Variety (March 1926)

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Wednesday, March 10, 1926 VARIETY CI i 27 BILLS NEXT WEEK (Cohttaued from parce 17) VI BHASI Keith (Winston Salem Split) l,t half (15-17) Victoria ft Dupree Mack & V( ImM Hatter ft l'.'«l j» irfeiu»i<i> co (One to lU1> EASTOV. PA. State (K) jd half (11-1*1 Ruby * ?hristy * Nelson Owen MeOlbney Besser & Balfour Bennett & Taylor The Wager ELIZABKTH. N.J. Ma Jut if <K) Ut half (15-17) Kramer ft Boyfc Ed Janis Co (Three to fill) •d half (18-51) A ft M Havel Rev Frank t'arron Parker CoptellO Bd (Two to 1111) ELM IRA. N. T. Mujestlc (K) •d half (11-14) Nanon's Birds Hollingsworth ft C B ft P I>unean A & F Sir J man Andrieft 3 lit half (13-17) Fred Weber Co Adams ft Thompson Ervel ft Dell Bandy Lang Co (One to tllll 2d half (18-21) Vogues Carry Owens El-Wives John LeCtalr Kenneily & Kramer ERIK, PA. Colonial (K) 2d half (11-14) 6ankus ft S>lvera Adele Verne Cupids Close Cpe Farnell ft Florence Lorraine Jk Mlnto (One to fill) 1st half (15-17) Hashi & Osai Dwyer ft Orina 3 Australian Hoys 12 Jackson Oirls (One to fill) !d half (18-21) DeWitt & Ounther Mnrg Young Jazz O Mania 4 Ortons (One to fill) F.VNSVILLE, IND, Grand (WV) 1st half (15-17) Max llloom Co (Others to fill) Jd half (18-21) Bkatelles J Ilurke Morgan Co J & W Ilennings Harry Kahne (One to till) FAIRMONT. W.VA. Fairmont (K) 2d half (11-14) Wilbur & Qlrlla LaKranre & Garnet Cruising Janet Child! Grace Edler Co 1st half (15-17) Wright & Marion Sailor Roy Mary Zoetler Co Wallace ft Mae Van Horn & Inez 2d half (18-21) Roma Bros Sayre * Mack Rody ft BradT Oevel'd & Dowroy Gladys Darling Co F'D-DC-L'C, WIS. Rrtlnw (I,) (15) Portia Sis Calm ft Gale Ells Kennedy Co Briscoe ft Kauh Walter Fehl Co FT. BODGE. IA. Rlalto (Po) (7) P'rlc Frank FT. SMITH. ARK. (Ii) (15) _ Scholl Carleton * Pallew Nash ft <>•!>,,uriell J R Clifford Hjland's Birds ft- WAYNE. IN'D. Palnee (KW) 1st half (15-17) Jo« Mend I Du nio ft Gcgna Bummers & n,. n t Ban « curli 2d half in.21) uaudamlth's Bros ■dd|« Nelson Co Powers ft Wal'aee 10 English Rockets FT- Worth, tex. Majestic (It) (1ft) Booth ft \, na B A ,i fr. Ijthton Wilfred Clark ft ro Temple 4 Hubert K •:*?'• v Co Fantuges (| 5 ) tetehinM », Redwood •aadowland Watson Hii 4 Brsdna* °A> K*in kg. ill. °n>lie,i, n (WV) „ !st hall ,| ,. 17> • tu »rt ft Uj,|, lo nil i M halt iiMl) I Borattos 1?" Randall ro Dance Tours GLENS FES. N. T. Idaho (K) 2d half (11-14) Raymond l'ik.> Grant ft Fecley PR-chianl Troupe (Two to till) 2d half (18-21) W A Kennedy Co Harrington & Oreen Charlotte Worth (Two to fill) GLOVRVI.E. N.Y. (.lobe (K) 2d half (11-14) 3 McKcnnas Kennedy ft Kramer Win A Kennedy Co Goss ft Harrows (Ono to fill) 2d half (18-21) Frosinl o Flnan & c.iria Cannon ft Ia-o (Two to fill) G'D R'PIOS, MICH. Runiona Pk. (K) 2d half (11-14) Travera Bros Ilanillton Sis ft F Dwyer & Omra Revolters Rhoda ft Bioeholle Rome ft. GuUl lat half (13-17) Ossl ft Linko Little Cottage Burns ft Allan Teelack ft Dean Adele Verne Lorraine ft Mlnto 2d half (18-21) Sankus & Sylvirs Murdook ft Mayo ltitz Serenaders (.angford ft Myra H Coleman Co (One to 1111) GRKENF'I). MASS. Victoria 2d half (11-14) Namba Bros Cecil ft Alexander Armslr'g ft Gilbert 7 Knights ft Day (One to All) GR'NSBlR<i. PA. Strand (K) 2d half (11-14) W Hale ft Bro Dewitt ft Gunther Walter Fenner Co Sampsel ft I.enhart Harry Clair Co lat half (15-17) Green & Duval Fraley ft Putnam P Klrkland Co B A E Gorman Al Tucker Bd 2d half (18-21) Canary Opera Carman ft Rose The Wrsterneri RAD Dean Kara HAMILTON. CAN. Panlaces (15) Aussie A Czech Melva His Broadway Flashes Ben Smith Bazelta A Lewis HAMMOND. IND. Parent lion (KW) (15-16) 3 Little Maids IIARTPOKI), CT. Capitol (K) 2d half (11-14) Eunice Miller Co Reynolds A White Bison City 4 Prlneet'n A Watson A :11 .-ii Stanley Lewis Sis Co 1st half (15-17) Willie Solar Gallarina Sis W A J Mandelt Parisian Art (One to fill) 2d half (18-21) West Gates ft K Juvenile Frolics Harry Downing Co (Three to till) Palace (K) 2d half (11-14) Vee A Tully C T Green Snow White ft D Clirton ft Kramer Ann Linn Co IIAZLETON. PA. Eeeley's (K) 2d half (11-14) The Holders Gert Dwyer Goetz ft Duffy Bobby Barker Co (One to fill) nOHOKEN. N. J. Loew'i 1st half (13-17) Bee Slarr Eddie Ciurk Alton ft Allen (One to nil) 2d half (18-21) Francis A Wilson Gold ft Kdwards Ford ft Goodrich Adams ft Harris Danccland IIOLYOKE. MASS. Victory <K> 2d half (11-14) Phil Cook r,,r,k sis WiffftiOTVlltfl Dohson ft Howard LaSalle Hao'n ft M 1IOHNEI.I.. N. Y. Shad ink (K) 2d half 111-14) Herberta Benson Jack ii ft .la' k Froalnl Sandy l,ung Co (Ono to i.iii 2d half (I" 21 i Fred Web r Co Stanley * Dorman Tulip Time «■ 11 ii■ ii * Cappaleno .... to all) HOl'STON. TKX. Majestic (It) (15) Emmy's Pets Claudia Coleman B Parrel I Co Shono A Srjuirea Visions of '2e 111 N"TON, W. VA. Orpheum (K) 2d half (11-14) K.iaro S Stanley Chapman L*-w iioss Co Inglls ft Wilson Gladys Darling Co 1st half (16-17) Evelyn ft Daisy Leonard ft 8t John H.nry Catalano Co Jones Morgan ft R C Rockets 2d half (18-21) Trover Bros Shafer ft Bernlce F Car l & Courtiers Janet ChllJs Australian Waites INIVAPOLIS, IN'D. Keith (8) Wier's Elephant! Weils & Brady Tuck ft Cinns Bob Hall Ernest R Ball Wells V ft West Chung ft Moey (One to till) (15) The Digitnnos Mullie Fuller Co Lillian Morton Jans ft Whalen Laura Ormsbree Co Hayneo i^-h'n & K The Sherwoods (C>ne to fill) Lyric (P) (15) The liorans Mortensen Johnnie Glides Chap'le ft Stin ts Camilla 3 Palace (KW) 1st half (13-17) Wilfred Dubois Raymond Wylle Co Sag r Midley Co Adams ft Griffith Fitter Patter 2d half (18-21) Wilbur A Adams Summers ft Hunt Indoor Sports Bronson ft Evans Frolics of 192« ITHACA, N. Y. Strand (K) 2d half (11-14) Zemater ft Devaro Annette Dare Goff A Bobble Fred Weber Co Bobby Heath Rev 2d half (18-21) Marrone LaCoatS R Bert Baker Co Anthony A Macelle Alice DeGarmo J-K-NVILIJC. IXA. Palace (K) 2d half (11-14) Cuby A Smith See Backs J J C Mnck Helen A Folks Karl Hall 1st half (15-17) (Savannah Split) Warman A Mack Neil O'Brien Co Bert Shepherd Co Pat Hennlng Co Claude A Marlon JA'ESTOWN, N. Y. Opera House (K) 2d half (11-14) Bellinger Mcnettl A June Tom Swift Co Russell A Marconi Knlck Knacks 1st half (15-17) Leach L Qulnlan Janton Sis Claire Vincent Co Clifford A Marion John Uowe Co 2d halt (18-21) Horl Co Dolly Dumplin Cupid's Clo.seups Davis A McCoy Harris Revue JERSEY C'Y. N. ' State (K) 2d half (11-14) Newell ft Most Jimmy Bavo O'Brien 6 (Three to nil) 1st half (15-17) Dlehl Sis ft McD J Bedlsl Co Harry \* ~,t.. r Mason (Three to (ill) 2d half (18-21) LaVeen A Cross F Ardell Co Peter Biggins Co (Three to nil) .IOHNSTOWN, PA Majestic (K) 2.1 half (11-11) Van Horn A Inez Weight A Marlon We 3 Nixon ft Sans Those 7 Girls Wri>;ht ft Marlon 1st half 115-17) Shirley tsls i ihaaalito Stone ft Inleen »isnr. ft Parian ^BJrtrtw* »a ii' i i s (One to till) 2d half li 8-21) Willie Hale Co Bhsjton Gentby Ooater A Luaby McCoy ft Walton l^.s OelR* JDI.IET, ILL. Ombrnn (WV) 1st half (l.'.-Ki Small ft Maya ,ltin;.|c I^i'e 11 me to r:i i M hslf (18 111 H.-ilh Mr s 1 ft))ft ft Voelk HoM] wood Revefi K'NSAS CITY, MO. Main St. (O) (15) Eddil Brown D n irest ft C'llette (>le»n ft J hnson 4 Diamonds Jos E Howard Rev Webbs Bat rwttaCMt (15) Lea Ke liors Ixiwa ft Mura BmeraoB a B .iwin Btiaaiaitoa'a' Bd Briscoe & DeLorto 4 Madcaps KNOXVLE. TNN. Keiths 2d half (11-14) Murphy A Bradley May A Kilduff Achilles ft Newman Patripola Medley ft Du|ir-e 1st half (15-17) (Chauanooga spin) Lucas « Inez Lee ft Cranston Coradlni's Animals Murray ft La vera Hurst A Vogt LANCASTER, pa. Colonial (k) 2d hulf (11-14) Law ton Van A Tyson Stanley ft. Wilsons Olcott A Maye 50 Mile* ftn B'way (One to nil) 1st half (15-17) Jack Merlin Co Roger Wllliems Flying Henrys A pples Frank ttughes Co (One to All) Id halt (It'll) Christy A Nelson Besser a Balfour The Wager O Binder ft B..y Dorothy Bush On h Owen MoClvney LA SALLE (KW) 1st half (15-171 Rhoda A Brosi hell Rlva, Orr. R Co Mack A Rosslter The Gaudsmiths (One to nil) 2d half (18-21) J A I Marlin Gilbert A Mae Al's Here Williams ft Young Hung Kong Co State (Pc) (7) Rhlnehart A Duff I.'WRENCE. MSS. Empire (K) 2d half (11-14) Allen A Stokes Johnny Murphy C R Four Haven McQurrei Co Atkins Claire Rev 1st half (16-17) MeCormack ft W 4 Choc Dandles Fre-d Sossmnn 2d half (13-21) Karters Kom F ft T labial Jinks A Ann LEXINGTON, KY. Hen All (KW) 1st half (15-17) Savoy A Aablu Sis (Others to nil) 2d half (18-21) Orema fhz a m La Pavla Co Spencer A WlU'ms 4 Nelsons (One to fill) LIMA, O. Fanrot O. II. (KW) 1st half (16-17) Musical Shermans Wolford A Stevans Horde A Robinson 4 Nelsons 2d half (18-21) Jimmle Dunn C A Q Keating Dunla A Gegna 3 Reddlngtons L'TI.E R'CK, ARK. Majestic (It) 1st half (15-17) Kenney Mason A S Carleton A Bi.llew Meet the Prince Jack Rube Clifford Old Fiddlers' Cont't 2d half (18-21) Page A Glass Stanley A QuinettO Thalcra's Circus Jerry Omcra Co 0 d Fiddlrrs' Cont't UVKBPOOL, O. Strand (K) Id half (11-14) 01 ded Cage Morrattl A Harris Nelson A Parish Tom Senna Rev (One to till) 1st halt (15-17) Raymond Pike Kaufman ft K'fin in Gertrude Dwyer Homer Bind Rev (One to nil) 21 ha'f (18 21) J A M Sells Manning ft Hall Harry Brcen D Btedmnn c» (one to n111> LOCKPORT, N. Y. Palace (K) M half (11-14) I..«hls ft shadows Manning * Hall June Havirk Co Clifford ft Marion Leach LaQulnlan 3 2d half (l ^-:'i) Hector A Pals Hasel Goff ft ii Dreams Viiurhn Con.fort Fashion Hints LONDON, t \N. I^w's 1st half (}S 17) Lfddl * I.i ddy liar ry Thur 'on Vndcrson's I'o'irt.» : t tat! ill Viola Layman Co Bcnoe ft Bewloy (One to (III) I.'G BE M il. ( Al . lloyt (P) (15) 3 Jor.'.ans Eabiano Torcat's Ro isten Alfred Ho.h Colgate's H rm'n'ns I.'G BBANCH, NJ. Broadway (K) 2d half (11 14) Joe Rich ft Pais O'Mrara Caprice R Buccaners (Two to mi) 1st half (1..17) III mo * M'guerite (Others to nil) 2d half (13-21) Baby Henderson Fabor ft Margie Others to (111) LOS ANGELES Boulevard (Pr) 2d half (10-13) c, Morgan ft < >rch Fanrhon ft Marco Pianologue "fnguarded Hour" Eigurroa (Pc) (Indef, i trading uf Whaler "Sea Beast" 1'onim (I'c) (7) Ted Henkel ft Orch The Alaskans N V Nichols ft Co "Tumb'.eweeds" BIN st. (O) (i.i) Theo Roberts Ward ft Dooley Stanley ft Bums Harrison ft Dakin Am Nite In London Van de Veble Tr Matinette ft Crow Ixm-w's State (Pc) (5) Rube Wo f A Bd Nell Kelly Wynne Bullock Frank Stireinger Fanchon ft Marco Pctrousohka "Devil's Circus" Metropolitan (Pr) (5) Verne Buck A Co Our Gang Com George Givot Coleman Goeti I•ann... O'Shea Metropolitan Girls I Stone. E Lerette • Dancing Mothers" Mil Ion Dollar (Pr) (7) Arthur Hurckly Edith Griffith Andrew J Klein »LoueIla Lee Manuel A Vlda Henderson A Elliott B Tremalne Co 14 Hollywood Girls Orpheum (15) John Steel Jean .loyson Olga Myra Tabor A Green Louis London Maker A Bedford (Two to nil) Pant.ices (15) Chandon 3 Dan Downing Deslys Sis Macon A Hogue Ageo's Horses Rlalto (Pc) (7) Sol Hopll't Natives Lillle Phillips "Moana" LOtTISVILLE, KY. National (K) 2d half (11-14) KraniHr Bros Haynaa L'hm'n A K Harry Breen Flo Carroll Mollle Fuller 1st half (15-17) Wilbur A Adams Robinson A Plorce Indoor Sports Bronson ft Evans Dance Mad 2d half (18-21) Wilfred Dubois Raymond Wylle Co Sager Mldgley Co Adams A Griffith LOWELL, MASS. Keith's (ft) Pablo De Barto Crafts ft Sheehan Mary Raves Hugh Herbert Co Choc Dandies John Regay (15) Powell 6 Sawyer ft Eddy Murray ft Ch'rlotte George Tnemaa ft L Joe Marks Co Will J Ward I.YNCIIBI KG. VA. Keiths 2d half (1111) Hafter ft Paul Hal Nolman Victoria A D'ipree Ph.ol." Wbii.•■ ide. Murk ft Velmar MADRON, WIS. OrpheuM (W V) 1st half (1-17) Karters Komedians 1st half (15-17) Jinks ft Ann M Montgomery Rynobis ft White Lurry Reilly t>:io to till) 2d half (1« 21) Carson Kane P.ev Fred Sossnian (Three to nil) M KKKSPORT. PA. HarrLs (K) 2d half 11-14) Alice Deiiarmo Bhtrloy Ha 4 Gregg Sis Clevel'nd ft Dowrey 4 Ortons 1st half (15-171 Canary opera Manning ft Hall The Wcs'.-i n< s R ft D Doan Kara 2d half (18-21) i'raiey ft Raines ft \ very Paul K llitlaad Co B A H Gorman Al Tucker A B ind MKADMl.l.K. PA. Park (K> 2d half (it'll) Dewilfred A B'maa Vaughn Comfort W Mantluy Co iTwo to mil 2d half (1« 21) The Bam B mis Rhoda A Bro.bell 7 Collegians (Two to fill) MEMPHIS. TEN'N. I'lllltllK.-S (1.1) Selina's Circus Norton A Wilson M'dlefn A Bp'imlr R.-v Satiricon (Two to fill) State (I.) (15) 7 Rainbow Oir'.s Debee A Weidon Butler A Parker Al Abbott Royal Pekln MERIDEN. CT. Poll (K> 2d half (11-14) Peskle ft Martini Carroll * Remant Tom Reilly ft Co Watts ft Ringold Masked Athlete MIAMI. FLA. Fairfax (K> (15-16) (Same bill plays W. Palm Beach 17-ls; Daytona 19-20) Aeolian 3 Burke ft Durkln . Arthur A Darling Markel A Day Col Jack George MILW'KKE. WIS. Alhambra (Pr) (8) Tina Valen Marie Walter Holla Ballet 'Winderm'rc's Fan' Majestic (WV) (15) Bee Ho Gray Wiseman Sis Hamilton A Barnes Billy Purl Co Bender A A'strong Karl A Bovcln (One to fill) Oacar Lorraine Win Desmond Co Mian ft Norman • Two to fill > 2d half (18 Jl) Larimer ft Hudson Snodcraas Johnny llyman • linton Sis Co (Two to nil) arm n tn r. h. h. Palace IK) 2d half 'II M) Itonio Duo Ann Clifton ! Rose ft Thorn* i Rodera & Matef (I.) (15) Reck A Rector Walsh Daly A W Frank Dixon Co Bert Walton Welder 81s Rev Palace (O) (15) Covan A Itullln Oscar Lorraine Al K Hall Johnny Burke 3 Golfers (Others to fill) Wisconsin (Pe) (7) Bobby Henshaw MINNEAPOLIS Orphciim (15) Harris A Holly Keller His A L 3 Golfers Prankle Heath Joe Boganny Jr Choos' Daneelnnd (Two to III!) 7th St. (WV) (15) Fitch Mlns A'strong A Blondel] (Others to nil) MOBILE. ALA. Lyric (K) (2d half (11-14) Fmory Girls Goodwin 4 O'Neill A PlonkeM Downey ft ClarldgC I.lbby A Sparrow 1st hall K. 17) (N< '.v Orleans Spill ■ Nelson A Barry Co I n WrunK Poppyland Rev Margin Coatei Norwood ft Hall MONTREAL, f IX. Imperlul (K) (ft) Arthur Devoy Co Marrone L.V'osia Arthur Whitehead Besaalaa a White I.ovan ft D .ris Joe Ma.ks rm Final Rehearsal Thos J Itayan Cd win ft |va Hoino - Wheeler * whi • lei Body JordOO Moraa ft Wiser I^K-W'S (IS) circu'i Bhow W'RIBTOWN, N. I. - Park ( K i half ii it. F in'asb's if I fill Murray A Irwin happelb' ft Carit'h Denhy A Dawn 1 (' >ne to fill) 1st half (1S-17» 0 Malley ft Chaplor 3 Keena C.irls iTI r.>e to nil) 2d half i 1 s - -1) Franks A Town '. Lameys Petri 4 :i A t ea Shadow A McN. il Roger In.hod Co MT. V'RNON, N. Y. Prmt.H-s (K) 1st half (15-17) U " A (Others to 11111 Id half (1> 21) Ro> f mornings Co O'Urien 6 (Others to fill) M'KOOEE, OKI*. Palace (It) (15) Roya LaPeArl Co Transfleld sis Thalerai Circus i'e'a ya Btanley & Quincttc Ml N» IK, IND. Wysor (.rand (KW) 1st half (15 i7» Bee Jung Parrilo & Be itty Spencer ft Wllliardi La Pavla Co 2d half (U-fl) Woiford ft Bteyent Robinson ft Pierce (Two to nil) N SHVII.LE. T'N'N. 1'rinccss 1st half (15.if) l ay Billot ft K R i pnond Nelra'n Co Zoe Delphina Co J o k Hanb y i'o Lahr ft Mercedes 2d half <!8-:l) 1 Ch. vaiier Broa | Kelso A Demondd i.a Beraicia < 'o Kramer 4 Br. en Marino A Martin NEWARK. N. J. Branford (Pe) (6) Aden White's Col •Reckless Lady" Mosuue (Pr) (6) So Side H 8 Orch Fourier A Tamara Oladya Woerts Behind Front" Newark (P) (15) I Perrys Beltway A Slourncy Mack ft Stanton Maun s Syn (One to nil) Proctor'o (K) (8) Dlehl Sis A McD Block A Dunlop F Ardell Co I.ytell ft Fant McLallea ft Carson Adelaide Hughes Freehand 3 (one to fill) (15) Newell ft Most Bddle Dowllng Co (others to fill) State (I.) (15) Kath Sinclair Co Libert Carleton Yates A Carson Wills ft Bobbins BJ Lindsay's itev N'W BRITAIN CT. Capitol <K> 2d half (11-14) " Silvers Crystal ft Anderson Wheeler ft Potter Burns ft Kane K Handman * Boys N. IIR'N'SWK, NJ. Klvoll (K) 2d half (11-14) Brown ft Welch Wolfus ft Mahoney Dancing Gestures (Two to fill) 1st halt (15-17) otto ft Booth 1 ml on Tell Tales Taylor ft Huston (Two to fill) 2d hnlf (18-21) Mullen ft Cullen (Others to nil) NEWBI KG. N. Y. Proctor's (K) 2d half (1114) Sheldon ft Daley Howard Nichols Welch ft Norton Footsteps (one to nil) N W CASTLE, PA. Palace (K) 1st half (15-17) Claire Wllmot Rev (Others to Till) '-'•I half (18-21) Roxr La Korea (Others lo nil) N'W HAVEN, CT. Palace (K) 2d half (1111) Hawyi r x Eddy liar to ft Mack Wm ft Joe Mandell Novelette llevue (One to nil) 1st half (15-17) Frances ft Ruth Hay.-s ft Hamlttoa Modenna Fan it.-v Harry Downing Co La Sail.. H'aa'n ft M Id half (ls-21) BfjuHi WW <* u 1 — Tom Smith Bea Nymphs I ' !'• A- V Ue» M' Tiey ft Anger N'W l.'NDON. t r. Capitol (K) 2.1 half (ii 11) Tuba Bis lerry Dean M..V.I ft Russell Hilly Repay I'.-V (Ono to nil) N. OKIE \NS. LA. » rearenl n 1 (I") .•"-hi lira a*.z Co V.i'.e A Crane 11 1'y Taylor Co Polly A i< 4 Lorkett .v Page Keith Id hail hi 10 Lahr ft Mercedes /. m> Delphi ne Fay EUfott ft K R N'etison < o Ja. k Hani >• 1st hall (It 17) t Mobile 8| lit ) Bherwia Kelly Cartmeii a Harris Al's Hero •r a l waidmaa UcRae a Mott Orpheum (It) (15) The I.Ulnars Keo Taki \okl N.-.i Haverly 111, key Bios Ben illue ft Orch NIAGARA FALUs Belle*ue (K) 2d half (11 14) Janton Sis Stone ft Lever Harmontka Raines ,* Avery I..1 l a\ or ft Pierce 1st half (15-17) He -tor ft Pals Dolly Dumplin Yauiihn Comfort Davis ,v Mcl'oj. Fashion Hints 2d half (11-11) B:..wn ft Demon! Tom Senna Re* R'-s. I ft Marconi John Howe Co tone to fill) Strand |P) (15) Florence S- »1 y M Donne;: ft M,K .1 .s.e Heather Co Bldney S;yn» Co Nellie J .y or -h NOBFOLK, VA. Colonial (K) Id half (11-14) Mel Klee Haney Sis ft Fine I, Arllr.e A Beala Burnett ft c:»rk Roger Imholt A Co 1st half (15-17) (Richmond Split) Cromwell Knox Bohemian Nighto (Three to nil) VRRISTOWN. PA. Gnrrlrk (K) 1st half (15-17) Rule ft O'Brien Viob-t ft Partnor Barton ft Argo Swift Gibson Co (One to nil) 2d half (15-17) Minstrel Men Krlc Phillip Co (Three to nil) N. AD IMS. MASS. Empire (K) 2d half (11-14) Kugene ft Finney Sammy Clark Paramount 6 Stan Havana ugh Wyoming 2 N'TII'MPT'N. M'.SS. Cal\in (K> 2d half (11-14) Julius Fuerst Co Raker ft Fryo (lafTney ft Walton Fariety 6 (One to nil) OAKLAND, CAE. Orplieum (15) liockfords Mack A La Rue Trlnl West on ft Klalne Paul Tlscn Orrh Billy House OGDEN. V. Pantuges (15) BUtel Marine Bussey & 1 , .„ Bchlchtl's M'r ntes Joe Preed Co Gypftylaud OKLAHOMA CITY Orpheum (It) 1st half (15-17) HJlan's Birds ('avsn'gh A Cooper Karl Hampton Jink Lavier O Kelly Rev 2d half (18 21) Ma 11k in * Flnh y ft Hill B Dale Co G. o Armstrong Evelyn Phillips OMAHA, NEB, Orpheum (15) Bry'n A F'rrhild Co Meohan ft Newman Marlon Harris W Brack < „ Fork * Lord Bi n Merofl orch Pan!as;es (IS) Little Voshl Gates A Marin Howard A Boss Fulton A Mack (Two to nil) OTTAWA, CAM. Keith (H) Mornn ft U :scr Body Jordon li'way nits Lady 1 Iden P. arse Amhony ft Mire ZellU Sis (If) Colleano On co I'pon Time Arihur WhltHBW Levan ft Dons ii. sasin n a Wnita Van Lane ft Vor*ea PAHEDENA, ( 41. Puiitllgns (II) Fashion Plate 3 II 1 lids wort h ft D Dorothy Lewis Nl r. Ida i 1. ft m wiisoa I R v de J. i > . PASSAIC. N. J. New Mont.tuk (K) Id hlf ill 14) Rose ,\ Dell Bar. a> & l'.elwey Nonet te Apple* C U-.e to All) 1st h III 1 ' -17) I b nby ft pay The Test 'I Ke< na Girls »"ark ft O Mal.ey ft Bh ipiro 2 1 half 111-21) Winchester ft Rosa Bhad w A McNeil Gonaa os White Rev Roser lmhofi Co ((■lie to nil) PENS\cOE\. 1 I.A. Saengcr (K) 2d half (11-14) Margie Coates Kelson ft Barry In Wrong Poppyland Revue Norwood A Ball 1st half (15-17) (Atlanta Split) Shattuck ft Ward Fldgar Bergen Co II Higg ns Co Stanley A Walters Jue Browning FEORIA. ILL. Madison (Pc) (7) King Sis Palace (WV) 1st half (15 17) Dare Sis Bans ft Voelk Hollywood Revala Morns A Baldwin Bath Pros 2J half (18-21) M< "h m ft Newman Prank Stafford Co A! Moore ft Tars Two to mi) I'll 1 LA. PA. Allegheny (K) . 1 .1: i f (11-14) Th» Nut os r ro* ft Wllllama m Padula Joy Bros A Gloom ItlBStrel Memories 1st half (15-17) MiSS Marcel e Willy's Reeeptto* Cal Night Hawks De Mb hon Broa (One to (III) 2d half (18-21) Bernard A Marcelle Signor Friscoe Co Josephine Amoroe Helen Meratti (One to flii) Broadway (K) 2d half (11-14) Cecil A Van Wroes Buds Blown ft Whlteker ('has Ahnain Co (One to fill) 1st half (15 17) Slg Friscoe Co Krlc Phillip Co Helen Morattl (Two to fill) 2d half (18-21) Civic 4 Frank Reckless Co Major Rev (Two to fill) Cross Keys (K) 2d half (11 14) The Takawas Bogus ft Darkln Krbnll ft Dell J.o k St rauss California Hawks 1st half (15-17) Rythmic Toes Carl Rosins Co llernai d ft Marcelle (Two to nil) ..( half (18-21) Allan Shaw The Haile'iulns Johnson's Cadets (Two to fill) Harle (K) (ft) Frank Reckless Jean Granese Follies Del.uxe Geo Morton lets Dance H.nry Regal Co Slg Frisco Co (15) Van Hnven Burns ft West Bay's Bohemians Chi ppelle ft Cnlre'n I/.la Arllne Co Bevi rly Payne Co Juliette Dika Fay's (Pc) (II) Qirtle Revels Retribution Kellun ft O'Dare Roy Btneck The Veggas "Qvaaa »' uimn iit" Fo» (Pc) (8) Cort A Scott Brown A Bailey J.rome ft Ryan 1 inorl lle-slcr Bal'ey Lyons * Wakofleld Ollbert ft Wimp ) ounf A Braun •Dime Mir bant" Grand o. 11. (K) 2d half lll-ll) Brick Phil Ip fo Charlotte tVoitn D'Armondft Hunt'g W ird ft Raymond B Pomeroy c u 1st half (1«.If} g. o Morton 50 Miles fr.on B'w'y (1 ao to n:i> ^d h.:f (18 21) I inn * uiemnn I 'a Willy' lollio epl :on Bd Bio ,in A- Neapolitan i Haiti 01 k A \>My Killli'a (8) Rli hard Koine Cervo ft Mori* Du '"olllon Ml" Gentle 3 Mel Tina a:> art Powell Bowls ft J-iry ((''itl' inUcd P inny Dare Hal ,-<k,' l\ (IS) S'orthlane ft Wa-4 c, DemiMlde Co \ irglnia Ru r Ca Mulli n .< Praacla 1 -.-ntin: .v Zirlo Tom Bl »n 11 1 La Ki ■ 1 .v O (One to nil) Niton iK) 2.1 half .11-14) Mar-, ft Hare Duval * L|ttla Hughes ft Pam B. i.'s Pohen .'is (i >n« to HID Ut half H5-171 W ard ,\ 1; muni Wroes Buds I bach's Rand Neapolitan 2 (One to tllll 2d half 111.(1) Clark Morre.l Billy Biker Co Chaa, Ah.arn rr Oreen ft Pal kcr iOne to (PI) 0|>era House (K) 2.1 half (II 14 > Paul Kodak Co Quth Carmen ft O Harriett Rempe Winchester ft Bose Danny Dugan Co 1st half (15-17) Billy Baker Co Minstrel Memories) Albn Shaw Rabeock ft Dolly (One to nil) 2d hnlf (IS 21) ilea Morton Jackie ft Billy D.ere Oirls it Miles from B'WJT Sluts A Bingham Wm I'enn (K) 2d half (11-14) Norman Ryan Sis West Gates ft K c oper ft Kennedy Carl Rowlaa «"o 1st half (1517) Major Rev Jean A Clare Josephine Ainoms 1 Two to fill) 2d hnlf (18-21) Joy Bros A Oloonl Danny Dugan Co Do Michan Bros (Two to nil) riTTHB'KOH, PA. Davis (K) (ft) Manning A Class V. tsalile 3 J B Stanley Co Corelll Bis Oliver A Olsen Tom Brown's Band Chas Withers 2 Jahns (16) Aerial Dedroffes H H Toorner Co Alice Center Roys ft Maye Rer C. scla A Verdi Whiting A Burt Br'wn A Whlttaker (One to till) Grand (Pc) (8) Paul Specht Orch Dorothy Dlckbisoa Louis C-alabrese "Happened Jones" Harris (K) (8) The Rlckards Fulcora NAG Verga Dorsny A S- T iian (To /.uhn A Drels Helen Carson Co (15) Tom Ijui* Jones A Peet Mme Dubnrry Co B M e ro f, Wanda Carroll A Gorman Ballot Troupe Regent (Pc) (8) Billy Dooley Joseph Angel Albert Singer • Behind ront" Sheridan Hq (K) 2.1 half (11-14) Canary opera Mare Kusnell Kandy Krooks Kaufman A K inaB Kara 1st half (15-17) W Hale A Bros Gosler A Lusby MeCoy A Walton Bhelton Bentlcy l*S Gellls 2d halt (13-21) 1 'hassino Shirley Sis Stone ft Ixileen Nelson ft Parish Vadle Dancers PITTSF'LB, MASH, l'abtre (K) 2d half (11-14) Adonis A Dog W A M Air tin (>ut of K nil k. rs Webb A Hall Marjon Dancers) PLAINFTLD, N. 3. Proctor's (K> 2 I half ill 14) M iry D:i\is Burns Bios I'll Tales (TWO to till) 1st half 1 V. 17) Willi ft II lirawn Mullen * Caiien 1 Three to bill 2d half (in 21) I ill.H >r> ft Pr o's ott., ft Booth 1 Tincc to nil 1 PI \IT-B'(., N T. .strand ( K ) 2d hair (l*.4tj Sid Irani 3 MeK'l tinas (Tlu-i « tu nil) POBPL \ N D. M K. Keith's li) P iWOll 8 j! Mttnttfonarry Wilbur ft f. 'io on page IH)