljui (P«> t.6) V. rn« Muck In •n.i:.> i.os AoKelcj^ '■(.irsnd Du< li'HS and Waiter" Pnntage* (I) Tor> a! a Umv.'era St.uiel;i iMiuias ' Phil Se. .1 l-e V.' ark ,v V i. I I hi CALM and GALE Formerly (uim and Dnie KEITH-ALBEE NOW OlMiinell & Blu.r Nixon A Sans Id h!.lf (4-7) C lets 4 DufTy iliiie Du Barry i o Harry Down iig Co Al Tucker Co I.AWR'X E. MASS. Kmpiro (K> 1st half (1-3) illivcr A Crangl* M C I'oward I'o Itabcoek A l>olly Tommy Rellly 2d halt (4-7) P DeSaito Cu Bert Baker Co Elkliia Fay 4 K LF-XIN4iTON, KV. lion All (Kl iHt hair ll-:0 Miner A Brown I'lifford Wayiio 3 WalniMley A Keal'g Kiiiiiwa .laps (One to mil 2d half (r7) Jones Morgan 4 R Eilille Foyer (Tliree to ml) LIMA. O. Fanrot O. B. (K) (1) O'Br'n 4 Josep/ilne Ilanilsw'rtli A DeM lUalto (Pc) (JTI .st'.eriuaii Van A R "That HoyI- Girl" I.oew's State (Pr) CSi Wolf 4 Band Ne!! Kell.y F 4 M -Veil n Idea' Wynne Bullock Hadja Tri.ui>« Lewis 4 Kellogg l.anora Delaro "The Torrent" I.OI I.SVILLF. KT. Nationitl (K) 2d half (25 -Jt) Craley A I'u' nam l'aaqua:l Ilroa |iw> er A ornia Hett Levy .Spencer 4 Will'ina Aiitliiue Shr>p LOW FLU M\H»4. Keith's lit) Wllion Sis Rodero A Mall* Fiuk's Mules Hose 4 Thome ' Johtiny Murphy Harry Ames MARDO and WYNN Next to Closing NOAV Pantagea Circuit *^V-r »▼ Personal Dlreetioa ALEX PANTA<»E» Morgan A Lake Helen Staples S Saxxos LINCOLN. NKD. Princess (P<') ('^2) Mildred Melroso "Steel Profcrrtd" LITTLE K'K, ARK. Majestic (It) half (13) Meredith 4 Snoozer I.aura Ormahe* Earl Tampton '/elaya G Hehreck 4 Ce 2d half (4-7) HJlans Birds Stanley Chapman Cavannaiigb 4 (^ Hawthorne 4 C^ok In Bargravla LOCK PORT, N. Y. Pala4-e (U) 2d half (4 T) O'ATsl 4 I Inko Country Club Girls C Vincent (..'o Elna Torrenc* Co U UKACn, CAL. Iluyt (P) (I) Weslerhold's Ship Baker 4 (Jray Ijimbertl BernardI Brooks 4 Nse* (1) H McQuarrie Ce M Montgomery Will Mahoney Hartley 4 Paterae* Joanne La Crosse Wilbur 4 Lyke MACON, UA. Grand (K) (22) T 4 A Waldiiiaa Hherwln Kelly Al's HTO Ml tlao 4 Mutt CaMmell 4 Harria M'HKHTEB. N. ■. Palace (K) Ist half (l-t> Musical Zylos Hunter 4 Bailer Jlnkj 4 Ann Bert Hakor Co P De Sarto Co La Hall* HassonAM 2d half (4 T) T 4 B Waters M C Coward i'» Walsh A Tay Oliver 4 Craiigle T Rellly Co McKF.KSP'KT, PA. Hippodrome (K) 1st h.ilf (1 3) K Do.Molyl Co Morall A Harris Low Roso Co Wallace A M»* Manning and Class KEITH-ALBEE CIRCUIT Direction HARRY nRKFR lluiidboz Kev L. BRANCH, N. t. Broadway (K) 1st hair (1-3) Arlle Pierce Brown 4 Welch LONDON, CAN. lioew's Ist half (II) Frazler Bros Calvin 4 HU(rar H Walrnan 4 Debs 2d half (4-7) Baby D Johnson A Moorn Oddities of 1!>2( LOS ANGELF..1 Houlevurd (Pc) Ut lialf (il-23) r!en.j .MoTKan Fanehon A M.irco 'Ni w Ciirnrn'dm'f 2d half (2« 27) Gene Morgan Fitfieliori A Marco ■I lo'h. 1 .Mki) Palo' Joe Mendl 2d half (4-T) BollliiKer Rosemary 4 K .N A (1 Verga 7 Collegians MF.MPHIS. TRN1V. Pantaves (I) Bellls Troupe Marlon Jerty Rosa .'.'ann 4 .Strong MeCarlhy 4 MoOfS Ireland's Rev Ht«te (L) (I) Portia ."-'H'ers Calm A Gale K Kennedy 4 Ce Bristo* 4 Rauh Walter Felil 4 Ce MF.RIDF..\, rO.NX. PoU (K) 2d half (4 7) Tho irari<-r|Uins Jaiklii & Blllle .1 Pair Cnle rs to fill MACY and SCOTT THE RADIO ACES A IwsVI W'orkInK luaro* (Pc> (, ' ll, !■ Iliil'') "I. I'liK Whal- r" A l^fioMi.h- re Prol' g ij p'.'i;.|. . Joyrell •Jh" .Sea BeasC* Forum (Pr) T-d llenKei Oreh 'i A R P"rry Warn'T A M'Sd VV'ndertnere'. Kan' MILHM I ItKB Ailiainbr.t I I'l > c:) B--iia.llf Di; O'va .'■''• r<ro I* il..- ■<yii'iil>sl oH S p'ra 'It'aullfo; Clieit" MUler (L) (I) DlHon A Marir J Irving ri-i h'f (( ■ ■lUilHJe'I ori pafC oj)